Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 23

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and Retail
rj, cl3ady growth for Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
ba: ? upon which the guarantee of the Miltoa Kogera & Sons
Ool rests. They are the principles that measure any good store.
VV 2ut Milton Rogers & Sons Co. can only keep growing by
y if j a better and different store each year. It must keep step
with the progress of the business world. During 1912 Milton
Rogers & Sons Co. will grow day by day, making this a better
and a greater store for the people of Omaha a store where
Omaha and the West may get better and more worthy merchan
dise as rapidly as better and more worthy merchandise is made.
Wholesale Furnaces, Registers and Fittings
Our immense stock includes warm air furnaces, registers, wall pipes, elbows
and fittings, asbestos paper, cement, black and galvanized sheet iron, positively every thing
the furnace man needs. Our big stock also contains coal dealers supplies, consisting of scoops,
chutes, baskets, wheel barrows, etc. AH are standard goods at lowest prices consistent with fair profit
I !
he Rogers Warai Air Furnace
I 'ilfli
f- iltifpilp'
f 1 1 'iwwMBi4miiiitti fry1?"' " j
More sold in Omaha than of any other make
Made with one piece cast iron radiator, the feature that makes the Rogers the ideal furnace
One coil openings for heating water Sectional fire pot divided at center to prevent cracking Extra deep fire pit
provided with extra large ash panDust dumper that prevents dust from escaping into the cellar Hexagonal
grate, the grate which produces an evenly ignited body of coals and gives off even heat Steel casing rings.
The Rogers Is not an expensive furnace, but It Is a substantial and economical furnace. It consumes only the
fuel that Is necessary to heat the house. Its price Is within reach of all and today It Is more popular than ever
A postal will bring you detailed information about the Rogers
Milton Rogers Sons Co.
1515 Harney Street
home that has a Magee furnace
i the home that is comfortably heated
The Magee is placed in the best resi
dences in every city because it gives n
satisfaction that can be given only by a
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m. s.. 1,1 UA I
A wrought-iron furnace is one In
which the radiating surface is composed
)f wrought .iron. This metal differs
from cast iron in the firmness and densi
ty of its texture. It is refined metal,
rolled and compressed until it becomes
a uniform and compact mass, free from
pores and defects of any nature and
equally adapted to. furnace or steam
boiler work. The highest authorities
among English and American chemists
and engineers have repeatedly declared
in favor' of wrought-iron surface for fur-
wrought-iron furnace manufactured by
the Magee Furnace Company of Boston
is practically indestructible.
The accompanying illustration shows the improved Magee warm air and hot
Water combination heater, by which both hot air and hot water may be had in the heat
ing of the home.
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
1515 Harney Street
5 ' - V. .
naces, ac compared with cast iron
r..-: i i ,-
No firm is in a
better position to
supply you with
galvanized sheets
and black open
hearth steel than
is this company. We
carry a large stock of
sheet metals in all
standard sizes ' and
weights. No one offers
better sheet metals at such reason
able prices. No matter what your
requirements are, let us figure with
you. Prompt attention and courtesy
is part of our service.
Milton Rogers
& Sons Co.
1515 Harney Street.
Grecian Intake
4 r t
Horizontal Imperial
f rrrrrrrrrrr
THE best' architects and engineers always spe
rifv thnt rprfistfrs nfe to he Tuttle & Railev
make or equalso these registers are "The Standard 'of Comparison."
The "T. & B," registers are made in cast iron, semi-steel and all-steel
but Milton Rogers & Sons Co. recommends the purchase of the cast iron
registers, for these will last a lifetime, giving the greatest good service of
any register made. The Defiance, a register shown in an accompanying
illustration, is made of cast iron and has a new
aiMignt fastener. You should have the Defi
ance in your home.
A11"T. &B." goods aro'
manufactured under ex-
can get this quality no- Miw$w5Sj
I .. i. j 'TN A'Va'
wnt'io uui uurv, uuu wo
recommend that you visit
our store and get prices.
Every new home should ft
Comparison", floor
rrrrwwrr w-aii registers.
Indian Lattice Design
if f rrf f t rrt 1 1
if f rrf f f rrf f i
iff rrrr-rr i
"1 i': ' f " '
The Defiance
The registers that last
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
1515 Harney Street
The Majestic meets every requirement
: .. - 4 - - - . , , ' j ..-:.
-v t ' .l , " ! 1
i ' '" 1 J
T.r . . - .rnT-'
No fuel chuto
has yet been made
that can equal the
Majestic for thor
ough effciency and
practicability. Jt is
designed to bo
placed in the cellar
wall the same as a
window, for de
positing coal, wood
or vegetables into
the cellar. '
No modern build-
1 X.
f f
1,. .1
howtnr Xoor C1m4 a&4 Zk4
Bhawlnr Door Antamtleally lookad
Opa ProtcUng Bidlur.
ing is now complete without a beating system that requires the storage of fuel in the basemeut and an
le building is also so'iled above the window,
1 The body of the chute is made of heavy steel and the door and frame of the best quality of grey
I'ltl iruu. All yarim bio muruutui; ainicu. uv uuyi'cr u ug iriuuiiu ji utwrea. nuttu lum UUUr
closes the hopper swings back into the body of the chute and allows the door to close flush with the wall.
Stop Overfeeding Your Heater
You Waste About One-Third of Your Coal by Over-feeding Your Heater
You Should Install
The JEWELL saves you fuel by regulating your heater to use it more
economically more scientificately. It automatically opens the drafts when the house is too cold
closes them when it is too warm. The clock attachment enables you to have a cool house
over night yet warm at rising time.
f Every JEWELL is guaranteed mechanicalfy perfect for twenty-five years and can be applied
HM t0 any SV8tem heating. .
installed on 30 Days tree Trial
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
1515 Harney Street
1515 Harney Street