Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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    The Omaha
vol. xu-m 'j;.
Monday Evening" Sale of Pictures
Kegluntng nt 7 o'clock Monday evening, wo will plitce on sale one lot
Beginning Tomorrow This Store Will
Be Open Every Evening This Week
of 60 I0x20-lmh framed pictures in one ami two-Inch oak
worth 11.00 ravli. for only 48c. Included sro such lunioiM subiccts
a "Kir tjsbthad.'' "The t'olixeum." "The Korinn." 'The liood
Shepherd," "Keadlnx I'rom llnmor," etc. I'ewltlvely uuiin sold
before :P0 o'clock nt the special price, of
everything far Ewjboo,
lMim0u for EverjbodtLJ
or Evsrybodw J
The Machinery of This Great Store Works Smoothly g tdrscJis?&
The tireless rip-zip of the cash register, tlio gradual -molting away
tf our Immense holiday stooge, the ceaseless swing of our doors admitting
flll oT our older customers and many new ones all this la Just a hint of
the unprecedented Christmas business this store is enjoying.
Necessarily there is a reason for this greatest holiday business we
have ever done the bulk ot this town's people can give the answer un
hesitatingly. It's so simple excelling assortments at matchlessly low
juices for the quality.
Big, Jolly, good-natured crowds, that laugh when their toes may be
trodden on, congregate hero and take homo with them great loads ot
Christmas presents from this store. The glorious Christmas Bpirlt ot
pood will prevails hero aa nowhere rise. Hut we must speak of other
things beBidcs the pleasantness of this store us a holiday shopping center.
From a quality standpoint, our Christmas displays aro without au
tfjual In Omaha; our selections are the most adaptable to glft-niaklng-ud
with ill this goodness the prices are persistently tho lowest.
This Is the store for the whole family. And with only six moro shop
ping days left before Christmas, don't you think It would be wise to do
jour trading at the store whero the least time accomplishes tho most
lit the Deunett store?
Women's Coats at Less Than
Half of Their Former Prices
If you over shopped curly in your life, certain it is you
should do so early tomorrow mornina;
for this coat announcement will uf feet
only about 150 women.
If you havo delayed purcbnsinjr; a now
coat don't do po any longer. If you
already have one buy another for less
than half price for coats o the Bennett's
quality is a tremendous sacrifice.
Actual Up to $23.50 Values
Going Monday at $y.5U
All aro new garments of the season's
'choicest models; made of reversible fab-
polo cloths and plaid-back muter-'
Those who come early will be sure
of finding a satisfactory size, style
and color range.
Some Remarkable Fur Of'
ferings For Monday
There Is only a week left before Christmas;
and on account - of the exceptionally .warm
weather we have been having we find we now
hare more fur sets on baud than there should be,
so out they , go regardless-of the season or
former pricing. ,
$15.00 and $17.50 Sets' at $10.00
$19.50 to $25.00 Sets at $15.00
$29.50 and $35.00 Sets at $19.50
$39.50 and $49.50 Sets at $29.50
There Will Be a Waist Sensa
tion Monday$7.50 and
$8.50 Values at $3.95
This offer means that you get your choice of
our entire stock of waists that have been selling
at those prices lingerie, taffeta, meHsaline, chif
fon, etc. In fact, there's a style and kind in the
assortment to gratify every want. .
Corsets for Christmas
The Madame Grace and American Beauty Corsets are
Specially Recommended for the ' Purpose
More and more each year is the tendency toward giving
something for every-day wear-something serviceable. That's
why we suggest rjorsets. ,
Last year we sold hundreds of corsets, and were surprised,
to learn from those .who exchanged theirs for the proper size
Iiow much they really appreciated corsets as a Christmas gift.
We have a superb assortment of these renowned corsets to
select from.' Prices range from $1 to $'25. Rich, handsome, holly
boxes halve been provided for them-without extra charge.
That Wife, of Yours--or
That Mother of Yours Would Like
A Sellers "6" Kitchen Cabinet
for a Christmas Present
The money that is wasted iu the kitchen would quickly pay
for a Sellers "G" kitchen cabinet and the steps it would save
5 our wife or mother would add years to her life.
Sellers kitchen cabinets "provide a convenient place for
c verv utensil nud article of daily consumption in the home.
One of the Sellers "6" mod
els is illustrated at tho left
of this, section and costs $27.50.
Sellers kitchen cabinets lire giv
ing a world of satisfaction In thou
sands of American homes. They are
made of the bent materials through
out and will withstand generations
of every day use.
Not a Luxury-Simply an
Inexpensive Necessity
and wo waUt you to come and see
them tomorrow even though you
may have no thought of purchasing.
They are variously priced accord-
the modei auu the extent ot Us equipment. Sure it is there never
better Christmas present for a home-maker.
Music Cabinets$8.98 & $10
Music cabinets of solid quarter-sawed golden oak or
mahogany, have patented ahelves, $8.98 each.
Solid quarter-sawed golden oak niuslu cabinets of very
artistic design and a superb finish, only $ 10.00 each.
Red Cedar Chests at $10.98 each
SiK'U '.heels as tliebe uro practically Indlf penbable in
tho proper preservation of a woman's riot hen. Made of
tlio K''"Uiu ii;J cedar, fitted with dust proof lids and
l.nk and castors, heavily trimmed with ci'per$l0.V5.
Others at different l rices.
. 7 i AVXW
r- ynv ui. ai
t ig to
w as a
C a
.. .
f Delay Not Your Toy Buying Another Day
It's getting along towaids the end of Christinas shop-
pinsi-the time when no difterencc how large the assort-
i h i i iw. .1 ...u . ........ mil.. .,.w... .....1 A',,
memn nave been they become broken. AVe don't want your little ones and you to be dis
appointcd. so we urge that you slrop tomorrow while stocks aiv still complete and price
ranges great enough to satisfy your individual requirements.
Never was there collated mo"c nmW articles to produce
childhood joy than you will find in nnett's big Toy Town
10 and 1-2-
inch drums,
with sticks,
worth $1.75,
Monday at 75c
$1.00 forts or castles for
. soldiers 2V
All steel pianos, In baby
grand styles, are priced as
f olio ws-l 4-key, $1.25:
17-key, $2.25; 20-key, 3
Horns and trumpets of all
kinds fVo
Typewriters at $3.00, $2.00
and ,.$1.00
A ake It a Point to See Dem
oic.w.. ens of Mechanical Toys
Trains, engines, cars and traeks, complete, $1.00
Mechanical automobiles wortu u. f.. .
.Monday : 0Hc'
Airships that really fly, $1.25 aud $1.50 value.
Monday 0,4
Printing presses thatare guaranteed to print
'at' '.'.' r 75c '
Good magic lanterns are reduced for Monday
selllng-$1.75 values at 9Sc; $1.25 values, "5
Buckeye electric lanterns, fully guaranteed 1.
every way-$5.00 values at $3.50; $3.98 valuei
.at $2.98; $2.98 values at
Postcard projectors at fi.RO to $.1.0
Pioneer coaster wagons-$4.00 bIio, Monday
$2.98; $3.60 site, Monday
Special From Toy Town For Aon
day Evening Only
None sold at lliew prices lwforo woven o'clock.
Largo bIzo white enameled toy chairs and rockers
vlth gold knobs, regular Sue values -lOc
2 Re sot of decorated tin dishes packed In neat boxes,
"on'v pviii ..l()c.
50c and $1.00 Teddy llonsvtnado of good quality
pitfall ; only 200 in the lot, while they last S.V
Trimmed doll bassinotts made of polished brnss; reg
ularly $1.00 each, Monday evening 1..4IK'
Iarge checker boards with checkers, worth 15c, at Oc
Any 10c horn or trumpet In the store, Monday even
ing only ilc
One lot of dolls' white enameled net toes, high chairs,
etc., worth up to 60c each, cholco at 10c
lon't rorgetth abovo seven Items are Tor Momlay
BlUna only.
Jewelry Store Solves the Problem
If you've decided on giving jewelry at Christinas time your thoughts should
turn towards this jewelry section of ours. You won't find another such display or
one with prices half so alluring. Some of tho things aro given detailed mention
Men's solid and Bold filled cufr links, tie Plus,
watch fob, mid chains, f.0i tu lfi.00.
Women's- long coat rhatns, Uvullleres, brooches,
belt pins, beauty plnis, links,' vanity eases and ear
rings at various prices.
Men's and women s solid gold band, signet and
tons rlnus frori $1.00 up.
fUerllim sliver toilet sets, military brushes, buf-
Y fers, flleh. tooih and nil brushes. tOo to $JS.OO each.
Plauk and natural enony nair urusnes, cunms nu
miirors at 00o to $&.ou.
Ttarrettes from t Bo to 110.00.
Handeanx from Cue to I&.0U.
Fancy back coii.ts, $1.00 to I1S.00.
Urald pins, 25o to 5.0l) pair.
Velvet and tapestry baas in all new designs and
shades, 1.00 to :s.&0. : .,-
Novelty and staple leather bags. $1.00 Ho $16.00.
Women's and men's toilet and manicure sets in
leather cases. $1.00 to $2i.00. . . , .
Collar baas, tie holders, bill books and folds,
coin nurses, etc. Ida to Su.00.
We have taken diamonds out of the luxury class and placed them m reach of all
Here's a stock ot diamonds carefully selected by met), who aro experts In tho diamond trade.'
Each Btone has been carefully tested and Is sold with guarantee of the ltffporter as well as our
selves. Compare these prices with any other you may, have known.. Bach stone is 'set. In
14 -karat solid gold mounting.
- H -karat, pure white diamonds,
. 4 -karat, pure white diamonds,
- Watche for Men and Woman
Small enameled watrhos, containing-
good movements, will n ake splen
did presents for 'your, boy or girl,
$3.50 to $10.00.
Gold watches with either Waltliam
or Kltfln movements, . $5.00 and up
to SL5.00. ,
17-Jewel Klgln.or Waltham watches
In 20-year cabes, specially priced at
$14.00. "
Oressv. thin-model watches 'ith
rold dials, Klttin .motrnvieiits In
o-year cases. $10.00 to fl.0.
Also most excellent assortments
of cases. In style lor both men and
we will be pleased to
high grade movement.
women, that
fit with any
Bracelet and Chain
Expansion and 'stone-set bracelets,
from $1.00 to $5.00 each. All are
guaranteed for 20 years.
Children's bracelets at $1.00 to
88oild koM neck chains, with
crosses, $Z,60. , ,
I'ialu and stone-set novelty . lock
eta, from $1.00 to $3.50 each.
Women' Hand Bag
Novelty hand bacs made of . silk
tapestry, velvets and the newest do-
'a-karat, pure white diamonds, $t0.00.'
Larue stones, up Iron) $73.00 each. ,
signs In bead work, very reasonably
priced at $1.00 to $40.00 each.
Ileal seal and walrus Iihkh, made
for service u well us looks, $U.r0
to $10.00 each.
Special Price on Ring
One lot of solid sold rings set
with opals, Rurnets, ruhins, sapphires,
euiHralds, etc.; rliiKS that am worth
from 12.50 to' S5.0O each. Monday.
$1.00 for your choice. Only about
200 in the lot.
14-karat and 1H. karat w
and sltrnot rings from $2.00 up.
orai anu pearl shirt waist
froii) $3.50 to $20.00 each.
For i Watch
and Fob
(Mite Illustration
A 7-Jewel Standard
movement, In a guar
anteed 2i-.voar Illi
nois caMo plain and
uiiKraved--of a tlilu
n.itdel, 16 size. Most
tore would churns
$10.00 for this bur
sain. ' Our special
price only
eddlnK A
rings, jfjjfcl
Some New Lots of Books Monday
The Immense holiday book' business done t)y this store is tho natural result of the efforts made
to bring to tho people of Omaha and vicinity tho most popular books at the most popular prices. We
have books for the young and books for the old, books with plain text and plain covers, books
richly Illustrated and handsomely bound. , In short thero is a book here for every taste and purxe.
, Th religious section contains every variety
of religious literature, from the Bible on
through various expositions of the same as well
as works bearing on religious subjects.
Hooks on travel. Including all of tho lineal works
of the foremost publishers.
"Ths poetry section Is complete with verse from
the greatest and most popular authors. ,
-Then there are books on art, inuulc, character
building aud works on subject that appeul to the
man of mechanical and
a ant lias been neglected.
Investigative turn not
1'JlKht in. merino taldes are riven over to luvenlla
works exclusivelyfrom tlia llttlo linen books on
through the various UKes mul up to those Itniuliod by
the older boy and girl.
Kor bovs and rlrls we note, from others "The
Pepper Hooks," "The Little Colonial Herles,'1 "The
Klslo TMiisinore Hooks," "Tim Hetty Wales" and
'Aunt Janus Nieces" series, "The Motor Hoys, 1'he
Hover Hoys," "The Airnhln Hoys." "The Putnam
Hall Hoys,'' "Tho Tom Swtl't Scries," etc., etc.
The Best Selling Fiction
"Tho Testing- Fire," $1.25.
"Tho Common Imvi," $1.40.
"Tho Long; noil," $140.
"The Boss t Wind Hlver," $1:0.
"The Iron Woman." $1.35.
"Kxc.use Me,' Hughes, $1.1$,
Barbara Worth," $1.:!0
"The Hoc.ret tJarden," .?,T,
"Aba and Mawruss," $1.20
"Strawberry Acres." $1.20.
"The Harvester," Porter, $1.2:.,
"The Adventures of Uetltla Carberry,"
"The Case of Richard Meynell.' $1$B.
"My Lady of Doubt," tl-3'.
Books of Special Interest to Men
"Letters from China," $2. 75.
"The Channel Nlsnds,",
"Heyond the Mexican Hlerras," $2.00,
"In the Catskills." $1.50.
"Cum)) tires in the Canudlan Rockies,"
"KanXas In the Kixtles," $2.00,
"The Ufa and Works of Wliuilow l(on
er," $0.00,
"He Can Who Thinks He Can," $1.00.
"Kvery Man a King," $1.00.
(letting On," $1.00.
The Autobiography of Henry M. Stan
ley, $2.00.
The poenih of Henry Van l'yke. $2.00.
' 1 1 it'h w h and llywujs of tlio tirtat
Ijikes." $2.(10.
"Cuinn I'lres on leK' i t ini-l Lava," $3.00.
"Motoring In the Halkatis,' $2.75.
"Koniantlc Oermany." $:i.r0.
"Tlio Kmpire of the Kant." $2.50.
"What Kngland Can Teach Us About
llaideuliig," $4.0.
"Kllteoii Thousand Miles by Stage,"
"Panama," by Kdwards, $2.50.
"The Marhlo Kami," $1.50.
'Tho Hcurlet Letter," $1.50.
Bargains in China and
Kindred Wares
Ihm't overlook a single iteni-errry line tells
of a bargain that may Just st your needs.
50 cut glass
sets in three
ent patterns,
values, at. . . .
One lot ot Adderly's
and Coalport English
and French china
cups und saucers
odds and ends posi
tively worth up to
$20.00 thu dozen,
choice, each ,...98c
English and French
china service plates
are reduced as follows
-all priced by the
saucers to
cups and
match the
foregoing plates at the
same corresponding
prices. i
7-pleco glass water
Belli, with tray, fancy
gold traced, $2.00
and $2.50 - values,
at . f 1.30
All rock crystal
ware at 20 per cent
Sample lines of gas
and electric lamps at
i third off actual value.
Fancy etched, bandied
glass baskets, C aud
7-inch aizes. , .t1.30
One line ot genuine
cloisonne vases at
Half Price.
All fancy china aud
brlc-a-brac displayed
on five large tables
and now priced at 25c
to $5.00 the piece,
Monday, Halt Price
and Less.
Fine Brass Ware.
Hammered and brushed
lra jardinieres,
worth up to $.60
each, to cIums out.
at I1.BO and tl-S
Ill-ass un.brella stands,
slightly scratched, tri
and $;.5 values, $3.00
One lot of brass candle
sticks, Jardluleres, fern
dthes, vases and
baakets, worth op to
$5V, choke tl.04
There Is No Better Christ
mas Present Than a Kodak.
fs'o matter what the language spoken,
the nationality or the axe, neiy person
reads pictures. And heil the ph turn
are of personal interest, the person who
is sponsor for them always is remem
bered with kindly thoughts.
A Kodak will bring pleasure not only
to yourself becatuM of the giving but to
many others who will benefit by itu
work. us suggest a Hrownle for the be
The Brownie No. 2 for 2 1-4
x3 1-4 pictures, $2.00.
Brownie No. 2A for 2 1-2
x4 1-4 pictures, $3.00 each.
The Brownie No. Three for
3 U4x 4 1-4 pictures, $4.00.
If the party to whom you wish to
end is ttlrsadv familiar with tha opera
tion of a kodak, let us suggest a 3 A
Kodak, which takes pictures of post
card shso and sells at $20.00 and $2.j.MI,
according to the model. . ,
And there are many others ranging in
prhn from $.',.00 up to $lu0.0O.
We will he pleusej to glva instruc-,
tlona to the parly luvoied at any lime
they wish.
Also complete lines of Eastman Ko
dak supplies at this store.
Grocery Specials for
Monday and Tuesday
4-lb. aak "Queen
of r-antry" pastry
flour and 4 0 stps..
at i. a
Bennett's "Ex
celsior" flour-special
offer vt a suck
at 1.30
Dennetfs Golden cof
fee and 20 stamps,
lb "O
Assorted teas and tiO
stamps, lb ."He
Tea siftings aud 10
btainps, lb 15c
13 lbs. granulated
ugar for. . . . $1.00
U a t u v 1 a selected
green asparagus
large 3Dc can, li.V
liennett's Capitol ox
tracts and 20 stps.,
iMjttla IMc
Dennett's Capitol
Hawaiian sliced
pineapple and, 10
stamjm-a large can
for asc
Mulder's talad dress
ing and 1 tstaiuis,
bottle ....... .ae
MVKKT t 11)1.11, Bal
Ion U.V
Full cream theesesnd
1'i stumps, jb., 30o
2 large cans II. i
strawberry beets
and 10 stamps, U3c
40c can Geo. Dall
det's first choice
mushrooms for SV"
65c bottle Geo. Dali
tlet's maraschino
cherries lor. . . ,-lsc
2 can's Ifennett's
whole tomatoes and
10 stamps . . j. .--"ic
Medium bottle Gail-
lard's olive oil and
50 stamps ...,45c
2 cans hulled beans
with chicken and SO
stamps U.V-
Ono dozen dill pickles
aud 10 stamps, 15c
2 cans Country Gen
tleman corn and 10
stamps U5c
lieauty asparagus and
10 stamps, cau, 2tN:
Salad mustard and
10 stamps, jar, lc
3 pkgs. Ueuuelt's
Capitol nilnco meat
and lo btauips, 2.1c
Virginia kwiks cheese
and 10 stumps, lb.,
at 35o
2 Jur.s peanut butl-r
and 10 fetamps. . .30o
Walker's chile con
curiiu and lj stuiiips.
.M.U A x...lsQ
When in Doubt
Send Gloves
Holid;jB tio aUwiy3 busy days among tha
gU03 nud t'Us season boa proved to bo -no ex
ception. litre Is a tlovo stock that holds wonderful as
sortmenta of good gloves for everybody selected
Tor Immediate needs anil sold ou the single stand
ard of best qualities lor the money,
Thero aro Kid gloves for dress wear. In olbow
and evening lengths; unrirt capo gloves for street
and service: kid gloves of all kinds; lined gloves
tor coltl hands.
!f.ytt don't happen to know size,
kind or color preferred, bay one of our
8 love certificates to be exchanged
after Christmas as suits the recipient.
They will overcome all difficulties.
M omen's extra fine, '2 clasp
lamb akin gloves In black,
white, tan, mode aud browu;
lMc tho pair.
Women's li-cla.sp glove ;
miulo from imoclallv sclietd w
skins, all tho wanted colors,
(SI.ii.Ti the pair.
Women's silk IIiuhI nioclwi
Cloves in nil the staple
shinies, 1M.50 tho pair.
Women's extra flue,
U-tlasp kid gloves in a very
largo rango of colors ns well
as black and white; tjtl.73
tho pair.
Women's li-clan Mincriur
quality cape gloves in black, w hite, tan; atu pair.
Gloves for Men and Boys
Men's do skin alovea at $1.00 the. pair.
Kownes1 capo gloves for $1..'0 tho pair. '
Men's extra duality fine diesa gloves 1 TS the par.
Men tuillned inocfi gloves In giav ond brown, $1.2..
Men s silk lined mocha, gloves In gray, and tan, $!.&(.
Youths' and man'a fleote lined, lohir gauntlet plush
Stoves tliat resemble a short slieareu t'ur glove, 7Ro nutr.
Men's fleece lined kid glcves, $1.00 nnd $1.60 pair.
Hoys' fleece lined gauntlet gloves, -J Cc -the-pal
Hoys' fleece lined kid mittens, 60c-s nil 75o the patr.
Hoys' rieoc e lined kid aloVes at GUu, t.o and $1.00 pair.
Hoys' and men's fur gloves and mittens, with aud
without Ka.untle.te. $2.fi0 to $10.00 the pair. '1
Some Xmas Hosiery
Mct'allinii jik lH)lery-.tho - finest silk hosiery
made-wlLh embroldertd Instep,. $1,50 to f3.0U
the pair. Many designs to choose from. .
Women's 14-lnoh boot,sillt boalanr with wide llsla
pst x.jr- lops and. doublo hU auU locni-Mack, whito,
jslery with wide T
tops and double "V
le; sky, pink, tan. V-
e pa
thu 1-4 y
fun A v ,
5o tho .
V 1
sky, pink and ten: COo tha tiai
Women's pure lursaa
sua aosiery
garter tor
lisle soles;
lavender, nnd black
while; S1.0O the pall'.
Kxtra heavy silk hose
with wltiw elustlo gurtor
tops and evtiu flno douhlo
IInIs soles; all colors
black und white; $1.60
Women's extra aualitv.
rerular mads, fast blaok, rause
lisle hose with lavundur tops;.
Fins silk 11 sis hosiery with wide 'car
tel- tons and double heels, soles and toes-- '
all heels are high spliced und the hose Is full regula
inline boo ine'puir.
Womiu'i fin lusrcferiitd full fisbtoned hoslsry . with
garter tois nnd double heels und toes; ' strictly last
color: sneclolly priced at 2&o the all-or thru pairs
for il.OO.
Children's hoss a very complcto itock,' Incltidlpc
all f the most wanted and best wearing kindslaVie
to OCe the pulr, uncording to the quality.
Xmas Handkerchiefs
Msn'a pure Irish llusu lmudkeroUiefs with new styls
Frenoli Initials, generally louud only in handkerchtefs
selling at $1.00 each or niuie; our special price, $L7&
the box of six.
Man's extra fine quality Belfast llnsa handkerchiefs
with handsomely euibi oidoi :d Initials, tl.40 the box
oi' six. rrPT""
Man's fine ini
tial handker.
ebisfs good val
ues lit GOO Ibe
box of six.
Man's fine pnre
Irish lineu band-
kembiala with nrstly
embroidered initials,
$1 u the box of .
Men's sxtra flue ouAlity
pure Belfast liiniiif
uhlafs with pretty m
broidered luitluln, $1.!J
the box of six.
Wouisn'a and children's '
soft finished areas
blsacbed linen hanaksrehtsf s. witu
Wcmen's iioe armeataa laoe edg- ana nana hsmmed
handkeroliisfs with superior tjualtty linen couleis, $3.00
the box of six.
Women's pare Irish linen handkerchiefs with pretty
block Initials iu un embroidered circle, B&o , the box
of six.
Women's extra quality pore Irish llnea , handker
chiefs! Hires different stylos ot initials to the box;
$1.00 the box of six.
W email's fine aud very sheer Irish linen handker
chiefs with plain script initials; extra values; $1.4 J
the box of six.
Women's tine hemstitched handkerchiefs with plain,
blo'k initials, f,uc tbe box of Us.
Women's food qnaUty Irish lines handkerchiefs with
script iitiah and r.t'.c embroidery work. Vac box of aix.
ButeWe are also aowUig exceptionally larfa as
portmsnts of both nn l.ioo n.,d hand embroidered hand
ltercht'ls at 6c to $:i in ucii. according . to tne quality
and HiTiouni oi" wotk expembil on the same.
w v. : v jtrWi sw i . irw' ,
as..'." . it-w t -jr..
iinuis. 10c earh
Slippers Induce Pleasant
Thoughts for the Person
Who Sends Them
A special purchase of manufacturer's surpluses
and cancelled orders is responsible for tha way
wo are selling
Men's, Women's and Children's Slip
pers Under Present Market Values
There's a wide and varied assortment tor 3 on
to choose from-all the most popular colors lu
nearly every Imaginable style.
$2.50 chocolate kjd and black vki kid slippers
with turned soles, $1.5 the pair.
1,000 pairs ot black aud tan blippers lu tile
popular Opera and' Everett styles, specially price!
at ONc a pair.
All -black and tan leather slippers In our ou
good stock now reduced to f 1.23 the pair.