Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1911, Page 16, Image 16

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fHK TiEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY. rrXT,MHKtt 14. 1011.
H n dVm-J jig d3
r T
Only 9
Mora Hays
to Buy Your
Shop Early
in the
Select Your Presents Thursday
From the Greatest and Most Attractive Assort ment9of
Christmas Gifts
EVvr Shown ty a Store In Omaha
No matter how much you can spare for Christmas presents, you. will, find
that your Christmas money will buy more and better gifts nt Brandeis stores
than anywhere else in Omaha. Do your Christmas buying this week. Shop ns
early in the day as you can. See Santa Claus himself in our basement.
lAatrflGS for Women and Men
Women's Watches Tiny sun motal watch with fine lever movement, guar
anteed good time keepers worth $10, special at SO. 50
ariifi' O nle Illinois ioll rilled Case Watches Guaranteed 10 years, 7
Jewel lever movement, at . . : ...V. '$7,50
I.allcs' O slr.w Jas. lions or Crfwent 14k Gold Killed Cases Guarantee 1
25 years, Klgln movement a 20 watch for . i ........... . S12.08
Ijxlles' Diamond Het Cane, O HImi, Jan. Hons 20 lear Gold Filled, with Elgin
movement regular $25 value, at $15 08
Men's 12 and 10 alze Jas. Doss or Crescent
case watch guaranteed 20 years, 15 Jewel
Klgln movement, i Regular $25.00 watch,
at 914.50
Men's Watches 16 size, gold filled hunting
case,,' guaranteed 10 years, with fine nickel
lever roervetricnt worth '$10.00, . will go
at $0.89
Toilet Sets
Hand painted Porcelain Comb and
Brush Sets at t . ..$1.00
, Filigree Conib' ' and Brush Sets, in
black enamel, nt .$1.50
Quadruple plated Comb and Brush
Sets at $2.08
Silver plated Toilet Sets at. . .$5.00
.Hand painted Porcelain Sets, 3 pieces,
at.. ... i . . . . $2.08 and $1.98
. Sterling silver Military Sets. .$5.00
Silver plated Quadruple Military Sets
; at ..Y... ........ $3.08
Sterling silver Manicure Sets. .$1.08
Christmas Slippers
i.OOO' Pairs of Women's Itoudolr Hllppera la black, Un, red,
white, blue and pink colors silk pom pons. Dainty, service
able slippers that sell regularly for $1 and $1.25 rj
poclal at OC
Men's Hample 8lpir In All Wea Tans, black and & t T
reds values range from $2 to $3, at, a pair ...SPl0
..itmm vjrm mm
Jewelry Specials
$3.00 Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases
at ....$3.50 f
ouuu juiu x I'uuuni lm valuers, worm
$10.00, at ...$5.00
Solid gold Brooches, worth $5.00 to
0, at .; ..$2.98
Imported Necklaces, nil - the newest
fancies, worth to $o.OO, now. .$1.08
Solid gold Fobs, worth $10 to $12.50,
at .....$4.98
Whitman and Hough finest gold filled
Lockets, worth to $4.00, at , . .$1.49
Ste ling Silver Pendants, worth $2 nd $3.
at , a-t fkf
$2.00 Hat Pins, special at ....... .7. 50
Kid Gloves for Christmas
Women'a 2-clasp fine quality French Kid and Lambskin, newest
stltchlnga and colors . Including grey, tan. mode, brown,
champagne, black and white, at pair $1.25 and $1.75
Women'a one and two-clasp gloves, real Arabian Mocha and Cape
Gloves, allk lined or unliued grey, brown, black and white,
at, pair' $15 and $1 T"
Bpeclal on'bargala aquare 2-claap Kid GloveCm black? white-
, and colors, all sizes, at, pair . . :
Double Silk, Gloves, 2-clasp black only. Regularly 75 pair".
t. pair kft
Long Gloves French Kid and Lambskin. 12 and l-button
'e h vlilte: black and cjia.mpgne. and penrl; 3 . Cleopatra
bdttons, t, pal, , 53 75 to $3 75
. -.u .oxes Free with Gift Gloves.
Glove Uouds, at Main Glovo Department.
Great Sale Christmas Handkerchiefs
Women's uud men's plain hemstitched, hheer linen Handkerchiefs; fine Swiss
embroidered, hand embroidered initials, your first name embroidered in full,
real Armenian, real crochet, real princess and real duchess lac. borders; also
many styles put up in fancy boxes, at, each, 15c, 25c, 50c, 98c, $1.50 up to $10
Women's Christmas Neckwear 25c, 50c, 98c
Dainty, net, lace and embroidered fichus, Dutch and sailor collars in crochet and
Venise effects, coat-sets, fancy laco jabots, side frills, ribbon novelties! etc. 3
big, lots. , . .
Fine Imported Neckwear Exquisite noveltlea In hand needlework, real Irish crochet, real
m iK marquisette, etc., at each n Ptn it nu ,,n at ir
LbtkPao'rdnrJn,,,,la "1 tUnU g'd' " ndJefSSdUow'hftS
blatk, gold, braided, embroidered and fringed, at each $19.98 $22.50 "P to $37.50
Women! and Misses' Sweaters All hizes
and ages, $2 values, 98(J
Vomen'a Illgh Neck or V Neck Sweater
Coats anous weaves and lengths. Many
ditferent styles, in all detired (? Aq
colors, values uj) to $4, at via Jq)
Women's 8wetr Coat Various Itingths, high o
v necKi, aiso Kougn Klder
necks; worth up to $6, at ..
Children's Sweater Great lots of all kinds, ape-
Any women s Mik l'etticoat in our stock, (up to $1:1.50 values) at $5.00
Auy woman's Klosfit Silk Tetticoat in our stock, worth up to $7.50, at $3.08
1 lot of women's Silk Petticoats, worth up to $5.00, at $2.50
Entire Stock of Furs From LaBcok & Yost, 6f Oniiha
Houirlit frnm Tlpimfv kliorlff lVcQ f..- i. 1 :n.
' tIre over8tock of fur8 from "all & Arbes, of New York; all go
See the windows. Watch daily papers for particulars.
aTI A V 100 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
g B i Given FREE With Every Ton of
jrdT2lLi Soft Coal We SeU ThursJayt
There's a Special Sale of Fur Set $ U J J
' Thanday. Don't Mi It. Not Room for Pric: Sf
We Bought a Liberal Supply
of Men's Shirts for Xmas
And we prll ourttlvea on lh fart that thry are far beyond the ordinary
kind In Nolntn of quality and making. You won t find a ahlrt In th entire
collwflon sklmrrd In any part. Thiy are cut liberally and full throiiRh the
ehoulilern, allowing absolute freedom of movement. They are proportioned to
fit all physical types of nn--ome made especially for the ellm man. others
with plenty of room for the most robust man. There's great satisfaction In
cnoooltiff from such a collection.
Made of the finest madrai and perrales In various striped and figured
pattern. Priced lower than Is common for the quality at ft. fl.RO and 13 each.
raner combination sat consisting of U, handkerchief and silk hose to
match, 1. 50 and i:.09
Two-rlee rmrWinlii seta connlxllnir of utile hnae and tie to match.
fl.KO and $1.50.
ranoy silk fonr-lB-bands with stick pin and
tie rlrfHp to match, for 75c.
1,000 dozen fancy silk fonr-in-nands In er
ery Imaginable shade and pattern, 25c, S5c
50c and $1.00 each.
Taney silk four-in-hands ia neat Christmas
boxes, 25c each, or three for fl.OO.
Bilk mufflers In all colors. 50c, 75c and ft.
Gnarantasd "Shaw Knit" boss four pairs In
a ( nrlstmas box at f I.
5c - silk hose with
linen toes and heels,
all tho new shade.
3.'c the pair or three
pairs for ft 00.
Taney Suspenders
In Christmas boxes,
60c and 75c.
sTlg-bt robes and pa-amas--splendid
for Christmas giving
11.00 to $1.00.
Men's and boys'
wool sweater coats
at fl.00 to $6.00.
Men' Bath
Robes at
$2.95 o $7.50
House Coats
and Smoking
$4.95 $9.75
Gloves for Men and Boys
Large lines at this atore. Including everything from an ordinary
golf glove up to the fineBt fur gloves at $10.00 the pair.
Men's doir skin Kloves at fl.00.
Kowne'a cape gloves for men, $1.50.
Men's extra quality fine dress
gloves, fl. 76 the pair.
Men's unllned mocha gloves In grey
and brown, $1.15 the pair.
Men's silk lined mocha gloves In
grey and tan, $1.50 the pair.
Youth's and mens' fleece lined, long
gauntlet plush gloves that resemble
a short sheared fur glovo, 75c pair
Men's fleece lined kid gloves, fl.00
and $1.50 the pnlr.
Hoy's fleece lined gauntlet gloves,
75n the pair.
Boys' fleece lined kid gloves at 50c,
75c and $1.00 the pair.
Boys', fleece lined kid mittens, 60c
and 76o the pair.
Hoys' . and men's fur gloves and
mittens, with and without gauntlets,
$2.60 to $10.00 the pair.
Boys' Suits An Important Item
' All of the odd lota of boys' suits that are now selling up to $4.00
will be closed out Thursday at the very special price of $2.43. . Mostly
dark patterns, but all wool cloths, best tailoring and this season's styles.
Boys' Overcoats, worth up to flO.OO, Thursday, 18.75
Boys' Overcoats, worth np to 97.60, Thnrsday L S4.95
Boys' Overcoats, worth np to fa. 00, Thnrsday S3.BS
Boys Ixtra Trousers, worth up to (1.00 at..: Boo
A new lot of elaborately deco- Children's neatly trimmed aU wool
rated Indian play suit, all sttes, r?mHpr ,,n. p'1" .blu.e an.d f.r
a -it . . i nn j ei m shades, strictly fast colorsthe $1.00
4 to 12 years, $1.00 and $1.60. kind at 75c
Vajamas for hoys from 4 to 1 years of age very useful glttsa good
assortment of styles and colorings, 75c $1.25 and $1.50 the suit s
In Toy Town
A Great Sale of Collapsible
Doll Go-Carts and
Tin go-carts with wooden, wheels,
at v . . . 50c
$1.25 collapsible go-car ta with
steel wheels 98c
$5.00 rubber-tired collapsible go
carts 92.50
$1.85, steel wheel, English per
ambulators .08c
$2.25 rubber-tired English per
ambulators .91.08
$7.00, extra large rubber-tired
perambulators 9-1.08-
White, blue and pink enameled
doll cradles, on stands .... OMc
Visit Our China
Store for Useful
Xmas Gifts
Kntlre lines of fancy china and
bric-a-brac are reduced for Thurs
day's selling. Every table is
loaded with bargains ranging in
price from 25c to $3.00 'each.
Twenty high grade, genuine
Carrara marble bust) and statues
worth $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, and
up to $35.00 each; to close out
Thursday, choice at $10.00. .
One lot of Parean marble stat
uary worth up to $1.50 the piece;
only 200 In the lot; Thursday, or
while they last, 49c.
Sale of Men's Slippers $1.50 Values, $1.00
Thla one special lot is made up of the very best slipper styles In
our men's shoe section the kind we have always sold at $1.60, going
Thursday at $1.00. All sizes and a good variety for your choosing.
, Other tyen'a Tan and Jilack House Slippers, in various styles, are
pricea ai c, ii.zb, $1.50, $2.00 and
$2.60 the pair, according to the kind
and quality.
There's a Special IUck for
the Display of Women's Christ
mas Slippers In the shoe store,
anion bt which vm, mtn . j
women'a fur trimmed slippers. In gray, brown and black, at $1 25 the
pair. And finest felt allppers In blue, green and oxford gray at II 75
the pair. Tb blue and green are alaq fur trimmed
Jewelry Store Has
. Xmas Suggestions
These for Women
Women's watches and diamond jew
elry; solid gold rings in every stylo.
Beautiful la vallierea in artistic
designs of silver and sold.
Coin purses and coat chains; gold
and pearl Leads and neck chains.
sterling silver toilet and mani
cure beta.
Velvet, fur, suede and leather hand
bass In an almost endlesa variety.
Also women's hand purses. '
ramy beaded bags.
Silk, ekixtlc and suede belts in
fancy boxtut.
Mounted combs and barrettes and
Hlver bandeaux for the hair.
And huiidreua of otner things we,uxl lit atealluu.
These for Men
Leather . . I. ...... Kinds, tie
holders.' military brushes, toilet sets,
bill folds and purees, collar and cuff
boxes, clgir cases, safety rasors In
Mlver tlKureue cane and match
boxes; solid and gold filled chains,
, a aid' cu;f links; watches and
Klne silk umbrellas with sterling
silver and gold filled handles.
Handkerchiefs-One of the
Busiest Spots in This
Busy Store
You know why-we alwaya
.?.au !,1In reco'l lere. Hem
stitched, embroidered, Inltlala in
linen, cambric, etc.
We have made a great bid for the
bulk of tho Christmas handkerchief
m "f" ,I"ah- We know yoj
will respond. '
Handkerchiefs for man,
woman and chlld-every
good kind and an assort
ment that's simply be-.
Special booths have been erected,
"", "," " " women a and1
-i.uiwis Handkerchief, at 6o and
.....-i,.fcUy jjooj quanta, to
ri:eu , tlm other handken.hlefi-.'.ome
lace edged soma hand worked .Z -with
only the Initials. s0k,'
. uvt.oiu.ins to tue Kind and the'
amount of work It took tS .nail.
You will find those priced by the
.o v eaecluliy tine.
A Sale of De Luxe Book Sets, Thursday
There is only one set of each of the following on hand and w.
have priced them so they will move out quickly atd make room
worka of a different nature. room fop
Gulnot's History of, f volumes, leather, ft.OO
Irish Literature, 6 volumes, buckram, $5.60.
Lord McCuley'aWoi ks. volumes, buckram, $(.75
. V",ury OI ,n t"n" reopie, e volumes, leather ti 00
t.ibboi. a Le line and Kali of the Koiuan Kniplre. 5 volumes V leather it
llugo-Les Miserables. 3 volumes. . leather i s. leather, $3.
Hchlller's Works. 6 volumes, leather, 5.i6.
Wuklilnston s Life and Time, 4 volumes, cloth, f I 00.
Poes Worka, 5, buckram, $4.i5.
Kieldlnga' Works, volumes, S leather, $7.$0.
Walter IScott'a Works, li volumes. leather, $11.00
I v roe's Works, t volumes, buckram, fj.7&.
binolietfs Works. volumes, buckran.', $5.50. '
Balzac's Works, III volumes, buckram, $11.35.
acr Wildes' Works, 10 volumes, leather. $10 7i
Chaa Welsh's Cklldren'a Own Library, 19 voi'uinss. buckram, $7.00.
The following are specially priced
sets of Chaa. Dlck"en'a works
1 set :0 re Luxe volumes, $2 ;o
1 set 15 volumes In leather. flS.Oi)
Two volumes have just beeti Issued
which will muke appropriate gifts to
any studei:t or lover of liicKen'.-
"Belle. Mm.'' Clia. fi.'i
snd The li kea's Country." $i.5
I volume aets Richard Wagner, $ 11.00.
The Count u( Monte CrUto, cloth
$1 00.
Less Misvirablea, half leather, gilt top,
The French Revolution, cloth. $J.O0.
Ixirna Iooiie, 1 1, ta.
tii.erson'a KaMys. cloth, $4.00.
Life of, cloth. $a.00.
Ipeechea of Wm. J. Bryan. U h. $2 00
Come to the ChrLstrnas Store
A House
Coat or
Fancy Vest
ia Always
Buy a
Nice riece
of Furni
ture for a
Gift Suggestions iron Uur Cloak and Suit Section
A Great Underpricing All Along the Line Thursday
Fine Itndion Hay Mink Fur Sets Very new
est styles, choicest quality garments, at
25 to b0 less than actual worth, 50
S75 8100 $150 and up to $500
Cuney Fur Coats Skinner Satin l,lned,
$35.00 values, choice $19.00
American Heaver Coats HeautifOl quality,
$100.00 values, on sale at '.$50.00
Canadian Mink fonts Skinner Satin lined.
$75.00 values, choice
Uiock Ituswlan Lynx Sets With
collar, $15 values, on Bale
Other Fur Sets, Scarfs and Mi
best assortment shown in Omt
c to no AT'.y
- - - - til II'IV V" Vv T "-TVr ' , A T ' ia. , f I
large hawlW; J.iftV. W
$7.05 J-4mrm 3fl
iffs. ail furtk4?JF;aS,Tf V, -;.V
iha, splendid flfMWll.l?
bargains at price, from $1.08 to $750 uilif, U
BeauUful SIVk Klmonon A pretty and use- 'T.'.t tt
ful gift, at 2.03, $:i.05. $.1 up to $15.00 j. ; MlJ
$S.J3.00 Keal Plush Coat Skinner Satin lln- 1 fit i'TmP
ed, in Monday's sale at $25.00 IW AfcuS Im Aft
Long Carfuul Cloth Coat $15 values, lln- I fA -W Y
ed throughout, at. choice ST.ttS
$30.00 Chiffon Evening Dresses Newest
styles and colorlnKs. on sale at .r,n
Long Challie Crepe and 1 lanuclette Kimonos
Fine Milk Petticoats Special bar
gain offerings, at $2.03, 9:1.03,
$1.03 and up.
Wool -lilanket Kobe $5 valuea,
on sale Thursday, choice $2.05
Fur Scarfs that sold at $1.00 and
$2.00, on sale 95
at . ...
Flannelette , Dressing
11.00 values, choice,
Home Made Wrappers and IlotiMe
Drevst'S Values up to $2.50, on
8ale - $1.45
Linens for Holiday Gifts Specially Priced Thursday
T. I T I T .
i-jiu Allien iiemsmcnea squares,
Bize 36x36,
pure flax, worth
$4.5 each $2.50
Pure Linen Scalloped squares,
size 36x36 Inches, worth $2.50
eRC& $1.50
Pure Linen Hemstitched Dresser
Scarfs, size 18x54, worth $1.60.
cn 85d
Mammoth assortment real hand
made French Cluny pieces, spe
cially priced, commencing at,
each $1.50
Plain Satin Damask, 72 inches
wide, pure linen, worth $1.75
yard - $1.00
Hemstitched Huck Towels, 'full
size, pure flax, worth 60c
r each ..... op.
Gloves for Gifts
a . 1
Perrin's, Fowne's, ' Raynier, Monarch,
Derby and all the very best makes.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, lined or unlined, all
newest colors; best values offered any
where, at prices from $1 up to $2 Pr.
Ladies' Wool Gloves or mittens,
at 49c and 25c
Children's Wool Gloves or mittens, spe
cial 25e and 10c
inuaren'n ti loves, Kid or Mocha,
also "Gauntlets In velonr or
leather, all liiyed with good wool
lining, are $1 values, pr. 49
Boys' 2.00 Flir Gauntlet Gloves,
on sale at 93
Boys' $1.00 Fnr Gauntlet Mittens,
at, paalr 49
Men's f 2.50 Lamb Lined Mitten,
oa 8,1,0 $1.45
Men's $3.00
or unllned,
' Auto Gloves, lined
in black or tans,
a-t bt
Men's Gloves of all kinds, lined
or .unllned, values to $2.00,
at 98r and 49
Sweater Coats, all kind, at about
Half Price.
Plume Sale
A beautiful and very ac
ceptable Christinas gift is a
nice plume.
Thursday we offer Willow
Plume Aigrettes and Para
dise at ABOUT COST.
If you have an inclination
to siive, just see the spjendid
millinery values we're offer
ing at this time.
All millinery
marked in plain
A Few Popular Christinas Gift Suggestions
On which we're holding special sales
Thursday. Meerschaum and' Briar-
wood Pipes. A fine line for your selec
tion Thursday. Men's card cases and
wallets, fine cigar holders, men's col
lar boxes, Thermos bottles all kinds,
men's clothes hangers and traveling cases, men's shaving
mirrors and military brush sets, ladies? handkerchiefs, auto
scarfs, hand bags in velvet, suede, walrus, seal fur. Fine
line of card cases, purses, writing pads, dressing sets, beaded
and tapestry bags, etc., etc.
Florence Mfg. Co Sample LinesComb and brush sets,
traveling cases and shaving sets, mirrors, etc., on sale at
About Half Price. No two pieces in this big lot alike.
Liquor Department Specials
Maryland Rye Whiskey years old per full quart. 78oj per cation. . . .530
Bclmnly Ouckenhelmer. Jark 1 w, Weldon tprlnifs and Cedar Brook, hII s
ysurk old per full quart fl.00; per full gallon SO
The famous tunklnt California Wines, extra fine; rer full quart .500
Home Mads Grape Wine, red or white, per gallon l.oo
Also a full line of Gins, lsrandles. Cordials and everything else gucd ror
Chrlbtmus. ,
For the Fresh Nuts, Vegetables, Dried Fruits, Canned Goods,
Crackers, Butter and Cheese for Xmas. ;
It will lay you to leave your or
der at llayden's. You get the beat
and save from to CO per cenL
The Bsst Mlaed Hew Hats, lb... 15c
16 lbs. bent Granulated Sugar. fl.00
4-lb. sacks beat high grade 1'ainlly
Hour tl.83
i cans Golden I'umpktn, Hominy or
Squash . 940
1-lb. cans assorted Soups To
1'ura 1-rutt ('reserves, bottle. . . .8'to
Large bottles of aasorted Pickles,
Worcester (Sauce or i'ure Tomato
Catsup, botlls B'-sO
Fancy assorted Cookies, per lb.. loo
rikinner's Macaroni, pkg loe
Jellycon or Jello, pkg TViO
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch ....4o
Fancy yuee.ii Olives, ciuart 40e
lrgs butt lea yueen Olive 15c
Dried rrulta for Tonr Puddlaffs, rus
and Oakss.
Cleaned Currants, lb lOe
Muscatel Cooking Kalsins, lb 10a
Mulr Peaches, lb 100
California Cooking Figs, lb loo
Italian Prunes, lb loe
California ttaedleas Ilalslns, lb... loo
Seede Halalits. pkg S'nO
ttultana Kaislna, lb Ite
Tts ,b',1t Le"10". Orange or Citron
.i'eel. lb go,,
1'kgs. best Condensed MIiil-o Meat
for a5
7-Crown FIrb, lb !!.'!!!iavo
Oar ramoua HighUnd Vavsl Oraoges
for Xmas Nothing like them the
pride of California ptr
duzen 15o, fOo, 8S0 and 30e
The Troit and Tsgstable Market of
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips or
Kadlshes, 3 bunches loo
Frenh Cabbage, Itutabagas or Hub
bard Hiiuanh, per lb .lVjo
Old Beets, Turnips, Carrots or J'ar-
snlps, lb 3v,o
Fancy Jersey Saset Potatoes. lb.S.o
J heads frewh Hothouse Iettuca. . 5o
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb Vi
I-arge Cucumber, each 1,o
Cape Col Cranberries, quart 10a
f ini-jr rvipe loniaioes, 10. ...... .740
Iarge Green I'epiers, S for.
Florida MKurat Oranges, seedless,
rtch flavored and Juicy. To intro
duce these to the people w are go
ing to sell them, per dozen Ifta
Kegular price 2c
Try (MYDEN'S First