Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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A Fancy Shirt Waist Will Best
Express Your Christmas Sentiments
In the
There's not a Woman or Miss ho reels
tliat sho over had rb many shirtwaists .
sh reallv nettled whnt a splendid oppor
unity thin, to giro her something
nhc most wants, and after all, that
gift most appreciated.
You'll find here a surprisingly
complete assortment you may se
lect a pretty waist of plain linen or
madras, made with pleats or with
out, and priced very modestly at,
S2.1).'. and $3.50.
Or, there are exquisite creations
of fancy "chiffons, rrepe de chines,
soft taffetna, fancy voiles, and mar
quisettes. The prices range, $0.50
57.50 3S.75 Stf.OO
$10.75 $12.50 $15
nd $18.
Karh waist Is so cleverly f.itli
loned that only a separate descrip
tion would fully convey Its beauty .
as an example of tbe completeness of the showing we mention
a strikingly beautiful waist of gray chiffon over white thirron,
made with wide lapel and deep yoke of white chiffon over the
daintiest of Imported silk lace, which also finishes the cuff
the price Is $21.00.
Drlng your Christmas list to this store whether for man,
woman or rhlld, you'll find here the most pleasing and ap
propriate of gifts. 1
Lawyer for Defense Ask Judgment
in Accord with Verdict.
failed Man t.nllly and Insane
Same Time and Attorney
Mill .Now Hrlaa; A bant
Some Rotation.
DK.S MOlNKfl, la., Dec. 12. Motion for
Judgment pursuant to -the special find
ing of the Jury In the Dr. Harry I. Kelly
murder ra km filed today by Attorney
John T. Mulvaney, representing the young
Council Bluffs physician, who wan con
victed of manslaughter for the killing of
Deputy Sl.eriff Clarence Wool man and
K'lniund Sterling, and at the name Urn'!
pronounced Insane ly the Jury.
Arguments on the motion will he con
tinued until Senator C. II. launders,
counncl With Mr. Mulvaney, returns from
Washington. Kelly's sentence, which was
set for tomorrow, will be continued until
arguments hae hern heard on the mo
tion.' Mr. Mulvaney polnta out that the ver
dict of the Jury Is In conflict with the
finding of the Jury In the special In
terrogatory and that they are at vari
ance. In answering the special Interrogatory
by the defense Ihc Jury pronounced Kelly
to be Insane at the time he committed
the act. If Insane, Mr. Muvaney be
lieves he can not be guilty of a crime.
kald. both deeply Interested In good road
building, were present.
"The building f good roads Is con
tagious," said Dr. It. K. Qlatfelter of
Central City, Neb., to members of the
convention this morning.
In support of this assertion, and to show
that a small beginning In federal aid may
revolutionise the hlKhways of the country
within a short time, Dr. Ulalfeltar ex
hibited pictures of one mile of road built
a year ago tinder the supervision of
t'nlted States engineer podge and of the
resultant 400 mile of level road that liv
reduced tonnage costs to farmers and
made an Ideal thoroughfare for automo
bile drivers. Thl road, which runs over
the old Mormon trail, through Nebraska,
bus been built In one year and represent
the result of (ha Interest engendered by
the first mile of good road.
Mew Postmasters.
representative" Sloan today recom
melded that Hauls l.tltle be reappointed
postmistress at Geneva, Neb. .
The president today nominated post
masters as follows:
Nebraska Robert J. Marsh, O'Neill, and
8Hh W. Wilson".' Wood Itlver.
' )owa LeKoy I). Curtis, Adair; Thomas
K." Bheetiari, Kullertoii, and Bruce
Mills, "Woodbine. " ' '
fc'outh DaKotaP. K. Forttr, vice
IlueS. Artesian: " ' "
Man Throws Self
from Upper Story
of Masonic Temple
- ' .. - J. T
CIIICAOO, Dec. li-An )nderitfjed
man, who s believed to have been men
tally ui, balanced, shortly after noon' to
day mountd to fhe nineteenth floor o(
the Masonic Temple building.' disrobed,
crawled out on a beam and, dropped to
the rotunda beneath.' His mangled body
was unrecognisable." His "body struck tlx
cigar stand In the rotunda and Injured
man who was standing near It.
' The' rotunda was crowded and much
confusion ensued. J-'or a time the rumor
was prevalent' that two bad committed
suicide and thl report waa ma.Ta 16 ! tlie
- Th body or the man was later IdentK
fied from a union card' found Jit tils
iteming; as j. r. ureek of Local No. dkj
of the ' International Association of
Machiniet. II was about 25 years old.
,.jiLin uimuvrrsu mat uotn arms
tf the man standing- at th cgar counter
were broken by the falling body of Ureek
MITCIIELU 8. D.. Dei'. l2.-(Speclal )-
The jnyetery of the disappearance of a
Ja-year-oicj boy by tha nam of Walter
JonesyNaia j k-areit up w hen the skeleton
ur a boy waa found In the vicinity of
4 mnecn moniiia ago the boy
who nad been taken to ras by puis
Weyer.'waa left at hams alone while the
peopla went to a neighboring town for a
flay, the boy being left behind to take iaj
iu iiwi, jn iiioir return the lanilly
round the slock har not been cared for
and the boy could not be found anywhere
and his shotgun was missing. The
inn Dcneveu pe nau tcum tired or
living on tbe farm and had taken advan
tage of tholr absence to leave. Th tody
waa found by two children In a slough
about WO faet frooi a farm residence of
Matt Islgaty. Tha children had
uia aiouti to t some trap
on tha body, nearly nude.
Arizona Electing
Its First Governor
and State Officers
j-nuKNix, Aria., Dec. is. Arlxona as
sumed the full sovereignty of . a
state today by electing Its own governor
and acquiring for tha first time two
t'nlted Ptatea senators and one con
In all the thirteen counties of tha new
state voting today was enthusiastic, but
light In comparison to the total popula
tion for the reason that by the ennblng
act under which Arizona cornea Into the
union, the suffrage was restricted to the
voters whose name were on the, great
register of 19. This cut off thousands
of persons Who have aettled In tha new
state during the 'last three years.
Tha democrats hope to elect both Mark
Smith and Henry Ashurat aa senators,
though the republicans- doclared today
hat Kalph Cameron, republican delegate
In congreaa waa practically sure of win
ning ona of the tonus.
Qeorge W. P. Hunt, former president
of the constitutional convention. Is the
democratic nominee for governor and Kd-
ward Wells I the republican nominee.
Tha Judiciary recall, a feature of the
constitution framed' by tha democratic
constitutional convention, will be elimin
ated at tha election today. I'reeldent Taft
In copsefttlng to the admlsajon of An
ions, having made that a Condition pre
requisite to statehood. It la said by lead
ers of both aides, however, that as soon
as Arlson Is afey Installed In 1h
sisterhood of states, steps will be taken
to put the recall of judue back Into
gone to
and came
Des Moines Grocers'
Association Indicted
on Gambling Charge
DKS MOINES. la., Dec. 12. -The Des
Moines Itetall Grocers association, was
today Indicted on the charge of conduct
Ing a gambling house. The Polk county
grand Jury based lis complaint on the
alleged ' operation of a "wheel of for
tune," during tha recent pure food show
here. The officers of the association will
be served with papers during the after
noon. '
" Tha county proaecutor announces that
he will make an attempt to have the
organisation dissolved at the conclusion
of the forthcoming trial. It had been
charged that the retail grocers were re
sponsible for the high cost of living In
Des Moines, but the grand Jury Ignored
that feature, and preferred the Indict
ment for alleged gambling.
Bitter Attack on
Labor Unions Made
in Business Congress
CIIK AiH). Dec. lr-lnl' n Inbor. presi
dent Pa mini Comnrs of the American
Federation of Iilwr and the McNamara
rothrs were the subjects scheduled for
'scUKclon today at the second day's ses-
loi of the National business c-umress.
The bitter flKht agalnf-t union labor
made yesterday bv Henry M. Vvalllr of
Wevensln was followed by an even more
severe armlKntmnt by John Klrby. presl-
ent of the National Association of Manu
facturers. Mr. Klrby attacked Mr. dum
pers and the McN'amuras.
Mr. Klrhy's subject was announced as
The ltelatlon of Industrial Abuses to
Our KorelKn and Domestic Trade."
Frederick Townsend Martin of New
York wasvon the program at the morning
seeslon also for a speech on "Stale In-
Mr. Kliby's remarks concerning the
'I-nbor truHt" as he called the federation,
were aharp. lie called the Federation of
I-abor "Samuel (Jumper's monopolistic
l.ibor machine," and mild oraanlied labor
had a "determined pulley either to con
trol or ruin the commerce and Industries
of the country." He eald lis record and
he utterances and acts of Its officers
left no shadow of doubt that IN policy
is to employ any means, no matter how
brutal. Unlawful or unreasonable." which
would produce a condition from' which
workers would be "abKolutaly at tho
mercy and dictation 6f a. gigantic and
merciless labor truwt.
Again he characterised the labor or
ganization as a "Cold, mercjlesa .organ
ization, with no- regard for the flag" and
said labor leaders asked punishment of
the McNiimasus, not because of guilt,
but "because they confessed."
C'oadnetor Falls I'ader Train.
IOWA CITV, la'.'. Dec. 12.-(Hpeclal.)
Matthew Archer of Itock Island, con
ductor on a Itock Island paeaenger train.
fell beneath the wheels of a switch en
gine Just west of West Ilberty, near here
this morning and waa horribly mangled
about tha left shoulder. He will lose an
arm, but will live.
( harared with Theft of (irlp.
UXMN, Ja., Dec. 12.-Spectal.)-Ueorge
Bailee waa brought to I-ogan today by
Officer Myera of Missouri Valley to
await the action of the grand Jury In the
January term of court.' jr. paites waa
arrested at Dunlan Sunday evening on
charge of taking a grip at Missouri Val
ley belonging to another party, Mr. Katies
saya tiat ha la 17 years of age and
resident of Newark, N. J. His preliminary
trial took place at Missouri uWy today
before C. Alcxahder.
the constitution.
Federal Guards
at El Pasq Doubled
U PASp. Tex . Dec. U-Cnlted States
guards on the border were doubled today
when l.'nlted States army officers were
notified an Insui recto attack Was to be
made on Juares. Iteports that a fteyes
revolution a to be launched on December
IS, with the selifur c-f customs houses,
are generally discredited.
MEXICO ClT. Deo U-Th town of
victoria. In the northeastern district of
(he atata of uuauajuato, has been occu
pied by several hundred Iteyelstaa. They
found little resistance.
The town of Ttcuman, state of Morelos,
lias been aackea and two SpanlHh mer
chants were killed,
tieversl houses of tha district uf Kaca
tepee, eiata oi rueuia, belonging to a
Spaniard have been robbed and property
to the value of f.iO.0UO gold pesoa looted
AUIClU'KKN. S. D-. Dec. 12. -(Special.)
Henry Sehroii, an Aberdeen man. Is
complaining witness In a tase wherein
his wife, Dora Scnroh. '.a charged with
grund larceny. rVhroIi Is considerably
older' than his w Ite and t lie, couple have
not gut ulontf well, ftrcviitly Mrs. Schroh
went to relatives in Illinois,' but a
reconciliation was effected and aha re
turned home. Shortly afterward a quar
rel ayaln arose and she left and Bchroh
cl.ilms she took $-W of his money with
her. Mrs Schroh's case will come up for
ttiat In municipal court next Wednesday.
Holler Hill He F-aeeoted.
ALU AN IT. N. Y.. Dec. 12. -Albert W
vVulter. convicted of the murder of Huili
W heclr. a 15-year-od Menographrr. In
New York City on March lnli must
Pay tbe Uwitb penalty. Th loui-t of an
(tela aairmed lbs Judsment ot conviction.
.omlaate Jobs I). for rreslaea
VKrtMII.LION Kan . Dec. U-John D.
IliH'keTrller Is enlorsel for president In
statement published ' In ' the local hew s
paper here today by Vermillion business
men. The endorsement statea that the
clll magnate Is favored "because of ils
uusiness aoiui y.
(Continued from Fhst Page.)
thrones of the emperor, the empress, the
viceroy and the vicereine at the back o
which the Imperial and Vice regal staff:
and the' Imperial cadet corps, composed
entirely of youthful princes and scion
of princely funille formed In rank.
The first formal act of the ceremony
was performed py the foreign secretary
who advanced to tha data and asked per
mission of the emperor to open the Dur
bar. At Ills signal a long roll from th
druma and a thrilling call from the bug lea
were sounded, followed by a triumphant
peal of music from the bands. Then
note from the heralde' silver trumpet
rap( over the plain'.
(Continued from First I'age.)
9 yNssaaawSSase '
Wives, Mothers, Sisters and Sweethearts
who are seeking
will do well to visit this popular gift store
Throngs of women crowd our Furnishing Uoods ejection, during
those busy shopping days. Every one expresses admiration for the
unusually attractive showing of gifts for men and boys.
Gloves $1.00 up Tie, Hose and H'dk'fg Seta $1 to $2.00
Silk Umbrellas $8.30 to $7.50 Laundry Bags $3 00 to $:J.OO
Shirts $I.S0 up Pullman Slippers $1.50 to $:.O0
to $:l.00 Fur Caps $2.50 to $20.00 -Traveling Bags ..$3.00 tq f:0.Q0
Bath Robes ....$3.30 to $33.00
Smoking Jackets $3.00 to $22.50
Bo.xcd Neckwear
Mufflers $1.00 to $10.00
Boxed "Onyx" hose, bx. $1, $1.50
Initial Handkerchiefs, box $1.50
Pyjamas . ., ,$1.0O to $8.50
not guilty. They were brought up In
batches of four. The first group was
found guilty, refused to undertake to re
frain from similar lawlessness In the fu
ture and were sentenced to two months
tn Jail.
Your druatrlst will refund money if
Psj!i Ointment falls to eure an case of
Itching. Wind. Weeding or Frotruding
Files In 6 to 11 days. COc.
LONDON, Dec. 12. Twenty-two of th
suffragettes arrested In connection with
the demonstration at the House of Com
mons November 21 were Indicted today.
Nearly 300 had been summarily sentenced
on minor charges.
The accused who appeared today had to
answer the more serious charges of ma
liciously damaging property. All pleaded
Pure Liquors
Fpr the Hpmc
Family Liquor Storo
W are distillers' agents
and can supply you with
roost any popular Whiskey
on the market, .such as
Guckennlmer Rye, Cedar
Brook, Bourbon, Shenudoab.
Hye,Clark's nye, Willow
Brook, etc., at $1.00 per ijt.
1309 Farnam St.
Both Phones
Prompt: Oelhery.
The Knox Recipe Booklet
y 'Dainty Pgyerfs fat Dainty Ppl )
It rouri upon request. It
lllsstfste lutis la their
proper colon, ss tney
Botild be irrreo, nd tea
wlllncaitvslusble. Whea
cndltif for It, kindly give
your (rocer'l nsme, 1
ri. sunpls tor'le UMp.
Charts B. Knox Co.
' 409 Kmi A. -
Jabnstawa, M. Y.
"AJ) li
im& CuA2s CWiil
' iii hi ii inn ' m ii I
A Bottle of Wine Will be Given With
. , Every Large Case of ; j
flairs- and
The Only Pure Spring Water Beer
on the Market
Retail Dealer. fifteenth and Capitol Avenue.
. Phone -Doug. 13Q6, 7I62. A-1306, A-1673.
Wednesday Specials
10 cakes "Beat 'Em All" or D.
c. soap ase
4 lbs. 10c Jap rice ase
85c heavy and durable clonics
baskets, each , 600
Chlldieu'a doll clothes baskets,
each ' , aao
2,000 fancy baskets, all colors
' and sizes, each lfio ts S3. 00
Citron, orange or lemon riecl,
per lb. ...i f . .goo
40c cluster raisins, lu cartons.
"t ,. 80o
Johnaonls sweef cider, per
at 80o and soo
Hrllevue celery . .850 sad 60o
Cooking- or eatlpe apples, per
hox ..... ..fl.00
Callftrnla Nuvel oranges, per
dosen BOo, 30o and 600
Ite'l cabbage, per lb So
New Mixed nuts, per lb. 80o
.Vpw dates, per lb. lOo and )So
Kngllsli hot house (i rapes.
Imported Kndlve, l'"resh To
matoes, Cucumbers. Munh
roumi, Mint. Artichokes, Head
Ietluce, Cauliflower.'
- 8.000 finest Christmas trees
we have ever displayed. We
are parking them at 17th and
Douglas streets, where you
can buy your liully, Mistletoe,
Wreathing ami Decorations of
alt ' kinds. Make your (.elec
tion Xarly.
CSSJ C-ttA Ci2Sa C3
Tbevo are Diamonds aud l)iatuond. Eiervone wants ooe
whlcU tdnnot U Crltclsed, and wants good value, and we have
theui. Va Jbave stood (or and maintained quality for twenty
years in Omaha, and we atand for It today. Our guarantee to
tefu;i1 D(l per tent of amouut paid at any tlmo wltblu one year,
should le strong arfumeut that our quality and jrk'e are rUb;.
All oUes all prices.
Diamond Rings $5.00 to $600.00
Open Even
ings Till
Open Even
ings Till
chaise these men now when there is a
possibility of Waldroii tehg found al
most any time.
If he Is found and returns nd Is In
hi right mind, the case can go ahead.
That la what I hope for.
Attorn) for the defense are ansloua
that ths or a new trial proceed.
"Vs shall insist." said John M. Cleiry,
personal counsel for Or. llxje. today.
"Ihat the case be dlxied of as speedily
as possible. II this jury is oismiseu we
shall a Mi to have another Impaneled at
Tha general Impression prevails that (lit)
prosecutor'a office would prefer to have
a new trial, If one becomes necessary,
start acme time during January, In the
next term of court.
'ie Waldron Incident will be responsi
ble for the presentation of a new Jury
law at the next Session of the Missouri
legislature. Judge l'orterfleld said today
he intends to draft a measure along the
lines of the California law. which provides
for qualifying fourteen men. Had that
law been In effect iu Missouri when Wal
dron disappeared, the case would not
hava been hatted.'
Train Robbed of
Registered Mail
SAVANNAH. Cia.. I'oc. l2.-Allantlo
Coast Line tiain No. 60. which left Sa
vannah for New york early thl irvormng.
waa stopped by robber near 1'ardeevllle,
rl. C, Just pcfore daybreak. Several
sacks of registered niall were taken.
The train was tunning In two sections.
Th express cars, at which H la believed
the robbers aimed, were carried on the
second section and escaped attack.
The robbers, who had been paetit,er
on the train, forced th euf-neer to atop,
and covering the flagman and conductor
with revolvers, thay' made tha flagmau
open th nial car Sfter It had been de
tached and ran forward soma dlataqce.
Her the two mall clerk wer mad to
giv up th reiUt.ied mall.
A pots was sent from eavannah tu
take their trail.
ATI.ANTA. Ua.. le. 12.-Uorg 8ut
ton. district poatoftlco Inspector, aald
that ffty-flvs registered rscSe wet
! stolen by th robrxrs who held up the
I Atlantic Coast IJne passenger train at
j Haidtrvllle, Si. (., this niorung.
Where exquisite ift m chosen
The diamond that is to sparkle on some fair
hand, the pearls to encircle some snpwy Ifiroat,
the watch to tick against a young terr prod
In possession of Its fjrst timepiece the gold
or pearl opera glasses for the young girl's first
'.geason"-7-tbe lorgnette for her motbgr l)e
shining V "live' fea se or'- dirjnec peryloe :tte
massive punch bowl whatever gift, for home or
person dearest;' be sure it will be found at its
choicest in this treasure-house of precious gifts.
Diamonds, gold .Jewejry, watches, clocks,
sterlfpg silver, silver plate, opera glasses, be4rla.
lorgnettes, etc. We offer the gifts "beautiful of
the' city.
Don't Merely Buy Invest.
Albert Edholm ,
Sitee'nVh nd Harney.
We luiVL recently purfliateil tlio entire
"TKIFKVAN COLLECTION," $40,000 worth of
uire mid beautiful ORIENTAL RUGS, personally
elected in the Orient by Mr. S. Telfeyuu, a con
noisseur of international repute. By taking the
eijtjrc collection Me secured an' exceptionally )ow
pric.e, and during the nipnth of December we of fee
every specimen iu this great collection at a price
that will be as interesting as it is unusual. The
collection comprises many most beautiful small
pieces, which range in price frpm $15 to $23. They
are especially adapted for Cjiristmas presentation
purposes. "We give every patron our personal
assurance that these rugs are entirely worthy, and,
at the prices at which they are now offered, they
constitute a most unusually good value.
Orchard - Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
December 1 3th to 16th Day and Evening
Prized For Their Lustrous Fleece and Mutton Qualities.
See the Gould Dietz Llamas, the Persian Lambs and the
Hear the Band See tbe Pictures. Have a good time with
the rest of the people.
Admission Adults 25c, Children, 10c
in His ltest Sniess
Thursday. Friday ant SJatarday
"Th Hswly Wd and Thlr Baby"
Titoro la Only One
Thai la
Lojzativo Bromp (QzifiiFjzo
(uro rf yoxu ore to cvrc 4 pom $m one bat.
Aiwsyi remember tlie full name. Look
tor tbti siustur ou cTtry box.
t v
Tonljht Mata. Tail., Tbvir., Sat.
r-rtoes. 860 Only.
aflSB KTA LA MO and th
st Wk Th Laufhlna; Saooess,
Dllnd Doone Concert
i'rlduy niajtit. Iei'einter 15. I oclink
Twnty-slsth and Harney ptreets.
Tkkel on tale M era-Pillon & llospe
Admission Only 25c
Tal. S. 101
Zrlrsaca ea Con
sSai Si. DO.
That Whlrlv, till ly Mulol MUup
ajsjh mxu MU.1,
Wed. 2o-50u.
60 People 60. aig Beauty
r-rires jo-ou-kc li. Mai.
miiltm-BT.AN'HM hTni")
Alatinee every dav. il:15: every mailt.
15. Advanced Vaudeville Lily 1-ena;
ICdwIn Stevens, aided by Tina Marshall;
jullen Tannen; Blank: tarnlly; The Avon
Comedy Four; The Four tiles; Ami.eii'l
liros : Klneloacupe; Urpheiim I'oni-ert
Orchestra rlres: Nint lc. 2c, 5tc.
lie. Matinee. 10c, best peats KGc, except
Saturday and bunday.
Dally Mat, lS-aa-0
tola tiheldon. Culuraturs, Bopranu; Ti,
Beautiful Ballet ot Flowers. Top jv'oti'li
Uhlo; Just tn Show t'tr tiheep Bhuw
Week C'hoi-u ot Kprlng Umbi
Latlas' Dtsaa Matla Bear- Wk Day.
acstUae today ti30,' Vlfat i90
ft Seats K
-Th Vast Show"
aaasms am kbicams
Caut:ful Sounii m ths Ladles
at pully Liiiii Mattna.
Wd. sTlfht Chora Olrl' ConUat