TI1K HKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. DKtT.MHKU 14, UH1 3 Nebraska , WOMAN IS KILLED BY AUTO iMn. J. M. Edmiston of Lincoln Struck Down on Street. IN HEART OF BUSINESS SECTION Car Driven ljr Prtrr Plamondoa, j Golan; Slowly, Strikes Her as j She Dodgri nn Crowded Intersection. (From a Staff Correspondent.! UNCOLN, Dec. i3. Special.) WalkiiiR directly In the path of an approach In automobile driven by ePter M. Flamon lion, Mr. J. M. IM.nlston of 3201 R ftreet, this city, wjg run down and killed instantly this afternoon. The accident I'ftppened In the heart of the buMnens district, Thirteenth and O rtreets. Mrs. Jvclmiston was walking; to the middle of the street to bonrd a car at the time. She became confused and at tempted to dodge the approaching car, The driver turned to avoid her, but In the oonfuslon the ivoT.cn watt caught by the mudguard and thrown violently to the pavement. The car passed over her body. It v. is stopped n few feet away. Plamonod was nut arrested. According to witnesses, he was ndrlvlnR at a speed estimated between four find eight miles n hour. The accident Is generally re irarded as Unavoidable. , Itexolutlona for Poand. Resolutions commending Judge Roseoe round, formerly connected with the Uni versity of Nebraska for the vacr.nt seal tin the Vnlted States supreme court bench were mailed today to President Taft. The resolutions were passed by the Lancaster county Bar association. School District Revenues. Publio school districts of this state re ceived a total revenue In 1910 of $8,349,- K9.73 and expended during the came time $8,015,027.64, according to a report com piled by. State Suparlntendent Deliell. It follows: RECEIPTS. Amount on hand at the begin ning of the year Jl,4o7,fiJ7.dl From county and township treasurers 6,208,11149 i'rom alo of school district bonds 9G2.4DS.93 I'rom tuition of nonresident pupils 142.8W.24 , I'rom all sources 265,157.19 Total .'.$9,807,197.84 EXPENDITURES. Paid male teachers $ 7fi3.K40.81 Paid female teachers 4.070,KS7.35 Kor building, house and site.... 8M.9;.3l Repairs 3ik,847.16 Fuel 344.6ii3.08 Library books 4.3!8.27 Text books and pupils supplies KW.917.ti3 Furniture ., HB.G91.12 All other purposes 1,149,414.60 Amount on hand at end of year. 1,762,169.70 Total $9,807,197.34 Thompson to Speak j On Recall of Judges 1 (From a Staff Correspondent".) LINCOLN, pec. 12, (Special.) V. H. Thompson of Grand Island will speak be fore the Lancaster Bar association here December 22 on "The Recall of Judges." Jt-is not known what side of tha ques tkThompsonwUltake In hta dlacua elon; " KEARNEY NORMAL TO HAVE TWO COURSES' OF STUDY KEARNEY. Neb.. Dec. 13.-Speclal.)-Announcement was made today by the State . Normal school that the Chicago plan of two-year colleges will be Inau gurated the next semester. This plan Is the outgrowth of the increasing demand that the . normal fit students for high echdol' work.- -The Junior college will offer two years work, granting a first grade certificate upon successful com pletion. The senior course, also a two year course, will follow the Junior col lege, and grant a degree of Bachelor of Kducation to Its graduates. NOTES FROM MADISON COUNTY l.ee Henderson Is Arrested on Pa ternity Charge Preferred by Amen llets. MADISON, Neb., Dec. 13,-(flpeclaL) Lee Henderson, residing west ot Norfolk, fend who has been absent from the county tor several months, was arrested Tues day afternoon by Sheriff Smith charged Vlth being the father of a child born September 11, '1911. to Agnes Mets, ' a minor, daughter or C. E. . Meta of War nervtlle. He entered a plea of not guilty end was released on bonds bI filed by his father. The hearing was set for January 10. 1913. Clifford Williams was bound over by a peace bond this afternoon by County Judge Bates. Levi Johns was the com plainant. Johns charges that Williams carried concealed weapons and threat ened his life. Williams paid all the costs, ifave peace bond for six months and H greed to leave the county. County Judge Bates issued a marriage license Tuesday afternoon to Albert Loyd Hamilton and Miss Lena Krodky, both of Norfolk. Mrs. lie-sole A. Howard of Norfolk lias commenced action in the district court of Madison county, Nebraska, to dissolve the matrimonial bands which bind her to C'lwrlca W. Howard, whom she alleges In her petition has deserted her. GAGE COUNTY NEWS NOTES B'aree Deaths and Tm Weddings Occur Within the Last Two Days. BHATR1CE, Neb., Dec. 13.-(SpecIal.)-Wi. Sarah Conover, living two miles east of Wymore, died at that place Sun day evening of congestion of the lungs, ahe was 49 years of age and leaves four (laughters. John T. Davis and MIhs Medora Jamie son, two young people living north of the city, were married yesterday by Rev. L. D. Young. They w ill spend their honey moon in Omaha, and upon their return will make their home on a farm north of the city. Alex Balderson, an old resident ot Cort land, died at that place Sunday. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon. Edward Franklin Vance of Humboldt, Neb., and Miss May Fullwood of Wymore were married Tuesday morning by Rev. J. E. Davis. The bride and groom will vlstt bere for a few days before return ing to their home at Humboldt. Henry Baehr, an old resident of Han over township, who has been teacher of German and organUt of the Hanover t hurcn for the last ten years, died sud denly at his home twelve miles north east of Beatrice, from apoplexy. He was (4 yars of age and leaves ft widow and avea children. America's Highest Priced Ram f V .. W.t. SHROPSHIRE NOW ON EXHIBITION Commissioners Hear Talk of Good Roads GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 13.-(Spe. clal Telegram.) At the meeting of the county supervisors in session here action was urged with reference to the biennial elections amendment and the project of advertising Nebraska's resources. Sen ator Placek of Wahoo spoke on "The Senate" and corroborated much that was said In the report of the legislative com mittee. He urged action by the conven tion in favor of an expression for a na tional hlgway from ocean to ocean and from Canada to the gulf by national ap propriations. Instead of pouring millions Into making streams navigable when they would not remain that way, and Instead of doing all the road building In Porto Rico and the Philippines. George McBrlde gave the details of the working of the highway commission sys tem and a report of the work done on Douglas county's 600 miles of roads during the last year. This papaer was discussed quite freely by Commissioner Fastenau, Senator Placek and others. W. H. Thompson of this city addressed the convention on the subject of economy and was most attentively listened to. County Superintendent Stevenson of Hamilton county spoke on "Education," P. I. , Cronln of Nuckolls on "Benefits Derived from Membership In this Associa tion," J. M. Dunkel of Hall on "A Sher iffs Views." and Louis Schwartz of Platte on "Piatt County Roads." A committee on resolutions of respect to departed members was appointed. The county clerks met separately today and were called to order by President Mlxen. In the absence of Secretary El lert, C. V. Tost of Lincoln was chosen secretary. An address by Secretary Sey mour on "Assessing" was listened to and discussed at length.. Tha clerks elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President. C. L. Hedlund of Phelps county; vice president,. J. V. McDonald of Pierce county; secretary-treasurer, C. W. Yost of Lincoln county; executive com mittee, Messrs. Dewey of Douglas, Sharp of Stanton, McFarland of Madison. Approximately 200 members and visitors are registered tonight. So far Hcotts Blaff county is the only county openly out after the next convention, which question will be decided by the two conventions Jointly, tomorrow afternoon. NEWS NOTES FROM FAIRBURY Campbell Bros. Circus Will Winter In Texas and Performers Are Returning; Home. FAIRBURY, ,Neb., Dec. 13.-SpecIal.)- Campbell Bros, circus, which has here tofore wintered In Falrbury, closed the season at Beaumont, Tex.,- tout week and went Into winter quarters at San Agus- Une, Tex. A number of Falrbury people who have been traveling with the circus have returned to Falrbury to spend the winter. This circus originated In Falr bury in 1893 and since that time has grown to large dimensions. Messrs. Charles Ankney and Albert Bergeron of this city, while hunting rab bits on Rose creek, several miles south of Falrbury, shot a large grey timber wolf. They were sitting on a log, resting, when the animal came out of -a clump of bushes and started toward them. Bergeron shot the wolf with his automatic shotgun and then clubbed It to death. The animal weighed 100 pounds. Successful revival meetings are In ses sion at the Methodist church in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Rollins, singers, are fur nishing music for the occasion. Superintendent A. L. I'avlnen lias an nounced that In the future no student in the Falrbury schools will be per mitted to do summer work and make up a branch that lie falls to patsa In during the school year. A number of students have succeeded in getting through school In this manner and Mr. Cuvlnoss will sanction the practice no longer. GRAND ISLAND MAN GUILTY OF STATUTORY CHARGE GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Dec. 13.-Spe-clal Telegram.) After belnf out six hours' the Jury In the case of the state against ,F. Kanert. charged with statu tory assault upon Mary Waddlck. aged 14 years, returned a verdict of guilty. The first ballot Is said to have stood nine to three for conviction. Kanert is a sport ing goods dealer and a man of mlddlu age. Kearney to Have V, SI. f. A. KEARNEY. Neb., Dec. 13. (Special ) With the ultimate end of eULll0Ling a permanent Yuuug Men's Christian asso elation iu Kearney s vmmitt cutn- - .. .- . . . -...a 4.j!an tr v s fl . , AT THE OMAHA SHEEP SHOW. posed of representatives of nine churches, the high school, the Commercial club and the State Normal Bchool chose W. W. Barney and John N. Dry den to serve as a committee to take steps In determining tha feasibility of attempting the forma tion of an organixatlon this year. This committee will look over possible loca tions and confer with J. P. Bailey, state secretary of the Nebraska Young Men's Christian association. THIN VEIN OF COAL FOUND IN DODGE COUNTY FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 13.-(Speclal.) Eph Johnson, a farmer of Logan town ship, Is firmly of the opinion that he has discovered a good vein of coal on his farm and was In town yesterday on his way to Lincoln to make a formal applica tion for the state bounty. He I'.aa sent considerable time and money this year Investigating the coal question and says that he has located a vein at a depth of about twenty-five feet and about three feet In thickness. lie tried It In the fur nace at his house and In a range and says It burned well. Mr. Johnson has had the surrounding territory carefully examined by expert coal men and geolo gists who tell him thatjlie Indications are favorable. This is the third discovery of coal that haa been made in this county. The first was near Jamestown about twenty-five years ago. There was coal there, but it was thin, mixed with shale and worthless. The next was ubout fif teen years ago out In Maple township, where several thin veins were cut while digging a well. They were over 200 feet down and of poor quality. The last dis covery Is In a different part of the county and looks as though It might turn out to 'be . worth mining. Experts who have examined the country think the coal probably covers a tract at least three miles in length. There are no vins out cropping. WANTS TEN THOUSAND FOR LOSS OF AN EYE NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Deo. 13.-(Spe-clal.) Louis Speerhase, Jr., lunt evening filed a suit In the district court against John Bose, asking Judgment for $10,81C.C0 Mvyy-" rS'V The Mints rZFrMe- and You! Everythinp; you v like in Landylt Sweet, but just a dash of mint. Creamy, with an exqui- te flavor that and lingers. is the latest wrinkle in candy. Don't miss It. Delicious, tempting. Spun digestion, too. 10 cents a box. Never sold la bulk FARLEY CANDY COMPANY- CHICAGO OMAaA PiiOYLE SHOULD TRY THIS the Sherman & MoConnell Irug Co.. Cor. lGth and Dudge, Cor. ltith and Har ney, Cor. 2ltli and Kurnani, -JOfJ-S N. ltilh Kt. states tliat any one who haw constipa tion, sour stomach or gua on the stomach, should try simple buckthorn bark, gly cerine, etc., as compounded In Adler-1-ka, the new German Appendicitis remedy. A SINGI-K IKWM brings relief almost IN STANTLY and Omaha people are sur prised how QUICKLY It helps. Thlu fcf.niile remedy antlseptlclzes the dlges tle organs and draws off the ImpurltleH. The Kt-eimun &. . Mri'onuel Orug Co., Cor.. lUlli und iJodge, Cor. lith and liar hey, Cor, IMtli and r'aiiiain. iW-ll V i-;th Ktiefti ; r -s in i -KU-.t JST lasts Jy The Mints ForMe for the loss of his left eye. which be al leges the defendant destroyed by shooting lit the eye at Avoca, May , llt Ac cording to the-petition the defendant at tacked th plaintiff In a store at Avoc at that lime without any apparent provo-' Cation anil rirmlnr ravolvnr hn him In' the eye. The $10,000 Is for the loss of the eye and the remainder Is Ur the loss of time and money expended for medical service sines that time. The defendant Is a well-to-do farmer rei-ldlng near Rer un. It Is claimed that the defendant offered to seMle the matter fur J1..W.H but the plaintiff refused, wanting Inrser sum. some time since. Owner of Flour Mill Must Not Operate it in the Night Time SIOVX FALLS, S. D., IV c. U-(Spe cial.) Without doubt the nvvt unliine In- i Junction ever Issued In Smith Dakota or any other northwestern Mato has been issued against the proprietor of a flour- ' In.' -.m ii Vl'hll- 1 kj I The mill Has been so rushed with oidorx for Its product that the proprietor ha l-ren compelled to operate It throughout the (twenty-four hour. It appears that the imive made by tlie mill during the hours of the nl-jlit luis rroen an annoyance to tic nvildtiils of t ie vicinity, who apparently w r not acciibtomed to fuoh evidences of Industry, and they accordingly applied for. and se cured the Injunction so their plumbers would not be disturbed In future. YOUNG WOMAN KILLED IN RUNAWAY AT CLARK, S. D. CLARK. S. 1., Dec. 13,-MihS Jlnudo Kelly of Garden City win killed In runaway near here last night. The teain she was driving while returning to her home became frightened at an automo bile and began to run. She leaped from the vehicle and was Instantly killed. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povtlor cleanses, preserves and beauti fies the teeth, prevents tooth decay and imparts puritj and fragrance to the breath. NOTIFICATION All parties having goods In pawn at Friedman's Loan Rank must redeem same by Deo. 16th, or they will be sold at auction. Auction Bale of dia monds, watches, Jewelry, clothing, every day at n. in. TBIEOMAH'I X.OAJT BAKK, Oor. 13th and Douglas St. (GUFTTl The average person libout Christmas presents cember, but WE are thinking of thorn 365 days In the year every year. That's the reason we claim to know Just a little more about what Is nice what Is suita ble and thoroughly appropriate, than the average per son. The Framers Craft Shop is a truly delightful place In which to make up one's Christmas list, for the reason that our salespeople are competent to extend helpful assistance, and we have plenty of people to In sure satisfactory service. Before you complete YOUR list, we urge you to see our lines of the following: Mezzotints Powell Proofs Iturlington Proofs Ackernian HjKirtiiiK i'rir' i Hand-Colored Photogravures And a thousand otuer suitable A. HOSPB CO. at (Framers 1513 Douglas Street g M ies, D 3867; A 3867 300 South Seventeenth Street, Omaha T By USING A Harmless Remedy; Make the Hair Grow and Restores Natural Color, What a pity it Is to observa so many paopla with thin and faded hair and than rnalUe t.iat tha moat tf these peo ple niltht have a fine bralthy head of hair If they would but use the single "ea-e tea' of our (randrnothers, com bined with other Ingredients for restor Ins and preserving the hair. No one, youns or old, need have fray hair, weak. thin or falling I. air, dandruff or any trouble of the sort if they would but use Wytth'e Ease and Sulphur Hair Jtem-J 4jf. Ha Iht f yntrar, It J yoBalUt to , , ,, ' f ri- i i in i in - -i hi i mi - ir I-..- " (FTRAflRIIIMARV SAI-fn 111 uk u ua.n, un ii u uxjiraun u raiL. if I SMMWM.ll)JM)SlI.L.IlilUllM!liailll)WM 2,500 Furniture Sample from the Grand Rapids Furniture Exhibit Samples Consist of DRESSERS DINING TABLES DAVENPORTS CHIFFONIERS SIDEBOARDS PARLOR SUITES BUFFETS MUSIC CABINETS ROCKERS China Cabinets METAL BEDS Felt Mattresses DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS TO MATCH. DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS TO MATCH. BUFFETS AND CHINA CABINETS to MATCH. mm M Mm A $30 Golden f Oak Cab- jtv A inet for These sample art? marie of best selected stork and magnifirf-nMy finished. Thejr were shown to dealers oidy at the Urund ttaplds furniture exhibit In July. We secured these sample at great diwotint, AVK OFPKJt TIIK8H HAMPLKH AT ABOUT mi u SEE WINDOWS. PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES. 0 TERMS $10 CASH OH $100 WORTH ips'l commences to thlnt about the first of De I'hrlfit ma Cards Artificial Flowers i ltraas Hmoking Sets Copper Smoking Bets Gun Metal Smoking Sets tilings that are all specially for Christmas. Crajft Shop) Guaranteed on Home Builders Shares T SAGE Hi SULPHUR have healthy, vigorous hair, of perfect color, by a tew applications of this re luarkable preparation. Wyeth's (sage and Sulphur llalr Rem edy quickly removes dandruff, leaves the acalp cIomji and healthy, proiuotea the growth of the balr aud restores the natural color of the hair which lias become faded or gray It la a clean, wholesome Jrexslng, which may be used at any time and with perfect safety. Pon t neiilect your hair. Start today with Wyeth's Haifa and Sulphur. This preparation Is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommende i und sold by all druggists. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. Xth and Iiodxe, Cor. lth and Harney, Cor. iHh and i'arnam, S07-I No. Itftli firiA RrtHrl flat TMrtAYnnnn Table, that sells anywhere V U'J.UU for $18.00, only kJXJ a j L3 riyi.HlhHyi.lr.,f,lrAi'.l.lA.'M.ll 5S vA5H -,""ssssiBjesBMBsssMs"l- ' i S i I w s w V ESTABLISH KH IHtHt. Lm. I PfAnTM 13th AnD FARIIAH STS. r,-l 1 ll0"TH Have Your Ticket Read Burlington r! Chicago Horsing 7:15 A. II. Afternoon 4:20 P. M. Evening 6:30 r. II. mm mm Three Great In the Bedroom where children arc, good light is a necessity. Illness may cause a quick demand for a lot of it occasionally. Health demands a moderate amount of it in every waking hour. All demands for light arc met by Incandescent Gas Lamps The demand of covenience, the demand of safety, the demand of economy. This lamp, complete, $1.25 OMAHA r-;ii.'.gB.r-7iir;Si A $32 Combin- s A f? ation Polished VSHStt Oak Cabinet ..VUCJ TERMS nn tsn Trains w Daylight, Sun Parlor, Lounge Car Train ar rives Chicago 8:45.1. M., connecting with night trains for the East, Atlantic Seaboard nnd Now England. Famous No. 6. Mid-Afternoon Train, arrives Chicago at -7 A. M., connecting witli early morning trains to New York and New England. Chair Cars, standard nnd Tourist Sleepers and dining cars. Electric lighted train. Chicago Limited; best train for all classes ot travel; deeper and dining car service avail able at G P. M.; connects with early morning trains to the East and Southeast. .Electric lighted train of chair cars, diners, sleepers und library observation cars. ASK ABOUT THE TOURIST RATES TO THE SOUTH APPLYING ONE WAY VIA CHICAGO. J. II. Reynolds, V. P. A., 1503 Fanuun St. IV1I I'lione, I) 13.18; Intl., A 8323. GAS CO.