Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Will Permit Political Meetings of
Certain Kind on Campus.
Animal ltaaltanriry Ksperl, uho xrnm
Censured by Itrnpnts for Lobby
inm, ioe lo I nltrnltr of
M Innriula.
(Kiom e staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Doc. 12. (Special Telegram. 1
The university Hoard of R. gents at the
mrctliiK held this afternoon relented a
trifle in the matter of holding political
meetings on the campus ot the mate In
stitution and amended the present ruling
which absolutely prohibits all such gath
erings tD permit the holding of meetings
as long as they are nonpartisan.
The letting of the contract for the con
struction of the new plant industry build
ing wan put over until later, inasmuch as
some of the bids were not complete. The
building is to cost JW.OOO and was author
ized by an appropriation of the last leg
islature. The board axked for addltlonul esti
mates along with the bids, providing (or
a reduction In the construction of the
building in case a switch to the state
farm was secured. Some of the bidders
neglected to do this. When all of the
estimates are in the entire matter will
be submitted to the property committee,
with power to act, and they will decide
whether to accept the bids with or with
out the switch.
The board turned down" the proposal
made by the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation of the university to operate a
cafe in the Temple building,, deeming: it
not feasible. When the basement is va
cated, it is likely that permission will be
srranted for the operation of a cafe there,
but the basement la now occupied by the
Temple high school. The proposed set of
mlea governing the student loan fund
was unanimously adopted by the board.
Prof. Smith Resigns.
The resignation of Prof H. R. Smith of
the state farm, an expert of national rep
utation in animal husbandry, was ac
cepted. Prof. Smith resigned in order to
accept an offer from the University of
.The board sent to the mayor and city
council of the city of Omaha a request
that the street and alley now leading
through the grounds of the medical col
lege be closed. The board also tendered
a vote of thanks to Dr. R. C. Moore, who
Ttccntly tendered his library, a very valu
able one, to the medical college. The
board granted Prof. F. ; D. . Barker a
semester's leave of absence, and several
minor changes in the faculty were made.
Week's Short Course
Begins at Upland
UPLAND, Neb., Dec. 12. (Speclal.)-Up-larrd
considers itself fortunate this year
in having one of the three state short
courses in agriculture and domestic sci
ence. The school will be held from De
cember 11 to 16. Dr. Carlson, Prof. Pugs
ley. Mr. Gramlioh, Val. Kusha, Mr. God
frey and Miss Ronau are here to take
charge of the classes. About 300 tickets
have been sold' and the' largo crowd on
the opening day was very gratifying to
the men who had .labored so hard for
the success of this course. The York Harp
orchestra has been engaged to furnish
the music, for the week.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 12. (Special.) Thui aft
ernoon the case of the Shenadoah Na
tional bank against C. A. Ingersoll was
submitted to a Jury in the district court.
The bank sues for $178, alleged to be
due on a note given by the defendant.
The defendant alleges that the note was
fraudulently obtained by a salesman for
a food agency assuring him that no capi
tal was necessary. Later a contract was
made between the parties and the defend
ant affixed his name to what finally
turned out to be the note he Is now sued
upon. ,
The contract for the architectural ac
cessories of the Abraham Lincoln monu
ment was let this forenoon to Kimball
Bros, of Lincoln, whose bid waa $7,000.
The State Railway commission will hold
a hearing at Gothenburg December 22 to
take testimony In the matter of the com
plaint of H. C. Mead against the Cocad
Canal company. )
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.)
Whether Tom Smith of York, former
warden of the state penitentiary, will en
ter, the gubernatorial race Is creating a
(treat deal of speculation among the dem
ocrats of this city.
According to several democrats here,
members of the party in Douglas county
are extremely anxious that the York man
aunounce himeelf as a candidate. Tom
Curran, owner of the York Daily News,
an independent newspaper, was In Lin-,
coin recently. He tald that he felt sure
Smith would be a candidate.
Will Let Oo of Ton
When you correct the acid coalition of
your blood on which It depeuds. It only
loosens Its hold for a while when you
apply lotions or liniments to your ach
ing Joints or stiff muscles. Take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which has effected the most wonderful,
radical and permanent cures.
Get It today. In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Baxsatsba.
!-Unt!y. Doas ot dry up. Clcanae.
the cavity. Destroys bad odor.
Dent's Toothache Gum
AH OraewbKlia,
Secretary of State
Has Primary Plans
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. U . (Special.)
Just how Taft. ljtFollette, Harm.m
Clnrk, Wilson. Folk and maybe Roose
velt and Bryan. If the Intter two take n
notion to run. or any others who mny
want to run for the presidency, will Ret
their names on the primary ballot in
Nebraska at the primaries next spring Is
a question.
According to the provisions of the new
primary law. voters may express their
preference for president and vice presi
dent. Secretary of 'State Walte does hot
cure to encumber the ballot Willi the
numes of a dozen or more who look upon
It as their duty to file for president of
the United States.
If the law Is to be strictly enforced,
any number of names may be placed on
the primary ballot. It provides that the
names of the presidential and vice presi
dential candidates shall be placed on the
bnllot "by petition of their supporters."
It does not specify the number of peti
tioners necessary. Possibly a petition
signed by two or three names might have
to be accepted by the secretary of state.
Waite Intends to write to all of the po
litical committees In this 'state to submit
to him a list of names of the candidates
of their respective parties who probably
will be candidates for these two offices.
The committees may prepare petitions
and names mentioned therein will be
placed on the bnllot.
However, the secretary of state does
not rule that he will accept no other
names, but he desires to eliminate as far
as possible who for mere notoriety ask
to have their names on the ballot.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec 12.-iSpeclal.)-Markers
for the old Oregon trail will be ready
for delivery February 1, next, according
to an announcement by the Oregon Trail
commission made public today.
When the commission receives the
markers It will send them here and there
along the route as orders are received.
It Is expected that there will be several
more orders than the commission' will be
able to fill with the present appropriation
of $2,000.
The commission will assist In the dedi
cation of these monuments as far aa pos
sible, but the details of the programs will
have to be worked out by the local com
mittees. The following is an extract from a
pamphlet issued by the commission:
All school officers and teachers of the
state are requested to observe March 1,
1912 as Nebraska day and to provide an
appropriate historical and patriotic pro
gram for that day, and receive voluntary
contributions from the school children to
aid in this work.
The commission has decided upon a
definite style of marker to be made of
dark gray Bashaw granite, from Vermont
quarries, 1 foot 6 Inches by 1 foot 5 Inches,
to bet set In a cement base. All of these
regular markers bear the inscription,
"Oregon Trail, Marked by State of Ne
braska, 18U-1912." The coat of these,
f. o. b. Lincoln, is $18.60 each.
The Union Pacific and the Burlington
Railroad companies have agreed to trans
port these markers free from Lincoln to
any point In the state adjocent to their
rails. Local organisations and Individuals
along the route of the trail are especially
urged to co-operate in the setting of these
markers. Such local Interests will be re
quired to furnish a site for the marker
subject to the approval of the commission.
Such site shall embrace not less than 400
square feet and shall be deeded to the
Nebraska State Historical society in trust
tor the state.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe
cial.) A warrant is out for the arrest of
H. C. Deoious, formerly of this place,
charging him with selling mortgaged
property and misappropriating; funds. It
appears that Declous, who ha lately been
running a restaurant at Ravenna, sold
the property to William Lints of Merna,
this county, but after taking possession
Lints discovered that a large range and
various other articles In the place were
heavily mortgaged. It Is also alleged that
line ex-restaurant keeper had appropriated
f$100 that should have been turned over
to Lints. Declous has disappeared, but
Sheriff Kennedy haa hopes of locating
him somewhere In South Dakota, aa he
was last heard from at Bdgemont.'
SCOTT'S BLUFFS, Neb., Dee, 12.
(Special.) The law and the prophet are.
the . part of a legal complication at this
place. Mrs. Schmaul secured a divorce
and overlooking the important fact that
it was not effective for six months, she
was a few days later married at Chey
enne to D. K. Profflt of this place. On
their return their honeymoon was rudely
shattered by the information of the court
that her decree of divorce had not been
signed by the honorable presiding Judge,
R. W. Hobert, and which left her and
Mr. Profflt in a most embarrassing posi
tion. The outcome, if the full force of
the law is given, is serious.
Discharged Police Officer Arc a see
Mayor of I'nfalr Tactics Mrs.
George Oarwla Dead.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. 1 2. -.(Special. )
In a communication to a local paper,
Officer Munroe Land, who waa removed
from the police force least week, because
he, was found sleeping at the police sta
tion by Mayor Griffin, charges the mayor
with working to get him off the force.
The mayor charges that Land and the
chief of police worked against the other
officers In order to make a record, but
Land denies the accusation. He states
that his record Is open to inspection, and
that It wpi compare favorably with that
of the mayor's.
Mrs. George Darwin, a pioneer resident
of Virginia, died last evening, aged 63
yeara She is survived by a family of
six children, the husband having passed
away two yeara ago. -
The Oage County Farmers' Institute
will be held here December 19 and 20.
One of the Interesting features of the
meeting will ba the good roads and con
crete culver session. ,
James Walter McCollock of Wllehlta,
Kan., and Mia Maude K. Nonamaker of
Osborn, Kan., were married here yes
terday in county court by Judge Walden.
Mlsa Ellen Charles, who came here a
few' weeks ago from Rockford, III., to
work as a nurse, died yesterday morning
In Mennonlte hospital. The body was
taken to Rockford today for Interment by
ber father, William Charles.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
B!( Returns.
Assessment Clerk
Deplnvos Laxity
(From a Siiu. . i iMponilcnt.)
ORAM) ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 12. (Spe
cial.) Deploring' what he termed a ten
dency of recent legislation In this state
to weaken rather than strengthen the ad
ministration of assessment laAs, Henry
Seymour, secretary of the State Board of
Assessment, addressed .the convention of
county assessors here this afternoon on
"Real Kstate Assessment for 1W12." He
urged the reduction of levies, if taxes are
considered loo high. Instead of the or
dinary method of poor and low assess
ments and equalisation of property
values. Among other things, he said:
An Investigation of the figures pub
llshed will disclose the fact that the
actual assessed valuation of lands in Ne
braska were slightly less than 67 per
cent of the valuation of the lands as re
ported by the government census of in 10.
Absolutely nothing is gained by this low
valuation. A better showing and better
advertisement for the stiite would be a
higher valuation and a lower levy. I
have not as yet received the government
figures on the value of city real estate,
but presume that they will show con
siderable discrepancy when compared
with assessed valuations. You men here,
county clerks, commissioners and super
visors, are all members of the County.
Board of Equalization, and this equal
isation is a matter that must be met and
handled by yourselves and by the state
board without gloves If we are going to
really equalise valuations. I believe that
If we. ail work together with a view to
getting the assessors to list property
without fear or favor, and then look the
matter squarely in the face when equal
isation Is made, a better and more Just
and equitable result will be obtained and
will in the long run be more satisfactory
to everybody concerned. ,
lodgement Against Prof, Krtel,
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb., Dec, 12-Spe.
clal.) The Ertel case, which Involves the
support of a child, which has created a
mild sensation at Gerlng, came to a con
clusion late last night with a verdict for
the plaintiff. Prof. Ertel was the super
intendent of Mlnatare schools and the
Ml - ilslllilWiaitWalil 1 n -TTimr
Duys a Full-Sized Absolutely
Mew Upright Piano
Buys an Excellent "Used" Piano
What More Could You Ask?
The phenomenally low prices quoted here
now do away with all excuses for a "Piano
less Christmas." Write for mammoth Syn
dicate Sale Circular if you live out of town.
EMnfnTE? ReSu'ar Pianos on Easy Terms
IMk I La' as usual. It is only special "Syn
dicate" Planosthat must be sold for CASH.
Piano Dept. 16th
Our Previous to
reduces prices on $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, made to
order, $25.00.
An air of prosperity an atmosphere of Buccess, won by good
Judgment, teems to emanate from the man properly, flawlessly
tailored to measure.
It is gratifying to us that so many of these men of success,
and young men who keenly realize the value of an air of success,
place their tailoring orders in our hands.
You can join the ranks of these ultra well-drssed men.
.Every garment guaranteed perfect In fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St. Five Stepj South of Farnam.
A Harmless Way to Darken
Hair; Simple Remedy for
All Hair Troubles.
Wi iiors ..ot know the value of sage
And sulphur for keeping the hair dark.
Muii, iofcy and In good condition? As
a matter of fact, sulphur Is a natural
element of hlr. and a deficiency of It In
the balr la held by many scalp special
ist to be connected with loss of color
anil vitality of the hair. Unquestion
ably there is no better remedy for hair
And scalp troubles, especially pre-nature
(rayneae, than sage aiid eulphur. If
mother was one of his pupils. Tlie decree
sas that the defendant must puy $10 a
month for the support ot the child for
ten yea is.
Dr. Ilrenn Fnnnil .ol tialltr -t tnt-
ntnry (hargr Kred llrld-
from t iiiii li'tnl.
i FAIRBURY. Neb. Pec. U-Judgc L
; M. remberton of Hi-atilce. after d srxis-
Ing of a number of important itlmlnal
and equity cases, adjourned district court.
Dr. Bienti was acquit ted of (he statutory
charge filed against him by Miss Altu
Chambers. Both were employed In Dr
Lynch' hospital at Falrbury, August 8.
when Miss Chambers alleged he attacked
The case of the state against Fred lleld
strom, on charge of slushing Fred Mr
l'herson, July 10, with a rasor was one
that attracted considerable attention.
Heldstrom testified ttmt he met Fred Me
Pherson at the corner of the llarblne
bank, July 10, and in company with sev
eral other fellows, went to the. Little Blue
river and engaged In a game of poker
near the boat house. During the game.
Mcl'herson and several others accused
Heldstrom of cheHting and they caught
him and took away his money. He then
slashed at McFherson with a razor, In
flicting a gaJih over his cheek and fore
head. The defendant was found guilty of
assault and battery. Judge I. M. I'ember
ton gave him forty-five days in tho
county Jail at Falrbury.
Spice is the life of cooking
Upon it depends the snap and appetising
quality of your baking'.
Select your spies with cars if you are
jealous of your fame at a cook.
era par, f uIl-Mmftk a) way. 0ly tkt f iaert Mori u
umi. aad tkt aull.. i. ay tka mwt perfect of antUry
nukU Tknin twe kiadaof ., TONE S
aad "others."
Jut taaosTi'aaa jroumlf Mad 10a foe a full mm
ekaa .wy kimi. Wa will Mad you alio, frae.
rr of eve rwita aook " Taaa'a baity Talk. '
loaa'i lalcri sre awaft NX it rear (racer.
TON! BROS., Pea Maine, la.
BltnoVrt at " Ola Oaldm Coffee
and Harney Sts.
Invoicing Sale
properly prepared. The Wyeth Chemical
Company of New York put up an Ideal
remedy of this kind, called Wyeth'a Sage
and Sulphur Hair itemedy, and authorise
druggists to sell It under guarantee that
the money will be refunded If It falls to
do exactly as represented.
If you have dandruff, or If your hair
la thin or turning array, get a bottle of
this ren.edy from your druggist today,
and aee what It will do for you.
This preparation Is offered to the pub
Ho at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recom
mended and sold by all druggists.
finer-man A Mct'onnell Drug Co, Cor.
16th and Uodge, Cor. Kth and Harney,
Cor. ZUh and Karnaiu, l'7- A or to Kilj
St., Loyal HuteL
MiirrcTiir pdhv urid ukuicu'I
miMLu mil mini nitm unman i
In Full Gift
This croat minlity
most to pet for gifts
Smoking Jackets
.'Ulit Shirt.
Fylnniu. ....
foliar flag
9I.OO anil np
.lOo Ut
!H.IM til 9IU.OO
TSc to W.rtt
Tie IUhk
noc to
Kjincjr Suoprnilm .W to
Silk Muffler ffl.OO to tVt.l'.O
Knitted Mufflers ROc to 9I2..V
Fur (iloTm tip to 912 AO
Rllk llonr- .Wc to fljll)
lh-r uiotrs to
u mwwk
Give Gifts that Will Please
They are at the
Christmas Fair of the Churches
December 4 to 20
Beautiful Court of the Bee Building
Every gift a gift that will delight and
every one a gift at a reasonable price
Visit the Gift-Land of Omaha this week
Some of the Christmas 7 Fair suggestions are:
Water color novelties, fancy paintings, aprons,
hand-painted china, handkerchiefs, comforts,
fancy baskets, Mexican stamped pocketbooks,
fancy dusting caps, porcelain ware, dolls' out
fits, delicious home cooking, fine candies:
The following churches will be in charge December 11 and 12:
Churches. ChairmaD. llesidenco Telephone.
Trinity M. E Mrs. J. L. Houchin 2626 North Twenty-fourth St. W. 746
Hillside Congregational. . Mrs. P. I. Devol 2105 Miami W. 983
Grace Lutheran Mrs. M. L. Melick 1329 South Twenty-sixth St. D. 6121
Church of Covenant Mrs. M. H. Hinckey 2854 Manderson B-1721
Your money, goes fart her est at the Christmas Fair.
Under auspices of The Omaha Bee.
f all varieties cured la
t a fear days wltuout
sin or loss of time. Ha
sy 111 be accepted un
J the patient Is cured.
Write oroall,
-fidelity" Rupture Curs
iwg. l'. a), fak umo
Frank H. Wra. M 0.
k building, Omaha
.A il
store is full of the Ihinirs'that
sensible, practical things bucIi
Bath and Lounging Kobes $3.50 to $15.00
. . . .$4.00 to $12.50
Collar anil llMiitlkrrchlrf
Toilet Seli
Clotlios ltrutir
Hllk Tic
Knitted Silk Ties
Initial H'rik'f, per box .
Silk llanilkerrMefn ....
Cambric H'ok"f, rr h.
Tie Tim
Cuff ltttttoitft
rfl aKf .
Xvn 1
Successors to
Neatest equipped Ui-nlul office In
Omaha. lliuheat-uraile dnlatry ut
reaaunnlile. prices, t'orceluin flllliiKS,
just llkn tho tooth. All HiHtruin.Tit.1
carefully stcrllUed after eucji opera
tion. Oornar 16th and Tanam Its.
Christmas Furs
Reduced Pricea
1613 Farnam St.
All parties having goods In pawn at
Friedman's Loan Hank must redeem
name by lee. Uth. or they will be
Bold at aurtioii. Auction sale of dia
monds, wutclien. Jewelry, clothing,
every dav ut G p. m.
Cor. 13th and Douglae Bta.
1 Wi
men like.
Sets, to 9."
. . . to 910
, . 92.00 to 95.00
. . .rtfle to 9:t.SO
fOe to 9:U0
.91.00 anil 91.50
. . . .5c to 91. SO
9 1. SO nnil 9'J.OO
.. . .SOc to 9S.OO
. . . . SOc to 9S.OO
"'t .1 I i i I a i in . il si
k a .TH T If .TJ I iraifT
IMaa. Wimslow's soot in no Svarp has Ivm
UKdforovrt elXTY YKAKSby MILLION c.f
is the best remedy for LlAKKHOiA. It is ab
solutely barmleaa lie sure and ak for ''Mrs.
Wiiuiow'a "oothing byrup, sod take SO olbcf
Vlml Tsrcaty-sve ceau a DoUie.
Comic Section
.The Sunday Bee
'With Happy Hooligan, LittJd
Nemo, the Katzenjammer KJa
and the whole interesting fami