Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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The Greatest Store in the Yest
Greatest Assortment of Christmas Gifts
Do Your Christ
mas Shopping Just
As Early in the
Morning- as You
Can. You Will Find
It Much More
Only 10 Days More
to Do Your Christ.
. mas Shopping.
Buy While the
Holiday Stocks are
All at Their Best.
Within Brandeis Stores, Omaha ieole find the host of everything Brandeis Stores
have larger varieties of Christmas goods-wider aisles-better ventilation better ar-
rangement more clerks and a real Christinas spirit that is found only in Omaha's
greatest store. It is bora use this store serves the people and intelligently
' meets their requirements that this is Omaha's one real Christmas shop
ping center. '
for Christmas Presents
An entire dress pattern, 54-inch wide material; worth up to
$1.50 a yard all up-to-date, pure wool, cashmeres, serges,
reus, oiu rose, etc. on bargain square,
just as you enter at IGth and Douglas
entire pattern.
$1.00 SILKS at 39c A YARD
Persian Silks in all new combinations of colorings, espec
ially adapted for. waists, just' the thing for Christ- Oft
mas presents; on bargain, square at O VC
One Bargain Square containing 1,000 Umbrellas for Christ
mas Presents Ladies' and Men's Silk Umbrellas with
gold and sterling handles; many in the lot worth up to
$7.50, at. .$2.8, 3.08 and $1.98
Christmas Jewelry
Windsor Pattern, sterling Mani
cure Pieces, nail files, cuticle
knives, toot u and nail brushc3,
etc., at, each ...G9
Nail Polisher and other pieces
to match, Regent Pattern ster
ling manicure pieces, each, gi
Sterling Silver Clothes Brushes In
a variety of patterns, 82.98
Sterling Silver Thimbles, very
heavy, at, each 25
Sterling Silver Picture Frames,
t 29 50 81.00 and up.
Large Massive Sterling Picture
Frames, cabinet sizes, a $7.50
value, at, each 54 59
Sterling Silver Pencils, each 5
German Silver Mesh Dags, 7-ln.
frames and 7 Inches deep; kid
lined, only $5.93
Brandeis Big, Beautiful Toyland Delights Every Child in Omaha
nn j l i . I'll . . . .
uuero me crowus 01 cnuuren go, mat's where the real Christ
mas interest centers. And the little ones all flock hero to see the
Dolls' Cornation, to wo the jollyy Santa Cla,us and send a wireleas
message to the North Pole. In Toyland we show kid body dolls
with real eyebrows and lashes annd natural long curls, at prices
lower than anywhere else.
P th raw Mechanical Toys, at .' 10 to 1 On
Sea the new toya that sail, float and awlm on ths water, at . .10 to 2 Xi
See the new Hill Climbing Toys, at 49,4 71 and llwU
See the new Cycobljes, priced at 7. . . . Ja" and ?f
See the New Character Daby Dolls, at OS to n
See the Pipe that makes Double Soap nubbles, at .... in
See the Walking Dog, the latest animal toy, at .., 2". to 4A
Novelty Pencil Boxes, worth up to 60c. at each . . .: ; 77. . . . . , .T. '5
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery-Full fashioned; all silk tops, wide lislo tops, wide
hems; lisle soles and double heels and toes; black, white and evening ahades. Worth up
to $1.50 n pair-Main Hosiery Dept.; nt, pair ; 35c 49c and 98c
Women's Italian Silk UnderwearVests, union suits and bloomers white, pink and blue
Special values at , .$1.39, $l.C9 ?lt98 up tQ 33 p8
Any Woman's Silk Petticoat $
iffa W fV$a
in Our Entire
Stock, for
!4-oo 2-oo
Special sale to introduce two great
new Nemo inventions "lloltite Straps"
and Double-Top garters. An advance
model for 1512, suitable for all medium
and slender figures sizea 18 to 26.
You pay only $2.00 for a corset
tvell tcorih $i.00.
In a neat Christmas box fine for a
anitl ajVtfmLalila sift
Only a few dozens at this price $2.00.
They have been selling un to $12 &n
Hundreds of beautiful taffeta, mescaline,
Jap silk and pongee petticoats in all sizes all
shades, including those delicate evening tints
that match evening costumes-many of them are
very elaborately made and all are high class,
Ferviceable and exceptionally well made. They
have been selling up to $12.50-Wednesday,
your choice
Oue liljr lAt of Women's ? an --
Silk Petticoats 2.50
These are fine, plain messalino and taffeta
all silk skirts, in black, white and all popular
dress and evening shades-a wonderful assort
nient. ,
In Our Kntlre O O O O "
Sunk, at OtiO
The most practical of all petticoats
made with elubtic band, equipped
with snaps that fits the petticoat
perfectly to the figure without
crease or fold, made of high qual
ity silk and handsomely flnluhed.
Have been selling as high as $S.
at 53.08
Christmas Slippers for Everybody
Lamb's Wool Soles
for crochet felip
pers, at 19c
Women's ' Felt llibbon
Itonieo Klippers Wine, grey,
smoke, brown and black
Warm and serviceable worth
i. at. pair -.81.39
Women's Comfy 81lppers, y added
wool soles. In colors f)8c
a. ai . . . .
Hundreds of pairs Fine. High Grade Slippers for Men
Operas, Everett, Romeos, Fausts and Cavaliers, in all
colors, plain and Inlay styles. Trices sre $1.40 to $3
Indian Kloccaslm
at ........ 81.25 to $1.08
Women's Uoudolr NUpimts iu
kid. all colors, at. pair . .f)S
Automobile and Carriage boot.
beautifully fur trimmed and
faBhloned, at $5 $0 nd $7
"We aro eauinntnl i AM-
body's wants in Christmas slippers. The
largest stock we ever carried. Kverv
..i.l. il . 1 .
biyie tuai couia Be desired at 25o to $3
n pair, in old store, main floor.
i-airs .Men s Sample SUtMrs Many sty
tan, black and wine. Regular price
J.av ana 13. at . at
Slumber Slippers
for cold feet; at, a
Imported Str
Hjifln lioudulr
pair ..
runman BllDuera for r-viJrr
men's and women's, at $2.25
Pir 19c ?
raw Bath Slippers, at.
uir Slippers ? HJnj
id. many colors, at J
.2.08 L
,lMllliM ii
J J Buy Merchandiie Certificate From Out f jj
XJ J Book and Clove Sections When in Doubt. JJ
Quick, Efficient, Satisfactory
Service Makes This Your Ideal
Christmas Store.
$10.00 for These $19.50 Coats
It a Mighty Small Price to Pay for Such
a Fine Christmas Present
All these coats are new arrivals, purchased
at great price concessions by our New York
office. If they had been bought at the beginning
of the season and in the regular way, we couldn't
afford to sell them for less than $19.50. And
please remember that the lessened prices In no
way affect the quality of the goods or their
value to you as Christmas presents.
Made of heavy weight oxford coatings with
large circular collars and cuffs finished in a
beautiful, hnrmoilzing purple shade. Tuee
rontf a bp-- tlio lnck-very stylish and
ervlceable. Sizes for both, women and misjea.
Aviation cap; for tvo A large aiiortmcnt of
kit '
mmn and girl, in plain
colon and pretty combi-
pretty apront in plain
white and check and
nation of color, 69c to etripe; 2Sc, 59c and
SI.69 each.
$1.00 each.
A Christmas Corset Special
Ono of our most up-to-date lines of Iris cor
sets that regularly sells at $1.25, Is specially
priced for Wednesday's selling only at 79c.
They have extra long Bkirts, medium high
busts, are made of a good quality coutil, boned
with non-rustable boning and supplied with
heavy hose supporters.
You will also find very complete lines of ruf
fles and brassieres in our corset department.
Our Newly Enlarged Book Store is the Mecca
of Particular Holiday Shoppers
huZrl" 0t PKr80D8 have found 3u8t what thev "ted in our
wi.r,hd We nf? vroviiei for thousands and thousands more.
Wednesday there will be such special attractions as-
-One lot of children's-books at 10c and another lot at 15c
-A clearance of ail of our brass desk pieces because we haven't
tuL'Zu t0 ,g'Ve th,om.the display. They will be sold at ?ess
Christmas Ke " " ort " comes around
-Special bridge sets, in leather cases, at 95c, $1.25 and $2 50
-'tO -raph lbum. that are lov of an man !k u
adults, specially Triced at 26c, 36c and 50c! f the lder
.b- ' u..'"e,.u 'e niu otner t-"--. easily found, If you will but
1 VkV1. t0 gtop ,a tblB nRil"cent department
The following tltlea come In full padded leather editions and win
make splendid presents. Wednesday', special price, 60c the voiuuil
Uooks in Blue BoxesSOc Books in Yellow
Tennvson'i l'i.m.
Lonfello f'oems.
Courtdhlp of Miles Stanlah-Lons-fellow.
Scarlet Letter-Hawthorne.
Htepplng Heavenward Hawthorne.
In His 8tepa-Hheldnn.
Hubalyat of Omar Khayyam.
Autocrat or the Breakfast Table-
Tllack Hsiuly Hewell.
Ulack HookConnor.
KvanKellne Longfellow.
I.tttle Minister Harrle.
Prince of the House of Davld-Ingra-
Jane Kyre Uronte.
Books in Green BoxesSOc
Masterpieces from Klngnley.'
Frofeaaor at the Break fan t Table.
Moasea from An Old Manse-Haw
Tennyon'.i Poems.
Knglish Traits Kme rnon.
Adventures of Urownle Muloch.
Lady of the Lake,
Classic Poems.
My King Havergal.
Hlmple Life Wagner.
Kmerson's Essays.
Jackanapes K wing,
t'ranford Oaskell.
Little Lame 1'rlnce Mulock.
Books in Red Boxes SOc
Evangxll no Longfellow.
Courtship of Mile Blandish.
Black Ueauty Sewell.
Htepplng Heavenward.
Milton's Poems.
Princess Tennyson.
iie'-'s Poems.
Mrs. Browning's Poems.
Love Poems.
Longfellow's Poett.s,
nittler'a Poems.
Black Beauty Jewell.
Ijuctle Meredith.
Bitter Sweet-Holland.
Tennyson's Poems.
AHolms f th" Brekfaat Table
Stepping Heavenward-Prentlss.
graham th Uouse of IavldIn
IHofmes1' " th Bre'kfast vTable
llooks in Flowered Iloxes at
fl.oo. All these are full padded
leather bound and have gilt edges.
Longfellow's Poems,
Kuvorlte Poems.
Familiar Quotatlons-Bartlett
AVhlttler's Poema
AVords worth.
Burns' Poems.
Hudyard Kipling.
One Thousand and One Gems.
Robert Browning's Poems.
An Extra Special Combi
nation Offer
Subscriptions for all kinds of
magazines and periodicals are
taken in our book store and this
combination is only one of too
many we are able to provide for
Christmas presents.
Kverjbody's '
$1.50 per year
World's Work
$3.00 per year
$1.60 per year
Special Price
Or a Saving of
Sale of Woods for
Pyrography Work
You will find something in
our big stock that will suit
ever)' taste and supply every
need. This Is a sample of the way
we are pricing it for Wednesday's
13.00 medicine chests at $1.15.
$4.00 medicine chests at $1.50.
14x22-ln'h, 75c placques at SOc.
12x24-lnrh. 60o placques at J&c.
II -Inch, MIc round placques for 35c.
17-Inch, 56c round placques for 2ie.
17xJJ-lnch, $1.00 placques for 0c.
:0-IikIi, $5c placques for 20c.
$1.50 tabourettea. 18 In. high. It 00.
$1.00 tabouret tes, 16 in. high, 50c.
$6.00 stein racks for $3.00.
75c tie racks for 60c.
15c handkerchief boxes for 10c
lOo atalna, all colors, 5c.
Sic art gloss for 15c.
5c Uas-o-pens for 14c.
Some Things You May
Have Overlooked in Our
Art Department.
A complete line of cretonne
covered boxes for handkerchiefs,
veils, gloves, ties, etc., as well as
work boxes, 75c each.
Hammered brass shaving pads,
whisk broom holders, desk boxes,
calendara and boxes of various
sizes, i!5c to 75c each.
Scrim pin cushions with French
ribbcm work In the center, beaded
at each corner, 80c each.
A beautiful line of embroid
ered pillows, scarfs and centers
are reduced from their original
markings to 08c to $3.00 each.
Don 't fad to tee the oootht we have
erected for the ditplay and tale of
holiday handkerchief.
Wednesday and Thursday in the Big Pure Food Store
Extra S. & tf. Green Trading Stamps
J4-lb. sack "Queen of
Pantry' pastry riour
and 40 stamps. . .Sl.SS
Bennetts Capitol flour,
per sack 11-30
Bennetts Capitol coffee
and 20 stamps, lb. 304
S-lb. ran Bennetts
Breakfast coffee ond
40 stamps ftSe
Assorted teas and 60
stamps, lb 8e
Tea sifllnsa nd 10 lb. pkg.,.16a
B. C. baking pow ier
and 20 stamps, lb. See
J 5c bottle (J eo. Dalidet's
maraschino cherries
for see
$ cans Brockport grated
pineapple and 10 al'vs
for 6
t-lb pkgs. Bennetts Cap
itol oats and pancake
flour with 10 stamps
for 19
Candied pel. assorted,
and 10 stamps, lb., S5e
Beedlesa raisins and lt
stamps, lb ISVie
full cream cheese and
10 stamps, lb soe
1 cans Bvnnetts Capitol
sifted early June pras
and 10 stamp.. . .S5a
lielni sauer kraut and
pork, with 10 stamps,
can l&e
Uaillard's olive oil and
60 stamps. medium
bottle 6
Benoetts whole toma
toes and 10 stamps t
cans for Sfte
i cans hulled beans
wltn chicken and l
stamps tie
J pkgs. Bennetts Capi
tol mince meat and 10
stamps a5e
t cans Country Oeutle
man corn and 10
sianvps Sfte
rn Bennetts Capitol
for gas
Medium sixe ean'tsnl-
pork ,n1 '
and 16 stamps lsa
t!tU,y. tragus and
10 stamps, can aoe
I5o quart can Franco
American soups . soe
iacht Club salad dreks-
I"., nd 0 tmps,
bottle 48o
Snider' a chile sauce and
10 stamp... bottle, SSo
Diamond Crystal table
lt and I stamps,
"ck JOo
Bennetts Capitol ex
tracts and 10 stamps,
bottle xse
Imported macaroni arid
iv .lumps, pKg....laa
Wednesday Meat Bar train
Lamb Legs 9W
Hamburger, 3 pounds for 5
Pot Koast k . . , o yt rC S
Shoulder Steak, 3 pounds for......
Toys, Dii,
Game cf all
Dewrrlptlon in
in Domentlc
Iloom; a per
fetlow'er of
Big Sample
Line of
Grips and
Suit Cases
Now on Salo
"ri -f ' -t miisiiisii'isnrsurr" "f -'f "riniiisi
for the old
folks; the en
tire store is
crowded with
beautiful ft.nd
A Splendid
Line of
House Coats
and Fancy
Now on Sale
Some Toy Specials for Wednesday
Fish Ponds, each 10t
Clark's Hill Climber Locomo
tives, special at 87
49c llalky Mules at 'ZTth
10c Toy Urooms, at
lOc (liiistnia Troo Candles 5
A big Une of- Printing Presses
Ehov.n at prices from. 25
to $9.00
22-in. Kiel Hotly Jolntctl Dolls,
with sleeping eyes, heavy eye
lashes, a regular $2. SO value,
t 81.49
25-in. Kid Hotly Dolls, with
Bleeping eyes, hip and kneo
joints, $3.00 value- ..1.98
Flinch ..... .33c. . PA ftA
A beautiful new line of the latest
Novelties in Fancy Neckwear for
holiday gifts; Bows, Jabots, Scarfs,
Lace Collars, etc. matchless as
sortment and values; from 25cUp
Real Irish Crochet Neckwear A
specially beautiful lino shown
"Wednesday at prices up from 50c
Automobile Scarfs, at . . . .49c Up
, J
11 mm.i
Furs Make Delightful Christmas Gifts
Such an opportunity for bargain getting in absolutely dependable
high grade furs as v,e are now offering comes but once in a lifetime.
Take advantage of the deeply cut prices; save 25 to 33V4 on
your purchase.
Pictures for Home Gifts
Just look over our magnificent stock of pictures' for
the holidays, compare our prices with those asked else
where. You'll be cfuickly convinced that you can easily
save 25 by buying here.
89c Cupids Awake and asleep,
in nice oak frames, special
Wednesday 23
Passepartout Pictures Big line
in fancy boxes, 25c to 98c val
ues elsewhere, at 10c to 45
50c Pictures of the Bojr Christ
and other subjects in alee
frames. Special tomorrow 39t
Hand Colored Calendars Reg
lar 60c values everywhere, on
sale, choice 394$
Extra Special for Wednesday.
Bath llobes, the finest made
extra large with cord
and tassels A. .$2.50 Up
Auto Shawls Genuine
Scotch golf, double faced;
each $5 to $15
Children's Crib Blankets-,
each 12V2C to $1.98
Blanket Sale.
Commencing at 50c pair,
up to, pair $20.00
Comforters 59c to $12.50
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx
$22.50 and $25
Now on Sale
Thousands of Splendid Gift Suggestions all most at
tractively priced in Our FURNISHING GOODS DEPT.
Gloves, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts, etc.
For the Fresh Huts, Vegetables, Dried Fruits,
Canned Goods, Crackers, Dutter
and Cheese for Xmas
It will pay you to leave your or
der at Httyden. You get the best
and save from 2D to SO per cent
The Bast SUxsd Xsw Vats, lb... 15c
lit lbs. best Granulated Sugar. S 1.00
48-lb. sacks best nigh grade Family
Flour 91.85
3 cans 'Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or
Squash S'SC
1-Jb. cans assorted . Soups ?Uo
Purs Fruit Preserves, bottle. . . .80
Large bottles of assorted Pickles,
'Worcester auce or Pure Tomato
Catsup, bottle SSo
Fancy assorted Cookies, per lb.. loo
Skinner's Macaroni, pkg lOo
Jellycon or Jello, pkg.. 7Vio
1-lb. pkg. Corn March 4c
Fancy yun Olives, quart 40o
Iirge iKittltw Queen Olives 3 So
Brisd Traits for Toar Pudding s, fist
and Cakes.
Cleaned Currants, In
Muscatel Cooking Kaieltu, lb..
Muir Wachrs, lb
California Cooking Figs, lb....
Italian Prunes, lb
California Headless Raisins, lb
Seeded Kalsina, pkg
. .10c
. ,10c
. .10c
. .10c
, .S'-.O
Sultana Raisins, lb TtVio
i? best Lemon, Orange or Citron
J'eel, lb aoo
S pkga best Condensed Mince Meat
ror oc
7-Crown Figs, lb !!"'iiue
Our ramooa Hlghlaad Havsl Oranges
if..Xm"r-Nothing like them 111
pride of California per
doIen 15c, 80c; 950 and 30o
The rr ait and VegetaoU Market of
.?ah, See'. Carrots. Turnips or
Radishes, 3 bunches lOc
Frosli Cabbage, Rutabagas or Hub
bard Squash, per lb ae
Old lleetn. Turnips, Carrots or Par
snips, lb
Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 16.8SO
I heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce.. So
J-aucy Cauliflower, per lb. 71,0
lrge Cucumbers, each 7l4o
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart lOo
Fancy Jtlpe Tomatoes, lb 7Hc
Lurge Green Peppers, 3 for 10c
Florida Satsuma Oranges, seedless,
rich flavored and Juicy. To intro
duce these to the people we are go
ing to sell them, per dozen. 15o
Regular price 25c.
Try (MYDEN'S First
- - - ff j -
i a m
n You Know About 8
the Early Bird
There are a great many live merchants advertising
j for your trade under the classification "For Christ,
maa" on the want ad pages of The Bee.
The earlv shonrr vtA thi he
for All the fa
ri o- -v uvivv iuiu ilia C f
fl best goods. X
The B