Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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Tin: bkk: biv.vir.V. kmiuiuY, dkcrmiieie k;. vm
0. H. S. Reunion
Ths mil class of the Omaha lilsh school
vill hold a re-unlon reception and dance
at tho University of Omaha on Thursday
evening, December 2S. at 'which time It
Is expected that most of last year's gi adu
lates will ha present.
Klaborata preparations are being made
by the committee In charge and the re
inlon promiaes to be one of the Import
ant social events of the holidays. Orange
and black, the class colors, will predomi
nate In the decorations.
Voyle Hector, president of th- cla.s,
will be homo from Dartmouth, where he
Is a freshman this year, for the holi
days and will preside at tho business
meeting for re-organliation, which will
be held during the evening. Other mem
bers who are attending different schools
throughout the country will also be home
for the holidays and will atiend.
The following make up the committee
!n chargo: Loa Howard, chairman; Har
Het rarmelee, Henry Howes and Park
large bridge party given by Mrs. Ed
n T. Marohv at hep him .1111
orlh street. In honor of Mrs. Thomas
lurnhy. who Is a recent hrlrf. mnA Ml
Faber Dow and Miss Cecilia McCaffrey,
ho havo recently announced their. engage
;ents. The house was prettily decorated
Ith yellow chrysanthemums and forty
ve guests were present.
j Social Events Today
' Mrs. H. L Porterfleld entertained at
bridge thl afternoon at her home. Nine
tables of players were present.
Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas was hostess
this afternoon at an Informal bridge for
Hum Edith Tatrlclt, who will be one of
Aha winter brides. Six tables or players
jtWcre present.
i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster will en-
pertain at dinner this evnnlng at their
I Miss Bernloe Ed wards entertained tn
Tormally at luncheon today at her home
.lor the young women of her wedding
Jarty, Covers were placed for.
' Mrs. Harold Miles" of Des Moines.
Misses Misses
Xatherlno Powell, Elolse Jenks,
KatUerine Milroy, Bern Ice Edwards.
Mr. Turner MacAUaster will give a din
ner this evening at the Hotel Loyal (or
ithe ushers and best man for the Mac-
;AJIater-Edwards wedding party Those
gircBcnt will be:
Messrs. Messrs.
Yale Holland, Nye Morehouse of
Karl Burkett, Fremont,
Jack Webster, Turner MacAUaster,
Dr. Waldo Scott. )
Major and Mrs. Atkinson of Fort Crook
"will entertain tho Post Evening Bridge
Club at their quarters. Only members of
the club will be present. There will be
live tables plaoed for bridge and two
tables for the game of five hundred.
Pleasures Fast
Christmas Shoppers
Wedding Bells
The wedding of Miss Florence Moran
to Mr. Jr.tse 1.. Johnson was celebrated
quietly Thursday evening at the home of
the bride's sister. Mrs. William M. Hill,
UM Spruce street. Hev. J. M. Baker
officiated. After a short wedding trip
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will reside at 2312
South Twenty-fourth street.
Invitations have been Issued for the
wedding of Mis Nan MlHer. daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Joseph H. Miller, to Mr.
Morrison H. Castle, which will take place
Thursday, December 21, at S o'clock at
the home of the bride's parents. Mr.
Castle and his bride will be at home at
the Her Grand hotel after February 1.
Cards have been received In Omaha
announcing the marriage of Miss Carolyn
Cede, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Norton Leete of Berkeley, Cal. to Dr.
Joseph Brown Bllderbach of Portland,
Ore. Miss Leete Is a niece of Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Wattles and has spent con.
slderable time In Omaha as their guest
and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wattles
In their trip around the world. Miss
Leete met Dr. Bllderbach In Vienna,
where he was studying medicine. They
will reside at the Whedon Annex In
it- jes' .. A .v. .s . S t J
Personal Gossip
Miss Louise Ormsby of New Tork U
the guest of Mrs. August M. Borglum.
Mr. I. E. Vtt Is home from an x
tended trip to Kansas City and Excelsior
Springs. .
Mrs. E. C. Browne, who has been visit'
lng In Chllllcothe, O.. for several weeks.
has returned.
Mrs. I. XV. Bashford, wife of Bishop
Bashford of Peking, China, Is the guest
for several days of Mrs. L 8. Leavitt
In Dundee.
Mrs. J. J. Dickey of Omaha, is in New
Tork for a few days and is staying at
the Hotel Wolcott. where she will be
Joined In a few days by Miss Dickey,
Mr. a. F. Miller ha gone to Wisconsin
for tha nurnosa of accompanying his
h f
7 . mmfJrXOi&
A ...
1 I "rA
-7 ,
1 l
t J V 1
i S J' lb. .. Wv
Silk and
In oil shades
and black.
The Famous
DOo Ki ay ami
Ht rliod
ceo si o i
Over McCrorcy's Kew 5c and 10c Store
Iho Homo of IlcHlforn
- 'if 111
mrnls with tl mrrlt bnilt Into
t lie m that rnnMrs u.t to atakn our
jH-rsonal rrputnticm on tlirin.
Coats and Suits,
$10 $15
Women's strictly nian-lallorcd
$25.00 Hulls or fine serge, as
well Mannluli Novelties, Conts,
Rwapner revernhl roalM, mix
lures, cheviots, tlroMjr acifrcs as
veil M finest chiffons hroadcloths,
many lined throughout with
Ktutrantcerl satin lining. Salts
seatletto plushes.
PIJRS Saturday xo oTfor astounding bargains
' in our l'ur department. Beautiful blue
fox vets, $5.00 and $10.00 per set.
Ileal and Fancied Ptarratlrrs
signed to Ilanlsh the Tired
1 The Merrymakers' club of Trinity cathe
Oral gave a very enjoyable danctng party
kit Jacob's Memorial hall last evening,
bbout fifteen couples being present. Ap
toroprlata ChrlEtmas decorations were
; The club plans to give a dinner and
Banco on January B at the same hall and
the affair promises to be one of the Im
portant events of the social calendar
Curing the holiday week. Those present
last evening ware:
Misses Misses
Beatrice Tancock, JWmnle Haves,
Lillian Callaway. Amelia (irlffln,
Sydney iStobblnB, Olive Bentley.
Kva Culver, I)aiy liiggins.
Adeline Wykoff, Ida Simmons,
Mary Marston, Miriam Bentlcy.
Lola Byrd,
Messrs. Messrs.
LcBrand Wykoff, Kelno Morgan,
Donald Altchlson, Fred Stcbbins,
Karl Lobach, Harold wls.
Paul Bhaw. Forest Byrd,
Sumner Htebblns, Harte Jenks,
leo Claiborne, H. Ellmaker,
W. H. Sophia, H. C. Cousdell.
Mesdames Meadames
JMarston, Tancock,
Wykoff, Maul. .
Dean Tancock.
Mrs. G. T. Anderson entertained the
plover Leaf Card club Thursday after
noon. The club will meet in two weeks
Vttli Mrs. J. C, Hansford. Those present
Mesdames Mesdames
fWillUun Fximonson, 1). O'Connell,
'A. W. Dart, K. Ii. Stickler,
J. C. HanBford, T. McUrath,
H. Jackson, , L. K. Nelson,
J. P. Johnson, d- T. Anderson,
L. Leedeir. J anies Kolly,
Miss May Hooge.
Mr. and Mi. William Sears Poppleton
Entertained Informally at bridge Thurs
day evening for Mrs. Valentine Grant
McGUHcuddy of San Francisco, who la
visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur V. Sto
itta. Mrs. Charles F. Bclraan entertained at
luncheon at tha Delft Tea room Wednes
day, followed by a matinee party at the
Dipheum. Thpno present were:
Miss Mary Hall of Chicago.
Mesdames M'Hduines
Walter Clement, C. Hamilton,
Fred Relble, John tiliary,
A. O. Stores, O. IS. Hunter.
It. C. Howes. lxuis Mufwr.
Charles Hickman, Charles F. Holman.
Frank Blabaugh, Chester Sturdevant,
Miss Dorothy Stevens entertained the
following truests yesterday afternoon at
the meeting of the Debutunte Bridge
Misses Misses
Dorothy Morgan, lxuie Dinning,
KlUabeth Bruce. Katharine Btweon
jtuth Hammer, KIlXHbeth Davis,
Mildred Butler, Dorothy Stevens,
One of the social affairs Thursday lias
He entered the superintendent's office
In a kind of bashful, well-l-got-no-busl
ness-here sort of manner and quietly
asked the busy man If the superintendent
was In.
"I am he." replied that official without
raising his eyes from the desk "what do
you want?"
"One of your trains killed my dog a
j.n.M... hnma to iiDend the holidays, few days ago and I thought I would
Thev are In Wlssoasln attending scnooi. stop in ana
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorga Butterfleld M nor- -well, ne iiad no business on our
folk Neb. will entertain al oinner mis i iracus; you suouia nave aepi mm xiea.
ovcnlng, when some guests from Omaha 1 "Yes, I know," meekly responded the
win be rjresent. Among those invited irora cauer, "but l amn t, ana ne goi on me
Omaha are Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Buchols, I track and was killed, and I thought you
Mr. jid Mrs. XV. N. Kalnbolt ana jar. ougnt to-
Mr. fitiarlM Harding. "But we won't! We don't pay for
Miaa Irene Ingram of Iron Mountain, tuning aogs on tins roaa.
Mich.. Who has been tne guest i nw v no saia anyiuiug iinui pay .' repiieu
aunt. Mrs. Arthur Pinto for the last the ex-dog owner. "I'd been trying for
month, has decided to remain through- a month to get some one to drown that
out the winter in Omaha and has ac- measly cur, and as the railroad has killed
cepted a position in ths Lotbrop school, him for me, I thought you ought to be
She will be with Mrs. Pinto. Miss m- paid for the Job. Here's $2,
gram, "who Is a talented musician, ua
been much entertained curing ner twjv. i ..John M Harlan." said a Chicago law
yer. In a eulogy of the late supreme court
Vogue for Froa-IOon. Justice, "had a way of pointing an ob'
There is every indication mai mere servation with a story.
will be a decided vogue lor rrou-irou et- "Once he wanted to rebuke a man for
fects in late spring and summer gar-1 exaggeration, so he said he was as bad
ments. Ther also promises to be a u- u Pittsburgh millionaire who was be-
mand for suits of t! J demi-tallored I ing Interviewed by a New Tork reporter,
variety, and among the latest models ar- " 'Where, sir, were you born? the
rived from abroad a number show tho 1 porter, as he sharpened his pencil, asked.
fancy cut both In coat and skirt. The I "I was born In Pittsburgh,' said the
odd cutting ef the seams In the front or millionaire.
the back section of the side sections is a I " 'And when did you first er see the
pronounced feature of the best American light of day?
as well as the foreign productions. I 'When I was the millionaire re
in regard to colors for spring, the blues I plied. 'My people then moved to Phlla-
are among the most prominent, crowns aeipnia.- "
and tans are well thought of and gTays
are expected to be popular. The emerald I United Btates Senator O'Gorman of
greens will figure to some extent, and ap- New York has a long list of Irish stories
pie green Is shown frequently combined
with white.
I lone-Made Cndr Dozes.
A pretty box of candies makes a de
lightful Christmas gift. Boxes are easily
made and may be used for different
thlnics after the candies are removed.
For instance, a long, narrow box 1s cov
ered with yellow-flowered silk. The sUk
Is put on the surface of the box with a
colorless library paste. The Inside Is
ined with Dale yellow silk and to covered
ri.v, .nfflnnl n&ner to keen the eandlea I Ana, continued
from "mussing" the box. This makes owes ws
and he tells this one to prove that not
all Irish people are Insensible to the
value of money:
Pat was on his deathbed, and at his
side knelt his faithful and loving wife,
"In my last moments," said Pat, "I
want to tell you how we stand financially.
Tom O'Bourke owes us tl."
Praise be to the Virgin!" exclarmed
Mary, with a look of rapturous admira
tion at Pat. "Clear in hts head to the
Taft In honor of their silver woddlng.
Charles D. Utiles, taking a last look at a
sky flecked with clouds, sought out the
president, and gave voice to this sepul
chral statement:
Mr. President, it's going to rain to
night, and I think wo had better abandon
the plan to have the reception on the
lawn. Willis Moore, the chief of the
weather bureau, has Just telephoned me
that there isn't once chance in a hundred
for clear weather tonight."
If Willis Moore says there's only one
chance In a hundred," said the president,
"I prefer to take that one. Go on with
the preparations for the lawn party."
P. 8. It didn't rain a drop.
A traveling man. who drove across the
country to a little town In western Kan
sas the other day met a farmer hauling a
wagon load of water.
"Where do you get water?" he asked,
"Up the road about seven miles," the
farmer replied.
"And you haul water (even miles for
your family and stock?"
"Why In the name of sense, don't you
dig a well?" asked the traveler.
Because It's just as fur one way as the
other, stranger."
The druggist approached the celestial
gate. St. Peter opened the portal lor him
and bade him enter and join the heavenly
'Not so fast," admonished tho com
pounder of pills. "Before I go In there
I want to ask a few questions. Have you
any city directories In paradise?"
"No," replied Bt. Peter.
"Any remedies for growing hair on bald
heads and door knobs?"
"Any soda fountains?" .
"We don't know what they are."
"Do you sell stamps?"
"We don't use them here.1'
"And last but not least, have you any
"We have not."
"Then I'll go in, for I guess this is
heaven all right, all right."
dentist Shatters .Notion Ibat Hair
Will Turn tiray in a
and careful Investigation. The explana
tion for n m n y Is unkind, being simply
that the keeper of the Jail or dungeon
In which tho unhappy heroine or hero
was confined neglected to furnish his
guest's dressing table with tho hair dye
to which the latter had been accustomed
at home and that nature asserted herself
before release or execution. Verily the
Iconoclast respects nothing not even
the gray hairs of royalty. American
Journal of Clinical Medlc!ne.
Key to the Bltuatlon-Bee Want Ad.
Pat. "Billy Dlnnln
an excelLent glove box for the girl who
has a yellow bedraom.
A cheaper, but still pretty, box Is cov
ered with flowered wall paper and lined
with silk. An elaborate one to made of
'Mind as clear as a bell, and him near
to death!" interrupted Mary again.
"And," Pat resumed, "Tim Doylln owes
us tfi.2L"
"Was ever man's memory like that?'
.birred silk and ornamented with a great ltloned Mary, ecstatic in her wonder.
,ihhnn "Then," said Pat, "wo owe Billy
Bar Held la MiaacasialU.
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. It Frank Mc-
Cormick of Barnum. Ia,, Is held here by
the police for hts parents. The boy was
arrested today after telegraph mes
sengers declared that they had fed and
cared for him lor three months.
Crocker Jit.
"The saints preserve us!" cried Mary
in distress. "Death's on the man. He's
daft raving craay
It was in the aftemuoon, only a few
hours before the time set for the big
recepUon given by Pi evident and Mrs.
The coffee oil tnat delignts
you is developed in the
berry by the roasting.
Koast it too
much or too
little and the
oil isn't there.
Tone'. Old
Golden Coffee
jfcgff a is roasted to the
How is the Time
Sit that the Seal
. I unkrekin
instant of per
fection. But
more it is the
pick of the world's coffee
growths carefully milled
packed to keep the strength.
luit try a pound and i
now much finer it is.
350 a pound
TONE BROS., Des Molnea, la.
There are two kinds of Ppkce.
Tone ami "alAen.''
What Our School Children Are Doing-VI.
- v i r m v. - m i
-- r ' , 2 JSSST'
F)' ." 1 "-.tiinSui -i ""
A cherished popular belief Is that of
the sudden blanching of the hair from
fright, worry or other severe mental
strain, it plays Its part In the drama and
In fiction, whtlo history records Us fa
mous Instances. Who bus not heard that
Marie Antoinette's hair turned whltu dur
ing the night before lier execution, or
that the deeds and terrors of Ht. Har
tholemenr's night blanched the hair of
Henry IV t Most dl us have wondered
how the chungo could como about as
rapidly as tradition relates, and yet so
universal Is the belief In this phenomenon
that few have the hardihood to doubt
It. And now fctleda, a hard-headed Ger
man scientist, boldly says that It Isn't
so at all. This refractory German first
proves that such a thing couldn't pos
sibly happen, and then, not satisfied, de
clares that it never did happen. With
equal dlaregard of folklore, history and
medical iteratura, he points the finger
of doubt and challenges many long de
ceased historians and physicians to arise
and prove their stories.
lie claims that when the hair turns
white under ordinary conditions It does
so In one of two ways. Klther the pig
mented hairs fjJI out and are replaced
by uni)lKinerit.lairH, or, Ifhh commonly,
pigment production stops In a grow lug
hair and the colorls portion gradually
replaces the outer segment.
As the growing of a new crop of hair
In a Blnirlo night is beyond this polllll-
tloe of even the beven Sutherland tes
ters, Ptleda must needs discredit all tulcs
of such miraculous transformation.
This lie dues in extrtiso, taking up the
bent known instances of such suppostd
bUnrhlng of Imir and finding them all
lacking in support suffjrk-nt to meet
critical consideration, much less t-urh
control as to establish an acceptable
scientific demonstration. Kor example,
he doubts th story of .Mario Antoinette's
sudden lew of hair pigment, fctutlng that
although Iho queen certainly uut uray
at the lime of her execution, jet this was
no iiowlty, for khe wus also gray nine
months before, at the the king met
ids sudden end at tho bands of the revo
lutionists. As for the rst of the reputed cases,
many are nothing better than old wives'
tales, while others are examples of cred
ulity substituted for healthy skepticism
-"Just Say"
It Meant
Original and Genulnt
Thi Food-drink for All Agts.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted, grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Tale bo substitute. Ask for HO RUCK'S.
Other are
Good Leather Goods
Slippers for Use In Pullman Cars.
Art Colonial Sheep Skins.
Traveling Bags with Toilet Set Inside.
X.aaies' Shopping Bags.
Oxford Bags: Salt Cases.
Toilet Sets.
Men's Card Cases and BUI Folds.
ftUdlclue Cases. Music Bolls.
Lawyer's Brief Cases.
Wardrobe Tmsis our own maks.
Bat Trunks. Steamer Trunks.
From tho Cheapest That's
Uood to tho Hcbt jdade.
Freling tein!b
wkoe Trunks ,L4t
1803 Farnam Street
This is the Place
Our names art on the windows
Our numbers are on the doer
And we are selling clothes
On the second door
Selling them because
they are trustworthy
and reliable and be
cause we Belected them
with care and judg
ment and have the
utmost faith in them, in
fact, we swear by them.
And by the way, you should come up and
hear us swear-some class to it, believe us
when we get started on the virtues of
every age and shape of man. When you buy
a suit or overcoat in this store you get a fit-not
the usual hang on kind that you find in most
stores, with gaping collar, misshapen shoulders,
and sloppy fronts-but a fit as true and accurate
as human skill and brains can make it. All
your clothes troubles are eliminated when you
come to this second floor clothes store -and
the high prices are eliminated up here also, be
cause of our low rent and low running , ex
penses. We can save you S5.00 on $15.00,
$18.00 and $20.00 garments and up to S10.00
on the $22.50 and $25.00 garments--with only
a minute of your time used in taking the ele
vator direct to our door.
Just above the high rent ground floor.
City Hat' I
Das IV
Nos. 223-224-225-226-227228 and 228.
S DybalVs 1518 Douglas St.
yt.en buying your Xraas Candles, remember that this Is
71 the onlv store In Omaha that handles randies BxplnsivAlr w
S make all our own candies and guarantee them to be absolutely
Packed In fancy baskets and boxes especially for the Xmag
lluioiiouu and loniotic Novelties.
Christmas Furs
Reduced Prices
1613 Fmrnam St.
I. ..1S1 SUISWBMK J7MF!BltBIJ. 1.HW 'fff f
To Do
It you lose yonr pocketbook.
umbrella, watch or some other
article of value, the tiling to
do la to follow the example of
many other people and aJver
tlaa without delay in the Lost
and Found column of The Bee.
That Is what most people do
wbrn they lose articles of value.
Telephone us and tell your loss
to all Omaha ia a single afternoon.
isaia Hiu..iKmwiJt XT'"!
Put It
; Ito' j
The Bed