Tim iW.K: OMAHA, SATi:hM)AV. DFAT.MBF.Il III. t!)ll. Nebraska TALBOT PUTS DOWN REBELLIO Head Comul of Modern Woodmen Deliveri Fiery Speech. SEWAUD CAMP IS CENSURED Declaration Made llatee of Order Mo.t Be Itataed If It la to Klonrl.h Pandean Hrored by Head of Fraternity. (From a Ptarf Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. lec. 15. (Special.) While Head Consul A. R. Talbot was peacefully engaged yenterday at a meet ing of the directors of the Modern Wood men of America at Rock Island, 111., a message reached him that a band of In surgents was Kathered In Lincoln for the purpose of defeating the proposed plan to raise Insurance rates In the order. Lincoln Is 300 miles from Rock Island. Within twelve hours after he had received the word the head consul was here. Blood whs In his eye. Late last night 100 Woodmen had gath ered at the Llndell hotel. Talbot was there. The first thing he did was to de nounce John Sandean, formerly of Wahoo, as a traitor to the organization. The latter wag later a district deputy with headquarters at Minneapolis, but was re lieved from office. In hi fiery speech Mr. Talbot attributed Matements recently sent to the camps of the state by the camp at Seward to Mr. uudean A waifH and long session followed the Fcathlng delivered by the head consel. It was finally voted to pass the resolution asked by Talbot. it was as follows: Be It Resolved, That we, delegates to this convention, deplore the action of the Reward camp, reflecting upon the officers of this society and charging wrong doing in any way. This convention does not approve of the preamble to the call sent out by Seward. Rates Moat Go Higher. "If the order of the Modern Woodmen of America Is to live the Insurance rates" must M boosted," declared Talbot In his argument. "We have 1.850.0uO,COO now out in policies und at the present rate of as sessment It will be 250 years before we can meet It. I do not want to say what you Khali do In the matter of raising latest I know that the sentiment Is all against It, but look the facts coldly in the face and tell your delegates to the national legislative body what you think on the matter. The officers of the society cannot raise the rates without a refer endum, ' "The present rates may continue to carry ub until the youngest man now In the order Is dead, but there must be a readjustment sometime and in my opinion It had better come now than later. I will recommend to the board of directors that the money In reserve be put In farm mortgages paying four per- cent rather than the present way of banking the reserve money at two. In fact a year ago I said that this should be dona, but my proposal was rejected." ' , Meeting In Chicago.' True question of raising the rates will come before a meeting to be hold in Chi cago. It will be held soma time in Jan uary, next- Delegates win be aent from districts in each. state. Discussing the necessity of Increasing the rates, a Lincoln official of th or der,' who refused to permit the use of .his name, today said: "The insurance rater of the" Modern i Woodmen of America must be raised In rder to perpetuate the society. It I is not a' question of chojee, but simply must be done. The opposition to raise.1 ' has originated from a misunderstanding of conditions. After the matter was fully explained at last night's meeting, I be ilieve that a majority of the -delegates felt different about the matter. The Bew lard camp, from which the resolution was I sent out calling the meeting, will meet 'tonight, and will no doubt retract the I resolution. It has been asked to do so. I "The talk about the raise In rates be ling the work of the officials alone la un jtruc. This matter was taken up at the 'meeting of the head camp in Buffalo last june, and was thoroughly discussed. At that time it was thought best to defer 'action on th,e rate question until the matter had been given the fullest possi ble investigation. The special meeting (of the head camp was. set for January. ,lt will meet at Chicago at that time, and I the ratea will undoubtedly be raised. "The opposition is not widespread. The toward camp has but 150 members. The resolution originated there. There are about 60,000 Woodmen in Nebraska, and Nebraska New High School Building is Opened v at Nebraska City NEBRASKA CITT. Dec. 13. - Special. -This wa a gala day for Nebraska City, It being the acceptance and dedication of the new fsj.OOO high school building, which has Just been completed. The exercises lasted the major portion of the day. The building, which is of the latest construc tion and equipped with all of the modern conveniences for the students, was thrown open to the public this morning at S:3, and the Overland orchestra was present and discoursed music while the large Ncrowd assembled. The first portion of the day's exercises was a formal program In the assembly room and Dr. Claudo Watson, president of the Roard of Kdu cation, presided. The high school girls' quartet rendered several selections and the orchestra from the school for tho blind was present and took part in the program. In the afternoon a monster crowd was present again and Dr. Claude Watson presided. The Invocation was by Rev. A. B. Perry, pastor of the Presbyterian church, fallowed by the High School Boys' Glee club. The address of welcome was made by Mayor O. .C. Mo-ton, fol lowed by speeches by Postmaster John W. Stetphart, ex-Mayor L. K. Jackson, J. II. Sweet, C. M. Aldrlch, John Mattes, Jr., and Patrick Roddy. The speeches all told of the history of the public schools of this city, their 'growth and what they had accomplished. The principal address of the afternoon was made by Chancellor A. Avery of the University of Nebraska. He congratu lated the people of this city and commu- ntty In having One of the finest high school buildings in the state. The building was then formally turned over to the Board of Education by Archi tect G. It. Fischer In a most pleasing address and accepted by Dr. Claude Wat Bon In behalf of the board and the citi zens In general. The main part of the building is three Btorles, built of gray pressed brick, with stone trimmings. There are sixteen rooms in the building aside from the large assembly room, with spacious halls on every floor. The building is one of the finest and best equipped In the state and the people of this city are JuBtly proud of It. when the reason for the raise in ratea is I fully understood tMe opposition will be .very small." ,B0SE fclJILTY OF SHOOTING WITH INTENT TO WOUND PLATT.SMOUTH, Neb., Dec. 15. (Spe cial.) In the trial of the case of the state ! against John Bose in the district court here yesterday, after being out seven hours the Jury brought in a verdict of i guilty under the second count of the In- y.imiallnn The Information in the first count I charged Bose with shooting w ith Intent to kill, the second, with shooting with I intent to wound, and the third, with In tent to do great bodily harm, In and upon the person of Louis Ppearhase at a dance at Avoca on the night of May 6 last. County Attorney C. II. Taylor dismissed the third count on the completion of the testimony yesterday. The Jury deliberated upon the case from 1 o'clock until 8 p. m. yesterday. The punishment for the crime Is front one to twenty years In the penitentiary. The complaining Witness. Louis Spear Siase, has commenced a civil suit in Otoe county district court for the recovery of damages in the sum of tlO.OoO. PECULIAR DISEASE GRIPS "FRAT" HOUSE DWELLERS (from Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. NEB.. Dec. ID (8eclal In most of the sorority and fraternity houses north of O street students are be ing attacked by a form of stomach trouble and many of them axe confined to their beaa. The affect'on la believed to be a mild form of ptomaine poisoning, but physicians have not yet diagnosed .t. According to some of the physicians who have i visited several patients, the disease la not dangerous. The health board Is not conducting an examination. It was first believed the trouble was due to milk. Nearly all or the studenta affected procure their milk from tht same dairyman. tome of the physicians, vho have made an Investigation, aay this la not the cause. Persistent AovtrUalng Is the Road to til Returns. What Nebraska Pays For Support of Wards (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 13. (Special.) Accord ing to an announcement made today by Commissioner Cowles of tho Board of Public Lands and Buildings, it costs Ne braska 6S cents each a day for the sup port of the 4,000 Inmates who are cared for In the state institutions. This does not ''Include the cort of permanent Im provements. The statement Is based on the claims submitted to the board for the month of November. Below is an Itemized statement of the expenses of all state Institutions for. the last onth: ' Salaries and wages ." 119,344.72 Fuel aad light I,130.9 Repairs on buildings 7.63L7D Farm repairs, expenses and ma chinery 1,493.88 Feed, grain, hay, bran oil meal.. 2. 624.5!) Breadstuff, flour and meal Fresn fruit Dried fruit Canned fruit Canned vegetables Fresh vegetables Sugar '. l.-ai.va Tea and coffee 1.578.22 Meat 3,073.12 Other food supplies 6,03.21 Carpets, rugs, pillows, bed -ding, curtains, turniture 4,529.04 Dry goods 4,011.49 Eooks. papers, stationery 642.82 Clothing 8,410.13 '..and. new buildings, permanent improvements s.m.iv Soap, laundry supplies and ma chinery 1.199.85.... lKtchen and dining room hard ware, crockery im.w Drugs, surgical Instruments 1.8'JH.M) Live stock 656.40 Not listed elsewhere 2,314.31 2,832.96 785.42 1.170.29 1.381.20 184.18 157.18 Total ....88, 439.81 CUSTER MAN TILES SUITS x FOR DAMAGES AND DIVORCE BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. 15. (Spe cial.) Joseph II. Stelnhagan, a farmer living sixteen" mllea west of Calloway, this county, has brought suit against W. L. Petit of the same place In the sum of (5,000 for alienating the affections of his wife. In his complaint to County Attorney Beal, Stelnhagen says that he has put up with this condition of affairs for three years and now proposes that Petit shall make some reparation for the damage he has caused in his domestic circle. A suit for divorce has also oeen brought by Stelnhagen. The Stelnhagens were married in 1898 and have four chil dren, the youngest being about 6 years of age. The husband has taken his four children and is now making his home with his father-in-law. Petit, the defend ant in the damage suit, is aald to possess some property In the shape of live Btock. NO SPEAOER YET SELECTED TO ADDRESS TAFT MEETING (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 15. (Special. )-A yet no speaker has been selected for the Taft meeting to be held In Lincoln December 19. The committee In charge of the af fair Is looking for a man who will be agreeable to all factions In the party. . It was at first decided to have Senator Brown select the speaker at Washington. The latter has declined by saying that congress is too busy to send any of Its members away for that purpose. He In. dlcated that he did not know where an available man could be found. The matter is in the hands of ex-Congressman Pollard, and It Is up to him to find a man who is not too busy and who has the required Qualifications. Surveyor and Hoard at Oats. BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 15. (Special Telegram.) Tha board of supervisors and County Surveyor Pethoud held a rather stormy session this evening because the surveyor refused to make surveys In the southern part of the county until the money advanced by him for help In his department was forthcoming. When Peth oud refused to obey orders a resolution was passed asking for his resignation. Pethoud was appointed by the board to fill the unexpired term of his father, the lata A. J. Pethoud, and the board has a right to remove him. He was elected surveyor last fall, and In case he loses his Job ba will only have to wait until next month when he steps into offke Maiav A Hat? Yes, Sir! Hlght hero. Quality high, prloe low, Style faultless. Come In. Rough Hats $2.50 up. Stetsons $3.50 up. Fur and Seal Caps $2 up. Cloth Caps 50c up. OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING NTOHK i,,,"sasBBiBB-"BT"' -aaHBaaaipJvaaia THIV MUMK OF QUALITY tLOTIIKS fill. Ha. f-Minute Store Talk f" rame here because of your clothing reputation," said a man the other day. That kind of Ad vertlxlng means more than any written words can mean. The reputation of our clothing Is a sturdy young tree that grows a new ring every year. It's a won derful tree, sound to Inu heart. It stands as a landmark In the clothing world. It growa new leaves every year In the form of new clothing styles. We expeot to keep Jt growing every year wide, tall, healthy, and an at tractive to oustomera fifty years from now as it la today. The Men's Christmas Store Bids You Welcome You'll appreciate the Christmas spirit manifest here. If you're a man and looking for things for your own woar you'll be delighted with the clothes we show and the service we extend. If you're a woman searching for useful things to give "him" you'll be surprised the variety presented. Stocks are big, prices low, and it really does pay to do your shopping from the fullest stocks. It's easier, too, for everybody concerned. Come men and women to the Men's Christmas store. - Better dress up Mr. Plan, for Christmas, casts little if you come here Perhaps you think you can't afford to buy clothes at Christmas time but we're ready to prove to your lasting' satisfaction that you can. This is the largest clothing business in this section of the country. It was built on our method of substantially underpricing our clothing. You save $3.00 to $10.00 when you buy a King-Swanson garment Better test our veracity. i Quality Suits and Overcoats 10 up Wonderful Values and Varieties $15, $20, $26 if aBwb si i( Values JJ s Ladies, the quest for useful gifts for men end at this sttre After you've worried over tho Mnn's gift problem . . . . ii t i as long as you think you suoum come nriu ami n w,u v-nnr nnviotv in a "iiffy." Fine as sortment of little wearables such as a man would choose for himself; price right. Bath Robes $3.50 to $15. Dress Gloves $1.15 to $2.50 Smoking Jackets $4.00 to $12.50. Shirts $1.00 and up. Night Shirts 50c to , $5.00. Pajamas $1.00 to $10.00. Collar Bags 75c to $2.50. Tie Rings 50c to $2.00. Fancy Suspenders 50c to $2.50. Silk Mufflers $1 to $3.50. Knitted Mufflers 50c to $12.50. ' Fur Gloves $2.50 up to $12.50. Silk Hose 50c to $1.50. Collar and Handkerchief Sets $2.50 to $3.00. Toilet Sets $3.50 to $10.00. Clothes Brushes $2 to $5. Silk Ties 50c to $3.00. Knitted Silk Ties 50c to $3.50. Initial Handkerchiefs $1 and $1.50 per box. Silk H'dk'fs 50c to $1.50. Cambric H'dk'fs $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per box. Tie Pins 50c to $5.00. . Cuff Buttons 50c to $5.00. What present so royal as one of our fur lined over coats at $40 & up Crawford Shoes Excel in Every thing But Price They're equal to any $5.00 or $0.00 Shoes and superior to most. They're stylish and wonderfully comfort able. They save you a dol lar and a half. $3.50 and $4.50. Great line of Holiday Slippers, $1.50 to $3 .t Merrick Officials - Reject Part of Bids to Build Court House fr.NTrtAT. r.ITY. Neb.. Dec. 15. (Spe cial iifir rinlihra.tlnir for two days without deciding upon who ahould built Merrick county's new court houne the Board of Supervisors adjourned last .v.ninir However, by te. process of elimination they have narrowed the field of contractors down to three, so that it is probable when the board reconvenes next Friday one of these three will be given the contract. Seven blda were presented, o,i ftr rnndlna' the blda the board went into secret seSHion. After long delibera tion the following bids were rejected: Northwestern Construction company, Fremont. Nob.. 1107.000: W. O. Jensen company. Omaha. Neb., 105,9.'9; J. D. Betts. Topeka, Kan., $98,730; Gray Con struction company, 97.!SI. This narrowed the field down to the following bidders: II. Kulenberger & Co., Chicago. 191,959; Rowles & Bailey. Oklahoma City. Okl.. $98,911; Wagenknecht & Gwrdon. Bloux City, ,1a., $94.K!6. The bids were upon the court house completed and furnished ready for occupancy, ac cording to the. plans and specifications. It now seems assured tnat tno onnas cn.n ba dlsuosed of at par. as the super visors state that they havo a buyer who will take them at their face value, it is also understood that each, of the con tractors bidding for the court house have sufficient backing to take up the bonds before closing their contract for tbs building. homes and have an aversion to mort gages. . Home have acquired valuable farms from their earnings. In the winter most of them live In the towns and send their children to school. Two very pre- tentlous German churches have been built the last year at a coat of several tnou sand dollars each. These people dress Well and attend amusements that Interest them, and for the most part are respect able and law abiding. Johhson Fair Holds Its Annual Meeting TECL'MSEII. Neb., Dec. 13,-(!jpeclal.)-The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Johnson County Agricultural and Mechanical association waa held at the court house In Tecumseh Thursday after noon. The old officers were re-elected, as follows: President, L M. Davis; vice president, J. M. ,Veber; secretary, J. IS. Douglas; treasurer, T. J. Plerson. Her man Krnst, jr., R. V. Reynolds and K. O. Jury were elected members of the board of ilireotors. In two year the Indebted ness of the association has been reduced $2,300, notwithstanding the fact that some substantial Improvements have been made to grounds and buildings In that time. The total indebtedness of the society la $1,0,0. The action of the Tecumseh Chau tauqua association In erecting perma nent buildings on the grounds with cer tain understanding with the fair people, was ratified. The thanks of the stockholders' were returned to J. H. Douglas and the other officers who worked so faithfully in the Interests of the 1911 fair, and to William Krnst for the splendid exhibits ho made. Mr. Ernst waa chosen a delegate to the National Corn show in January. NO PEONAGE IN BEET ' FIELDS OF NEBRASKA BCOTTSBI.UKF. Neb., Dec. l.-(Hpo-cial.) The statement before a congres sional investigating committee that peon age exists in the vicinity of bert sugar factories naturally attracts attention here. In this section the field workers are prin cipally of German extraction, and are prosperous. In the spring they take up humble quarters In or near the beet fields, and receive $J0 per acre for the hand work. They are permanent citizens of the community and mmty ewa their own State Grange Favors Protective Duties on Raw Materials BROKKN BOW, Neb., Dec' ..-(Spe cial.) Tho first annual session of the Ne braska State Orange was held In the as sembly rooms of tho city halt on Tues day and Wednesday of this week. The session was under the personal super vision of National OrguuUer Charles 11. Iloyt and was largely attended, thirteen out of twenty-one local granges being represented. The sessions during botli days were held behind closed doors and were strictly official, The affair was brought to a close Wednesday night, upon which occasion an entertaining pro gram was rendered by Central ..ebraska Pomona Orange. Resolutions wore adopted favoring a system of parcels post and the proposed amendment to the Nebraska constitution known as the Initiative and referendum. Another resolution says that placing raw materials on the free list hunt the pro ducer, helps the manufacturer and does not benefit the consumer. NEWS NOTES FROM FAIRBURY Sons of Veterans Hold First Elec tion Dor Keot to Heforui BVbool. FAIRBURY. Neb.. Dec. lfi.-O-pecial.)--Calvln K. Steele camp, Hons of VeteranH, held Its first election last evening. The officers are: Ray Wells, commander; Roy 13. Itilcy, Junior vice commander; Prank Johnston, secretary; A I Westlmg, treasurer; Fred Price, color sergeant; W. l. Johnston, musician; Harry O. Yontz, sergeant of the guard; John Ireland, cor poral of the guard; W. II. Taylor, ramp guard; Vern Yonts. picket guard; Oscur N. Uarnscy, patriotic Instructor. Mrs. Frank Whltmore of this city leaves next week for Burlington, la., to spend the holidays with her parents. Hhe will then go to New York City about New Year'a and study music with Frederick Bristol. Superintendent A. D. Cavlness und the faculty of the Fairbury High school have Issued a circular to the parents of th high school students making a vigorous protest against social activities during the sehood year. Kvery failure to muKo credits in ttie high school Is attributed to too much social indulgence. Ira Bean, 14 years of age, had a pre liminary hearing before County Judge C. C. Boyle Thursday on the charge of stealing a pig valued at $5. Judge Boylo sentenced htm to the reform school at Kearney, Several months ago Mrs. Bean removed to Idaho and left her son to care for himself. A large air compressor has been re ceived from the Rock Island hops ut Morton, Kan., and will be InHtalied In the shops at Fairbury to furnish air for operating tools and motors. K. I'. Byllesby and M. B. Coop have formed a partnerxhlp and will buy poul try In Swift's old stand. RICHARD S.Y0UNG DIES ; AFTER LINGERING ILLNESS (Fttim a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 15. (Special.) Richard S. Young, formerly a member of the city council and a prominent business man of this city, died this morning after a lingering Illness. For more than a quar ter of a century he was the head of the R. S. Young Supply company. OTOE COUNTY NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mm. McKre of Palmyra Will Celehruto (.olalrn Wedding; Veil ViU. NEBRASKA CITY, Dec. 15.-(Speclal.)-Mr. and Mrs. J. Run McKee on January I, 1912, will eclcbrato their golden wed ding uuniversury at their home at Pal myra. Mr. McKee is one of the leading republicans and citizens of this county, lie has been chairman of the republican county central committee for years and Is one of tho wealthiest farmers and lund owners In the western portion of the county. They have sent out some thing like 900 invitations for the event. Benjamin F. Conklin died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Massey, yesterdny and the funeral waa held this afternoon. Ho was born August 12, 1M:. In Indiana and came to this city many years ago. Ho leaves eight children William, Clem, George, Earl and Watt, and Mrs. William Massey of this city, and Mrs. Thraw of South Omaha and Miss Pearl. Miss Ollle Garwood, one of tho oper ators for tho Nebraska City Tolephone company for several yeurH, has been pro moted to tho position of cashier In place of Joy Tall, who has resigned to become clerk of tho county court. The Otoe County Pet Ktock and Poultry show eloped this nftemoon und in every way hus been a big suerexs. The prizes wero awarded to (he various winners this afternoon, and most of them were cap tured by persons residing outside of the city. William C. Andreas, state dairy Inspec tor, has been hero Inspecting tho dairies. Ho found the milk was not all up to the requirement and the dairies were not aa clean as they should be. He gave notice that another man would lie here In a short time and complaints would be filed. Jury la IHaebaraed. AUBURN, Neb., Deo. 15. (Special.) In the case of the state against Weldon Shlvely on the charge of removing mort gaged property, the court yesterday noon discharged the Jury, which had been out over forty -eight hours. GAGE COUNTY NEWS NOTES Farmers' Elevator at Kills Declares Dividend- Taft lab Electa Drleaalea. . BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 13.-(Spoclal.)-The annual meeting o( the stockholders of the Ellis Farmers' Grain and Live Btock company was held yesterday, when a dividend of 15 per cent was declared. These officers wero elected: B. B. Pheas ant, president; W. II. Miller, vice presi dent; P. J. Zimmerman, secretary; II. W. Believe, treasurer; II. W. Bcheve, Grant Cunnlnham and Ross Hill, board ' of trustee. Jesse Newton of Wymore, who Is re ported to ba a candidate for governor, says that he has no statement to make at tho present time. Ha states that he may be in a position to give out some thing definite soon. The executive committee of Die Taft Re publican club met yesterday and selected delegates to the state convention of Taft clubs to be held at Lincoln December 19. Beatrice and Gags county will send a delegation of a hundred or mora to the convention. S. R. Kranbuel, an old resident of Blue Springs, had Ills left leg badly crushed while assisting workmen In moving a largo ssfo In his office. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. und Mrs, Marcus Wllllss, five miles south west of FUley, was solemnized the mar riage of Clyde R. Rossell and Miss Bessie L. Wllllss, Rev. J. E. Davis officiating. Underwood Does Not Like President Taf t's Tariff Suggestion WASHINGTON, Dec. IC.-Oiali man Un derwood of the house committee on ways and means today expressed the belief that Secretary of State Knox would find little encouragement In the house of rep resentatives on his request that thu presi dent be given sweeping power to compel foreign nations to grant tariff conces sions to the United States. The secretary's proposition was mado In a letter to Chairman Underwood In which he elaborated on President Taft's suggestion in his recent messnge to con gress on foreign Rations that the tariff luw ba amended so as to provide a grad uated means of meeting varying degrees of discriminatory treatment of American commerce In foreign countries. K-Chalrmun Underwood declared that ho does not favor personally such a plan. PRIZES AWARDED WINNERS Board of Judge Gives Final De cision in Booklorcra' Contest. NAMES PUBLISHED T0M02B0W Total Number of A as were Larger Than Those Beat la for First Contest mud Coapoae Moist Maosi Higher. Final action waa taken by the board of judges In The Bee Book lovers' eon-' test yesterday afternoon and the list of winners was gone over for th last time.. Tha name of th total flfty-flv win ner was approved and tha laat checking waa done. Tha name of tha winners will ba published in Tha Bee tomorrow. The Judges who awarded the prise were Rev. M. O. Laughlln, chairman;' It. II. Manley, Henry Klesor, Philip Schwartz, C. T. Walker, C. D. Vanoe, Charles Oaraka and Homer B. Curtis. , The number of answers to tha seventy five puzzle In this second contest ran into tha thousand, tha total being larger . than those which war sent In for tha, first tont it Large Itaaubar mt Coupons. Tha .number of coupons used i by In-: dlvlduals waa larger than In the first contest, but tha winner of tho first prlso had mora answers Incorrect than did the winner of the leading prise la the, first' contest. Del alls regarding th two eon teats and a comparison of th answers' will , be' set forth In an artlole that will be published la Tha Be tomorrow. Interest In this second contest was much greater than in th first. A largo number uf prominent society people wero among tha contestants. Included wero many who have automobile now and who only have entered th gains becauso they enjoyed the picture aolvlng. MRS. ECKERSALL SECURES INJUNCTION AGAINST SPOUSE CHICAGO, Dec. 15. An Injunction against Walter H. Fxkersall. former star quarterback on the University of Chicago foot ball team,, wo Issued by Judge Mc Donald In tha superior court lata today. The injunction waa issued to restrain Fx'kersall from annoying or Interfering' with hi wife, who ha filed suit for di vorce. Mrs. Eckersall charge her hus band with cruelty and nonsupporc F ANKLIN MODEL "G" ARRIVED YESTERDAY Key to the Bltuatlon-Bee Want Ada. 1 tJV It f i J -.j, ii s-.-r r YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT IT. CALL TODAY OR PHONE and MEKE APPOINTMENT FOR DEMONSTRATION Gt Y L. SMITH 2205-07 Farnam Street Phone Dougiaa 1970