Tin: OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: DKCKMI3ER 17..1911. A Nebraska DEBATING LEAGUE INCREASES i Nfbmka High School Organization I . -Must Form New Districts. IS LAUGEST IN THE C0uTRY I rmten ew MMtilifra Itcprrseat . All "crtlnn of ' State and Laree Well as 5 mull JJlSt'OLN. Nb.. Deo. U-iFpeclal Tr;- graph-The cbra.;k;v Iliili He hoot Le bating Irsgue, which last year was con ewerawy the Isrhrt organisation In the countj-y for Mflcauiir:. tnijtol dhcipiine lit. logical thinking and .effective oral discussion, baa already . hd Fevente-ii new applications tor .Mcmbrra:il; in 1311 This is the ilarKP"). Inrre-jsa of any year since the lerie was established i In 1W8, tilth thirty members. The number of schools taking advantage, of th league . ork this jrnr will bo about rcventy five. i ne seventeen new members represent all sections of tho mate and both large and small schools. The largest IncrcsHe la In the northwestern section, wheto tho 'addition of four schools will, make neces sary the formation of a new district the i nortnw.lern. Throe new members have .Joined the northwestern district, bring 'ing ita membership up to the limit eight. Marola anil York Largest. , Lincoln and York ars the largest i schools In tha list of new members. The seventeen recent additions to the league i are as follows: Albion Superintendent E. 8 Cowan t'rswford Superintendent II. Jl. Hel mutid. Kxeter fluperlntendent IL Jrnnlngs. l-'alrfleld cuperltilndenl John L. Tal bot. Kullerton Superlntr nflent C. W. Wat son. Hon Superintendent A. E I Hide, brand. Lincoln Superintendent W. C. Stephens, rrlnclpal V. 1 Mays. Mlnstare Superintendent It. O. Cham bers. Newman Orove-SuperlnUndent A.' J. Stoddard. Ohlowa Superintendent P. W. Evans. v Pawnee City Superintendent I. O. v II on. Kcotta Bluff Superintendent V. I Oreenslit. Htraiton Superintendent O. A. Marshall. Tllden Superintendent K Jl. "rlce, Western buperthtendeut J. I. Mc llillen. i . libur Superintendent P. E. Dili. York Superintendent Wk W. Htoner, I'rliiclpal W.B. John. Tha league membership of fifty-nine In the eleven districts last year was tha fol lowing: Olitral District Fairmont. Friend, Geneva. Osceola, Ktrrunsbiirff, Hutton. eastern I "Istrlct Hlalr. Fremont, South Omaha, I'lattsmoutli, Wahoo, Weeping Vitfr. ICast Central DUrtrlci-Ashland, Crete, IDunhar, Ilavetork, Htwnrd. Northern DlstTtct AUInaon; Q'NeU. Valentino. ' .rkuthastern District Auburn. Beat rice, rii City,, fawnee City, Nebraska City. Btn.ia, Tccfmaeh, Wymote. Hour h western Iltrlct Heaver- City,, fulbertson, HlooniliiK(n, Kranklln, In dlanola, McCook, Mir.den, Trenton, -r . .- Western j LMairict -r Kearney, North Platte. . ' i . Westeri Contrkl Dlnrtct-Uroken Bow, Merna, 1 d. r; North Tentral DlstrlctArrelRhton, Mad tn. NeUxh; Hfiree. JtMidiilpli. WM'M. .. Northweatcrn Dlhtrlrt Alliance, Chad ton. Oordon. Hushvlllf, Hldney. t Houthern Dlsulct Ulu Mill, Dlller, Ed gar, Hastings, Jlcbtan. Offleara ol the aag. Tha of fleers. of tba laajru tor 1011-1911 are Prof. W, tW. Fogg, , professor of rhetoric t tha Stat university, president, and Bupcrlutcndmt ' t'T'llM-nvui, Nollglv aacretary'-treasurer, nljowera re-rleoted at (ha annual maotlng at Omaha Novem ber 10, and th fallowing district director appointed by th jprwiidrnt: Ceiitral Difitrlct Superintendent li. I'llPiniige', Sutton.. , Ivastarn Inmi ict-Buperlntetdent Is N. Clark, . Weeplnic '.Water. fc.ait-OrrtiiU ,J)ttrlct Suierlntcndent J. A. Woodward, liavclock. Northern Dlntrlct fupcrtntendent ' Olla Oorby. U Natl. N'orin-Ontral District Superintendent K M. Uberkotter, Madiaon. Nortbwi'Mern JJletrict ITinclpal J. A. llanna, ttidney. Southern District Superintendent J. A, Knntwoud, Dlller. Houtheasti-rn Dlstrfct-Superintendent O. E. Mat I in, Nebraska City. Hoiithweatern District ttupertntendent C. Y. White. Trenton. f Western District Supertntandent H. E. Bradford.' Kearney. ' West-Central Dtatrlct Superintendent C. P. Jonas, Urd. The (iussUun selected last Jday for th fifth annual contest of th league (thers were fifty-one debate last; year) I that tf the closed shop. 'Resolved, that the ,demand ot organised labor for the closed shop should reselve the ftipport of public opinion." This was the Central Debating league's queetlon for lflO, In which Ne- ibraska won from Wisconsin at Lincoln and from Illinois at Urbana. In each of the diMrlcta the lesgue choola'kifiM tli first series of debates by March 1. Th second and third aeries are concluded by the middle of April. Th district chainplonKhipj schools and repre sentative to tha state championship de bato on High Bchool Fete day In May at the state university. .GRAND ISLAND POLICE ARREST FOUR SUSPECTS i OllAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec. IC-lSpe-elal.) After a vigorous search all day for th perpetrators of two attempts at high way rubbery and one at burglary, early lent evening, the pollco officers this even ing lay lu waiting in a third floor cor ridor for the occupants of a certain loom to come out. and arrested the four atrangera who soon thereafter etepped forth. Two of Ihem are said to fill the vague description given by one of the vlo tims of the highway tobhery rtunta, and the other two the burglary of the h u e. II. K. Kcheltel, a cliik, wus pasting through Pioneer a'juire. lit a thickly set tled residence section, wb.n ho,n sud denly confronted by two men and was looking Into the barrels of two pistols. They took: all of Sir. Siiettel's rtiuney. The square lias nut been Illuminated reg ularly of late, but the lights were put In roper repair today. UNITED-STATES MARSHAL OUSTS PARSONS FROM LAND - (From Staff Conespondi;t.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. lt-tSpeclal.)-Xtputy. Lulled Statea Marshal Heine! yesterday ousted John Parsons of llulo from a tract of eighty acres of Und vbiclt he had' teased from an Indian woman near Rulo. It Is Illegal for Indians to lease land until after the twenty-year trust lias expired, unites approved by the secretary of the- Interior. Parsons made his leasa without the consent of the government, and then re fused to g1y up th land when sl.ed to iu so. by the guverumct.t if irrrvst.oii agent, lie was not ousted until after I JirJ jiciloii Twsj.U-m. tukec. Ly to th Sit aatiuii- Jv Advertising. 1 Nebraska I ATZP0D1EN MAY NOT LIVE TO USE HIS INHERITANCE (From a KtQff Correspondent) I,l.VCOI,N'. Dec. Jl-r-tHperlnl.M'Wort! rvnclieJ IJnrolu today that 1'aul Ats poaien. lormeriy a I. ncoln newt;iaper man. will probably net llvo ta enlov the tXO.ono that, he InheNIM. . He is no lylnB In a Milwaukee liospitnl, brokrn In health ar.d conscious only at rare Inter vals. Atxnodlcns real name M Count Karl Frederick JeopoM von Brandenburg. 1 ran away irom nis royal home In C1t- tnany at the age of 17. came to America workpfl at Odd Jobs In thla country and In South America, and finally settled In I.li.coln about ten years ago. itere lie leu in love with a young nurse who had attended him during his Illness and the two were married. Boon after they moved to Milwaukee v. hero they have since resided. He kept 1:1s liiciitlty hidden until about a week ago, when lie disclosed his real name to utii.-Ha who were attending mm during a period of delirium which mado known that he was heir to a fortune. SECRETARY OF STATE WAIT SENDS CASH TO SCULPTOR 'Frmn a Rtaff Cwrespondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. l.-(Speclal.)- Compljlmj with the contract with Daniel thesttr French, the New York sculptor. Secretary of State Walt today sent the foimcr a state warrant for SlO.Coo. A to- tnl of th.M has now been paid the sculptor. Frcncli was given S3.0I0 when the miniature model was approved by the commission provided by the state legisla ture to pass upon the work. The contract provided 4hat the sculptor be paid 110,000 when thefull-slied model was completed and cast Into plutter. V. M. JlsJI. a member of the commission, approved the completed model several weiki ago. 1 Here Is a letter that came to the desk of the secretary of state this morning: NF VH TOllK CITY, N. Y.. Dec. W, 1911. Hon. Addison Half Rcrparv nt Mima Lincoln, JSeh. Dear Sir: The model of the trtatue of Lincoln Is completed and has been cast In blaster and a dunHcate copy made to Insure against accident by rirs or otherwise. I therefore make ap plication for the payment to mo of $10,(M, according to the terms of my contract, that this sum should he nald when the full-slsed model In ciav la accented and satlfactory to the owners. Very respect- fully. DANlfcL C. PRKNCII. MAN CONFESSES THEFT ' . OF WATCH AND MONEY MINDEN, Neb., Dec. 1. -(Special Tele gram.) Considerable excitement has been caused by the confession of Mlaa II Io nian, a trained nurse from Omaha, that she stole a watch worth and also 110 In money from the people In whose home she was employed- Peter Weedlun, liv ing one and one-half miles east of here, had sent to Omaha forV nurse, and this woman. ,gs sent out Thursday night. She alleged that some one had gagged her. while out after a pitcher of water and atunned 'her with a blow over tha head so that the next she kneV she found herself on the Methodist church steps. from whore she went to Dr. Farrell. All able-bodied men at Axtell were out hunt ing the robbers, but suspicion' was soon directed against her and last night she oonfessed. Mr. Weedlun did not care to prosecute, so she was taken to Holdrege, from whore she left on an early morning train.' 1 YOUNG WOMAN DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF HOUR BRADSirAW, ' Ne6.; Dec! r.-(8peclal.) The funeral of Mrs. John Myres, held st the Christian church yesterday, con ducted by E. II.' Longman, the pastor, waa perhaps the most largely , attended funeral ever held In Hradshaw. The de. ceased, who waa only 30 years old, was reared In this community and had a large circle of relatives and friends. She leaves a husband and three little girls; a father, several brothers and sisters. She died Tuesday night, after, a little more than an hour's suffering from acute pneumonia. Hurlal was made In the Ar borvllle cemetery. LOUP CITY MILLS CLEARED OF SHORT WEIGHT CHARGE i i i (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 1. (Specials- Food Commissioner W. It. Jackson today made the following statement: "Through an error the Loup City mills was reported aa being prosecuted for short weights. This report should have read t?. W. Benson, Litchfield, Neb., who was prosecuted for the above offense." Tli food commissioner's office assumes the blame for the mUtuke 'ln unlnteotlon- ijr tiunt uui in wrong information. NEWS NOTES FROM BEATRICE Faculty Mill t.lve Foot Hall naaq.net Wednesday Team Krrslsi, BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 11 ( Special.) At a meotlng of Oil high school faculty yesterday afteroon It was decided to give an "orange and black" bamiuct to the members of the foot ball team at the Paddock hotel next Wednesday evening to which the publlo Is Invited. Coach Stlehm of the Nebraska university has been secured as one ot tho speakers and It is planned to make It the biggest affair of the kind ever held In the city. Earl Currier rustalned a severe Injury to Ms spine by being thrown out of a weguji when Ills horse tarted to run away, nis condition Is serious. A normal training club was organised yesterday at the high school by the elec tion of these officers: Eva Knox, presi dent; Cora Scha.'se, vice president; llor trtise Sexton, secretary-treasurer. Charles Manpua ot Virginia and Miss I-ottlo Shaw of Holmesvlllu were mar ried In county court yesterday by Judge Wald..'ti. Word was received her yesterday from til and I'.apUls, Mich., announcing the deuth of C. V, II. Smith, son of A. Q. Smith, a former resident of l'.eat rlce, which occurred at that plaoo after an nine:- of two luy of pneumonia. Mr. Smith waa'aaalxtant engineer In the l'n:te.l states engineer's office at Giaud lUplds. In a communication published In the local papers over hli signature. Mayor (Jrirrin given some of his reasons fur withdrawing front the Boclullet party In L-iatrice. Ho states that lie was entirely ilsuau-d with ccitaln parties always finding fault and tolng to cause a ruc tion In tho ranks of the socialist local without any provocation whatever and lie made up his mind to quit the party. tract Mistake is to mglet t a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and may prevent consumption. Mc and II 00. For sale by lltatoo Drug C. Nebraska NEBRASKA'S APPLE CROP BIG Antelope State Grows Nearly Ten Million Bushels of the Fruit. LABOR C0M2HS3I0NER'S FIGURES compile Ibem from Hetnrns of County Assessor Clven In Their Itepnrls r.norinoos Strides ' by Growers, (From a Staff Correspondent.) . J.I.NCOI.N, Neb.. Dec. IB. (Special.) ' The people of Nebraska undoubtedly will be surprised to lenrn that the opple crop of this state has reached the enormous proportion of ,9a..Wi bushels for-19)1, " aid Deputy Commissioner of Labor louis today. m gnniK over tho statistical report mado to this department, by the.couinty assessors. I round that there were acres planted to orchards or statins- th figures moro nrcurately S.4.V.L't bearing trees. In tfofng t),rough the records of thi surplus shipments of 11)10 I found that It amounted to l.Dlfi.lW bushels, which represented tho amount over mid above the home consumption of Apples and 1 inererorc. decided to ascertain the exact production which was ascertained under inn method of ordinary crop reports Cherries total trees, with an average yield of 12. Wt quarts per tree, masing a Toiai valuation of ISiSO.OM. The- principal yields being confined to the southeastern half of the state. Tim nbove figures are. complied for what will b known as the fruit bulletin, which will show In detail the enormous strides which are belnjr made In the way of fruit cul ture In Nobraska.' CZAR PROTESTS AGAINST MOVE 'TO END TREATY (Continued from First Page.) eminent waa indicated by a memtwr i,f the cabinet.' One basis suggested was that the Russian government agree to admit to Russia American Jews whose oharacter and standing was vouched for by the United States. It wus the belief here that this suggestion had been of fered by Ambassador Oulld and that It was being considered by the Russian For eign' office. Chairman Sulzer also said regarding tha resolution: "The resolution follows precedent. It follows the language of three similar rra. olutlons abrogating treaties with France and Switzerland." The closest vote in the house on an at tempt to modify the resolution was 114 ayes to 185 noes. This was the amendment of Repre sentative Olmstead to strike out the charge that Russia had violated h treaty of 1S32,. and to. Insert the state. ment that the discrimination against Jew- sn-Americans was -construed as a viola.' Hon of the treaty: v ' x 1 ; The Suiter resolotiod, providing-'. for th. termination of the - treat V'W ri..i i the house December 13 by a vote of 300 to 1 reads: . . ,. . . . . ny ' 1 rnft, n house of representatives of the United States of America. In congress assembled. That the people of the United States assert a" a fundamental principle that the rlKhts of Its citizen shall not be impaired at home .k ,"road "' ot' - or religion; that the government of tho United States concludes Its treaties for the eoual pro tection of all clasau oMts citizens with out regard to race or religion; that the government of the United States will not be a party to any treaty which discrimi nates, or winch by one ot the . parties thereto Is so construed aa to dlsortmlnate between American citizens on the ground of race r,r religion; that the government of .Russia has violated the treaty be tween the. United States and Russia con cluded at St. Petersburg December Is, 1H32, refusing- to honor American pass ports duly Issued to American citizens on account of race and religion; that In the judgment of congress the said treaty for th reasons aforesaid ought to he terminated at the eailletU possible time; that for the aforesuld reasons the said treaty la hereby declared to be termi nated and of no further force and effeet from tho expiration of one year after the date of notification to the government of Russia of the terms of this resolution, and that to this end the president is hereby charged with the duty vt com municating such notice to the government of Russia. ' Republican Leader Mann ot the houoe The Man Who tionizecl the Mail System This country was Just beglnulng to recover from tho civil war when Albert Hupp was born In Clark county, Ohio. The date waa August IS, ltit',5. It is recorded that the sun shone all that day, and this condition led many, ot the prescient ones to predict a bril liant, future for the present great Inventor. I The ancestry of Albert Hupp Is IIIUHtrlous' and bespeaks the fight ing qualities of the man, as well aa indicating -the atlck-lo-tt de termination that has overcome ob stacles more than appalling, on his mother's side he Is the great grand son, thrice removed, cf I to her t Morris, theyj-reat financier and signer of the Declaration of In dependence. Robert MorrN had three eons, Joseph, Samuel and Charles. Joseph had a son, by name John, and In turn John be. came father of William, and Elijah Morris. Elijah was the father of Phoebe Ann Morris. wife of Michael Hupp and mother of Al bert Hupp. Morris, the material grandfather of Albert Hupp, was born In Virginia In the veaj- ivi f L fs.Trv IV iK " lWlshd a woolen mill. Later he erected a factory and manufactured the first white hominy made lu America. He was one of the grand men of the early day in Ohio and . for more than fifty-five years was an active leader In the Methodist church. The mother. Phoebe Ann Hupp, waa a native of Ohio and u regarded In her com munity as a splendid woman, one of power and character. The aunt. Mlas Jennie Morris. Is well remembered In Urbana for her many womanly virtues. At the beginning ot his Urbana caoer Albert Hupp entered the employ of Cooper Cooper, wholesale dealer in saddlery ;oods and hardware. While In the employ of this firm he attended night, school and perfected his education, especially along mathematical and commercial lines. Iter he entered the furnishing goods busineaa with a brother, the firm being known as the Hupp Uroa. The lure of the wholesale business became too strung however, and In 1S3 he left, Urbana to become the western representative of the Krle Preserving company. Buffalo. N. Y.. and established head quarters In Ka city. One day Hupp saw an advertisement of the govern ment neking a solution of the problem of tatchlng mull at catcher ta tlons. Another day he saw a sack of mall thiown from a passing train at a catcher station and ground to pieces beneath the wheela of the train. The two rights stirred the latent mechanical genius of the man, for be it known that Albeit Hupp has been a irechanlcal genius from birth, and h re solved to solve the problem, in the spring of 1J he began and In August, 1J10. pneent-Nl automatic merhanUm for the exchange of mill at catcher stations without the aid of man. expressed the hope today that the "re citals" In the Sulr.er resolution would be stricken out before It passed thn senate. He said It was not within the province of contre-s to declare that Russia had violated the treaty, though it was proper to say "In our opinion, from the United Htates' standpoint the treaty has been violated." Speaker Champ Clark, when Informed of HiiKs.a's protest against the Sulzer res olution, said: 'The house has the rlsht to pass any resolution in any form It pleases." it 4 nnses Sensation. News of Russia's protest spread through the city and caused a decided sensation. Little else was talked of at the capltol, and there were numerous Informal con ferences among the national legislators. The senate was not in session. The State department admitted that the sitlnstlon was serious. Home of the offi cials there have contended from the firat that the abrogation of the treaty of .ls.'S would leave the United States without any sort of friendly Intercourse with. Rus sia, and theroore In a worse position; than- now to enforce the admission of American citizens. Alt thought of being able. to negotiate a new treaty with Rus sia, if the Kulzec resolution should pats, apparently has been dismissed. Mann Favors Amendments. "It was a wise provision In the consti tution-put there by our fathers" said Mr. Mann, "which did not confide to this house Jurisdiction over foreign affairs. The wisdom ut the fathers was never more exemplified than on this day when gentlemen rise In their seats with writ ten speeches, from the chairman of the committee down, declaring many things whkrh If we had the real power might quickly provoke war. If we say wo are determined that American citizens shall go Into Russia, we can only enforce that demand by con quering at the end of a war. We can assert our honor, we can protect our In tegrity and our reputation and liberty- loving citizens proud of ojr honor, by abrogating the treaty, but that ihas no further effect in the world In adding to the rights of otir citizens. ' "I hope at least that this resolution will bo amended If the recitals are to re main In It, by asserting our right when we choose ' to exclude forel our shores on account of race, and I hope gentlemen are willing to concede that we only declare that in our opinion from our standpoint Huiwla. has violated the treaty and therefore we abrogate it. Form Wrong;, Hmym Metall. ine resolution never should have passed the house In Its original form.1 said Representative McCall . of Massa chusetts, republican member of the com- mlttoe on. foreign affairs. 'There was no excuse for the flat state ment contained In the resolution that Russia had violated the treaty. A state ment of that sort leaves little room for argument or arbitration. No such asser tion was necessary, inasmuch as the United States has a perfect right under the terms of the treaty Itself to abrogate on one year's notice to the other party." Senator Cullom. chairman of the senate committee of foreign relations, said he did not believe a protest by Russia would have any effect on the senafe's probable action. . ' i ' i That Is." he added, "unless It prom' ised something. If Russia should promise to obejn- th treaty, I think w would let It stand.' Nothing short of, that, however?"- he was asked. "I thick not' Bishops' Committee Plans for Meeting ' st a (From a Staff Correspondent.) ivlNCUDN, Neb... Dec. 16.-(Speclal.) ine annual meeting of the board of bish ops of the Methodist church will be held In Lincoln beginning; April 19. This was decided at a full meeting of the arrange ments! committee Friday evening at the Lincoln hotel. Bishop John L. Nuelsen waa present and outlined the general character of th coming meeting and de tails of entertainment which will be re quired. Kla MARION. me I la Improving. ind.. Dec. 10. Oeorice A. Kimmel, the Nllea, Mich., man of mvs lii a lerious luentity who was Injured wrecK near Converse. Ind.. will be brought her from Converse within a few days it his condition continues to Inp prove. lie has a chance to recoveV it was reported today. Revolu- . ALBERT HUPP. f r -M - ' " V 1 ' r7? l - Agriculture Board . to Meet on Tuesday (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Dec K S.ecial.r The an ntial.mcpfln; of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture will be held st the senate chamber. Lincoln, on Tuesday, January II. At this meeting will be considered the revision of tle premium list, .rules and No Need to W&it No Money, bbwh i '.' . . I I . r. . I "What hotter ciftti than furniture? Will anything prove inore useful or. dur able? Think of the -pleasure and years' of 1 service the recipient gets - fron sueh'-un npproprite gift Relieve the Christma: drain take advantage t this unusual-' plan,' pick out your gifts or home-needs now- and pay after the first of the year. Our liberal credit service An more .liberal than ever and will prove far more helpful. 4. The $10.95 For a Hand some $18.50 Combination Book Case. The prettiest Xmas gift that HO you tan make son or daughter. Have large writing desk, and commodious book compart- iiioiii utieu wnn strength glass door. CI Oft For this Beautiful VI.JO J4.C0 Parlor Table A Most Acceptable N Gift BUY 1017 PAY LATER mm $5.50 For This S10.G0 Music Cabinet. 2Z r aXF M . t - J. A... -X.sr- PP1 a m.- i T-aTJ V ' in -J fTiT .HMjJI B . 1 I ff mm- 11 a v fl ri l,-rF:r.K. -.H-. Li iuiy Christmas ShoiDBe To those finished their Christmas shopping jfor this year, we want to say that shopping during the early hours of the day has many advantages. There is less crowding on both the street cars and ih the stores, and both you and the sales people are not as tired as later in the day.' And when shopping in the afternoon, we urge you to start for home before , o'clock, if possible, making it possible for those compelled to re- V ' main down town later to find room in the'ears. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co. regulations, the election of officers, mem bership and auch other business as may legally come before the meeting. residents of regularly organized, live county agricultural societies which have nied their report prior to this meeting are ex-offlclo members ot th board. If the president cannot attend, the society must elect a delegate and file authenti cated credential. No proxies ar ad mitted. : The following committees have been p- l" ' in i i .... ' .' i m . l " 1 mil ii sis Hli naiaiaiai,, n.,n -. ... - , ,, mum I ii I i'?.- Child's Twelve Piece Dec orated Tea Sets prettiest little, toy gift you make to your little daughter They will take great pleasure ..and lota of fun having tea parties. Worth 75c, special.. 4SHI limn ., - MONEY For This HANDSOME $10 MORRIS CHAIR EXACTLY LIKE ILLUSTRATION and- an Ideal Xmas gift They are constructed of selected hardwood, and are ornamented. wlt,h .deep .carvings. The upholstering la done in fabrlcoid leather and the comfortable back Is adjustable to different positions. OPEN EVENINGS ALL THIS WEEK Union putfittingCs V OMAHA S.E.COR.I6TD&-JACKS0H ST; CONSOLIDATED WITH v -vt : s.rjv : . . n . iiv . T" us ' mmmmm $4.95 THE PEOPLES STORE 39C it. shoppers who have pointed: Rules and regulations, C. II. Rudge. Lincoln, chairman; L. W. Leon ard, Pawnee City, William Jones. Dor chester; Joseph Roberts. Fremont; R. M. t Wolcott, Palmer. Credentials and return'. P. Yoiingers, Geneva, chatrmnn; CharlPH Orafr, Bancroft; (ieoreo Jackson, Nelson. Auditing, K. 7.. Russell. Blair', chairman; W. 'II. Banning, Union; WTlllafrt Forte'r, Lincoln. ' ' " " "" Kejt to the Situation Bee Aavertislng.. For this Handsome $10.00 Ladies' Writing Desk.- . A very pretty and tnost accept able Xmas gift. Made of quarter sawed oak, highly rubbed--and' polished, has -interior cabinet, an4 large drawer. Many others to j select from. s i I BiBTawBBisBTiaSEai tas m t ' s .ar. s Si II J Unlettered 1 'I jl .Wagons. I , I . can Promnt..'- ! I 1 QQC Service (f. $5.95 Jfor this hand some 75a dress ed doll. f . The prettiest Vaud handsom est d reused doll in the city. Has . beautiful curly hair, and sleeping eyes, special price 3rv Autooatic Trains Consisting' " of engine, v tender, coach and 4 pieces circular track. A delightful . toy for any, .-boy. Worth 7Sc, spe- if not already f I I I I I I r. I rpr' ii TBI