THK 1JKK: OMAHA. KMIVW. IK KMHKl? K. 1!M1. COMMISSIONERS END WORK Seventeenth Convention Re-elects President Kennedy. GOVERNOR ALDRICH ATIZNDS IllahtTMr nmnilMlonrr I'roMrm Talked liver anil Infinite roller Advocated ljr Mem hera aa riml). GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Ipc. 14.-(3pe rial Telerram.) The seveni eerrt h annual convention of th Nebraska State Ao rlatlon of County Commissioners, Super visor and Clerks adjourned late this aft ernoon, the only remaining; event being; the banquet thl evenlnir. at which Gov ernor Aldrlch ivas the principal speaker. Tha convention had, on motion of Cronln of O'Neill. Just re-rlerted President Ken nedy by'aoclamatton when Governor Aid rich entered the room. "I want to thank you most heartily for the honor," said Ir. Kennedy, "and to add that I would rather be president of this association than governor of the state."' The room rang: with cheers, in which the (fovernor Joined, and the latter, when tailed upon a few moments later for re marks, thanked President Kennedy and added, "and I would rather have Mr. Kennedy continue to prefer this Resi dency as long aa I want to be governor," which again put the house into an up roar. Charles Hill of Hastings was re-elected secretary, likewise by acclamation, and Ed Williams of this city, treasurer. Undar the newly adopted constitution a vice president wm elected for the first time, Henry Fastenau of Otoe. Highway Administration. Th discussion of the afternoon was over the highway commissioner prob len respectively, by state or county, and the. debate demonstrated a decided dif ference of opinion. No definite conclusion was attempted. The legislative committee of the lost year, Cavey of Boone, Ilckard of Doug las, Clark of Clay. White of Otoe, Hunter of Holt and WIlHama of Tork, waa re elected. Lincoln waa selected aa the place of the next annual convention, receiving a majority on the Informal ballot, 7 out of 139. Some votes were lost to IJnooln be : cause at the time it had no representative In the convention. However, the choice ; aa expressed was at once declared the unanimous choice. Scott'a Bluff, Norfolk and Grand Island were the other towns voted for. Resolutions of respect In rnem i ory of Joseph Stanley of Nuckolls were ; adopted. ' ; The proposed new constitution, as pub ' llshed on the official program, waa I adopted. A vote of thanks waa tendered j to the Hall county members and the cltl ' tens of Grand Island for the entertain ment given. Those In Attendance. Those registered aa lit attendance, most f whom remained for tha banquet, were: Adams County F. E. Versaw, W. H. I-ong, T. U. Whiting. J Heller, D. N. Hitter. A. K. DeCfenbaugh, County Clerk Mlxen, C. K. Hill. John Nerllng. Boone I. H. DeLarm. Mike Cavey. G. K. Plttenger. Box Butte .T. M. Wanek, Sang C. Reck, C. L. Hunhman, W. C. Mounts. Brown A. K. Westover. Buffalo-J. W. Higglns, E. U King, Pat Fitsgerald, George Conroy, Jacob bits, C. Krassman, Albert Hlava. Cedar G. N. Champion, John Hoeaing, lames S. Jennings. Clay W. Bchwenk, A. W. Clark, Smith XngalKbe. Cuming L.. C. Tlilemke. August W. ' Loewe, R. H. Kerkow. W. IT. Horstlck. Custer W. H. Osborne, Jr.; Rasmus An derson, K. 8. Woodruff. Douglas Ii K. Adams, George McBrlde, B. O. Beatty, Krank Dewey. Dixon Juergen Koch. Dakota George Wllkins. Dodge JuerKen I-ursen, M. J. CHara. Franklin James Grant, John A. Kelso, Ullllam 8cotty Cowan. U. H. Blenhoff, Jamns Hansen. Frontier Gevrge J. Dodd. Furnas G. W. Kuafer, JS. R. Keyes, A. "W. Hunt. Dan K. Morgan. Grant t?. 8. Llchty. Creelcy M. B. Sullivan, Fred C. Weeks. Hamilton J. B. Cain, John J. Klumb. Hall S Y. Bryson, Henry Henne, A. A. Schuster,' W. H. McDowell. William Stoe er. Oustav Hlevers. J. R. Jewett, Ed Williams, IT. W. Potter. M. U Dolan. R. Snens, George N. Reuttng. Hitchcock-Ralph D. Otis. W. P. Filbert, J. If. Ritchie, Frank J. Miller. Holt Anton Pruasa, M. P. Sullivan, T. iX. Stevera, F. O. Hammerberg. Jefferaon-Iioula Jarchow, C. H. chaffer. 1 Nlder. . Keith W. H. Shlreman, 0. G. Hartman, 3. W. Sheldon. Kearney Pete Oman. lAiicaster E. O. Robinson, Henry geymour. G. W. Roberts. : Uncoln-A. F. Streltas. D. B. White, C. IV Yost ' Madlson-S. IV McFarland, Henry ', tundermann. Watson I Turley. Merrlck-Wllllam Douglas. Marcua xJcholls-I.. I Shattuck, Ell M. Wright, C. 11. Maisbury. . ,, .... Otoe-Henry Faotenau. Fred G. Markel. Phelpa O. U Hedlund. . Matte-George Falrchild. PlerceS. M. Nelson, C. W. Boll, Charles Bedlow. O. XV. "o'"""- w . Polk-'. M. Lelbe -. C. B. Knerr, W. A. Cornish, R. R. Dearborn. ,. Hock Frank Kinney. E. J. Busslnger. , Harpy-A. K. Patterson. . . Baunders Peter Campbell. Charles OWnson. E. Bredenberg. rteward-William Bohreck, C. J. Petri. Sherldan-H. F. Wasmund, Perry S. rcou:s Bluff-N. B. McHenry. Hherman-W. O. Brown, J. H. We ty. fclanton Allen Sharp, Ed Daniell, Al-fr-d lomls, J. D. Frahn. .. ' Thayer J. C. Strain. tJeorge II. Benton, John McWlillams, Henry Marquardt. ; Thurston-Wllllam Vogt, J. D. Claua an. Henry I-emon. ,.,,, York H. F. Chapin. J. A. Mauk, A. rohaska, President Kenndy. Webster J. W. Tulleys. There were registered as visiting niim fcvrs: J B. Redfield and W. H. Metcalfe. Omaha printing bouse: K. J. BlesH. West ern Bridge and Coniractlng company. Omaha: E. R. Towtisend. name. ONclll; Jim Wintersteen, Standard Bridge com iianv. tinmlu; C. It. icjuch-r. Wahoo; tieo'rge Rtffer. Standard Bridge company. Wahoo; C M. Gross. Nebraska Hnd Intel national Steel Tank. Kearney; John 11 Foley. Russell Grader company, Min neapolis; A. J. Thomas. J. D. Adams tompany. Indianapolis; XV. G. Johnson, t anion Uiidue company. Omaha; J. A. Crawford. Nebraska Culvert company. Wahoo; W. J. Martin, J. D. Adams tirader company, IJnooln; Eugene D'ltttour, Reese Printing corapwiy, Omaha; J. K. Sweet. Oliver Typewriting company. Oinalia; W. B. Stewart. Oliver Typewriting company. Omaha; J. L Helstng. lee Arnett Culvert company. JJncoln. 1L M. Kocb. Jr.. Austin Waxtern company. Clarks: Robert 8. Drake, tiandard Bridge company. Omaha; . II. ren. Omaha Structural Steel company, Ouiaha; W. U Carey. Omaha Structural Steel company; J. W. Wilson. Wlnfleld, la : B. A. Wilson, North platta; 8. J. Waterman, Stark Rolling Mills; John Schneider, Omaha; A. R. Whltemore, Smith-Premier Typewriter company, Omaha; O. K. Bums. Lincoln; Senator C. X. Placek, Wahoo. A Des Moines man baa an attack of macular rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised blm to go to Hot Springs That meant an expense of $160 or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way te cure It and found It In Chamberlain's 'LJnlment. Tbree days after the first ap plication of this liniment he was well. Far sale by all dealers. , The key to euooeas In ' t la the Jiidkioua aad persistent use l newspaper AvertUbm, State Superintendent Divides School Money LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 14.-(Special.) Following Is the semi-annual apportion ment of schorl money for the ninety-two counties of Nebraska: No of Scholars. 8.4t! 4.SI1 4M 4S 4.4V t.!M4 3.4I& J-rtT T.2S7 4.2:!8 f.2 6.SV4 1.277 !.72 i ; 4.! 4.WI B.OW S.Mrt 2.1!l 2.1 6.0MH r.n 4.134 7.071 41. mil 1.4. Amount Dire. S 4.S:'1 S.22S" 2S4 310 ! HXS l.:lo.1 12SH 1.345 4 KM 2.841 3.4IS 4 117 S 1 S.M 1.011 8.32S 2.713 3.411 6.722 1.48 1.4.M 3.412 S43 5.771 4.740 28 12X 3.2T.3 2.4.0! 2.o:a 2.0N4 331 678 Si2 1. H 207 1 M 3.87U 2, WS 2.12 929 County Adams . Antelope Ranner Blaine Boone , Box Butte ... Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass Cedar t'hrtae Cherry Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota Da wen Iaw?itn Deuel Dixon Dodge ., Douglas Dundy Fillmore Franklin Frontier Kurnas . ... S.Hii ... S.0H4 ... 4.". ... S.445 ... 1.012 ... 1.272 ... 1.7M ... . ... I.fWO ... 6.71 . .. 4.S.W ... S.271 ... I.OM ... 1.867 ... 2.27! . . . fi;'.l ... 4.(NK ... R.1R ... 3.0.T7 ... S.M ... l.iir. ... l.ifis . . . 72 ... t.m ...21.0M ... 4,734 . . . 4.0 ... Wo e.477 . (1S ... J.inn ... 1.4n ... S.031 ... 4..W ... 4.827 ... B.42.-. ... 3.M . . KS ... 3.0S7 ... 3.712 ... t!.7fl4 ... 3.3S7 ... S.45i ... S.7IS ... ... V742 ... I.90CI .v. 7.140 ... 2.87 ... 4.W4 ... 2.183 ... 3.080 ... 1.775 ... 2.t77S ... 4.779 ... 425 ... 3.042 ... 3.372 ... 4.318 ... 3.643 ... 3.(V . . . 79 ... 6.608 Garden ......... Gage Garfield trooper ........ Grant Greelev ........ Hall Hamilton .... . Harbin ....... Hayes , Hitchcock 3.RJ8 283 2.740 3,47fl 2.378 1.8H9 771 7H2 AM 4 1K0 14.118 3.173 Holt Hooker Howard ....... Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keltli Keys, Paha ... Kimball Knox Lancaster .... Lincoln Logan 1OUP Madison McPhevson ... Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelsp , Pierce ......... Platte Polk Red Willow .. Richardson ... Rock Saline Sarpy Sounders Scotts Bluff.. Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton ....... Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington . Wayne Webster Wheeler York Totals r6.622 $252,472 IMPORTATION OF ABSINTHE WILL BE PROHIBITED WASHINGTON', Dec. 14,-Declarlng ab slnthe dangerous to health, the pure food board of the of irliltura today decided that iu . importation into the United States should be prohibited after January 1 next. The order awaits the signature of the secretary of agri culture before becoming effective. "It la well reco?nized In all countries that have had experience therewith," says the decision, "that the use of the bever age known as absinthe la dangerous to health." A long and careful Investigation was made by the bureau of chemistry before the action taken was reached. Dr. Wiley, head of the board, expressed the opinion that "absinthe la one of the worst enemies of man, and If we can keep the people of the United States from be coming slaves to this demon we will do It." MAN AND WOMAN ARE . KILLED WITH AN AXE SHELBY, N. C, Dec. 14. With her month old baby, blood stained, but un harmed, sleeping at her breast, Mrs. John Dixon was found dead In her home here yesterday by neighbors. A few minutes later the mutilated body of her husband was discovered In the barn a hundred yards away. Nearby waa the axe with which the murders had been committed. Last night officers arrested John and Hack Ross, negro tenants of Dixon, charging them with the double crime. They had been heard to make threats against him. There Is talk of lynching, the crime having aroused the entire section. Y And Burning. Sores Like Boils All ' Over Body. Parts of Flesh Raw. Could Scarcely Bear Clothes On. Nearly Worn Out When He Tried Cuticura Remedies and Was Cured. "About four years r I broks out with ores en my arms Ilk boili. After twe months they we.-s all ovr my body, some coming, and tome going stray. In about six months the boils quit, but my arms, nerk atd body broke out with an Itching, burning run. It would burn aad tub. ai4 coma out in pimples like gralcs of wheat. I was In a terrible condition ; I could net sleep er rest. Parts of my flub were raw, and X could acarceli bear nj clothes oa. I could not lis in bed in any position and rest. In about a year tba ores extended down to my feet. Then I suf fered agony with the burning, itching sores. 1 eeuld hardly walk and lor a lung time I could not put on aoeki. "AU this tune I was trying everything I eeuld hear of, and had tba skill of tores doctors. Tbey said it was scxema. I got ne benefit from all this. 1 was nearly wora eut. and had glrea up la despair et ever being cured when I was advised by a friend te try Cuticura Raeiedtes. I purchased Cutlrure Boap, Ointment, and Resolvent, aad ased exactly as directed. I used lb Cuticura Kemedtes constantly lor four months, and Botblng else, and waa perfectly cured. It Is new a yaar, and 1 kave not had tee ieaet bit alsce. 1 ass ready te praise the Cuticura Rmedieaet any time." (Signed) E. L. Oate, Lxte. ay Not. 10. 1IU. Oatlewe Hoa aad Obit unit, are eak tarwughovt U werUL 8ea4 te retler brag Oban. Oer-. 11. Sla. Koaum, lor frae uew ef ewca via kvv. beva em Ue due. SUFFERED AG IT ITCH NG shiji hhh.iii j 0 V L aw MP fJS 1 Mm Connection at Columbus with through sleeping car for Savannah, Ga.; also at Jacksonville for All Points in Florida trains making Steamship Connections for Havana, Cuba Information about Winter Tourist fares and homeseekers' fares to Florida on first and third Tuesday of the month; also information as to tourist tickets and Illinois Central service to New Orleans, Vicksburg (National Military Park), Havana, Panama and Central American points via New Orleans; as well as reservations, tickets and descriptive literature, can be obtained of your home ticket agent, or by addressing S. North, Dist. Pass. Agt., Illinois Central R. R., 409 So. Sixteenth Street. Omaha, Neb. mmP The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on and then travel on the street cars will be attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are now at their best and sales-people can wait on you more satisfactorily now than hey can later. Omaiia&GouncilBliiffsStreetRailwayGo. Die: 33 The Thins To Do loia ES3H Remarkable Purchase and Sale of $15,009 Worth of High Quality Fur Sets and Fur Coats On Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY Tlio entire surplus stock of fur coats nml fur .sots dopondablo furs of the liigliost quality, purchased from a prominent New York Fifth Ave. wholesale furrier at a great concession, goes on sale Friday and Saturday at just about one-half regular values. SPLENDID MATCHED SETS-lu Mink, Kod Fox, Lynx, Wolf, AVhite Iceland Fox, French Coneys, etc at $3.98. $G.9S. $10.00. $15.00 and Up. HANDSOME FUR COATS In Russian' Pom- Skins, Near Seals, Coneys, ete.-at $19.50, $25.00 $30.00 and up SEPARATE FUR SCARFS AND MUFFS up from $1.50 Friday ami Hat unlay ari tlio days of Our Not-tiiul Grand Anni versary Sale. Many wonderful values to lc Intd lit Mcn'a and Wo men's Clothing. 1 ItrnlKlilnRS, Shorn, Notion, Millinery, Etc., Etc. Gro win ft S ror-p fn TVo. G i rrrn) tw The fast, soUd, electric-lighted, through train of the linois Centra! t from Chicago and St. Louis to Jacksonville, FLORIDA : Through obtarvatlon-compartmtnt and fourtean-aectlon drawing-room leaping can, Irta racllnlng chair car (sUal construction) ana coach (also tourist sleeping car on lit and 3d Tuesday ol tha month) between Chicago and Jacksonville. Twelve section drawing -room sleeping car and free chair car St. Louis to Jack sonville. All meals In dining cars. It you Iom your pocketbook, umbrella, watch or some other article of value, the thins to do la to follow the example of many other people and advertise without delay In tbe Ixnt and Found column of The Bee. That la what moat people do when they lose articles of value. Telephone us and tell your to all Omaha Jji llof U afternooa, f?r W 3 7" OMAf-fA r f J v I; 7llsoii Ctnlrtl Dally Lv Chicago... 6.15 pm Lv St. Louis.. 11. 20 pm Ar Birmingham 3.30 pm Cmtnl of Gtoriia Ar Columbus... 9.00 pm Ar Savannah.. .7.30 am Ar Albany 1.00 am Atlantic Coatt Lint Ar Jacksonville 7.00 am 1Z mJ D H ! v ' -ir" Put It In The Bee a ii u J ar II fllll WM v i r o- i iv xmn A Big Paper Full of Xmas Spirit The Omaha Sunday Bee Special, timely Yuletide features pulsating with the genial warmth of Santa Claus and his holiday. Everybody will want to read in next Sunday's Bee the extra Christmas stories and the de lightful magazine section con taining articles by the best and greatest authorities in their respective subjects in the world. Dainty Gaby Deslys has an other story that will be the joy of every woman in Omaha. Children will become ec static over the juvenile features and the wonderful adventures of the characters in the four pages of the colored comic section. The four pages of pink sports will include articles by the best known writers in the country. Mutt and Jeff also will appear in the pink section in one of their distinctive stunts that only the pen of "'Bud" Fisher can illustrate. fr -Thousands are aiuaiting '-the announcements of winners in the second Book lovers contest. It witf appear in a ivfiolc page dis play in next Sunday s Bee. Get The Bee and sec who won 7tiore than $5,000 worth of prises. Many big featureswiH make next Sunday's Bee the great est Xmas business getter. Your store message in the Sunday Bee will mean a big trade during the final six shopping days that remain. Try Next Sunday's Bee for Big Business Next Week Free Land Tho Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet',the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc. How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing same, etc. Best tactions for fruit growing, general fanning, fctook raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato plainly and specifically what you want to know, rite, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraska Comic Section The Sunday Bee Information With Happy Hooligan, Litt!: Nemo, the Katzen jammer Kids and the whole interesting family