Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Till! OMAHA SUNDAY BF,l': PKCF.MHKlt 17. mu.
Representative Workers Will
- Here Iron the East.
V. j.
r. t.
Sraalona Will He Conriurtrd t ndtr
Aaaplrr of Frdrrmtrd Coanrtl
Hrprrarntln Twrnl r-'Prro
Itrllajloua llrnomlnatioai.
The Federated Council of America, un
bracing tweiity-twu r.Hslous denomina
tions, will, convene In Omaha tomorrow
at the Young M.n's Christian associ
ation. Leading men lYmu tho enst, rep
resenting the Home Mission Interests,
will be la attendance. At the momins
seesion, which begins at 9:30 o'clock, the
following piojuum will be presented:
Neglected Country lM.stiicts-ltov. A.
C. Ioua;las.
NcKlected Fields in .Small Towm Mow
W. A. Ualdwin.
NeeilH Anions Our Forei.aiers Rev. J.
Soli n arc.
NeeOs in South Omaha Rev.
Neglected City Districts llev.
Prominent Markers.
There will also be a nuetl:ii? at 2
o'clock In tho afternoon and one at S
o'clock In the evening. The following
well-known religious workers will be
Rev. L. C. Barnes, 1). 1)., flo'.d secre
tary, American Baptist Home Miaulonary
society, 23 East Twenty-sixth street,
New York City.
Rev. Hubert V. Herring, D. D., general
secretary. Congregational Home Mission
ary society, 2S7 Fourth avenue, New York
Rev. Ward Piatt. P. V., assistant cor
responding secretary. Hoard of Home
Missions and Church Extension, Metho
dist church, 1026 Arch street, Phlladlphia,
Rev. H. f. Coker, D. P.,-field secretary,
will represent his board at Minneapolis
and Fargo, In place of Pr. Piatt.
Rev. I. N. McCash, secretary, American
Christmas Missionary Society United
Brethren in Christ, V. B. building, Day
ton, O.
Mr. Joseph Ernest McAfee, . associate
secretary, Board of Home Missions of
Presbyterian church In the United States
of America, 136 FlftU avenue, New York
Poetic pica of Innocence by Joe Mullen,
convicted of breaking and entering and
stealing $133 worth of property from
Louis II.' Peterson's saloon, failed to get
Mm a new trial at the hands of Judge
Lee S. Estelle.
"Your honor," said Mullen, weeping,
"as God Is my Judge, If I ever told the
truth In ny . life, I tell it now, as I
htand before you, a broken man, as -1
am, and say I am as Innocent of this
crimo as a new-born bubo."
.The pica of sympathy for Mullen's wife
and children also was used, but the judge
said the law must take its course; he
was satisfied of. Mullen's guilt. He was
given the required sentence, one to ten
years In the penitentiary. i
Rev. A. A. HoHcniMrom of Minneapolis,
the well known cantor, will give a musi
cal sermon, with orchestra accompani
ment, at Beth Ilamedrosh Hngodol, Nine
teenth and Burt streets, Sunday even
ing, ns a . part of the celebration ot
Chanuks. The ceremony will bo that of
the lighting of the third candle and will
begin at 7 o'clock. It will Include a con
cert of musical selections in Hebrew and
Hebrew and Yiddish national songs, ar
ranged by Mr. Rosembloom.
Knights of Columbus Will Take
Santa Claus to Orphanage.
Local Order Makes Thla an Annual
Affair and the Children ftaverlr
Look Kornard to the
Yale tide.
Santa Claus will not forget the children
at the St. James Orphanage Christmas,
but will visit them on that night and
bring gladness and enjoy rent Into the
hearts of the little orplNins. He will ap
pear In the form of the Omaha council
of Knights of Columbus. About 100 mem
bers accompanied by a Santa Claus will
go out to the hnnw on Christmas Alght
and distribute I resents among the chil
dren. The Omaha council has arranged to
havo three trees at the orphanage on
that night, all lit up with Inradesoent
electric lights and trlmr.:cd In such
legence that will Indeed be a treat to the
children. Kach child, from the smallest
baby to the largest boy, will receive
three presents
of Santa Clans to the children each
Christmas and this occasion Is one that
Is looked forward to with the grratect of
pleasure by them.
After the distribution of the presents
a Christmas entertainment will bo given
by the children. The slaters are working
hard training them for thla entertain
ment, and they are working equally as
hard In preparing for what Is one ot the
big events In their lives.
The following committee on arrange
ments has been appointed. T. P. Redman,
J. A. O'Hearn, John Schall, John Ormahy,
W. Ler.-.on. John Hoian and M. J. Convoy.
Pauper Works His
Uraft for Good Coin
A crafty youngster of 10 years was
brought before Juvenile court charged
with swindling his playmates out ot their
pennies. He admitted the charge and
explained how he worked the graft. "I
had two dice," be said, "one of 'em was
loaded. I could always win when I
played them. Every ten shots I would
change to the pair that wasn't loaded, bo
that the fellows wouldn't grow suspi
cious." Ho was released after the dice
had been confiscated and he had given
The Knights of Columbus play the part solemn promise to forego grafting,
In business circles n story too good to
keep Is going tho rounds. It seems that
recently nu Inmate of the county poor
farm decided h would have to secure
some Christmas money, and being of
clever turn of mind, he decided the large
stores had some spare cash he could
probably lay hands on. Ho this ward of
the county secured some nice check
blanks and a good pefK Then ho pro
ceeded to Ml In the blank checks with
a good deal of care, making them call for
various amounts.
Having prepared his bait with due con
sideration for the wariness of Ihe game
he was seeking to catch, this pauper
money hunter went forth In a confident
humor. And he got the money. One
firm cashed a check for !, according to
the best Information obtainable where
everybody Is too proud and chagrined to
talk out loud. Another firm cashed a
check for Mo, says the whispering dickey
bird hovering about the Christmas
It does not appear, at this time, that
the cheek maker has been arrested.
What's the luse?" Is said to have been tied to do so
tho weary comment of ono victim. "He
a pfruper and probably spent the money
as soon as he got It or planted It safely
ono place of residence under county or
slate auspices Is as welcome to him as
another,, and to arrest and profecute htm
Is simply throwing good money after bad.
We shall probably chargo It to profit
and loss and put an able-bodied club In
soak for the nest artist who attempts to
execute a like trick."
Henry lltolch, a 10-ycar-old South
Omaha tad, made his debut In Juvenile
court as tho original and only runaway
of the family. He has a penchant for
discourse with the night force at the
stock yards, steals away from home
and spends the "night with them. The
father has tied him to the bedpost, but
when the fever to go comes on, nothing
Stops Mm. He Is a fifth grader, kSn
as a whip, and proved that he was no
mental slouch by questioning the Justice
of bringing him to Juvenile court because
he wanted to be with such "nice men as
trev were at tho stock yards." However,
was reluctantly convinced that he
ought to slay at homo nights and prom-1
mI to ila so. i
v I Will File Charges
Against Tobacconist
P. A. MrOnnlcjr., probation officer of
South fdiutlia, will file charges against
a tobacco dealer tvere alleging he has
violated the statute prohibiting the sr1
of tobacco to minors, which subjects
him to a fine of 500 and six month In
Jail. Joseph and Anton 'Yablonkl, 14;
and 15 years old respectively, testified
In Juvenile court that they had pur
chased tohscco at the McMcI.aughlln
store and had been given cigarette pa
pers. "This Is the first of a setie of
charges we will prefer." said Probation
Officer Mogy Bernstein. ,"Wo are going
to stamp out this practice of selling to
bacco to minors and the dealers may an
well take notice. The nmoklng habit
among the smaller boys has become too
prevalent and we are going to stop It."
(nmmlns Admitted to Hall.
NFAV YOniC, Pee. '!.-William J. Cum-
In the mar
mlns. Who was recrni , v " "
. .1 l..mAnV
trust funds or m","""'1 . , nf
company, was today admitted to ball or.
Colored Girl's Plea
Secures Her Release
Miss Joslo Henderson, the 15-year-old
colored girl who was taken to the de
tention home because of incorrigibility
and uncontrollable temper, pleaded piti
fully before the Juvenile Judge for an
other chance to make good. She placed
the blame for her "wrong doings" on her
companions and two dance halls which
she had frequented. F.ducated In high
school and for two years secretary of her
Sunday school class, the girl told of her
home life, her mother and sister asserted
between sobs that "she had always been
a nice girl, but had done wrong In stay
ing away from home so long and in go
ing to dance halls."
"When t found the girls I went with
were bad I quit them," she said: "I can
be good If you will give me the chance.
I have the best mother in the world.
The matron of the detention home gave
testimony In the girl's favor, saying she
had been exceptionally well behaved and
could do whatever she doslred. She had
been given unusual opportunities and
possesses a high school education and a
thorough musical training. She was sen
tenced to the detention home, but sen
tence was suspended during good be
havior. ,
' Major ' John Barker, assistant In the
office of the health commissioner. Is suf
fering from a light stroke of paralysl.
Shortly beforo closing the office Fri
day afternoon tie major staggered anu
fell suddenly to the floor. He was os
visted to his home. Yesterday he was
slightly improved.
lirandelH Stores will sell several thou
sand growing Chribtmas trees in pots
Tuesday evening at 10c each.
Practical Joker
Goes Much Too Far
Birdie Robinson was fined $25 and costs
for playing practical Jokes on Susie Tun
nell. 207 North Twenty-third street. Susie
about, a month ago testified against
BlrdloMn an assault case, which resulted
n the kitter being fined l-5 and costs.
Blrdlo wanted revenge, bo every night, It
is alleged, sho called up Susie on the
telephone and asked her how her false
teeth were. Susie said she could Ktarid
that, but when tho Robinson woman sent
an undertaker's wagon up to the house
It was all she could endure, but gave
Birdie one more chance, and that came
Monday night, when Birdie sent In a riot
call to the station for Susie's home.
Store open evenings until Xnias.
L. . CI
P 4 NV t i I
t!WS !: i' i
W a. , ( , f , v jj , f
Bath Robes $3.GU to $15.
Smoking Jackets $4.00 to
Shirts $1.00 and up.
Night Shirts 50c to $5.00.
Pajamas $1.C0 to $10.00
Collar Bags to $2.50.
Tie Rings 50c to $2.00.
Fancy Suspenders 50c to
Silk Mufflers $l'to $3.50.
Knitted Mufflers 50c to
Fur Gloves $2.50 up to
Bilk Hose 50c to $1.50.
A List of
Useful Things
From Which
to Select a
Man's Gift
When all la said and done
the one sensible, gift for a
man is eomething to wear,
indoors or out. This Hat la
submitted to guide those
whose minds are not fully
made up. It Is submitted by
the store that boasts of the
fact that It never sold an
unworthy article.
Dress Glove's $1.15 to $2.50
Collar and Handkerchief
Sets $2.50 to $3.00.
Toilet Sets $3.50 to $10.
Clothes Brushes $2 to $5.
Silk Ties 50c to $3.00.
Knitted Silk' Ties 50c to
Initial Handkerchiefs $1
to $1.50 per box.
Silk Handkerchiefs 50c to
Cambric Handkerchiefs
$1, $1.50 and $2 per box.
Tie Pins 50c to $3X0
Cuff Buttons 50c to $5.00.
Any man would appreciate one of our
swell suits or overcoats at $10.00 up.
W&&f? fWa 1 I (
receiving of gifts that
Our stocks are broad
Are doubled by the giving and
nrp useful as well as ornamental.
and satisfying filled with choice and exclusive gift
things, not to be found elsewhere.
OnoWIalf Price Sale on Sample Dolls, Games; Iron Toys,
' Wagons and Horses, Boats, Hooks, Etc.
With the exception of being slightly soiled, these dolls and toys
are all in first-class condition.
Mamma Dolls, 16 iuches long, reduced
Mahogany Writing Desk
Colonial design, scroll legs, dull
finish, conveniently arranged, 30
inches high. Price $24.00
12 10 Mamma Dolls. IS inches long,
to SI, 05
$2.25 Kestner Dolls, 22 inches long. . .1,10
$2.25 Kestner Dolls, 24 inches long... $1.10
$1.25 Kestner Dolls, 12 inches long... -G5
12 00 Bisque Dolls, natural hair and wink
ers 91.00
SOc Boy Dolls 25
$1.00 North Pole Games 50
46c Soldier and Sailor Games...; 20
26c Wild West Stamping outfit 10
Game of War
2&c lurn-uver uarae.
IRON TOYH 76c, 65c and 60c values.
and ladder, hose carts, trains, etc., all reduced
to 10
CillAYlTY TOYH Half Price. Rolling duck,
wild west broncho, autoa, engines and Pay
as You Enter Cars.
H5c Sets, consisting of 15 pieces 15
75c Sots, consisting of 23 pieces 40
u:ipr $1.G0 value .. 75
ivawi ri ...yh. f .
Folding Tea Table
(Like Cut)
Solid mahogany, inlaid lines, top,
when open, 26 inches wide by 22
inches long. Id 24 inches high, dull
finlHh. Priro $23.00
Dull mahogany,
round top 12 in.
In diameter
Price $5.00
colonial and va
rious designs in
1 oak and mahog
'. eny . .$3 to $21
Serving Tray
(Like Cut)
Solid mahogany with, neat Inlaid
design, 13 inches wide, 28 inches
long. Price . . '...$13.00
SKKYINt. TRAYS Solid mahogany
frume with glass top. Prices
$3.75. $1.75 "P, to $20.00
Tip Top Table
(I.Ike cuU)
Mmlo of Kolld mahoituny. Dull- flnttih.
Top h S liirhfi. lonit by IS incbek
wl(l when cloMod;- whoti opon top
U ;6 Inrha wUlo with rourin r,r-
nrs. Pr1i'
OUier pattema at.
, . . .asa.oo
.as to sso.
Fern Dish
' (Like' Cut)
Solid mahogany, round top
11 in. in diameter, stands
11 In. high. Top fitted
with brass pan.
Price $0.00
; Oedar Chests
Large line of attractive de
signs 1 made of genuine
Tennesseo Red Cedar.
Prices.'. $0 to $27
CKIMKS, $33.50 to $30
(Uke Cut)
Solid mahogany fitted wP.h
glass globes, base is 7tt in.
in diameter, stands 23 Inches
over all. Price per
Pair $16.00
Muffin ijtand
Llke Cut)
Solid mahogany, .three shelves,
dull finish. Satin wood, neatly
lind. Price $11.00
DIN.N'KR CALL Westminster
Tubular Chimes. Frame,
solid mahogany with solid
mahogany knocker
Price $25.00
Work Table.
Solid mahogany, colonial
base with drop leaf on each
side of top, two drawers.
Price $18.00
Washington design, solid
mahogany, dull finish.
Regular value, $30.00.
Special SI O.00
r'"iTi i iinnriiVi Ti
(Like Cut)
Wing ilexign. Solid mahog
any, upholstered in green or
brown panne velvet. Special
Price .-$28.75
Book Blocks
(Like Cut)
mahogany in neat ln
llnes. Blocks aro
weighted. Price . . . $12.00
ROOK BLOCKS in oak and
mahogany, variety of de
signs. .. $5.00 to $15.00
Soli il
Bridge Set
(Llko Cut)
Box made of solid mahogany
neatly inluld, 10 inches wide
by 12 inches long. Con
tains cards and score pad.
Price $10.00
I'OKKK BUT Box is 8 in.
wide by 12 ',4 in. long. Con
tains tray with set- of chips
and compartments with thrcu
decks of cards
Price $27.50
Tea Table nnd Tray
(Like Cut)
Solid mahogany, oval top 18
inches wide by 25 inches long,
dull finish. Price, 31G.00
Traveling Bags and
Suit Gases
ft U 9 VtifA
NTKAK PLANKH $0.50 $7 nd $7.50
CARYINO KKTM Largo assortment
at $1.50 to $15.00
Electric Reading Lamps
1 am V A a-aWl T.AWVfl It All II I I'll 1 IPKS.IIi.n, t . V . I..
56.50 to $75.00
In all the popular of domestic
and imported leathers, also walrus, seal
and alligator
Traveling Bags $5.00 $-15.00
Suit Cases $2.75 to $38.00
CHAFING DISHES A large assortment.
at $3.75 to $22.50
CA8SKHOLKH Round and oval
at $3.00 to $7.00
BASKETS 8ee our line of Krult Baskets,
Waste Baskets, Jardinieres and Vases.
Flower Baskets in the popular brown
shades, Japanese Bamboo.
PERCOLATORS New pretty designs.
Copper and nickel . .$0.00 to $14.00
FIVE O'CLOCK TEAS Nickel, copper
and brass. Some unique designs
at $2.75 to $13.50
ilectiio mcADiaia xaxpi-Heiiuiirui
with lieu'lml k'lubM or silk nlmUea. All hUch.
1'rlroH from .. ..
COFFEE SETS Swedish. Ejigllsh and
Krench ware. These make very accept
able gifts. Prices, $0.50 to $15.00
SMOKER SETS, Ash Trays, Humidors,
Tobacco Jara, Smokers' Stands,, hun
dreds of choice ones to select from, at
almost any price you want to pay
Prices 95 to $25.00
Wonderful collection of Florentine ware.
White glazed finish trimmed with
bronze. This ware is imported dlrct to
us, enabling us to sell U at i less than
regular price. Prices ranging
from, each .05 to $0.50
Trays In mahogany, cretonne and French
Print. Prices, each, $2.50 to $12.00
Your choice from hundreds of at
tractive vases, jardinieres, fern dishes,
candle shades, candlesticks, picture
frames, plates and many other choice
gifts, all at the special price of. . . .05
TABLa OOTE makfi useful gift. Our
aaaortmant of tapaatry and velvet covers will
Interest you baun they r new anil
choice. Prices from aa.00 to $11.60
Qrcliaird & Wilhelm arpet