T1IH OMAHA i;XIMV MX: VFaTMUKU 17. i:J ir Ti N8 CO Wholesale and Retail MLiiiLii-ra BIG PIONEERJTRM OF OMAHA Houie of Hilton Rcgtrt & Son Here One:HAlf Century. HAS KEPT PACE WITH THE CITY The House of Permanent and Practical Gifts liannif Hardwaw anil Karnare Ifoaa (oatlasea to Broadea Oat aad t:a large aoope of It Ia daatry a West. , , ... . . " I5v " v - ...... v., n.v. niH-uwi. uuill tll ifl ui Hit? UUJIJU UlUf K11CIJ.CH Will uo ueufiiieu uy uur able gifts; mantels, gas logs, stoves, form -exquisite and serviceable presents. AVe have a large stock of practical gifts, for people who wish to give gifts of permanent qualities MM Christmas is no longer simply it timn nt winch to give gifts that show personal regard or that express well wishes for friend or relative; it is now considered the timo for benefiting anyoim held in high vteem through the gift of some article that will serve the double purpose of expressing Christmas sentiment and of being useful. It i the time lor gifts that better the condition of the homo by adding to its equipment those articles that are needed to put the household into better shape for comfortable living, for instance a toft of some kitchen utensil will rjlea.se the' wif. TI: xrill trot hpffnr monHa fr ihA l-;il. r4i.' ..e n. i i n. i i a.-.. -n i. i . puj i... .i.J tiaty-t yeare ago. In on 01 the aatem etate. wMln truing about Ma buelneae. .Milton Rogcra twirfl the call of the wert. Tt u attractive and ap pealed in Ma amMtlun, for It realized that out br In the great vai'eys mid upon 1 Tic fertile, plalos there ir oppor tunity that it)ir localtllee rfTO iwt A few months later and In 10, thin young niao landed In Council Bluff , a. piece tliat at that time waa en (he frontier, cloee to Uve vestarn bor der of white aetUsmer.ta. Within a , ahort time the young maa fn.no thn eaet liad secured a small build' hiS and over the doer hum a stn bearing the worda . tliat have evv sUtos bv familiar up and down the Miaaourl rlvtf fur hundred a of roll and from eastern .Iowa to Oia mountain. Theae v-orda War: "Milton Itogcra. Haraaer." For five year Mil ton Roger devoted ail of hta energies to the business at hla . Uniincil Bluff a etore. building up an anof moua trade. People had , corn to knovl blm on aoeount of lUa untlrtug efforta, not onlr In behalf of Ma wo bualnaaa, tut hla ambition to help other, and a a reault. hla plao waa tb trad head quarter for all who aouffbt the olaaa of goods carried In hi line. Eatabllaaeil Ilrauuch Offlo Hera. ' About thla time Milton Roger cam to realise the potaibllltloe that were In atore for Omaha and, being tong-alghUd to a marked decree, la lies ha aatabUahrd a branch houa In Omaha, locating on Far. name, between Ninth and Tenth streets, wMcb, waa than the retail center at the trag;llng frontier town. Hera ha a old raa quantlttea of rood to th miner who ware flocking Into Colorado, and to th settlors who were beginning to flock to Nebraska, The buelneaa aoon aaaumad afiormou proportion, and It waa not long until It outgrew the location. Then Mll to Rogere moved to larger quartnra, tak ing a building on Farnam, between Elev. nth and Twelfth street. Tor a time thla largor building waa sufficient to meet the oamandg of the trade, but one more It became apparent that more room waa needed. Am a result, m 1883, he bought the corner at Fourteenth and Karnam treeta, where the Woodmen of the World skyscraper Is now being erected. Upon this ground Mr. Rogers flrit erected a large frame building, and subsequently a three-atory brick structure, which stood for forty-nln years, housing all that tJme what had ctxna to be known a the pioneer hardware tor of Omaha, I Bearam Jabbing; B !. "With th contruotlon of tb Utilou r clfto, Milton Roger branched out and omnienod - doing a Jobbing trad throughout Nebraaks, Iowa, Wyoming, Utah and .Montana, a trad tliat avar since has out only been retained, but lis been extended to territory much farther beyond. In 1S30 1ST. Rogers associated with him-' self two of his eons, Thomas J. Rogers r,d Warren M. Rogers, and th tyle of the houa became that of sUlton Rogor ' aV Son. i It wa not alone as ft commcrda.1 and Induatrlal plant Uiat the hou of Milton Rogers was known. It hal waa moat puUlo aplrttod and T.a on of th or iginal Incorporator of th company that gav Ocuil.a a water plant, than ownd and oontrollod wholly by Omaha cltlaena, and that marked tha development of th city froia ft front'.ar trading pot Int a metropolis. Heine Ilulld goata Osaaha. 'Milton Itogor waa ona of the foundnra of tha BoutU Omuha Iand company that put South Omaha on the map. lie waa also en of th group of inea who fonaod tb Union Stook Yard cuuipauyi of South Omaha and curled It through it etmg ' gle of the early (lavs until It bad made a market and brjuM n packing house after emoth'r and btcani th seoeiid packtng Mtilor In th United Btate. When Milton Rogers laid down th bur den of life. In UK. Ms sous lit th houa continued the bustiteai, Herbert M. Rog era becoming asaoclateU with Thomas J., and It haa eipandrd with the growth of the central weat. Two and a half yrara ago the demise of Thomas J. llugprsWarren Rogrs hav ing died six iconths previous left Her bert M. Kcirtrs the survivor of the family Identified with tho bust nra. lie la now amoi'latud with hla umie, Culoiiel Thomas Fwoba, and A. W. Hpuerrt, in the company. Air. ltugera b.:lng prealdnnt, Colonel Hwvbe vice prt-nldiuit and Mr. Spoerrt. who l.sa beea with the houae over a quarter century, th secretary. Tm llamea Xew. Two different buildiBR are uow oo eupled b th co:)iA.l.y. Al lO Harney treel tl; four Hoors ar the rvtoll store, formlcg a UjL'ht, attrallv ajid most mod ern palcarocni. Oeticral hardware, tools and outlary nuj t.: Id era' hardware ere kept on the Ilrat finer, lauge and rook atuvea In tl:. baoecier.t, l.ouae furnUh Inca and li!tt!ie:i titeii.iila on the second floor, and niantc!a. flretlicee, marble and tiles on the th'id floor. At Kui Harney atroet, five floors are uacd a the furnai'e sad wholesale de partment, with etocka of guixU, hotel kitchen i(uliiiif r.t. ar.d the shopa. theae takrng up tho flour 1 ioi (n abov the bane, uimt and tlw bisenuiH ltaelf. It go. a without Mtyiug, as it Im for more than half a century, that K a thing cumee from Milton Rogers t bona o . it 1 of the beat, character and quality both being put Into tha traaaactlou. One bit of cbaraiter of Milton Roger ft Bone company la shown through the fat-t that today thy are running a big ad four pages In The liee. r'ew flrnia In the weet have ever been sucueanful In ttstli-nn- co-operation for auclt a pujpoae. It takea a big concern of wide ei patience ftud high atandlng to complete an ad vf tbe Hportlon. Give Gifts of Durability and Usefulness Gifts tbat ran bo put lo practical nave a two-fold va!u. we have tlonn. THi;V 1VIM 111: 8LI u-Ucal uo and that will tnduro are most acceptable, for they not only carry the sentiuirnt that tho donor seeks to convey , hut i.hey also are practical, and therefore they ."lLTIHSW t;'rJli Xt Vkh CKXT SlSOOCNT reC'Plnt "d r'fleCt crwl,t upon lh cho,co of the donor' Hre B,e Just a few of our hundreds of Christmas eugcB- ..$1.20 $1.40 Electric Washing Machines $1 S0 S.-iBsor Sets $1.70 Manicure Sets bov feu gar f;poon . 1.(H) Gravy Ladle 80c $1.50 Berry Spoons ' '. $1.20 $4.(K) Set Knives mid Forks . .3.20 $if0 Set Knives and Forks . .$2.00 $1,115 Cliild's Set of Jvnife, Fork and Spoon S1.00 $2.25 Cnn'ing Set, 3 pieces . .$1.80 $3.00 Carving Set, 3 pieces . . .$2.40 $3.50 Poultry Shears $2.80 $5.00 Chafing Dish $4.00 $1.25 Chafing Dish Spoon or Fork $1 $(J.50 Coffee Machines $5.20 Goo 'Nickel Coffee Pot 52c $1.25 Crumb Tray and Scraper $1.00 50o Pepper Grinders' 40( $3.75 Casseroles, in stand . . . .$2.98 80e Tea Pot Stand ; . . (l ie $50.00 Electric Flat Irons, Toasters, Coffee Machines, Chafing Dishes I Pocket Knives 20 Off MILTON ROGERS ra SONS CO., 1515 Harney Street 40c Nickel Call Bell $3.50 Copper Smoker Sets . . . .$2.80 65c-AmIi Trays 52t; $3.50 Copper Smoker Stands . .$2.80 $3.00 Brass Jardinier, 10-in. . .$2.40 !)5e Brass Cuspidor 76c $8.50 Steak Plank, in handsome nickel ptand. at $0.80 $1.75 Trays, nickel or copper $1.40 $2.00 Nickel Alcohol Stove ..S1.G0 25c to $5.0u The Wear That Lasts a Generation 4tWaer-Ever,f Aluminum Cooking Utensils Try this Test Plact m aluminum utensil, tmpfy, over afira and when utensil has become heated throughout, throu) Into tt a pmt of ice Water. YouvillinJlheuteniilunoff'ecteJ. . mm You can cook the most easily scorched food in "Wear-Ever" aluminnm utensils with less fear of burning than in any other kind, because aluminum is a better distributor of heat and retains it longer. "Wear-Ever" utensils are made from THICK, hard sheet aluminum, 99 per cent pure, without ill Jrklrfe cofmc nr cr Ac.rar jii juillij) obuuta w l uviuviwu parts. No coating to peel, crack or blister. Cannot rust, cannot form TJiht'a oue reason why "Weax-Ever" ware lasts a poisonous COmp OUndS generation. And there are other reasons, with fruit acids or foods, VEAR-EVER "Wear-Ever" utensils are light to handle and easy to clean. Wo npv. cany a large, a very largo line of cooking utensils, having every article yihlK) 18 mKUt "i i Kiwiien. we nave the brands tnat we can guar- uiiicf. uur cooKing.mensus, iue v ear-river" last lor a generation, when they are projerly cared for and not subjected to more than the We invite a visit to our kitchen utensil department, ordinary hard usage of tho kitchen. We invite a visit to our kitchen utensil department. ' ALUMINUri TRADE MARK What You Want is Here MILTON ROGERS & SONS CO. 1515 Harney Street A Sensible Gift For That Man 1 lmniiu A Keen Kutter tool cabinet will delight the man who receives it on Christ mas morning. ;The very looks of the tools will tell him in an instant that he has a quality gift which will last him for many a year and do fine work. He can make unique designs and useful furniture for his home. Keen Kutter tool cabinets are made for men who like good tools and good order in keeping them. Keen Kutter tools are "better" tools, with the correct hang, balance and. adjustment. Tho steel is of the best quality, tempered automatically. That makes it uniform and of just tho right hardness-. The- handles are the finest close-grained, seasoned wood, the best of its kind for the purpose. We have an excellent line of Keen Kutter shears, tool chests, safety razors and scissor sets. They all are ideal Christmas gifts and will make the "recipient smile with joy. Give the boy a pair of Keen Kutter Skates, and you have made him happy for months. Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 1515 Harney Street O-Cedar Polish Mop & Floor Polish COi WORKERS FOR CLEAN FLOORS The O-Odar r-ollah mop permit the pollah to be appllnfl with eaee. Tha houaewlfe cau oil mid nullah a floor In a few minute through using the O Cedar luup. No stooping, no hard shoving. O-Codar Polish oe on easy and drills Into all crack. It is th pollh that lasts slvlns; the fl.vor an attractive appearance. It preventa dust from rlalng and make the room sanitary. O-Codsr Goods always (rive satisfaction. MILTON ROGERS & SONS CO., 1515 Harney St. m Walker's Quick and Easy Corkscrews and Ice Picks The Ice ph-k are forced tool steel, oil tempered. They ar mounted in hard wood, polished handles They are tested and do jiot bend at the point or in tho body. Icemen find then.' the best. Walkers' Helf-pullintf cork screwu are made of hlg-h crado spci-iul steel. They are carefully tempered and highly finished. The handles fit tightly and are securely tastened Into tho shank of the screw They will not pull apart. Milton Rogers & Sons Co. 7 1515 Harney Street I S3 5TT- Gold 'Refrigerator Facts The Sanitary "Peerless" Refrigerators represent all the Ml il excellence that has been attained in the manufacture of fMm refrijierators, v Thev stand on the merit of their construction and service. una me nome mat nas a reeness nas tne oesc tnat tnat can oe oorainea. "Peerless" white enamel is not paint or paste, it is a pure mineral and is applied to galvan- ized steel in several coats and baked at varying degrees of temperature for each coating, thus producing a glossed surface which is absolutely odorless and thoroughly sanitary. The'Peerless" sanitary syphon is so constructed that it prevents outside air and odors from entering the refrigerator. The "Peerless", ice racks are made of galvan ized steel.' They are strong and durable. Here are other features of "Peerless" excellence Glass face indicator, sani tary cloansablc flue walls, sanitary removable drain pipe, tsanitary tinned shelves in euumeled lined, galvanized steel lining in entire ice chamber, solid ice corners, swing baso that admits of a large drip pan, self-retaining ball bearing castors, genuine bronze locks and hinges, selected hardwood, thoroughly dry-kilned lum ber in outside case. Golden oak finish, sanitary, odorless, Peerless white enamel. We show a large assortment of refrigerators at all pricesi. "We have the re frigerator that you want and at the price you are able to pay. Milton Rogers .Sons Co., 1515 Harney Street M OM ROGERS QMS CO, 1515 Harney St. Q2l n