12 TJiH BKK: OMAHA. Fit I DAY, DrXTKMBKH 15, 1911 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET foreign Corn Market Now Showinj a Better Tone. CASH HOLDINGS ABE STRONG Hi Roles SlaBftUh and Va rhuitd -Trad I a a- la Eaeeptlon- Sm la l.atkli. OMAHA.. Dee. 1 1911. Wheat value are up about a cent from ma low point or the week, ana wnne large lines of short wheat have heen cov ered there la a mooh better feeling on th bull aide, although conditions mn noi cnanged materially. Th vast quan tities of tmt in th'a visible, with no adequate demand, will no doubt continue to be a bmrlxh factor. Foreign corn market! are ho-1ng a potter ton owing to th light offerings from this side. The rh property In all poltion in strong, wtilla weather condi tions are none too favorable and receipt are much lighter than expected. Wheat ruled sluggish and unchanged, trading wan exceptionally light and news was lacking to start either the buying or selling aids. Cash wheat was k'SV" lower. Hotter Inquiry from abroad and higher cables gave corn a stronger tone, (Jf fennits were light and cash values were 'e higher. Primary wheat receipts were S78.000 bushel and shlments were 22S,(H0 bush el. againt receipt last veer of 748.000 bushel and shipments of lll.il bushels. Primary corn receipts were l&.Wu bush He and shipments were bushel, aitalnnt recrjj t lant year of 7M.O00 bushels and shipments of 7 nlO bushels. learaiita were JHO bushels of corn, l.a bushels of oats and wheat and flour equaJ to 12,7(1(1 bushels. Mverpool cloned unchanged on wheat no N'tisd higher on corn. The following cah sales were reported: WIIEAT-Xo. 2 hard: 1 car. V,o. No. S hard: 1 car, Kc; 1 car, Wo. No. 1 spring: car, Mc. 'ORN-No t white: I cars, C7c; 1 car. fcTe, No. 4 white: 1 car, Mc 1 car. U'c; 1 car. Wc; 1 car, 8 cars, fkc No. I color: 1 car. &7o. No. 8 yel low: 2 cars. 57c; 1:1 cars, &h4C. No. 4 ellow: 2 cars, uCc: 9 cais, Ip64c; 1 car, iwSo: 2 cars, fc. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, lart old, SHc; a cars, W'4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 8w; csrs, to'?. No grade: 1 tax, I3c: 1 car, Mc; 1 car, &2c. OATS standard. 1 car, -W'ic. N. 2 white: 3 rare, atic. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 4'jC. Oaaaka Cask Prva. WlfEAT No. 2 haid, t'4fWc.; No. t hard, 4Uto4c; No. 4 hard, Blltftlfldc CORN No. 3 white, 67t57-io; No. 4 white, UVec; No. 2 color. 6r.HeG7c; No. I yellow, &iMl&7c; No, 4 yellow, Uii W-c; No. 3. Wijt,ijc;(No. 4, 6Hymc; no OATH No. 2 while. 4V.J4fic: standard, 4(i ti4H4c; No. 3 white, 46(Hc; No. 4 while, 4o,4 RAHLKV-Maltlng, 31.HO1.20; No. 1 feed. I1.0V9I.14. RVB No. 2, WHWici No. 3, MJiSWHo. Carlot llere:pts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 17 2U 114 Minneapolis 374 Omaha 11 79 20 Dulutti 74 (IMC A GO Gil A IN AND PHOVISIOWS Pcatarea ( Ike Trading! and C'loslaa; Prices en Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 14-The approach of t'hilstmaa thinned the crowd today on 'change, and let prices ease off a little all around. At the end of the session wheat was down o to VW net. corn tf ito to o. oats, k4o to So, and ling products ViQibc to Mkj. Wheat closed at almoat the bottom for the day. It waa apparent the market had no support, but shorts seemed timid about putting on much pressure. What decline occurred waa more due to neg lect than because of any external Influ ence. Crop news from Argentina, If allow ing any material difference, turned In favor of the bears. Then, too, northwest receipts did not exhibit the falling oft expected after the light run of the pre vious day. liberal export sales reported at Montreal gave scant help, a there was no foreign demand for United Htates grown wheat, and no adequate milling call for the big stocks In Chicago. May tanged from l7 to 87t, with the .finish steady at iM(Wo, a decline of Ho com pared with twenty-four hours before. Home of the larger commission con cerns were selling corn off and on. Pit traders, though appeared to favor the buying side. May fluctuated between end 6;ne, closing easy, tatHao down at KISaV. Cash demand was slim. -No. 2 yellow waa quoted at "0,3 71 o for mrlnt. front taking on the part of shorts af forded the only prop under the oats mar ket. Top and twit torn levels reached for -May were 4WtHiWfl and 4SU'Hvc. wlth the clone So net lower at iS'vtcWSc. Provisions weakened In view of a drop in prices at the yards. When the pit was cleared pork had become less ex-Ix-nslve by 7Ho to lor and other prod vuen decreased In cost ZWv'm to 64 7 He. Uuotationa ranged aa follows: Ai ttc lj Open. High. Svheal Kbc.. t May. 97StA4 7T, July. W MS Corn. I hp.. tCV.i.3 62 May. 63', July. ta? U3rS t'l. I Hm:.. 47S 47S May. tSv 49Vti S. July. ti W I 'oi k. Jan.. 14 09 16 00 May. 16 li It 16 Lard. Jan.. 100 t06 .May. 27S30 t 80 Jul. .4Ut l:ibs. Jan.. 8 KS 8 2i',k May. 8 60 8 M Inly. 8 f-'H IV.',' WVi 7Si&i4l7i.iui 62S 2S 63 B3S 63S'? S 8H ''S 47W SS'SlKMitlS49mxv is vj: 1 07SI IS 87S ! 65 17S! It 07H .00 1 26 J7VV 80 t 40 886 8 17H 8 17H3I 8 9 2 46-7 S 17SJ0,8 62SM 8 4.V7S! 8 t.O I 8 &6 t'sKh uoiations were aa foliowa: FLO UK Blow; winter ' patents, 3400(9 COO; winter straights. 3X7(ii-t.7(; spring patents. UO'ub so: spring straights, 34.J0 bakers. .l-7ot 4.75. KYK--.No. 2. fcflWu. HAKLKV-Feed or mixing, 80otftl.M; fulr to choice malting, 11 Ovl.il. HKKP.s-Tliuothy, IU.6uuii.0u; clover, PKOVIHIONS rork, rr,ees. per bbl., liu J.yib.jO; lard. pr 1x lbs., 8S.Mit; short Bides (looeeS. 37.7IS. Total clearances of wheat and flour were filial to Itft.tMl bu. Frlmary receipts were 07 .two bu.. compared with 749,000 bu. the cot responding day a year am. Ksti inated receipts fur tomorrow: Wheat. 15 . bib; curn, ZA cars; oats, 1M cars; hog. r;.( head. Chicaso Cah Trices Wheat: No. 3 fp-d. aiic; No. 3 red. HMOfc-; No. 3 hard, Cv'uil W; No 3 hard, No. 1 noithuin, 31tUl.0V, No. 2 northern, 81.04 V 107; No. 3 imrtliern, 81 .Crf 1.U6; No. 2 flTinir. II Oi0l (M: No. 3 spring, tWf 11.0V, No. 4 spring, 86'tt8l .00; velvet chaff. WX i81 M; durum. HtUI 03. Corn No. 2. Ml ,.iSc; No. 2 white, eOHwioSe; No. 3 yel low, aStilc; No. 4 yellow, 67V,Ws,c; No. 4 while, tel7t.'jc; No. 4 yellow, Uuiisu. Kats-No. 2 white, 4iij4c; No. 2 white, 'Vl'if: No. 4 while, H-iMKo; stand ard. 4MI4SC K e: No. 3, j.V. Karley, '.Kittl.'fU Timothy, 312. 6o li.ou. Clover i'i rc.(-j) .si. Bi;rik.K Steady; crtamerlea, 2yS8c; dulries. 2.V.J.J1C. rAHM Meady ; receipts. 1,(11 cases; at nark, cases Included, 2Lnj-.Sc; firsts, r.ir; prime firsts, laioOo. CH t-Kr-K Steady; daisies, l&Vtllfe' twins, ld'USc; young Americas, liv lw; long horns. UVtfll:. FOlii.TKV-irtuMHtled; turkeys, liaifc thickens, lOialic; springs, 10c. ' VKAU Kidy; 7jllc. 'arlot Keceipts Wheat. 17 cars, with 1 cf conirait grade; corn, MS cars, with 1 vt contract grade; oats. 1J cars. Total re ceipt of wheat at tlilcago, Minneapolis and lmluth today were 4jo cars, compared v Uli 111 rare last week and J vara the coricapoiRllng dux a year ago. . Frarl Market. r"rXJRU, lvc 14.-;OKN-liigher; No. 8 yellow, jjSc; No. 4 yellow, too; No 2 uk-d. hx;. No. 4 mixed, ttSo; aato le, M iitjti. tiA1-Lutr; r.'u. white, iftc; atatid iu. 4. c. , l.ltrrpoul G rati si Market. I.1VEKPOOU Dee. 14. AVHKAT-fioot No. 3 Manltol.a, 7a lid; No. 3 ii.nvi.a, .a d; futuiea. linn; !-m- i' ' 4,d; March, 7s Hy, 7s ivt C"rRN Spot firm; American mixed, s M; future firm; January, 6s 2d; Feb ruary, 63 'id. XKW ltiltK .EF.HAL M4RKKT Qnetatlona of Ike Day on Varleaa Commodities. NKW TOR.K. Ieo. 14-F-IOrR-g.iet; epitng patents, 3A oij, ,.:; winter straights, It Viit.X; winter patents, 34 .K'a'4.70; spring clear. M.l'a4.ii.; winter extras No. I. )3.i0iJ.0; winter extras No. t, 33 5A(3 l 6. JKsnsas straights, l ij-t 70. Kve flour, quiet; fair to good, l4 7fa4K6; choice to fsncy, S6.iiKft 0. Buckwheat flour, quiet, l!i per 100 lbs. CORNMhAle-Steady; fine white and yellow. II .( l.ti; coarse, 31.6Hrl00; klin dried. 8) mhi J. ',5 JtVK-Kteady; No. 2, 87c, c. 1. f. Buffalo to arrive. liAKLKY-Kteady: malting. 81.18fil.26 c. I. f. Buffalo. Wli K AT Hoot market oulet: No. f red. 9Mo; elevator export basis and f7S f, o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duiuth, 31 117 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa barely steady, with small price changes, he ceints were only moderate, but the cash and export demand waa poor and this dis couraged buying, snd closing prices were c net lower. December closed 67c; May. 3l.OVril.02 3-16; 'closed. 21.01'.. 11- celpt. Ili.O") bu.; snlpments. H.M4 bu. CORN Moot market dull: exoort nsw. !V: f. o. b. afloat. KHitures market was nominal. Exporters took 100 loads for inrward shipments, ltece Dts. 31.M0 bu.: shipments. 2H bu. OATS Knot market steady. Futures market was nominal. Receipt", 3360 bu.; shipments. LZO bu. MAY Ulead v: crime, nominal: No. 1. 81.2t.al.20; No. 2, 31.10(11. 16; No. 2, WRoilll.OO. jiufn Firm; state common to choice 1S11, Vi!c; mo, nominal. Faclflo coasl ltill, 4.r4(0Oc; liiio, nominal. JiiUES-nrm; Central America, 22c; liOKota, 22-jaSc. . L.UA i H h. It firm hemlock frets. 23 27c; seconds, 24Zuc; thirds, 21t22c; re ject. 15c. FKOVIrilONH Pork. steadv: mess. 317.204(17.7r.; family, 318.00; short clears, f 17.25n 176. H-ef, firm; mess 112 bou l2.0o; tanilly. 8l4.v0iai4 60: beef hams, 32.(xij31.00. cut meatx, easy;' pukieu o5iueH, ten to fourteen Pounds. n'i'nioc; plrkled hams, lli4811'c. I.rd, quiet; miame wfn prime, .(j:rf(l'J.l&; re fined, steady WKil continent, 30.65; South America. HO.bo; compound, fl.Zb. TAblJW Uulet; steady; prime city hhds., h'rkr, country, iVatHfcC fcUTTKK Hteady ; creamery specials, 86c; extras, J(c; firsts, iiinXW. , CHKKHh-Flrm: state who e ml k. B.n- tember and enxller average, fancy, l,c. K'KlS-Hteady on fresh: fresh asth- ered extras, 3i'40c; extra Ilrst, 34036c; firs. aiWUc. l'(iUL,l ty Alive steady to f rm: west ern chicken, 12HG1--; fowls, i;K414Vir; turkeys. 13Ul4o; dressed dull; western chickens, lt'tflOc; fowls, 16rtflc; turkeys. ivy 17U. I. I.oala Geaeral Market. . ' j v , I..''., a j w, , . . 1 1 I x Cash, steady; track, No. 2 red, 6S(U9H,c; no. z naru, mhjvii.vo; December, 83Scj May, : COUN Kteaoy: track. No. 2. new. 62V; 64Sc; No.. 3 white, new, GUMftc; De cember, 06c; May, 64Sc wv rn-eiteady; track, No. z. 47SS47ic; No. 2 white, 4Mv4c; December, 4So. xiK-tincnangeo; w, KIOUll Quiet; red winter patents. 84 M 94 70; extra fancy and straight, 33.76f 4.26: hard winter clears, tl.arrftilt.70. M-;i.l Tlmottir, 8I4.O016.&0. . COKNMKAl, HBO. KHAN Firm: sacked, east track. 31.19 pl. 20 ri A t Tier ; timothy, 319 004.00; prai rie, 311.0oJlH.00. PROV1HION8 Pork, unchanged; job bing, $15. Ml. lArd. lower: Drime steam. 3.JS77S. Iry aalt meata. unchanged; noxen, extra snorts, x.u; clear ribs, 1H.25; short clears, 88.37S- Jiacon. unchanged; ooxea, extra snorts, xs.ao; clear nos, i.2u; short clears, H.37V. POULTRY Firm : chickens. 7Wc: springs. HSc; turkeys, Uc; ducks, HV40; geese, Ho. hctter Hteady; creamery, 3636c.. KUOd Uwer; 28c. Reoelnts. Shipment. Flour, bbla 8.100 8.700 WhMit h ISJklA O, taut Corn, bu M.000 . 62,000 Uats, bu 1,00 26,000 Kansas Cltr Grata aad Preielaloaa. K AN f AH riTT Mo rv.c 14 UIIIPAT Cash, steady; No. 3 hard, 7Hcr$1.03; No. J, iMctjii.vv; No. 3 red, Md4So; No. 3, 2fiwic; December, 8iSo; May, 87Sc; July,, lSHlSe. mixed. 0fiiic: No. 2. liOo: No. 1 whlfs ' ttnuc: mo. a, boc; December, aSSc; May, WSC3SC. tiATH unchanged: No. 1 white. 48U 4o; No. 8 mixed, 47Vij48c. n I r v uvc. HAY Hteady. choice tlmnlhv. tla Sftn 00; choice prairie, 3U.26M 13.50. to UTTKR Creamery, a&c; ftrsta, 3Sc: seconds, 31c: packing stock, 0y,o. KUUH-Extras, 83c; firsts. 81c; seconds. Tlecelnts. Rhlnm.nt. wneat m.oou mnm Corn 47,000 (5,000 tata 12,000 4,u0 MlaaeasMtlla Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Iten. It WIIP'AT Detember. 3100: May. 81.04: Julv. 11 oa Cash: No. 1 hard, 31.01S; No. 1 north ern. 81.01S; No. 2 northern, Wc; No. 8, 8wt r iax 33.orH. HAKMCY-70c.tjtl.ll. (IHIN-No, 8 yellow, XJKJe, OATS No. 3 white, 4ii43i.C. JtYr-No. 1 874WSO. URAN-ln 100 pound seeks, a.00ia.H). r IXJUR rtteadv and active unliiiiii first patents, 64.80tn-6.rQ; second patents, 84.40414 70: first clears. 23.20H3 eft: woiJ clears, 83.30Q3.iO. Mllwaake Or J a Market. 1 northern, 31.0T31.0: No. 3 northern. ti.vittri.vii io. 1 nam winter, rikjll.oi; ;w...6er, 84c; May, 37So. ia 1 n ntanaard, 47ifr4it4e. HAKUSY-Malllng. tl.i0tfi.23. Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Dec 14.-COinini-.Eir,i. turea opened firm on near and steady on late tuonthe, with prices &tyi3 points hlwhet- In response to firm Kuropean ca bles, higher pricoa at Banloa and rumor of a continued good demand from lead ing roasters, business was tint actlvA and fluctuations wr somewhat Irregular during the day, but the general tone of ma maraec waa steady and the final tone was steady, showing a net advance of 3 tr points. Kales were 42.760 base. Ike. cember, 13.81c; January, llioo; February, o.aov, wiivii, Apru, ij-sic; May. I 1? T 1 ... a I 1 1 . , , . . u . I . 1 '- 1 - , " pr 1 piuurr ana October, 13.16c:. Nwenilter, llluc. Havre waa ii' 1. limner. Hamburg waa Sti I pig. higher. Rio waa unohanaed at MijO. hantoa 4s, 64 rel higher, at 83360; 7s, 160 rets higher, at 73400. Receipts at the two Kraxlllan porta were 87.0IX) bags, against 30,000- bags last year. Jundiahy reveipia were page, against 17,600 bas last year. Today's special Rantos cable reKrtel fiantns unchanged. Kao I'aulo receipts were SI.OOo baga against 2b.UM bags the previous day. It la rumorea mat a prominent American roaster has been a heavy buyer of oof fee in Hantoa. A hailstorm waa reoorted In one district of hao I'aulo and rain In tnree other niHtrlcts. New York ware house deliveries yesterday were 6.61O bairn. attains! M.476 nags last year. Knot roffse. i.a.ly; Klo no. 7. 14Sc; ttantoa No. 4. LWltic; uiild. uulel Cordova, liVic. noiuinal. Mrta3 MarVet. NEW YORK. Ieo. 14.MKTAtJl 8 tun dard cupper, firm; spot and futures, 1S J.V11S X londou market firm; spot Ibl 2a i; futures, 63. lake copper, lo cally, 313 K7Sioi4 00; electrolytic, 3IS.7U 14.W1; casting, 311I7SM 1.1. S- Tin, quiet; spot and futures, 3il bUw-iS-U. London inaraei tocauy; spot. 6a; futurea, .m v. la. quiet; i.4tuW, New York; 34.30i'4.37U. knt Rt. I.wi, u. don market quoted at a.' IS 10a. Hpelter. quiet; 4.i .86, New York; 8B.UAtf.20, Kajit Bt. lxiuia Ixindon market quoted at 36 17s d. AnUmony, dull; Cookson's, 17. 7i. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 4s 4Sd in ixnoon. iocatiy iron waa ateady; No, 1 foundry, northern, 414 6u,j 16.00; No. J 814 6oial4.76: No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, 311X4 14.76. MT. Lil'lri. Deo. 14 MKTALS Dead, steady at 84.1644.87S. Huelier, dull at ft.U Ut.W. OIU aaa Koala. ft A VAN M A If riA rw 1 , ier.Bnt.. TIN b. Firm. tdVAl"! ealea 660 bbis; ra. teluts. K3 bbls. : ahltin,.ils 1 .KI. . iliKkn. M'l bbla. ' KOHIN-Firm; aales. .8a bbls.; re ceipts, 3,u: shipments, none; stocks 17. 4w bbls. Ouute: H. tn l: n !. if 8.C7St.10: F. tl, 11, 8i70; I. 6.70u.T6; Sv:r ; '' Nl " ; w- NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Early Trading- in United States Steel Securities Spectacular. GAIN 13 ELIMINATED LATER Geaeral Market Respoads lawlll iaarlr to Rise la Steel fttoeka, kt Fallens Dseimrl Teadency Wklek Later fervelopa. NKW YORK. flee. 14 I'nlted Htates Htfel was acaln the center of the stage today, fcarly trading In this stock was fpectacular. Kxclted operators ran up (he price to 68. the highest figure since est Heptember. and a caln from vesterdav of IS. Within the first fifteen minutes iraneHCtlons amounted to 1.S.000 share. Hy the end of the first hour the total had been swollen to 22.( shares. After that the price eased off until the gain had been virtually eliminated. The day's business was the largest of several weeks, with a total of a:f7. enure of United Htates Bteel and 838.000 shares of other stocks. The general market responeded unwill ingly to the rise In United states Kteel. When United 8tates Hteel fell back the whole market declined, some stocks fall ing under yesterday's close. During the afternoon the coalers and coppers were moved up moderately, but the list, as a whole, made little response. The fever ish' bidding for United Bute Meet waa ascribed largely to short covering. The tendency of prices of steel products continued upward. , The cupper stocks made further gain" In response to another advance In the price of the total, which In now at the highest level for a long period. American Agricultural Chemical's recent advance had partly discounted the beginning of dividend payments. The bond market waa firm, with trad ing on a large scale. Total sales par value, 34,92.om. United Htates bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading; quotations of stocks were as follows: six. II. th. Low. CloM. Allla-rhalnwrs fd Amaltamaua (terser ... J4.4'0 Vt u S Amarlr.n AtTlrultaral .. 4.3'rt lt 67(4 tS Am. Heat Hum ' XX) US M'4 X1 Amarlnas Can I.tott 1114 11 11 Amaitcaa a A 3" l,al 14 tv M'4 Am. Cotton Oil 200 4t US 44 Araertraa H U sis It Am. Ioe Henirltle II Americas Unaaas 110 I'A Hi Americas feomntlve ... IKK) S7i 37 Aroartraa ft. R 11.100 14(4 "H 7l(i Am. a. R. r noe lm 1M w Am. Rtsel Fius4rtas 7IX) ia4 '' Am. Husar Hellnlnt 3HI 1IS llH Hlli Amarlraa T. A T,..' "0 1(0 UH Amarlian Tnbaees Bli.... l.bOO 104(4 lu' lul(t Amarirss Woolaa K(4 Anaronda Mining Co.... 200 9'4j Atrhlaoo 1,000 10li M VH, Atchlioa pfd 13H Atlantln Coaat I.lna i.lflO 174 in 137(4 Paltlmora Ohio 1,446 1024 l"2 ltn Hathlaham 8taal l.:0 M'4 I'4 tt(k Hroohlya Rapid Tr 1,400 77A 77 77 Canadlaa Pacific 1.700 140 140(4 240 (antral Leather n0 II (4 2 1 C.ntral leather M 204 flVij t ('antral n( Naw Jarasy.. VHj 117 o? ot ChaaapMk A Ohio 1.H00 14 14 74(4. Tilc.no A Altos , Cnlcaxe U. W.. saw M it !0 to Chlrasa 13. W. t 1"0 17 74 7H Chlcaso A. N. W 200 Hi 141 14i Chicago, M. it. P.... 6 KM) lll'i lit 111 C . U. C. A it. L HI Colorado T. A 1 700 il M4 ln l-olorado A aoattwra loo 44 44 44 Conaoltatad JI 1,000 ll'4 13HV IKS Corn Prodtuta 400 11 10 V 10 palawar A Hudann 147 Paavar A Rio (trend 81 Dvutst A K. O. pfd M0 44 44 44 manners' fteeurttlea 100 ,,7 Brl 11.100 11 t 11 Kris let pfd I,00 M 61 H Brl Id pfd IW0 41 41 42 Oeneral tlactrlo loo 1M 14 ir4 Oraat Northern pfd 4.400 lit 1-1 1SI Uraat Northarn Ore ctra. 1,4011 , a4 U llllnola (-antral loo 142 143 141 Interbereush Mat I,4m 14 II Int. Mat. pfd .00 41 47 47 International llarrestar.. l.eno ior 107 107 Intar-Marlne pfd 400 11 11 17 International rapar International Piuup KK) U 11 M Iowa Centrsl 14 Kanaaa City ioutharn.... too II K. (.". to. pfd Laoleds Oaa to 1M 14 14 Loslavlll A Naakvlll.. I.000 167 164 1U Miss. A (. Loale It M.. at. p. A a. A 31... ino i4 n i4 Mlaaourt, K. A T 1.600 10 3i l M . n A T. pfd 20 at 4 44 yiearairt Paclfle o l i National Blaciult 100 1 1M 1" NatlolalJad l.iuOtiU ) 11 li. R. R. 9t U. Id pfd.. 2no JJ:. I U Naw Tark Ontral 400 107 107 N. T . O, A W too l 5 Norrslk A Waatera l.MO lot loa loa North American loo 11 1 11 Northers Paclfls 4.0"0 11 111 ll Paclfla Mall J0 11 III 11 Pennarlrenta 4.400 1" 112 111 Paople't Oaa J.ooo 101 102 1 P . C. C. A at. L , 400 P K Plttaburgk Coal 17 Praaaad "teal Car 100 24 (1 It Pullman Paler Car 147 Rallwar Bteal iprlnj.... , loo SI li M Heading 152. boo 143 1M 1M RapuMlo itaal 1.SO0 tfi 21 14 Rapsbllo ikael pfd I.0 14 114 M Rock laland Co to tK ii .24 Rork laland Co. pfd 1.100 47 47 '44 Ht. L. A 8. F. Id pfd... KM 41 41 41 St. Louis a. W 11 at. L. a. W. pfd 71 iloaa-ebafflald a. A I fteulkera Parlfta ,.. i.KU 112 112 lll Suulharn Railway 4.100 10 ' 21 2 so. Hallway pfd loo tl 71 11 Tonneeee Cpr 0) II 17 7 Taaaa A Paclfle 22 T , Bt. U A W eM 11 11 14 T.. 81. I- A W. pfd KM m U 17 I'nloa Paalflo H.aoo 174 171 114 t.nlo Pacina pfd 1 M II Dalles Slates Realtr t United atataa Ruboar.... l aid 41 47 47 Usllad states Bteal 131.000 4 44 44 tl. A gtaal pfd 4.600 111 Hot. 110 t'tak Oppar ll.1o aa 6 13 Va. -Carolina Ckamleal .. 1. 200 44 64 44 Wib,h I.axi 1 1 1 tttfauk ptd 1.100 11 11 17 Waatars Maryland 200 41 (1 Waatlnfkenaa Kleetrlo .. 30 4 44 4a Waalara Halea 8.0(N) ItU 1 7 Whaling A L. E 4 Lettish Vallay It 11 lit 111 Total sales for th day. . aharas. New York Moaay Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 14. MONKY On call, ateady. 84U-4 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per rent; closing bid, S' per cent; offered at 34 per cent. TIM hi UUA.N 8 Firmer: sixty days, 4 per cant and ninety days, 40j4'i per cent; lit months, 4ti4 per cent. 1'KIMK MEHCANTlLbi PAPER 4tJ 4Vk per cent. eTKRUNO EXCHANQK Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.ta fur sixty -day bills and at $4.6640 for de mand. CllMU KUCIAIi BIT.IA34.81Vi. Hll.VKH ilar. 66c; Mxli-n dollars, esc. lioNl8 Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Cluaitig quotations on bonds today were a follows V. A raf. 1. rd Japs 4 o do ovupea lu a IT V. 8. rg "'H ee 4 12 da coupon IIK. O. So. lat la ... T3 V. 8. 4a. rt ll L. B. dah. 4a 1M1... 1.1 do reupoo ll L A N. snl. 4a Allta-Chal. lat la... 41 M K A T. lat ,4a W Amar. As U 4a aiu A. T A T. v. 4s.. l Ma. Pariflo 4a 11 Am. Tohacce 4a iN. H.H. el M. 4a S do 4 H7aN. . O. s a... 17 Armour A Co. 4a. 11 do dab. ta pj Atoklaos sas. 4.... Y. N. H. A H. do cv. 4a "1 er. 4a 121 do c . 4 laN A W. lat a. a.. i A. C L. tat 4 do e. 4a. iimu Jul. A Okie 4a..... PaNa. Paclris 4a 100 do la 11 do (M M do A w. 1..... on. a. l. rtiis. ... x anrouk Tr. ev. 4s.. Ura. c. utj., m a,a. of 4M. 4 U d 00a. 4 Iras Cea. Laathar 6a Reading sen. aa twu . et n. J. a a...nt. u a. f. it. u m Oaa. A Ohle 4a..wt d sa. la a, rel. 4 8I U a. W. e. 4a. rw 4hl.-as A A. 1.. s lat sold 4a ... l C. B. A g. 1. 4a.... , A. U to u ado ran. 4 . Pao. rol, 4a.... 41 C. M. A B P. d 4a 12 do r. 4a 7 C. a. I. P a. 4a. 12 de la rat. 4a. M A Hf. 4 8o. Railway aa oi Cola. lad. as 7 da " 4a rl aoM. Mid 4a a I'suta Psvitis 4a... .Ion, C A a. r A e 4 do . imJ D. A H . t 17 4a 1st A rat. ... I). A R. O. .. I U. a Huboar 4. ..104 a ral. aa- M . 8. 8iai Id la... .101 aiHutiiiors 6a 14 Va -tar Cham. aa..loo atcrle p. I. 4a laWabaaa lat 4a 104 d ea. 4s T da lat A as. 4a.... 41 da e 4a. aar. A.. IT 'tera Md. 4a 17 d aerlas IT W w. Mlae. ee. 6a.. II Uaa. klac. . la... Ill W la. ('astral 4a 9 III. (Ja. lat r.. 4aMMa. Pha. or. 6 81 later. Mi. 4a.... roaaais 8 , 101 lot II. M 4V Bid. Offcred. Aked. Bask af KaiUsd taleaaeat. IjOMON, ne-. 14 Th weekly state ment of the Hank of F.ugland shows the following chennea: Total reserve, da creaeed fl.O4i.ouO. circulation lncrwaaed (107.000, bullion decreased tl.l63.3f.3. other 1 securities Increased f 1.310.0UO. other iU poalls deoressed tl.tes.0u0. public deposits Increased tl ( 000. notes reserve de creased tl.40,M0, govvroinent fecurlUea Increased fwn.ono. The proportion of the brink' reserve to liability thl week I 4! HI ter tent; lat aeek It was 82.4.1 per cent. LONDON, Dec. 14. American sectirltle early trading todny. f'rlces at noon wu.jr.rm iiirgunr iniriK, rarisiOK irm'i -i amivc if, .4 oeiuw yesieruay s ,rw ... M I Vl ,1 . London closing stock quotations: von 1, money ...ii i-in l.ouiarino or nan..lti2 " .liwiii iiho., ivan. at la.. ws Arnal. Copper 7 Nw York Central. .110 Anarnnda lfnrfolli a Waatrm.111 ,,, , ma piq :j do pfd 107 Ontario A Waatera. 41 naltlmore A Ohio OAPtnnjlvnl 42 Canallan Pacific ...247 Rood Mine 4 imipn r i.nio rieao i ns 1 1 "4 Chi f:r W r . . u - a. . i. ; ". riii'i oi pro 7 - i!iisnutnern facttio ....in Denrer A Rio O..N. 22s,lnlon Pacific ,...7f A ii nf it j.i. . . r - w ,ia ............ e.' 'r,a f. 8. Steal M " pw on pta ,ut do 2l ard 4 w-k..K i Grand Tnink 25 nra lit llllnnl Central ,...14 T.i-air. HI1.VKR Bar. Bteadv at tier ounre. MONKY m per cent. The rata n HIMr...... I .. . u - . i . . for short bills la 4 per cent; for three months' bills, 8'4G3 15-18 per cent. HostOH tna'lla anil Tl r. n .1 - ririKTriv n.. ,-i - . - -' ,t. ii.niiia Muollluim An -,,..1.- ........ .,. . ' ' - i, nvia au, ionowh; "ooe rt Mohawk 44 Anjal. Copper aft Neyarla Con 1 Z0tJMplaalng Mines ... 1 U M, r r a. m a . . . . . T . . . - o. h. 'l.ionn nuite -4 . - .... lafcwortn laka a Ce'' A Arlaona 40oid Dominion 47 " ...no t,atwns 101 Centennial u p.rrott 8. A C 11 Cop. Range C, C... 43(julncy 49 Eaat 14 n 1 1- r U i t . , . . .;: i.Tioiiwino, jo Franklin lo iuperlor 29 ; a i-ienuperior a H, M . .. 3'm Oranhr i on in v. g. a. it. m... 3;. Clraena Cananea atx A ,a . -. lale Hoy a i. Copper. 3lPtah Con.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'." 17 Karr. Laka ITtaJl Coppar Co.... 42 Lake Copper U Winona f, la ialle IVipper lWolirerlns Jdlanil Oppar 22 -a.x-oivioaod. flank of France Statement. PARIS. Den. 14 TI, I.. , of the Hank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes In circulation de creased 40,ri0,000 franc, treasury deposits decreased l.l,8i0,000 francs, general de Posits lncreaed 1.1,V,0(I0 francs, gold In o'ciMsm a.ti trancs, silver In hand decreased fiA. tMHl i.nn,. Kin. i.. counted decreaaed T.'M.OOO francs, ad vances uecr cased soo.000 francs. New York Mining; etocks. NEW YORK' Tw 11 rl.in- , . , - - ii.i a, quota1 tlons on mlnlnir stocks war. i)n ; " M'tle Chief I om. Tunnel stock. 21 Mnilcan too -no nonoa n Ontario , 100 flon. C.I. ft Va.... 74 Ophlr itl 'T1" 'I 0tandard 100 VaSvl 'J Con 1 ,llg 60 Hank Clearlna. OMAHA. Dec li n-i, i i ... today were 32.767.6m.18 and for the corre sponding day last year 82,687,6BL8L OB1A1IA OE.VHRAL MARKET. BTJTTF.R No. 1 mk carton SRe No nJn,'b-' tUb'' 'No. " 35o;epack: (!HKKHPl.IrnnAirar1 a.i. tin-. a . f?n lw,""-'Z4c: block S!A 1: twins i; d?'!et't 1Sci V'P'A IKc; youni Am"?! 3-lb lie orica, isc; llmberger, POULTRY Rrollers, 18c; sprlnca 24c hen lf cool,, lu. i ... ' i - - - .. n , uuvns, iuc; geese. 18c; turkeys aoc; pigeons, per doV." 1 20. . ' "'.ko; nens, 7o; old e rLer,n 4i old S"ck; full ItfajTAl HAriMl 1 1 trass. a.. II . 9c; turkeys. ltc; Kulnea fowls, l&o each- IliirAi-inal tkaat- H.i silk.. . . W' r -asj - uuas., V7V. , 8IUIIItI 8J. 88r Qfll 1.l,il,u5.b NV- I. 1-B; N. a. 6oc. , - . " i ii a i' mi r n. i;U' lie : mackerel, loc; eel. l.Sc; haddocks! grnen cacrish, Ifio: roe shad, 31.00 each; shad roe, per pair -"-I aaa.aw.s, su-wa IIUIIUUL lC a VBllOW perch, sc; buffalo. 9c; bullhead, he. ycr.r t,uio-ng, 2 rios, ice; No. 3 riS?,.1Sci.?0; rlb"- 814c: No- 1 ,oln. ..Ti, a-iy. a ivmi, use ino. a loins, luc; No. 1 chucks u V',. a . V. 1 3 chucks 6c: No. I rounds, 11c; No. 2 rounds, c; No. 3 rounds, 8c; No. l p atea. 64c. No. 3 plates, 6c: No. 3 plates. ftJc. .' . FRUITS, ETC. -Apple, erooxlni varle Ilea, per bhl., 3?."8; Jonatnan and Qrlmos Golden, per bill., 54.60; Ren Davis, per bbl., 32.7S; California Uelleflover. per box 31.36; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy; per box. 32-60; Washington tfpltsenberg. per b:x, lii.W; Washington H. Beauty, per box, 32.50: Washington istaman Wlnesatia, box, 3.60. Bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, 3.2ESja.60. Jumbo, pr bunch, 3i75 b3.7&. Cranborries: Wisconsin fancy, per bbl., 30.&0; per box, 83.2a; extra large Jumbo, per bbl., 310.60 Dates: Anchor brand, new, 30 1-lb. psgs. in boxes, per box, 32.&0; Dromedary brand, new, do 1-lb. pkgs. In boxes, per box, 33.00; bulk la 70-1 h. boxes, per lb. 8c. Figs: California, per case of 13 12-oa. pkgs., eoo; per case of M 12-oa pkgs. 32.fiO; per case of 60 8-oa. pkgs., I2.U0; Nuw Turkish, 8-crown In 20-1 b. boxes, per lb., luc; t-crown la 3o-lb. boxes, per lb., ltic; 7-crown In 80-ib. boxes, per lb., 17o. Grape Fruit: Florida, 4d-M slces, per crate, 4.7(6j.00; o-&4-b4 sises, per crate, 36.25. Uripea: Califor nia Emperor, per 4-basket crate, 31. frit 3.00; Malaga grapes, in bbls., u.&oo.ou. Lemons; Llmonetra brand, extra fancy, 3oo siso, per box, 4i.2&; 3M alxe, per box, 35.36; Loma Llmonelra, fancy, 300-3oO sixes, per box, 86.&0; 0 and 4U0 situs, 60o per box leas. Urangws: Arlsotia navels, so las sixes, per box, 86.25; lbO-17t-200-2!6-260 sixes, per box, 3S.n0; CaluTornla uatwis, all sides, per box, 33.60. Fears: California U. Clarlgcau, per 50-lb. box, 83.00. VICCIKTABLKB Beans, string and wax. per market basket, tl.u0i'1.25. Cabbuge, WUcunain, per lb., HiUlc. Celery, allchi- 5 an, per dosen, doc; California Jumbo, per oaen, 800. Cucumbers, hot houaev per doaen. 82.00. Eggplant, fancy Florida, per doaen, 8100. Garlic, axua fancy, wbito, per lb., 15c. Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doxen, 40c. Onions, California, white, per lb., So; Wisconsin, yellow and red, in eacks.er lb.. 2Vko; Spanish per crate, ll.au. Parsley, taocy southern, per dosen bunches, 5ta75o. Fotatoes, ktia nesota Early Ohio, per bu., 31.18; Wiscon sin wiiito stock, per bu., (l.lo; in lo-saua lots, 6o leas. Sweet Fotatoea. Kansas, per bbl., 12.75; per bu. basket, 4160. Kutabagaa In sacks. per lb., lvc. Tomai.iea. Calif oinla. per crate, 81(0, M 1 SC E LL A N FO U o A I mo uds, 1 ai ra- Eona, per lb., IaVic; In sacks lota, lu leaa. laul nuts, per lb., loVao; In sack lota, lc less. Cociianuu, per aack, (5.50. Filberts, Per lb.. 14u; In sack Iota, la leaa Peanuia, roasted, per lb., Vi; raw, per lb., Jic. l'ecaun, large, per lb., 17c; In aack lota, lo leas. Walnut, new crop. Mil. California, per lb.. l?Wc; in sack lota, lc lesa Cider, New Nehawka, pur la-gal. one-naif buL (J.O0; par Segal, bbl., (5.50; New York Moll a per 15-gal. one-half bbl , 34.(0. per 3o-gttl. bbl., 30.50. Honey, new, frames 43 to. Kraut, pur 15-gaJ. keg, 4i7; per 5 gal. keg 81.10; Wlsionslo, per oue-balf bbl.. ei.0. Pkilatlrlphia I'rodaee Market. PIIILADKLVHIA. Dec. 14.-irTTEIt-Steadyr weetern creamery specials a",c extra. Stk-: nearby prints, extra, xc, ' E(1(J3 (J ii let; Fennsylvanla and other nearby ftrsta, full caw), (WHO per case' current receipts, full ca.ea, .O0 per case" western flnita, full taaea. 4 00 i-r case current receipts, full cases, 4a 00 per case' CHEF.rirl-Ftrni! New York fall creams' fancy, Wfcc; fair to good, lajjloc. Cottua Market. closed quiet. 25 points higher; middling v. iiuuuiiud uu, p.iuc; soles. 3,000 balea ti'iilur-a nil....! .. ... .. .. . i. . . - " ....... aim iiecemper at 8 1c; January, .7n: February 3 0c March, 8 ;c; April, klslc; Way. s stk-; June" 8.04c; July. (.1; August. p.l; HcptenT: ber, l.loc; October, (Use; Noveuiber, .oc. iar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 14.-HCGAR-Raw stead; muscovado, 88 test. 4. 37c; cen trifugal. M teat, 4 87c; molasaes, test 4.1-c; rtlned steady. ' Usaaka Hap Market. OMAHA. Dec. H.-1IAY-N0. 1. (13 00 No. 8, 811.00; coarse, 810 uo; packing stock 4i5Otj7o0; alfalfa, 3K.U0. Straw; Wheat! (o Ouviu.50, rye and oaie, 87.50. MTaatl Market. ' ST. LOUI8. Mo.. Dec. U-WOOL-hteady; territory and western mediums, lTtnAic; prime mediums, ltxu Lbc; fine, 11 u? 15c t f fee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 14.-C'OFFEl&-No. T lUo, 14c: futures closed steady; Decem ber, U.3U-; Maitb, IJ.iVc A OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Killing- Cattle Around Fifty Cents Lower for Week. HOGS STEADY TO FIYF, LOWER At I-ast ilradr Prleea Prevailed la the Sheep Barn, erltk Here and There Sales that Looked Stronger. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 14, 1311. Receipts Were! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oificiai .Monday OfflNal Tuesday.... Official Wednesday. Estimate Thursday.. 8,17 ,n0 11.149 B.0F.3 , 4.200 11.211 10.3il 10.504 10.22 7.071 (.000 I- our days this week. .26.379 Same days laat week. .13.547 Hame days 2 w ka ago.. 10.719 Name, days 8 Wks ago..22.7f8 5m days 4 w ks ago.. 26.810 Same days last year... 21.653 The following tame shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha lor the year to date, as compared with last yea;: mil. mio. 1j0. lw. Cattle ,1.141.814 1.1S0.284 8S.740 "''M 2.210.711 1.S18.747 44L 864 BneeP 3.127,63 2,870,453 42,890 '1 lie following iuie suowa Hie averaga prices paid lor hog at Nouth Omaha for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. leu. ,uio. lo. ,l. iiv. . U. IliejD. Dec, 8.. 1 1 la 8 03 4 i 4 4 6 W (03 (Ml 6 bul 4 1J 4 81 6 W14 7 28 t M 4 7 U 4 84 M I 7 4.. 8 12 a 4 1 lu 4 IU 6 84 I 7 41 8 22 6 4i 4 4k, U 4 f 5 k.Vil 7 i2 8 22 5 42 IB 161 4 K. VIVsl 7 4o 8 801 5 48 4 47 4 84 f 7 6 8 33 6 53 4 34, ( 21 'l I b 3d 6 41 4 4i a 14 8 7a 0 Vb T 6 I 6 321 4 7li 8 081 4 so Dec. Deo. Dec Deo. Deo. Dec. Dec. 4 8. 7.. 8.. 8.. 10. .. nee. 11 Dec. 12. Dec. 13. I 7 41 8 2 a i 4 4, uoj t 8s I 7 3 8 23 e 38 4 2 08 4 8o Dec. 14.1 Sunday. Receipts and trixDosltlon nf live stock at the Union Btock Yards, South Omaha, oi tne iwenty-iour tiours ending at 3 RKCKlfTB CARS. Cattle. Hon a mhptnU'r'a -., ra. ac m, i-. iiy.. 3S.V! M.ttri 39.WH 27.WI 32,154 22.412 28,577 44.011 27.7K7 M.3'28 2fi.)2 28.3M 3 2 2 3o 2 2 8.. 3d 3 2 1.. 4 2.. 41 15 1 8 1 6 1 . 3 .. .. 14 27 1 Wabash. Ry 1 Mia.Houri l'aciflc Ry. 3 t-nion I'acltic Ry.. 22 C. A N.-W.. eaat.... I C. A N. W.. west.... 26 C, M, R.. M. at O... 2u C, B. A Q, east.... 3 C, 11. A W west.... 57 C, R. I. A P., east.. 11 C, R. 1. at R., went.. 2 Illinois Central Ry. 2 C. O. W. Ry l Total receipts... 16 DISPOSITION-HEAD Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 623 1.4t3 lbl .. 822 2.71: l.bol .. K.I8 2,2.i2 U35 ... 711 2.;w Lkio , 123 , 1.MK ... 42 ... 17 ... til I.. 100 ... 13 ... 82 ... lo ... 3H ... 200 ..... ... 216 ,.. 100 ... 101 ,.. 114 ... 78 1,728 Omaha Packing Co... Swift A Co Cuu'ahy Packing Co. Armour et Co Schwartx-Uoien Co... J. W. Murphy Ray State St. Clair VV. B. Vansant Co.... lienton, V. S. A Lush Hill A Son F. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. li. Roet A Co L. K. Hun McCreary A KelloKg. VV'erthelmor & Degen. H. F. Hamilton Mr.. Kan.-Cal. Co... CUne A Christie Other buyers Totals 4,877 10,648 6.S60 CATTLE Cattle receipts for a Thurs day were very liberal, ltfi cars being re ported In. The receipts for the four days this week amount to 26,379 head, being the largest of any elmllar period since four weeks ago and larger than a year ago by almost 6,00 head. Such a liberal run would naturally give the market a weaker tendency, but unfortunately there has been an additional bear feature con sisting of glutted markets at eastern points. Chicago has slumped very badly this week and waa reported slow and lower again this morning. Under the Influence of the liberal re ceipts and unfavorable advices from other points noted above the market on beet steers this morning opened very slow and dull. Possibly something right good might command steady prices, but the general market on the kind of cattle coming was weak to 10c lower than yes terday, or around 50c lower than last '1 hui sday, wnicli was thehigh day laat What has been said regarding beef steers would apply equally well to the narket on cows and heifers. 1 hey were also slow and dull and generally a little lower analn than yesterday, or around 50c lower than the high day last week. This means that all the advance made on killing cattle last week has been wiped out and more, too. etrlctiy good feeders were very scarce and they have shown very little change all the week, but the tendenoy has been gradually downward on the medium and common kinds of feeders and on light stock cattle. The feeling today on such grades waa weak to lower. Uuotatlons on native cattle: (Jood to choice beef steers, 37.OO4j8.10; fair to good beef steers, (.25b7.O0; common to fair beer steers, 35.oou.25; god to choice heifers. 44. boy 5.76; good to choice cows. 4 ootu6.&0; fair to good cows, 83.754.30: common to fair cows, 32,754(3.65; veal calves. (3.25137. 50. Uuotatlons on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, (5.76&6.60; fair to good beef steers, 8o.00ifr6.76; common to fair beef steers, 84.40435.00; good to choice cows and heifers. 84 DO&6.26; fair to good cows and heifers, 83.6uu4.50; common to fair cows and heifers. 32.75u3.50; good to choice Blockers and feeders. 3o.OOft4.00; fair to good atockero and feeders. (4.76K1 5.26; common to fair stockera and feed ers. (3.60434.75; stock heifers, (3.604.60; bulla, stags, etc.. 33.003a.OO. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. rr. No. At. V n4 m 1170 4 60 1144 4 40 1201 I 6ft .......1340 I 7 1244 83 I I 21 11.. I M4 It) 10.. 1 104.1 I 44 . Ml I 71 II.. 42 11X1 I It 14.. 20 11 J 4 W 13.. 19 M l STrJKRS AND HEIFERS 17.. .1132 I 40 .. 114 ( 40 22 . 1(4 I 24) COW'S. lis I as . 140 I l , 1 24 ,1011 t 60 , UD 3 60 , 4.0 I 60 .am I 40 , Oaa 8 40 , lao 1 74 , 44 I 70 . m I it lilM I 71 .1171 4 M ..11164 4 00 ..lull 4 00 ..lifcl 4 06 ..12! 4 IS ..1121 4 U ..1140 4 20 . . 74 4 26 ..12O0 4 26 . . 160 4 90 ..1220 4 94 .. Ia9 4 40 ..1170 4 46 ..UI1 4 60 ..1127 4 it) ..UN 4 40 to.!! ii'.!! ii... it.!! it!!! II i I 74 I 74 1 1201 t 64 i'io I to 8 M IK to. HEIFERS. 4... 430 I 44 6. .. 4S4 4 40 ..mm 4 at .. 7i0 4 li .. 141 I KS .. 17 4 .. 120 I 26 ..100 4 10 ..1SS0 4 TO ..1600 4 76 ..1460 4 71 ..1244 I 14 .. tOO 1 04 .. 140 7 tt ..100 1 26 .. 146 T :s . . 160 1 64) II... :! 4 0 S2 7 4 ' 24 761 4 24 14..... 770 4 lo T CI IN t BULLS. 140 171 1 100 76 1 , H IM I , .110 i 00 1 m 4 oo i CALVES. Jot 4 oo 1 176 4 26 1 140 4 60 1 110 I 00 I 110 I 1 160 4 76 16... 8... t... II... 16... STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 11 421 4 10 4 lit 6 1 14 114 4 10 II T7I 26 II 6v4 4 M 0 171 J 21 T IM ( 14 Wt IM 4 60 4 40 1 T4 I II T tol 4 40 T lat I 14 II 4l 4 7o SI 72 I IS T0 4 76 II 10 I 46 12 It 4 0 IS Ml IH i 44 4 OS 14 11 46 HOOS Buyers of hogs' were all more or less bearish at the opening, hut their efforts at having coat met with poor auccese. and the market, as a whole. ruled steady to merely a nickel lower. A rather large supply, together with pros pects or a&aaed values in the east, caused the easier feeling among packers and hlppere. Nickel declines were more rreouentiy shown In sales of bacon and high mixed Stuff as these varieties were especially Plentiful In the run. In a aeneral way. good butchers and lard grades changed hands at figure steady or very nearly bo. from atart to finish. Trading proved rather uneven In that part or the market holding orferlnga running from 310 pounds downward, but strong welitht loada sold in uniform fashion throughout. ttevvtplg amounted to sxMueicio nat 1FA loads, everything rhowlna, tip from choice hesvles down to little lls. Ship pers and speculators stl'l favored the butcher classes and bought fully twenty loads In ail. about onelelghth of the total Little pigs were not very popular In any qnartcr landing within a wide spread of 64.:t'u6.Z5. The best lard hoc available made a top of M.15, Identical with yesterday's man price and gooa nutcners lamit-u around 2fi.H0 In moat Instance. Light bacon and high mixed varieties had to ell aa low as 15.50, strictly choice lights moving around 35. M. Demand had a fairly healthy tone during moat of the session And th yard were entirely cleared of sn wetynts before 11 o clock. Representative sales: N. a. Bh. rr. 44 17 ... f 10 " "1 ... 140 14 U2 ... I 4ft 71 14 ... I 70 17 ... 171 4 Ill ... 6 7S M 177 ... I 10 71 114 120 6 0 No. A. 8k. Tr. 24 ... I 72 Ill 44 I M 84 M2 140 I74 w t"o ... nt 14 260 84) 8 00 1 241 N IN II 227 40 I M 12 261 I I 00 I :! 40 I 15 44 242 10 I 00 II 211 M U IM 20 00 Ht ... I aft 75 IJ7 IM I 00 14 40 6 115 71 241 1K0 4 (V) e l-o 140 la 11 14 40 00 ' 11 ... I 66 47 251 4 4 0 I2.......2M Mi 46 276 120 4 t(4 1 Ml ' 6 64 171 12 04 e tl 6 65 14 234 ... 4 06 64 274 ... I 10 7t 241 Ml Kit "1 110 6 10 If 261 10 4 (C '1 U0 I 0 t 2,-,t to 06 II 2"7 W I Ml 41 21 ICO I 06 " 1'4 6 0 II 264 M 4 08 71 224 140 6 to m no ... 4 06 114 ... I 0 II 271 10 10 7 M ... I to 49 711 ... I 10 77 218 ... I til, M 1S4 ... 10 41 841 ... I 6 22 II ... 10 71 1 ... 1 H ift tot ... 10 81 ' ... I 5 24 341 M 4 1 77 Ill ... t 14 J - ... to 42 IM 10 IH 24 ... I 10 6 I W 41 HI 10 1 61 10 H 30 3o ... I It 1" 40 I K5 (4 174 ... 16 44 107 ... I 15 it 878 ... It PIQS-ODDS AND ENDS. 41 118 ... 4 60 40 142 ... I S3 88 71 ... 4 60 42 114 ... 4 76 40 14 ... 4 60 il 121 ... 4 VS 44 141 ... 6 00 fiHEEP Most of the regular buyers of fat sheep and lambs were out In the al leys early and a good market existed for anything fed out long Enough to dress properly. In all Important respects the trade ruled steady, but there were various sales of medium stuff that looked a little stronger when due allowance was made for quality. High grade stock generally drew the better demand and usually sold witnin the same spreads noted recently Well conditioned western lambs from Nebraska and Iowa feedlots moved around 85.osi'5.70. the latter price being a near limit. It would take something strictly choice In the way of tidy lambs to pass the 85.75 mark at present, de spuo the fact that lo.NMCUio tops were scorea earner in the week, compared with last week s cloBe most kinds of lambs are closing about steady, the main feature ol trade lately being a more severe dis crimination between good to choice and common to medium mutton classes. Matured muttons showed very fair ac tion and firm prices were paid all along the line for anything with dressing prom ise. Good ewes landed at and near (3.40 and some teppy yearling ewes went to the slaughter pens at (4.16. There were only a few strings of wethers on sale. as total receipts were limited to 6.200 head, and values showed no quotable change. Choice, handy wethers were wanted around (4.00, a top that la mar gined about toe above pretty good heav ies. Current sales of matured muttons Indicate a trade Just about steady with that at last week s close. There was nothing much doing In feed' ers for the double reason that supply and demand were both small. Only (.000 head of feeder sheep and lambs, according to packers' tab, have been taken back Into the country thus rar tnis week. (Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, 85.5oj5.8.j; fair to good lambs. 35.264C5.50: feeder lambs. 33.7534.75: fair to choice yearlings, (4.26&4.90; feeder yearlings. 13.Soii4.Hl; good to choice weth ers, (3.75ii4.00; fair to good wethers. (3.50 03.75; feeder wethers, 3.ufl3.3o; gooa to choice ewes, sa.itoojii.w; lair to gooa ewes. 43.10tu3.35; feeder ewes, s. 10313.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Price. 60 fed ewes 132 3 40 64 fed lambs 85 6 fx) 2 fed ewes 104 3 00 187 fed ewes 102 8 2S 33 fed ewes 10S 3 00 60 fed ewes .., 126 3 So 93 fed lambs 83 6 40 66 fed lambs 84 6 60 2& fed yearlings 79 4 15 1006 western ewes, feeders 96 8 15 106 fed lambs 82 6 85 26 fed 'ewes 130 3 25 19 fed lambs 80 6 60 71 fed lambs 88 6 50 3 fed ewes 87 3 10 46 fed ewes, culls 72 6 35 15 culls 63 4 00 34 fed lambs S4 6 25 184 fed ewes 100 3 40 52 fed ewes 92 5 85 66 fed ewes 118 3 40 656 Wyoming ewes, feeders 95 3 IB 240 Wyoming ewes, feeders...... fft 3 15 150 Wyoming ewes, feeders 94 3 15 CHICAGO LIVE: STOCK .MARKET Demand for Cattle Dall Hogr Slow -Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Dec. 14. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 7,000 head. Market dull and weak; beeves, 34.6;n8.!); Texas steers, (4.106.76; western steers. (4.50fB6.60; stock ers and feeders, (3.253.80:, oows and heif ers, (1.90t.25; calves, 33.6bfr3.00 HOGS Receipts, estimated at 4.000 head. Market slow at opening price; light, 35.55$6.12i; mixed. (6.8&66.27Vi; heavy, (5.9Ot.30; rough. 85.90ji6.(16; good to choice heavy, (6.05ti.30: pigs, (iiO 6.60; bulk of rales 35.95S6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 21,000 head. Market steady; na tive. (2. 80m 4. 15; western, (2. 754.30; year lings, 84.25gr6.60. Lambs: Native, 84.250 0.20; western, (4.254j.20. St. I.onia Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts., 8, 200 head, including 900 Texas steers; market, steady: native shipping and export steers, (S0oti9.36; dressed and butchers' steers, (5.25(1(8.00: steers under 1,000 pounds. 14.001(1. 25; stockers and feed ers. 13.00-ns.uu; cows and heifers, 83-0IK3 T.oo; canners. (1.0O(t3.00; bulls, (3.75i5 25; calves, (i.25iBK.J5; Texas and Indian stnrs, H?i7.0q: cows and heifers, 84.50i(j7.00. HOGS Receipts, 11,600 head; market, steady; pigs and lights. 34.2.Vdi.l6: mixed and butchers, (6.80it6.40; good heavy, (6.20 nun. 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.800 head; market, lftii loc lower: native mut tons, O.OilH 00; lambs, (4.254t.10; culls and bucks, (1.25i(3.00; Blockers. (1.502.55. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITV. Dec 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,500 head, including 900 southerns; market, slow, steady to weak; dressed ex port Kteers, 3o.bOaS.76: fair to good. (5.25t 4.50; western steers, 84.50ft6.50; stockers and feeders, 83.75(116.90; southern steers, (4.My f.MU; southern cows. 33.Ourq4.50; native cows, I2.754j5.2o; native heifers. (t.OOjJV.OO; duns. aj.tKvuc.uu; calves, o4.auo.is.vu. HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head; market 5c lower: bulk of sales. 35.7Wi6.20: heavv. (6.15(i6.2r; packers and butchers. 36.004? 6.25; lights, 85.6O0J6.lO: pigs, 4.50v6.25. SitEbP AND IAMUS Receipts, 5,000 head; market steady to 15c lower; mut tons, (4. huiu-5. 85: yearling. 44 0u4iJ.OO; wethers, 33.4di4.tt: ewes. (XOOWS.uO; stock ers and feeders, (2.2tgt.u0. SI. Joseph 1,1 ve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Iee. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, I.80O head. Market steady;, steers, (45orn6.iT. cows and heifers, 32.t36.00; calves. (3.50t!7.60 HUGS Receipts, 11.000 head. Market steady to aeak; top, 86.25; bulk of sales. lo. ;;! 10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.000 head. Market steady; lambs, 84.508.00. Stork la SltfJit. nMlnl. nf 11 ru- tr - V. i .- urai nroirnt mat nria jHinuafi Cattle. It ova South Omaha 4.20 St. Joseph 1.8U0 Kansas City 3.6O0 Chicago 7,000 St. Louis 3.300 Totals ..18.700 41,900 Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Dec 11. DRY GOODS Both the primary and secondary ootton goods markets were quiet during the day. Cotton yarns were dull but firm. Raw silk showed a downward tendency on the Japanese market. Staple overcoat ings were opened for the lsll season by the American Woolen company. The de mand for diets goods waa not so active as last week. Persistent Advertiuing is the Road te Big Returns. , Sheep. 10.5U0 6.10 14. On) S.UO 13.0U) (.Out) 34.000 21.000 H.tXA) 4.9U0 83.100 FOUR PERS0NS MURDERED Three Women and Man Beaten to Death Near Albany, N. Y. BODIES FOUND IN THE BARN Police Arc Looking; .for Italian Farm Hand S appose to Be Insane Money- la tke II ease Is Mot Dlstnrked. ' ALBA NT, N. T., Dec. lt-Bome tima between last Thursday noon and even ing an Italian farm hand employed by the Morner family of De Freeetvllle, a Rensselaer county hamlet, six miles front Albany, Is believed by the police to hav slain Mrs. Conrad Morner, a widow; her two daughters. Edith, aged 20, ami Blanche, aged 17, and her 28-year-old son, Arthur. The bodies of the three women were discovered last night in the cow barn on the Morner place, where they had been ao hacked with a hatchet and battered with a balestlck that the murderer had been able to crush all three or them Into a small manure pile on one side of tho stable. 'Arthur Morner's body, with th" throat cut, waa found under another part c-f the barn floor. Trace of the farm hand, who was known as Ed Dennis, Is lacking:. A blood stained hatchet and A four-foot balestlck were found In the pit near the three bodies and with these the police be lieve the murderer first felled and then mutilated his victims. Mrs. Morner had received a blow from the hatchet on the right side of the head and her skull was fractured In several places. The body of the elder girl. Edith, also was badly cut and bruised. Her head was nearly' severed by a blow from the hatchet and there was a large hole In her left temple. The younger girl's body was the least mutilated. Motive for the crime seems to bo lack ing. What money there was In the house before the murder was found Intact. Indications, the authorities say, point to the murderer aa being; Insane. Western Governors Visit Columbus and Cincinnati COLUMBUS. O.. Dec. 14.-Arrlving In Columbus from Pittsburgh today, tho western fovernors, now homeward bound, were greeted by a reception committee and a program providing entertainment for every minute of the five hours they had arranged to spend here. As soon as the special train had come to a stop In the Union station the city's reception committee conducted the guests to the office of Governor Judson Harmon In the state house, where for half an hour they chatted with the latter and other state officials. The program also calls for a visit to Ohio Btate university, to be followed by dinner at a downtown hotel, at which Governor Harmon will act as toast master. CINCINNATI. O., Dee, 14,-Tbe special train bearing the western governors, who have been touring the east, was due here late today. A reception has been ar ranged, one of the features of which will be an automobile parade. The governors will be met at the depot by the city officials and given the place of honor in the parade, which is to tour the principal streets. A banquet at the Business Men's club will conclude their brief stay. Crew Abandoning Steamship Delhi; Loss Will Be Total GIBRALTAR, Dec. 14.-A11 the members of the royal party comprising the prin cess royal, the duke of Fife and their two daughters, who suffered such ter rible experiences during their landinc from the wreck of the steamer Delhi off Cape Spartel yesterday, are reported to be well today, although much exhausted. Ten of the male passengers of the Delhi are still in board. They and the crew, will It Is said, be landed In the course- of the day. by means of the rocket ap paratus. It Is Impossible for lite saving boats to approach the wreck because of the high sea. The stern of the liner has shifted further ashore and the vessel Is badly strained. According to later reports from Cape Spartel, the position of the wrecked steamer Delhi has now become so perilous that the entire crew will be ( obliged to abandon it. Only five passengers are still on board. All the others have been taken off and have reached Tangier on mule back. The steamer Is undoubtedly lost, but Its cargo maybe raved. Proposal to Keep iederal Employes Outof Politics PHILADELPHIA, lire. 14.-A nation wide campaign to keep federal employes out of politics Is suggested in the rennrt of the council of the National Civil Berv-. Ice league, which began Its annual con vention here today. The report says: The federal postmasters, collectors, etc., the kind of officials that formed so large a part of the delegations to the re publican presidential convention of lflos. and whose activities practically controlled the balance of the delegates from the southern states are none of them under civil service rules, and the rjreaent ev. ecutlve order regarding excessive political activity is of small practical value In re straining such officers from undua notiti. cat activity. We propose to have an In vestigation of the activity of federal officeholders during the coming cam paign." TAFT DOES NOT COMMIT HIMSELF ON PENSIONS WASHINGTON, Dec. l4.-Although ap-' pealed to today by Judge Harvey M. Trimble, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Kcpubllo and other officers of that organisation lo do all In hla power to provide increased pensions for civil war veterans. President Taft, It la believed, will not sign any act providing such an Increase aa the Sherwood doU lar-a-day bill. Th presideit, it waa said, refused ta commit himself as tobow he would aajt. St. Laata Jary Defies Jadge. HT 1 M 1 W. 11 K III ..,,. a. sign a verdict ordered by Circuit Judge , . 1 Liimw, iuv imuia in ins mi uerrnott Will " . liuluU tenj.d-Mn.lu hu.a .. ... . . , . I - ' w LI J . UClVIllliaU a A.,.utn nu M.h an .. . . . . rlghts to decide fur themselves. Judge Wi throw did not call the Jurors before uiut touajr.