Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 13

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
PAGES 13 TO 24
Everybody reads
The Bae
VOL. XLI-NO. 156.
Pure Candy Bargains
60c fresh riuffeta ehocolatea--tne
kind with the soft, creamy centers--Saturday,
99o the lb. c assorted
ehoeolatea and creams, 1 So the llv
Any of our 2c hard Christmas mixed
or broken stick candies, In lota of 10
lbs. or mora, lOo the lb.
Christmas Ribbons
2.1o ami 5r, S and S-lnch taffeta
and moire ribbons at l.V Peretea,
Dresden and flowarod ribbons In a
great valoty of new patterns, 25c to
75o. Harrow Christmas rlbbona In
holly, polnsettla designs and plain
colors. 10 a bolt and up.
Roses at 39c ,
Freshly cut, home grown
roses that regularly sell at
$1 the dozen, Saturd'y, 39c
Neckwear for Xmas
laoe Dutch collars, fichus, jabots
and stda frills nt 2i.c to Iftc ami tip.
Scarfs In all of the newest shades
aid design. f.Oo and up. Large ham
st'tohed chiffon Tails In all of tho
wanted colorings, special for Satur
day only. $2.26 each. ,
cwjttring tor Everyboo hJ
Everything for Everybody
Everything for Everybodj
The Time is Short and There is Much to Be Done So Let Us Be About It
mm mi
This is the store where the things you want don't cost just
ft little bit more than you had planned to pay.
We purchased such astounding quantities of holiday mer
chandise -that we were able to dictate "pretty strongly to the
Manufacturers. And so-
You will find the things you want at this store at prices that are a
great deal less than you will be asked to pay elsewhere for a like quality.
That all means that your Christmas list may be made out generously
and that you will save substantially on every purchase you make here.
You will feel quite at home among the great piles of holiday things
that crowd even the remotest corners of this splendid holiday store.
Come-and at once-if you wish to abolish all your worries and enjoy
every minute you spend In planning for Christmas.
Read the list of hints contained in this page-a few from the thou
sands and thousands we have provided.
He's Tired of Trimming His
Cuffs With the Scissors
So Buy Him a Bennett Shirt for a Christmas Present.
Shirts are one of the gifts a man always appreciates. No
matter how many he has, there is always room for one more.
He will like our kino I' , I 111 because they are stylish
and handsome in annear Viil vLJ ance, so good and long-
wearing in quality. Thefc" are cut full too--noC
binding or narrow through the" shoulders. Seams are
strongly sewn and buttons put on to stay. Such shirts, in all new
patterns ,will cost you only $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 at this store.
Here's Word of Other Christmas Furnishings
Men's and boys' wool sweater coats with
V necks or auto and military collars,
1.00 to $6.00.
Kino Jersey sweaters In navy, gray and
maroon, 7u to $2.00 each.
Flannel shirts, with military collars,
$2.00 and $2.60.
Fancy pajamas eight ' robes at $1.00
to $2.00.
50c. silk hose with linen heels and toes,
at 35c the pair. t
EJrtra heavy silk hose,, in ail colors.
, 60c to $1.25 the pair.
Combination Sets consisting ' ef sus
penders, garters and arm bands to
match, 60c and 76n. .
Fancy combination sets consisting: of
lie, hose imd handkerchief to match,
$1.00 to $2.00.
1.000 dozen new fancy flowing-end
four-in-hand silk ties purchased espe
cially for our Christmas trade, COc, 7 Go
Slid $1.00 each.
Men's fancy suspenders in Christmas
boxes, GOo and 76c.
Hhawknitl guaranteed hose In Christ-
tna hniH. tha box of four pairs. $1.00.
Men's silk mufflers in all colors, 50c.
75c and $1.00.
Saturday Extra Specials
Regular $2.00 wool shirts and drawers,
in all slses. $1.6 the garment.
Men's $1.60 wool shirts and drawers,
Saturday, $1.00 the garment.
Men's 25o split foot hosiery with
double solea, 18c tha pair, or hree pairs
for 60c . . ;
Men's Hats and Caps
Men's English seal fur caps, $8.00,
$3.60 and $100 they make fine Christ
mas presents.
Men's wool caps with fur lining, 60o
to $1.60. s
Men's soft and stiff hats in all the
newest conservative and ultra styles,
$2.00, $2.60 and $3.00.
Imported velour and bever hats at
$3.00 to $6.60.
Don't overlook the Boys' Store while doing Christ-
mas shopping. Saturday there will be reduced prices
Special Offerings in Men 's Bath Robes for Xmas
Neatly trimmed smoking jackets
in plain colors, exceptional qualities,
$4.95 and $5.95.
We made a special purchase a
short, time since which allows us to
.Bell you the newest bath robes at
'these marvelous reductions-, 3.50
lvalues at $2.95; $5.00 values at
$3.93; $6.00 and $6.60 values at
,94.95; and $7.00 and $7.50 values
at $5.95.
A large line of new fancy vests In
flannel and washable fabrics, all the
most popular colorings and pat
terns, at $1.50, $3.00, '$3.00 and
Also there are reduced prices on our entire stock of fur coats
$6 Telephone Stand &
ChairLike Cut, $3. 75
Without exception, this is one of the best
and most useful Christmas bargains we
have yet offered. ' Think of how many
times a day you use a telephone and how
much better It is to sit down while talk
ing than to stand in a tiresome, tip-toe
fashion while using a telephone attached
to the wall.
This offer includes
stand and chair exactly
like the illustration,
.nade of solid weath
ered oak and finished
.n a thorough, substan
tial, workmanlike n an
il or. Regular JtS.OO
value. for Saturday's
"-elling. $3.75.
1 Bra.
Solid Oak Foot Stools
Solid weathered oak foot stoola that -vlll last
a lifetime are especially priced for I aturday
at asc each. They have, been selling for $1.60.
Children 's Writing Desks
Children's solid oak writing desks, with
il.alr to match. In either weathered oak or
golden Okk finishes: the kind that regularly
tell at $V00 for tna two pieces, Saturday, $:'..
Children 's Rockers
Complete lint af children's rockers and
chairs ara new showing at th's store at 0c
... n r,o ,rli. They route In all kinds of woods
and finish" and . are made to withstand the
ruucbedl uaafie.
Pyrography Sets
in a Sale
There are only a few of
them left so we can't be too
urgent in our statement that
you should be here as early
as possible if you want one
at these prices.
5.60 sets rotor at S3.9S
3.90 sets going at S3.60 .
83.60 sets going at $2.85
3.00 sets going at Vil.00
l.BO sets going at SSo
Extra! Extra! sTotlcet To
every person purchasing $5.ou
worth, or more, of framed
pictures, Saturday, we will
give a special SO far Cant
Discount on every dollar tne
fettle amounts to.
Hand Painted
China, Half Price
We are positive no greater
bargains in hand painted china
tan be found in the West. The
stMck Includes:
Stouffer 'a Framed
Line of High Grade''
I ta lian and French
Sixteen tables jammed full
of these wonderful bargains
and embracing everything
from a band painted salt ana
pepper ' shaker to a large
punch bowl, all going at ex
actly half pries. Come, com
pare. Xmas Hardware
J. Ink's high grade, enameled,
self basting roasters, niur
aay, at tnese prices 1 3-lb.
.. 2.16 ,alue at !.)
tl-lb. sl2, 4i.1ti value at
l.ssi 2o-lb. sue. $2.ytt valua
at SU.86.
14.00 carving sets with
slag handle, best Sheffield
steel S.SS
Pocket knives at.. 85 to $2.60
65c barney sc lierry Ue skates.
In sizes I and SVa. Satur
' day 35o
$J.uU L'. ri. Club skates, all
sizes 1.8S
$5 uO and 16.00 Wlnxlow
hockey skates w.vJ
iS 60 bra-H bird cages. . ..
$1.26 L'r.lversal food chop
pars SSa
-so Universal rood chop-
Jewelry Annex A New Bargain Section
The bargains in this new jewelry annex consist of the smaller wares that are so popular
at Christmas time with those who do not care to spend large amounts on things for personal
adornment-Three Bargain Tables loaded to the brim with underprtced Jewelry novelties. We also wish
to rail your attention to the extensive stocks of watches, diamonds, rings, chains, etc., to be found in the
main Jewelry store. Prices always a low as is consistent with reliable qualities.
Bargain Table No, 1
A great variety of novelties
that formerly sold up to 600
each, now marked, to move
them out quickly, at
Bargain Table No. 2
Large lines of the finest
jewelry novelties ever sold I Wf
up to $1.01) each. Saturday, i
or wnne tney last
Bargain Table No, 3
on or va- 4
ties never L"
ess thun aTl Jj
irday 1
A hand.ome collection of va
rious Jewelry novel
before sold for 1
$2.50, choice, Satu
Hand Bags
SELLING AT $1.60 TO $2.50
This sale will greatly help those
who have been seeking for nn in
expensive and useful present for
lady. The assortment contains
some or the best numbers we have
been selling at above named
prices; all good leathers, thoroughly
well made, and a variety of styles
that will meet all fancies. Let us
advise your coming early.
l'p to 3.00 umbrellas with fine
fcilk covers a good assortment of
gold, silver and ebony handles
Saturday, $2.40 for your choice.
Guaranteed silk covered Mill
Itrrllus with sterling silver an.
gold filled bandies; stylos for both
men and women; the very best
umbrella wo have ever offered In
a regular way at f5.00.
American taffeta and silk and
linen covered umbrellas In many
different handes, 91.00 each.
Sumptuous Furs
for Christmas
niRlit at the crux of the holiday shopping
period we are featuring some of the best fur
values In the history of the store fur coats,
fur sets and separate pieces priced to save you
money. We personally vouch for the reliability
of every garment and piece concerncd-ln fact,
reliable Roods are the only kind we will allow
In this store. You will find great satisfaction
in sending furs of the Dennett quality.
Ruuian Pony Coat at $45.00 to $135.00.
Imitation Black Lynx Sett, $10.00 and $15.00.
Natural Mink Sett at $27.50 and $39.50.
Black Fox Sett at $25.00. $55.00 and $35.50.
Fatln and silk kiruonos
In the choicest patterns
ami colorings and a great
variety ot' styles thai will
surely please the most
exacting. are rpeclally
priced for Hnturday'a sell
ing ul $4.0 and $8. HO.
Perhaps you need one lor
your own use.
Fancy styles iukI plnln
styles of sheer tnaterlsls
or fabrics inada for ser
vice. Horns of thi-in aro
daintily en 1roldere.i,
others aro finished with
tine edgings ami Inser
tions of lace or embroid
ery. Some specially fltm
ones are priced at 25c-tlio
7 . $M
s CM
If in Search of Pure, Unadulterated
Joy Take a Trip to Toy Town
Toy Town nt Bennett's is a city of real joy--for big folks as well as boys
and girls. The little folks get their delight from swing the vast accumula
tion of toys-one of the best and largest collections we have ever had. The
grown-ups find happiness in the children's happiness; in the remember
ance of days when they, too, looked forward with expectancy to Santa
Claus' visits-but, most of all, they find happiness in our little prices
which make it so easy to gratify the children's wants.
jYou will notice that our lines of toys and doll arm the moat exclu
sive and down-to-date in the city and a comparison will prove
our statements that prices are lower in every instance, quality for
quality. Souvenirs given all children accompanied by parents.
$3.00 sewing machines that are abso
lutely guaranteed to work satisfactorily,
mar ' . : . t II Ml
35c "Daisy" popguns with steel barrels, 20c
"Daisy" air rifles that shoot buckshot a
good present for the boy who loves the
out-of-doors Site
Real tumbling bears that will tumble all
around the room after being wound up,
gftturday tJ 45c
$1.35 game of "Wondergrapb," very fas
cinating, Saturday 98c
Natural finished folding desks with roll
tops-small size, $1.50; large size, $2.50
Large secretary desks, with chair to
match, in fine Mission finishes, very
substantially made $4.98
One lot ot milk wagons, dump carts,
freight carts and sand carts with horses
made of real skin..,...,.., 98c
Natural finished folding tables for the lit
tle girls, each 40e
Large china tea sets packed In pretty
boxes, regular $1.00 values, Saturday,
at iMc
Mission finished blackboards that open
like a desk and have moving picture
rolls at the top, regular $2.00'. values,
Saturday $1.49
500 sample., dolls that are slightly soiled
from haudllng-kld dolls, dressed dolls,
wool dolls and celluloid dolls-no restric
tions on the entire lot, Saturday, choice
at Half lrlce
What is Xmas Without a Kodak?
With a kodak Christmas memories are nnre vividly preserved and
the pleasures are more often recalled If they have Ucen recorded with
a kodak. Our kodak man will be pleased to tell you all about them
and to show you or the recipient how to operate them whenever oc
i anion suggests. Complete lines of Kastmau Kodaks at II 00 to
tlOO.OO and all the supplies that are needed. The line of Hrownle
, Codsks Is especially recommended for the beginner as they are simple
G operation and will do really, fine work.
The Brownie No. Two for 2 1-4x3 1-4 pictures, $2.00
Brownie No. 2 A for 2 1-2x4 1-4: pictures, $3.00 each
The Brownie No. Three for 3 1-4x4 1-4 pictures, $4.00
$2.76 metal
only. fa. 85.
luc, 4x5 glass
only, ISO.
75c ruby
-only, boo.
Hood $1.00
only, 09o.
oil lamps, Saturday
tripods, Saturday
. ft
Is There a Baby on Your Xmas List?
Knitted wool and ortc-0 sweater
coats In all sizes. Sic and 98c.
A very pretty line of fine wool
sacqiies at b'9c, $1.00 and $1.25.
White corded silk and embroid
ered china silk bonnet in all sizes
for the little ones, C9c, 75c and $1.00
25 dozen Infants' bonnets In white,
pink, tan and red; and ton dozen
white ami grey angora hoods, in the
larger sizes; that have sold as high
as $2.50 each, to close out Saturday,
25c, 50c and $1.00 for your choice.
' Knitted toques for the llttlo tots,
25c, 36c and 50c,
Children's flno fleered long k
inonoN for early morning wear; light ,
pink and light blue shades in beautl-'
ful floral patterns; ages two to
twelve years, 75c and $1.50.
Children's fur sets at $3.75. $6.75,
$8.95 and up to $15.00-Well lined,
small and medium size neckpiece,
and muffs of dependable Imitation
ermlire, imitation chinchilla, blended
squirrel and grey krtmmer.
Gloves Always Needed
Women's extra fine,
S-clasp . lambs skia
gloves in black,' white,
tan, mode and brown;
98c the pair.
Women's S-clasp
gloves made from spe
cially selected skins,
all tha wanted color,
$1.25 the pair.
Woman's silk lined mo
cha gloves - In all tha
staple shades, $1.60 tha
P'r- . . ' i-
Woman's sstra fine, S
elasp kid gloves In a verv
largo range of color as -well
as black and white;
175 the pair.
Woman's a-olasp, snpar '
lor Duality cspa gloves
In black, white and tana; ;
l.BO the pair.
Man's fins dor skta
glovss in various shades
of tan, $1.00.
Man's silk lined moeba
gloves at $1.85 and $1.M
the pair.
' Man's specially fine
apa rlovee. In tan only.
1.60 tha pair. ,
New Hosiery She'll Wdnt
li.llt.ll VMM
stlk hosiery with wide lisle
Rarter tops and double
eels and toes; black, white,
sky, pink and tan; Mo. n
Woman's purs thread
Bilk hosiery with wide gar
ter tops and double lisle
oles; sky, pink, tan, laven
der, and black and white;
Bxtra heavy silk hose
with wide elastic garter
tops and extra fine double
lisle soles; all colors and
black and white; $1.60.
Woman's sstra analtt
full regular mads, fast
black, gauss lisle hot a
With lavender tops; SSo.
Tine stlk Hale hosiery
with wide garter tops and
double heels, soles and toes
all heels are high spliced
and the hose Is full regulur
made SOo the pair.
Woman's fins msroerlsed
full fashioned . hosiery
with garter tops and double
heels snd toes: strictly
Mot color; specially priced
at 36c the pair or three
pairs for 1.00.
Sale of Slippers Continues
The special purchase of slipper we announced in yesterday's papera
was so large mat tnose wno come Saturday will find the se
lection equal to that of the first day's sale. There are kinds
Itor both men and women-all the best styles and leather and
materials suitable for the purpose being used in the making.
investigation win snow tne savings to be quit
extraordinary. Here's how they're priced:
Rack No. One-Tan and black slippers in
opera and Everett styles, 98c.
Rack No. Two-About SOO pairs, $1.25.
Rack No. Three-About 400 pairs, $1.50.
Rack No. t our-A bout 200 pairs, $2. 00,
iKack No. ttve-Brown; grey, red and black
tut iTimmea suppers tor women, while
they last, $1.25.
Worthy Books for Everybody
Every desire in literature can here be satisfied-there
are books for every age, from the baby to the great-grandfather.
And you will also find all of the Christmas dress
ings you need, in our book store-tags, seals, labels, cards, etc.
Saturday we will be splendidly prepared to take rare of every
oneplenty of. extra help, everything arranged so selections can be
easily and quickly made, Items to interest all, and at saving prices.
From Among Thousands of the Very Newest Books
We Have Room to Mention Only a Few
Corkey--"The Testing Fire."
Wrlght-'The Winning of Barbara
Porter--"The Harvester."
Ouncan "The Measure of a Man.'
Heach--"The Ne'er lo Well.''
ijcLaiid "The Iron Woman."
Humphrey Ward "Ths Case of Rich
ard Meynell."
Itlnehurdt "Adventures of Letltta
James Whltfomb lilley "Pongs of
Cheer," "Farm Hliymes," Child
Khymes" and "Love Lyrics," 85c.
A Money 'Saver for Saturday 's Selling
7 lbs. Granulated Sugar 2."3d
1 Bottle li. 0. Extracts 18c j
1 Package Seeded Raisins and 1 lb.
Cleaned Currants 25c
y lb. Candied Peel at 1!
1 Uottlo Galllard's Olive Oil 25c
Little Christmas Gift Books
Van Dyke's, "The Man
sion," 60c
Van Iykes, "The Sad
Shepherd," 75c.
Van Liykes, "Tho First
Christmas Tree," DOc.
0'Henry--"The Olft of
the Wise Men," 6Uc.
Abbotfs'A Melody lo
Sliver," 7oo.
Laughlln "T h a Glean
ers," 75c.
Morgan "The Hoy Who
Brought Christmas,"
Waller--"My Hag Pick
er," 75c.
Mi-Carter "The Peace of
Solomon Valley," 60c.
Hughes "Miss 31H"6ihi.
1'lcket t "T h e Fourth
Physlrlrn." $1.00.
rtHcheller "Keeping l'p
With Llzsle," $l.0.
( Extra Special I
For Saturday only
we will place on sale
about . 1,000 boys'
books. Including all
of the most popular
titles; worth 60c
each, at
Handkerchiefs Are Gifty
Women's fine Armenian
lace edge and hand ham
med handkerchiefs with
superior iuulity linen cen
ters. $3.00 the box of six.
Woman's purs Irish lin
en kandkerchlefe with
pretty block Initials In an
embroidered circle, Mlc.
I lie box of six.
Woman's antra quality
pure Irlro linen bandker
cnefst thrt-e different
styles of initials to the
box; l.00 the Cox of Six.
Woman's fine ham
stltshsd handkerchief s
with plain, bloc initials
0c the bos at six.
Women's fins and var
shear Xrlah linen handker
chiefs with plain scrli't
Initial; extra values,
the box of six.
Women's good quality
Irish linen handkerchief,
with s rlpt Initials an.
fancy en broidery won.,
J 5c the lion of six.
Vote Wa are alao show
ing exceptionally Uru
assortments of both mi-
chine and band einhroh!
ered handkerchiefs at
to I J 00 each, according t
the quality, and amount
of work expanded on tne
24-lh. sack "Queen of
Pantry" pastry flour
and 40 stamps. .$f.25
Dennett's Excelsior
flour special offer of
a sack at $l.5)
5-lb. can II. ('. baking
powder and 100 stps.
for $l.O0
Bennett's Dest coffee
snd 20 stamps, lb. H5c
3 lbs. Dennett's Dest
coffee and GO stamps,
- for $l.oo
Tea sittings and 10
stamps, lb , lie
Assorted teas and 7 5
stamps, lb OHc
Assorted teas and r,0
stumps, lb 480
S6o bottle SaUdst's Mar
aaohlno oherrlsa 45o
40o can Dalldet'n flrat
choloa muahrooms . . . 86o
Large iar peanut butter
and 10 stamps 350
Hnider's catsup and ID
stamps, bottle 330
Halttd mustard and 10
stamps. Jar lOo
Full ream cheese und
10 stamps, lb 30c
Medium slxe bottle Hall
lard's pure olive oil
and 60 stamps 45o
2 cans Bennett's whole
tomatoes and !)
stamps 86o
2 cutis hulled brans,
with chicken, and 30
stamps SSo
1 pkgs. ltennett's 'upi
tol mincemeat and 10
stanps 95o
lleins's saiier kraut and
pork, with 10 stamps,
can 15o
Sptclal Pricm
6 lbs. 7c Jap rice for 85o
Candled peel, assorted,
and 10 stamps, lb..85o
2-lh. pkgs . lleunett s
Capitol panuake flour
and rolled uats, with
10 stamps 10o
2 cans Country ilenllo
nisii corn and 10
stamps 35o
Large can Holders pork
and beans and L'U
stamps 900
l-ll. can U '. baking
powder and 20 stamps
lor 34c
2 lbs. cleaned currants
and 10 stumps 960
Iten's Tourist anil Ura
ham crackers, with 10
stamps, pkg lOo
Iemoti cake, fresh made,
lb 130
(Country Dulter, per lb.,
litlo, 28c, 80c, H-Zc
and 31c
Extra Fancy Red River Early Ohio Po
tatoes, Saturday, $1.15 the Bushel
Extra fancy mixed nuts, ll. 20c
Fancy Date.i, lb 10c
New fancy extra large Kngllsh wal
nuts, lb 20c
New hickory nuts, small and large
sizes, four lb, for U5c
1 .
3 large Florida grape fruit for.. 25c
Colorado apples, box $1.49
Den Davis apples-pk., 25c; bu., 90c
Cano apples peck, HOc; bushel, $1.00
Jonathan apples pk., ii5t-; bu., $1.25
Fancy Sun-Ktosud oisnges, dozen,
at .20c, 25c, 30c 4d 35c
Pork Prices Drop
Ten Per Cent
Pork Roast 7c
Pork Butts . .10c
Loins U J2l
Pot Roast, 8VaO and 7c
Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs.
for 15c
Hamburger, 3 lbs. 25c
Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. 25 c
Lamb Stew, 6 lbs. 25c
Lamb Legs OVSc
Lean Bacon ... .19V.C
10-pound package of
Leaf Lard $1.00
Veal Stew 514c
Veal Roast, 124c, 10c
Veal Chops 10c
From 8 to 10 p. m. Only
Pork f