THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 17. 1111. 15 TI I EL lOi E -3 BUILDER CDf E Running a Heating Plant Bf Arthur 0. Clausen. Cr dus a I HALL i I I U"' POT' "'"V JQ chdm IDI I,;,, 1'O.TH-Drt-J I 4 tXlo I e--et. L j . ANA.GINQ a heating; plant is very much Ilka training a child: ach plant Is apt to have it own llttlo short comings and . eecentrlrltlee which only use will make evident, and wlilnh In eaoh Individual can must be met and overcome according to Individual requirement. All heating plunts ran not be controllM according to cortnln rulea, any more thnn all of the children of even one family can be raised by rule, not making allowance for Individual differ encra. Everything considered, whether It be In .a mJld climate requiring but little heat, or la a cold climate requiring consider able heat, there Is no question but what : a hot water heating plant la the most practical and economical for the heating . of homes. There Is hut ona advantage which a hot air heating plant has over a hot water, heating plant, and that Is : that a hot air plant can be quickly heated : up and aa quickly cooled off, while with a hot water heating plant. It takes longer to get up ln-at- On the other hand, with a hot water plant the heat can be controlled better, ao as to keep an even temperature, at .any degree desired. Knr the oontroll'ing "of heat, v there are several well, known devices on the market, the beet of these being a thermostadt or automatic ther mometer located near the center of the house which la electrically connected with a small motor In tho basement, run by storage battery, that automatically opens the dampers when the thermometer registers slightly, below tho temperature desired, and clones them aguln when the temperature has raised a degree or two. This arrangement is not only a fuel saver, but saves a great deal of tlmo and at tention. To have heat however, there must bo In .the bollrr-wi- furnace as toe-rase may be, for the operation of the brut MR CLAUSEN'S BOOK The Art, Belenee and Sentiment of Homebuilding." '.Thirty chapters, 300 Illustrations, It covers a wide range of eubjeota, iuoluding the planning of bunga lows, suburban and c'ty homes, costing from $3,000 to 930,000, le lng etuiltaots, oiiooslng materials, proper design of entrance, win dows, fUrsplaoes, ate. Mew third edition. Fries, postpaid, 1.0 Address, Arthur 0. Clausen, Architect, 1138-37-3B Lumber m. ohaoa-e, Minneapolis, Mlnaeaota. system Is once allowed to cool down, it takes considerable fuol to warm It tip again. That la .why It Is cheaper to main tain a low flro over night than to let the fire go out every day during mild weather, and make a new tire each morning, for building a fire always takes considerable fuel. Herd coat will give ome clinkers and these tf sifted out and nilxed with the coat, usually by throwing In on the coal pllo and allowed It to mix In aa the coal Is used, will burn down to an sii and while burning will give off a fair amount of heat, that would be wasted If the clinkers were not sifted out. Even the very best draught conditions will usu ally Lave enough clinkers to mako the sifting worth while. In the case of hot water plant,' the flues should be thoroughly brushed and scraped out, leaving them perfectly clean at'lraxt once a week. When there is a blanket of soot over the flues tho soot a-ts as an insulator, very mu-h In the same manner as asbestos would, and Uteps the flues from coming In close con tact with the heat. , The water in a heating plant should i sJtvayi be chsnged at lejist once a year. regulator will not put heat into tho heat i What i known to heating men as "dead radiator a-r register, when there Is none water" never circulates well. The clear- " ' sr , ,. , .-.v""" :.-..-r.- . .; . : In the boiler. Where natural ens' Is ob- lainable. the boat regulation Is a very , simple matter, tho regulator merely rais ing or lowering the (lime according to i variation of the temperature above or be low the detrreo desired. The most Important consideration w here fuel la ueed, is of course. Its hind. Wood even at a very reasonable price Is ex pensive fuel to use in u heating plant, as wail aa requiring a great de&J of at tention to keep the heattr full When there Is a very strong draught, and the heating plant la perfectly installed In every reepect, the cheaper grades of coal can sometimes be used with a little economy, but require a greater quantity which means more attention In shaking down ashea and replenishing the coal on tha fire. For the average alia borne, the beat coal is usually the cheapest. It -costs mora, but you get value received. Among the different kinds of hard coal the alses known or stove, egg. nut, pea and pea dot are the most commonly used. Pea and pea dot coal require a strong daught. ,tov and egg give the greatest unount 'of heat and will overcome lmjerfectlona In either draught or Installation the east. eU I Many people make the mistake of shak ing down the fire too often. To carve out the fine thoroughly burnt ashes at the bottom of the lre bed by one turn of tr. grate once a day. with a little more thorough aha king down once or twice week, according to the weather, la all thit aay good boiler or furnace should require. The habit xf shaking down the tuiu-e nre Ded so as to leave only bright, half burned coals on the grate and then fill up hln with freeh coal and leavlna the dampers wide open for a time. U very waaufui vt fuel. In tbe first place, a fcr when so blanketed glvea off but little sweat, for sometime, and In the tneanttma Mas auUra ateteaa. cvola 4vwn, Wheo a et. hcKt drinking water will give the bet results In a hot wuter heating plant. Juxt after Iwlng put into the plant It will be noticed that considerable ulr Tornls In the top of the radiators, and this should be allowed to escape every few daya. Also, careful attention hh.mM ho alien to the water gauge on the tank to eee that the tank Is at leaM one-half full, tl ereby insuring the proper pressure hi the radiators and be sure that the entire system Is filled with water. When the kitchen at ova is connected with the same flue aa the heating plant X tlds should never be done when It can be avoided) the dampers on the kitchen stove must be kept closed whenever not In use. When the kitchen stove Is In uae the Impairment to the draft In the heating plant ran not, of course, be avaidod. A little care given to all de tail In, the running of any kind of heat ing plant will always result In consider abut saving of fuel and a great Increase of comfort with a minimum of annoyance. on the first floor and a meeting hall on the second. The building Is to be made all modern, with the latest equipments for the gum. It was Impossible for; the council to get a location In the buKlnesn section. The new location, however, has many advantages over one In the business dis trict. The buitdiug overlooks the new High school and Is surrounded by many large and elegant residence!". When the club house Is finished a sum ranging from t,000 to 140,000 will have been expended by the council. Stock In the building Is being sold to the mem bers, which will eventually revert back to the council. Bo far $6,000 worth of stock has been subscribed for by the members, $3,000 of which was taken at the meeting last Tuesday. T. P. Rsdman in talking about the Issue of stock aald, "The board of directors feel assured that all the stock will be subscribed for by the first of May, when active work on the building begins." It Is probable that bids on the new addition will he aeked for at the annual meeting of the board of directors. In January. Savannah Races a Failure By IMRMUV OI.DFIBLn. (Copyright, mil, by parney Oldfield.) Where will the Vanderbilt cup and the grand prise races be run In 1PI2? The reason this queetion haa arisen In my mind and will without doubt be jked throughout motoring circles shortly Is be cause there Is little chance that there will be another raring carnival In or near .fcavannah next year. This news will sur prise many well posted automnhiltsta who have considered that the hustling Geor gians solved the road raring problem when they provKfed an excellent .course, well policed and promised that visitors would be fairly treated during the carnival pe riod. ' The real reason there will not be a 1911 race near Favannah is that with all the gouRlng and overcharging the citi zens and buslnees concerns were guilty of the recent meet lost a lot of money, and up to date there has been no scramble between the members of the automobile club or business organizations to see who would put up the amount of tho deficit. The first week I was In Havannah things went fine. It was two weeks be fore the raring dates. But as soon a the crowds began pouring In rates for hotel accommodations soared sky-high and restaurants put out new bills of fare on which the prices were trebled in many instances. Newspaper writers, usually protected by reception committees, were stung" Just as hard as the most hap less victim. Nine-tent ha of the visitors went away from the town declaring they would never return. I remained In Sa vannah for almost a week after the grand prUe race, and am qualified to speak or the manner in which the auto mobile club officials who posed In the spotlight before and during the races, are now trying to '"pasa the buck" to each other, since the meet was a' blg financial failure. ."We've had enough racing." is the popular cry In Savannah. '.'We've had enough of Havannah." is the cry of the facing drivers and entrants. who were held up for rent for training camps and supplies. I am strongly in favor of tiie grand prise race' going to I-os Angeles, but tho Vanderbilt event should stay in the east. In the first place. It is a most unwise plan to pull the two races off less thou two months apart. In tho' second place, the name of Vanderbilt. which . spoils magic In portions of the east, does not mean anything to the people of the west. The Vanderbilt race tihould , either be abandoned altogether or be assigned to Philadelphia to be run in . conjunction with the Fairmont park race or over the Fairmont . course aa the Vanderbilt cup race. There ia no questioning the fact that there are far too many racing events. It should be a survival of the fittest. Philadelphia has. shown that it can run a big road race in an almost perfect man ner.. New York has ahown clearly that it cannot do the same. It should simply be a question of whether or not the Quaker City crowd would accept the Vanderbilt ' trophy in place . of their Founders' trophy. . The announcement a week ago that one of the largest automobile manufacturing concerns In the country, doing most of Its business direct with retail purchasers from Us own branch houses, will hence forth sell automobiles on the' Installment plan came aa a flash' from a dear sky BARNEY OLDPIFTLD. to the majority of dealers and manufac turers in the trade. Tv.o months ago, while In Detroit, I was. told confidentially, of course, by a big man in the organiza tion that such a policy would soon be an nounced. Owing to the standing of the corporation and the Immense number of cars Its factories turn out, there can be no meaning other than that other makers will have to come to tho same basis' of trading with the car buyer. For years the automobile business has been con ducted along lines nothing Bhort of arbitrary. No matter liow highly a con. cern was rated. It had to pay a deposit on a future season's order, even where the machines purchased were yet unbuilt. It waa only a question of time before the end would come to such a policy. Com petition is now too great and there are too many dealers in the field. It costs too much to sell a -car. Concentration of distributing methods will have to come. cars must be sold to men Who have riot the ready money to plank down for an automobile, but who are able to meet monthly payments on a moderate priced car. The announcement in question will has ten the formation of a gigantic merger of the big automobllo factories of this country. Wall street is Interested heavily In three big automobile corporations. The "sure thing" financiers will soon become aroused to the crisis of the selling situa tion and then tho formation of a huso automobile trust Is sure to follow. Too many millions are tied up In the manu facture of automobiles to permit indi viduals to dictate the selling policy of so great an Indstry. Combinations have al ways taken place In other vast manu facturing lines, and one Is certain to occur before a year passes in the automobile industry. Musings of an Old Sport. Be sure you're rieht and then en in bed ! The man who savs he "can't heln If doesn't want tol Adversity enjoys a shoullah kIsh in picking on the peevish man! -J.xpend some of the couraae before you're cornered! ir you can't pront by your mistakes, break even, anyhow! "BtlckliiK around" doesn't mean lettlna your circulation clog! . The path of dalliance always leads to a blind alley! The trouble with some of us Is that w watt till we're triced up by the thumbs before we 11 consent to take a brace! new I or worm. 'gy'Jfwl-l Plans Being Drawn for Club Quarters of K. of 0. Council Plans are being prepared by Architect J. M. Kachitall for the proposed Knights of Columbus club quarters, property for which has been purchased on Dodge, between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. The property known as the Monell home was acquired at an approxi mate cost of 110.000. The only change that will be made In the old structure will be tearing out the rear ao that passage Into the new build ing can be made. The new wing will be ut4 (or a iwlounUig pool and g uiuujuiu . -BaB ' " 'J Mu a let -T c . ,?j(vmp. lash Jim dialing". aaLJeaV T IT iiaj CTTPT. 07M PH RalphMulf ord with &L0ZIER car on Nov.27 won the Vanderbilt Cup, at an average speed of 74.07 mileaper liour.iiearly mnei miles per hour faster than the time made) in anprevious race for-this famous trophy . The Vanderbilt Cup adds one more to the 1 long list of consistent victories of the WORLD'S. CHAMPION CAR J. X. STEWART, 2d Telephone, Douglas 78X , , 2050 Fwnain Street. Special Prices On Flanders "20" Coupes We have only two of these left and will make a very material price con cession to close them out before the holidays. These arc new cars electric lighted, and up-to-the-minute in style and finish. We can also furnish extra Touring and Road ster bocies to fit the same classes, giving you both a winter and summer car at about the price of one. The Famoug Studebaker Guarantee with every car. The El-F Omaha Co. 2026-202S GARNAM TS. Douglas 363-A-3679. C. A. KELLER,' Mgr. Orient Fantory Branch Studebaker Corporation 1 Detroit, Michigan. TH It OMAHA BEES DIREGTORY (0f Automobiles and Accessories CARS FREELAKD AUTO CO., 1122-24 Farnam Street. Nebraska Buick Auto. Company Buickand Welsh Cars... tVlaooU Branch, 13tb and V Bta. X. B. mXXB, Oent Mffr. Omaha Braaofc, ms-14-14 fainam fc X.XB KXTTT, Mgt. MOTOR CO., 2052-84 Farnam St, Omaha. J&m 09 VS1 MOTOR CAR Wallace AutonobileCo. 2203 Farnam Street VanBruntAutomobileGo. Overland and Pope Hartford Coonoll Bluffa Xs. Omaha. Apperson "Jack Rabbit" APPERSON AUTO COMPANY 1102 Farnam SL FOUR MODELS Prices $1,150 to $1,700. OHIO ELECTRICS Marlon Auto Company. c w. Mcdonald, Mgr. 2101-2103 Farnam HU Mm DEERE PLOW COMPART Salesroom -Cor. Tenth and Howard Sts. Omaha, Nebraska. pIeK guy l. smith HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street Evenly Heated Piano Storage Room r t ,1 t . i n " v v; ' , ,-, 6 . .. 1 OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. V1HuaTooVv MaiaOffict 101 So. Hti$L Branches-301 So. 17 lb 4 1129 Bo. 11th Jtj. TelepKoae Davglaa 4113 aaa Ina., A-133B E. J. DAUIS HEAVY IIAUlltlQ Tafi Hoisting a Specially 1818 Farnam Street Tl. Douj. 353 Torn household roods are la Mowing, toitar er raeataa atAOOAKS Bath Thoaea OoDfias 143a Oereral Ofiicea JT13 TTebsUr It- THE OMAHA BEE Ix-ifs than a penny and deuiier' than any.