Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Fhe -Omaha Daily Bee
Generally Fair
VOL. XU XO. 10G.
Lillian Grahairt and Ethel Conrad,
Charged with Shooting W. E. D.
Stokes, Acquitted.
Hold Millionaire Hotel Man Was
Shot in Self Defense.
Miss Graham Again Sheds Tears in
the Court Room.
3llsa Conrad Pictured an' 'Combina
tion of Kitten and "Wildcat -and
Highly Kxtraordlnary Woman
by Mute's Attorney.
NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Lillian Graham
and Kthcl Conrad, the. show girls charged
with shooting W. K. 1).. Stokes, the mil
lionaire hotel man, were acquitted by the
Jury this afternoon after fifty-eight min
utes' deliberation.
. Mokes ot Critically H'.
Yesterday's reports, It la now learned,
rather exaggerated the gravity of Mr.
Ktokea' condition. While his recovery Is
slow, It was said today that he was In
no Immediate danger.
Before the prosecution began Its sum
ming up today, Attorney Moore for the
defense was permitted to aupplement his
argument of'yesterday by briefly calling
the Jury's attention to the fact that lf
the holes In Stoke's coat and hat were,
really bullet holes, more shots must have
been fired than tho six accounted for.
rive of these bullets lodged in the wall
and one In Stoke'B leg- Where he asked,
were the rest?
Prosecutor la Caustic.
When Assistant District Attorney Buck
jier began hl speech to the Jury Mrf
Stoke's pretty young wife sat near the
Judge's desk and Miss Graham and Miss
Conrad at their attorney's table.
The prosecutor urged the Jurors not to
consider Stokes' character. He pleaded
vlth them to forget sympathy and con
aider only the argument of self-defense.
Speaking of the relations between Stokes
and Miss Graham, he said scornfully:
"And they have the hardihood to call
that love. It's not love. It's lust on the
part of Stokes and lucre on the part of
Lillian Graham."
Mr. Bruckner did not spare Stokes. . He
referred to the sick millionaire as a
"cool, calculating rogue who -always hud
been strong and was cautons."
Miss Graham covered her face with her
hands and the tears tickled betweent her
loved fingers. .
Money tbe Motive.
"The principal motive of the final act,"
continued Mr. Buekner, "Is money-
money money."
When Miss Conrad came on the scene,
lie said, there wasn't to bo any more
"namby-pamby . business."-.
The most extraordinary woman I ever
met." he said of the younger defendant.
"What a combination of kitten and wild'
cat! 19 and as hard as nails! There was
no more cambric tea business after, she
MIhb Conrad glared at him as he spoke,
The prosecute asserted that Miss Con
y-ad concocted the whole scheme to get
money out of Stokes and that she wrote
(he letters Miss Graham left when she
made what he said was a fake attempt
felt suicide, and bad the older, but weaker
and less Intelligent, woman copy it. He
accused Miss Conrad of brushing some
cf the writing with water to .Imitate tear
"They never expected to shoot Btokes
when they bought those guns," he went
on. "There's no use shooting up a man
when you expect to get a signed state
piient but of him that you can turn into
YANKTON, a D., Dec. 15. (Special.)
Charles Lampson, a resident of this city
for some years and an express messenger
lor the Wells-Fargo company, commuted
suicide at Running Water Wednesday
Iilght through despondency over finan
cial troubles. A wife and two little sons
reside here. The funeral will take place
In Sioux City.
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair; not much
change in temperature. -
- For Iowa Mostly cloudy; moderate
U'eninerntore at
umana mesirroay
Hour: Degree:
5 a. m 33
6 . m 1U
7 a. m SO
a a. in M
a. in 30
10 a. m 30
11 a. in 3f
13 in 40
1 p. m 40
2 p. m 4!
3 p. m 41
4 p. m
' 6 p. in
0 p. m
7 p. m ,
5 p. m
Comparative Local Record
1911. 1'JlO. laus. 190s,
(Highest yesterday 42 Ha 2t 42
lowest yesterday 30 M n M
Mean temperature 33 lit 31)
J'recipltation 00 T .08 T
Temperature and precipitation depar.
lures trum tne normal :
Normal temperature 2e
ICxcess for the cay
fl olal excess nnce March 1 'Oi
Normal precipitation Clinch
1 'tf icieiicy tor the day 03 inch
Toial rainfall since March 1...14 s inches
Deficiency since March 1 14. IS Inches
I deficiency for cor. period, 1910. ,14.61 inches
Excess for cor. period, 1!JS 4.09 inches
Reports front Statloas at 7 P. M
Station and State
Temp. High- Rain
of Weatlu-r.
Cheyenne, clear
Iievenport, cloudy
Jjeuver, clear
Kjea Moines, clear ,
)odg City, clear ,
).iiltr, clear
Omaha, cloudy
furblo, clear
Jlapid City, otoudy
Halt Iake City, cloudy
ianta Ke, cUar
r-hri-dun. ch ar
Sioux city, cloudy
Valtntlne, cloudy
v N
est. fall.
33 .00
4o .00
43 .00
1 .
44 .00
XI .00
43 .00
3 .00
34 .01
3.' .00
."I .CO
ifci .w
The National Capital
Friday, December 13, 1011.
The Senate.
Not In session. Will meet lit
p. m.
Kdwaril Hines and "Manny" Abrahams
were witnesses at the Lorlmer Inquiry.
Louis D. Rrandets continued criticism
of Vnlted states Steel corporation before
the Interstate Cumtnorce committee.
Railroad counsel discussed with employ
ers' liability commission suggestions for
liability bill. I
The House.
Met at noon: agreed to adjourn today
until Monday, making Saturday the first
id'.e week duy since .congress met.
Foreign relations committee members
consult on Jewish passports legislation
plans. An agreement with Russia was
Steel investigation continued.
Senator Oliver (Pa.) testified that ore
rates to Pittsburgh were too high.
Rules committee heard argument by
Representative Undbergh (Minn.) for In
vestigation of the so-called Money trust.
General Crozlcr urKed on military com
mittee a war busts supply of ammunition
for the army.
Republican mlnoilty report on Con
troller bay Inquiry arraigned democrats
for unfairness.
Agreement to adjourn over tomorrow
set aside. Recessed from 1:10 p. in. to
4:30 p. m., to receive and consider urgent j
deficiency appropriation bill, carrying
Representative Mondell, (Wis.) spoke In
opposition to the repel of the Sherman
anti-trust law. -
Sugar trust" Investigation committee
began Inquiry Into sugar Increase of sev
eral cents a pound last summer. I-abor
committee authorised to visit Philadel
phia and Stamford, Conn., In investigating
a scientific system of shop management.
Democratic leader Vnderwood pre
dicted that the caucus of house demo
crats would not authorize an omnibus
public building bill at this session of
congress, notwitnsmnuing me f
building committee's recommendation for
Enough , ammunition to supply the
United States army, navy and state
militia for three and a half years will
be in the arsenals and strong boxes of
the United States at the end of the pres.
i .
Governors Shaken
Up in Collision on
" Auto Speedway
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 15. -Automobile
drivers, eager to show the western gov
ernors Ue speed of their machine, on the
motor speedway today brougnt aooui a
collision between twe cars In which Gov
ernor Edward L. Norris of Montana an
Governor James M. Carey of Wyoming
were shaken UP, but not lnjursd.
On a sight seeing trip In automobiles.
the distinguished guests were driven over
the speedway at forty miles an hour.
The car In which were Governors Norris'
and Carey skidded. Its driver applied the
brakes to prevent a possible upset ana
stopped In the patH of a machine carry
ing members of the reception committee.
The two automobiles ere slightly dam
aged. A display of new motor cars greeted
the governor and their guest. Governor
Harmon of Ohio, when they stepped of
their special train today and were me.
by a reception committee. Honors oi
conveying the executives and their par
ties on a sightseeing trip had been evenly
divided among automobile manufacturers'
representatives, and It was with especial
pride that the governors were whirled
around the two-mile and a half brick
course of the motor speedway. '
A large number of buslnese and pro
fessional men had been Invited to have
luncheon with the state's visitors at the
German house. Here Governor Thomas
R. Marshall and former Vice President
Charles. W. Fairbanks made addresses of
felicitation and several of the governors
The governors' special train, which had
carried to the east a western mission of
expansion, departed this afternoon for
Federal Employes
Should Pay for
. Their Pensions
ernment employes should receive ade
quate compensation so as to enable them
to contribute t an old age retirement
fund was the principal suggestion In the
report of the special eommlttee on super
annuation made today to the annual
meeting of the National Civil Service Re
form league In session here. The com
mittee reported that "if the salaries of
the government's civil employes are ade
quate as compared with salaries for sim
ilar employment outside the public serv
ice, so that the employes can properly
be expected, as ordinarily prudent men,
to lay by a sufficient amount year by
year to provide for their own old age,
it is no hardship that the government
should compel them to make such pro
vision, and K is neither reasonable nor
does it tend toward personal thrift and
economy for the government to add to
such salary a pension for life at great
expense to the taxpayers."
Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of
Harvard university, was re-elected presi
dent ot the league. All the other offi
cers were also elected. Henry A. Rich
mond of Buffalo, N. V., was added to
the Ut of vice presidents, which Includes
Governor Wood row Wilson of New Jer
IOWA CITT, la.. Doe. 15.-t8peclal.)
Manager Kellogg of the athletic depart
ment ef the University of Iowa announced
today that preparations had been made to
hold an lnterecholastic basket ball tour
nament on the Iowa gymnasium floor
March 23 and 13 to decide the high school
championship of the state. It Is planned
to bring the four best teams In the slate
hers at that time.
Panel Which Refused to Obey
Judge's Order Returns Verdict
Contrary to Instructions.
He Orders Verdict Entered and the
Jurymen Discharged.
Insisted that They Were Acting
According to Their Oaths.
Heirs of Mrs. Farrlagten, Who Left
Keurly All Property to Cbarch,
A Heard tndne Iaflaeare on
Part of Priest.
ST. I.OLI8. Dec. 15. The twelve Jurors
In the McPermott will case In Judge
Wlthrow's court this afternoon returned
a verdict contrary to hie Instructions.
Their verdict was for Mrs. Mary Fur
rlngton, plaintiff In the suit.
Judge Wltbrow, after consulting au-
thorltles and decisions, declared that, al-
t hough the verdict was contrary to his
orders, he must accept it, and he ordered
the clerk to enter the verdict and dls
charge the Jury.
The "Insurgent" Jurors who have re
fused to return a verdict In compliance
with the peremptory instructions of Cir
cuit Judge Wlthrow, were noncommittal
when they entered the Jury room today.
They had been deliberating on the ver
dict sixty-eight hours.
None of the Jurors would talk of what ts
said to be an unprecedented stand. When
they first refused to return the verdict
which Judge Wlthrow ordered they an
nounced they would stand on their rights
as American citizens
Wives of the Jurors have entered into
the discussion of the case. One, Mrs. H
P. Smith, announced she would divorce
her husband If he paid a fine, whh-h she
understood Judge Wlthrow may assess It
the Jurors hold out much longer.
"I would rather have my husband go
to Jail rather than pay a fine of that
kind," she said. "It he does pay the tine
tnen i win ask tor a divorce. Those men
took an oath to decide tlft. case as they
believe right. They all have brains. They
know what is right and they want to do
It. Now It Is either a case of breaking
their oaths or giving n to the Judge.
"I would be willing to eat my Christ
mas dinner along rather than have my
husband giving in to what he docs not
believe Is right.'
Jnda-e Cites Other Cases.
Parallel cases where Juries were forced
to return verdicts acoordlng to the Judges'
Instructions were cited by Juige With
row today. He Is the target of many com
ments. Former Judges Said tie is too
In speaking of the unusual stand the
Jurors have taken. Judge Wlthrow said
"They Tieed not hurry on my account
J am In no hurry about the matter.
am not at liberty now to tell what I am
going to do about it.
"The plaintiffs failed to substantiate
the claims they made in their petition
It was my duty to Instruct the Jury to
find a verdict for the defendant.
"I have been in office more than twenty
years. Today a man who said he had
voted for me four times came to tne and
declared that he would . never vote for
me again because of the Instructions I
had given the Jury."
Kntertalaed With Sonar.
Today, while held In their room, the
recalcitrant men were entertained with
songs and stories by George M. Ravold.
one oi tncir number, who Is a tenor
In the case before the court, Mrs. Far
rlngton sued Father White, executor o
the estate of her mother, Mrs. Bridget
McDermott, alleging undue Influence on
the priest's part In the preparation of the
mother's will, which cut oft Mrs. Far-
rlngton with II. In her testimony Tues
day Mrs. Farrington was unable to prove
specific words or acts showing undue In
fluence and other witnesses were unable
to give positive testimony as to such act
or words. Judge Wlthrow held the evl
dence was insufficient under the law and
directed a verdict for the defendant
Thereupon the Jurors said they "would
stand on their rights as American
In private talks at their homes, the
Jurors who are defying Judge Wlthrow
have declared their resistance is du
within a measure to' their desire to protest
against a system which permits Judges
to direct Jurors to return certain verdlcta,
Homestake Detective
Is Instantly Killed
By Accidental Shot
LEAD, S. D-, lec. 15.-Wille they were
examining an automatic six-shooter In
Bloom's store here this ufternoon, Hen
Williamson, the manager, accidentally
shot and Instantly killed his friend, Ru
dolph Bartels, chief detective for the
Homestake Mining company.
Both men were extremely popularl. Bar.
telM was one of the men who assisted In
taking Charles 11. Meyer to Idahosev
eral years ago and also guarded Harry
Orchard while tho latter was awaiting the
Moyer-Haywood trials.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Dec. U.-The
ponce are searching today for two rob
bers with badly bruised heads, and Mrs.
w. rioiuer, 71 years old. Is receiving the
congratulations of friends for her course
In routing the burglars with a heavy In
dian club.
Alone In her cottage Mrs. Holder sue"
denly was confronted by a masked ma
with a revolver. On the pretense of
fetching her purse, she picked up an In
dian club and felled the robber with two
well placed blows. Htepplng over his
body, she ran out the front door, only to
encounter the burglar a companion hldin
In her little garden. Again she swung thf
club, felling burglar No. 2, and sped on
to the house of her son-in-law in safety.
The IK) I lie were notified, but when they
arrived the burglars bad vanished.
Fi-om the Washington Ptar.
Rumor that Many Members of One
Battery Are Implicated.
i i
Caard Areaaa'tae fcuilr Reserva
tion la Increased ' and Orders
r .
JUNCTION CITT. Kan.. Dee. 15,-That
three commanding officers 'at Fort Illley
have been receiving threatening letters
ever since last March, following the first
Incendiary fires at the fort, became
known today.
The recipients of the lotter were Rrlga-
dler General W. 8. Schuyler, Colonel
Charles A. P. Hatfield and Colonel K. D.
Hoyle. The letters were written In a
scrawl and appeared to have been written
by different persons.
Details of the nature of tho threats
have not been made public, but It la
known that they were serious.
The guard around the entire govern
ment reservation was Increased and spe
cial attention given to guarding the quar
ters of the threatened soldiers.
Orders were Issued to shoot any stran
ger, seen prowling around the 'grounds.
A sergeant whs shot In the hand by mis
take one night. Several mysterious per
sons were fired upon, but none was shot
Many Men . Implicated.
Rumor today has it that practically all
the members. ot one . entire, battery are
believed to be Involved In the plot, which
Is said to have had for Its purpose the
destruction of the entire fort. The four
members of Battery K, now under arrest,
are kept In closo confinement and no one
Is permitted to talk with them.
Officers who are on their .way here
with Rev. Charles M. Brewer, accused of
being the chief plotter against the gov
ernment property, are expected' hourly.
It Is said that the government lias ob
talned corroborative evidence tending to
prove that both the prisoners were hero
at the time ot the explosions and fires
took place. Both prisoners deny they
were In this vicinity at any of those
Mrs. Jordan Is llrleaaed.
KANSAS C1TV, Dec. 15. Federal
off leers, having failed to arrive here to
take charge of Mrs. Anna Jordan, Chief
of Detectives S. W. Zlckafoose released
her today. He had previously notified
the officers that if they did not call for
the prisoner by noon she would be freed
"If the government officers want me at
any time I ran be found at my home
here," said Mrs. Jordan. "I know not
ing about the alleged plot, and therefore
have no reason to flee.'
Haulage Million Dollars.
It is estimated that the destruction
wrought at the fort since last March
has cost the government a million dol
lars. The biggest loss was sustained when
(Continued on riocond Page.)
What is a
Big Daffydil Content
Announced Tomorrow
Look for the rules and
prizes published on Home
Grown Daffydil Contest
Page. Nineteen valuable
prizes for a little brain
Can You Write One?
Part of Oklahoma
Prohibition Law
is Held Invalid
OKLAHOMA CITT, QUI., Deo, lo.-Citi.
sons of Oklahoma, may keep mora than
a quart of whisky or other Intoxicating
liquor In. their places of business if they
choose, and they, may .sequester more
than "a gallon of It In their residences,
according to ah opinion banded down yes
terday by the court of criminal appeals. -
That portion of the Oklahoma prohibi
tion law which limits the amount of liq
uor cltlsena may have In tholr possession
at one time . was the Issue. 1 The court
held that It violates the fourteenth
amendment to the federal constitution,
which provides that no state shall pass
any measure which deprives any- citizen
ot the United States of property without
due process of law. The Oklahoma stat
ute made the mere possession of more
than the stipulated amount ot intoxicants
proof of guilt. This angle to the enact
ment Is what moved the court to declare
it unconstitutional.
Utah Murderer
Wants Exclusive
Use of the Jail
MO 4 n I'l.h rw n tnhti V. Krnvn.
id Jail awaiting trial, charged with the
murder of his daughter, Mrs. James Du
bois, and her husband on November 18.
Is an- exclusive prisoner. He resents bit
terly the Invasion of the privacy of his
Jail by other offenders and has taken
effectlvo steps to maintain Ills seclusion.
Brown, who Is a wealthy stock man, oc
cupied the Jail alone until two days ago
when Andy Gibson, a cowboy, was ar
rested for "shooting up" the town.
Brown eliminated Gibson from his so
ciety by paying the letter's fine and took
similar action today when two men
charged with assault and battery became
Resldimts of Moab who have been de
tered from "taking a punch" at a neigh
bor solely because of fear of fines and
imprisonment are said to be eagerly seek
ing opportunities to even up old scores
with fellow townsmen, counting on
Brown's desire for solitude and his ex
tensive pocket book to protect them from
the consequences of their acta.
Waldron's Condition
Is Not Serious
KANSAS CITV. Dec. 13. Harry W.
W'alilron, the Juror who disappeared and
thus caused the second hearing of Dr. II,
Clarke Hyde, accused of killing Colonel
Thomas II. Hwope, result In a mis
trial yesterday, is III at his home here
today. His condition Is not serious, but
he Is confined to his bed. It Is thought
he will be able to resume work on his
dairy route In a few days.
Russia May Agree
to Modify Treaty
WASHINGTON, . Dec. I3.-A report
spread at the rspitol today that the ef
forts of the State department tn procure
inoie liberal treatment for American
Jewish cltlxens In Russia had resulted
In a tentative agreement for a modifica
tion of the Russian restrictions which
might prove a satisfactory solution of
the vexed question. Secretary Knox de
nied an agreement had been readied, but
Indicated that the negotiations still were
in progress.
Forty Men Probably Drowned.
KMl'KN. Gel-many, Dec.lj. It Is feared
that three fishing lukgers belonging t-i
this port ami carrying trews tutaling
forty men luunduied during the recent
storms in the North sea. The craft are
all long overdue.
Member of Tariff Commission Talks
to the Wool Growers.
lix. Governor Kooning of Idlta
Walters Are Tipped Mora for
nMrnl Than the Prodacer
Receive for It.
James IV Wing of Ohio, hiemOer of the
tariff commission, declared to JW) wool
growers at luncheon at the Commercial
club at noon, that much of the high cost
of living was due to the fact that Ameri
cans refused to wtar last year's cluthos
this year. He further insisted that the
profits of the farmers were "mighty
small and due chiefly lo the Increased
valuation of the land and not to the price
obtained for their products."
The tariff commission, said Mr. Wing,
was not influenced by nny other desire
than to arrive at the truth. They have
received no Instructions to pursue any
other than a Just course. Concluding tils
address he praised President Taft, saying
tbat "he will some duy be declared by
the American people tho generous, blg
hralned, far-sighted soul that he Is."
President Taft, lie said, Is Inspired by no
other mottlve than to be of service to
his countrymen.
Referring to the mission of the tariff
board Mr. Wing pointed out tha difficul
ties In securing the truth, although he
had found very few who wilfully deceived
them during their inquiries. Members of
the board have been making Investiga
tions In several foreign countries and In
neighboring American states and have se
cured a vast amount qf data. This, he
contended, would be used with no view
lo political effect, but simply to sc-curo
tariff revisions which should benofit tha
entire country.
Good In Tells of Idaho.
Kx-Governor Gooding of Idaho pointed
out that millions of dollars were being
spent in. his state each year for Improve
ments and that some of the most gigantic
undertaking of modern times were planned
and even now were being executed.
Continuing the discussion of the high
cost of living, ex-Governor Gooding said
the desertion of 28,400 farms In the east
within the lust ten years could have been
prevented If the live stock Industry had
not languished. Prof. Hmlth, of the uni
versity state farm, was praised for the
work he was doing, as were all the men
engaged In advancing the stock raising
Industry. "And congress," he continued,
"came within one vole of destroying the
life of the stock-raising Industry In this
country when tho provision In the farm
ers' free bill was struck out."
Most Protect Markets.
"Our markets," continued the ex-governor,
"must be protected. They are the
best markets in the world and that Is why
there Is such an effort to open them to
foreign trade. The cost of production
here is greater than In any other nation
on earth and e ought to ba proud ot It
We must keep our markets protected and
our people employed, for when they are
not employed one of the most dangerous
conditions will confront us." The work
of tho tariff commission was endorsed as
absolutely right."
"Kthcdule K is not right," said ex-Gov
ernor Good Ing. "It isn't fair, it isn't
honest and it ought to be revised." Wu
cannot compete with foreign markets,
because labor is so much cheaper. He
maintained that Mr. Wing was right In
his assertion that the pioducers were re
ceiving none too high a price for their
products. "You can't go into a hotel
but what you will tip the waiter more
for your meal than the farmer received
for the things you eat."
senator Borah of Idaho wired his re
grets at being uuablo to attend the
luncheon. Governor AldrUli was present
and endorsed the opinions of ex-Uoverr,or
Good lng,
Wool Experts in Convention Declare
Middleman is Responsible for
High Prices.
Plan is Suggested by President o(
Minnesota Association.
Magnus Brown Says Industry Stands
Still While Others Progress.
Advises heep Mm to tiet Together
to Decide on Time to Change
Laws Governor A Id rich
Also "peaks.
Kstabllshmrnt by the National Wool
Growers' association of a woolen goods
incuny, iu Kive consumers Deuer gcioas
at lower prices," nnd show them 'that
the growers are not responsible for the
hlnh cost of clothing," was advocated by
Magnus Brown, president of the Minne
sota Wool Growers' association. In an ad
dress before the national association yes
terday morning.
"Designing people have long cultivated
the Idea that the tariff Is responsible for
the high cost of clothing and It haa come
to a point where we must show consum
ers that It Is not," said Mr. Brown. "Let
us manufacture goods, giving the grower
and the faotory a fair profit and sell
the finished article at a price which will
show consumers what the middlemen are
now making on cloth and clothmg. Let
us give them all wool goods. They are
sick and tired of the stuff they have
been getting under the name of wool.
"Wool la the only agricultural product
not Increasing In prlt. While our Indus
try languished, the steel, oil, lumber and
mining Industries prosper. While we are
In fear of bankruptcy, the greatest con
sumers ot our product are continuing to
pay their regular dividends."
A. F, Potter of Washington, O. C, as
sociate forester of the L'nltod Stales, as
sured the sheepmen that the forestry
bureau seeks to regulate and not pro-'
hlblt the grating of sheep In. national
forests; that where It Is compelled to cut
down the number of sheep In one forest,
It increases the number in another which
haa more feed; that the aggregate grat
ing rapacity of the forests Is being In
creased, rather than diminished. Grailng
by sheep Is a protection for standing
timber against, fire, he said, and ' the
bureau Is now trying to induce flockmae
ters t6' stock tha forests ot northern
Idshe- But when tha timber has been'
cut the sheep must be kept eft until tha
young trees get a good start.
The problem to be solved by tha bureau,
ha said, presents three phases; First,
die restoration ot depleted ranges to tnelr
normal productivity; second, tha develop
ment of unused ranges, and third, the
gradual Increase ot the carrying powJt
of tha ranges through the discovery of
Improved methods of handling stock and
growing the forage crop.
F. J. Hagenbarth of Spencer, Idaho,
told Mr. Potter that the sheepmen didn't
want to be allowed in the forest on suf
franca at the whims of the present suc
cessors of the bureau officials; they
wanted their rights to be written Into the
forestry laws. Mr. Potter replied that he
was In hearty accord with the Idea, but
It was up to the sheepmen to decide
whether the time was opportune for a
change in the laws.
Governor C. II. Aldrlch of Nebraska
talked of the Importance of tha aheeo
Industry and got In a boost for tha South '
Omaha market. A. D. Melvln, chief of
the United Htates bureau ot animal In
dusrty, told of the work of the bureau...
Prof. W. C. Coffey of the Illinois experi
ment station, Urbana, III., addressed tha
convention on ''Market Grades and
Classes of 3heep." Neither AsslstAut
Secretary of Agriculture Hays nor Huua
Or Borah of Idaho, who had been sched
Awards of Winners.
Following were the awards made by the
Judges at the tshet-p show yesterday;
Ham. 2 Years Old-First, University of
Wyoming, Iaranile, We.
Kwe. 1 Year ld-klret, M. S. Wood
cock, Corvallis, Ore.; second and third,
University or Wyoming.
Kwe Lamb first, secona ana tiuru.
I'nlverslty of Wyoming.
Pen of Four Lambs mrst, Liilvereuy or
Championship nam university ot Wyo
Championship Ewe M. s. wooococa.
Ram. t Years Old-First, Charles Leet
ft Hons. Mantua, O. ; second, C. O. Judd,
Kent. O.
Ham. 1 Year Old First and third.
Charles Leet & Sons; second. C. O. Judd.
Ram Lamb First and second, Charles
Leet & Hons; third, C. O. Judd.
Kwd. Z Years Old First, cnarles Lest
ft Hons; second C. . Judd.
Kwe, l Year old rirst ana tnira.
Charles Iet & Hons, second. I'. O. Judd.
Lwe Umb-First and second. Charles
Lft & Son. third, C. O. Judd.
Pen of Four Iimbs First, Charles Leet
& Hon; second, C. O. Judd.
Flock First. Charles Leet & Son; sec
ond. C. O. Judd.
Champion Hani Charles Leet Son.
Champion Kwe Charles Leet 4k Son.
Ram. 2 Years Old Flrat. third snd
fourth, George McKerrow & Sons, Pc-
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Christmas Gifts
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Dalzell's Ice
Cream Bricks
Boxes of
O'Brien's Candy