Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 18

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Will Spend Christmas in Paris
4 -
318-320 South 16th. St.'
Greatest Fur Sale Omaha Has Ever Known
yVolnborg, McCortio (k Drandcio, 30-32 West 15th St, N.Y. City
Entire Stock of Fur Goats, Separate Huffs, Scarfs and Pelts
i!lS. C.'HOT.YN
Society Preparei to Entertain tlie
College Organization! Here.
111: Srboel Feot Bait taad B
llaaar ti Bests mt lrgw Daau-
; in Pirtr llidtiti Ham
f, fi: the Ueiidar.
J Social Calendar.
MONDAT-Mr, ru! Mrs. A. O. Edwards.
dinner lor MacAilaslcr-kdwards wed
ding psrty.
TL'k.DAIf-Weddlitg of Miss Rernlre Ed
t warua and Mr, burner MacAllater at
tunricailiinm chuiehj wedding
C Mini Hun Hen Dewetse and Mr.
Hoes Towle at Canon City, Colo.; Mra.
John C. Cowln, tea for Mra. Win Cowln;
Mr. Lutnor Drake, dinner at Omaha
lab. ; ,;
VM-NKBDAYMr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Byrne, o'clock coilee lor Miss Esther
' Hvrrte. .
TH ITittDAT Mr. nd- Mr. Oenrgs W.
Huldrrae, dunce' at k Country ciub for
Mine l.ete HuldrrKti and Miss Mary
Rmgaelt; Mra. Walter 8. MoCormlrk,
tus. for Mm. O. W. Megcalh;
of 'Mies Ksber Dow and Mr. Russell
"her: Mra A. W. Hunt,' itmtbeon fur
Mra. K. J Hunt and Mm. F. J. hackett
1 Mra. Ferdinand AUIer, afternoon bridge
at the Rome hotel; Oif Mtiht club, bun-
t''"t at I'mverslty club.
FR1 UAY Butra:rlitlun dunce at t'nlver-
any chili;. hip at Fort Crook; Omaha
Htsti ' school, senior prom.
8A1 Timia Yrelta Kappa, Phi sorority.
evening party at Urownell Hal).
Slnca tha young men ot the Harvard
"Glea, Mandolin ana Bunjo clubs will ar
1 riva from Kanuas City tha morning of
December JO. the afternoon ta planned
by Mra. Arthur Crittenden Smith haa been
definitely decided upon. It probably will
be held between tha hour of 8:36 and 8
a the Harvard men are to be dined at
the Omaha, club at o'clock. Amoug Ahe
assisting young women will be the sea
son's debutantes. -There
are not enough boxes to go
r- 25 Discount
If W Xmas Week
; went marked
I I f f j A' ires di-
f J i ouut it your- I
J I J v tlf' A le8itU
J I fi; c uate sale I
1 1 f v. -i finoked by A
f ' ' labaugh's J
V I ! i s guarantee.
S 1 A 1 Gentlemen I will I
U' help you select her j
I VV.tlv ' Xmas furs 6ub- I
ii . lr jct to exchange if i
1 l ki ' A n Ut W V
i i;4Yll lady wishes. I
; lAulateughi
J 1613 Faraam St. f
around among the local . alumni of tb
different colleges at the Qlee club eon
cert at the Boyd Saturday evening. De
cember 80, but It haa been decided that
the three upper boxea on onestde will be
occupied by the Nebraska men and those
opposite by Michigan. Mr. Arthur Kee-
llne le making arrangements for the
dance at the Rome to follow the concert
and says that there will be a program ot
ten number with four or five ex t rat.
Among the notable In the Qlee olub Is
J. DeJ. Harvard, a direct deaoendent of
the brother of John Harvard, founder of
Harvard college. He Uvea In the Yard
and haa the aame room In Weld hall that
Mr. Arthur Crittenden Bmlth had white at
Harvard. Among the prominent Nebraska
alumni of Harvard who will be present
at the concert are Dean Bessey and Prof.
J. F. Frye. heads ot the botany and lit
erature departments at the L'nlveralty of
Nebraska. There are seventy-five wen
In the Nebraska Harvard club, which has
been organtxed twenty-six yeara. . I
The Oberlln Qlae club will be here Jan'
uary 4 and will be entertained at the
University club preceding the concert m
the evening at the Drat Congregational
church. : ;
For O. II. Foot Rail Saoad.
The Triangle club of the Omaha,
school gave an enjoyable dancing party
for the member of the 1M1 foot ball
quad at the Normandle apartments Fri
day evening, about twenty-five courloa
bvlng present.-
This was tho first aociaf affair given
In honor or thin year's gridiron warriors
and was a pronounced success. The ball
waa elaborately decorated la green and
white, the club colors, and numerous at
tractive school pennants. Refreshments
were served during the evening. Green
and white leather programs Jn the shape
of a miniature foot ball were attrib
uted to the jruesl as souvenirs of the
The Triangle club Is made tip o,f sev
eral girl and already has taken a promt-
i- .
r p. v n
3 iw- ml
mm .mi
nent place among the other clubs and so
cieties of the school. Those present were:
Mteaea Misses ' "
Florence Andrtls, Claire J'atterKon,
Ines Klllmar, . Aanlalde Funk
l lorenoe Hachman, ' houacr,
llelon Ilrandcts, Adeline Wood,
May Qelnlor, . IxiuIm Fearon,
t?tnlly Howska, : ' Minnie Malchien,
Iieulah llyrd.
limine Hupp,
Doria Lindley,
Katherlne Uould,
liernlue Whitney,.
Clare, Camborne.
Mildred Uncoil,
rava tiowman,
Kicliard Halimen,
lltx Hotilton,
Hotiert Carlson,
Ellsworth Moseh ,
Hov Uoulfl. . . ''
Mabel J'lanK,
Helen Keating,
Kelen Strelht,
ltraret Weaver,
CIpIIa Uahlen.
Bam Peterson,
Hugh Millard,
(lordon MIUk,
Howaiyl Hitttngcr,
llveielt Burke.
Hobert Inketer,
rloward IJeelamatre, Herbert Cole,
Herbert Ijttrann.
Perry Slnale.
Kxi ward Ferklns,
James Duvkee,
John McFarland,
l'hll lioarnii.
Jrxrnph CTaedon,
WUllajn Xlooney
t,l)H-CTlke' IJardkier,
Harry Munneke,
"Malcolm Baltlrlrfi.
iialph Campuell,
Utryl Crocker' Hnvinond Durkee,""-
Vill Hector. rf''11urvy rseiaosj,
John Qlelem. h : Amhony ltrllng,
trl BreuHinan, ' JiiIIuh Rachman.
Mr. and Mrs, C. K. Heed.
Mr. and Mrs. Andru.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Kavhman.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Uunn.
Uanclng ( tube for School Set.
Numerous dancing clubs have been
formed recently by the young people at
tending school. . One ot the largest clubs
will give a Christmas party Friday, De
cember 13, at the Metropolitan club and
will be chaperoned by Mra. Charles C.
Allleon.- This olub Includes:
M Isses
Mlwies ,
Esther WUhelm. .
Uenevlpve iiorn-
Gertrude Oweif,
Charlotte Itos-
Haiol t'pdlke,
Kuth Carter,
Marlon Hamilton,
Helen Mi-t'altrey,
L'arlu O'Urlen,
Ulela Ktora.
Curl Ualbach.
Oracu Allison,
Marlon toad.
liunrlutta Fort.
Katharine U'Cun-
Erna Heed,
Mftiy Claire Hwirc,
Itlanolie Wttlch,
Mary Fuller,
Kvelyn Lmlpwlch,
Vli nU Xiffutt,. .
Kirothy Bmlth,
Katharine kaum.
Most era-
Charles Allison, .'
lAiiilse Iirses,
Jack .Uugdale,
toward !t4Ujfherty, Chaiinln Jordan,
lerlght Ki)".
Kenneth Norton.
Charles Koiinlse,
Morton Rhodes,
Juok Squires,
VN allace 8lieard,
Frank Campbell,
t.u.ue.te Kli ken
dull, Robert Ptor, '
Jarvm C aid well.
Douglas I'eters,
Judaon 8Ulreit,
lialrlon ncoble.
Kdward Crofoot,
Iunald Hall,
Hob Milium,
Philip Phllbln.
Kainii iienuUict.
A neighborhood. club of young people
who meet each Saturday evening at the
Normandle tor dancing are chaperoned
by Miss June Oahau. The following
young people are) In the club; . j
Misses MlHsee
Dorothy Myer. Helen ingwersen,
Marluu Towle, ." I Naomi Ion I.
Kelon flala. . . lttllh lllnrlnha
Catherine Crocker, Hutu Fuiserald.
Helen pearce. . ,
Moaara. Messrs.
Herbert Davis. rtullp Ollmore,
(Jllbert Kennedy, Koy Ptrter,
Herman Jobet, - Ralph -Campbell,
HU. worth Moelier,,- Horace, bmke.
Robert fedwards Frederick liuchols.
Pleasures' Past
Mrs. eOorge Laler entertained Infor
mally at bridge Saturday afternoon at her
lire. Charles Whiting entertained at a
matinee party Saturday afternoon at the
Brandeis theater to see "The Newly
Vteds." Mlas Berolce Edwards was the
guest of honor. Those present were
Misses Derates Edwards, Katherlne Pow
ell. Katherlne Milroy. Elolse Jenka.
Meadamea Harold Miles ot Dea Moines.
Chailes Wh.tlng.
The member ot the PI Sigma club en
tertalned at a whist party at ths heme
ef Arthur Robinson Thursday evening,
the orca.lon being his eightenth birth
day. An enjoyable evening aas spent by
those present I
Misses M.eaia '
Irene tlarria, Minnie Robinson, "
Marlon Marowlta, Nell Levine, .
L Ulan Rubin. Florence hachman,
blaJaiine AI(Mrson. fdl Mai-owtta,
oiiiiia Alpvraon, l.'ella Aiiliiskee, Meters.
Arthur Robinson. Hyntan Marowlta.
atorria Kouiiuon,
fain .Oelander,
ant Roaentlonrn,
Mas Roaeubloom,
Jack Farbvr.
Harry Borsksy,
Harry Rorsley.
C'harlea Bcrgsr.
Julius A hrshamson.
air. and Mrs. e). Robinson. '
MUe Itoslna Mandelberg. who will be
a December bride, waa the guest of honor
at aa interesting and novel entertainment
given by Miss Badle Kireuhbraun at her
koine en Itouth Twenty-clghUt eresue
Saturday afternoon. Batch, guest wrote aa
This has been a backward fall, season on account of the warm weather. Weinberg,
McCartie & Brandeis, one of the reputable houses of New York City, finding themselves
overt tocked, came to ua knowing that we have a wonderful trade on fine goods and of'
fered their stock at just about half price. We were quick
the stock consisted of the very finest furs made up in the
can guarantee every coat, set or fur. ,
Sale Starts
i vz
760 Ferl ail lamb coat, at
$725 trimmed caracul coat, at $410.00
$600 fancy Hudson Seal coat, at. .-$295.00
$300 plain Hudson Boal coat, at. .. .$105,00
$250 Hudson Seal coat, at $175.00
$175 BalUo Seal coats, at.... $95.00
$150 Caracul coat, at .$87.50
$225 Fancy pony coatg. t. ...... .$150.00
$165 Fancy pony coats, at ..$95.00
$145 Fancy pony coats, at. ........ .$87.50
$126 Plain pony coata, at. ........ .$75.00
$100 plain pony coaU, at $67.50
$75 plain pony coats, at.r $4S.OO
$65 plain pony coats, at. $30.50
$83' Marmouth coats, at .$57,50
$75 Marmouth coats, at.... ..$15.00
$5 R1rer mink coats, at. $50.50
apt comment on the bride to be and ap
propriate Illustrations were cut from ma
gazines. The little stories or Items and
illustrations were then pasted In a book
called "Interesting Chapters In the Life
of Rosins, Mandelberg." The table decor
ations for tha luncheon which followed
were elaborate and unusual. The table
was decorated like a landscape, with a
miniature lake on which were ahlps and
a train. The -railway station was at, the
place of Miss Mandelberg, and here was
a small trunk filled with dainty hand
kerchiefs for the bride's trousseau. Those
present werei . , '
Mlxees MIsKes
Roxlna Mandelberg, Eln(e Qoetf.
oertruae Kf)iu, , iaura uoets,
Florence HUler,
Evelyn liergraan,
Bindley Hurt man,
Julius Ireyfuss,
Mildred Rubel,
It nth Rubel,
Joseph Kosenfeld,
Council Bluffs; ,
Milton Nowmao,
Pol Hurmen
Ivt-Hter Klrschbrauh, lul3 HUler. r
-"'Chicago; , ... , Justin 'Sarbach. ;
Airs. Charlca Kderer. 3904 Bristol street,
entertained the Swiss Kaffee Kraeusohen
In celebration ot her birthday. A delight
ful luncheon waa served. Those present
were? '
Mr sdames
O. iilaeer,
a. iitncirrer,
M.. Iuchsekwert,
' W eyernian,
K. Fwinor,
Charles Kderer.
J. Schmld.
.1. Bolherger,
11. Oood,
J. M. uhrlg,
Y. Siweitel,
12. Neff.
' Mlas Katherlne MUroy entertained at a
beautifully appointed dinner last even
lng at her , home In honor of Mlaa Ber-
nlce Edwards and Mr. Turner BacAllas-
ter. Covers were placed for:
Misses Mlnses
ISei nice Edwards, Elolhe Jenks,
Katliei-ine Powell,
Katl.ertne MUroy,
Herbert Hays of
Hi r I la. Neb.;
Harold Miles Of
Des Moines,
Turner MaeAUaster, Nye Morehouse
jacK wennter, 01 r remont,
Yale Holland, Dr. Waldo eicott.
can uurketi.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McMahon gave
a house warming at their new home, 4415
Florence boulevard, Saturday evening.
Games were played during the evening,
and prises were won by Mr. Bert Lynn,
Mr. F. ISpeUman, Miss Ethyl Lynn and
Mis. Myers,. Those present were:
Mr. end Mrs. Charles O'Neill,
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Jones,
Mr.. and Mrs. W. H. Plainer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cox,
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Myers.
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Harmon,
Mr. and Mm. John J. McMahon.
Mrs. M. Hall Davis.
Mrs. AKncs Ijuimnl.
Mm. Ads Archer. '
Master Vern Harmon
Ethyl Lynn,
M. Kiamer.
Percy Uwynna,
Karl f:aenhart,
illlam Hoatex,
lteit Lvnn.
Frank- ijadler, .
t'Urence Hall,
i c.r.
Jim Ward.
Runeell Evans,
Kre,l E:ans,
Al hlaufuss,
Frank h-peilman.
Ed I afferty,
i. Hoover,
Dr. huKe.
i he bt-A-Vlrp club gave a dancing
party at Chambers' Thursday evening.
The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Blackburn, ' '
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. fltona.
Mr. snd Mrs. R. U. Hoy wood.
M Ihscs
Ptt-Ua Jensen,
Ina Revelln,
Hut tie Ward,
l:oe Oordy.
May Jcobaen.
Kwit Houkka,
Ha Bridges,
KUna Alford,
Irene Majors,
Htella (teeelln.
Corlrne Kline,
M ?-.
Otto Nielsen.
J. Rov Bloom.
Oere A. Rnwtea,
W. I) Orslehead.
Ir. K. O. Ige,
C K. Tlail.
H. H Oonk,
,'i.mes T Allen.'
Panrnel ns1er.
r. r son.
W. H ln,
.1 W. .t-n,n.
J. A. Owln,
W. H. hrg,
J. A. Mever.
Irena Bergers,
Nettle eVhooler,
l:thel Stephens,
Mable 8tromberg,
tMlutte Jackson,
Ann Boi'k.
Mildred Rose,
.eld a Zerlnke,
tMsdys Baldwin,
Li race Peterson.
M. W. (,
Carl E. Howhy,
Karl Csmpbell.
H. II. Noar.
C. H. Nelson.
E. L. Yoiins;.
T. W, MoClura,
C A. rilchardsoa,
Vly. i. Johnson.
F K. wt-enhart.
Max Weher. ,
A. r. KelLffom,
Pert TePron.
Pn.aell- FVana,
Earl lUiney,
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. Oustav Fries announce
the engagement of their daughter, Hen
rietta, te Mr. Albert Johnson et Los
Angeles, CV1 The wedding will take plaoe
at Lang Beach. Cal., the early part of
Invitations have been Issued for the
wedding ef Mlas Mable Heltsbauaea.
daughter of Mrs. H. C Hattshoneeai. to
Mr. Alfred Weetergard. which will take
place Monday, December X, at high
Monday Morning at
$400 Mink aets,
$350 Mink sets,
$300 Mink seta,
$250 Mink sets,
$200 Mink sets,
$150 Mink sets,
$185 Ermine set,
HO Fox set. at
tmn Vn-r nat
$75 Fox set, at.... .$45.00
$50 Wolf eeta, at $32.50
$40 Wolf seta, at.
$50 Japanese mink gets, at... $32.50
$40 Japanese mink sets, at.. $25.00
$35 River mink sets, at "$19.50
$25 French coney sets, at.. ...... .$15.00
$12.50 French coney sets, at $12.50
noon at the home of the bride's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Weetergard will be at
home after January IS at 1006 Dorcas
A large December wedding will be that
of Mlsa Bernlce Marie Edwards, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Edwards, to
Mr. Turner afacAllaster ot Oakland, CaL,
formerly of Omaha. The wedding will be
at the First Congregational church, fol
lowed by a reception at the home ot Mr.
and Mrs. Edwards on West Harney
street. . Mrs. "Harold Miles ot Des
Moines and Mrs. Marion Fore Rus
sell of Lincoln will be the mat
rons of honor and the bridesmaids will
be' Miss Katherlne Powell Miss Katherlne
Milror and Miss Elotae Jcnks. Mr. Mac
Allaster arrived Monday front California
accompanied by his grandfather, Mr.
Turner, and today bis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. MacAllastar. and Mrs. Benja
min MacAJlaster, arrive and will be
guests of Mr. and Mra. W. C. Ross. The
men of the wedding party will be Mr.
Tale Holland, beet man; Mr. Earl Bur
ket, Mr. Jack Webster. Dr. Waldd Seott
and Mr. Nye Morehouse of Fremont,
For the Future
Rev. J. A. Jenkins, an Oberlln college
alumnus, will give a stersoptlcon lecture
at the Omaha High school Wednesday
At the Omaha High school senior prom,
the moBt Important social event of the
1913 class, which will be given at Cham
bers' Friday evening, the ball will be
to make the purchase as
very latest styles and we
8 O'Clock
at -.-$275.00
at..... $225.00
at $105.00
at.... . '8167.50
at $135.00
at... $87.50
at. ............ .$115.00 ?
. . . . $90.00 " I
arty trg
I '- e
attractively decorated In red and gray,
the class dolors, and In different achool
pennants. The Les Hlboux and the Grand
Bouncer's clubs of the school will have
cosy corners and a special section of the
balcony will be reserved for spectators.
As the prom comes on the even' of the
holidays many alumni, are planning to
attend. The grand inarch will probably
be lead by, Miss Laura Xlmmerman and
Edwin Landale, the class president. Har
old Thomas and Roy Gould, committee In
There Is to be a subscription dance
given at the University club by the
younger member tha evening of Friday,
December 22. , ,
Miss Watts and Miss Red Held wilt en
tertain at supper Sunday evening et the
Hamilton cafe for Mlas Blanche Moore,
who will be a DeoemBr bride.
The active members et the Phi Kappa
Pel will fetve a rushing" dinner at ths
Omaha club, followed by a theater party
Wednesday evening, December 27.
Mrs. M. C. Peters will give an afternoon
bridge party Wednesday, December Jr.
for Miss Daphne " Peters, Mis Bertha
Dickey and Miss Katherlne Thummel.
Personal Gossip
Mrs. R. T. tlndley of Mercer, Pa., lo
in the city,1 the guest of Mr. vend Mrs
J. B. Bykes.
Mo Harold Drlscoll baa gone to Wash
ington, D. C, aad will study law at the
Georgetown university.
Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Allaire
have arrived at - Fort Crook, . which is
their new station. Lieutenant Colone;
The old established COMBS store, which alwaya showg
the newest and niftiest goods, has A more abundant supply
than ever this year, comprising articles that the most meager
purse can buy, as well as those clastic and exclusive creations
that It requires riches to afford. Nor Is there anything desir
able and sensible in the Jewelry Una between these two ex
tremes that Is not here shown la variety.
The fact that this store's reputation for Integrity, en
terprise, and expert knowledge of values stands out prom
inently, is every day bringing patrons from everywhere,
and binds its old patrons closer than ever. Customers
ot this place get the benefit of expert knowledge and
experience in generous, cheerful COMBS spirit of
helpfulness in buying, and everyone knows tbst ev
erything sold here Is not only guaranteed to give
satisfaction, but is always made good in event
it fails to do so.
Make the COMBS STORK your
place all this week and save time and
Thousands mast be served in a
short time.
8 A. M. TO tO P.
mho: if i4mt
I mm?!
Allaire has been military attache at
Vienna, Austria.
Miss Lllah Davit of Lincoln, who has
been visiting Misses Elisabeth and Anna
Fry haa returned home.
Mrs. Joseph F. Boss, who baa been 111
at Clark son hospital, is much Improved
and returned homo Thursday.
Mrs. Allan Robinson has left to rejoin
her mother, Mrs. Henry Cady, In Cali
fornia, where they ' wilt remain for the
Mrs. Maurice Ounlock and small daugh
ter of Chicago have arrived to spend the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mur
phy and family. '
Mies Helen Matters will return for the
holidays the day before Christmas from
Boston, where she is attending Mlsa
Chambertyn's school., ...-.:
, Mrs. J, J. Dickey, who has been east
since September, will accompany, her
daughter, Miss Bertha Dickey, homo for
the holidays, arriving Saturday.
Miss Margaret Baum, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Baum, who attends
school In Paris, will spend the Christmas
holidays with friends in London
Miasos Evelyn and Helena Miller are
home from the Burnham school. North
ampton, Mass., to spend the holidays with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Miller.
Mrs. W. B. Millard, who went to Wash
ington to spend Thanksgiving with her
sons, Ray and Jo, who are at school
there, is expected home with them Thurs
day. Miss Oolda Murphy, who has spent
ihree months In Chicago aa the guest of
(Continued on Page Three)
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