2 Tin: w-;i:: omaha. TiinisnAY. dkckmbkr 14. ion. flere's a Delirjhllul Way to Give IVIarK Cross Leather Goods You merely dc)osit with us tin? wnoiint yoa wish, and for which we issue- a certificate, which cjiii le redewmed at any Mark Cross ngency in the U. S. in cither Mark Cross gloves or other leather goods. This I'lan is a jpeclal conven ience In milking Rift to distant relatives or friends yoa mnlt lb certificate, to thorn and they can select the gift themselves at the nearest "Cross" agencr. 'II CIS GOOD YEAR FOR IOWA CROPS i Output of Tarmi Twenty-Six Mil lions Greater Than Last Tear. COBN A1TD OATS IN LEAD '"' Farm rrlees r Kurmrr la Flfty-Foer t ent Tnlal at tatter Crop la Nearly !(, Mil. Hob Dollar. SHIEP BREEDER AS WELL AS A GRAIN BREEDER. FOK LAMES Manicure 4'aer. HOfl Heig Jewel Casea Writing Kel Hewing naftkrta Air IT Hows i fur sen Medicine i'-ase HrlMHMjr CHt Mttsfrn Holla Hrig Whist Ret I'liolo Frame I'or Man n Woiiiaii, There's Nothing Finer Made of Leather I'OII GENTLEMEN Collar Bage 4'lgar and Cigarette Cases Anil Trajra TolMM-rn roaches Desk Hrt HI II I'olds ' Nmokinp Heia English Traya Neckwear Holder Toilet Cases Cigar aad Cigarette Humidors Wliiak Broom Uoldrrs rn arowj ... . r r?onirW Jl VH -V Mill 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET FIGHT -ON MUSCATINE MEN Chargti M7 Be Preferred Againit Officer, of City. LASOR JEN AHE MISTREATED Alleaallmt Made Met QifWMr, Who Will Hear t'aae (wwi , Head State Board ol . Agrlcaltare, i (From a Staff Correspondent. IjfeiH MO1NK0, la., Deo. U.-pwtal Tlegi-am.) -Governor Carroll will take tba Initiative In an actio for th removal front office under th state law of five city and county official of Muscatine, In cludlng tha county at tot nny,. chief of po lice, sheriff,, mayor and poll.' Judge. Tha eiecutlve commit of th federa tion. Governor Carrwll, Hut Dabor Com missioner Van poya and ftpeclal Counsel l.e of th atat department C Justice wei In conference for nearly two hour. Ctoverpor parnHI heard .th statement of, lh Member of th committee In dicated that they will !atr fit formal charge itn affidavit. , ,. . In their alatemeul th member, of th committee charged thro official with ualng their club on. laborer lnit4 of maklnf arrmta, wUh violating: thalr aath of offioe, and with aotlnc beyond their authority. Th trouble grow out of th trlk of the button worker. Caearroa Jkaratat lleada Hoard. Th it a la fanner' UistltuU liW today elected Charl IS. Cameron to be ureal tlent of th rttat Board of Agrleultur for a fourth time, and alao r-elcte4 Vloe rntaidont Oiaon and all mmbr of the UlimUHy board whoa term now expire, Krcrelary Hponaler of th Kaoaaa Bteta fair axldrexaed the oonrentlon. Krport of the official of th Iowa fair ahowed the department to be In excellent financial condition, Uefereaa l Maaaa t'-aae. Judge Wunarr In federal court today entered an order that th laauea Involved In th ault or th government for an ac counting o th part of B. II. Maaon, for mer clerk of federal court, ahould b eubaihted ta tore referee, who will com. mano on th work la February. The de fen agreed to thl arrangement. Kelly Caeo Pat Orer. Th dlatrlct court today poatponed for a week the argument In the Kelly murder caae, Involving entering Judgment on the verdict of Inaan but guilty of man alaughtar. rMWa Head Trade Cwaatelt. The leva building trade council today elected Gua Vrook of thl city president antltlWMW uon Marahailtowa aa the aelt place of meeting. JUROR SENDS WORD TO WIFE TAFT INITIATES INQUIRY president waa ta communication, wit At torney Ooneral Wlckereham and the ar ar went forth to United State JUetrtot Attorney Miller to begin the government inveatlgatioa) at Indlanapolli. Kffoot le laaaodla. Th effect her o far a the tate waa cviicenied waa Immediate. Dlatrlct At torney Frederick waa elated. Many wit iUMe who had been perauaded by friend of th defena not te con her to testify varne over to the aide of th atat. A tha hand ef the federal government aa dlecloaed another clrcuniatano wma added to the rapidly growing . n,at for surrender from tha HcNnmaree. lMriis etioriiey admit today that Ihry fell th effect of th government' hand and with tli transfer of evldeno In lidlatia.ulis. previously tied up, they aw th beginning of the government diagiitt oitlng the stat. "Tli pivaldcMt'a real rt In tlila mat ter has never been known." declared a inaa whu know th details of It. "II nt ahead regardless of peramial con. tldeiatloiu. and would hav proceeded much esrUer. I aa, lt w- 'jre told Mm th facta. A th evl dene Was romlig In d4l!', however, It iKposaihi t take the matter up by niaU with Attorney Uuneral Wlckvrsbam. letter paaa through the hands of many tlerka. Our only mov to apiel to lh (Hrealdeat direct wbea h cam out line and hp acted at once." The federal Investigation her v. Ill be fmishtd In a few day, lndiotmeuts will tiot be returned fcere. howuvec. until the Indianapolla Investigation la well under ay. : . The DriatUaent of JuMlce, It I. ,id, I. anxious t have Mr. Iwler go to U tilaiinpolls t assist In the lnvatlg4Uoi the I, air. Ijtwltig ranilllarUy Kh the onrelona of Oitle E. McNatilal. the suveiBmr(lt', a4ar alina. la given as th taaoo for asking l.lm to go le Indian ejila to intrrrogat alcManlgal. s - . ..: i fKrom a Htff Corretxncl-iit. DKS MUINKH, la.. De. n inir, lul i- Vr. ,rorae M. ('happen. hnl of the Iowa weather and crop servl e, tiwlay pre fnied hia final report fur the erop yea on Iowa rrnpa, lo th state farmers In rtltute In seaslon. The report Is a flat terlnsr nnp In that It show that the crop value for the year wa over fjK,0nn,- oho more than tho year before. The re port ray Following la a aummarr of rrourla from rrop correspondents of the Iowa weather and crop service, and thresher nmt, snowing me average yield per err and total yields of ataple soil product, and the average price at the farms or nearest station, l)ecember 1, 1911. Tho rain gained by feeding farm crop for production of live stork, poultry and dairy products, la not taken Into conxlderatlon In this report. Cora. Wheat aad (lata Corn Th estimated acreage of the coi n crop I H,M,dW seres, or ICS.6U0 acres more than waa planted last year, aa shown by the report of the township assessors. The average yield per acre for the state this year waa IB.t bushels, making a total yfeld of l,3fW,W0 biiKlicls. The average farm price on iJecember 1 was M cents per bushel, making the .aggregate, value IIM.937,1. Last year the estimated yield was 19.7 bushels per acre; aggregato yield iM.wm.KiO bushels; average price waa 36 cents; total value, 1117,822.310. Oata The area harvested was ,StS0.501 acres; average yield, 2.T bushel per acre total yield, 1,3M.XM buahela: aggregate value, at 41 cent per buhl, $r,,285,40S, pring Wheat-Area harvested, 8SS.61 acres; average yield, 13.1 bushel per acre total yield, 4.6,1,100 buahela; price put bushel, M cent; tetal value, M.030.O7O. Winter Wheat Are harvested. sv?ei AlyilenOUl jaeiienfer Calla UpOB ; average yield per acre, 19.7 bushels; Mn Henrv Waldron ' ,"' y"ra' W buahels; average price, 9 I VTI rMrtm t-kar hnahali lAlal a. at 1.. m-l lot r-n I - - t'- ""lenui iv ii vatiurr, 9 ), 001,01 V, I sr. . . WlT.IfiT THY TO TnTTrtW WTM ""-wr-Averag per acre, 22.9 bushels - - w u (Mil 1111 t 1V7 H kt,.l.. I I ...iirM) 1.1 III ii fi.r, ' . ... - -H.IS . .. aad t. Uoabtleae l.aaahlag at mcr. t6U, cro- mAy) bu.h.. farm Rffort f Ilepatlr ta I price, 7t cent per bushel; total value. Claa Him. eWl.tti. Ptaxsted-Averaga per" acre. .6 bush- KAKHAS ClTr, Dee. It-That th wlf '; total product. 173,710 bushels; total of Harry W. Waldron, whs ewoaped early value at $S per bushel. iru7,420. Monday enurnlng from the Jury hearing I Polatoee Average yield per acre. 71 the evldnno In ui trial ef Dr. B. Clark buahela ; total yield, .88fl.S bushels: av liyde, aeonsed of the murder f Colonel 1 erage price, Tl rnt; total value, ,3M,S!7. Thomaa 11. Swope, ha had word I rem Hay (tame) Aver ago yield. 0.8 ton the missing Juror I the belief today el total yield, 8,246,'MO ton: average price, the deputies In the county prosecutor lu-i; total value, M3,t38,2S. office who have been trying te looau I Hay (wild) Average yield, .8 ton; total waldron. Tha visit of a strange man, yield, m.llS tone; average pike, I10.2S; wno entered the home or Mr, waldron lotai value, 17,021,11. last night and held a whiscered cenrersa- tlon with her, ha a routed suspicion In L? th minds of the officer which have dl. Hprlng' wheat pcneo tn tener inet watdran Is mentally winter wheat . deranged, and wandering, ar that he hai G ' killed hlmeelf. Instead aA beliat ha rx ".'.1'. (ormea mat n M anve and In hiding, foiatoe .. and doubtleaa laughing at the futile f- Jam, a . . as . . , . . . . I a aa , nim ion pi.tne orpuur to local mm. Pasture and araaina a ssuage , Timothy and clover The stranger wa greeted effuslv.ly at rJE? .. her home lust night by Mrs. Waldron Wpcorn ....!!."!.'!!,"! and she drew him hurriedly apart, whore ELuAt.crop" ; they .ilked. Bav that ah wa heard Miscellaneous crop..' iu can mm jonn no inaung 01 tn man'a Identity or bf the nature of thsir L- TolV ' . JU,91.1M eonv.rs.tlon wa. conveyed to th d.- rV.V." lr' ! . r0.!: 862,47.t l tr1 tAhV 'hat fiaiMA allantlil a n.l I ' . .ll'. .rir.::.:- R ichard Morrison ln te learn hi Identity. It waa the hop of tha officer ta locat th man and today question him closely aa te hi knowledge of the whereebuuts of th WRBVftTKR CITY. j.. Dec ""ll Hpe- caped juror. enti Tehtgram.KJudge Wright thla morn Strength to the officers' belief ' that I ln sentenced Richard Morrison, con- word waa brought by the stranger Irora I ' burglar, caught In tha Channer her husband waa given by the cheerful, atore here and a member ef tha gang aea displayed by Mra. Waldroa after tike wll,un 1,d committed many bank and visit. Before that aba had been down- "ore robberies In north central Iowa, to cast Later aha went to brd aPDarenlly n ''' In tha penitentiary, In a happy frame of mind. William Green wa acquitted by a Jury KarHer In the evening twe women called l 'ha charge of assault with Intent to upon Mrs. Waldron, They both explained 0w iUon. The verdict created a that they were aouualntancee there eeneaiion. ureen Stabbed Dillon In. tha merely for a friendly visit aad vlsorou.lv aoaomen, tha provocation being alleired atniid any knowladge of the missing man. I "w" ioiu or aim. -,im .... . Into the court room this morning ta an- YVUMAN HUNDRED AND swer roll call, they shewed plainly th THREE YEAR fit D K nrifl effect, of the perplexity tha ore.t .it. mnCC ' tM" UL OtAU klak I liia i. a - lkf.,.1 a.. .1 . 1 " " evi- UEMBON, la.. Dec. 13 rSnn lal dattt that tha declaioa t jrt. ...... . I ... 2. "' l tPei lat.) ----- - hi,, nary rosier, aged 103 year, died at field, annouaoed lal. yesterday, to hold the home cf her niece. Mrs. Robert RemeV tuera a weea longer in the hope that Wal- thl week. With her i..-t., J, ..i ,. ..... . ... . I . . " uaB , , - - fui hw ia tn jury, wa ner brother, Mr. Bamuel Moffltt mas a HiMKiuiiinff. vtin .u , i k M..ir . . , - - ....... -r.. i.-.i j-rars younger. Both were large crowd Bought admittance, believing horn In Ireland. Th home of Mra Pn.t.r mat aner me aeveiopmenta of last night na been at Defiance. Plielhv cmmiv Mra. Waldron might again ba aummeiied Buck Orove In thla county and Denlson before Judge Porterfleld. or. that Waldron tor ovr twenty year. Burial was made niineii luignt be returned to his place m ln family burying ground at Defiance Kushels. Value. sixi.8M.wk HM.tw.tmi l.3.n 6.2ST,.4 ' 1 . :- 1 English Spies Sent to German Prison I-KtL:c:iC. Germany, Deo. 13. Heavy punirhment wa meted out today to the Kngllsh spies arrested at Hamburg March 18 and who have b?-n on trial behind closed doors before the Imperial court for several day'. Max Fchiile. an Kngllsh ship broker, whs eehtented to Seven years' penal aervltiKle. One of his associates, an engineer, named lilpsyrh, waa condemned to twelve years In prison, and an en gineer nftmed Wutff waa sentenced to two years: a merchant named Von Maack and Max hchbla's housekeeper each re ceived three year. PROF. tl. C. MUFKt'M. Worland, Wyo, Here for tho sheep show. knowing thst the body of Mr. Callanan was burled here today. Ho died In Chi cago Sunday very suddenly and despite efforts friend have been unabel to locate them. rr Illea at lodepeadcni-r. INDKPEND1SNCK, la, Dec. 13-Dr. W. It. Wall, a member, of the E. O. Douglass Hhow company, which appeared here last week, d'.i'd at a local hotel today of pneumonia. He was 31 years of aite and aoing on me stag lie was a prac ticing physician. Jtelatlvrs live In. Vir ginia. The body waa burled here. Vrsser et to Resign. SIOLX CITV. Ia.. Dec. 13.-5ovei nor Itohert 8. Vessey of Bouth Ikota. ln a telegrsm to the Journal, denies the report that he will resign In January and re enter the buslens world. WOMAN SERVING LIFE -SAYS SHE IS TWIN SISTER 1 From a Raff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. K;.-(8peclal.)-Mrs. Jennie Oelger, who Is serving a life sentence In the penitentiary. InMnts that she Is not herself, but her twin sin ter. Mr. Smith. Mrs. Oelger Is serving a life sentence for the murder of a man with whom she waa traveling across th country. She was tried and convicted in Cheyenne county ami after being taken to the penitentiary was later removed to the Unroln asylum December 1, and escaped from that Institution February 19. 1910. She was recaptured the game month and returned to the penitentiary. An examination of the woman by th prison physician. Dr. R. H. Spalding, showed that she w mentally deranged, accordingly It wa thought best to tak her to the Lincoln asylum, where sh oould receive treatment, and after being there for a while escaped. 0V0: S2 PULITZER'S DAUGHTER TO WED MR. C. C. MOORE NEW YORK, Dec. 1J.-A license to wed was lusiied to Kdlth Louise Pulltxer. daughter of the late Joseph Pull tier, and William Pcovllle Moore, son of Clermont Clark Moore. The wedding will be held at the Pulltxer residence on December 21. 4.T4.Sfl X.f.0iH J.IHT.OIO 4.i:n) 178.710 , HKi,etrMI CM,3H& Maa'a Ideality Coaeeeled. 4.0Jt,0TO ,477.il W4.043 S47.430 Jl.tM (H.ts.k'M 7.0J4.IM 0 (.no ("(.( H),0H9 WiO.fltl ,0il ,i0,0il0 I.WIOOH) MW.tme is Given Ten Years In th Jury. DEMOCRATS ELECT FIRST GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA Her death came et last from no special form of disease, the span of life simply running eut. FHOKMX. Ail.. Dec. w.The first weeping democratic victory for .enator. Za Par of ill le. a. a and repreaentatlvea In eongr... nd .ut. !7 , '...J . mJ , " l.oaea 1-ar la Cora ahredder. WKST UK NO, I.. Dee. ll-(Mueclal i Ten corn ah redder accident have oc curred In north Iowa in the last th tate election In Aruon ha. resulted la a rat... vTe... j, ..... ... . lat.st victim and he la mlaus a fii result. II here his hand publican leader, here, though figure, are "V. T not avaltuM " " "' n niacnine - m ...a -.,... eai .... ti. . ... . I ' ' ne irg was amputated be - ..- ..,-.....,. " . w Hi, vunklllUI On I ll'Bu, lh. W . . .j .u. i.... . .. ... 1 Binvir .iiiiiiiiiiii in reran oi juagea, believed to assure statehood passed almost unant- Flaed for lsttri "UBly. MASON CITY. la.. Dec. k- Early today there appeared to he imu I Backed by fifteen women siiunbi aa hop. for any republican on the atat Tomatovhh went Into Justice Kanklns ticket, with the poaaihle exception of I tourt tnl morning confident that aha i leveiaittl for secretary of at ate, I would be able to establish the ta. t that Figure on the legislature were not I noK blaspheme. She wa Trt available. I put on th atand In har own heh.ir told a pretty ttralght atory, but when . ..... -r. ...w.,,., tvi oun ai ner n U.h. F.r.ll.r aad r.. U, twutd h.r up lh -. ,. "" mnm m m f-mm m . i . riav nri .a- n w.. . I ...... ..... m,,y 919 Ujr in jUJfUOtf, "mwm I VaaM M..kka,J a a ('nr v... i.. I .. -rwiar v i tuay urilllUI rtianiiran- I HI AKliV MTV 1. e . o, . .... ' ----..... . I T-V . AVe1 E-ltawCIKI urera sen thalr exhibition aaninl.. T.lr.m h ... . at tha rij ,....... ' . ... ..i,, lo -B ana i nroago fur- see hla whit eat heart, Walter Davla ...UwB BrMi in merchania ik.i .... I. ....... . , .. . in i , ),. .... , . --' "i w v ma town o,. . M. kr U"- Th lu "f,n Ha wa. .bowered with .. . . 7T"y heM eg and Ic, and took refug. In a fright . Ta T ",v" l"r aoia in car, vrnere he w. rescued by Deputy i ba ,i i-i ""x aecured lioung men composed the mob. Dart "J7. iTt 7. insist of say that h went tk.r only aa a vie. ... ....... . .uiukui ana ar of axclu- Iter. aiv aesigna. Made up in many caaea for tlu apeclal axhlbita The ladie of Omaha are Invited to call and see this spionuia rut. DEATH RECORD . Mra. Urare Da vldsen.t aace. TAB LB ROCK, Neb., Dec. 13. (8pJ clal.) Mr. Grace Kavklson-Vance died In a hoepltal at Omaha Sunday, Decem ber 10, 1911, and the body wan brought here "for burial. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. M. Fads of LineoJtt. Mr. Vance waa about a yeara old and grew to womanhood In this vicinity. Sh was th wife of William Vance of Peru Neb., and a daughter of P.obert Vf, Davidson" of Lincoln. he leaves a bus' band and our small children. '' Wllllana Kaaer. NEBRASKA CITY. Nb Dec. 11 (Spe clal.) William Evaer died at hla home In this city Sunday and hi. funeral was held yesterday. He was born at Fairfield, Neb., March 2, l&tf, and came to thla city 'When a email. hoy. He waa kick but a short tlnte, aa he suffered from a tumor on the brain. He leave a wife, but no children. Mra. (athrrlae Boott Wells. BOSTON. Dec. 13. Mis. Catherine Boott Wells (Kate Gannett Wells), the author ess, died auddenly at her home here to day. Kreaeh Aviator Killed. MELCNK, France, Dee. IS. Lieutenant Charl Lantheaume, the well known mili tary aviator, wa. killed by a fall from hi aeroplane her today. I fir" M 11 IS COLD C.4CSI0 tl KAD ACHE. LAXATIVE P.ROMO Qulmne. th world wide Cold and Urlp remedy remove cause, can tor tun name. 1.0011 tor slg nature K. W. OltoVK. 2&o. c 1 On Chrismas Day There will bo real pleas ure for someone if they re ceive a pair of our Cushion Sole Shoes The ishoe full df comfort. They are both a non-conductor of heat and cold. No foot is too tender but that it finds relief in those comfortable shoe;. Meu's .... Wo men 's . . . $5.00 .. $4.00 BUY A CERTIFICATE They nro good for fchoos or slippers. Given certificate and then let us fit the shoes or slip Iers the day after Xinas Drexel Shoe Co, 14 ID Farnam St. R3 BO HOT FAIL to read carefully the Schasffsr Drug Co.'s Ad on Page 5 A NEW moss IMPOBTftST TO EVERYONE It Is now conceded by physician that the kidney ahould have n.ore attention as they control tho other organs to a re markable degree and do a tremendou amount of work ln rmovtng th poison and wait matter from the system by filtering th Mood. During the winter months especially, when we live an indoor life, the kidney ahould receive aoma assistance when needed, aa wa take loaa exercise, drink leva water and often eat more rich heavy food, thereby forcing the kidneys to do more work than Nature Intended. Evidence of kidney trouble, such a. lame back. Inability to hold urine, smart ing or burning, brick-dust or sediment, sallow complexion, rheumatism, may be weak or irregular heart action warn you that your kidney require help Im mediately to avoid more serious trounle. An herbal medicine containing no mluerala or opiates Iia th most heal ing Influence. An Ideal herbal compound that haa had most remarkable aucceaa aa a kidney and bladder remedy la Dr. Kllmer'e Swamp-Root. You may receive a aample bottle cf Swamp-Root by mall, absolutely free. Address Dr. Kilmer c Co., Btnghamton, N. Y. and mention the Omaha Dally Be. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER W will give Free of Charge with 4 full quarta of Pri n.o Rye at 33.10. charge prepaid. 5 Premiums consisting of a fin bend painted bread and butter china plate, a bottle of fine California port wine, a gold etched whiskey glass, a pocket corkscrew and a 112 calen dar. Thl. whiskey is bottled expressly for our trade and la aold direct to you. We guarantee thl whiskey to be better than other high grade old rye that sells at dou ble the price. Orders wast n. t.M Tinol i.. . for 11 quarts prepaiS. w n0,ir 1r.'f"rn',e Omaha National Bank. Mull your orders to Meyer Klein Liquor Company, i saa Ideal Gilts in Silver In selecting; jour holiday gifts from our extenelTe collectloa ot silverware the pleas-" ure ia Intensified by the great variety we hare provided, and the surprising novelty of the new designs and conceptions. Here you will find exactly what you want, and at a price to fit your purse. Onr new patterns Include the fineBt pieces in as sortments that offer a wide range of choice. Inspection is cordially Invited. Tho range of prices Is wide and attractive. HON'T MERELV BUY INVEST. Albert Edholm JEWELER. Sixteenth and Harney. iC- 1 1 i? I rtrxf .RflQMEY T LOAN In any amount on improved (or to improve) Omaha and South Omaha real estate Eesidence or business. Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest rates reasonable Repayments of $100 or more on prin cipal received any day without notice. Prompt action assured. THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSW 1614 Hainey St., Omaha, Neb. '.. . ' Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest. Paul W. Kuhns, Secy. 9SSS9aalBttj f :a-5 few a -'- , , -.1, v 3Sb9 emo val Sale Bargains () $12.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now $11.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now $13.00 Matinee Locket and Chain bow $13.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now $15.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now $10.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now $10.00 Matinee Locket and Chain now ,o.oo , .95.04) , .$8.0O i ,H.04 . $5.00 .93.00 Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler ' a.e Douglas. Stret. rVvT Self-Fitting Emergency Overshoe for Horns. Prevent, .lipping or balling when street or roads ar ley ?2ZL LVrPJ' 'ST tor "" "hod. a? the " hautonoxUlcen efl ia ta minutes. BAVKN time and mosey. Becommended by Bumaae BiLti. Terywiwj. l or Sale by aaa-oMee Alfred Cornish &Co,fZES YOST -High Grade Furs i! EXPERT REMODELING Coi ner aoih mml Kartiaiu. Toltn!.on Ioufrliia 9040. fa aail.A. a.. . . I . OMAHA Fl'RNITl'RE CO., . . Pth einj j.rram eta Melall.ea Urn Net Kaew ( Death. MAbuN CITV. la. Dec. ll-.Soecial Tiierain.lKmheie aiotig the Pacific I coaa , ta lather, mother and wlf u4 uarnard (.eliaiiaa at aojouialiig. aut Roliablo Dontlotry AT Tifi's Dental Eccins The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on and then travel on the street cars will be attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are now at their best and sales-people can wait on you more satisfactorily now than they can later. f Omaha&GouncilBIuffsStreetRaiiivayGo. UI in 3n