Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 17

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ere Boot Trtnt It.
1 Oentral Botpltal, Done. BS5.
Xgyptlaa Ohcsolrtts 30c Myers-Dillon
Oss, Bleo. futures, Bara-ess-Orandsa
ilyer Flatto, Om. Plating Co D.SJ3i
Babbl Cobb's Toplo "Maroahrr s" will
be the subject of Habbl Conns sermon
tonight at the regular evening services
t Temple Israel.
wanson la Improving; I Idlwlg Swan
on rested easily lnt night and his .con
dition this morning Is reported to be
slightly Improved. Mr. Hwatmon was In
jured In an automobile wreck near Elk
horo, Neb.. bust Friday night.
Hatthewe WalTee Preliminary nr.
John Mattews. win. was arrested on Pet-ember
1 for the alleged practice of
medicine without a slate license, was
bound over to the district court after
pleading not guilty and waiving pre
liminary hearing.
Elevator Boys Uniform The elevator
conductors ill the new I'nlon Pacific
building have donned their new uniforms
rand n.-iw the eight men present the ap
t'earance of that number of soldiers. The
sjiilform is a dark blue, ornamented with
svipht brass buttons.
Superintendents to St. Louis Omaha
will hare several representatives at the
national meeting of auperlntendents of
public instruction in St. Iouis February
7-29. Modem school problems will be
f threshed out and It Is expected that sev
eral Innovations will be recommended,
superintendent K. II. draff will attend
and head of several depurtments of the
ity schools will accompany him.
Pioneer Hotel, is Baaed The St.
.lames hotel at Atchison, Kas., which was
built In 1NB3 by Frederick Barnes of
Omaha has been razed. Mr. Barnes waa
formerly proprietor of several restaur
lints In Omaha, but left here In IStw for
Atchison, where he built and operated
the St. James hotel. He died in Omuha
in 19U0.
Tramp la Not Identified An Inquest
into the death of the tramp who waa
killed when four I'nlon Pacific cars were
derailed at Lane Cut-Off Thursday morn
ing, failed to bring to light the man's
Identity and a verdict of accidental dcat'.i
waa brought In by the coroner's Jury.
The other tramp who was Injured in the
frame wreck Is in a dying condition at
St. Joseph's hospital.
Bone Favors Teat Plan Pairy In
spector BoBse Indorses the reroinmenda
tiona of the state dairy Inspector regard
ing the testing of milk by customers. "If
the plan suggested were generally prac
ticed,'" he said, "we would know with
more certainty the standing of dairies. It
ran be done Inexpensively and every ef
ficiently." The plan will be explained by
lilm more thoroughly upon request.
Holdup Kan Bound Oyer "Bud'' Wil
liams, a negro, has been bound over to
the district court by Police Judge Craw
ford on a charge of highway robbery, lie
was unable to furnish a $500 bond. Wil
liams is alleged to have held up and
robbed 13. V. Spencer, the Douglas street
bridge tender, on the night of December
1. Spencer appeared In uollce court and
Identified Williams as one of the negroes
who held him up.
Hasten Conducts School Supcrintend
ant Mustcn of the Railway Mall Service
has Instituted a new practice In his de
partmont, which he has poklrtgly dubbed
"school day" exercises. Mr. Masten had
for his scholars Friday the following chief
clerks: J. 8. Humphreys Sioux City; J.
M. Butler, i.inoelu; Lawrence Kaucher,
St. Joseph; and VF. J. Wettlln and W. S.
Felt of Omaha, These "school day" meet
ings will bo held once a month to diBcuss
problems that have proven troublesome
to the chief clerks.
Negro Preacher is
Hanged in Theater
JACKSON. Oa., Dec. ir. Tho scene of
a legal banging was hastily changed from
the local Jatlyard to the town opera
house here today to prevent possible race
trouble. Will Turner, a nesro preacher,
was to pay the death penalty for killing
Jesse Bingley, a white man last August.
A large crowd gathered In the Jail yard
anil fearing ferlous trouble the authorities
quickly took Turner to the theater and
lie was hanged on the stage before a few
COLUMBUS, O.. Dec. 15. Thomas
Davis, a negro, 26 years old, was electro
cuted In the Ohio penitentiary shortly
ufter midnight. Davis was opnvicted of
the murder of two Hungarians near
Circlevllle more than a year ago, the mo
tive being robbery.
Iowa Man Held for .
Forgery After Chase
XKW YORK, Dec. 15. James IC Bran
nlgan was arrested here today on the
charge ol forgery preferred by tho First
National bank of Davenport, la. The
forgery Is alleged to have been com
mitted on October 19, last. Brannlgan
was traced from Blue Grass, la., to Den
ver, Kansas City and Chicago and then
to New York, where he arrived on No
vember 20.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 15. In the historic
bouse, long the home of Charles Sumner,
the New Kngland abolitionist, and now
an annex to one of the older hotels here,
the trustees of the Anna T. Jeanes fund
fur the rural education of negroes to
lilnht gathered for a banquet.
The banquet followed a board meeting
held at the White House at. which Presi
dent Taft, president ex-offlclo, presided.
Andrew Carnegie, Booker T. Washing
tun and other trustees attended the
meeting, at which Dr. H. T. Keallng,
president of Western unlveralty, Qulndaro,
Kan., was elected tovthe vacancy on the
board created by the death of Bishop
Abraham Grant of Kansas City. Among
the speakers at the banquet were Dr.
Washington, William II. Lewis and J. C.
NEW YORK, Dec: 15. Officials of the
Vnited States Steel corporation said to
day that the company's mills, aa a whole,
are working nearer to capacity than at
any previous time this year. The com
pany's foreign business, It was adued, has
grown beyond all expectations.
Total exports of iron und steel from the
V nited States for October aggregated
j0.I,0UU, as aga.nst 117,'U.ouO In October,
Jl'lU. For the ten months ending October
21 total exports amounted to l-UVJie,''.),
as against J1M.37S.Oju In the same peilod
In lUiO.
It Is understood that the steel corpora
tion and some of the Independent manu
facturers now have on their books what
may properly be called "provisional" or
ders fur CQormoua vf steel
Things That Men and Boys Like for Christmas
Boys' Gifts
Men's Gifis
A Few Suggestions:
Tie and Hose Sets Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hose and Four-ln-hand Ties, all matched
in navy, tan, cadet, pearl, lavender and
maroon. A set, , $1.00. $2.00
Silk Hose and Tie In navy, maroon, laven
der, cadet, tan and pearl, at, set,' $1.00
Tio an! Handkerchief or Tie and Hose
Set, In cadet, lavender, poarl, navy, ma
roon and tan, set... $1.00
Silk Suspender and Garter Sets, In beau
tiful new patterns In tinted shades,
at $1.50. $1.00. 75 and 500
Leather Collar Bags In black, tan, brown,
red and green, at $3, $1.50 and $1
Leather Collar, Tie and Handkerchief
Sets, In tans aud black, $3.50 and $3
Full Dress and Tuxedo Vests,
at $5.00 and $2.50
Silk Knitted Reefers In black, white and
pearl, at $2.00
An extensive range of high grade Neck
wear In new effects In Terslans
at. $1.50. $1.00 and 50
Holeproof Silk Hose In black, tan, emer
ald, purple, gray, navy and pearl, guar
anteed for 3 months, at $2 a box of 3
pairs or, a pair 75
Adler's Kid Gloves, either silk or wool
lined or unlined, in cape kid or mocha,
black, tana and gray,
at.... $2.00. $1.50. $1.15. $1.00
Jewelry In Pin and Link Sets or Pin and
Tie Cbxsp Sets, or single Cuff Links or
Pins, at $2.50. $2. $1.50. $1. 50
Men 's
$2.50 and
$3 Grades,
on Sale at
Finest soi
set t e s, mer
cerized s i 1 ky
fabrics also
fine imported
Men 's Bath
Grades on
Sale at
Fine grade
highly tailor
ed, boxed in
holiday boxes
All Boys9 Suits and Overcoats Reduced 25
We've too mauy suits -we've. too many overcoats. The clothing manu-xex
says: "Lot 'em go at 25'; off." Saturday will bo the second day's selling it's
made a big hole in the quantity but there's still a great big selection. Now is tho
time to buy that youngMter the suit or overcoat ho ought to have among his
Christmas presents. You can combino Xmas sentiment and sensible economy by
attendiug thisf special sale.
Boys' Suits, consisting of Cheviots,
Cassimeres and Fancy "Worsteds.
Hoys' Overcoats, all styles, all fabrics,
all this season's makes, sizes 3 to 7.
Boys' bhlrts and blouses, $1.00 quality, spe
cial : 70
Boys' shirts and blouses, GOc quality, spe
cial 3
Boys' shirts and blouses, 75c quality, spe
cial '-.50
A Few Suggestions:
Boys' full cut (Jaimtletts; extra
length; extra quality $1.00
Boys' Fur (Jaxintlet Gloves; full
size; well lined $1.75
Hoys' Dress Clovrwi in all tho new shades;
Kood quality of ftlds $1.00
Boys' Swoater Coats 1n prsys, blues, white,
maroon nnd red; plain or combination
colors; tloso kniaed; sizes u to 34,
at $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00
Boys' Neck Sweaters, extra hoary, all
wool, in nil colors. Sizes up to 34, 45
Ctftublnulloit KotH for young men and
boys in fancy Xmas boxes, of Suspend
ers, Hoso Supporters and Arm Band3:
good assortment of colors, 75, $1.00
Mufflers for ladloa or boys In all shades
of brown, tans, grays, lavender, red,
white, green, black; all sizes 45
Children's Leggings In corduroy, leather,
velvet; up to 10 year size $1.25
Hoso for boys and girls, in light, medium
and heavy weights; all sizes up to 116,
Bt 25
Indian Suits for the boys with war bon
net, fancy trimmed jacket and pants,
Bt 05
Ties for boys and youths in the new knit
and fancy silks; the very latest colors
and patterns in fancy Xmas boxes,
Bt 15. 25. 50
We issue Gift Certificates on
Gloves, Hats and all other forms
of merchandise that make suit'
able Xmas gifts. .
Qmahja Largest and Best Equipped Clothing Store
Christmas comes but once a
year and its coming mighty fast.
Seven shopping days before
Magic City Plank White Way of
Flaming Arc Lights.
Jrvtlitlt Oreiuony of Lighting of the
Caudle Will De Held Nest Son
day at Jpnlih Synaaroffae
t boral lleeltal.
It in proposed by the Booster club to
establish a White Way extending; from
Twenty-fourth andL streets to the Live
Stock exchange building by way of O
street. N street, one of . the principal
buslnexa streets of the city, will also be
included In the new light district.
At the meeting held last night In the
mayor's parlor." , a report vat received
from the committee uppolnted to Investi
gate the ornamental lighting- system In
Council Bluffs. Without exception the
committee reported favorably upon the
flaming arcs that light the business dis
trict of the Bluff City.
H. V. Marsh of the ' Omaha Electric
L.lght company presentedto the meeting
a plat of the proposed dlxtrlct, showing
the location of the new lights. According
to tho plans it Mr. Marsh there will be
three urcs ti the block. Theso lights
will each rue. 2.000 candle power flames
and will be mounted upon ornamental
goose neck poles placed so as to divide
the number cf the lights upon two sides
of the. streets.
The cost of the lights Ih to be equally
divided between the abutting property
owners and the city at large. For In
stallation and maintenance a charge of
12'4 cents per front foot per yeur will be
made by the electrlo company.
Without further delay a committee con
sisting of Juke Klein, John O'Leary,
John Flynn and John Kennedy was ap
pointed to take, up the work of obtaining
subscriptions to the petitions "for the
creation of a new lighting district. City
Knglnecr Huberts, under orders from the
mayor, will prepare the petitions and aid
in every way possible,
Mayor Tralnor In addressing the' club
spoke enthusiastically of the new system
and commented upon the gieat benefit
that would accrue to the city and busi
ness men by the establishment of the
system. A lighted way fjom Twenty
fourth and L. to Twenty-fourth and O and
theme west to the confines of the stock
yards district will make a drive that will
bring many visitors and sightseers Into
the city. It will also uld the city to the
extent that police surveillance may be
maintained with case In a district where
the best and largeut business places are
The report of the' special committee Is
made returnable at the first meeting after
Xmas and the petition will probably be
presented to the city council some time
towards the beginning of the year.
Wool i rowers' M(k,
South Omaha Live Stock exchange and
the stockmen generally will be the hosts
of the Wool Growers' association tonight.
The affair has been planned upon spa
clods lines, but with a secrecy that prom
ises much pleasure and entertainment to
the l.sUo sheepmen who are to be enter
tained. Alt week lung Secretary V. A. Btryker
of the 1-Ive Htock exchange tias been at
work with the different committees,
which are bent upon making Magic City
night a memorable one in the miuds of
the visitors.
The entertainment will be high class
and the Invitations are being Issued to
the sheepmen and their wives. 80 great
is (he crowd expcvtcU that ioviutlvna
were perforce restricted to the visitors
and live stock men, together with a few
other Invited guests.
The doors will open t 6 p. m.
Cripple ueatrn t p.
Battered and bruised. E. Gabql, a crip
ple, stood before Judge Callanan yester
day morning to tell of the treatment be
stowed upon him a few days ago by
Frank Gellceke, a hale and hearty young
man living In the vicinity of Thirty-sixth
nd T ttreets.
Uabcl, It seems, went to visit a friend
by the name of Bill Walters, who lives
In a tent at Thirty-sixth and i street".
For some reason not specified as yet
Gellecke Is said to have assaulted Gabel
with a Jug of whisky. The appearance
pf Qabel attests that his left eye was
terribly lacerated. A doctor's certificate
further Itemised the hurts as a broken
nose; a cut Hp, a torn leg and innumer
able bruises.
Judge Callanan granted Gellecke a con
tinuance until next Saturday.
l.lKhtlna: of the Candles.
One of the most unique and at tho same
time beautiful ceremonies of Jewish prac
tice will be Inaugurated next Sunday at
the Jewish synagogue. Twenty-fifth and
J streets, when the children from the
Hebrew schools of 8011th Omaha and
Council Bluffs will Join In the celebration
of what la known as the "Lighting of the
The ceremony will begin at 3 o'clock
under the direction of Prof. 8. Weber,
teacher of Hebrew, who has appointed
the children to the following parts in the
Reva Gilinsky, a 9-year-old girl, will
open the meeting with prayers from the
Fsulms used at the dedication of the
Temple of King David.
George Nesman of South Omaha will
light the candles and Gertrude Chernlnck
of Council Bluffs will sing a hymn appro
priate to the action.
The history of Judas Maccabeus will be
given in Kngllsh and liebrew by Fernle
Hacks. Eva Lapufsky, dressed In cos
tume, will sing to the accompaniment of
the Jewish harp. The children will be led
by Kstelle LapiduN, who has been ap
pointed chairman of the evening because
of her remarkable aptitude for the things
of Jewish history.
Choral Society lleeltal.
Under the direction of Anna Brattou
the Koulh Omaha Choral society gavo a
delightful recital at the high school audi
torium last night. The hall was packed
with an appreciative audience who ap
plauded again and gin tho numbers on the
The entertainment was given for the
benefit of the First Presbyterian church
of which Rev. Dr. Robert Wheeler Is
pastor. The male choir of the church won
much commendation from the audience
for the manner In which It rendered the
different selections. Prof. H. II. John
son and his high school orchestra came
In also for a great deal of praise. The
following is the program: - ,
(a) Tangartta" Hobyns
lb) "Evening Hour" Kasaner
High tichool Orchestra.
"The Clang of the Forge"... Paul Rodney
Baas Kolo Male Quartet
"The Treasures of the Bea Are Hurled
peep" H. W. Petrle
Herbert Wells and Quartet.
"Hhoogy Bhoo" Grace Mahew
Women's Chorus.
Soprano Solo, "I Know a Lovely
Garden" Guy d' Hardslot
Laura Petersen.
(a) "The Long lay Closes". .A. Sullivan
(b) "Kentucky Babe" Orlbel
Men's Chorus.
Tenor solo. "The bllent Night Is
Sleeping" Dudley Buck
A. K. Thompon.
"Swan" C. Saint Saens
Hlyh School Orchestra.
(a) "The. Twilight Mar" J. Rarnby
(bj "The Happy Miller". .0. A. VU. Jr.
Wvrutu Cnerve. -
Baritone solo. "Thou Buhllmc. Sweet
Evening Star" Richard W agner
K. V. Baker.
"Soldiers' Chorua" Ch. Gunod
Men's Chorus.
(Accompanied by High School Orchestra.)
.Soprano solo, "One Spring Morn"..Nevln
Ethel Prey.
"Anchored" w. Watson
"Alexander's Ragtime Band". .Orchestra
Accompanist. Lucy Fads.
Director, Anna Bratton,
llonllnar Deurra.
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Hcmple ,...H 121 151 4;i
8. Swift isi 145 1,4 Mm
J. lleifey l r.u am
Totals 476 4l 47.") 1,341
1st. 2d. M. Total.
Wilson lf,i 115 155 4IH
Ulack Hit 133 mi 44,-,
stackhouse i:W lin 1M 374
.4M 3.V)
Winters I.
Sil. Totul.
.807 914
Totals 79'-'
Hundlcup 17
K 1 1 )S.
ikl. Total.
Magic City Briefs.'
Open Evenings This store will be open
evenings the week before Xmas. Cressey.
'Phone Bell South K68 Independent F
1X68 for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt
delivery to any purt of city. William
Holiday Slippers A selection for men,
Indies and children that will pleace you.
Men's slippers, 75c to t'i pair, tana or
black. Women's fine felt slippers, many
colors, 60c to 11.75 pair. Cressey.
The members of the South Omaha
Young Men's I'hiiHtlati asHOclatlon have
obtained the privilege of uhiiiw the Ium
swimming pool In the Young Mint
Christian association building In Um.ili.i
on Wednesduy evenings.
Special Prices l'ledso see the men's
siioes we are selling at I-'. S2.5u anil f;
aUo the ladles' fine calf button siloes at
ti.'ii pair. Cressey,
On Saturday evening, from 2 to 6 p. to. ,
the Christian Women's Hoard of MUkIoiis
will hold a meeting at the home of Mis.
N. M. Graham, 1601 Missouri avenue. Mis.
F. C. Bryant of Omaha will have charge
tf the program aud will exhibit many
curios gathered during her trip around
the world.
J. '. Raffles, special auditor of the city
accounts, left last night for Kansas City
after a stay of eleven weeks In South
Omaha. Mr. Raffles will complete Ills
report at tho main office of the Arthhiir
Young company, after which he will re
turn to muke the recommendatlona to the
mayor and council.
South Omaha lodge No. 66, Am lent Ol
der of I'nlted Workmen, and Its cele
brated band will visit I'nlon Pacific loiige
No. 17 In Omuha tonight I Friday, Iecein
ber Ut. where they are making elaborate
preparations to entertain the South
Omaha members. No. (' baud hus en
tered Into a musical contest with the
brava band of No. 17 and they expect to
bring the muatcal prise to Mouth Omaha.
They will leave the temple at Twenty
fifth and M streets at 7:45 p. m. in a spe
cial car.
Boys' Shoes All solid leather, good
style, good wear; special values until
Xmas, 11.50 pair. Cresney the Shoeman.
New Shoes Just received for the ladles
another lot of those fluu high toe, patent
or calf, button shoes. Prices $2.50, 3 and
J3.50 pair. Cressey.
Privates Arrested
at Fort Riley for
Recent Dynamiting
JUNCTION CITY, Kan., Uec 1T..-F!ve
privates of Battery K, Sixth Field ar
tillery, were arrested at Fort Riley this
afternoon In connection with the recent
dynamite explosions at the fort which
entailed property losses of $500,Oi!O to tho
The names of four of the privates ar
rested were learned through a private
source tonight. They are lleckmore John
sou, Don Northrup, Rrlgham Young and
Dory Shaw. The fifth man's name could
not be ascertained.
There was an atmosphere of suppressed
excitement about the fort tonight, where
it was rumored that several prominent
persons were llablo to arrest at any time
In connection with tho cane. It was said
that Private Quirk's confession, written
In long hand, contained fifty large pages
full of sensational charges.
From a high army officer, word was
secured that Quirk had confesned follow
ing ninety days' solitary confinement In
the guardhouse. I'p to thu time of his
confession Quirk had obstinately refused
to admit anything regarding tho ex
plosions. Commissioner Chase tonight thought
the preliminary hearing of the Rev. Mr.
Brewer, Prlvato Quirk and Mr. Jordan
would go over to next week and Indi
cated Indirectly that there were other
arrests in prospect that might defer the
hearing until later in the week. The
Headaches, Colds, Indigestion,
Pains, Constipation, Sour Stomach,
Dizziness? If you are not, the most
effective, prompt and pleasant
method of getting rid of them is to
take, now and then, a deserts poon
ful of the ever refreshing and truly
beneficial laxative remedy Syrup
of Figs and Dixir of Senna. It is
well Known throughout the world
is the best of family laxative reme
dies, because it acts so gently and
strengthens naturally without irri
gating the system in any way.
To get its beneficial effects it is
always necessary to buy the genu
ine, manufacture by the California
Fig Syrup Co., bearing the name
of the Company, plainly printed oo
the front of every package. ,
government rielree to have the hearing
of all ot the accused held at the same
I'lorr Principal Iteslaiis.
P1ERR1S, S. n Dec. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) V. I.. Kold, principal of the city
school, has resigned to take up business
and his resignation ha been accepted and
Miss Minnie Ashton of -the Fort Pierre
schools elected for the vacsny.
Cured in One Day
A few doses of Munyon's Cold Rem
edy will break up any cold and prevent
pneumonia, it relieves the head, throat
and lungs almost Instantly. Price 25
cents at any druggist's, or sent postpaid,
if you need Medical Advice write to
Munyon's Doctors. They will carefully
diagnose your rase and give you advice,
by n.all absolutely free on any disease.
t:id and Jefferson Bts.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Interest allowed in
savings department at
3 per annum . . .
The United States
National Bank of
Omaha gives prompt
and courteous service,
affords absolute secur
ity and has a most con
venient location.
antf Far it a m
One of these
1 0,0009
is yours If you will secure two
subscriptions to weekly
ran sfiTim-n in m thi n irrrrn
Ask Your Doctor
No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best
one, then stand by him. No sense in trying this thing, that thing,
for your cough. Carefully, deliberately select the best cough
medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about
Ayers Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles."L('
For a Moment,
of what would happen to
your Jewels and Valuable Papers
should Hurglara enter the home ot
Plre destroy It.
While the subject is fresh In your
mind, roine to this bank and select
Bafe Deposit Boi In our Klre and
Burglar-Proof Vaults for the safe
keeping of your Valuables.
The cost Is $3.00 yearly.
Omaha Safe Deposit &
Trust Company.
tst Level Katraaee Vawlts
1914 rAH.MAM ST.
of black Flemished kliii-drled
oak with raiaed metal num
erals, large brasa pendulum disk,
and ornamental aide weights, cup
Dell strikes the half hour and
cathedral gong on the hour. 81Zt;
is', 4 xl2, is yours at no cash cost
to you.
A Superb XniM Glf t
A Perfect Timekeeper
X handsome object of American
art, suitable for the finest home,
bend us your nan. and address
and we win ie wi.i m u
to get it. It is worth the asking N
Bias Building-, Berantoa, 9. .
Gate City Furniture and
Storage Co.
Warehouse 1207-220S Iard fct
Office 630 No lith tec
Etorags with us and you will aav
money. Vve give the bssl of service.
PUooes. Poutf. 1761; lad, U-3vi.
. 1