Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Xhecdore 'Roosevelt Writes Further
of McNamara Cases.
Labor Leaders Who lime flnrrrrilrd
In Identifying Criminal with
Their CuniF Have Done Their
Fellorts a Great Wrong.
NEW TORK, Dee. 15. Theodore Roose
velt has an editorial in the current Issue
of the Outlook relating (o the McNamara
taiie, entitled "Murder Is Murder." The
article rays:
"Not only laboring men, but business
men, capitalist!, have at times shown the
worst form of class consciousness that
of sinister and brutal class selfishness in
standing by criminals simply because they
were of their own class. This lias been
done by capitalists in the case of capital
ists who have been guilty of braien cor
ruption, and by laborers in the case of
labor loaders who have been guilty of
murderous violence. The two offenses
Ft and on a par from the standpoint of
damn ne to the community. In Ban Fran
cisco in one municipal contest the capi
talists who desired to be free from all
check on corruption and the labor leaders
who desired to ba free from all check on
lawless violence struck hands and elected
their tioket; and this proved in the end
to be a lasting misfortune to San Fran
cisco, to the cause of honest business and
to the cost of honest labor.
I'lea of Monstrous Folly.
"Since the startling outcome of the
McXamara trial certain apologists of
these men have made themselves con
spicuous by asserting that these depraved
criminals, who have on their s.-arod souls
the murder of so many Innocent persons
all of them laboring people, by the way
are 'victims,' or at worst, 'fanatics,'
who should receive sympathy because
they were acting in wfist they regarded
as a 'war' on behalf of this class. The
plea is monstrous in Its folly and its
wickedness. It is precisely tlio kind of
plea sometimes advanced on behalf of a
crooked man of great wealth caught
bribing a legislature that ho has to do it
to protect his business. We are not here
dealing with any of the kinds of offenses
Incidental to the sudden and sweeping
changes brought about by mcdqrn In
dustrial conditions Into which capitalists
or labor men are somtimcs drawn with
out any very great conscious moral tur
pitude on their part. AVe are dealing with
crimes as old ns the lawgiving from
lnal, with crimes murder and theft
that have been prohibited ever since the
decalogue was formulated. The murders
committed by men like the McNamaras,
Hlthough nominally In the interest of or
ganized labor, differ not one whit in
moral culpability from those committed
by the Black Hand, or by any band of
mere cutthroats, and are fraught with an
Infinitely heavier menace to society. Tet,
great though the menace is to the com
munity, the menace to the cause of hon
est organized labor is still greater, and
no duty is more imperatively laid on the
leaders of labor than the duty of af
firmatively freeing themselves -and their
follower's from the taint of responsibility
for such criminals and such crimes.
Evil Service to Labor.
The leaders who by their loud cham
pionship of the McNamaras as previously
of .Moyer and Haywood have succeeded
in Identifying them with the cause of
Iaborin the eyes of, the public, have ren
dered' an evil service to that cause. Mr.
Debs and the extremists of Ills type
among the so-called political socialists
I say so-called becauee Debs and Ms
(ollowrs of the Emma Goldman kind are
not socialists at all In any true sense of
the word, ' but mere inciters to murder
and preachers of applied anarchy and
the labor loaders affiliated with thera.
have always boasted of the purt they
played in the trial of Moyer and Hay
wood; and in this case they repeated their
familiar tactics, and held mass meetings
and scattered broadcast papers and ad
dresses In which they furiously denounced
the effort to bring wrongdoers to Justice
and sought to arouse every evil class In
stinct against all who upheld the cause of
law or sought to put a stop to assassina
tion and murderous violence. It is worth
noting that since McNamara confessed
his guilt Mr. Moyer, the head of what
purports to be a labor organization, is
reported In the press as commenting upon
it, not by denouncing McNamara for hav
ing committed the murder, but by de
nouncing him for having confessed it.
Such denunciation is significant.
Menaces of American People.
"Murder is murder, and the foolish sen
timentalists of sinister wrongdoers who
try to apologise for It as an 'Incident to
labor warfare,' are not only morally cul
pable, but are enemies of tht American
people, and, above all, are enemies of
American wage worker. In honorable
contrast to these men stand the various'
labor leaders wbo bavu never asked for
more than a fah- trial for the McXa
snaras'. wnesjs pnwm has eery heea la
rvt Justice-, oarf wfw asm
The Christmas Store
for the Business Man
and Women
Rich, handsome Furl to
please tha fancy of anr
woman! All shades and
Jtlnda; tha newest
ah a pas; satin lined.
$8 tO $40 Credit
Warm Clothing for tha
practical money-maker!
Nobby Hats, warm Over
coats and new. splen
didly tailored Suits, at
$10 tO $25 Credit
Come In and get ac
quainted with our
liberal credit policy, and
Bentley's Better
maud that murder shall be punched when
committed In the nominal interest of
labor precisely as tinder any other cir
cumstances. I believe with all my heart
In the American worklngman; 1 believe
with all my heart In organised labor, for
labor must be organised in order to pro
tect and secure its rights; and therefore
with all my strength I urge my fellow
citizens, the American men and women
who earn their livelihood as wage work
ers, to see that their leaders stand for
honesty, and obedience to the law, and to
set their faces like flint against any ef
fort to Identify the cause of organised
labor, directly or Indirectly, with any
movement which in any shape or way
benefits by the commission of crime of
law-lees and murderous violence."
Hines Objects to
Questions Asked by
Lorimer Committee
WASHINGTON, the lS.-Ed ward Hlnes.
the millionaire Chicago lumberman, who
is said to have helped "put Senator Ixirl
mer over" at Springfield, was again a
witness before the senate Ixuimer com
mittee today, but did not long remain on
the stand. Mr. Hlnes had been recalled
by the committee's counsel for further
questtnn'ng as to Just what happened In
a private room of the Union League club
In Chicago, March 27, 19(19.
Mr. Hlnes was belligerent and when he
did not like a question demanded that It
be stricken from the record. Hlnes la al
leged to have met other men at the club
to help raise a supposed $1(0,000 fund to
Insure Lorimer's election.
Hlnes and Elbrldge llanecy, Larimer's
counsel, successfully combatted the com
mittees proposed line of inquiry today.
The committee's attorneys announced that
they would call Mr. Hines a third time.
"Manny" Abrahams, the "Bellwether"
of tlie Iee O'Neil Browne democrats In
the legislature at Springfield also was
recalled and cross examined. He admitted
that he made up . his mind to vote for
Lorimer when he learned that Browne
and other democrats were going to do
the same.
Senator Jones asked If he had received
any-money for his vote for Lorimer, and
Abrahams said he had not.
"Is It true that you held up the ballot
ing for a day because you couldn't get
enough money?" asked the senator.
"Not at all," returned Abrahams. They
had a story around that I had been of
fered $2,600, but was holding out for $6,000
and delayed the vote for a day on that
account. But It was not true."
Minority Report on
Coal Harbor Charge
Scores Conspirators
WASHINGTON. Dec. 16. The sudden
ending of the Inquiry into the charges
that the government had allowed a
monopoly of the coal harbor at Controller
Bay, Alaska, was roundly scored In the
republican minority report of the house
committee on Interior department ex
penditures filed today.
The republicans said that common de
cency If not Justice, would have demanded
some Investigation to expose those re
sponsible for the fabrication of the so
called "Dick to Dick" letter, alleged to
have been written by Secretary of the
Interior Balllngcr to Richard 8. Ryan,
the latter supposedly representing the
Guggenheim Interests.
The minority report , said this expose
should have been permitted even If the
democratic majority was unwilling, for
partisan reasons to "exonerate the secre
tary of the Interior and other high offi
cials of the unjust charge."
"And so the whole fabric of fabrication,
suspicion and downright falsehood on
which the investigation was based, falls
to the ground," says the minority report.
It also urged a thorough Inquiry so as to
locate the guilty persons and have some
punishment meted put to them and "to
deter others who may employ false
hoods and dupllc'ty in assailing official
"The action of the majority of the com
mittee," It said, "can have but one effect,
that of shielding the perpetrator of the
libel and throwing protection around who
ever through malice Inspired the cowardly
attack upon the president."
Harmon Declines
to Attend Banquet;
Bryan Will Be There
WASHINGTON, Dec la. Governor
Harmon of Ohio has declined an Invita
tion to attend the , Jackson day banquet
to be held her January i. the 'day on
which the national democratic committee
meet. Tha governor assigned no reason.
W. J. IVyau has accepted an Invitation
aid ts csgermwl to apeak at the dinner.
1521 IC2E STtEET
; M 1 1 in ..-J
Now Books
Hy Kugenla
Rrook Fruthingham. L7
Houghton, Mifflin Company
l'p. l.
This novel tells the story of Anne War
ren's winter In Rome. Anne, a beautiful,
sensitive and very perceptive American
girl, speedily falls In love with a young
Italian, not of the nobility, but a gon"
man, who passionately woos her. The
portrayal ' of (lino Curat ulo, the Italian
lover, and of the background of Roman
society. Is masterly and convincing, while
Dome, herself, the Mistress of the World,
has rarely been more Impressively used
in fiction. The plot of the story as It
develops turns upon the deep chasm
which divides the Saxon from the Latin
In temperament and ideals.
TIIK TfcXICAN. By Dane Coolldge.
3(59 Fp. 11.S5. A. C. McClurg A Co.
Another cowboy story, full of action,
which pictures strikingly the stirring
events of the plains.
REDEEMV;n. Rv Mrs. George Sheldon
Downs. 315 l'p. $126. U. W. Dillingham
Company. x
This story deals with the problem of
divorce, but the treatment of the prob
lem Is along new lines, and the element
of romance pervading the story adds to
the readers' Interest.
Parrish. 3M Tp. $1.35. A. C. McClurg A
The author has chosen the war of the
revolution for the scene of this story,
and through the meshes of the net In
which the daring and beautiful heroine
and the brave and courageous hero are
Inextricable bound together, the great
struggle for freedom and the seal which
inspired the people. Is brought out.
Huntly McCarthy. 3o5 l'p. $1.30. Harper
& Brothers.
A romance of the eventful days when
the name of Bonaparte was the bogey
of Europe, when America and England
were for the second time at odds. The
heroine reigns as the queen of a London
season and- proves her fidelity to a lover
of her humble days. Brave, witty and
high-spirited, she Is characteristic of hfrr
race. - .
clval Gibbon. 394 Pp. $l... The Century
The absorbing and dramatic romance
of a young girl suddenly flung out of her
comfortable English home Into the heart
of South Africa Into a strange and
grimly mysterious community of Britons,
Boers and Kaffirs.
By Fred M. White. J19 Pp. $1.26. J. 8.
Ogllvie Publishing company.
A tale of adventure, mystery and ama
teur detective work, with scenes laid In
England, India and the distant and com
paratively unknown Thibet. A band of
mystics from the latter country are the
prime movers in the various conspiracies.
Mabel Barnes-Grundy. 47tt Pp. $1.23. The
Baker & Taylor company.
The romance of a Joyous, light-hearted
girl who attracts and charms everyone
by the witchery of her personality. Sud
denly called Into the work-a-day world,
she loves and suffers, and then finds hap.
plness back In Heatherland.
Callahan. 3U Pp. $1.85. U. P. Putnam
A love story full of beauty and charm.
Through tlie gate that leads to Nina May-
nard'a garden retreat, love all uncon
sciously entered one day, but before the
gate had clicked upon his retreating elfin
form, he had set In motionthe drama
which la the drama of the ages, with the
joys and heartaches that go with It.
George O. Shedd. 359 Pp. $1.26. bmail,
Maynard &. Co.
A western story of a new variety. Wher
ever Jimmy Dukane appears something
happens. He is sent out to Nevada by
his fond father, ostensibly for work, but
actually to be kept out of mischief.
Things begin to happen at once, but In
the end he meets a charming girl who
changes the course of his life.
Brown. 1S2 Pp. $L1S. Houghton Mifflin
The only collection .of Miss Brown's
fairy stories selected from those which
have most delighted children.
garet Johnson. y Cents. Dana Estes &
This little book possesses the attractions
of a story, game, plctureok and puzzle,
all In one. The short narratives are re
lated by means of words and rebus illus
trations, which alternate cleverly on the
page and attract and please the eye of
the child, as well as Impart valuable in
K B f. Henderson. 98 Pp. .
ReiUy A Britton Co.
A fairy tale which the little tots will
want to read over and over again.
READER.. By Wilhelmlna Heegmlller.
71 Pp. $0.25. Hand, McNaily A Co.
The entire book reflects the wholesome,
annoy spirit of a good-natured child. The
verses ara divided Into fire sections, "In
Garden and Orchard," "In the Meadow,"
8ea Pongs," "Hay Times" snd "At
B. Hunt. Harper Bros.
It hs first of all a book of photographs
of a real buy who is made to appear no
taller thaa ,a lead pencil. The pictures
snow him bathing In a canary's bathtub,
Ashing tn the gold fish bowl, much taller
than himself, racing over the keyboard of
the isano, playing leapfrog over the suit
eeilars-aod many other marvels.
By rbonit.m W. Burgnra. 2i3 Pp. II. Lit
tkb, i'rutM z Osavnia ny,
Johwsy Clior. Koddy Fox. Danay
HiieoiiM Slosaa, Jamprr the Hut, Striped
CttpomA, mmi asasqr of larir plajrnwtea
tttta aad XraSa: taroog taa ksog dajra.
essavr Ua rata f warn oM Mother Mature.
Svau aui cast feel.
noKrmiT dainty at tub moun-
TALVa R- int Bnona. U3 r tl. Lo
Unwoi. ! AWfacd Ctoanany.
In tfcss vwtesBM DtfaOy aad hr dearly
bi sukjanilna, Niamey Ftsres ar taken
4, at. wwll Imana axnl at heainirsl
ewimiearti iar. where are a?t many
of tneir- frft
CHMIK&V. bsr Annua Allra Chapln. Zi
fw- (X. tunm tsroiaera.
Ton aaaaav acila tha reanantia tola of
Un reral efcdidiw uf the king's earn who
havres the rlartac aaaa and huary of the
pi tented aisrsse atd ef the lereqr
This season's lat
est creations, 4( to.
b'2 ins. long plain
velvet or convert
ible collars some
wit!! belts; all col
ors. The overcoats
are broken lot and
gold up to $22.60 on
sale Saturday at
'goose"girrw liu i "lives wliu'the wicked
witch. The two children meet In the
Magic Forest and plan to wander forth
together to see the world, then to return
to the contented kingdom, where they
will reign as king and queen.
Braden. 425 l'p. ft. The Saalf ield . Pub
lishing Company.
Four likable boys . with a live Inter
est Ui motoring, are the heroes of this
tale, which will be Interesting to the boy
TlXKUE. By Charles 1-ee Hryson. 285 Pp.
$1.25. Fleming II. Revell Company.
Further adventures of Tan and Teckle
and their tiny neighbors In field and for
est with whom they come In daily contact.
A. I Sykes. 204 Pp.' $1. Utile. Brown
Tiny Hare was a wee baby hare who
lived at 'the edge of the wood and who
had all sorts of adventures, while his
mother was trying to teach him the vari
ous things a good little hare should
know. He had to learn that red fire will
hurt, that . man Is an animal to avoid,
that dogs and cats are not proper play
mates and that disobedient little hares
are sure to be punished.
Strength Uxertea by Masc-les
Molars la Chewing; aa Ordi
nary Steak.
A ten-pound bite requires a forty-pound
contraction of the human Jaw muscles.
That Is because the Jaws are built on the
principle of a pair of tongs. The power
Is applied near the Joint, while the work
Is performed at the opposite extremity of
the Jaw levers. Had a mechanical engi
neer designed the human frame he would,
no doubt, have built the Jaws after the
fashion of a nut cracker, with the mus
cles placed at the ends of the Jaw levers,
and the teeth between these ends and the
Joint or fulcrum, so that a powerful bite
could be obtained with a very small ex
penditure of muscular effort. However, In
the physiology of man and all other ianl
mai life, for that matter, mechanical ad
vantage weighs for little In the presence
of other broader considerations. This is
why nearly all the principal muscles of
the body must be far more powerful than
would be necessary were they to act di
rectly upon the work. When chewing we
have an almost direct application of the
power of the muscle as thoy nearly
overlie the third molars. There Is a vast
difference between chewing and biting.
In order to determine the average
strength of the Jaws, Dr. G. 15. Black,
president of the Chicago Dental univer
sity, sometime ago devised an Instrument
of very simple drslgn, but with a name
that would put the average Jaw to a se
vere test the gnathodynamnineter. With
this Instrument ho made 'gnathodyna-
mometric tests of the Jaws of 1.000 per
sons. They were seiccieu bi rinuum anu
probably represent a good average of
civilized people. He found that the limit
of the bite was not determined by the
muscles but by tlie teeth themselves. In
nearly every case the patient would cease
hi efforts, owing to the fact that his
teeth hurt. This would depend largely
upon the condition of the peridental mem
branes, and uion the habits of tlie pa
tlent In accustoming his teeth more or
les to chewing hard foods. The average
of the 1,000 persons showed 171 pounds for
the molar teeth and much less for bicus
pids and Incisors. Out of the 1,000 per
sons, seventeen developed a force equal
to the full registry of the Instrument,
which was 275 pounds.
In a recent publication Dr. Black has
tabulated the records of about fifty per
sons who were tested with the gnathody
namometer. The list Includes men and
women of all classes, from a blacksmith
to a Chinese laundryman, and from
urvint Klrl to a music teacher. It la
natural to picture a butcher as a man
with a well-developed and powerful Jaw,
but among the patients In the list the
butchor showed a power of only 16
pounds with his molars, from which we
may Infer that he Is accustomed to se
lecting the tender meats for use on his
own table. The man with the highest
record was a printer, who registered 770
pounds (but any compositor will admit
that printers' pi Is tough), while the sec
ond honors wenl to a dentist with 240
pounds. Among the women the highest
record reached was 1M pounds, while the
lowest was forty-five. Strangely enough
the school1rl wbo made the latter record
was able to register seventy pounds with
her Indoors, which might Indicate that
she had accustomed her dental mem-
branca of the front teeth to harder work
by ibUlng a pencil, or something of the
sort. At aay rate, she was one of those
uofurtunatea wbo "bitw off more then
tiimf can chew." In tbla list of record
aislne showed aa areraae of 119 pound
with the molars end eighty-three with th
lnrieors. and fume lee VI poo ads with (tl
autlara and fifty aereei with lnrtrw.
SdentiflQ morica4t. ,
Combination Sets of silk hose and handkerchiefs in fine leather cases, ,Tio
Kings, Silk Suspenders, Umbrellas, Tbilet Sets, Traveling Hags and hun
dreds of other novelties. See our novel Xmas Hooth something new for
Omaha. See our 24 windows filled with beautiful holiday gifts.
Great Reductions in Boys9 Suits and Overcoats
Our entire stock of Ifoys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats go on sale
at once Russian, Sailor Blouse, Norfolk and double breasted knickerbockcr
ttyle suits, nil this senson's models. Overcoats in single or double breasted,
box or military style, with convertible collar and belted, all this season's
models; go on sale at the following prices
S3. 75
Suits or Overcoats,
Suits or Overcoats, now
Suits or Overcoats, now
Suits or Overcoats, now
Suits or Overcoats, now
Suits or Overcoats, now
$8. SOS
Packers Cannot' Bid on Army Con
tract Until Suits Arc. Settled.
.Nollce nays Bids Will Not lie Con
sidered aa Long aa Meat Klnas
Are t'nder In.lict meat
at Home.
LONDON, Dec. 13. The British govern
ment has decided to exclude the Ameri
can meat packers against whom prosecu
tions have been instituted In the United
States from tendering for contracts f-r
the supply of men I to the British army
and navy, pending the settlement of suits.
The decision of the government is duo
to the opposition of labor and advanced
radical members of Parliament to the
American trusts.
The contracts given out by the war of
fice, which has hitherto been seen rod by
American firms, are now expected to go
to Argentina meat packers.
Armoar Declines to Talk.
CHICAGO, Dec. 1C J. Ogdon Armour,
president of Armour & Co., under In
dictment for alleged violation of the
Sherman anti-trust act, admitted that the
Armour company had been notified that
Its bids for British army contracts would
not be accepted pending the settlement of
suits by the United States government.
Mr. Armour, however, declined to In
Svcry Member pi tlie fciseMi
Is Deeply Interested in This Christmas Offer
New Talking Machine actually secures results hitherto
possible only in instruments costing $150 and $200
irS ur Great X a j
' f ihJJ rw SpecialXmas Off If" i
JsMfAAA Offer WfS
S?,JSJ 'Of 'r $59 ThU beautiful mi- f 4XAVtT
VAfJx AVfNWr thine with 24 latest and best 4Pj ( stfB3i
L F J r iiaMr nclotilons Included. $7 caBh. j- i
itj?f $5 a month. ; eCew v'
We are Positive that this Great Value can Never Again be
Secured! Make Your Selections Right Away Pay Later
A !'
NEW Talking Machine of
latent hornless type, which
produces lu every way tho
results obtained hereto
fore only In Instruments that coat
$1&0 or $200, has now been de
veloped. Six hundred of these machines
will be Hold In Omaha beore
In an undertaking; of this mag
nitude many- additional advant
ages aside from the extraordinary
low price can be offered to each
Twelve superb records, among
them selections like the famous
Klgoletto Quartet, and also the
Lucia Sextet, for which two rec
ords alone many talking-machine
' devotees have bad to pay $13, will
be Included with each machine
aold. Or buyer's own selection of
records will le supplied.
This wondurful new talking
machine may be purchased on
terms of $7 rash and $5 a month
until 59 all told bas been paid.
No extras.
The machine and the records
1311 Farnam St.
You will never feel contented with your Xmas
gift that you purchase for him uuless you first visit
this store. Never before has there been such n large
assortment of the very newest novelties suitable
for men nnl boys exhibited in Omaha Lounging
llobes. Hath Ifobes, Smoking Jackets, Neckwear,
now ,
any way dlRcuns the situation or Its ef
fect on the discs now being tried here.
linn the Little Fracas with pnln
Served to Fatten the
The recent report of the commissioner
of pensions brings out the startling fact
that within thirteen years of the closo
of the war with Hpaln, and ploven after j
the subsidence of the Philippine Insurrec
tion, there are no less than L'3,2N3 invalid
snUllcjs of these wars on the pension
rolls. In addition to 3.032 dependent moth
ers, 5-J fathers, nlno brothers and sis
ters, 1,-17 widows, and 321 children. In
all. there are 2M!K) pensioners as a re
sult of these wars actually a larger
number than there were soldiers In the
rexultir army at the outbreak of the war
with Bp&iii, ond probably 10.000 more than
there were troops before Santiago.
In addition, there were 8.338 Hpanlsh
war claims pending on Juno Do, 11)11. Al
ready we have paid out $::4,U2,7.37 In
pensions for services against the Spanish
and Filipinos, as against a total of $16,
853,024.19 paid for pensions to the war
riors of 1812, and $3,2?9.6N.K3 expended in
the support of veterans of tha Mexican
war during a period of sixty-five years.
Now, when It is considered that active
hostilities against Hpaln did not last over
three months, with only one large battle
It would not have been called that In
the civil war the sum already expended
seems little else than stupendous for the
srvlces rendered.
Today there are still ,1,039
will bo sent on three days' free
trial to any home in the city.
So confident are we that the In
strument will pleuso even the
most critical that we agree to re
fund all money paid by any pur
ciiaHer who may not In every way
be satUt'lod with the Instrument.
An unconditional guarantee as
to material and workmanship ac
companies each Instrument sold,
the guarantee being signed by the
manufacturers and countersigned
by 'tis.
The instrument Is furnished lu
very choice mahogany case, and
also in quarter-sawed oak or
fumed oak.
The fluent selected woods are
used in the construction of the
cases and the finish is as perfect
as found upon the most expensive
Needless to reiterate, this horn-'
less talking machine Is simply
perfect In tone and quality.
The Instrument la equipped
with largest size turntable, and
the very best thoroughly noiseless
triple-spring motor. It will play
The Instruments are now on sale at
E. C POORE, Local Manager Omaha
m.mmmmLu,Mmvmm.. ,-.. l.h,
Broken lots of
Men's Suits, sev
eral hundred to se
lect from, all sizes
and colors; former
ly sold up to $20.00;
on sale Saturday at
survivors of the Mexican war. As there
were perhaps ten times as many soldiers
enlisted in ISTO-IDOO during the war
with Mexico, and they wero mostly very
young men, wo may confidently look for-
ward to paying pensions to at least 15,000
persons fifty-two years hence for services
in Cuba and the Philippines. And then
the people wonder why the United Btaten
must tar them so heavily directly and
indirectly. New York Post.
Car of Christmas ' !
Gifts Burned Near
Great Falls, Mont.
HARVK, Mont.. Dec. 15 -Whole com- '
panles of soldiers were annihilated and
countless animals, wild and domestic, .
perished when a mall car on tha Grest
Northern railroad took fire between
Hurve and Great Kalis' today. All tlie
casualties' were duo - to the progresMve
ness of Hants Clans In abandoning the
old. reliable reindeer team for the swifter
lightning express. The fact that the
soldiers were of tin and the animals of
wood will soften only partially the grief
of the settlers' children to whom the
Christmas packages were mailed by i
eastern friends. '
The car was loaded with second and '
fourth class matter and carried no pos
tal clerk. Its Interior was a mass of
flames when the fire wan discovered. Thu
engineer threw the throttl ewlde open '.n
a race for 'the nearest water tank and
Big Sandy the burning car was flooded.
three records with one winding,
and has a new regulating device
whereby the music can be render
ed at exact tempo positively
true to pitch.
The machine has a new con
cert sound reproducer which elim
inates the hitherto objectionable
raaplng noise of needles. A clear,
thoroughly natural tone Is pro
duced such as has never hitherto
been obtainable in any instrument
costing less than $100 or $200.
In this machine the concealed
horn Is built separately from the
motor, which permits the tone to
come forth without any interfer
ence. The sound-boards In this
machine are carefully selected and
so placed as to reproduce a tone
absolutely lifelike. Modulating
doora have been provided where
by the tone volume can be defi
nitely regulated and reduced or
augumented at will.
The price is, as stated, $50;
cash or payments of 17 cash and
$5 a month. This Includes free
the big selection of records stated
In the foregoing.