I : 5 I I ! , " TUB lUJE: OMAHA. SATIIKDAV, PKCKMBER 16, 1911. "US BOYS" Everything Is AH Right Now Caltad I Ml vnii'ii UllDCyV HDl Come vjif HE i want To show OU A BlCr SURPRISE V I C-J j ? II Mj&mr- n r w . W,' t law" , y ar . i l II fca . 1 I k - r I ssi V 1 1 It y-r atsTnV Ik. I M 1 " -l - T " -n- - J x I r 4 sat Tn snll"' I V i en k. fas " mmmm, . - BACK I " I ( VOO WAIT, lU. ! r CEe'thEN I ( LoOKIT'.YoOfe. r- t Jjiia: i xirf ? they Ar wo IE 6 U 'tfre-SMCESKrVV SHANE AVTHfR OWt SPEAKING T"0 SHRIMP ilAC ocru nil iki. ui uVdt UIC irlto roUAAl Liming W.ntnrA.. Lwc f n.uifju pr4 vi n f- mtw nvuio inrcnjilv ATlM. A C 14.1 TC C lftS.rh Cl ul Iaaw DTDI IklC -l tllll k-,tr r ml itrUN.lfA THE SLlfrt. ; . By Tom r icllamara bur OF A DAMP (JUAiS AND WALKS AROUND WiTMOOr A CANE AOAJM ANOGETS Another cold so i MAvf TO WORK AU- A-ONE TO- 6. I ?i ipcw-.r: lit UAuc.Vn TAKE A KlCKTROM tW6 , tAlY ANOCAUITACWT WORK. I CAN FEE L ITC0MIN&7 I CU I'LUGeVA RUMP ON TUP RFAW- ID LIKE fro6l66L A BtTAJCW AND AAKE BCLIEVE I ARE A HERO BUT YOU KAIOW HOW IS- IGNORE WAR DECLARATION National League Does Not Coniidei Seriously Action of American. WANT LAW ON TICKET SCALPING ' i "rraaUatloa Will Par Heward ! One Ifaadred Hollars for Informa tion I.radluc to C'oavlctloa of Banc Hall Gamblera. NBW TORK. lye. 15-The American Icagua'a "dwlaratlon of war" wan plron holed for at l"at two montha and prob ably for all time, by the National Jagii today. It wa not tven aerlounly con-.BtdM-ed. Triildent Lynch aald, at the conclusion. of the session. None of the magnates could decipher Its purport he said, so they tabled It. In the final seitHlon of the three-dsy meeting the National league adopted two resolutions today, one calling upon the six states containing cities on the circuit to make ticket scalping punishable by fine and Imprisonment, the othiT declar ing 'war on base ball pools and offering Hue reward for the conviction of persons gambling on the game. The organisation also vested President Lynch with power to act fur It In dealing with the request of the three principal minor leagues for higher classification. A list of recommendations In this connection was approved. Among them were the following: That major league clubs not be allowed to play In minor league ter ritory and vice verna, either before or after the playing season; reduction of the drafting , season to five days, beginning September 'IS; drafting of umpires; an amendment requiring the major leagues to Increase tht salaries of drafted players a month over their minor loague alaiies; the adoption of salary limits by minor leagues; restriction of player limit In all leagues to twenty-five durin ih JOM MSAiArjARA the condemnation. It was found, Dr. Mel vin reports, that "the -use of prohibited preservative and coloring matters was not practiced at Inspected establishments." STEPHENS HAS INDIAN BILLS Russian Minister. Says Exclusion is Aimed at Agitators ST. PETERS Bl'IlO, Dec. 13.-An Inter view with Foreign Minister Serglus Zaio noff In regard to the claim of the United States for recognition bv nnaaia r " - ' - I - r . V . . , A ' V-. . , " .1.1 rmrt laaiiful t A ..... j I . . t I T.i . . . .... . . n . ' ui hih inirirainj jiepreiienittii ve uan iMepnens Jewish faith Is published today In the today Introduced his maiden bills and The foreign mlnlHter said that the mat ter did not directly concern the Russian New Congressman from Third Dis ' trict Introduces Two Measures. TO HELP SANTEES AND PONCAS II. T. Clarke to Re Presented to President Today and to Appear Before Itlvers nnd Har bors Committee. v. 1 1 clu j uuiu:arii inn IIUVHISU I no uui lur 1110 ottiurrB proviues inai Foreign office. Neither the Russian mln-I the court of claims shall have jurisdiction over the settlement of annuities due IIIA MBfl nnv I . .... lK-.n .. n.ntl . I n . I . V. . entry Ir.to Ilusnla of American oommer- H .000.000. The bill" bus once passed the Mat t mnn iix flnnn.U A at.. v t I V .n- nnJ ..IU1 0 - s il. . faith. The prencnt asltatlon. huwever ilM not Gamble over the provision as to iiinrnn. relate to that class of persons. Many U"- The Hteihens' bill provides that the iiiaiuii, rvvuiuiiunsnes ana anarcmsts j inuo uy uin aiinrneys ror lie who were adherents of the Hebrew rellg Ion the recent troubles, and It was not. con cluded Zasonoff, to be expected that Rus sia should encourage the return of these elements. , WASHINGTON, Doc. K-As the result of an understanding reached here today It Is believed that the senate will pass before the Christmas holidays the house resolution terminating the treaty with Russia because of discrimination against American Jewish cltlsens. "COMBINGS OF HUMAN HAIR" ' STILL MAY ENTER DUTY FREE WASHINGTON. ioc. I6.-The free en try Into this country of "combings of hll.HOM I. a I . .1 II.. i I '"". iii ii yuui:iKiiy in cnetr crude Maying season, and thlrtw.fiva durln. ih. I h... . . . . " ,, . , ' " , vviwiin, roio i.nina ana otner lanils the highest class league In which they aro purchased, so far us possible; draft ing prices of S3, WO In class AA; I,2M In class A; 11,000 In class U; 750 in class C and $500 In clars D, .that Mayers drafted from clawi A must be offered back tbl.1.1. u . . ' I mhiivukii inn BiiursiNer si jaw rorlt eon. i nr.rt . n ..a harA.. v. i i tended that hair partially prepared should Buiuvioiun ui ins jir Drew reug- ",,- -'" iu npirrovsi e.y had emigrated to America during the department and In no case ahall fees .class A at the draft price before belna lettered to a higher class. Left to Lyurh. While It was recommended that Presi dent Lynch vote for these amendments to the national agreement, the entire situation was left In his hands and Mr. Herrmann's for action at the next meet ing of the national commission. The league also adopted unanimously a resolution submitted by President Drey fuss declaring It to be thj aense of the gathering that In future world's rlidiu- pionsnip game the contesting clubs be required to turn over 5 per cent of their shares of the-receipts' to the treasuries of the two leagues. The resolution advo cated an amendment to this effect to the national agreement and provided that a copy of the measure be sent to the Ameri can, league. i , Maying next year will rvase on or bout October 4, a week eafller than for merly; the season will opon on or about Apt'U IX a resolution to this effect being unanimously adopted. Final action be foie adjournment the appointment vf the following committees: Schedule Dreyfuss, lieydler. Lynch. Constitution brush, Herrmann, Locke. Rules Ward, llresnaban, Kmalle. The only other who of the world's eeries ticket scandal was the resolution culling fur legislation on ticket scalping. It recited that present laws were Inade quate to protect the rights of the public and lu addition to tailing upon the states lu enact legislation making ticket specu lation puulHliable, lucluded the club cities in the appeal. War w l.autbliua. The resolution declaring war on gam bling recites thut orgaiilit-d base ball ) dxtermined to ketp the national game free fruui the evil; promtxes the league's support to any movement with that end In view and concludes: "The National league will pay a reward of SluO fur information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons guilty of using the game of baae ball as the basis for making a wager or cuuductitig a pool, or any otner gam bling device whatsuever." ' r-nnuluneous with the announcement that the Provident club of the Interna tional league bad been sold to Frank -Navtu tot rTO.OWl, iNunuel LU hleiiheiiu. prtoulpal omuer of the Montreal club aiUd be bad declined two offers for his Inlsrest. One, be said, came from T. Hubert Cusiiing.' the other from K. R. Curling tun. both of Montreal. ..'..ar.es W. Murphy,' owner of the Clil tago club, announced tonight that he had given two players and ii.uoo for First iituxman Gandll of the Montreal club. One of the pUers. he said, ass Pitcher buipnlcka. the other was yet to be determined. FIFTY MILLION ANIMALS INSPECTFO DURING YEAR WASHINGTON, Lee. U.More than du.uuO.uiA) animals were Inspected during tjie last fiscal year bythe I'nltsd States bureau of animal industry, and more than l.vW.oue carcasses or parts thereof were condemned as unfit fur food, according tu the annual report of Lr. A. D Msivin htui of the iiureau. 'i ttw.ulls was the cause of most (or the manufacture of wlu-s. nurr. 'rats," switches and other articles of personal adornment will not be disturbed by the Treasury department. Assistant beoretary Curtis todsv l- elded that duty should not be assessed, be charged per cent ad valorem duty. Investigation of the subject developed the fact that the Imperial Chinese edhn ordering the clipping of the historic queues of the "subjects of the celestial empire lias had no effect on the available supply of human hair for commercial purposes. - The nuirket has not been swamped with Chinese "pigtails." for the sons of China are carefully encasing the clipped queues in boxes of gold for preservation as relics to posterity. TWO CHILDREN DROWNED ' ON WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL CEDAR r-AIJH. la.. Dec. 16.-ttpeclal Telegram.) Two children were, drowned In a creek In New Hart ford. Edith, t years old, daughter of Rev. H. A. Kbsox. pastor of the IlaptlsC church, and Esther, 7 years old, daughter of Carl Nebon, were returning from the kindergarten. Tho bodies were recovered soon after. Hlfle Trynnts at luwn Cltr. IOWA Clry. la.. Dec. lJ.-SpeclaI.)-Try-outs for the rifle team of the Unl verslty of lows, which were held today, have given first evidence or the material which la to make up the Iowa marks men aggregation this year. Out of a possibly fifty the following scores have so far been made: Arneson, DO; Jeager. ; Ingham, tti; Williams, 4; Doerlng feld, 4; Ifulley. t7. Leener. 47; Jans, 47; Albrecht, 47. The team la being coached by Captain Morton C. Mumma. Second United (States cavalry. . ' Prom a Staff Pnrresrtnnflent WASHINGTON, V. C, Dec. 15. (Special they were for the relief of the Bun tee and Ponca Indians In Nebraska. The bill for the Sunt res provides that Indians shall be subject to approval Hy be paid In exfess of the contract stipu lation. Poncaa to Secure nights. The Ponca bill provides thai all rinirv,. they may have against the government stall be subject to th jurisdiction of the court of claims. Instead, of having to be settled Ih the department, as Is true at present. (The bill gives the same right to the Ponoas as Is now enjoyed by the Omahaa. under a law enacted during the last .. congress, Introduced by Senator BurketL , Senator Brown has made an appoint ment with President -Taft to receive II. T. Clarke of Omaha, C. N. Wright of Scottsbluff and H. D. Watson of Kearney tomorrow morning. David O'Connor and wife of Norfolk, Neb., are In Washington en route to New York to take steamer for Panama. Mr. O'Connor and wife will spend the winter with their daughter, who has settled In the Isthmus. Clarke Before Committee. II. T. Clarke will appear on Saturday afternoon before the rivers and harbors committee to advocate the Lobeck bill providing an appropriation of 110,000 to conduct a thorough test of the practica bility of the brush and cable system to curb the waters of the Mlssourh at and near Omaha. Bryan's Wireless Bill. nniBiur niiuncucK louay introduced a bill to amend the existing law so as to comuelv all ooean-aoina- vni. any port of the United States rUr,.i.,.. W or more parsons Including passengers ana crew, m om runy equipped with effi cient apparatus for radio cummii.i,..ii. and manned by two wireless operators instead ot one as now required bv lau. The purpose of this la that an operator may ue at tne wireless instrument day and night, and was suggested by' Mr. llryans recena experience In southern waters CHERRY COUNTY HAY LAND CASE TO U.S. SUPREME COURT From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Den. IE. (Special.) What Is known as the "beer bottle corner case," Involving the title of land In Cherry county, which was decided by the su preme court In favor of the state, prob ably will be carried to the United States supreme court. According to an allegation made by Baxter and Van Dusen, attorneys for one of the claimants of the land named Ball, a lltlgsnt by, the name of Bachelor, Is attempting to take hay from the land In dispute. Thla Information has been file with Attorney General Martin. A request is added to the Information that Bachelor be required to desist. The attorney general Is Informed h a motion for a new trial has been made In the supreme court, the case belns- nn original one In that court, and thai . motion for a rehearing will be filed. Thousands of acres of hay land, now claimed by ranchmen In the snLzin-r region of the state. Is affected by the suit It Is declared that ranchmen in. terested In the land will carry the case higher. MAINE REPORTJO CONGRESS Destruction Caused by Explosions More Extensive Than Expected. POWDER TANKS TORN ASUNDER Bow Portion of Warship Vose Down ward in ' Mod Upper Part of Vessel Near Forward Miia. sines Swept Away. 3 ITS HARD TO DO Vermont AMAKeii?! Persistent Advertising" B(g Returns. !s the Road to WASHINGTON. Deo. 15. President Taft today sent to congress brief formal message transmitting the full text of the report of the investigating board which found that the battleship Main was blown up in Havana harbor by an exter nal explosion. The board In Its report emphasised the fact that it found what Is called the port starboard strake a continuous line of planking running from stem to stern- was "dished upwards as much as timmv. four Inches from & straight line," that another strake, technically called "C." was displaced "upwards and Inwards' for 100 square feet." and that part of the Inner bottom planking was "displaced up wards" nnd left approximately six fcot above the original position. The destruction wrought by the two ex plosions "if of distinctly different charac ter" was found to be much more exten sive than had been anticipated. Tho re port, ' In technical terms, described how plates were crumpled, how some por tions of what had once been a. great battleship wore turned Inside out and how parts of the bottom works cenerallv were displaced. Debris Widely Scattered. "The debris of one-pounders, six-pound- ers, six-inch and ten-Inch ammunition was found widely scattered through the wreck," the report said. "The location of much of this material bore iiim tlon to. its original stowage condition. Powder tanks were torn asunder nr crushed and flattened. "The condition of the vet iata 1 trsamt rA flat keel at frame 18 was ascribed by the court of inquiry of 1898 rth v.o, war with Spain that followed the blowing up of the Maine) to the) direct effect of an explosion exterior to the ship in that vicinity." Because of Its better detailed examination of thla wreckage, now fully exposed, the present board con cluded that the external Ignited the magazines, was not in the vicinity of this frame 18. The protective deck and hull of the eV tU4 f i cor jpTJ CHER' J ship," the report said, "formed a closed chamber in which the gases wore gen erated and partly expanded before rup ture." The bow portion of the Maine ras found, pointed nose downward In the mud, to port and lying on Its starboard side. The upper part of that portion of the ship in the vicinity of the forward magazines was swept away. Onlv about nne.half nr the bottom was left in position. The Maine explosion occurred almost fourteen years ago. In that disn&ter twn officers and 26i ot Its crew perished. Iown Ken-a Notes. iowa rrtfTn,.M r . i. Sigma Nus at the University of lowa' were awakened from slumber at 6 o'clock this morning by fire in their chanter house on Kast College street. They mado their Parana hv larlrlnra TU. i total more than tTm. " INOKPENDRNPia-UfVili. to investis-ste th .laath e tj"j "J?,,;'" aged 11 years, who was killed by .TtraTri $2!,lov'rF07',?: ,Swan found. thS body of M. P. Danforth lying In the road three miles west of Winslow. His death brain cause(1 by hemorrhage of the MARSH4T.I.TnnKl. j. . . SCTS rr"V h" uf Hrle, ,hi. ,"-""" " grocer of V. w " .Li "nown in Iowa, died at his home In Ocean Park cai this morninir Mr- A"Br' ea) i .h. wh .7..7C ne lounaer whAV. V. ."-'J npany. MAN BEATING WAY ON TRAIN KILLED AT NELIGH NELIOH, Neb., Dee. U-A half-breed Indian from Cody. Neb., namo.i Um was so badly Injured last 'evening while Dealing tits way on a westbound freight trsin, that He died early this evening. The accident occurred In a 'Peculiar manner, the victim striking the post of a cattle guard with suoh violence as to break It off at the around. Ha have been clinging to the aide of the moving train and hit the rattle guard with terrific force as his right leg was crusnea. - Cyclone V jits Texas When Mayor Dahlman. is Born Jim Iah)man. the con boy iiim v or of Omaha. . celebrated Friday. He took his first whiff of oxono In a little log cabin at Vorktown, Tex.. M eais ago. There a as an awful wall In the neighborhood that day. said the mayor, although he doesn't distinctly remember It all. The shack wasn't commodious enough to hold a fitting barbecue, and so a large tent was att up and the uelghbora notified that the first boy In the family was born. They held a great feed. When the merry, making was at Its height the sky darkened, the kid voiced his loud lameutatioii and suddenly a nor'-" wester was upon them. The tent was wrecked and the table over turned. The food was scattered and the barbecue, the first of a series the new-burn sun was to par ticipate In. came to au Inglurluus end. "Yes, I was born early In life." said the mayor; "my mother tuld me I was and the squalla that broke the quiet of the Texas plains L.AOl MAYOR J. C. DAHLMAN. V that day are still remembered. When I was in T.. i... l. ...... . . . m of It and commemorated the occasion with a barbecue. They announced that the one I waa to hold on the capltol grounds at Lincoln had been trans ferred to Kranretas." And tbe mayor tapped the cigar box. Harmony among home surroundings 'THE influence of home surroundings is so great that too much con- sideration cannot be given the selection of furnishings that produce agreeable impressions and help create an atmosphere that is both pleasing and beneficial. -.We are splendidly equipped to assist you in this work, and respectfully request the opportunity of consulting with you in regard to your plans. Our drapery department, devoted to window and door draperies upholstery materials, decorative fabrics, couch covers, etc., is a real treasure-house for those who aim to achieve the most artistic and har monious furnishing results. In each class of goods we offer selections quite out of the ordinary not only noteworthy for their completeness and variety, but also for the high character of the materials themselves, from the standpoint of patterns, colorings, and exclusiveness. In fine wall papers we have a most exquisite display, embracing the best creations of the world's most famous wall paper designers, and including a variety if thousands of patterns. We have all the wall papers that are most effective for the distinc tive dressing of each room in the home, and our experts will select the varieties that go best with period furniture and create the most charm ing of atmospheres in your home. . The-refreshing influence of new wall paper new curtains or draperies or a new rug or, perhaps, a few pieces of furniture will entirely transform the atmosphere of your home. The advice of our specialists, qualified by long years of experience, is freely offered to our patrons, to assist them in a carrying out most effectively their plans and ideas. Pliller, Stewart St Beaton-Co. Th Tag-Policy House Established 1884 413-18-17 South Sixteenth Streot. ii i .