Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 19

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    Tllfi OMAITA SUNDAY HEE: DEmrRETC 17, 1011.
Women Are
Doing in the World
vLUB meeting ar shored Int
f"" th background at this tint
- I by holiday Interests. Th art,
part men ts of th Omaha
Woman'a club whloh would meet UiJs week will not asseni
M until after tha New Tear. Many of
the atudy clube, temperance unions and
auffraf society have disbanded until
iter the Christmas holiday.
Mrt. P. A. ColMne will review Vr.
Thomson's macaatn article. "IJfe,
Death and Immortality," at the meeting
tt the philosophy , department of the
Woman'! club Tuesday at 4 p. m. Mrs.
Mary B. Newton, leader of -the depart
ment, who has been abroad for some
time. Is now In Philadelphia and will
he In Omaha the first of the year, when
she will resume work In her department.
wfriMi win than begin the study of
Alfred Russell Wallace's "The World of
Mrs. George Bonner ' will describe a
Christmas dinner at the White House 100
years ago at tha meeting of the current
topics department of tha Woman's olub
Tuesday afternoon at :30 o'clock. Mrs.
J. C. Hammond will ten a story of south
ern life. The members will 1 respond to
the roll call with current events. The first
half-hour of the meeting will be given
to parliamentary practlo. Mrs.. EL B. Towl
will lead the class In a study of "Or-ganUatlons."
Edgar Allen Poe will be the subject of
study at tha 'meeting of. the Benson
"Woman's club Thursday alUrnoon at the
home of Mrs. William Zimmerman. Mrs.
Ada SUger will lead the lesson. -Mrs.
Zimmerman will read a ' paper' on "Tha
Ufe and Character of Poe." - The club
will discuss Pos as a short story writer,
giving especial attention to his "UolU
ug," and "The Fall of Athe Home of
Vsher," and 'will discuss Pea as a poet
The members of the Woman's olub. of
the Railway Mail Service will respond
to the roll call at their meeting Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Curtis
Cook, with original eaytngs of children
Mrs. J. B. Good will b leader of the day,
. and a miscellaneous program , will be
Tha Culture club of Geneva has Joined
the Nebraska Federation of Woman's
clubs. There are 1U0 federated clubs In the
Mrs. Harry I Keefe of Walthlil, Neb.,
will attend the meeting of the board of
directors of the General Federation , of
Woman's Clubs In St. Louis the second
week of January, at which the program
tor the biennial next - summer la Beui
Francisco will be planned.
Mr. T. J. Gist, president of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's Clubs, Is
planning to issue the state federation
bulletins this week. ;
Mrs. W El Chafer, president of the
Omaha Woman Suffrage association, has
heard that Rev, Anna Howard Shaw,
president of the national suffrage forces,
Is planning to come west on a speaking
tour and will Invite her to speak In
Omaha If this be correct. j
The newly elected officers of the
Woman's Relief corps of the U. 8. Grant
' corps will begin their duties at Tuesday's
meeting at i: p. m. In Barlght' hall.
The new officers of the coining year are
Mrs. Beulah Davis, president; Mrs. C. 1
Morse, senior vice president; Mrs. Anna
Barnell, Junior vice president; Mrs. Annie
Sayre, treasurer; Mrs. B. F. Diffenbacher,
chairman; Mrs. Gerrett Guild, conductor;
Mr. EI EM wards, guard. The president
( will choose her secretaries. Mrs. F. K.
Tichnor and Mr. J. F. Wagner were
chosen delegates to the state convention
next fall and Mrs. Gerrett Guild and Mrs.
Mattlo Davis were named as alternates.
The West Bide Woman's Christian
Temperance union will cut out Its regular
meeting this week and will spend Its
time at the city mission sewing on clothes
for 100 dolls to be given some of Miss
Magee'a little girls for Christmas.
This year according to their established
holiday custom, the members of the
Visiting Nurse association will remember
each of their patients with something
extra. In the way of food and clothing
or some little luxury to make life brighter
on Christmas day.
Tha Bouth Omaha Century Literary
club will hold a business meeting In the
Public Library.
Prof. Paul A. Orummann of the Uni
versity of Nebraska will lecture on "Tule
and Christmas," at the Young Women's
Christian association Monday at 4 p. m.
He will also interpret Wagner's "Parsifal."
Boys Outnumber
Girl Graduates
For once in- the ' history of the hljrh
school the boys will outnumber the girls
In the list graduating, for out of the sev
enteen members of the class of 1S11-1912.
which will be given their "sheepskins" at
the commencement exercises the last
week In January, nine are boys against
eight of the gentler sex.
The boys who will graduate Include the
following; Lynn Backett, Carl Hansen,
Victor Galbraith, Arthur Rublnson, Boise
Turk, Morse Olunder, Joseph Rosenberg,
Arthur Podolak and Louis KowaleskL The
rtrls are Ethel Padmore, Grace Huntley,
Minnie Malchten, Gladys Ellis, Luis
Corey, Elma Pearson, Irene Cotner and
Marlon Marowlts.
Tba only entertainment which will be
given under the auspices of the class will
be the HljU (School Glee club concert,
which will be given at the First Chris
tian church Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 27. The Glee club lias beeu rehears
ing for this concert for ths last month.
The commencement exercises will be
held the last week In January, probably
at the Brandels theater. (Superintendent
Graff has not secured a speaker for the
occasion, but expects to have some local.
man di'iiver the address.
Moat Food Is Polsoa
to the dyspeptic Electric Bitters soon re
lieve dyspasia, liver and kidney com
plaints and debility. Pries fcm. For sale
by Beatou Drug Co.
Eoyi Nei-jhbor of America Hold
Interesting- Meeting. j
Eleetloaa Are Held by Woedmea
Ctrcle, Royal Aresassi, Kalghta
of Colmsaba aad Trtoe
of Deal Har.
The union meeting held by the Royal
Nleghbors of America camps of Omaha
and vicinity wss a very suc
cessful one. The supreme officers pres
ent were Mrs. Mra 11. Knrijtht. supreme
oracle, Kansas City, Kan.; past supreme
oracle, Mrs. E. D. Watl; Mrs. Elisabeth
Gronlnger, national lecturer. Ht. Joseph.
Mo. Stat officers present were Mrs
Vile K. Stevenson, stato aupcrvlsot.
Broken Bow; state oraclo. Mrs. Kirk
Patrick, Kearney; Mrs. Sarah Cain Glf
ford, supervisor of Omaha. Fplcndld ad
dresses were made.
Indreadrnt Order of Odd Fallows.
Omaha lodge No. I will have four can
dldatss for the third degree next Frlda)
Hesperian encampment No. 2 will have
a large class of .candidates for the Pat
riarchal degre tw-xt Thursday evening.
Bouth Omaha lodge No. 1 will put on
the second degree work tomorrow night.
An electiio sign has been installed on
the southeast corner of the Odd Fellows'
Dannebrog lodge No. S1G will have work
In th third degree next Friday night.
The building committee of Dannebrog
lodge No. tie la busy preparing plans for
the new hall to be erected at Twenty
fourth and Leavenworth streets.
O. Btriffler, who was so painfully hurt
a couple of weeks ago. is still confined
to his home, but expects to a-f inw (
Odd Fellows' hall some time this week.
Knla-hta of Colombo. Elect.
At the rerular meetinar of Omaha
Council Knights of Columbus the follow
ing officers were elected for 112: Qrand
knight. W. A. Shall: deDUtv arand knla-hf
John Bennewiu; chancellor, Robert Bush
man; advocate, W. C. Frasher; trustee.
C. B. Due-dale; financial secretary, Ed
ward F. Waters: recording seorRtaxv.
A. L. Tamlslea; warden, J. J. Cobrey;
assistant warden, B. L. King; inside
guard, John N. Komnwll: outxlri o.i.rH.
James C. Blair; trustee, diaries M. Car
Th retiring grand knight. J. H.
Schmidt, appointed th following com
mittee to entertain . tlin nrnhana . ci
James' orphanage: T. P. Redmond, John
unern. J. M. Hogan, W. Lemon, M. J.
Conbay, John Ortnsby.
Alpha Drove Electa.
Alpha grove No. 8. Woodmen Ctrcl.
ha elected the following officers:
Guardian, B. L. McKelvy; past guardian,
Mrs. JO. h Motcalf : advisor. Mrs. Mlrni
Welleri clerk, Mary B. Parkinson; banker,
Mrs. M. R. Doherty; chaplain, Mrs. Celia
raiensky: attendant. Mrs. Nanni Burks:
physicians, Dr. XL C. Abbott and John
H. Simpson; inner senttnoi, Mrs. Mary
meat; outer sentinel. Mr. Herlln: nun.
ager. Mrs. Anna Klrtlang, Mrs. Mar
garet Season, Mrs. Mary Flshart mum.
clan. Miss' Maude Da vies; degre team
captain, Mr. Emma Eden.
New Of fleer Chosen.
Pioneer osuncll No. lis. nova Ar
canum, ha elected the fallowing officers
tor ine year 1912: ReDreeentatlva .
grand council, C. G. McDonald; alternate,
J. P. Connolly; sitting past reeent. W. A
Foster; regent, J. T. Duggan; vice regent,
A. McDermett; orator. B. F. Kinder!
secretary, C. Hertzog; collector, H. C.
campion; treasurer. E. A.'
chaplain, A. Specht; guide. A. T. Nelson;
warden. E. L,. Brndlev: sentrv J it
Traynor; trustee three years. T. W. Javl
cox, jr.
Ben Har Has Kfew Officers.
Omaha court No. 110. Tribe of Hon Hi.r
has elected the following officers: W. J.
iayior, cnier; Nina C. n..
chief; Helen Campbell. Judge; Anna Pahl,
teacher; J. T. Barret, scribe; F. A. Mai.
new, keeper of tribute: Klnren vr.
Arthur, captain; Mae Ashley, guide; Gen
nev Hempen, keener of lnnr .ot-. ,..
A. White, keeper of outer gate; Mrs. E
ax. ioer, musician. This court will en
trtaln aupreme officers from Crawfords
vtlle on January 6.
noyal Achates. i I
Union lodge. No. 110. RovaJ Ahat.. u.
elected the following officers for the flis
half of the next year: President, H, C.
Dunn; vice president, Q. W. Smart-
secretary, C. F. Sllngerland; chaplain
Mary Blesendorfer; treasurer, Ida R. WII
on: marshal, Ida L. Wilson, guard,
Mary Walsh; musician. Ruth Bleeendor
fer; trustees, Alice L. Sllngerland. K.nJ
Champemol and M. J. Lawless. I
Vrirnal t alon t America. ,
Th Christmas danrtn nartv
Mondamln lodge No. in will give Mon
day evening at Frenser hall, Twenty.
iourth and Parker streets, promises to
be the event of the season. The hall will i
nav a restive appearance and the com
mittee in charge advises that "SanU"
promised to remember all thoae who ,..
good during the year.
r"'..l.- "'.
j ' (
lived jrom Aewton, Mass., where they
, attend Mount Ida emliary. and will
spend the holiday with their pareota.
,Vir. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fry.
Mrs. Henry W. Yate u rxr.cfinc n,r
daughter, Mr. Edward Smith of Kansas
t Ity, Monday to spend two or thre daya.
Mrs. Smith will leave December witb
a lariy of friends for Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank CoJpetser, Mia.
Pubols and Mr. and Mrs. Mosher Col.
pctzer will leave Friday to spvnd the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Many WII
kins at Highland Park. Chicago.
Dr. Valentin Grant MeUlillcuddy of
San Francisco will Join Mrs. McGlllicuddy
December t! and together they will spend
the Christmas holidays In Omaha a th
guest of Mr. Arthur D. Ptowltts.
Miss Lynn Curtis will remain In New
Tork with her sister, Mrs. Dlmon Bird,
through the holidays and then Join her
parents, Ctilonol and Mrs. Curtis, tn Nw
Orleafls, where they expect to go about
January 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wllhelm will spend
Christmas In Chicago with Mrs. Wll
helm s parents. Mr. and Mm. R A. Cud
ahy. fpon their rnturn they will be ac
companied by Miss Florence and Miss
Alice Cudahy. who will participate In the
niany affairs for the school set.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brogan will take
the house of Mrs. K. V. Irwls about th
middle of January or first of February
and will occupy It until their, new home
on Forty-first and Davenport streets Is
built. Mrs. Lewis will leave Monday to
spend the holidays In Fort Wayne, Ind.,
with her eon, Mr. Arthur Lewis, and Mrs.
tewlR. From there she will go to New
Tork to visit Mrs. C, II. George, formerly
Miss May Naudain of Omaha.
Miss Carolyn Harding, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Harding, who I study
ing In farts, will spend Christmas at the
gay French capital with Dr. and Mrs.
Roger Throop Vaughan, who are on
their wedding trip. Mrs. Vaughan was
Ml Louie Lord. Mis Harding Is
studying th French langtag and Instru
mental music and Is living at a pension
on th Avenue Nlel with Ml Margaret
Kstman, a schoolmate at Vaasar. Upon
th return of Harold Bauer, who I now
concertlatng In th United State. Mis
Harding will begin atudy with him and
will live at th sam pension with Mr.
and Mr a, Bauer.
This Young Student
is Up Against It
Superintendent K. V. Graff Is wrestling
with a problem which may ultimately re
quire the combined efforts of th high
school faculty to solve. The 400 boys In
the school have pledged themselves to a
reformation honceforth the vile and nox
ious weed Is not to be consumed on the
school grounds nor within a radius of
two blocks of tli school, or by any cadet
in uniform. This is unanimous. Now
comes the rub. A strapping young fel
low unfolded his predicament to Principal
Kale Mcliugh. It was too much fer her
and she has passed It to the superinten
dent. After all the others had romped
home this youngster, who enjoys a quiet
smoke, came to the principal wltb a se
rious look. "What am I going to do,
now," he questioned, "you see, I am
pledged not to smoke within a radius of
two blocks of the school, and I live
within one block- of the High School
Fire Protection
to Be Demanded
Edward T. Morris, assistant state In
spector of theater and lodging houses,
will notify twenty Oman residents) Mon
day morning that they are not complying
with the statute governing the. Installation
of (Ire escapes. After a lapse of ten
days, If the) notified bare not begun to
build outside escapee or construct auto
matic escapes, Loul V. Guy, state In
spector, will be furnished the names and
will" start proceedings against them at
"Wo do not intend to fore flat dwell
ers to erect unsightly stairway on their
buildings," said Mr. Morris, "but we
want some method of escape in cas of
fire. Automatic fire escapes may ba
used In lodging- houes and flats where
there are no long hallways, which In
creases the danger in the event of a
fire." .
(Continues from Page Two.)
her sister, Mrs. William Maurice Gun
lock, and Mr. Gunlock, arrived heme
Friday. ,
Mrs. Arthur D. Stowltts, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Marguerite Sto
wltts, will leave January 1 fer a trip to
Washington and New Tork. They will
be gone about two months.
Misses Alice and Daisy Fry have ar-
WywaWV ...rLn ryjy M ..V .1 . ,irjj , rfo m nrjwQ
ifts for Jomen
Hand Bags
Silk Velvet and Novelty Hand Bags up from &2.00
Handsome Leather Bags, made of Imported seal leather, up
German Bllver Mesh Bag; very special -at ffl.fio, 93.00, go. 50,
m 92.50
New French Collar, Jabots, Bide Effects, Revere, Frills, Cas.
" cadee and Hows.
Nrrkwemr, Coat Sets Clde effect and revere frills, new effects,
combining batiste and handkerchief linen with Irish, oluny
and rat laces and hand embroidery 50 to 910.00
Hand embroidered one corner effects, from... 254 to 93.00
Real Armenian Lace Edge Handkerchiefs In many new pat
terns, from 35 to 93.00
Ladles' anj Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, hand embroidered 'let
ters jrlth wrtn 15s 25 35 ma 50
l-clasp pique gloves, white, black and tan..81.7K and 1 KQ
l-bntton Real Kid Gloves .$350
These are all Union Taffeta Silk, with the best frame and rod,
beautiful handle effects, positively worth $3.60:
choice . . i. 91.75
Special Low Prices AH Christmas week on Silk Hosiery,
Handsome Kimonos, Dainty Fancy Aprons and all kinds of
Christmas Novelties.
317 South 16th Street
Christmas Gifts of
Artistic Merit
0lrtsnt Wdalaur Seek
slayer la Faaoy Be Ohrtstma JPolaore
Corresyoadenoo Card Brass Bk Sat
Address Books Zawimiry Usts
Portfolio Card Cases
Writing; Seeks
Xtr Oaac
Lawyer's rortfeUs
Memorandum Book
Waterman's, Moore's
: and Swan :
Fountain Pens
The Moyer Stationery Co.
OMAnA, NErt.
Clarence Boruds, colored, of the High
land school of South Omaha declared
before tha Juvenile court when brought
there on a charge of "carving a play.
mate" that Ills wrong consisted In re.
fusing to fight until battle was forced
upon him.
"I'm a pretty decent guy," said th
little fellow, "and I know I'nj not all
wrong. When I went to school the
white beys wanted me to fight for
them, but I told thorn I vu trying to
be decent and wouldn't fight When
they caught me alone colored boy nd
white beat me. Two of them were after
me, one with a brick and the other with
a knife, when I done stuck tills other
with the knife.
"No, I'm not a wise guy," continued
the colored lud, "and I'm honest They
cent me to (he Detention home onVe be
cause I tried to be decent end the boys
wouldn t let me. I went alone onrt I
had never been there, either. Tli other
boy a told me that if I had been a wise
guy I would have run away." '
The Judge continued the case until
rext Baturday, when the playmates of
poruds will b brought into court and
asked tt give their aide of the cas. The
colored lad displayed a reasoning fac
ulty that confounded his que.tloner ai
time and led them to decide on . a
further Investigation of 1-U rase.
The Gift for Remembrance
rcrslstent Advertising 11 th Road to
pig Returns. ' ...
TDECAUSE of its beauty
and usefulness, an ar
tistic Electric Lamp re
ceived as a gift becomes a
treasured heirloom. Its
enduring qualities with
stand the ordinary usage
of generations. Our stock
of Christmas Lamps have
been most carefully select
ed this year, and never be
fore have we had such a
beautiful display of useful
Electric Lamps. Make
your choice early and 'we
will deliver on Christmas
day. Prices from $5 to $85.
Other Christmas Suggestions:
Electric Coffee Percolator 13.00
American Beauty Iron $5.00
Eleetrio Toasters $3.50 to $7.50
Electric Chafing Dish $12 to $14.50
Electric Warming Pads for the sick room,
now at $6.50
Electric Washing Machine $00.00
Also eold on payments.
Electric Curling Iron $3.50
Electric Vacuum Cleaner, Santo ... $125.00
Also sold on payments.
.Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits:
8 lights $5.00
1G lights 7.50
24 lights $10.00
Many Other Useful Electric Christmas Suggestions.
Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard Street
The Christmas gift
supreme among
material things
Whoever gives diamonds gives that
which increases in value and beauty with
years. Among the diamonds in the Ed
holm store arc pieces that are unsurpassed,
for beauty and design in the west. Each,
is unique in some respect in character of
the jewels, in the mounting or in the de
sign. They are pure, white and blue stones,
with a lustre that scintillates under the
rays of daylight, and cast their beauty
modestly and attractively to the delight of
their owners.
Our Christmas gift suggestions in
clude diamond necklaces, diamond and
platinum brooches, diamond and platinum
pendants, diamond rings, diamond la val
lieres, and many other articles with in
dividual diamonds and with diamonds in
beautiful combinations with other precious
v. . . .
Don't Merely Boy Invest
Albert Edholm
Sixteenth and Harney
OST-High Grade Firs
Corner SOth and Famara.
Telephone) Doujclaa 80-tO.
iifc Bakers
ill. mHmfm
"i sr.
tfu, -r, : i"- fisrt
Mil Mr-iMs
'1, )k , l'i'f'W.W
"Daddy, get me a Baker. It 'a a beauty runs
as still as a mouse. For Christmas, Daddy.'.
The car that brought them all to shaft drive.
Omaha Distributers. 2218-22 Parnam St.
Manufacturers Cleveland, Ohio.
Is the Leading Agricultural Journal of tli west. Its column are
filled with tha Lest thought ot tba day in matter pertalnlnj to
tbo farm, Ike ranch aud th orchard, and It It a factor In tat
dtloiiuunt ot tba grant waattra country. ,