Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Dring the EUddies, Let Them Meet Santa Glaus Saturday in Toy Fairy Land
n. " v lair - - n . i
&rvA . r sk - - -- -- - - - - - -
1 ft
Saturday is Children's Day
and Santa Clans has made gjvnt preparation to re
ceive the little folks.
From 9 A. M, Till 12 M. and From 2 Till 4 P. M.
Special mnsic and a gift for each child accompanied
by parent or older person will be provided by Santa.
KM IVxly Dolls, with fin bisque heads, light or dark hair,
moving eyes, shoes and stockings; also a fine line of char
acter Baby Dolls and a vast variety of dressed )r
dolls, great bargains Saturday at Z.DC
14Ja. KM Body Jointed Dolls, with handsome bisque head,
fine sewed raobalr wig, light, medium or dark, AO
matchless values at
f2.0O Kid Itody Jointed lKlls Sleeping eyes, shoes nnd
stockings, 22 inches high, best value ever, $8c
Others up to . ............ ... . . . $15.00
:f R iiD ABLE &TOR
Holiday Sale of Wanted Books
orfwan of J. A. C, at $1.80 i Ucle lllon, bv the author of
Writing- on th Wall . .$1.80 I I. ltd Hrothers ot 1 lift
MIMrens of Hhenstone, hy I Itloli 91.93
author of the lionary 11.36 I Tlio Gamblers at ....81.85
Popular BOo Booka The Kddy hy Clarence Cullen. The Hnr
rier l.y Hex Hoard, The Spoilers lv Hex Urach. The
foreigner by Kalph Connor. Glengarry Hi-dool Hkvk, The
Man or Glengarry by Kalph Connor. anl ninny ' others,
all at, choli-a 60c
Trayar Books, Bocaries, Blblaa, etc., at greatly rednced
prlraa. lancy writing papera. holly boxes, chrttnmas
cards. Brain, etc., at sweeping reductions for next few dura.
Children's Day is Saturday
firing them and let them revel among the toys.
You'll be surprised, nnd everybody is, at the vastness
of the variety of playthings which St. Nicholas lias
provided for the children this season in this his prin
cipal Omaha store house.
l-.nRlih Ioll Cab Conch finish, wood body, rubber tlrod
steel wheels, leather cloth liooda, nicely upholstered, 32,0$
Sr.c Toy Tlanos at ...4 254
6c Toy rianos at . 59?
2Rc Toy Drums at ....194
Others shown up to JB.3,00
Uainea of all kinds, ranging
iu price from 5 up to $2
Sr.c Ten Tin Sets 25c
Ci'c Mechanical Trains .J.)
f 4 Klectrle Trains at J$
$10 Klectrlc Trains at 7.50
lOo Toy It rooms at ....5
10c Snow Shovela at .... .5
The most complete and beauti- i
ful showing of dainty handker
chiefs ever seen in Omaha and
prices were never before bo at
tractive. $1.00 Real Lace Handkerchiefs. 35i
60c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
at 25
25c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
10c Fancy Handkerchiefs at 5
16c Pure Linen Handkerch'efs. .'7Htt
$1.50 Fancy Boxed Handkerchiefs, $1
Real Lace Handkerchiefs at Just
Half Price
Real Duchess Lace Handkerchiefs.
Real Princess Lace Handkerchiefs.
Real Bruga Lace Handkerchiefs.
Real Honiton Lace Handkerchiefs.
Real Venice Lace Handkerchiefs.
$ 3.00 values, choice., 81.50
$ 4.00 values, choice.. ,... .-82.00
$ 6.00 values, choice. ....... .S2.50
$ 6.00 values, choice... S3.0O
$ 8.00 values, choice $4.00
$10.00 values, choice $5.00
All perfect new goods:
Biggest bargains ever offered
Beginning Saturday This StorJfVIII
Be Opan evening Till Chrlatmaa.
Fancy Needlework
Beautiful for Gifts.
Fancy Center Pieces. .. ... ,49c Up.
Fancy Pin Cushions 25 Up.
Fancy Sewing Sots 49c Up.
Scores of other articles in Fancy
Needle Work. . . .49c to $10.00
A most complete line for your selection;
special values
at 404. 59S G9 "P $5.00
Hats and Caps
Always Nice for Gifts.
We're showing a full line of John B. Stet
son Hats, all newest shapes and styles,
t $3.50 to $7.50
Men's Fiir Caps All kinds, greatly under
priced Saturday, 94.50, $3.50 $2, $1.50
Boys4 and Children's Caps $1.00 values,
in velvets, chinchillas, plushes, worsteds,
etc.; all colors and black, at.. ....404
Two big floor stocks of Men's Slippers from two of the
largest slipper makers in Massachusets at about ONE-THIRD
off the regular prices.
Men's tan or black hand turned Faust Slippers; regular price
$3.50, at $2.50
Men's tan or black Romeo, Everett or Opera Slippers; regular
prices $2.50, at $1.75
Men's $2.00 black or tan Kverctts, Operas or Komeos, kid or
chamois lined $1.50
Men's tan or black $1.50 Evcrctts, Operas and liomeos $1.00
Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Fur Trimmed Juliets; red, grey,
blue, brown, wine and black 1. $1.00
Child's Plush House Slippers and Women's comfortable Slumber
Slippers j o4
rn..Q,!Al,,y 8,h0". a" k'ndf "-v $4.00 and $a.5o
Orover's Shoes for tender feet, up from S2.25
Buy him a Stetson or Crossrtt Shoe for men who appreciate the"be"t.
Women's Crochet Slippers with warm lamb's wool soles, hand or ma
chine work, up from 504
Beginning Saturday This Store Will
Be Open Evenings Till Chrlstmaa
Sample Lines of
Leather Goods
$1.00 Hand Bags at fj)
$2.00 Hand Bags at
$3.00 Hand Bags at $1.08
$4.00 Hand Bags nt... $3.00
$5.00 Hand Bags at. 50
$7.00 Hand Bags at ......$1 TJ
$10.00 Kitted Bags at. ........... .SUi'otl
$12.00 Fitted Bags at $700
Put These on Your Gift List
Bags and Suit Cases
An Immense line of manufacturers'
samples Walrus, Seal, Russian Calf, etc.
the very finest qualities at fully H lesa
than regular retail prices.
Here's a splendid opportunity to buy a
fine suit caso or grip at a big price saving.
Suit Oases nnd lines that sell regularly at
from $5.00 to $30.00, In this holiday
sal8i priced at $3.05 to $20.00
Coat or
Tlie almost unlinuted
dies' Furnishing goods
department make se
lection of gifts easy.
Gloves are always ac
ceptableSelect here
from Fownes, Ray.
nier, Derby, Monarch
Long Kid Gloves
at 82.50 to $3.50
Short Kid Gloves
at. .. fS to S2.00
Buy her a glove certifi
cate for sale at our glove
.counter and let her select
her own gloves at some
later time.
Ladies' Tan Cape Gloves in
all sizes, $1.00 values, spe
cial ,.4fi
Kayner Silk Hose Best
wearing . stockings
made; regular or extra
sizes; on sale Saturday,
pair 1.-084
Ladies' Wayne Knit Silk
Lisle Hose-i Light or
medium weight,
at 49 and 35
Ladies' Sample Hone
Made to sell up to 75c;
all kinds, sizes and col
ors, at, pair 254
12 W 4 a pair for Heavy
Fleeced or Cashmere
finished Stockings.
Boys', Wool Sweaters
at .'.084 and $1.45
254 'or Heavy Wool
itibbed and Cashmere
lloee Saturday.
Children's Shawknlt 23c
quality Stockings On
sale, pair 124
Ladies' and Children's
Sweaters A splendid
showing of all newest
styles. You'll find them
matchless values.
Ladies' Sweaters
at $1.45 and $4.98
Fancy Wool and Kider.
down Caps for Misses
and Ladles, all colors,
at.... 084 to $1.45
Newport Scarfs, all col
ors, values to $2.00, on
sale at 404- 084
Children's Knit Toques,
plain or reversible,
at 494
Some Rousing Bargains in Winter Underwear
X.adlea' Bilk and Wool
Union Salts, Sterling,
Harvard Mills, Lutorn..
Stratford and other Rood
.nakea, 83.60, 82.98, 83.50
ana 81.93
La.lieH' l'irie White Woul
1'nlon Suits, values up to
13.00 on wale, 81.78, 81.50
J.adl.' Xiiit,
all wool, $2.00 valiira, 880
Women's and Children's
Underwear of all kinds, at
prketf almost Half
than Itegulur Ilelail worth.
Big Sale of Children's
Two prominent manufacturers
closed out to us at a sacrifice their en
tire surplus stocks of children's coats.
The goods were received just in time
for Holiday selling and we're offering
you grand bargains in this Saturday
Children's Coats, made to sell at $6.00,
$6.60, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00 Plushes,
bearskins, kerseys, fancy mixtures, in
the season's nobbiest styles, all col
ors and all sizes from 2 to 14 years
as shown in 16th street
windows; your choice .
Saturday at.,
Children's Wool Serge Dresses Four
big special lots for Saturday, sizes
ranging from 6 to 14 years; choicest
styles and colors; sale prices are
$1.95, S2.95, S3.95 and $5.00
Children's Winter Coats In heavy frieze, good styles, all
sizes from 6 to 12 years; values to $5.00, choice. .$1.95
See our splendid line of Infants' Dress Coats, Hoods,
Bootees, Bibs, Pinning Blankets, etc. Lowest prices.
XiSdUs' Ontlnt rianBel
downs, l.'nlveraal brand,
white or colors, values up
to I! 50, on male, 81.45. 880
Ladles' and Misses' I1.U0
Suallty Outing Flannel
owns at 48o
Dr. Denton's Bleeping" Gar
ments, best for the little
folks, special at o
Ladles' Italian BUk Teats,
In white, pink or blue,
hand en.broidered ralue
to IB. on on sale
at 81.60. 819S t 93.88
Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Fancy Combs. Uruslies, Hand Mirrors,
Imported and Domestic Perfumes; also Staple Articles at Trices that
Save You 25 to 00.
26c size Sanltol tooth powder or paste for 12Mc
$1.00 size Pure Hydrogen Peroxide, extra size, for 2Tc
60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream for ..20c
Four (4) bars of Ivory Soap for 15c
16c package of (20) Mule Team Borax for 10c
10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap at (2) bars for '.15c
One hundred (100) Dr. Hinkle's Cas
cara Tablets for 86e
76c Dr. William's Combination toilet
sets 80 at BOo
All Manicure Seta, JUST HALF.
From 85a to 910.00
13.00 Ket genuine Ebony back Mili
tary Hrushea fur 81-83
12.00 Hair Hrushes, to close out, 91.50
$1.00 Traveling- Cases, brand now
stock, for 490
Terr special I All $1.2r.. 11.60, $2.00
and 13.00 package perfume In this
sals at on price 88o
$1.R0 Traveling Cases for 98o
83.00 Causa for 81.08
13.00 Safety Razors with j bliclt-H,
ko at 91.00
DOo packages Perfumes for 85o
$1.00 packages for 60o
Bobber floods Dept.
$1.00 Fountain Syrlnve or bottle, 89o
$1.50 Hot Water buttle or 1'uuntHin
fcyrlnne tor 98o
$2.00 No. 2 lied llubber Syringe and
bottle at 91.00
$3.00 Wellington Kyrlne and bnttl,
guarantee! for five years for 93.00
It You're Thinking of
Now Is your b iggest and best opportunity.
Bargains such as we're of
fering in our Great December
Fur Sale are seldom obtain
able in this or any other
ine Hudson Seal Coats
XX-XX quality that sells
everywhere rcfularly at
$230; Saturday at . .S1G9
Genuine American Beaver Coats
Choice quality; regular $100 value;
matchless barcrain, Saturday at
only $69.00
Russian Pony Fur Coats $85.00
values; beautiful markings; a
splendid bargain Saturdav nt
only $59.00
Long French Coney Fur Coats $35
values, on sale at choice, $22.50
Long Silk Kimonos worth
up to $10.00-, beautiful
patterns and colors
at $4.95
Long Flannelette Kimonos
regular $2.50 values,
fine assortment for selec
tion, on sale, choice
at $1,45
Silk Chiffon Waists, all
colorsi; regular values up
to $7.50, on sale, $2.95
Imported Seal Plush Coats
an elegant lino for your
A Nice
Piece of
or Cut
Big Sample Line
Holiday Gifts
A bargain day Saturday that
will long bo remembered.
Men's Combination Traveling
Cases Regular $-100 to $10.00
values at $2.25, $2.50, $3,
$3.75 ,$1, $4.50, 5, $5.50
Men's Military Brush Sets ling
ular $1.25 to $0.00 values, at
75c, 85c, $1.0, $1.50,
$1.75, $2.25, $2.50, $3.50
Ladies' Hair Bnishfl s Regular
50o to $1.75 values, 25c, 39c,
49c 59c G9c 79r 89c 9Sc
Ladies' Toilet Cases Regular
$3.00 to $12.00 values, on sale at
$1.75 $2.25 $3.50 $4.75
$5.50 $0.50 and $7.50
Scores of FZ'L'ld
Hudson Seal coats Elegant
garments, regular $200.00
values; the clioicest coat
bargain offered in vears,
Saturday, at. .. $125.00
Black Wolf Sets with largo
shawl collar and pillow
muff; $20.00 values on sale
at $12.50
Other Fine Matched Sets,
Scarfs and Muffs at Special
Bargain Prices Saturday.
Many other special values
offered Saturday that you
will not find duplicated at
the prices.
$3.75 Novelty Cloth Coats
Handsome long garments
in most popular styles and
colors; garments that sold
to $23.00, at $9.90
selection; values that
you'll not find dupli
cated nt $25, $30, $35
or $39.75
Ladies' Wool Blanket
Robes, all colors; $5.00
values; in Saturday's
wlo $2.95
Suggestions in our
always busy Men's
Furnishing Depart,
ment: Bath Robes,
Silk Neckwear,
Mufflers, fine silk,
cotton ( or woolen
Hd si ery; etc., at
very attractive
special prices.
Here's Some Sat.
urdiy Specials:
All useful gift
Best Shirt
shown in
new,, clean, perfect
Men's Colored Laundered
Ntiirta, regular values
to $1.50, In coat style,
fast colors, light, me
dium or dark, at. -49
Men's California Flannel
Shirts, $2.00 to $3.00
values lu grey or blue
Men's Outing Flannel
(towns Also boys I
elses; values to . $2. GO, C?
Omaha this season, ul
goods, best brands.
Men's Sweater Coats, all
kinds and colors; val
ues to $7.50, $1.08.
82.08 P to $4.50 Jersey Hweaters,
91.R8, all wool In grey
and blue Bilk topped
at neck, on sale $1.03
Iloys' Fur Gauntlet
4aloves, $2.00 values,
special Saturday at,
pair 08
Meu's Fur Gauntlet
(loves and Mittens,
values to $2.00
t... $1.45 ftn 08
Men's (.loves and Mit
ten, in dress or heavy
work; $1.00 and $1.25
values, in Saturday sale
Hoys 91.00 (iauntlet
(loves, velours or leath
er, all colors, snap, 400
Men's Fine Madras Slilrtu
$2.00 to $3.00 values,
choice patterns and col
ors, on sale in two lots,
t $1.45. 080
Men'a Undershirts and Drawers at about Half Price.
at...OSS COO. 400
Men'a Fancy SuKpcnders
in all kinds; values to
$1.00, at '
pair. 400. 300. 250
Men's Hose at Half Price
BOo and 25c Hose
at 250 nd 1240
Men's Union Suits in all.
wool; all colors and
weights, values to $5.00
t $1.08 to $3.50
Men'a $1.50 and $2.00,
Union Suits, on sale
at 080 and 750
Steins, Smoking Sets, Berry Sets, Water Sets, Cake Plates,
Salads each $1.50
Sugar and Creamers, Tobacco Jars, Fern Dishes, Salads,
Jardinieres, Vases, Plates each 08c
Sugar and Creamer, Plates, Salads, Salt and Peppers. Candle Shade
and Holder, Cups and Saucers, Tea Pots, Fancy Pitcher, each, 400
Salads, Plates, Bon Dons, Sugar and Creamer, Salt and Peppers, Hair
Receivers. Powder Boxes, Mustards, Mugs, Steins, each 250
Beautiful line of Dinnerware In French, Austrian, German and English
China 100-Plece Dinner Sets
set $0 910 $12 $14 $10 $25 up to $200
Friday We Open Our New Bakery Section In Basement
Freshnesi, cleanliness, up-to-dateness will always be the motto of
this department.
Bread. Cakes. Plea all kinds of toothsome bakery goods will be
kept on hand. Visit our new Bakery Depaartment Friday it will
pleas you.
Christmas Suggestions In Our High Grade
Linen Department Saturday
Table Cloth, size SxlO, warranted alt pure linen,
hemmed ready fur us.-; worth 4.00 each 88-00
Ilr.ner Napkhu, size In. All pure lluen. to
match, worth 4.i0 dozen 83.50
Hemstitched pure llaeu lluck Towels, large size; worm
60c each 3So
Warranted all pure linon hemstitched guest Towels,
a neat present, worth 7Ucach OOo
Saturday's Xmas Barga ins in Hardware
cup Copper Kli-kel Tlated Coffee Machines at $4.98
l'ull slxe Mckel I'lated Chafing- lJislies at 84.60
12.00 Nickel i'lated Hakln Dishes at 81-89
1-arne slue Nickel t'late Trays, for all purposes, at Sao
$1 Ou lieavy Mckel I'lated Crumb Tray and bcraper,
. at 75o
No. 8 Copper Nickel Fluted Tea Kettles at Sao
76c Nickel fluted Kanyti Tea Kettle at SSo
S-Wnt Nickel IMated l.ixk Coffee I'ots at 4S
4-Pint Nickel I'lated L,lsk Coffee t'ots at BBo
B-Plnt Nickel I'lated Link Coffee i'ots at 89o
No. 8 Heavy Cast Aluminum Tea Kettle, worth t m,
at 8848
4-qt Heavy Cast Aluminum rluuca Pans, worth l.o,
at 81.88
8-u.t. Heavy Cast Aluminum Preserving Kettle, wurtii
81 25 at 8Se
14. 50 value Guaranteed Electric Had Iron at. ...83.98
i o jnue r.nanieiea pavory iloaster at
11.28 Ulue Knameled Hoaater with lnnlde tray,
Uenulne lirownle Hoasters at
votics ova aicra oh oastisi
14.75 genuine HtaK Handle Hilver iiuuuted at.,
14.00 genuine Htag Handle hilver mounted at.,
II. 60 genuine Ktag ilanille Hilver mounted at.,
tl.2n genuine Htag Handle Hilver mounted at..
We have a full line of Men'a, Hoys' and Uirls' Ice
Hkates at 10 off Haturday onlv.
Also have the Uenulne Union Cooking Rags, the latest
novelty In teoMng, 25 lor SSo
t too
. . 89o
Hayden's First for Your Xmas Nuts, Fruits,
Oranges, Groceries, Crackers, Cheese and
Fresh Vegetables-A Saving of 25 to 50
Tli a Beat Mixed Hew Kuts,
lb 16e
16 lbs. best Granulated
Sugar 81.00
4-lt. sacks Diamond It
Klour, made fioin the
lieM aelected wheat, fur
your puddings, plea and
cukes, per sack. .. .81.35
Jell-O or Jellycun, pkg. 7io
I'ancy Queen dives, per
yuart 40o
4 Iha. fancy Japan Head
Hice, 10o quulity SSo
Fancy assorted Cookies, 4U
varieties, per lu lOo
Oil or Mustard Hardlne.
can 4o
Imported Oil - Sardines,
cau a l-3o
I-lh. cans Golden i'uinpklii,
toquaah or lloinltiy 8 l-3o
1-pound tans assorted
Houpa Tii
Lrne bottles, aaaorted
i'ickles. Worceuter iiauce
. or pure tomato Catsup,
bottlea l-3o
Pure i'rult l'reaerves, hi t-
tle .' 86o
Dried Vruits for Tour Xmas
IMddlngs, rtes aud Cakas.
Cleaned Currants, lh....lOo
Moncatel Cooking llaUinn,
lb 100
Mulr l'raches, H).,....10o
California Cooking KlgH,
Italian I'runes, lb loo
California Heedless HalsltiH,
lt 100
Heeded iialslns, kg..8 1-3o
Hultana HulMlnn, lb,..13io
Tlio liest 1cmon, Oranae
or Citron i'eel, lb....KOo
7-Crown i'lgH. lb ia,0
Oar Pamous UighUnd Havel
Oranges iur Xinaa
NntiihiK like them the
l'rlde of California dux.
15c, BOo, SSo and.... 300
The Fruit and Veffetabl
Market of Omaha.
lYeah lleela, Carrots, Tur
nips or itadlahcs, 'i bunch
ea fur lOo
1'ieah Cabbage, Ttutabagaa'
or Hubbard tjquaali, per
lb iV.o
Old Heets, Turnips, Carrots
or Parsnips, lb BVfco
fancy Jersey Uweet 1'ota
lues, per lb 3VkO
2 heade fresh HotliouHe
I.tttuce So
Fancy Cauliflower, ll..TV,o
Irge Cucumbers, each TViO
Cape Cod Cranberries, per
yuan lOo
,ds try IHIAYOEI'S First
Cutting Prices on Furniture
Brass Beds.
One Day Sale
This bed Is worth at least $20.
It has large 2-lnch continuous
braes posts.
Straight post brass bed, 2-lnch 2-lnch continuous post Vernls
' $9.85 Martin Beds $5.50
Smokers' Cabinets, brass cigar MubIc Cabinets, Cellerettes,
bolder trays, etc $1.95 Pedestals. Ladies Desks, Parlor
Children's Hed or Oak Kotkers. Suites. Etc.. everything nice for
OUlr UK lha llnllrl nva am sin 1 a VArv Inw In
I aviso lUnkern om Sale, .05 P vrice for one day.
The famous Sunklit California
Wines, extra fine; per full
quart BOc
Home Made Grape Wine, red or
white, per gallon tl.oo
Also a full line of Gins, Bran
dies, Cordials and everything else
good for Christmas.
Maryland Rye Whiskey, 6 years
old per full quart, 73c; per
gallon .93.50
Bchenly, Guckenhelmer, Jack Daw,
Weldon Springs and Cedar
Brook, all 8 years old per full
quart, fl.OO; per full gal
lon fJ.GO