11 i WOMEN SELL HINGE" MEAT i - Early Arrivals at the Sheep Show J Good Things to Eat, as Well as to ' " Sell, at the Fair. jin: m;i:: om aha. i iuunday. ,irivim;w u. t:n. j BEE ' ROTUNDA IS CROWDED I roar Now (hnrrhfa Ttk IWi. ! ltu to Sell ThHr lVtrri Om j Ibarra I in llntid nn AililKton. The womn of the McCsbp Methodist Episcopal churih have a very Inspirlru motive back of tlieir bazar which It part of the hi Christmas sale Rolng on In the rotunda of tlm Bee building:. The little band of workers which forms the ladles' Aid society of the church Is plan ning to build a. dining room and kitchen onto the church with the money which they make from the bazar. This is the first barar thnt the women of the Mo Cabe church have ever held. They bcan in the heat of tho summer to make aprons, iiiil(,s and fancy work for the event, Mrs. IT. D. Thorpe is president of the Indies' Aid of tho McCaba church and Is head of tho Chilstmas bazar. Her as sistants are: Mrs. A. T. IVtrle' and Mrs. J. ,N. Lampman ut tho apron counter; lire. 11. H. Thorpe and JUrs. W. L. Ilat Xicfd, fanc'y work; Mrs. C. . Shimcr and Jllsa . Florence Tabor, (juiits; Mrs. S. Kaullcucr. bakery stuff; Mr:', jr. A. Mar tin and Mrs. V. J. Stui'Keivn, candy. The other churches which are holding thetralcs 1n the Bee building today and Thursday aro the First Cnnsresntlonal. Hirst Memorial Methodist Kpisccpal and Oak Street Methodist Episcopal churches. Mince' Merit lor 5nle. The prize article for pale In tho bazar of the First Congregational church Is mince meat. The women of the ltaAscom Parle-division of .the church, have been famous for their mince meat for several years. A few weeks ago they assembled at the home of Mrs. O. W. I.ooinls, donned big kitchen aprons and mixed the apples, suet, raielns. meat and other secret products and put up the mince meat Into mason Jars. The -women who took part In the mixing were Mrs. E. M. Bartlelt, Mrs. W. E. Bingham, Mrs. Loomls, Mrs. George Wool ley, Mrs. K. B. Branch and Miss Elisabeth Bosworth. At noon, there was only one Jar of the mince meat left for sale. Mrs. Charles Harding head the First Congregational church bazar. At the1 doll counter are Mrs. It. D. Mason and Mrs, R. E. LJvsey. Mrs. W. E. Bingham Hells put-up, fruit and Jellies. Mrs. O.. B. Gan on and Miss Kuth Oanson preside at the candy table. Selling fancy work are Mrs. Warren Blackwell, Mrs. E. C. McGIlton, Mrs. Ella Squires and Mrs. A. B. Somers, Selling apronB are Mr. G. XV. Loomis, Mrs. E. B. Branch, Miss Elizabeth Bos worth, Mrs. C. U. Hemple, Mrs. M. A Sterns,. Mrs. V. I,. Simpson and Mrs. W. H. Russell. At tho bazar of the Hirst Memorial M.thodlpt church, headed by Mrs. J. F rettigrew; tlie candy counter la In chars of Miss Hattle Weeks and Mlis Nina Brady; fancy work, Mrs. N. C. Latham and Mrs. V. L. Rico; china, Miss May Burkamp. aprons, Mrs. Q. W. i Tlffey and Mrs. John Keever. The women of the Oak Street Methodist church are holding their very first bazar, the church being ' a new one, dedicated only last Easter. Miss Blanche Young Is chairman. .Mrs. ,A.- .Watson;: sells fancy work,,;MrB.'. A. . M.-Svilliamson and Mrs. A. F. Carleton have aprons. Mrs. I. SI. Hart is t tho Candy and ptcklo counter, Assisting at the different sections are Mrtfc X, C -Webster, Mrs. C. W. ,mlth. Mrs. Robert Lung, Mrs. M. II. Sturgeon and Mrs; J.' I Leavitt. .Railroads Combine i for Coast Traffio ! Having completed Its cut-off . through Wisconsin,, Ue). ween ..Milwaukee and Wye vllle, beginning next Sunday, the' North- western, in connection with the Northern Paclfle, will get into the fight for the north coast business. According to official advices Just, re reived, on tho date named, the North western will have the tie-up In perfect condition and the new train will start out from Chicago, leaving at 10 o'clock In the evening, arriving In St. Paul at 10:30 the following 'morning. From St, Taul, west, the solid train, consisting of standard drowlng room, standard tourist sleepers, observation library,' dining, barber, bath and coaches, will go on to Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. The service will be daily and east bound. nt trains will reach Chicago at 8 p. m The Northwestern trains leaving Omaha each evening will connect ut St Paul with tho North Coast Limited. JL? t ft - ill. r it1 W w v- v A 5 ' t , - !V ' ' ' z iS ft?. vjr , t .. b .ii ,'i i -i : ; ?. iZh. nr- r-; v, . v . SOME OF THE MEN WHO ARE EXIIIBITINO CHEEP XN OMAHA. Bottom Bow William McKerrow, Pewaukee, Wis.; W. O.-Cavan, Chlctgo; A. G, Wood, Saline, Mich.; C. H. Im ley, KlBlng City, Neb. Top Row C H. Slmonson, illddle Water, Tex.; F. A. Kor, PJckroall, Ore.: M. TT. Thornton. Waukesha, Win : l. C. Ix wIb. Camp Point, 111.; James JIcLuy. Iaiamie, AV'yo,; J, II. Kiiib 1-arftle, Wj o., and .'. J . 0 1 ' .v-. V Mogy Warned by Black Hand Letter Mogy Bernstein, probation officer, has a blood stained document which he Is exhibiting to his friends. Jt Is a black hand letter from someone who threatens Instant death on Christmas day it tho probation officer has not resigned. The letter Is signed with a cross of blood and In the left corner at the top of the first page Is the date when the proba tion officer's official career must close. This Is also smeared with red blood. The letter follows: Omaha. Neb., Dec. 10. 1411 Hoar Sir: I am going to tell you one thing, that Is you resign your position or cease to exist.. Vim have crossed my path fro (lueutly and if this wish Is not fulfilled you shall go to tne nappy nu:iuui; grounds sooner than you wish. I have been troubled by you once too often, so do ns bade, or fulfill the threat mentioned on the former page. I have come to the conclusion to put you out cf my path In a place where the dogs won't bite you. Yours truly. Colored Boy Turns on His Tormenter Turning upon Wis tormenters, Arthur Barnes, colored, IS years old, attacked Reynolds Lane, white, 12 years bid, Btab bing hlmiln the back with a knife. Tho wound III a deep one tn' the region of the kidneys, but is not regarded as being serious. Both boys are pupils at the Highland school In South Omaha, and' the report Is that the white boys have been In the habit of tormenting the dusky lad. Yes terday afternoon they were chasing him, and someone Is said to have hurled a brick at the darkey. ' Young Lane, ac cording to reports, also assaulted him, and It was for this attack that he was stabbed. Young Barnes, whose home Is at Twenty-eighth and U streets, has been turned over to the probation officer. Lane Is confined to his home at Twenty fifth and T streets. Eecd Favors Park .; for School Boys Prof. C. K. Iteed, athletic director at the high school, Is heartily in favor of tho plan which Is on foot for the Board of Education to purchase the vacant piece of ground at Twenty-first and Vinton street for school athletic purposes. It the board decides to buy the site, the (.'round will be levelled off and a grand stand erected. The park will be used tor ttie grado school cthletlc contests and" for the high school foot ball games and tract; meets. WATKINS WOMAN DENIES SHE STABBED KRUGER Lena Watklns, ono of the two negrcsses who. quarreled with C. V. Kruger, In surance agent, on a Farnam street car teU ti.e car tlx vva;I:i aso, was cnongad :n district court on a charge of subbing wHh Intent to da great bodily Injury. Sh pleaded not guilty, t tying the woman who was with hr, whom the police have, not yet captured, wielded the raior which lashed Kruger. 1 Graduates of Yale Meet in January Announcement Is made cf the fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska Yale Alumni association to be held In Omaha on January 1. Dean Frederick B. Jones, '4, of New Haven, Conn., and Mr. Guerrt sey, '81, of Pes Moines, la., will be present as special guests ot honor. Among the Yale alumni on the Nebraska university faculty who will attend are Prof. E. H. Barbour, Dr. R. Q. ClBpp and Dean L, A. Sherman. Boiler Works Has Built New Plant The Wilson Steam Boiler works, which sold Us property at Nineteenth street to the Rock Island, expects to be In new quarters within sixty days at Twentieth and Center streets, where It has erected one building 00x125 and an office building and Is now preparing to build a third. It's facilities and capacity will be doubled by the move. The site Is on Burlington trackage. HHI'IIHiiSMHIlM number Six at Six O'clock . i . via the i , - CHICAGO, hi CillLUJAOKEE & "St: '.'P AOL RAILWAY A train of quality, leaving Omaba Union Station promptly at eix P. M. every day and arriving Chicago Union Station at eight o'clock next morning. The equipment ot this train consists ot new steel sleepers,, with longer, higher and wider' berths, buffet library car artistically finished In Inlaid mahogany with fittings to harmonize and afford ing every luxury of the home and club, comfortable steel coaches end chair cars, and dining cars serving meals that represent the acme of perfection In the culinary art. Electric lighted throughout. Try It once and be convinced there is no better. Two other fine trains leave Omaha at 7:42 A. M. and 7:50 P. M., arrive Chicago 8:45 A. M. and 8:15 P. U. respectively, W. E. BOOK, Tickets, 1612 Farnam St., Oity Passenger Agent. Omaha. Slain Man's Body ; Arrives Wednesday it. . 'The body of George 1wUi, the Omaha raan killed at Centralla, 111., arrived In (Inialia yesterday and will bo burled in iWest Lawn cemetery. Lewis was shot last .Saturday by Deputy Vnlted . States Marshal Bacon. At the time, lit) was u sjierlal Hf'nt fur the Illinois Central, looking after company property in the Centralia yards. The Bhootlng wa.j the result of a dispute over authority. A coroner's ju.y that Investi gated tho caMO.,ekonorated Lucon. Several Kliuts were exchanged before Lewis was tatuljy woupded. '. ' l-r a number of jcura Lewis was a member of tho Omaha police force, re igning to enter tho tpeclal sen Ice of the L'nlon Pacific-. lie rctnulned with the company until November 1, of tho present year, refelgnlng to enter the employ of the Illinois Central In a similar capacity. Mayor Says He Did , Not Talk Politics ,'Vs didn't Hart any politics while we Were gone,': aid Mayor . Duhlmari, upon Ills' return home Tuesday iiih'iit from Texas lUid Mexico, where he was visiting with a party of 20j. "Vv'e uUin't slay long enough in any one pluce for that." Mayor Lahlman winl eu the guest of Colonel John U. Muhcr and visited a colonization project cf the colonel's In Texas. They went to Mutamoras, Mex-,lco. M'CAGUE TELLS OF PURCHASE FOR TERMINALS i ' ' "3ohn L. McCague told the Real Estate jcichange yesterday of the Importance of 'tbe Rocit Island's p-Jrrhofs of freight ler ! miosis to Omthi. Next .weak th ctiangs will hssr the report rf Its city .planning coir.miute. "T3 RAHDEIS ST ought the Entire Stock o Furs -FROM- m f ft TOST '.Li OF OMAHA From Deputy Sheriff Foster, Receiver for the La-Dook & Yost Firm Also the Entire Overstock of Furs from Hall & Arbes, of 40 17. 27th Street, Hew York. We Secured Doth Stocks at an Immense Reduction and Will Sell Them v7r? nn w a. m av j f A Hli U3aU U UVU OflUflV Al 9 a. in. ., J frl Z ii I 111 BEGIF2S This sale include all the Fur Coats, Matched Fur Sets, Separate Fur Scarfs and Fur Muffs, together with skins and pelts ready to be made up such pelts as mink, sable, Persian lamb, otter and pony. GMTOEOS STORES ; V "M4Is-sTsW Back to the Pipe, Men! Back to the good old jimmy for real smoking pleasure. Prince Albert shovs the way. No matter vhat your grouch, no matter what kick you've had simolv forget 'em. You can smoke a pipe, smoke it long, smoke it steady, if you load up with this different tobacco. i .rMililll2lf h MA 0 gmrnfm Ilk the national joy smoke simply hits it right off with every pleasant idea you ever could have about a pipe smoke. Has all the mellow flavor and fragrance of real tobacco but none of the old kicks.' That's why ' P. A. is different. The sting and the rankness and sogginess that you used to look for in a pipe tobacco they don't get into this tobacco, because of our exclusive, patented process of prepa ration. Prince Albert CANT BITE YOUR TONGUE I You can bay P. A. for 10 cent a in th tidy red tin. Also in S cent bagt, handy for cigarette making, in pound and half pound tin humidor a and pound t glaaa humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. V ANEW NOVEL BY LOCKE A. S HI W. J. Locke has written another novel in that style which so many readers have learned to love. Stella is an invalid seemingly compelled to spend her life lying on her back in a big, beautiful room. This room is all windows on one side and looks out upon the sea. So Stella has come to be known to her friends as "Stella Maris' Her world is the world these friends bring to her sickroom, and they keep from her all knowledge of its misery and unhappiness. It is when she recovers and learns what the real world is that Locke has a chance for those con trasts which make his stories so fascinating and which he works out so ingeniously. Stella Maris in her individual way has the charm of Clementina, of Zora, of all the Locke heroines. "Stella Maris" will be the serial of The Century for the forthcoming year. Subscribe now and enjoy it. CENTU M AG A RY ZINE at cit. s copy, It o a ymr. At sii hook stores, or Th Cntnry Co., l'nlon Square. New York III 1 1 II The Thing To Do It you loss your lwketbool;, umbrella, watch or koiub other article of value, the thing to do Is to follow the example of many other people sod advertise without delay In the Lost and Found column of The Dee. That is what most people do when they lose articles of value. Telephone us and tell your loss to all Omaha Ju a siugie afternoon. Put It In The Bee evucjl Him Key to the SituationBee Advertising.