Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, MAGAZINE, Page 2, Image 30

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Latejt Outbreak in London Injured
the Cause.
Brltlaa ranllr, teed to Mak Met
, cda, Wa ;lvea a, IHeagrerable
erprlee ay Hrrral right
Dii HI I'ley Helps It.
LONDON, Vrr. !. Among the miff cr
am from the effects t tho most recent
outburst of the militant suffragists were
a number of American firm. The rock
throwing women smashed the large plate
window of an American drug atore and
boot shop on the Strand and hurled a
atone through Ue front of a tailoring
establishment on the same street.
This' hUt-st dlfplay of mllltlancjr has
teen criticised by the English press and
uffrage organizations which do not ap
prove of the methods used by the Worn
en'i Social and Political union. A num
' ber of the organisations which are for
warding the movement have announced
that they accept the premier's statement
as sincere, and that they will make the
battle for vote on the lines suggested by
All erfort on the part of the women
under arrest to make political capital of
their appearance In court was frowned
upon fcy the presiding justice, who en
. nounced that all of the defendants would
1 be treated as ordinary misdemeanants.
fce'berig that-their martyrdom was falling
flat a number of the women elected to
pay their small fines rather than go to
Jail, while those who preferred cells re
. celved little publicity out of their choice,
; as the London papers merely chronicled
tbe sentences without stating the choice
, made. ,
Mob-Proof ' Pabllo ftarprlsed.
The British public, although not dls-
; posed to violence, has had soma experl-
' enca of mob outbreaks, fomented by sen
sational speeches, but It Confesses Itself
yuasled by disorder and property destruc
tion, deliberately planned In advance of
." an advertised demonstration of protest,
and this phase of h latest militant
affair la being criticised,
f Many 'Americans attended the demon
stration and most of them seemed to en
joy the occasion hugely. Suffragette and
policemen vied with each ether In extend
ing courtesies, and thla disposition made
the charges of obstruction placed against
had it not been for the window smashing,
,' the number of arrest would have been
mail. r. -
Much to the amusement of the bystand
ers. Mm. Pet hick Lawrence, leader of the
militants, Tung herself against tba uni
formed barrier time after time, and It
was only after aha bad slapped the face
of one of the minions of the law that her
arrest was ordered by a police Inspector.
,' Ona determined Amaaon, tmablo to pur.
r suade the police that ho was of a riot-
out disposition. In any other manner, sat
'down In the middle of a crowded aids
walk, and. her bulk preventing' easy re
in o vat, -she was arrested on a charge of
obstructing traffic.
Tit 'divinity which hedge about the
British ' throne baa been broken and the
'play censor baa been evaded by the pri
vate production of 'Tain and renal-
'lies," a play, founded on the trial for
Infidelity of Queen Caroline, the consort
of the rather unlovely and bibulous
reorg iV. .
The censor objected to the play because
ft deal with aa unfortunate Incident in
the life of a recent ancestor of Oeorge V.
.The author of the play, GranvUI Barker,
took advantage of tho private production
to make a stage speech, In which be pro-
. posed resolution denouncing tho ap
pointment of Charlee Brookfleld aa as
sistant censor as an act of "political In
decency." ' According to Barker, tho appointment
of Brookfleld waa a double Insult, for, be
side being the author of two "naughty"
-farcoa himself, the new assistant censor
wrote an article for a recent current ro-
.yiew In which he stated that the modem
British drama It worthless. The resolu
tion waa -adopted with only two dissent-1
Itnta . . , . (
Ham aa Play Helped If Along.
4 The banning of 'Tains and IVnaltles,"
.according to the trltlc,. hit only served
to advertise a rather dull play, the pro
duction of which was sponsored by a so
ciety -which has been -organised after
ninety year to defer the nam of Queen
Caroline, a subject to which t'ift public
ill now profoundly Indifferent.
Alt -of which has served to revive op
position to that Strang British func
tionary, tho dramatlo csnsor. Little had
'.been heard of this officer until recently,
when be showed Ma activity by com
pelling the manager of Kismet to put
more drapery on the bathing girl In that
production after aha - had shivered
through 14 performances .of the play. '
On top of this cam the appointment of
brookfleld and the private production 1
of "f altis and Penalties." and. realising
eome of the dlt-advantagea of the job,
the publlo does nut wonder that It is
.Relieve a Cold In 24 Iloars or
Money Refunded.
"Book's Beet Cot J Tablet" ar Just
vliat their name Indicate. They Con
tain Ingredients which are known to
be the Heat for colds and eouaha They
contain no mineral, poison or injurious
Whether you havs a cold or la iMrme,
sick headache bilious eltat-'Jt. or luligaa.
- turn you used a l-e-teilve and a Tonla,
tx'Lh of which affects are produced bv th
. e of H.cVe l-atallv Cold Tablets.
Thee tablets eon win fever reducing In
rrwrllema. pain relieving - Ingredlenta,
sweat producing liigretllnnts, etiimilanta,
tonics and Uuailvea. The tendency of
'the l(r reducer la to overcome the
. waate produnte which cold car la Kiippe
' '- tn the system. . The pain relieving
Ingredient to alleviate tle pain from tr
(Stated moeoue rurtaoee oi whir cold
in-taawj Is typical.
Tie sweat prod not rig Inrre-lleuts dle
l"de th waste wodurte In the svBteraj
throwing H.em off tlarotigh the sVlii. In
testines and kidneys. Tbe vegetable kta
etlvts produce an Intestinal motion aim-
far to the natural action of tha healthy
bowel, carry the cold ed la grlpoe pois
ons from art'Mem end otrstin aa a liver
: stimulant produce that free flow ef bile
which prevents a onetlrat1 condition
after tHng the remedy for the relief of
. a ould. The- are chocolate coated, p4-a-.ant
to take and unlike most coij tablets
t axwitaln no calomel to tipaet th system.
A bed cold of today may be pneumonia
"morrow, or a UcV!'n emirh ny 1e
talis? Into bmncbltls. entitles prm that
' "tmlT a cold- ena prnven mor, 1estnie.
Ire to ritmaa life tban any other all-
Jnent Tier la no disease mure fnenusnt.
y tiesWtl; It te a prevailing Ma tbt
- a euit will rue Ice length and eure ttaeif ;
. pertis It wtll and yo pis v not ba t"n-
eclous of any bad efface from the cold,
iver4hlee a cold slwars debilitate
tit system and this psvss the way for
t.jnunrtk I.-
Vur sale and guaranteed by all drug
ri: t'e a box or mailed on rece'nt of
"Ice. Beck Ohenrlnal Co., Dcs Molnea,
A varoaMa aid- to TterVa fold T'Wete
tn.the treaiment of colda an.l eou"a 1
R h.; V-"tk!tt(J rouK" iifcoi wil-h
:y a rr'-'m'ir-i at see store for l a
t-J or tu.-',Ui tj- 4o Is suau.
Trench Waiter Inaugurate Cam
paig-n to Recapture Jobs.
Bill to Be Passed tompellla Hotel
Keepers to Ksaploy Freneaatea
la Preference to Invaders
from Kalaer'a Deisslsi.
i at is, Dec. 18. A troroua catnpelgn
is ncing waged by the Trench hotel
employes trade union against the In
vasion of hote.s and' restaurants in
France by Orman waiters.
A bill will be Introduced In Parliament
by M. Mlllerand. Minister of Public
Works In the Brland cabinet, which. If
adopted, will oblige hotel proprietor to
employ Frenchmen to th number of
eighty per cent. A tax, which will be
practically prohibitive, will be Imposed on
employer and employe for every for
eigner hired exceeding twenty per cent
The union declares that there are be
tween 600 and 7u French waiter seek
Ing places In Farl today. Many of
them speak three language and a num.
ber have a knowledge of bookkeeping.
enorthand and typewriting. Th point
1 that many. If not a majority, of the
Part hotels are conducted by Oermana,
wno win take only German on their
staffs, it Is alleged.
on the other hand, French waiters In
Germany have a different aort of exper
ience. The French Union allege that
In Germany the Frenchman Is pursued
ty the police, heavily taxed, and If he
cannot find work. Is Immediately expelled
from the country.
The union is discussing with the Brit
ish Walters' society a plan for th -tabllshment
of a Franco-British school
for hotel employe In Part and Lon
don. Languagea would form a sneelsJ
feature of ths tuition and situations
would bo found for all pupil when they
had completed th course of Instruction.
How We Got Oar ureal Lake.
M. Cayeux, tho paleontologist, has pre
sented a paper to the Academy of
Belence relative to researches In th re
gion of th Great Lakea of the United
State and Canada. He conclude that
tho organic activity waa very great at
the huronlan age, in tho region of the
Great Lakes. Far from being composed
of primitive matter, the fauna exhumed
from the rocks showed an organism well
advanced along the life of the Inverte
brates. Tho interest of the discovery'
lies in the fact that the huronlan age
la the "most ancient found In studying
what Is known as th sedimentary land
of tho planet Earth.
War on Field Beetle.
M. Xavler Has pall ha suggested
th Academy of Sciences a , meant
checking th ravage of th beetle
agriculture which wer so great
trance in th last quarter of th nine
teenth century that the damage ha been
estimated at eeveral million dollars. In
all part a vlgorou war of extermina
tion was organised against this destruc
tive Insect, and many mean wer adopted
for vetting rid of It.
The plan offered by M. RaspaU keep
In mind tho fact that thro year are
necessary for the complete evolution of
th beetle from th egg to tho time when
it emerge from th earth and become
a perfect Insect. Estimating th moment
when tho transition comes, M. Raspall
propose an organised search and do
struction by plowing for the white worm,
which I the form of tba Insect Just be
for flight '
Th scientist believes, however, that th
beetle I gradually decreasing In Franco,
though not In urrjoint number to
Justify a cassation of the battle against It
Wladowa In ratbrella.
An unsuccessful attempt has been made
In Parla to Introduce an umbrella with
mica window made Into th silk cover
Ing. One or two person ventured on th
bonlevarda with th Innovation, but tho
jeer and laughter of the promeuaders
soon forced them to retire.
Tho Idea originated with a Ttuaslan
nobleman. Prince Foulatlns. While walk
ing one day with hla tutor tho tatter was
attacked and severely bitten by a mad
dog. The tutor died from th bite, and
the prince waa so deeply Impressed by
the tragedy that ever after he entertained
a morbid fear of dogs. In order that hs
should be safe under all conditions of
weather ha ordered an umbrella made
with window. Th prince thu obtained
a certain measure of celebrity In the
capitals of Europe, but hi Idea, It seems,
will not be adopted by the general publlo.
laaavatloa la Art Ceater.
A King desired Innovation haa been In
troduced Into th regulations of the Salon
de Artist Francals. Hitherto th award
of a second class medal entitled Its holder
to have two pictures hung without going
before th Jury. As eome score or more
second class medsls are awarded every
year th number of artist whose com
position crowd th wall to tho exoluslon
of new talent haa become .so great that
th whole character of the exhibition has
suffered. The committee haa now de
cided that only the work of first class
medal shall b In th futur exempted
from submission to the, Jury.
Maehlaery Ke- la t'ao Wilt
Bo Available (or th
Let the woman of the house go away
for a few days, leaving the men folks to
get their own meals, and they will cook
enough to eat but decline, with thanka
to wash a single dish. U Is a fact that
where men have had to wash dishes, in
hotels, etc, they have been quick enough
to apply their Inventive genlu and pro
duce a machine to do th work. Power
washes the dishes tn large kitchens and It
does It better and quicker than human
hand could hop to Imitate.
If till work la don by power In Urge
kitchen there I no earthly reason why
a machine of a similar typo coiild ot
be made email enough for th home. It
Is a notlceabls fact that Invention barely
keeps pao with th demand. Rarely,
If over, la anything new brought Into th
industrial and commercial work unless
there I already a known market for It
Just aa soon as the housewives vtdeno
demand for a small si sad eleotrlo dish
washer the machine will be forthcoming.
Then the drudgery of dib"'aahlnf la the
home will cease.
The electric dish washer, such as la now
being used In hotel and reetauiant kitch
ens, in clubs and large manor houses. Is
a galvanised Iron cabinet In which thc
diahes are racked In wood traya where
they cannot eome In contact with each
other and nick th enamel. A motor
driven puma force hot euds ever the
dirty dishes until they ar clean. The
suds are forced through whirling nessl
and strike th dirty diahes with consider
able farce, washing every Inch of every
,dlrh. and thoroughly cleaning tfeera. AftaV
this washing the suds a turned off and
lets of clean watar. piping hot. play over
the dishes until they are thoroughly
rinsed. When tbe diahea ar removed
they -are so fot that thyay kostaatiy
4 til T.'lilng thorn Is unnecessary.
Wooton, Entlifh Jockey, Bring in
llott Winners.
Mir Joha floret, la ftrathlaa Crttl
clam, deserts a Btaateg Rare le
Belaa; Raised, Bferely Drilled
aad Rot Edaeatrd.
LONDON Deo. 1.-Wlth the flat racing
season at in end, sporting men are dis
cussing the usual array of statistics pub
llihed by th papers. In the list of win
nlng jockeys, Danny Maher, the Ameri
can rider, la third with firsts under the
Ire. but second In percentage.
For th preceding seven years Maher
haa been first In percentage,' although in
winning mounts he was second to Woo-
ton In 190 and 110. For the first tlms
sine 1303, Maher haa failed to ride 100
winners, th number thl season being
on short of tho century mark. Plnce
1900, when he made hi first appearance
en th. English race course. Maher has
ridden L1W winners, an average of ninety-nine
a year. Wooton in six year haa
ridden 71 winners, an averag of 111 a
year. Wooton had by far hla most suc
cessful year this eeason. having been un
on IW wlnnera out of 7 mounta
Th taking on of weight mar rell.tra
Maher of his greatest rival, aa It Is said
that on this account Wooton may not be
able to ride mot than on mor season.
in oraer to Insuro even this brief n.n.
elon of his racing season ho will be com
belled to spend tho winter In India, where
he will get sufficient work to keen him
down to wslght Jdaher also finds It la-
ereaaingly difficult to keep to weight
To avoid taking on fat he will spend th
winter nunting.
It wa clear many weeks am rhm
Derby, senior steward of th Jockey club.
would, neaa the list of winning owners.
His aggregate of 12U am i. v..
amount which Dlaeea him .n.t
r. rains last year. No owner ha had
uch a sum to hia'credlt sine ISO, whon
-wumia a nothxohlld topped th list
Hh a total of t233.M0. Two horses
Steadfast, and Swynrard. won most of
Lord Derby's money for him.
. - -eaool Money, Wasted.
Thit millions ar wasted 'under th.
present aystem jof education In Great
untain waa tho startling statement r.
canny made by Blr John Gorst, formerly
- pr-aiaeni lor education. Thl haa
added fuel to th fir of cirlUcism to
which tho plan for unjventay education
has been exposed since it inception.
snr nn said among other thinnr Th.
majority of those who car for tho wol
faro of th people and ar expert tn
education consider that th greater part
ot thl money under th present aystem
la wasted and might a wall, so far as
education I concerned, be thrown into
the sea. Physical growth of th children
of th nation Is, except In the nor. ad
vanced of our great clUcs. Insufttdently
provided for A atarved and
ktunted race la being allowed to grow up
a legacy for the next genaraiinn
deal with, for In most elamentarr achnni.
Children ar only drilled, not educated.
"Originality of teacher and children to
sternly repressed. Th hew education h
work first and book afterwarda inten.
duoed Into th schools of Bavaria and
spreading over Germany and elsewhere.
uiut partially Known In British and
Irish school. Tho higher and university
pi-uuuis ar stiii lettered by mediaeval
systems, which make tho acquisition of
learning to bo produced ai xaminatlon
th main work of students."
With tho incoming of th new minister
of education, 81 r John propose a radical
revolution in. th manner and methods o.
administering th educational grants.
Nor? Uartae Motor a Saeeeaa.
The feiiccKMfil iMtiiiA . !
- . . . vt Wl TUJtni Dl
tho Toller, an Internal combustion motor
nip Whldh wa built at Wallsend-on-
Tyn for carrying grain on Canadian
canals, haa given Impetus to the build
ing of almliar craft by British shipyard.
Tba Toller waa especially designed a a
larg cargo carrier and th saving In
engine room by th Installation of gas
engine mad (or economy In apace. The
vessel Will carry 7,00Q bushels, or an In
crease ot IB ,000 bushels over a steam
driven ahlp of It dimension. la addi
tion to saving In stokers wages.
ther U a reduction In fuel coats, th
boat running on two tons of oil per day
comparison with a stsamahlp' eight
or nla tons of coal.
Keen Interest Is being taken In the
Jutlaadla, a twin screw motor ship
which wilt have It trial next month
from tho Clyde shipyard, where it la
being built It la th pioneer of motor
ocean carriers, and Its success may mean
. revolution Jn marine -engineering.
For - service on the t Great Lakes of
America, a larg motor ship Is being built
at Glaacow, It wtll have motor of 1,000
horse-power. . .
Ecrema frcm Top cf Hcid to Wairt.
Suffered Untold Agon tnd Pain.
Doctors Said It Could Not Be Cured;
Set of Cuticura Remedies Success
. ful Whia All Lisa Had Failed.
8oea tbao age I was lakea with mum
from the top of say head my walit. It
began with scales e my body. I (uSered
Mniold itching aad burn tag, sad rouid Dol
sleep. I ae greatly ditafursd with sralee
aud eruiu. Mr eare looked as If Ihey bad
heea saest out el wtoh a raeor, and my aeck
was aarfectlr raw. I guBerad haloid aroay
aad paia. I triad twe doctors whe said I
had ecasss In h tulleot stage. ad that U
could aet l cured. 1 tha trted atnef rraa
edkw to no aval. At last. I tried a set af
the geaulaa Calk-tare Rained!, which cured
Baa. Cuilrur fcrated lea cured en of enema
boa aB eiae bed ft tied, therefor 1 caaaet
pra-o Oeai too higtOy.
"I suffered whh scsesAa about ten months,
bol am new entirely cured, aad I belkev
Cutirai lUtaedte ar tk beet skin rure
there u." (61od) alias Mat tie J. Shaffer,
K F. D. t. Bos , Paary, alias., Oct. 7, 1S10.
"I had suffered from eceema abuut tour
years when bolls bet an. to break it ea
different pane el my body. It started with
a ftaa red rasa, lit bw.k was efierwd t'rst,
a BU also spread erer my fare. The tutitis
was alneat uaaearahl at tirora I trad
diflareat soaps and salves, but nothing aoeiaefc
te help m unit I begin te use tle Cuurura
fiaap aad Ciulraaat. One hoi W then eurad
sue eaimtlt. 1 recoonatadrd them t any
Sister lor her heby Who was troubled with
teeth eras ana, aad Ihey coesph-teiy eured
her baby." (mtaed) alra. T. L Marbefgat,
Dret-rrtOJa, Fa-, aept . 11.
Allheagh Catieena Coap aud CaUnar
)lBaiaai ar eo.4 by drunlsia aad Oealaie
eTaryvaere. a U'jmi auoitie ol each, a lib
a-paaa haeklrl e tas eats and har, wrH
ae seat, a ret a aa apptkaiina le Paur
txag 4 UMda. Cm Via. ia, Baalnav
IkII VlaT-il : II
0 Hedihfaln
Jl A V. I MAM II II T "Wm .am V "
Arm superior to fresh cranberries in flavor, color and simplicity of handling.
MAKEPEACE EVAPORATED CRANBERRIES are picked after being allowed to
fully ripen on the vines, while fresh cranberries are usually picked green and allowed to
ripen in barrels.
MAKEPEACE EVAPORATED CRANBERRIES are made from sound, red, ripe
cranberries with nothing taken away from the fruit but the moisture. The flavor, color
and piquancy all remain.
This is the only evaporated fruit on the market today that has a natural fresh fruit
flavor left after evaporating. ' s
Allen Bro. Co. ,
Tbe Donald Co.
Grain grr Bros. Co.
Groneweg A Schorntgen Co.
H. 3. Hughe Co.
McOord-BraiX Co.
the,lrttar. JUaVaHM
uuu mnmu piin ana stnntusves vneas1
wiinia tns nsir.
bark naran
buy. Ptir. MnuU
Is lealp
is e?ri
rstura. It
i nat a way tk ease ef U Baa Hair itaterarta .
aud dlstrlbutloo ef the aaturml sIsnMat. aad wh.a uovd iu eouasrtioa with U haa Hair
toe til k allows soa av&ia tnift a i. a k
r. kw ......... .. . aj. tawiuva.j.a.psia un
i. uiu. iia aisaaa gaaraaiee wpa tot) say
If aot at J onr dealera. wfl aead dtreet ea reoefpt ef prise, address KBCCTaVXtr.
X.IS DaOO CO- atampkiB, Teaa. aaerataa a MuConaeU Ssaa Oo- aaataa -Iras' Co.
d. a. aKhiutat, and Rohaefe Oat a-rioe Uxng paoxe. "
i - -' 1 1
"Wealthy PeoploU"
Wealthy people by iaaaeeae oosra to mineral coring to dxtak n aathd
In riulDbtir water. The aaaarattaa
r '!. 8",sb"i-w.i'''l,M'
AU ruf gists iOo, gnd
i tale riui. gf
ted. with fj
ick Char- V
bias that I
oulo and I
a LaSS
17 1011
Distributers :
Paxtoa St Gallagher Co.
Raapke Grocery Co.
C. Shcnkbery Co.
Win. Tackafcerry Co.
Tolertoa War field Co.
Warfleld-Pratt.IIo-wcll Co.
llmnlr oa' meaiure tn dollars and am7S
value of thl information on bow to aociuira
- - ' .... y
. . - .lrr---
and retain a healthy scalp, cultivate a luxuriant
growth oi hair, and restore faded or gray hair
to it natural rich color and it' re fru.
It will he! to avoid tba tragedy of hair
These great lertaree. foar In anmber. eentaln just th
IBtriatioa eary wenae wanU and a woman sbonki
b without w fa turt tor th. Mlp tnd aaw. Is plsla,
simple, undsrstasdable lanrsas tliay OMertbe the vaiioes
acalp diwrdars. the seatof all hair troubles, so that after
readies them yon will know inut exactly what Is wronf with
youraraip and hair, tnd aew to trmi them. AIm how te
remit s-sip Irritations, and avoid theeantar of srsy and
aerasslT hair. Handsuaaiy prialsd to pawphletfona, aud
prof utely Uiastraied.
We will tend yoa this entire eoarss ef foar leetures sb
AiuMly free wbas spplieatiun is mails oa ths potteard so
eleaaa la tfrnnvku. r. i aM u.i. frA. Bui u iu.
The SMa or WOMB wfca taa Hbi ska ii.ilnnn,.
ateotof tray er itraakad hair doas so f reaiehowaead not
.m nweuitr. lor J laa Hair Rexrorar will poelwvalf
lag bark the origiaal eaiar asd sola. 1 natron appaai
oi rocita. Ills not s aiisaral l;e. an 4 1 U ta act l
food ssd hair fertiliser. Raaravee daodraff smitree-
garn. cares all tralp ditaatas aad BreTsntt thaii
raototes all obkwurtious la the tie artarUa of tha
poxition or roioritti nutter br the ai n v blood veasals
. - - - - " - h w. mv. iy hhi wisi fit
aanaita e hee Sow et rtrb. red blood, aod pravaota bald
1 1 aoaitlval; taipt tailing hair aad a4ueaastasl srswta.
frtce. fliM.
Paeoeesors to
Neatest equipped dental office In
Cotaha. Ulghoat-grade denlstry at
laasonable prlcea. orelaln fllllnas
uat like the tovth, AU Inatrumante
larefully etcrlUsad after each oprra
Center loth gad faraaat ft.
riian rtoom, itta bi.ocx
HinoKhu rna
Uc padka
Equivalent to a quart
of fresh cranberries
ff w m
me perries
Try Ttila Recipe:
One cup Evaporated Cranberrtes soaked 1 hours.
Ona oup granulated eugar. .
li eup ohopped raisins. -
Two tableepoonful' sifted flour.
1H teaspoonfola vanilla,
A pinch of salt
Mlg Ingredjenu together before putting Into rut
' Bak with two crusta
, - j m
-III 1 I " ' s s sj i , , W saQoasjsjy-aj
Mill "
Jill! -
(,. 'v.
Mabel g.t Ton
re t b eaaimaad-
L-Ja "- tl "'
for year aasire ta
Improve your looka.
and laiead I do set
nk you vtla. A
.bwutlful aaad af kale
la a prim rsqaialt
of sod looka DaoJruft.
Hablaa eeaip aad rallinr hale su
but not br hair tonics mads with aleebol.
sa aionpM.
aiconoi BMraiy antra ths orsiptsms. liaQcthlas
to deatror the ailorobea which attack th hair
and aaalp ta needed. In all my ewrtaoe I
save found aothlns te tor and prompt ia ea
tloa a plain yellow mlayei. OMaia a 4-i 1k
which will b aufdeicat (a cur ear caaa fik
roura laadln drainjtsts aav it e see sat It
of wkolcaai druggitt. DlracUons eocompaay jar.
Orocr : Tow symptoms Isdlcste a aartous da
raasan f th Hrraai ayata, aompaaii
by anemia, ar aaasrauii thiaam. it you an
thin aad bloadiew and auffor with euta ladlsaa
tloa. atrvouia, alaaplaaanaaa and a akaua, I
would advta that you ebuia s peaks t a.
arala kypo-nuelan taolM aad ttk an balora
Htlng and a artar. at cat btwaa awala.
Drink aothlns but milk at mcaitiat. aad drtak
it vary alowiy.
Mndlat M. : I ka.a frcaocntly racammcded the
fallewlns treatment to dvlo th buic arm.
and atk aad hav many rattul urs tnrm
thoa waa nac ssoeaaded. Try It, aad I talak
yU wtll be eeitsfetad: Tlnetur eadnn cam
pound 1 o.. sl'rio t ., rwat I ,.
borax I tMtpoouAil. flt. chak sad apply ta
th each, ma aod hpat. rubble aad ataaw
in until eaoslMalf barbd. the waa on tt
part wltb kot watar pad oap. Thaa maaaae
with allv ell' or pare callow. Keep tin ar
moralng aad alsbt br mm ml weaka or manth.
it th caa may eaqulra. Alas tak thr-rait
hrpo-ouclca UMt otrnally aad par dlrcc Theaa tahlata eaaltt la th dtvclopnwat
aad transform tba thla loio plamp. wcllToondwl
fisura aa aotkteg else will, of late I sot vary
Mlaa rt. a. Ptmplae. larse per sad blartt
aaia ar asually du t pr llmlntloa of Im
purtttcs throath tha bowefa and kldneya If vin
will a tTls sutphoTb UMcts root sulphurs
which ar sold la eaaicd IiiIm, tor a period ef
I to I aataa I am can fluent your eomrleilor
will b tk cavy af year triced, while your
eeacrai health will tmprer from tba purifylaf
f year blood.
Mr. I. i. : ftwadrads ef woiaea suffer ss jm
d wlik womaaly na aad m wan each year
t.cama af alacllas La treat tbat weaken I of
taa mmoaly tornd "whit" r rcaoorrhea.
It la a traeaant bcsmalng of aartoes Mmpllaa-
Tboaa wlililrt further aarlc. Ire, may .4
lr-tllwod ti . iMytoo. Ohl. ncloalug Mlf-
Sam and must k given, but luuial er
Toa preacTipllua aaa ea filled at uj wall,
la tha Leading Agricultural Jo o. mat of tha wtst Itg column ai
filled with tho best thought of th day In matters pertaining to
tba farm, tha ranch and tba orchard, and It is a factor in th
development of tha great western country
The Doctor's Answers On
-Health and Beauty Questions
Th suestlona ssiwertd btiow are sansra la tharaotari th
symptoms or dlssaasa are (Ir.a sad the aoswer will spply le aor
eats ot slallar astar.
Thoe whhlns rurthsr edrlr fr., stay addrets Br. Thaedor '
,BC- "Id- Caima-SUaoad Bta. Cavtta. Ohio. i
Ing Mlf-addraasad. sttmpad ssTalop for rply. Fall bum aad
addrats aiiut be glvea. but only initiate er fictitious asms wilt be '
oasg la aty answers. Tae rrasw Iptlons ma be filled at sny wsll- .
stscfcsd drug store. Aay. drasglst ess rdr of wholesaler.
' I -II ,Oi I.liiri-,wiji I ii m ii
MulHs im operations, oh
.rLJ 1 ""I " powder. I oi. hi.
"i f, . A ulKbat of .Inc. Mix all to
r. . . "I.. Koonlsl t a quart ol warm
water twice dally at an Injection or douche, le
wbBy.r th part aaed cleculng and a ears
ahauld ceealt I , eaort iaM " "
Aa a tonlo ta resaln health and strength tak
t-sraia bypauclaaa Ublota.
8. R. i WrKa fna mora fully or eend for my
free xamlaatioa chart, and I will sladly do my
beat for yoa; alwayt sl' full nam aad ad
dress. I peyer vubllib th eorrsct acme.
Mra. S. H. Toa ask tar tha reelp for a sod
tooth powder. Here la ana which la both chea
aad effective. It deawoya term a, pracaata de.
cay aad raatoras brUllant whllaaeaa ta the teeth.
Alas, It la a strong eotlasptle. baala enra sum,
cleaaaes tha toasu. aad purinaa the breath: S
cat. precipitated chars. I tn. powdered tusar. t
aa aatteepti rlUna powder asd I aa powdered
snap. Mil thoroughly and apply eao or twiu
daily with toeth brush aad watar. Keep ta
preparailoa In tight )ar or battia
Asa O : Bwch ayaiptoma aa bloatln and belch
laa pal'ia ta stomach after eat Ins. feul breath,
beadcebe, wcakaeca and dlKlnaaa Indicate acuta
or ehmaia Indleeatrse. It tha attacks are acuta
and at irregular intervals, use tablets trtoprp
ttne. If eh aio bee thle aceerriotloa filled, and
take a taaspoenful or two after each meal : J
ti. eaeenc af pepata. t os. oomp. acsenr car
dlol aad t aa ayrup at slawr. Mis. Th fore
folh wtll correct nd our any caa of iadlgea
tlaa ar d repeal a.
Poramaa: Tear kldnaya and blidflar seed
trretraent and aaed II aulckiy, as indicated br
STmpUei aa eowatant thlret, fTarthne.
lns in th back aod loin welling and pulftng
tha anklaa. pufta uodar tha ere, p.inrul.
-nartlng. frequant profuee ar ananty. highly cnl
rrd arlnation. Rae any w!i-atackad dneaM
mil tba rollewlng: I oa. fl. at. burbu. 1 o.
esarp. fl balra-ort and t m. ayra aanaparllla
eoDApjond. Take a taaaraoaful before or attar
meala aad ana whea retiring. Drink plenty of
water bctwwes mal. Eat sioaly. Abatal
tloohol. Continue treatment to t weeka.
"trk Tbe trmptoaa you same, such aa
Meattng. belrtilug. pala la eroraarh, palaa under
ahouldera, foul breath, beadacbe, weakueaa. nerV
auaneae. dlny ape I la. te., Iwdlvaw a trkronlo
form of dreperala and indlgeetlna. For rauie
lime you ahoald eliminate paaule sad iweet
meata froan year diet. aVg'e at oora wain
tablet tiioaeptln Pink aflwr breekfiet. wlt
attar dinner aad blue after a upper, and ru'iu-je
S-tll Bormal ooad'ttona t- rv etitrfd. i" . j is
sealed panktsea af aay good drussiat
draaa tr. Theodore Heck, Coll.g nidc, ml-
sodreeMd. atamreo evel,e tor n sly r ill
fictltioae aaue wll he ua.d la my auaw.ra
stotked drug star. Auy druggiat taa rat of