c UIE J1KK: OMAILA. TilUKSJJAY, JJECEMBKH 14, liill Thk oma2iaDajl,y 1m-;e -i"fvf ri ft vTFhW A ill M' HK W ATMt vT T lit HH K WAT K h7 K 1 7 T R TKHr iTf'INO, KA UN AM AND I7TM r.ntre1 m Omaha poHtofflce as w-ind rlaae mltr. IKRSIH iK St HSCRIITION. Ponder Hee. on year .$: hattirdaT Bee. one vear II .Wt Iatly He ithniit Hunday). one year 4 1'atly Ke and Sondav. on ver. 00 I'KI.IVKRKD nr i'AWUKR. Krnlt liee (with mrAav. pe ma .. ' J'ally Ha (Including- Hiimiavl. per mof Illf He (without S'imiav), per mo... 4: Address all romplalrta .r lrrular!tla In delivery " 1 1 - '"irr'ilnMon tx-pt. Rr.MlTTANCK. Remit by draft, fxi"i"i or roata! order. Jayabla to The Bee lobllhlna- company, only 2-rent ttamM r--lval In payment ft small trmunn. I'er.onal cheeks, -ept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not M"epted . . ' Cmaha-The R H'lllding. Ko.ith Omaha-TU N. St. l onnrll Hhlff, 1'. Scott Ft. Lincoln M LltHe ftiilMiiif. lirao-1Ms Miirrjitette HulMlng. Kansas Hv- Reliance Rtilld'n. New York H Vet Thirty-third. Washington 'V Fourteenth Kt.. N ii:ksi,onikn'K. i"nniminl'itil"iia relatltta to tiews . w. and flitorlHl malir ehould b addressed maha Ree. LditnrUI I lepsrtment KOVKMIU-R riHCPLATION. 50,573 ftal of Nebraska. County of ro;ig1s. a-. IiwlKht Williams, rirrulatlon mananer of ihe Re I''il)ll"htn company, being duly sworn. v that the average dally circulation, lexa spoiled, unused end re. turned roplea, for the month of Novem ber, 1911, wai fAETs. 1WII1T WILLIAM. Or iilallhn slimeger. pMbrrlhed In mv presence and sworn to before ma thlt Cth day of I)ermtM r, 1811. (Seal) ROUKKT lli'NTKH. Notary Fubllo. Sabserthers learlaa- eltr temporarily ahnalri hay Tfce Ret ma Ilea 1 tbaaa. Aaareee H takes a long time) to get through crowning King; Oeorgc. ' As th evangelist says, "Now the accepted time" toK shop. I Jiegln to get the ChrlHtmas spirit by shopping before Chrliitmas eve. Mr. Carnegie says he docs not care what folk think about him. Ie ran afford It. It might be remarked, though, that there were no Carnegie pension funds in 1896. The old political game over pen sions is one. of the most ancient In the history of congress. Where would tlon City" be torlum? "Omaha the Conven without an Audl- i New York propones to have lrlson for flirts. That big city will took Quocr behind the bars. The Hyde defense taught other great defenses a new one when that Juror escaped over the transom,. Thus far that Hyde Juror has not Jumped back through the transom over which he left. The prosecution in the Hyde case ahould remember that one of its du ties was to keep the Jurors from escaping. The gathering of the Anti-Saloon league delegates at Washington probably wilt have a sobering effect on congress. The Ft. Louis police evidently do not know art when they tee It. They made Gertrude Hoffmann cover her legs when she danced. If one American can make so much trouble for the whole Russian em pire as our Mr. Bbuster has, what would an army of Americana do? Link EteffeDs Intimates that the whole country is falling down. Strange, too, with the strong hand of Link to support it. A. lull obviously a misconception to believe that, because ahe was the first woman, Eve inatltuted the cus tom of banging up the stocking at Christmas time. . f'erbapa Mr. . Itofkefeller resigned t'6'a void" tefng 'subpoenaed 'ae" a wll'- neB.' 'Still that aeems to have been unnecessary, for he never bad any trouble avoiding aubponaes. To say that "The women of Call fornla voted with intelligence at the recent election," is only another way of asserting that they voted with the men Who threw that brick?. Clareuce K. Harman is - so well pleased Wlih Ills exercise gallop last month, that be la going to try it all over again) In .191;. WllJ Mike" Harrington please tuko note? Ttis Chkitgo papers are proposing the conundrum, "Why Is a police Inspector?" Omaha must have known that was an uuaoivable riddle when, she decided not to call them "inspectors." ' , While the city council Is appoint ing special committees of Inquiry, it might as well give a little attention to tbe paving situation. Where there baa been so much, smoke, there must be a little fire. John "Optimistic" Yelser is uot willing to admit that tbe action of tbe republican national committee la AYauhligtoo serloualy affec ts the chance of renominating Roosevelt. As a hopeful person, Colonel Yelaer ).as Mark TapUy beaten by many The Farmer's Share. Quite a little has been heard dur ing the last" few months. In connec tion with the dlxcustlon of the high rout of living, of the farmer'a share In the prosperity that has come w-lth the general uplift In price. Figures Just sent out from the census bureau may be Interesting in this connection. The comparisons used by the cen sus bureau are for the years 1899 and 1909. The crop of rorn In the latter year was 4.8 per rent less than In 199. and yet It sold on the mar ket at a price Increase of 7.1.7 pet cent. The wheat crop was 3.S per 4nt greater In'' 1901 -than In 1899, and the selling price was 77.8 per cent greater. Of potatoes, the crop In 1909 was 42.4 per cent greater than In 1899, and the selling price was 69.2 per cent greater. Hay and forage crops show similar increases In price. These figures would seem to Indicate that the farmer has shared fully In the general advance In price for produce, the prices quoted being farm prices. It Is Interesting also to note that Xebranka takes a very high rank among the states or toe union, in corn acreage Nebraska was fifth In 1899, and fourth In 1909, while in corn production, Nebraska's rank was fourth Jn 1699, and fifth in 1909. In wheat ' acreage,' Nebraska was eighth in 1899, and fifth In 1909. In total yield of wheat for the year 1899, Nebraska held eighth place, and In 1909 had moved up to fourth place. The Nebraska corn yield was 14.6 per cent less In 1909 than It was In 1899, jet the farmer received a price 72.2 per cent greater for his 1909 crop. Nebraska's wheat yield for 1909 was, 91. per .cent greater than In 1899, and the return to the farmer was 272.4 per cent greater. Of potatoes, Nebraska showed In 1909 an Increase of 3.8 per cent over 1899, and an Increase in the farmer's price received of 118.2 per cent. These authoritative figures tell t story that is far more eloquent than words concerning the prosperity of Nebraska. Western Governors in the Eait. Judging from tbe tone of newspa per editorials, the' western governors have made a decided lilt with their private train excursion in tbe east and aro being most cordially re celved. This marks a wholesome change In view and sentiment of the east toward the west.' Nobody seems to be laughing at tbe project or re garding it as undignified foa govern ors to go forth aa tbe official pub licity agents of their respective states and their resources, but on the other hand, many newspapers think it In vltes a, return visit from eastern gov ernors. On this point the.Wasblngton Star says: - ' " ' It would ba by no means profitless firt the eastern governors to return the call. Perhaps a series of sectional excursions of this character might ba organised (or tha purpose of making all parts of the country mutually acquainted. , ( Mutual acquaintance certainly Is desired between the various sections of this great country. Doubtless east-1 ernors were Just as Ignorant aa the westerners obviously were df the fact that western coaches were too big to travel in eastern tunnels, aa a result of which the governors' special ehow train could not get into the national capital. But, aa tbe Washington Star observes, "Even tbia compulsory stoppage of the train at Baltimore baa Its auggestlve aspect." Entitled to Hearty Applause," is the caption over a Brooklyn Kagle editorial on the governors' visit to New York. "They deserve .the hos pitality of our people," the Eagle re marks. And the dignified old N'ew York Tribune declares: " New York City welcomes -tha vlaltlng governors out of the west. It Is heartily glad to greet them and cherishes no doubt that It can make this official visit as pleaaant and Interesting and in structive as the unofficial visits they may have mada here Individually. Tills country la ailll too much of a land of " sectional feeling. a Mew York welcomes the vUltlrui guvern- ora a a a tweaua thalr vlalt and erery- auc h-iMterokaage of courtesies be tween representatives of different sec tions of the land help to better under standing of tha problems of our com mon oountry. "Welcome -to Oovernora," la the way the Baltimore American Intro duces a column-long editorial, in which it says: . This vllUii of the governors of soma sections In (he domalita of others is one of tha brat expressions of tha fraternity of tha stales, and Is one of tha features of tha latter day movement for tha heads of tha state' governments to get together for exchange of Ideaa and Ihe formation of policies of common, Interest to the states aa such.' This movement Is as yet In Us Infancy, but tha maturing process is being watched with wide. Intel eat In n a bearing upon tba eonearvation of the prerogatives of Ihe states In exact con formity with the enlarging scop of fed- lal control. These expressions are but. typical of others all along the trip. They Show that the project haa struck tbe conservative, thoughtful east as worth while. I'ndoubtedly it Is a good thing and It will produce better re sults it It leads to a mutual exchange of visits from east and weet. Chamber of Foreign Commerce. It may be too much, to expect oun greas at this aesalon to get around" to the president's recommendation' for a chamber of foreign 'commerce, but it would be a good thing if it did Our foreign trade needs nothing quite so touch as more systematic management. Such a department would tend to supply the want. It Is In direct line vilth the plan promul gated a couple of years ago of re calling our foreign consuls and hav ing them go among the business men of this country to Inform them con cerning the foreign commercial field and the methods by which its needs might be supplied. It had been found that our merchants and manufac turers were not making the proper effort to adapt their wares to the tastes and demands of the people to whom they were sent, and as a re sult we were rapidly losing business, or, at least, not gaining It as we ahould. This was forcibly demon strated at some of the commercial expositions at Vienna and other lead ing European centers of trade. By comparison. American goods suf fered. They betrayed an evident lack of knowledge on the part of the man ufacturer or the merchant of the needs and desires of the Kropean. All this could be corrected by a small effort, or a little more atten tion to business, such as our business men give to their domestic trade. Our consuls were brought homo to preach this, and, no doubt, have done aome good by It. But what Is stll further required to give ua the com merclal advantage we ought to hold Is greater authority and official Im petus back of our trade lines. This could be obtained through such a chamber of foreign commerce as the president proposes in hls message to congress. It would establish A cen tral organization in touch with both foreign conditions and domestic in terests, offering facility for the en largement of our. commerce abroad. Fred B. Smith of the Men and Religion movement, while In St Louis declared that city was looser In its morals than any other city In the country. Now, if Mr. Smith should repeat that of Omaha when he comes here, we will know he Is only Joking. Lancaater county taxpayers are beginning to look with Interested eyea on the bills the sheriff is col lecting for boarding prisoners. Doug las county went through this ex perience several years ago, and cleaned the matter up. The convention of county officers at Grand Island haa again been told that the matter of real estate assess ment In Nebraska haa not yet been reduced to exactitude; alao that the democratic legislature's tinkering with the revenue law has done more barm than good. These obvious facta should be kept In mind by pros pective lawmakers. To the great disappointment of a large number of Interested demo crats, the proceedings of the repub- Jlqan .national committee in its final session were harmonious. This d6eahH promise a great deal for the hopes of Harmon, Dryan and the others who can only see success in republican differences. The gallantry of our correspond ents who are rushing to the defense of Mother Eve la being dlaplayed In worthy cause. It may well be ques tioned if ever a aon of Adam lived who was not atihamed of tbe "old man" for trying to dodge behind his wife's fig leaf that day in the garden. Senator Brown announces that he will not seek re-election unless en dorsed at a primary, which la merely another way of aaylng that it would be useleas for a man in Nebraska who had not been given tbe vote of the people to go before the legisla ture. A riot at the meeting called io pro mote universal peace waa not the most appropriate precedent. Yet If tbe Gotbamltes can get It in no other way, they will have general permission to fight for conciliation and arbitration. The Toledo Blade says that "W. B." might mean either Bryan or Burns, for both are detectives, "but the crime of '73 is the only one Mr Bryan ever worked on." And ho failed to secure a conviction on' that. Secretary of State Walt is cudgel ing his brain over the problem of how to get the names of presidential candidates on the primary ballot. An Off-hand solution of this question would be to put them there When Mr. Dickens saya his Impres sions are the same as were those of his Illustrious father, he muat be tareful to explain whether be meant his father'a first or laat impression, If he would make a hit with ua. Some of the democrats In rongreas want; to throw Martin Littleton over the transom for simply riding on the same boat with Andrew Carnegie. Can Governor Wilson figure out from that where he gets off? t'raaklnc n Hash laaarr. W. Morgan Phuter, the American who went over to Persia for the purpose ot taking charge of that country's finances, Is In daager of losing his Job because Kuaaie doesn't like the way he does things. Ferolav has tha misfortune of being In a minor league. (ism ass kvlfeet. Louisville Courier-Journal, fclalisltca show thai France exports champagne to America and makes money while Importing 147 0uO00 gallons of wine to drink. This throws a little light upon tha question of why there are so many full savings hanks In Fiance as well as too uieuy full Americans la America. obklncfBackwanl IliisDnv inOmnlm V SB SalA4V amev V V gTs i -a P COMPILED ffKOM Bf,E MUNI S lrk. I)KC. iT L-e4 Thirty Years Agi The Standard club held a very pleaant party at Its rooms In Barker's buildinif. A large number of friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klspp on Sixteenth street and spent the evening In social amusements. Mr. J. M. Barr left for Boston, where he beoomea confidential secretary of A. E. Touralln of the Burllng-ton. Another teat of the water works took place In tba presence of tha consulting engineer, H. Cook of Toledo, and local official. Water was thrown 141 feet Into the air on the high school square. Heven members of a eurveylng party who had been at work all summer on the new lino of the Utah Northern bad returned to Omaha, tha party Including Ooorge F. Bowen, F. C. Acton, Oeorge K. Harrington. C. F. Harrington, V. 11. Whltted and W. A. Core a. Major Uu I1 o llgus of the Fifth Vnltftd Plates cavalry, tha officer who brouxht Hlttlflg Bull and his warriors Into the I'nlted Mlates territory, is in Omaha on his way to St. J'aul. Nlndqll A Krella. the hatters, have re moved to the northeast corner of Thir teenth and Farnam. O. W. I.lnlnKer has purchased the old brewery and Boinls building near the dis tillery and Intends to establish a large manufactory of agricultural Implements there. The county commissioners held a spe cial meeting- to discuss the different va riettea of stone for the new court house, and seem to favor Berea sandstone. At the regular meeting of George W. Custer post, flrand Army of the Repub lic, tha following officers were elected: F. M. Moore, post commander; V. K. Ilurllgh, senior vice; Harry Kidman, Junl lor vice; If. if. MeCoon. quartermaster; J. nichards, chaplain; M. Hanson, sur geon. Mrs. K. Dickinson, wife of the super intendent of the Laramie division of the tTnlon Pacific, left for Laramie with her child. C. J. Westerdahl, ex-city marshal of Omaha, is at home for a brief vacation. Ha la assisting J. II. Kelner In rradlng the Ht. Paul extension of the Union Pa cific. Twenty Years Ago Tha big International tug-of-war be ban at the Coliseum with 2.000 people out to sea the Germans beat a team of American soldiers from Fort Omaha. Bandy Grlswotd acted as referee and Jack Prince was manager. This was the first of several nights of the struggles In which teams of various nationalities vied with each other. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. 'John Oordon left for Pittsburgh to spend Christmas and then to Washington, D. - C, where tha doctor, pastor of Westminster Pres byterian church, Omaha, was to read a paper before the American tsoeiety oi Church History on "The Papal Bulls Dis tributing In America." Rev. M. B. Lowrle, D. D., was chosen to occupy his pulpit while he waa absent John W. Hayes of Philadelphia, general secretary of the Knights of Labor, called at Tha Bee and Inspected Its entire me chanical plant, tha like of which ha was surprised to find thto far west. . J. A. JUlmbaugh and Miss Helmbaugh left for Bt. Paul. William Wtttaker of the law department of tha Union Paclflo returned from Can ada, where he went on a visit. John M. Thurston returned from a trip to St. IjouIi. J. C. Richardson and Mrs. Richardson left for at. Louis. Mayor Cushlng gladdened the hearts of tha Judges and clerks of tha recent elec tion by deciding finally to sign tha war rants for their pay, over which the mayorl and the council had had a tilt. Ten Years Ago The cold wave became a tempestuous billow, rolling the mercury down to 14 below and It never got higher during the day than 4 above. Tha Board of Review completed Its work, showing that it had mada In creases In the assessments of the five local franchlsed corporations in tha ag gregate of about t2SO,0uo. James Walsh waa building a new barn on his Benson place. Tba plant, stock and good will of the Mercer Chemloal company was sold to George W. Hoobler and Frank B. Porter of Omaha and M. W. Ryeraon of Water loo, la., for a cash consideration. As sociated with them aa stockholders were H Cartan, W. C. Sunderland, J. M. Rich aids and W. K. Hitchcock. Mrs. Ear.vh R. Powell, wife of James M. Powell, 452 Parker street, died at tha age of 44, after a year's Illness. W. II. 8. Hughes, lata president of the Omaha clearing house, was burled at Prospect Hill cemetery, tha funeral serv ices being conducted at tha home, 2571 Dodge street, by Rev. H. C. Herring, and the Masonic service waa held at the grave. , Jay D. Foster returned from Chicago, w here he had been for several days. People Talked About One of the melancholy feature of the ruction In China la the disappearance of the royal yellow jacket from the decora tive scheme of the empire. Iu the ten days of the deer hunting season In Vermont S.4M bucks were killed. The number of hunters and guides bucked out Is not Included In the mortality rec ord. Owing tj the growing rarity of such events the arrival of the stork at the home of a married woman lawyer In Paris prompted adjournment of court for an appropriate celebration. In memory ot Ida Lewis, heroine of Lime Hook light, tha first baby ever born on the little rock waa christened with her name. Tha child la the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hansen, keepers ot the' light. Postmaster Dutton of North llartland Conn., has resigned because tbe lob was toe dull for a live man. With only two families to serve from his office there waan't enough sttck-wblttirrs on the premises to exchange the .time of day The unlucky excursion boat General Slocum. which was burned to the water's edge In New York, causing a loss of I.eiN Uvea, has gone ti tha bottom to stay. What was left of the boat after tha fire was converted Into a coal barge and a gala orf Candy Hook last week blew It into Davy Jcnta' lovktr. Army Gossip Matlera ( Imrreat On sad Raek t Flrlajaj Mae Glean f rm Arntr ai ar Reglater. t'oat nf Army Eqalpateat. An interesting statement has been pre pared showing the Cost of completely equipping for field service l.V Infantrr. IOO cavalry and ona three-Inch field bat ter)". Tha total cost of Infantry Is 7.8.".V that of cavalry IMT.J49 and that of the field battery Sl9.w. On the baM" of four guns per J.00O rifles the coat of artillery Is practically twlr that of In fantry and one-half that of cavalry. For two guns per l.Ooo tha cost of artillery Is the same as that of Infantry and ap proximately one-fourth that of cavalry. It Is asserted that In order to obtain equal results for each dollar expended on the three arms the effectlveneaa ef the cavalry must. In the first cae, be considered as four time that of the Infantry and twice that of the artillery: In the second case, as four times that of either Infantry or artillery. In other words, 1,000 cavalry must equal 4 000 In fantry, trr two four-gun batteries of artillery, while one battery of artillery Is equivalent to !.noo Infantry. Second l.lru truancies. Announcement Is made of the new ap pointments from civil llfo to the urndo of second lieutenant In the army as a result of examinations recently held There remain about seventy vacancies In the grade, to which will be appointed thoso civilian candidates who qualify In the examination to be held beKlnnlng January 12. There may he some opposi tion, on the piirt of conKrcssionnl friends of-momborB of the next graduating class ot West Point, to any more appointments being made, as an additional batch of appointees from civil life, say, thirty or more, would seriously affect the stand ing of the military academy frad'iates of next year, it promises to be an Inter esting situation, at all events. In the end and In either event, there will ba enough vacancies, for, with those remaining and the 109 original vacancies coming along In 1912, there will be not many less than 200 commissions to ba filled out, and about one-half of which will be needed for the West Pointers In the class of 1912. Myaterloua Requirement. The War department has aent soma extraordinary Instructions by telegraph to every department and division com mander In the United States and by cable to the military authorities In tha Philip pines to have submitted at the earliest practicable data reports from every post concerning the physical condition of every officer of the active list. It is evidently desired to obtain definite Information con cerning the fitness of each officer for field service; at least.' it Is so Intimated, and that seems to be the purpose of those responsible for the telegraphic Instruc tions, although no very satisfactory ex planation la vouchsafed at the depart ment. These reports are evidently to come from the post surgeons, who, it to assumed, will conduct Individual ex aminations. The new order, naturally enough, occasions considerable remark, and It Is not surprising to find army of ficers expressing their curiosity concern ing the reaaon for this requirement, which com? on the heels of the annual ride and physical examination of officers. In deed, the War department haa not yet received all the reports from these recently conducted tests, which were sup posed to be sufficient In furnishing the military authorities In Washington with all the "information they required con cerning the physical fitness of army of ficers. No Information concerning the In cident Is given at the War department. It to Just one of those inexplicable oc currences which occasionally distinguish army admlnlxtratlon. Canned Veaetaulra. The commissary general of the army haa developed a new feature In sub sistence supply. His experiments with the canning of tomatoes, peas and corn has met with so much success that it has been extended to include apricots, peaches and pears. Arrangements have been made by which there Is official Inspection of the material from the time It Is received at the canning factory. The vegetables and fruits are purchased while there Is an ample supply In the market to select from and the prices are the lowest be cause of the large quantities purchased, either direct from the factories or In large commercial centers. Preference Is given in the advertisement to vegetables packed In sanitary enameled-llned cans, but prouosiJa aro Invited for them packed lu three styles of cans the sanitary enamel-lined can, the enamel-lined ran, and the ordinary can as experience has shown that sanitary enamel-lined cans are best suited for the purposes of the government, and an effort Is being made In this way to educate the bidders to fol low the preference of the department. The sanitary enameled-llned can adds little to the expense, while It helps to Insure the purity of the contents and sayea con siderable loss, especially In the case of tomatoes, which show a marked reduc tion in loss when packed In this cun, so that, owing to the aeason when the vegetables are procured, the ample stock from which selected, large purchases, thorough Inspection, and style ot can, tha choicest and most satisfactory vege tables are procured at tha lowest prices. White Civilisation Trlmuilaits. Boston Transcript. Siefansson, the Arctic explorer, prom ises to add something- to the world's knowledge if the L'&klmo. his latest con tribution being uu account of meeting cevcral hundred tribesmen who, though they 'had never been a white man, were "mora exemplary In character and lu de portment than civilised people generally are." There Is not much reason to ques tion this statement, but large-minded peo ple may balk at the Implication of It, which is that native races become civil lsed only by contact with white.. We are shipping many Bibles to Africa, for in stance; but we continue to ballast the cargo with rum. tfall for Hot II loud. Philadelphia Itecord. .Willie Ihe season lasts the foot bait killings almost keep pace with the slaughter of the auios. It Is sad. It U serious; but If foot ball were abolished and all the autos piled up for burning In a final auto-da-fe there would be no let up of the strenuous life. The hot blood finds vent, if not In one way In another. tiroilagr lor Kt-oaouiy. 8t. Louis 1, lobe-Democrat, it Is said that t'A.OtXi.OCO a year mii;ht be saved In the fuel bl'.l of American loco motives. That Is a small Item, compared I with the economy that would result from a better heating system for American ihomta. u EEJLOtEER THE MAIKE! l'altimore American: The Maine was blown up by an outside explosion, by a mine placed by Spaniards, and It was one of the most despicable deed ever com-mlttf-d. Spain paid the penalty and de served to pay even a heavier one. New York.-Tribune: The real cause of the external explosion remains undiscov ered. The secret of the Maine remains hid, and probably always will thus re main, unless the seal of secrecy .s broken by a voluntary confession or by an acci dental discovery, which there li no rea son to expect." Perhaps It Is byst so. Springfield Republican: The Spanish government declined an lnvitatlrfn to be represented at Havana in this latest in vestigation, and the declination was evi dently wise. It la possible that Spanish and American experts would not have agreed at all points. In their conclusions. Amerleans, however, are likely to be very few who will now doubt that the Maine was blown up from the outside. St. Louis Republic: While the final American report confirms the oriainal theory that the Maine wns destroyed "by a mine. It Is to be remembered that in pa In the historians have already made up the record that the ship was sacri ficed to the Ignorance and lack nf dis cipline of its officers. Tills Is why Jo seph H. Choate once remarked thnt torao history Is true. Xcvv York Sun: As the world will al ways believe that the destruction of the battleship Maine caused the Spanish American war, and as the same onlulMii prevails generally among' our own people, and with, warrant, it in a great relief to feel that to far as expert knowledge can determine from an Inspection of the en tire wreck as It lies bared to the sky, the United States navy is not responsible or tho disaster that was fraught with such dire consequences. , IndUnatlon at the Till. Chicago Record-Herald. Dr. Wiley says people who adulterate food arc murderers. They will naturally be Indignant, since their only desire Is to Increase their profits, always regard ing the deaths of consumers as being merely Incidental. The Mercer ot (iabfeats. Philadelphia Bulletin. The proposal that Roosevelt address fifty dinners in Nebraska simultaneously, either by telephone or by phonogrAph, suggests a way for President Taft 'to avoid long-distance gabfests on the rail. In the New Home ; You want the bet when starting In the new home. Above all, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable. You are gtire of warmth and comfort with a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater made. It is a sort of portable fireplace. It is ready night and day.'- Just strike a match and light the wick. The Perfection is all aglow in a minute. t The Perfection Oil Heater does not smell not smoke -a patent automatic device prevents that . It can be carried easily from room to room and is equally suitable for any room m the house. Handsomely finished, with nickel trimmings; drums of either turquoiie-blue enamel of plain steel. IgJRFJECTIO nvRauvs1 Wimte Trips Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are Now on Sale Daily via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast. Fourteen Fast Train$ Daily Between Omaha and Chicago The Best of Everything hw:ooi prasa5t5asasti5? 52 sg.gg s? LAUGKCIG GAS. Customer Wliy Co you call thla a eom- mon-sense dlarv? Stationer After the first few rrcs It's ruled like a memorandum book. Judge. "They say w hrn you are operated on once you are aj to be aealn."- "That's quite true; I know by my own experience. Wby, I have been operatei on for appendicitis a number of t'.mes." Baltimore American. Teacher What did the Philistines say after David had slain UolfahT Willie Oh. I suppose they said, "Never mind. The season' voune; yet. Wait liii Pat id hits a slump." Puck. "Yes, we paper-bagged the turkey at oor hoarding house." "Well?" "It csme on the table four times, nnd the fifth time we ata tho beg." Cleve land linln l'ealer. "You have a favorable report on tiies- sample of beer you sent to the chemist?'' "Yes." "What test did he use?" "He diank them." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Clerk I'm afraid I can't let you havo that rirun, sir. Customer Why not? Do I look like a man win would kill himself? t ierk Well, I wouldn't so ro far as to say that, sir: but If I looked like you 1 should be tempted. Washington Star. Jack squinted at tho beanstalk and then began to climb It. "What for?" queried the bystanders. "I am after the' big chaps higher tip," lie explained. Jn tho chronlcirs of that ilav It la re corded that he filially landed them. Chi cago Tribune. "Mr. p.ibliles. wag flint a Christmas present you tere taking home last ingot ; "i wasn't taklnir anything home laflt nlKht. Willie. What do you mean?"- "Why. pa told ma this, morning he saw you come home last n'is:ht with a larne slxcd package on." Baltimore American YE EARLY SHOPPEE. She did her Christmas shopping early, Selecting gifts with seal and care, She arrived before the hurlyburly. She was the earliest shopper there. She had sent home the many parcels, " IvXn mined them ahe read the books She looked the articles all over . And this did not improve their looks. She thought she had considered dulv" The gift best suited to each friend And found she had mistaken truly They seemed not fitting gifts to send. She did her Xmas shopping early. Thus helping girls who long must I saw her a little later She was talking to the exchance clerk. Omaha BAYOLL NE TRBLE. Ak year deskr to shew yaa a Psrlactioa SrookeUxOll Hester, r write tsr daicnpuva circular dsect la say sasacy oi Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) C. The splendid trains of the Chicago and North Western Railway between Omaha and Chicago connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and Southeast, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Through railway onsf tanuhip fi'cAsf an alio on soa fo thn Medittrranian, th Holy Land and to all European cities. Sleeping car reservations and reservations of space on steamships to points named above given prompt and careful attention. Trains leave Omaha for Chicago: 7:40 a. .O0a.Bs. 1:30 .. 12:05 :3Si.b. 12:40 a. 5:10 e.sv 7:55 s TUktt QffiM U0U1403 Farnam Omaha, Net. Strut gas? res-ay? sfgg; - V I,