Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Sunday Bee
Cloudy; Warmer
Russian Ambassador Calls at White
Housj and Makes Strong Objec
tion to Sulzcr Resolution.
Com- Going in Omaha
Wrecking of Court House in Omaha
and Contractors' Office in Colum
bus Began Intended Series.
1 HE
ii . .
Says Action Inconsistent with Long
Friendship of the Nations.
Charge that Russia Violated the
Agreement Not Liked.
President and Secretary Knox Not
Alarmed at Turn in Affairs.
pome Hold Vietr that VaKrd State
Will Be In Wane Position
Than Before If Reaolu
tlon Passes.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 18. That Presi
dent Taft regarded aa serious the situa
tion arising; from the Russian protest
that adoption of the Bulzer resolution
would ba Inconsistent wIth existing
friendly relations was Indicated when five
members of the cabinet were summoned
for a special meeting-. Secretary Knox.
Attorns? General Wlckersbam and Secre
taries MacVeagh, Meyer and Nag-el were
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1.-What in dip
lomatic language is Interpreted here as
practically a threat by Russia to sever
all friendly relations with the United
Btates in the event that congress g-oes
ahead with Its plan to abrogate the treaty
of 1822 with that country, has been made
to President Taft and Secretary of State
Knox by the Russian ambassador, Qeorg-e
Mr. Bakhmeteff protested against the
Bulzer resolution for the abrogation of
the treaty on the ground that its final
adoption would be Inconsistent with, the
long friendship that has existed betwestr
the United Slates and RUBsUt, ' . '
, While neither the president nor 8ec
Jretaiy ICnor "wag alarmed over the turn
of affairs, it Is said at the White House
determined effort would be made by
senate leaders to modify the Bulger reso
lution. .
Objects to Term of Resolution.
Owing to the reticence of all concerned
In the negotiations It was Impossible to
learn the exact nature of the protest It
Is believed, however, to have been di
rected principally against the language
of the Sulzer resolution, which boldly de
clares that Russia had violated the terms
of the treaty of 1&2.
When informed of this. Mr. Sulzer,
chairman of the house committee on for
elgn relations, declared that he saw noth
ing insulting to "sensitive Russia" In his
resolution and believed it would go
through tho seuato without modification.
Action on the Russian treaty is sched
uled In the senate for Monday next, but
.It was Indicated that consideration of the
Subject might be delayed. Meanwhile
diplomatic negotiations are being con
tinued with Russia.
Protest Made Friday Night.
The Russian protest was made last
right. Later the ambassador and,8ecre-,
tary Knox called at the White House and
took the matter up with the president In
a lengthy conference. Today the secre
tary of state and the president considered
the matter at lengthand it was not until
this conference was ended that the mat
ter became public.
Mr. Bakhmeteff let It be known that
Russia was de.-idodly dissatisfied with
the Sulzer resolution.
It was from senators who visited the
White House that Mr. Taft learned that
an effort would be made to modify In the
acnate the Sulzcr resolution as It came
from the house.
Following the conference between Sec
retary Knox and the president, the Rus
sian ambassador called at 'the State de
partment and was closeted for sonio time
with the secretary. Both denied that the
ituation was at all serious, but would
ot discuss the details of their conference
or of the call at the White House.
Hope for Concessions.
That the United States waa loaning
Strongly to the hope that American Am
bassador Guild would be successful 1n
obtaining a modification of the passport
regulation with the St. Petersburg gov-
(Continued on Third Page.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Rain or snow; warmer.
For Iowa Unsettled weather with light
now; colder extreme east and wanner
northwest portion.
leniperuture at Omaha Yesterday.
5lW FICRip
6 a. m, .
6 a. m. .
7 a. rn..
8 a. m..
it a. in..
.... 2?
.... 28
.... 27
.... 27
.... a
.... M
.... 2i
.... 2
.... W
.... 'iH
.... 21
.... W
.... 2
.... tl
g&AAI Hi-:::::
10 a. m..
3 p. m..
4 p. m...
r. p. in . . .
t; p. m...
" p. m...
Comparative Loral Record.
1BI1. 1!10. 190. I.
Ullgheat yesterday 4 M 40
lowest yesterday 21 is 4 IKi
Mean temperature 27 M "30 3D
jTe.-lpltaUon 'l ) .03 T
Temperature and precipitation depart
ures from the normal:
rioruml temperature 2
letclency fur tha day 1
Total excess aln:e March 1 701
Normal prei-lpltatiuii C Inch
Dttflclynoy f r the day id Inch
Tulal rainfall since March 1... .14.67 Inches
L-eftcinncy Kims Msrch 1 14 is Inches
iwifioleni.y for cor. period. 1!)10. .14 tit Inches
ixeeos for cor. period, l'JJt 4 U Inches
T lndii-ataa tram of precipitation. '
L. A. WLLfiU, Local Fvrecasler.
jnk 'fhWj fc felStf ft MG
, ( o wwm '
Chairman Fitzgerald Says Expenses
of Special Committees Arc
Too Large.
Amount la Large Because Estimates
Last Year 'We're Pruned exces
sively by Officials to
Make Showing.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 1C "The house
steel trust" investigating committee Is
costing congress $2,7UO a month, while
extra stenographic work for the limine
committees at this session Is costing
12,000 a month, according to statements
made In a speech In the house by Chair
man Fltsgerald of the house committee
on appropriations. He added that the
sugar trust Investigating committee was
coating $200 a month and the committee
Investigating -postofflce expenditures 1325
Charges that the executive heads of the
'government had pruned the appropriation
estimate last year below the actual
needs of the government service also
marked the gpcech of Chairman F1U
gerald, when the house took up the
urgent deficiency appropriation bill.
The bill -as reported from committee
carried I2,!",50. a reduction of 1,083,5S9
front the estimates, of departments.
'Estimates Are Too Low.
"Most ef the appropriations carried by
this bill are needed because the depart
ments put In estimates too low laat
year," said Mr. Fitzgerald. "We don't
believe It Is economy or good sense to
cripple any government service by prun
ing estimates below the actual require
ments." Every new expenditure we authorize Is
added to the prospective deficit In the
treasury," said Representative Fltzger-
ld In attacking an increase of the pub-
Uo building program.
"If this keeps on the house will not be
devoting its efforts to reducing tho bur
dens of taxation, but must find new
methods of ralBlng revenue," he said.
Chairman Fitzgerald declared congress
had gone "wild" In authorizing new pub
lic buildings, and that a limit must be
put on such activity.
Mr. Fitzgerald said he considered the
rates paid for extra stenographic work
for the Investigating committee "grossly
Mann Agrees with Kltsg-erald.
Republican Leader Mann declared the
expenditures of the Investigating commit
tees were excessive.
The democratic leaders asked for an
efficiency appropriation of SGO.OOO to meet
the expenses of the house.
Mr. Fitzgerald said the total miscellan
eous expenditures of the house for the
year exclusive of salaries probably would
be about the same as In previous years.
Mr. Mann demanded to know the larg
est salaries paid to employes pf the dem
ocratic Investigation committees.
"I think we finally will have to demand
an Investigation of the employes of the
investigating committees," he said.
Show Girls Will Sue
Stokes for Damages
NEW YORK, Dee. 16. Counsel for Lil
lian Graham andKthel Coniad, who yes
terday were acquitted of the charge of
having amuulted W. K. , I . Stokes, mil
lionaire sportsman by shooting him In
the legs when he was a visitor to their
apartments, announced today that the
show girls would file damage suit
against Stokes for false Imprisonment
and mallcltfUs persecution.
"I shall start an action against Stokes
for Miss Graham without delay," said
Clark L. Jordan, her lawyer.
"I shall advise Mlus Conrad to sue for
tluO.000," announced Robert I Moore,
ICthel Conrad's counsel.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 (Special Tele
gram) The Interstate Commerce com
mission today rendered a decision in favor
of the C. N. Dieti Lumber company of
Omaha in Its case against the. Atchison,
Topeka (fc fauta Fe Railway company,
complaining of an overcharge on the
shipment of a carload of lumber from
!earbom, Tex., to I'piand, Neb.
Senator Brown this morning escorted
Miss lkirothy Stanford of Lincoln and
ills Thompson, dauglit-.r of 8oliclu,r
General Thonipsun, to the White House
and presented them to President Taft.
Miss Sanford hs been the guest of Miss
Thompson for two week and ! for
home Monday.
The National Capital
Mtnrilii)', llerrralirr 16, 1911.
The Senate.
Not In session: meets 2 p. in. Monday.
State Representative Hull of Illinois
test If tod before Lorimer election Inquiry
that a "whisky" lobby had existed at
Springfield. , '
Louis D. Ilrandeis of BoMon spent his
third day beforo IntcrstHto Commerce
commission Hiving views on the "trust
The House.
Met at noun. -
Debated :.',870.000 urgent deficiency bill
with pavstige planned for late this after
noon. Steel and other inquiry committees in
recess until Monday.
Anti-trust law amended putting burden
of 'proof of reasonableness of trade re
straint on defendant, Introduced by Lcn
root. i. nairman r itzgeraiu or appropriations
Bv. . III. TOU-
mates ha been cut below actual needs;
that treasury deficit la In prospect and
that Investigating committees are cost
ing heavily.
Republican Leader Mann eakl he hoped
Pulzer resolution on Russian treaty would
be amended to 'avoid objectionable lan
guage. -
Republican Leader Mann of Illinois and
Representative Slsson of Mississippi, In
heated colloquy, almost rama to blows.
Chairman Stanley of the atcel Inquiry
committee asked for additional appropria
tion of 128,000 to continue work.
Klghty million dollar highway Improve
ment appropriation bill Introduced by
Representative Prouty of Iowh.
Urgent deficiency bill, carrying appro
priation of $2,270,000, was passed.
Adjourned at 6:34 p. m. to noon Monday.
Four Men Overcome in Burlington
Pump House at Benkelman.
One, Known on 11 n to Pete, Had Ueen
Reeently la Omaha Other Oscar
Schmidt ( harlea Wright of '
Bluffs Overcome.
BENKELMAN, Neb., Dec. 10.-(SpecIal
Telegram.) Four men were overcome by
gasoline fumes In the Burlington pump
house tiere thin morning and two were
dead when found at 7 o'clock. The others
are seriously 111. The dead are:
FRANCIS P. A MORES, aged 21, rela
tives In New York City.
OhOAR SCHMIDT, New York City, 32.
The sick:
Edward Hogan, X, switchman.
Charles Wright. 1, signal man claiming
Council Dlulfs as bis borne.
All were put off the westbound passen
ger, No. H, and at 2 o'clock went Into the
pumphouse for warmth. The first two
entered after the others, closed the door
and laid near the engine exhaust pipe.
Hogan and Wright were unconscious
when found. Papers show Amores went
by the name of Pinto Pete and had
worked for a wild west show. He left
Omaha December 13.
Schmidt was a veteran of the Spanish
war, served three years aa musician and
was (Uncharged at Moro Castle, Santiago,
July C, ltd-'. His character was good.
He was born at Hamburg, Germany.
Relatives have been notified.
Rain and Snow in
the Lake Region
CHICAGO, Dec. 16. A rain and snow
storm settled over the lake region and
the Ohio valley today, partially tlulng up
telegraph and train truffle and causing
great discomfort to the ChrlNtthas shop
ping crowds In the cities. The rain ex
tended as far eat us the New England
slate,' with the storm center over the
Ohio valley.
The snow was expected to continue to
i.lght and tomorrow, with slightly loer
temperature, aecoidlng to tho l ulled
States weather forecast.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1C Rev. Christian
J. Olbon, who came from Chit ago a year
ago to become pastor of li Fourth Ave
nue baptist church in Brooklyn, was
found-dead today In a half-filled bath tub
Immersed In blood that flowed from sev
ered arteries In his wrist. For several
mouths Dr. Olson had been suffering
from Jieadarhes and Insomnia and lately
he feare he was going Insane. Taking
advantage of his family' absence, the
clergyman wrote several parting letters,
got Into the tub and with a razor slashed
tola wrUl.
Officers Investigating Details
Plot to Destroy Army
Rev. Mr, Brewer, Who Is Impli
cated by Confession of Private
Quirk, Is (Mill Held In
' Tnprk.
Mllitary officials at Fort Riley today
continued their Investigation of the
alleged plot to annihilate the post with fire
and dynamite details of which became
public with the confession Tuesday night
of Private, Michael Quirk. The same
secrecy which has characterized the
movements of officials since the beginning
of the Investigation weeks ago waa main
tained. i It la said detail of the . alleged plot
might not have., been, made publla for
many days had .not,.. Quirk's friends
threatened habeas corpus proceedings to
Obtain tho private's release unices the
charge against him waa stated definitely.
Following; these threats army officials
were forced to have warrants Issued. The
arrest i of the Rev. C. M. Brewer, former
army chaplain, on charges by federal
authorities end Mrs. Annu Jordan, later
released, . followed.
Army officials . It is said with six
soldiers under arrest, now are giving their
whole attentlonvto finding those, not
guilty of actual acts, but who are said to
have guilty knowledge of the real
criminals. No doubt Is expressed at the
fort that enough evidence has been ob
tained by confession1 and by corroborative
lest to convict all whom tho officials will
Implicate In the affair.
Army officials today said the delay In
bringing the Rev. Mr. Brewer to the
pout was due to the difficulty of obtain
ing the approval of federal district Court
officers at Topeka of the warrant Issued
by United States Commissioner Chase.
Officials today said that the Quirk con
fession accusing the former chaplain of
Implication was not the only testimony
against him. This they said waa cor
roborated by other evidence of the
presence of the defendant In or near
Junction City atthe time of the crimes
Portland Woman
Attempts Suicide in
Hotel in Chicago
CHICAGO. Dec. 16.-Whlle telephoning
to Frank Cockrell. a Chicago lumber
dealer, formerly of Jerseyvllle, 111., to
reproach him for his refusal to marry
her, Mrs. Emma Robluaon of Portland,
Ore., a guest at the La Salle hotel, ihot
herself early today and was taken to a
hospital in a serious condition.
Cockrell, who was ut another hotel a
block away, heard the shot over the tele
phone and went at once to the T.a Salle
hotel, where Mrs. Roblr.son was found.
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 16.-Mrs. Kdna
Robinson, who attempted suicide In Chi
cago early today. Is a daughter of James
Smith, a former county clerk here, and
the divorced wife of Harry S. Robinson,
a telegraph operator. Her slater, Mrs.
J. C. Clark, wifa of a prominent druggist,
lives in Portland. Mrs. Robinson was
Mrs. Clark xald toduy that her sister
left here about a year ago to travel In
the east and was expected home for the
Christmas holidays. Mrs. Clara does not
know Frank B. Cockrell.
Mrs. Robinson had given no Intimation
of a desire to end her life.
JKR3EV VILLK, 111., Dec. Kl.-Frank
B. Cockrell, who reported the attempted
suicide of Emma Robinson in a Chicago
hotel today, was born and raised here.
For ten years he hss lived In Chicago,
where he Is engaged In the lumber In
dustry.. He Is 36 years old and unmar
ried. The Cockrell family of Jerseyvllle
Is not i elated to former I'nited States
Senator Cockrell of Missouri,
Wool Message Will
Go to Congress Soon
WASHINGTON. Dec 16 -President
Taft will scud the report of the tariff
board on w )ol to congress with a spc
rial message Tuesday or Wednesday, next
week. The full report will be presented
t the piealdent Monday. It will be a
voluminous affair, consisting of about
!A).iM words, and Innumerable tables.
The tariff bouid today completed It
final Investigation of tha cotton Indus
try. The report on that schedule will be
given the president shortly after the
Christmas holidays,
Street Railway Power House
Court House Dynamited.
At Time of Ills Arrest, Detectives
Believed He Had Something
to Do with Omaha Ki (
When John J. McNamara was arrested
April 12, 1911, two dynamiting cases had
occurred In Omaha and It waa said at
the time that he, in connection with
others Involved In the ls Angeles case,
may have had something to do with them.
In Omaha In July, 1910, the power house
of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street
Railway company was dynamited and In
March, 1911, the Douglas county court
house was dynamited.
On tho morning of March 24 at- about
1 o'clock an attempt waa made to blow
up the new Douglaa county court house
with dynamite. Two charges of explosive
were placed In the south and southwest
parts .of the basement. The explosions
blew out fou? partitions on the first and
Second floors and caved In fifty square
feet of floor" apace, doing damage to the
exent of f IB, 000.
The first explosion occurred t 13. M
o'clock and the other a moment later.
At the time of the first explosion the
watchmau, W. H. Rrookover, waa In the
watohhouse at Seventeenth and Harney
streets arid had Just completed Ms rounds
of the building and found everything In
the usual condition. The first charge of
explosive was placed at the foot of an
arch at the south sldo of the building
between two columns which were twenty
four Inches apart. Had It not been that
the windows and doors of the building
were open the shock of the first explosion
probably would have rased the southwest
corner of the building. Large steel beams
and steel columns were curled as though
they were fire, and massive stones were
Jarred from tho base of two of the col
umns. Tho second explosion caved In fifty
squaro feet of floor space and Jarred
beums and columns In the extreme south
west corner of the building loose.
tiullt Not Traced. '
Tho police were on the scene wlfaln
five minutes after the explosion, but were
unable to get a clue aa to the dynamiters,
and although suspects were arrested they
were later released and the culprits' were
never brought to Justice.
Tho court house was being constructed
by tho Caldwell & Drake company and
simultaneously wlthm the blowing up of
the court houne the contractors' office
at the Coldwell & Drake structural Iron
works at Columbus, Ind., wus wrecked
by a dynamite explosion. A few days
later Mr. Caldwell received an anonymous
letter telling him to stop trying to catch
the dynamiters or the rest o flits plant at
Columbus would be destroyed.
Shortly uftcr midnight on July 22, 1910
an explosion at the Omaha street railway
company's power house, which was In
course of construction at that time was
damaged hy a dynamite explosion. The
dumage vuh enllinatud at SM0. but the
exact causejof the explosion was never
Man Who Shot His
Friend by Accident
Is a Nervous Wreck
LEAD, H. V., Dec. 16 Sp lal Tele
gram.) Tho bodies of two of the victims
of this week's tragedies here will be taken
tomorrow to their former homes. Charles
J. Herbert, who was accidentally shot by
Sirs. II. J. Kerry, will -bu taken to Potosl,
Wis., for burial.
Rudy liarthel, the Homestake detective,
who was accidentally shot by tils friend,
Ken Wilkinson, will be taken to Denver
after a large public funeral by the Elks
here at noon.
Wllklnsoif was today taken to a hospital
In a serious mental condition.
DELHI, India, Dec, 16. The great
Inn-bur, with lis round of festivities lust
ing since the arrlvul of the king-empcror
and queen-empress on December 7, was
brought to a conclusion today. King
George has departed for Nepal on a
shooting exedltloii, while Queen Mary
has gone to Axis, -v,
I llol'STO.N. Tex.. Dec 16. The third
j killing during the strike of Harrlman
line shopmen here occurred today, when
ii, i . i.yoii'. a carpenter, was shot
ucuu in tin- Roninerii recinc railroad
tarda. Lyons came here from Kansas
City. '1 he assassin has not yet been
(oujmL arrests have bee snade.
Pledge $26,650 to Fight for Re
vision cf Schedule K.
Re-elect Old Officers a ad Select
Cheyenne for Neat Year Co
operative tarketlaa- Is
I raed.
After electing Its old officers and rais
ing a pledge fund of t'-f'iO to uso In the
Interests of turlff legislation In congress
this winter, the National Wool Growers'
association adjourned their convention
yesterday afternoon to meet I Cheyenne
next winter.
' By a roll call of states the' fund was
pledged as follows: Wyoming. 15,000;
Idaho, $1,000; Oregon,' Si, 000; Montana,
M.OOO; , Utah, $3,000; Nevada, K.V; Cali
fornia. 13,00; National Wool Warehouse
and Storage company, 11,000; New Mexico,
ii, ow; waining-ton, sow; Knoiun commis
sion company of Chicago, 1360; Mr. Wil
liams of Montana, 1300; Arizona, SoOO;
Rank of Dillon. Montana, 1159.
Tho money Is to be spent in an effort
for a realisation ofthe hopes and withes
of the association, with reference to the
wool tariff, as expressed by the following
resolutions: -
. Resolutions on Tariff.
Resolved, That In line with tho eco
nomic thought which guided Washington,
Hamilton and Jefferson In the propaga
tion of this government we tavor a
proper protection to .ivety American In
dustry based on thtt difference of cost
of production at home and abroad.
, Resolved, That we Indorse the tariff
commission Idea as the proper nuvlium
through which the difference. In cost of
pfouuedon of wool at home and abroad
Can be ascertained and commend Prcxt
dent Taft for hla stand In vetoing the
wool turlff bill before such Information
was obtained.
Resolved, Inasmuch as the wool trade
of tho world Is satisfactorily conducted
In valuing wool upon the woured bssls,
we believe It affords the most enulinhlo
and satisfactory plan of levying duties.
If It Is possible to buy and sell wool in
this way we can see no roaxou why the
government cannot levy and collect Its
import duties upon the bojiio IihsIh.
Resolved. That we are unalterably op
posed to the levying of a duty based on
the greaxe basis, under present condi
tions, an applied In the Payne, law, and
we are arrayed eu.uu.lly against any col
lection of duties boned on the ad val
orem system.
Ha It Resolved. That we Indorse un
qualifiedly the spectrin scoured pound
basis as the only scientific, equitable and
permanent basis on which Iminort duties
on wool can be collected, and we favor
fair compensatory and protective duties
on the manufacturers of wool.
Other resolutions were: . .
Resolved, That while realising the ulti
mate benefits of a properly constructed
and equably adinliilsterod land leuss law,
yet we leel at thin time that neither the
government nor congress are In posses
sion of proper and suitlclent data for the
formula Uuti of any blanket land lease
law that would be permanent or equit
able. Resolved, That the genorul liiipresalon
prevailing throughout the public press
mid In the minds of the consumer is
that the producer of wool and mutton
Is deriving an unjust toll from the con
sumer of these products.
Resolved, That we hereby demand that
the secretary of commerce and labor
make an investigation of the facta In the
case and submit to congress a statement
showing the distribution ot costs in both
wool and mutton from the time It leaves
the hands of the producer until U Is
purchased by the consumer.
Want Rights to Forests.
The resolutions further declare that an
amendment should be made to tho forest
laws giving "proper recognition to the
live stock Interests;" that rates for graz
ing in the national forests should be re
duced; that a commission should be ap
pointed to classify all unoccupied public
lands and report its findings to the presi
dent and congress, together with a bill
for the "disposal of public unoccupied
domain that will be permanent and based
on commercial demands and practical
usage;" that the government be asked to
establish wool departments in agricultural
colleges; that congress be axked to pass
a law offering a bounty for the killing of
wild animals, which cause to stockmen
a loss of flS.UW.OOO annually.
The practice of wool growers of putting
foreign substances In their clip to make
It weigh heavier was condemned. The
National Warehouse .and Htorage com
pany was endorsed.
Steam Roller Works,
-The officers of the assoclatloii, all re
elected are: President, Frank R. Good
ing. Gooding, Idaho; western vice presi
dent, Guorge Austin, rait Luke City; east
ern Vice president, A. J. Knollln, Chicago;
secretary, 8. W. McClure, Gooding, Idaho;
treasurer, Frank D. Miracle, Helena,
President Gooding's steam roller worker
as well as any political steam roller ever
Invented. lie had iKintrol of the conven
tion from start to finish. Wyoming's big
delegation came prepared to oust Gooding
from control of the organization, but
Gooding threatened to throw Idaho's sup
port to Bait Lake City for the next con
vention and the Wyomlngltes were com
pelled to support Gooding foi president in
order to get the next convention for
(Continued, wu oecuud Page.)
McManigal and J. B. McNamara Ac
complished lobs at Same Time.
Secretary Intended to Put Six or
Eight Men About Country.
Information Revealed in Federal
Grand Jury Investigation.
Relation of Money to Fees . tilven
McManigal for Work la lllonlng
III "cah" fhor Strec
Inrra Traced.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. lS.-That
the dynamiting of the new court house
In Omaha on March 24, l'.ill, and ex
plosion at the home office of the Cald
well & Drake company In Columbus, Ind.,
at the same time, was the beginning ot
plan by John J. McNamara to puzzle,
the National Krectors association by a
series of simultaneous explosions the
country over, was made known here
This Information had been given by
Ortle K. McManigal III his confession.
It was revealed today by the government
officials conducting the dynamite con
spiracy before the federal grand jury.
The purpose of McNamara, according
to McManigal. was to employ more men
to have explosions occur on the same
day . or within the same hour at cities
widely separated.
' J. A. G. Radorf, a detective employed ,
by the National Krectors association,
who worked on this phase ot the ease
and who secured scores of photographs .
of wrecked structures, was before the
grand Jury for several hours.
"Will MakeT Then lit Is."
In connection with the Omaha s-nd
Columbus lobs McNamara la charged by
McManigal with having said:
"I want them to go oft about the same
time so they wilt Wonder how the fellow
was in Omaha arid Columbus the same
night. . What I am going to do Is to
get aboul six or eight good fellows and.
I am going to station them around the '
country and,!' am going to have ex
plosions come off at one time, one right
after the other. I will make them sit
up and take notice."
It has been shown that in the Omaha
Columbus Incident on March 24, 1911, the
explosions were done by McManigal and
J. R. McNamara, the time being ar
ranged by telegrams sent In code to J.
J. McNamara In Indianapolis.
Inquire Into Ills; Fond.
The 11,000 paid monthly to John J.v Mc
Namara as secretary-treasurer of the -International
Association of Rrldge and
Htructural Iron Workers for "organising '
purposes," and for which he was not
required to give any accounting, was in
quired Into today. The relation ot the
fund to tee given Ortle McManigal, the
confessed dynamiter, for his work in
blowing . up structures erected by non
union workmen, also was traced.
From an employe of a livery concern at
Muncle.Ind. , the Investigators learned of
McManigal's movement of nitroglycerin
from Albany, Ind., to his storehouse at
Munclo. McManigal, under the name ot
J, W. MoGraw, bought 100 quarts of the
explosive near Albany.
It was delivered to him In a wagon
outside the city, driven by film to an
empty house at Muncle and there packed
In sawdust. He confessed he afterwards
used some of the nitroglycerin for ex
plosions at Peoria, 111.
The similarity of some of the sawdust
found at Peoria to that found at Munt-lti
and In the wagon led to the linking up
of the evidence by detectives and the
transaction were gone over to ascertain
what money had been paid for expenses.
Plan More Prosecutions.
Iln.,la tiav 1 t Mftl flu rwil I ri f
the Intention of the state authorities to
start prosecutions for explosions which'
huve occurred In their localities and ask
ing whether evidence now In tho hands
of the government might be available
tor county grand Jury Investigations.
"It Is the duty of different jurisdic
tions to assist each other In prosecuting
offenders," said Assistant District At
torney Clarence Nichols. "Count prose
cutor In any' state will net have any
difficulty In obtaining from the federal
(Continued on Becond Page.)
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