Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, MAGAZINE, Page 12, Image 40

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ijii; o.maii.v suxday uki;: 17. 1 r 1 1 .
CrVw Vr fife
SANTA CI.AlS Invltfn nil Oilldrrn l lhe TOV I AIKYLAMl on Main
I ltnr, South Itooin. No Stairs to Climb.
Complete AsKitnunl and Very Low Prices make Selection of Gift in
thin Store a Real rim'uro You'll Find Just What Vnu Want.
You'll be a
Last Minute
Buer if
You Don't
Sets Doll
Furni-1 Carts.
ture, each
net in box,
price ..25c
hood, and
steel wheels
very special
values, 1.25
Games of all
kinds at 5c
to . ...$2.00
Trick Boxes
50c, 75c
and ..$1.00
Toy Drums,
prices from
25c, 50c, 75c
up to
Best and most complete
stock of Toys, Dolls,
games ever shown in
Omaha; the completeness of
our stock insures your finding
It at Hardens; If you come row
later stock will bo depleted.
Chairs, V,c
kind ...19c
10c Toy
at 5c
Dolls Our
entire stock
25 redac
tion from reg
ular prices.
25c Tool
Chests, 19c
39c Tool
Doll Houses
$1.50 kind,
at .... .98c
$4.00. kind,
at ....$125
Only Six
More Days
Till Christ
mas. Buy
.-II. j i' to? iViyZ'ZIP?
This Store Will be Open
Evening? All This Week
The Ladies'
Furnishing Dept.
Offers One a Broad Field for
Gift Selections Now.
Wo-show complete lines
of the Raynier, Fownes,
Monarchy .per by, Virginia
Kid Gloves in any wanted
color or style; nothing better
Buy a Glove Certificate.
They're fur hnlo at Glove (Joiinier
Fin Bilk or Oottoa Xom, Ub.
bralla. sweaters, Rbawle, Xtallaa
ilk Underwear and many other
pretty gltt.
Gift Suggestions in Bed Spreads
Linen Department
Imported Marseilles lied Spreads, full size
knotted fringe; worth $7.0 each $1.95
Colored Imported lied Spreads, full size, fust col
ors; worth $5.50 each $3.50
Imported Nursery Rhyme Crib Spreads, fast col
ors, neat designs; worth $.j.00 each $2.50
High grade fringed aiul hemmed Bed Spreads,
plain and cut corners; worth $r.U0 each. .$1.98
Hemstitched, full size S1.!)0 lied 'Sheets, best
made: worth $2.00 each $1,120
Hemstitched full size 45x.1G Pillow Cases, well
made; worth 50c each Si-Vat"
Beautify Home Wih a H'.ce Rug
k prf!M.c1 "na ' UI that will give pleasure to all.
A Nice
for a Gift.
We're Showing
Some Wonderful
This Week
1Ktra AkiiiiiMtor Huk, 2 7x
S I Wze, on Sale. .$1.08
lAtra AxmliiMtcr IIiik". 21 x
CO Size, Seil'at.$2.2."
lxtra Aunitifttcr Kuk", x
C3 Size, Kpoc.lal ut.$3..J0
Wilt4n Velvet Hour Mat,
1Sx36 Slro, Hpecliil. . . ."ft
Wlltfrn Velvi-t Una. 27x54
Hlze, Hpoclal at $1.25 wti.-
xl J alxe. epo'l bargain $1.8
1 37 .60 Meaey ..
xil Bixo, on MMin. . tli.a
IMindhnr Wilton 11uk, ;16x
C3 Size, on Sale. . $U.lS
I r-ii(li Wilton Hugs, 36x30
Size, on Sale $7.08
Peanileee Tapestry BrnieeU
ne 8-wlie quaUty.
fl.v, S 1 0.00 viil.ip, Mornlv.
tor 118.18
$15.00 QoalUy WUtoa Bnre
Vxu U, oil fcule at.. 910.00
tinc, 7-6x9 nl7., $ 1 6.00 value,
on Mala Monduy, choice fia.OO
kleeell'e Welcome Carpet
Bweeper Nlnknl trlmmM.
ball bearing, a line KU't.a.85
1 All now 191 a KftTri' now on the floor. It tihow you
the rholc-Hht aKHortrriL-nt imd values In Kuku offered In Otnuha.
No truubln to ehuw ifooda,
VrS fK
Willow PiUmes
, French Plumes
Fine Aigrettes
Less Nlanuiaciurers Cost
See our offerings Monday. Compare
them with any, you'll find them superior.
All Millinery marked in plain figures.
Prices lower than elsewhere.
In Our Linen Depart
ment for Monday
Holiday Suggestions
Scalloped circular Tablecloths, 72 in. in diametery
puro flax; worth $12.00, each $G.95
Unheinmcd Pattern Tablecloths, 72 inches square,
puro flax; worth $3.50, each $1.98
Unhcmmed Pattern Tablecloths, size 8x10, pure
flax; worth $0.00, each ..$3.25
Hemmed ready for use Pattern Tablecloths, size
8x12, pure flax; worth $4.50 each $2.50
Warranted All Pure Linen Dinner Xapkins, size
22x22 inches; good value at $5.00 dozen. .$3.25
Pure Linen, full size, 24-inch Dinner Xapkins; as
sorted patterns; worth $b'.00 dozen $3.50
When in Doubt Give Izwelry
A Bl Special Inrchiiso from a Pi-ominent New York
Wholesale Jeweler, Offers You Here This Week Matchless
Baring Opportunities on All Kinds ' of SoUd Gold Gold
Killed and Sterling Silver Jewelry. Don't Miss thin Mon-
iff rai iiiiieii wrtw ibmwii ami iiwmi
This Store Will Be Openl
Evenings All This Week
day Snap.
Solid Gold Set Rings, $10.00
values In Monday's sale
af $5.00
Solid Gold Signet lUngs,
$6.00 values, in Monday's
sale at $3.00
Solid Gold Scarf Pins, $4.00
and $5.00 values on sale
at. ...$3.00 and $2.50
Solid Gold Brooches and Bar
Pins regular $3.00 values
on sale at $1.50
Solid Gold Cuff Links, $5.00
values, engraved free, on
sale at $2.50
German Silver Mesh Purses,
$5.00 values at... $2.50
$4.00 values .Monday
at $1.08
$3.00 values Monday
t $1.50
All $1.00 Cuff Links and Brooches Monday 25c
Hart, Schaffner
and Marx
$22.50, $25.00
and $27.50
Values, on Sale
VJool Dress Goods for Gif s
A nioo -Dress,. Coat,. Skirt or Waiet Pattern
fchould please any recipient. ) ,
$1.50 All. .Wool ; Cream Serges Beautiful fjrm
quality, at yard .$1.10
$150 .Arlington Mills and Amoskeag Serges52
and 54-in. wide, full lino of colors, snitablo for
dre$H or. coat. .at,, yard , . . .98;
Choice of Serges, Panamas, Diagonals, Cheviots
t and Venitian Cloths 40 to 52 inches wide, reg
f ular values lip to $1.25 yard, 50 pieces in tho lot,
,t at 38c, 48c, GSc
i Tennis Flannel Waist Patterns Pretty imported
j patterns, put up 'in fancy 'boxes, 200 of them to
chooso from; 'Jlonday at $1.75
f 500 Remnants of Fine Wool Goods All best
j weaves and colorings, lengths from 2 to (5 yards,
i at 1 "-"'" ..25 DISCOUNT
JGifl Suggestions, Drapery Section
Couch Covers A fine lino for your selection, spe-
5j ciai values, at from $1.98 to $0.50
Portieres Of every description, choicest line in
i Omaha to chooso from; price from S3.25 to $15
Lace Curtains Every imaginable kind, very new
est patterns, assortments so varied that tire most
particular purchaser is injured satisfactory se
lection, prices range, iair 75c to $20.00
Our Splendid Line of Shirt Waist Boxes is a de
light to every one who sees them, neat styles,
matchless values, at ......$3.95 to $21.00
f Veritable Feast of Bargains L Suit Dept.
... . Values in Fine Furs Never Before Equaled in Any Omaha Slore
Ml Tailored Suits at Half
The Furs
52-in. Blended Squirrel
Coats $200.00 values on
sale Monday at
choice- . .' $98.00
52-in. Hudson Seal Coats
:-4$225.00 values, on sale
Monday, at choice $155
52-in. XXXX Near Seal
Coats With Beaver col
lar and cuffs, $125.00 val-N
' ues, on salo Mon., $75
Finest Hudson Mink Sets
Elegant large collar
muff, a $400 value
nt $205
Blended Stone Marten
Sets Finest quality,
$150 value, at ....$85
One $200 Marten Set -V
beauty, will go Mondav,
at ....$125
Black Fox Fur Sots Fin
est quality, $150 value, on
sale at $98
$100 Black Lynx Set
Choice quality, matchless
value, Monday at . .$G5
$85 Red Fox Set Long
throw neck piece nud
largo fancy muff, suap,
t $59
I 1 (IP
All Our Velour Coats at Half
Ml Opera Coats
at Just Half
Fine Mink Matched Sets
$25.00 Up.
Fine matched Fox,
Brook, Mink, Opossum,
Wolf and other Fur Sets
ut greatly reduced prices.
Scores of Useful Gift Sug
gestions Displayed in Our
Suit Department. Biggest
assortments and best val
ues shown in any western
Sale of Children's Coats
Will Continue All Week.
Long Novelty Cloth Coats
' that sold at $15.00, at
choice . .$7.95
300 Beautiful Silk Dresses
Made to sell to $15.0u,
all late&t styles in Taf
fetas, Messalines and
Poplins, all colorB, on
salo Monday ....$5.95
Long Silk Kimonos All
newest patterns and col
orings, big variety for
selection, pretty gifts,
splendid values, at prices
from $2.95, $3.95 up.
Ladies' Long Kimonos -
in flannelette and crepe;
all colons regular $2.50
values, on sale . . $1.45
Ladies' All Wool Blanket
and Eiderdown Bath
Robes Best assortment
and ' values in Omaha,
Monday at $2.95, $3.95
and ..... $5.00
If you want complete
Sets or Single Garments
for the Baby you'll find
the most complete lines
and best values in our
Baby Bazar on 2d floor.
Cutting Prices on Furniture
! Red Rockers 95c. Oak Rockers 95c.
Children's liockers ou sale, up from 95c
Large Kockers on sale, up from $1.50
M utile Cabinets, Pedestal. Library Tables,
Center Tubles, Turqulst Korkers, iPavenports
and hundreds of other articles suitable for
Xniut presents at cut prices Monday
$.00 Folding Go-CMi-t, one motion ... $5,00
Ladies' Writing Desks only $7,50
Smokers' Sets, bras ah trays, etc.. $1.05
High Chairs with tabl?, only $1.50
Poldlcg Card Table xtl
Beds, Dressers, Chiflonierea, Etc., at greatly reduced
prices Monday. .
Xmas Bargains in Hardware
6 jp Copper Nickel Pi jted t'otfee Machines at 91.04
Full eUe Nickel Plated dialing blehes at $1.50
$2.00 Nickel Plated ttaklug Dishes at l.!i3
Large Uo Nickel Plate Trays, for all purposes, ut who
$1.00 Heavy Nickel Plated Crumb Tray and bcrsper, at 7.V
No. 8 Copper Nickel Plated Tea Kettles at ...UHc
7c Nickel Plated Kaue Tea Kettles nt...,..; ouo
K-Plnt Mckel Piated l.lhk Coffee Pols at..... , 4o
4-Plut Mckel Plated I.lsk Cotfoe PoU at )c
6-Fint Nickel Plated LUli Coffee Pots at... hoc
No. 8 Heavy Cuat Alunitnuia Tea Kettles, vortk $4.0d, at 'j.49
4-qt. Heavy Cat Aluminum Bauc Pans, worth $J.26,' at $1.65
e-at- Heavy Cast Aluminum Preserving Kettle, worth $1.!5 at...H.V
M to value fiuMreutmnl Kim trln Kud Irone at , a St
II t(t Hluu tnnineled t-avory KuueCvr at ."...'.'.."." fcso
il.JS Blue KiLfcrnfl-.! lt.-niitr wnb liutldo tray, ht , ', '. &
Utdiuli.e U row tile Koatters. al , UiltO
nones ottb raicra on cutiu
$178 eeauino htae Jlunitle Silver iniuntd at IS a J
seouliie Ma Kaudlu Mivr muniiu-d mi Sa 74
till Seouli.e Hmu llaudlx HiUrr ii.ouiiU.1 l f. . ! 1 . ao
1 ife SenuliMt t-LMK llitudie Hllvnr Miuuiitid ut 7$0
Ve have a full hue ot iltua, lio' and Ulrld K Kktea' at'lO'i oir,
fetuidy only.
AUu ve t.'je Uecuina Union CooklriK Hm, the Utet tiowlty lit oooklns.
i lu ' i
$2.50 values made
of high (rrade Gal
atea cloth bound
with Hllk; big as
Bortment for selec
tion; a splendid
gift, at... $1.45
For Father or
Hosiery or Suspenders, a
Handkerchief, a Muffler,
Shirts, Gloves, Umbrellas,
Sweaters, Bath Robes, Paja
mas. Our Men's Furnishing Goods
Department is crowded full
of appropriate Holiday gilts.J
Why Not a ' Gift of Silk?
A woman who has too many
silk dresses or waists is almost an
unknown quantity, so you'll be
safe in giving silk.
Beautiful new Crepe do Chines, heavy quality,
suitable for dress or scarf; full lino of colors in
cluding cream and black, $1.00 to $1.25 yard val
ues, on sale, at yard 79c
$2.00 and $2.50 Bordered Silk Poplins and Serges
In a splendid line of colors, most popular
dress silks of the season, a pattern would make
a splendid gift $1.50 and $1.75
Dress Silks That sell regularly up to $1.50 yard,
in three big lots, Monday, including fine
Messalines, Surahs, Poplins, India Twills, Taf
feta, etc., in checks, stripes, figures and plain
colors, Monday prices, yard..38c, 48c, 68c
New Spring 1912 All Silk Foulards Beautiful 2
and 3 tone effects, something exceptionally
nobby; see them Monday; they won't last long at
this low price, yard .QOc
A Gift of Black Silks from Hayden's is Always
Welcome. '
$1.75 Silk Satin Duchess 36 inches wide, rich and
lustrous, at yard .'.$1.25
Our First Prize Black Dress Taffeta 36 inches
wide, $1.39 quality, on sale, yard .$1.00
$1.25 Black Peau de Soie, 36 inches wide, medium
weight, snap,' at, yard 89c
Holiday Handkerchiefs
The most complete and beautiful show
ing of dainty handkerchiefs ever seen in
Omaha and prices were never before so at
tractive. $1.00 Ueul Lace Handkerchiefs 35
50c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at i55
25c SwUs Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at 15t
10c Faucy Handkerchiefs, at 5
16c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs ' .7l
$1.60 Fancy Boxed Handkerchiefs, at $j
Real Lace Handkerchiefs at Just Half Price.
Real Duchess Lace, Handkerchiefs.
Real Princess Lace' Haudkerchtefs.
Ueal Bruga Lac Handkerchiefs.
Heal Honlton Laca Handkerchiefs.
Real Venice Lace Handkerchiefs.
u.uo value, choice $l.i0
4.00 values, choice 8200
5.00 values, choice 82.50
6.00 values, choice........ R'l HO
S.OO values, cholca S XX
$10.00 values, choice . . . . .jjOO
All perfect new goods.
Biggest bargains ever offered.
Big Sample Line of
Holiday Gifts
A bargain day Monday that will long be
Men's Combination Traveling Cases Beg
ular $4 to' $10 values at $2.25, $2.50,
$3, $3.75, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50
Men's Military Brush Sets Regular $1.25
. to $6.00 values, at 75c, 85c, $1.00,
$1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.50, $3.50
Ladies' Hair Brushes Regular 50c to
$1.75 values, 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c,
G9c, 79c, 89c, 98c.
Ladies' Toilet Cases Regular $3.00 to
$12.00 values, on sale at $1.75, $2.25,
$3.50, $4.75, $5.50, $G.50, $7.50
Buy Your Xmas Gifts in China and Glassware
Steins, Smoking Sets, Berry Sets, "Water
Sets, Cuke Plates, Salads-each ..$1.50
Sugar and Creamers, Tobacco Jars Fern
Dishes, Salads', Jardinieres, Vases, Plates
Sugar and Creamer. Plates, Salads. Salt and Peppers,
Caudle Shade and Holder, Cups and Saucers. Tea
Pots, Fancy Pitcher, each 40e?
Salads. Plates, Hon, Bona. Sugar and Creamer, Salt
and Peppers. Hair Receivers, Powder Boxes, Mus
tard. Mugs, Steins, each 252
Beautiful line of Dinnerware In' French, Austrian,
German and Kngllah China 100-Piece Dinner Seta.
Sot. .$o $io $12 $14 $10 $25 ui to $200
Try U&YBmm'B Fwst
Art Needlework Is Always Good.
We're showing many special bargains Monday in this
department. Saving prices all along the line. - Fancy Sofa
Pillows, Center Pieces, Scarfs, etc, in Handigar, Drawn
Work and Fancy Embroidery. A big line of novelties shown
in all kinds of Hat Pin Holders, Pin Cushions, Metal Frames,
Crochet Bags, etc., etc., at Special Bargain Prices.
Good Things To Eat For Xmas
Anvthtna vou want we haw it an1 ov vnu rr.m tzof cw
i --- -- ... .. . .. . fvu ii v til j-q i JVyo
Muir reaches. lb.- ...loo
California Cooklnc Figs, lb 10s
caurornla Seedlewe RsIhIub. lb...lOo
Aav-tataf yea want, we It.
ana save yoa J torn as to M. Leave
rear orders early.
48-lb. sack llamond Flour, made
from uie beat selected wheat, per
tack IUI
14 Iba Beat Granulated Bugar..Sl.O0
Vork State Boiled Cider for your
pudding, r&o bottle, per bottle, aOo
Large bottles axsorted I'lokle. Wort-enter
Kauco or Fine Tomato lat-
up, bolUa , s So
Jello, or Jellycon. pkff TVia
l-lb. Jr Vure Krult J-Tetervea. .a jo
f ancy yuiwo Olives, tuart Oo
Klpa Oliwa. cau aoo
Oil or Mustard gardlnea, caa...,.4o
Imported Kardlnrs, ran Ho
l-lb, can Uuldcn I'umpkln, Hotninv
or Kquaslt ei0
l-lb. tuna Aaaorted Houps f ug
Plum Puddlnsv per can. loo ana 3So
pure Apple Cldir. aallott. tun tn.
SrUa rrulta. flae ' fi"iH,'rtWi..
Cakes asd eauoe.
The bt Candied leinon, Oranae or
Citron lel, lb "
leaned Cinranta, lb .loo
puitana lUlslna, lb...., ISHo
Italian Pranea. lb loo
3 pkge. Best Condensed Mince 'Meat
'r 860
7 Crown Figs, lb .Iltit
The best mixed new ITate. lb 13c
Our famous Highland vel Oranges,
Per duiea. . . .ISc, Oo, 85o and wo
Bay yoar freeh Vegetables at Bay.
lea's. Get tae best aad save One
aU. The rrait aad TereUbU Market of
Oman a.
reslt Beets, I'arrote. Turolpa or
Ibtdisheti, S bunrhoa for loo
Preah Cabbage, Kutabagus or Hub
bard tqiianh, per lb Hc
Old HoetH, Turolpx, Carrots or Har-
siilpx, lb SVo
Kancy Jermey Sweet I'otatoew, lb. tU
t beadA fretili llolbouaa Lei t 'ict . . 5o
FanryTaultfloaer, 10 T'c
Iiige Cucuuibera. eat it. Tlo
Cape Cod Craiibtfrriea, per quart. lOo
For a bottle of good v. inf. or liquor
ii rtaieiue. id.,,
i or -inaa irj ( iiuj utu s. . ii paj a.