THE BKK: OMAIFA. RATfTTOAY, DECEMBER 16. 1911 Shop at Brandeis Stores Where the Varieties are Greater, the Aisles Wider, the Air Better, the Bargains Bigger. Jit to tSi 24 , inn ,i i.BWMMnag"jawitsi sjsi i isniaj iiiiMiaispaBEg,i id bos 39c Open Even- ings Until Christ. mas. y n)o4f!,lTI?!TO Only Seven More lays To Do Your Sliop. II"K. Gifts of Fine Handkerchiefs Women's and men's plain hemstitched sheer linen hand kerchiefs, fiuo Swiss embroid ered, hand embroidered initials vour first name embroidered in full, real Armenian, real cro chet, real Priucess and real Duchess laco borders; also many styles put up in fancy boxes; at, each 15e-25c-50c-9Sc-$$lQ Women's Christmas NECKWEAR Dainty net, lace and embroidered fichus: Dutch and sailor collars, in , crochet ana Ventse effects; coat nets, fancy ftr PAC AOfi lare jabots,. side frills, cascades, ribbon nov- MX cities, etc. a big lots, at UU uv Christmas Gloves Finest kid, and lambskin gloves In all shades and lengths for street and evening ' wear all the best makes. Long Gloves, at, pair ..$2.75 to $3.75 " 2 and 3-clasp Gloves, at, pair $1.25 to 53 Women's Street Gloves One and two clasps, Mocha and cape gloves; black, brown, grey and white; Nortbrup and Perrln makes, at, pair 31.25 nd 81.75 Special 011 ItnrRaln Square 2-c.lasp kid ' gloves, In black, white and colors, worth -$1 a pair, at, pair qq JIHget Gloves for Boys and Girls at 1-1.25 Kid, Cape and 'Mocha Gloves, unllned, silk lined and fleece lined Christmas.' Boxes free .lor Gift Gloves. . GIFTS OF SILK HOSIERY Alt silk wide hem tops, wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, heels and toes, embroidered boot patterns; including Kay ser and McCullum makes. Worth up to $1.50, pr. 98 Women's I'ure Thread HUk Hoot Hosiery Wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, double heels and toes; worth 60o a pair, at pair 8.V; 3 palra for m Women's Pure Thread 811k Hosiery Fancy silk em broidered boot patterns, wide lisle garter tops, lisle soles, double heels and toes; black and fancy colors; worth $1.25, t. pair Q8 ..Women's Imported Lisle hilk Finished and Cotton Hosiery Fleecy lined and cashmere, wqrth 60c a pair, at pr. 25 SB WHY NOT MAKE IT A "VICTROLA CHRISTMAS" Buy a "Victrola" here to the best advantage. , "We show ev ery model and every finish at rTp I $200.00, $150.00, at $100.00,' at cuu. Bwica upon scores of people will present their homes with this most modern "Jov OronWV when it becomes known that we offer genuine ITornless" 'Vi'clrolas at as little as only . Cosiest talking Machine Parlors In the outlre west in nrandels Pompeloa Room. 4 rssf i M H BRANDEISSTORES RESUREYIKGCHURCH FIED Protestant Organizations Unite in Coniolidatinj and Expending. flrtTtiTrn tTT sura iptt t tirfl rvr 1 ! MUsloa Coaartl, Comrlilig lrealacat Uci freaa Eaat, Meet a Ih lkl CUr Ms-aslay .!. lar Kvealas Meettsja;. Home Mission Council, on Inter tlciiuiuhiationa.1 body ; (rqnpod of aecre tjne uC twenty-two i'rolKUut churches who are making a "neglected field eer ey" of tl uountiy. will hold a confer nc In Omaha Monday lm session at ill Young Men' Christian- association lfc'ii:ulil st in the morning and i Iri tli afternoon. A popular nisctlng will lo held In tli evening beginning at' o'clock at tb Young Women Christian jissoclalkjB, to which . every I'roteataut Lurch lu tl city has been asked 'to tend ut least ten or twenty men and women a delegate. TUe pi Hue (lurpoa or these voutfnixM, which r bing beld la ill important western citlea, U to correct win1 la called "overchurcblng" prol.Um a well a '" ut "undercliurcblng." Wbr field are crowded ' with weuk rhi,..K olldatlon ar favored, one denomination giving way to another, and wher flddj are inadequately aupplled provUlon U ...w mint or recommended. Th idea is to avoid duplicating, overlapping and conflicting of energies and effort t-t-tween tb varlou denomination. A on of th .eeretarle exprcaae It In a letter "Vou will ob.erv, that t. pre.ent Kort la con.tructlv and porttlv. while heretofore mot of the effort lia been negative and inhlbltive." rromlaeat barrhara. Leading ecretarlra from New York and elaewhere representing twenty-two de nomination of the Federated 'Churcli4 of America will be here. They are mak tng a tour of the country. They will rach Omaha Saturday evening from To peka ond will hav, headuuarter at th Hotel llouie. - Among th prominent men coming are: Dr. V. C. Barne. eld retary of th American Baptln Home lle.tJkary o ctety; Vr. Hubert C. Harrli,.. general ecretary of . the . Congregational Home Mlwlonary aodety and former pa.tor of th Firat CongregationaJ church of thle city; Ir. VNa.1 1 otb Methodtat boa, a and toted writer home mlnalon aubject; Ir. I. N. alcCanh aecretary of tb American Chrlatian U.J. lonary aodetyj Joph KautH McAfee, Xmas Gifts for Ulen and Boys A Word About Suits and Overcoats ....95c ...25c . $1.98 $1.50 $2.50 Combination Ket of Hilk Tie and How to tnaMi Silk Tien anil Knit Tlrs, one in fancy box, at An All Woo! Sweater or Hweater Coat t ; A pair of Fur Gloves 92.30, and Kireptional Hhoe values, at $3.00 and Adlers' Drews Gloves tf4 ftft at f 1.50 and $liUU Fine Dresa Klilrtn at 91.50 nfl ami giiUU Fxrellent Trousers (10 9A.OO to .OliwU Silk Mufflers Cft 92.50 to .... wUU uciJvcawB 0Uits iUiU UVercoaiS X. SultCases. for men who favor moderate nrices. X No store can equal our splendid show ing of hand tailored Suits aad Overcoats. at prices that are really moderate espe cially at Hoys' Suits with extra pants to match fr)Q5 $4.93 to L w FOR $5 AND $4 STYLES Just n week ao we adopted our new policy of "$3.00 for every slioe on our Main Floor." Omaha women realized at once what that meant all the swagger $5.00 and $4.00 styles. that have made this store famous,'nbw being sold at a popular price and. the Increased volume of business in this Hhort space of time is phenomenal. And remember, this change is a permanent one. Just $3.00 no more from now on. See the shoes in our windows. ,. ; No Chocs Charged or Delivered t We just can't do it profits are too small, dose fig uring is necessary in order to give you thei values. Neither can we make any "exchanges" on Saturdays. Yon will overlook this when you see what values we are giving. 322 Coutrf Sixteenth SfT A Big Display of Xmas Slippers In Our "Bargain Basement" rt Hoyden Bros.' 7eat Dept. Another Advance in Prices But we still sell at lower prices than ever. Pork If oast - .7VV Hulk Sausage ,. 5 Hindquarters Mutton, pound ( Forequarters Mutton, pound; 5. Mutton Chops, 3 pounds for 25c Mutton Stew, 12 lbs. . ; . .25c Sirloin Steak ;'. ..10c I'ot llonst. , 8c,7e, G lioiling Beef, 5 lbs 25c Veal Steak .15c Veal Chops 1211-0 and'lOc Veal lfoast , gt. Veal Slew, 5 pounds for.-. ..... r 25c Bacon Strips, pound ' 10c Lean Bacon , 4 12' C No. 1 Hams, pound 12Vt Picnic Hams ". 10c 10 lbs. (1 round Bone 25c llaydcn Bros.' T.leat BepL aecrctary of the Freabytvrlau board, aud other. KUld workers from all over the slate will be here Monday to take part in the conference. Some of the subjects to be diai-ueaed are: "Neglected Klelda In the Country." "Neglected Fields In the Small Towna," "I'nmet Needa Among Foreign era In Omaha and Nebraaka," "Unmet Needa In tioctai MlnUtry," "Neglected Ulstrtcta In Omaha." "Neglected Hubur ban District." There will be a free dl cusalon of these and other queatlona. GRAFF DOES NOT FAVOR SCHOOLS FOR DANCES While not condemning the action of the Chicago Hoard ot KUucatlon In opening Iwo school to dunce Superintendent ki. l Oraff of Omaha Iwllevea this city 1 not yet ready for auch a move. Aa to Incorporating dancing lu the curriculum, Hupeilntfiidint UraK ha hi doubt aa to Ita practicability and efficiency and would It tried In other than Omaha echool. Tha Chicago plan la to open th achools to all boy and girl In the neighborhood, whether they ai atudnnt or notA The Idea la to make the school a "'1 center" and thi to help eradicate IHe public dauce hall evlL Milwaukee I4 anctloned the plan and will make it a feature in U12 "One thing Chicago ha." aald Superin tendent Gruff, "ahlch I think I com mendable. That 1 parent' organlaation. Tha member of thla organization meet to co-operaU with the achool author Itlea and hold luncheons and enUrtuln menta which have been very aut-ceaaful. HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS TO' HAVE NEW OFFICES The Uth floor of th city hall la being fitted up for officea for the heaa of the varlou departmenta of public Instruction. Superintendent of drawing, mualo. a k1 slant vupertntendent of nude, manual training athletic, trainers, writing and kindergarten will each have an office. Tb inova wa atarted by the Hoard of Kducatlon, which will meet the axperuiea, and la designed to bring the educational organisation of the city to a Jilgher atate of efficiency by systematic oo-operatloo. Tke Glad llss 1 aeeo when liver Inaction and bowe4 stappage fliea before Pr. King's New Lit rill, the eay regulator. 3b ct. fur aala by Beaton Drug Co. Key to tha tnluaUuiv-lie A4vertilog gaQBMRI 'aJM!imJBVtasmliaAA,J!X Here's a mighty good proposition for men who ap preciate quality and a good round saving of over 25. Mid-Season purchases of Hart, Schaffncr & Marx' $27.00, $25J00 and $22.50 Suits and Overcoats at . . There's a distinct advantage in buying clothes of a national reputationstandard merchandise where manip ulation is out of the question. Most men know the high standard and superior merit of the Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes and no further talk on quality is nec essary." No matter what your idea of style, cut or model in a Winter Suit or Overcoat is, you can find it in this, offering. HAYDEN'S "WONDER" CLOTHES AT $114.5 $14.50 invested in a Ilayden "Wonder" Suit or Overcoat gives you style, quality and satisfaction that cannot be duplicated elsewhere under $18.00, and in most places under $20.00. We would like mighty well to show you the points of merit contained in the Ilayden " Wonder" clothes at $14.50. At $10.75 , we give you the pick of over 700 Suits and Overcoats all ' the prevailing colors and weaves and all shapes for stout men, short men, slim men and regular men Overcoats in black and fancy weaves, cutmedium and long, convertible collars, big, roomy, swag ger models many of them waterproof and let us say to you, every garment we offer in this collection guaranteed strictly all wool. , Removal Ssole Bargains Cut Glass Must Go Our entire line of CUT GLABS must be dis posed of before Xmas. The prices have already been reduced and now we have made another big cut. VVe must not move a single piece of glass to our new location. These are your bargains. Don't fail . to see them today, for they don't last long at these , . VV. Lindsay, Jeweler 1 ' lOiO Dou( as Street. Atlbkiis,A'l'l, AMI SK.ME.TS. peep ih Saturday is School Day and last day of this great show. All exhibits remain intact until 10:30 P. M. See this great Sheep and Wool Exposition Today or Tonight Instructive Entertaining. Don't fail to bring the young folks. Hear the band. See the Pictures. Admission, Adults 2oc; Children 10c. ayoiToiysUa mmmmmrsmefmtaaEEES AaX RISTMAS sdoes AND SLIPPERS REMEMBER That the Shoes and Slippers that you buy v at this store are high grade, late style, reliable goods and cost no i&ore thsn others. Men's Opera Slippers in tan, black and chocolate, 91.00 to tVJ.oo. Meu's Romeo Slippers. 41.50 to $3.00. Boys' and Youths' Slippers, at 91.23. Ladles' Felt Slippers and Fur trimmed Romeos, 91 to 92. Ladles' Kid and Patent Leather Slippers. 91-50 to 9'J. A splendid line of Ladles' and Men's Ureas Shoes in v all the latest styles at popular prioea. FRY- SHOE CO. THE SHOEHS 16th and Douglas 8U. Phont)! Douglas 484. I0& A14 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today 2:15 Note: Early Curtain Saturday Night, 8:15 Sharp. "OMAHA'S) TV CStTTZB- HARRY HASTINGS EIQ SHOW BXTATAOAJiA ASO T1UOITIXL1 Vloia Bheldon. Coloiaiura Soprano- TtZ Beauurul Uallet ot Flowera, Top Notch Veek-Choiua of 8prliiK Imbi baolaf Dim Mati&ea Wenr Weak a. Sun. & Wk: Hilly -Sliding- Watson KfiUO THEATER Uauaaa Xoday 8:30, Might 8:30 est aaata 6O0 "Tha 1-aat 8bow" M1XXMU AMIalCAII Beautiful Souvenir to the Ladles at Dally Dune Manure. MATHVM CQlTTEaT, Friday mrht. Drexel's Xmas Shoes for Boys There's nothing you could give the boys for Christmas that will eult them better or be more appreciated and use ful than a pair of Drexel's Shoes. For winter wear and out door Sports no other Shoes on the market will give the satis faction that you get out of a pair of our boys' HTEEL SHOD SHOES Boys' sizes, 2 hi to 6 at' $2.50 Youths sizes, 1 to 2, 2.25 Little Gents' sizes, 10 to 13, at $2.00 Hoys' Storm Shoes They are extra heavy soles, high tops, ... common sense lasts, strong and durable black aud tan. DREXEL'S 1410 Farnam Street. iUyixaaUAI THEATER Toala-hl Mats. Tuea, Taux, Bat. Frleea, 8 bo Oaly. MISS ZTA X.AHO and tba VOODW1SS STOCK COKCPAJTT U -MUM OSIAT af-ATCJt." eat Weak The Ltinhlir Suooaaa. . - - scat, toaay 8tc-txu. Toairnt ssa-Sl. Isfl M08I0AI. HAT THB SIWLTWCfil An Taal Btey top' Feople TS Qlris. A Merry Christina nff.nn. Gash Basis No Credit Is the secret of the wide popularity of Bath'a Market. No credit meant no loss from bad accounts, no ex pense of bookkeeping-, collecting-, to be made up by substituting- Inferior quality. We pay cabh for our meat and groceries and sell for cash and no delivery. Thats why. we can aell only choice goods for the same price or less than we would have to charge for Inferior meats and gro rerles If we conducted a credit bus iness like other dealers. OTTB XXZTD Or OHICKXJT. We buy only live ones Lest qual ity nd dretia them and keep them In dry cold air, free from Ice water. When you buy -chickens from us you get only tha choicest chicken that retain their pure, clean, natural flavor, (iive us one trial and see the difference. Jos. Bath's Gash Market 1931 rarnam at. TeL XM984. G3BS BBS Egyptian Chocolates Our Latest Creation None Better at Anj 1'rlce. Sold In 1 and 2 found Koxea. Only Price Oc and 91.00. If by Mail il.OO and 92.00. Mysrs-Dilion Drug Co, 16th and Farnam Sts,t Omaha.