Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Features.
Wit, hnmor, flctlem ul wmli
pictures the beet of eatertaln
meat, Instrwitloa. imaituiil
Fair; Colder
British Monarch and Consort Pro
claimed Emperor and Empress of
Indian Dominions.
Cheers Herald Arrival of Little Band
of Veterans.
Royal Salute Announces Arrival of
Their Majesties.
New Sovereign Signalises Event by
Assoaielng Large Gifts for
Popular Education Cheers
for Veteran Soldiers,
DELHI, India. Deo. 12 KJg George
V and hla consort, Queen Mary, were to
day proclaimed emperor and empress of
of Induu The culminating act of the
Kngllsh monarch's accession to the throne
of hla vast Indian dominions took place
amid a acene which for richness of color
and magnificence of decorations probably
never has been purpassed In modern
The crowning was followed by an act
of generosity on the klng-emperors part,
of which a alight hint had been given.
The viceroy proclaimed that the king
emperor was to donate a large sum of
money to promote popular education and
that further handsome gifts would be
The hug amphitheater which had been
rooted la the Durbar oamp was thronged
from an early hour. The bright tissues
and sparkling gems of the many Indian
prlncea and tm smart uniforms of the
soldiery contrasted strongly with the
white dresses of the European women
and the sober garb of civilian officials,
The great feudatory princes and rulers
of India, with tne leading British offi
cials ocoupled seats of honor near the
pavilion located In the center. Screened
from the gase of the curious by a lattice
frame work a number of Maharans and
other Indian women of high rank occu
pied two sections of the front galleries.
Cheers for Veterans.
Cheers heralded the arrival of a little
band of veterans, the survivors of the
armies which had made the present Dur
bar possible. The old fighters In their
weather-beaten uniforms strove to keep
up a show of military formation as they
marched to the privileged place allotted
them, but generally It was Impossible,
aTMa many of them limped to their aeats.
Then the booming of an Imperial salute
announced the approach of the emperor
and empress. The royal carriage drawn
by four magnificent horses, was almost
bidden from view by the gaily caprl
oned escort. The emperor wore a robe
of imperial purple with white satin
breeches ' and silk stockings. He was
decked with the color of the orders' of
the trarter - and' the 'star of India and
also with the star of the latter order.
The imperial crown consisted of a band
of diamonds studded with large eraer
a!ds and saphlres with rubles In the
center and a cap of purple velvet trimmed
wltn ermine.
Empress Wears White Sat I a.
The queen-empress dress was of white
satin embroidered with a design of roses,
thistles and shamrocks, with a border
of lotus flowers. The star of India was
embroidered on the front of her dress,
Her majesty's imperial robe was of pur
pie velvet trimmed with ermine and with
a border of gold brald.She wore the
orders of the garter arid the star of
India. Her ornaments were a diamond
and emerald necklace and brooches.
The combined processions proceeded
lowly to the great central tent where
their majesties stood to receive the hom
age and congratulations of governors,
ruling princes and other representatives
of British India.
, When this gorgeously uniformed line
had filed past the imperial and vice regal
parties apeared before the vast assem
blage In the Durbar amphitheatre. When
they took their aeats on the crimson dais
the strains of the national anthem were
heard and the people rose as one per
son and stood in profound Bilence.
It was a pretty group around the four
(Continued on Seoonl Page.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Generally fair; colder.
Kor Iowa Generally fair; moderate
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Degree,
6 a. m ao
a. m
.... Zt
.... 50
.... 29
.... 31
.... 84
T a. m..
S a. m..
a. m..
10 a. m..
11 a. ra..
-IS m
1 p. m..
t p. m..
S . m..
4 p. m..
5 p. m . .
6 p. m..
.... M
.... 3
.... 38
.... 41
.... 43
.... 43
.... 10
7 p. m..
8 p. m..
ratlve Loral Record.
1911. 1910. 1909. 1908.
Highest yesterday 4.1 24 27 W
lowest yesterday 29 'Si S3
temperature 36 1 6 24 4'!
Precipitation 00 .00 .U7 .00
't emperatitre and precipitation depart
ures from the normal at Omaha since
March 1 and compared wtlh the lust two
Normal temperature 28
Ex cms for the day 7
'1 otal excess since March 1 578
r formal precipitation 03 inch
eflclency for the day Oil Inch
Precipitation since March 1. .14.08 Inches
Deficiency dlnce March 1 14.07 Inched
Deficiency for cor. period. 1910.14 &J Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1909.... 4.57 inches
Reports from stations at T 1'. M.
Station and Temp. High. Precip
itate of Weather. 7 p.m. Today. Itatlon.
Cheyenne, clour
Davenport, clear
Denver, clear
Dta Molnaa, cloudy.
Dodge City, clear...
Lander, cloudy
North Platte, clear..
Omaha, clear
Coin uj
it .
U .uu
i 42 ,J0
mi 40 .00
M 44 '.00
14 i4 .00
:0 44 .00
as 41 .oo
24 .00
TA 42 .on
30 .r
30 : .00
a t.
. 4 .O
32 1? .Uu
KK Lake City, snowing.
Santa Ke, part cloudy....
hhertdan, cloudy
Sioux City, clear
Valentine, clear
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WELSU, Local rurecuUr.
The National Capital
Tarxlar, Urrrmhrr 18, Itlll.
The House.
Met at noon.
Sherwood dollar-a-day pension bill de
bate continued.
Foreign affairs committee agreed to fa
vorably report Sulxer resolution for abro
gation' of Russian treaty.
Bteel committee heard testimony on
Bessemer ar.d Lake Krle stock Juggling.
Representative Fltxgerald, (N. Y.) de
nounced the Sherwood bill as sounding
death to the democratic party's
economy plans and adding rTi.ftU.iW to
the pension roll.
The Senate. '
In session at t p. t.
Lorlmer Investigating committco again
heard witnesses for the defense.
A national corporation commission as
urged before Interstate commerce com
mittee's anti-trust hearing.
Senator-elect Varduman. (Miss.) was
severely arraigned by Senator Percy
tMlss.), who answered a magaxlne attack
upon him.
The United States Is now anions the
IajuW in mrjld battlc.Mhtu conxtructlon
according to Chief Naval Constructor H.
M. Watt in hlH annual report.
Two young officers from the president's
yacht Mayflower, Lieutenants J 8
Dowell, Jr., and A. I Bristol, Jr., have
been ordered to Berlin to study German
shipbuilding methods. They will assume
the rank of naval attaches.
Emphatic disclaimers were made at tho
State, Wisr and Navy departments of the
possession ot any uuui uiauuu iwuuiiii
tory of the statement of former Consul
A. B. Brice that he was warned of the
approaching destruction of tho Maine two
days in advance by a Cuban sympathiser
in Matansaa.
The general tariff situation and par
ticularly President Taft's forthcoming
message to congress on the wool tariff
schedules were discussed at 'length by the
After many delays and much contro
versy a contract has been concluded with
John J. Boyle of New York, a sculptor,
for the erection in Washington of a statue
to Commodore John Barry, famous in the
early naval annals of the republic.
Lillian Graham is
Questioned About
Buying Revolver
NEW YORK, Dec. 12. While seven
prisoners were being sentenced today
Lillian Graham and Ethel Conrad, on trial
for shooting W. E. D. Btokes, sat side
by side In the court room.
Assistant District Attorney Buckner,
when the case was called, continuing his
cross-examination of Miss Graham,
asked about the visit the girls made on
May SI, eight days before the shooting,
to a department store, where they bought
the revolver with which they shot
Stokes.- Miss Graham said they had no
Intention of buying a revolver when they
Miss Graham denied all insinuations
that he and her friend had ever planned
how they could lure Stokes within reach.
"Did Miss Conrad tell you that it was
a pretty easy thing to get a man 'to
sign a statement with a gun in your
"No, air."
Coming down to the night Stokes was
shot Miss Graham rehearsed the story
of how Stokes had throttled her and
pushed her down the hall and into her
bed room and against a bureau, and how
she reached Into an open drawer behind
her and got the revolver with which she
shot him.
When I got the pistol out," continued
the girl, "Mr. Stokes grabbed it, still
iiunirv nn hajid on my throat. We
struggled out to the front door again be
fore he got the gun away from me. i
don'? know Just when I fired.
When Stokes got the revolver, alio
continued, "he pointed at Miss conraa.
who had attacked him first with a cnair.
Then Btokes fired at Miss Conrad and
then Miss Conrad began to shoot," she
Miss Conrad was called this afternoon.
She gave her testimony in a clear voice.
Miss Conrad said she was 19 years old.
She first met Lillian Graham last April.
The girl told of her friend's attempt soon
after to commit suicide.
I read the letter she wrote," said the
witness, "and found that Mr. Stokes
ought to know about It, so I told him.''
Bhe narrated in detail how he called at
Stokes' hotel.
Kansas Brings Suit
Against Gas Company
TOPEKA. Kan., Dec. 12-Thc state
utilities commission today brought suit
In the supreme court to oust the Kansas
Natural Gas company and to collect $j00,
009 in penalties for violating the anti
trust law.
One of the suits Is to oust tlia com
pany from doing business In the state
und three others are for the collection of
penalties aggregating ITiCO.oOO. The cities
affected are Topeka, Olathe, I.awrerice,
Atchison, Leavenworth, lola, Elk City
nd Lawrence.
The suits arc preliminary to others that
will be commenced In the counties in
which the Kansas Natural Oaa company
operates. The first of these was begun
this afternoon In the Bhawnee county dis
trict court by Attorney General Dawson.
It asks for penalties amounting to $97,000
and attorney fees being lo0 a day since
April :. 1909, when the company began
doing business in Topeka.
A second suit was also filed enjoining
a contemplated Increase in the rates
charged for gas.
CHICAGO, Dec. 12. A panel of twelve
men, believed to b satisfactory to coun
sel for the Chicago packers who are to
be tried for alleged criminal violation at
th Bherman anti-trust law, was tendered
to government eounajl today. A second
venire of fifty men It waa decided would
not be called until later. The examination
of the panel by the government will be
begun this afternoon.
Officers with Subpoenas for Mrs.
David Kaplan, Joahennes and Olaf
Lvietmoe Can"ot Find Them.
Hotel Keepers and Employes of
Powder Mill Are Present.
Two Stenographers Employed in In
dianapolis Are Summon eft.
llnralar Serving; Fifteen-Vear Sen
tence Is Teachings Them to Oper
ate Jute Looms Kansas City
thief Summoned.
PAX FRANCISCO, Dec. 12.-Mrs.
David Caplan, sought In connection with
the Los Angeles dynamiting cases, can
not be found by marshals who have a
subpoena for her to testify, before the
federal grand Jury.
Joahennes and Olaf Lvietmoe, execu
tive officers of the stste building trades,
also have not been located.
Inquiry la Resumed.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12.-The federal
building was thronged with prospective
witnesses today when the grand Jury
resumed Its Investigation of the dyna
mite conspiracy.
Several of the men summoned were
employes of the powder factory from
which James B. McNamara, Schmidt and
Caplan purchased dynamite used to
blow up the Times building.
There were several women also, among
them lodging house keepers, at whose
houses the three men had' lived.
All the prominent labor leaders, how
ever, were missing.
Iron Workers' Headqnnrtera Closed.
INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 12,-Inqulrers at
the headquarters of the International
Association of Bridge and Btructural
Iron Workers today found the doors
locked, the window curtains drawn and
the offices apparently deserted.
Two of the stenographers, Miss Grace
Gaylor and Miss Irene Hermann, It be
came known, have been subpoenaed to
appear before the federal grand Jury on
Thurday to testify In the Investigation
of the alleged country-wide dynamiting
Kansas City Chief Summoned.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 12. W. E. Grif
fin, chief of police, today was served with
a subpoena to appear before the federal
grand Jury ,of Indianapolis, which will
Investigate an alleged country-wide dyna
mite conspiracy. It Is I said he will be
asked to tell of numerous dynamite out
rages In this city.
McNamaras to Operate Looms.
SAN QUENTIN, Oal., Dec. II.-Gray
units amonglUJ-irlud-clad hordef
prisoners In San Quentin penitentiary, no
longer the cynosure of curious eyes,
James B. and John J. McNamara, con
fessed dynamiters, will be schooled In
the manipulation of a Jute mill loom for
the next five weeks, after which they
will be given Individual machines to . Thomas H. Swope, was not dismissed to
operate. A burglar, serving a fifteen-year j night, although Harry Waldrci, the mlsa-
sentence, is their instructor. Few of the
1,900 prisoners gave the McNamaras more
than passing notice.
The brothers took up yesterday the
routine of the days to come. Joining the
long serpentine line of prisoners, they
marched to breakfast, then to the Jute
mill until lunch time. They resumed
work at the looms In the afternoon until
4 o'clock, after which time they lounged
lm the yard until supper it isn't dinner
at Ban Quentln. At 9 o'clock lights were
turned out in the prlporu
Big Insurrection
Breaks Out in Albania
LONDON, Dec. 12. A news agency dls
patch from Vienna says that according to
official advices received from Cettlnge,
Montenegro, a dangerous Insurrection
has broken out in Albania. Twelve thou
sand men are under arms and an exten
sion of the movement la probable.
PEORIA, III., Dec. 12. Mollis B. Hlms,
who is alleged to have been the leader in
the postofflce robbery at Klrksvllle, Mo.,
on August 12, last, was arrested at Pekln,
111., last night by United States officials.
'lie will be taken to St. Louis tonight by
Deputy United States Marshal Black. It
Is averted that three accomplices, in
cluding a woman, have been arrested.
They Bring
Cokevllle, Wyo.
from the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Porterfield Thinks Missing Juror
May Return in Right Mind.
Incident Will Be Responsible for
New Jarjr Law at Blest Session
- or tn MiMoarn
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 12.-Contrary to
the plan announced yesterday, the Jury
that is hearing the cane of Dr. B. Clarke
Hyde, accused of murdering Colonel
Ing juror, has not been located. . Judge
Porterfield decided late today that he
would hold the eleven 'remaining Jury
men for another week In the hope that
Waldron may be discovered and .found
competent to resume his duties. '
Waldron has been missing since Mon
day morning, when he escaped fr,om the
Jury's hotel, and but one clew to his
whereabouts after he fled has been
found. That came today when Mrs.
Reldy Werby, who lived a short distance
from- the Waldron", said (he saw the
missing man in her pasture yesterday
afternoon. He appeared demented, she
said. An Investigation of her story was
started, although officers place little con
fidence in the clew. All of the city
police force and several deputy county
marshals are still detailed on the case.
The members of the Jury were In high
spirits today, as thoy thought their con
finement would be en led tonight. When
Judge Porte field sent them to their hotel
for the night there were some disap
pointed looks. The court explained to
the men that the county had been put to
a great expense irfthe seven weeks that
the trial has run and he wanted to be
certain that there waa no chance of
Waldron returning before discharging the
"It is possible," mild Judge Porterfield
In an Interview, "that Waldron may wan
der around for a week In a demented
state, then come to his right mind and
return a competent Juror. Such things
have happened. I do not desire to dls
(Continued on Second Page.)
Prize Sheep to
Only Seventeen DaysJW Christmas
Plead Guilty and
Are Sentenced
CHICAGO, Dec. 12. Albert Leon, Uu
dolph Hwanson and Fred Mameek, who
have manufactured thousands of dollars
In counterfeit notos, according to tholr
confessions, pleaded guilty here today.
Leon and Mameek, wore aeutenoad to ten
years each and Svvanson sentenced to
five years.
I.eon, the chief, Is ald to be a Russian
political refugee. His activity for years
has been a thorn In the side of the
United Btates secret service men.
Most of the notes It waa said were made
In a forest on Nootka Island, Alaska.
From there the cities of the west, eHpe-
clally the Pacific coast, were flooded
with alleged Imitation notes.
Russia and Persia
May Compromise
Their Differences
BERLIN, Dec. 12.-A Russo-Persian
compromise Is probable, according to a
telegram from Teheran. It la reported
that Russia is satisfied with Persia's
apology and that the Rlsslan govern-
merit will withdraw Its demand for the
dismissal of W. Morgan tihuster, the
American acting as treasurer-general In
Persia and also that it will not ask for
an Indemnity. There will, however, In
future be an Anglo-Russian control over
appointments of officials by the Persian
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Congress has
taken notice of the troubles of W. Mor
gaii Hliuster, Jr. Representative Levy of
New York introduced a resolution calling
on the secretary of state to Inform the
house of Blunder's contract with Persia
and to say If the provision had been made
for Shunter' protection as an American
Omaha Hoad tots Flour Rate.
MINNKA !OLIH, Dec. 12 The Omaha
railway today announced the tnHtHllatiou
uf a l'l'j per cent nillilnK-ln-trMnMit uti
per hundred pounds on wheal from Kan
as City lo Chicago via M Inneaiiolis. It
Ih said the rale will he of antjlHtunce to
the milling induxtry.
Omaha Show
rV-i- . n- '
Large Tract is Bought Near South
Sixteenth Street ViadUCt.
Ninety Lota Are Pnreknscd,
Which Are Blxly-Flve Ifoawk-
Krelaht Depot Will Cost
Purchase of freight terminals for the
Rock Island costing between $500,000 and
1000,000, and on which a giant freight
house will be constructed, was announced
today by Thomas H. McCague of tlio
MoCague Investment company, on author-
Isatlon received pel sonay from ITesidont
11. U. Mudgo In Chicago yesterday.
In unu.'.r u m -L-a f ..... T-v. zim.
.,, ,,.. . . "'
what Improvements would be made on the
new terminals and what they would cost,
President Mudge wired the following.
CHICAGO, Dec.12. Tho Omaha Bee.
Omaha: Details not yet worked out, but
expect to spend approximately Il,0u0,000 in
improvements on property purchased, In
cluding I rem hi houses and team tracks.
The new terminals embrace all tbe land
lying between Mason street and the Union
Paclflo tracks from the Sixteenth street
viaauci west u nineteen tn street, i no Yesterday, last night and today a
tract, 800 feet wide at tho east end, ad- vlgoroua fight was maintained by south
Joints the Great Western freight terml- ern and western members of the commlt
nals on the south. It Includes fifteen tee fur larger representation uu th
acres, or ninety lots, on which are sixty- committee of arrangements for the next
five buildings of various descriptions,
among which are the old shot tower of
the National Lead company, the Omaha
Wood working company, the Wilson
Kteam Roller Works, the Coutant it
JJuulres coal yards and a flat building.
me wooden buildings on the tract,
mostly dwellings, will be disposed of at
public and private sale, and the brick
Duiiuings wui do raieu, an or tnis to be
dono as soon aa possible. Immediately
after the ground Is cleared tho Rock
isiana win pegin us gracing. The ground
levej at me esixieemn street end Is thirty-
eight feet under the viaduct. The termi
nals will be graded until level with the
Great Western terminals.
Now Uso Union Pacific.
Rock Island freight buxlness in Omaha
Is at present handled over linlon Pacific
trackage and through the Union Pacific
freight house
A small pait of the property has for
years been owned Jointly by the Mllwau.
kee and Illinois Central railroads.
Whether or not tho Milwaukee, as ru
mored. Is to share the Rock Island's new 1
tcrininulx, will probably not be known
here until President Mudge makes a
statement In the matter.
Thomas 11. McCague has spent
practically all of lila time since February
1 in buying the property. In order to
keep the knowledge of the deal from
spreaaing, every sener or property was
sworn to secrecy and none of the deeds
was placed on record. All the deeds run
to the McCague Investment' company,
which will begin filing them at once.
Thla Is the lurgest real estate deal In
Omaha since the purchase by the same
company of terminals for the Chicago
Great Weatern, the property Involved
being nearly double the value of that
bought a few years ago by the North
western for Its freight houses and yards.
"It shows," said Thomas H. McCague,
"that the railroads have faith In the tu
ture of Omaha. Omaha will continue to
grow and the railroads want to share In
Its prosperity."
OPORTO, Portugal, Dec. 11. Hlxteen
persons were killed tonight, end thirty
injured by the derailment of two car
which fell in the river Douro.
Colonel Harry S. New Will Direct
Arrangements for the Next
National Convention.
Victor Rosewater and E. C. Duncan
Added to Original Slate.
St. Louis Withdraws When it is Seen
Case is Hopeless.
Former Governor uf Maine Will
Serve I'ntll After Convention.
When Committee Will Ho
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. IJ.-tPpcclal Tel.
em am.) If there wan any doubt as to
the pliu-e which the national republican
committeeman from Nebraska occupied In
the hearts of members of the rt-publlcua
national committee It hh dixlaUd to
day when Victor Ilosewuter, edllur ol
Tho Vic, received tho two most Important
committee assignments within the powei
of the committee to glvo places on tht
subcommittee, on call for national con
vention and on the subcommittee on ar.
rangemcnts for the' republican national
convention, which will be hold In Chicago
on Juno 18 next year.
Early In the morning session of the re.
publican national committee. Mr. Rose
water moved to accept the realisation of
Postmaster General Frank A. Hitchcock
as chairman of the national committee,
with the thanks of the committee for thu
untiring and devoted work which Mr.
Hitchcock had given to the organisation.
With the time and place of the next
republican national convention settled,
the question of the call for the convention
came up, a dlvlshlon In the committee as
to the optional primaries becoming appar
ent following discussion.
Messrs. Ward of New York, Capers of
South Carolina. Rosewater of Nebraska,
Borah of Idaho and Lowden of Illlnolc
were named as a committee to draft the
call and Jhraeh out the question whether
there xhould be state primaries to select
delegates to the convention In states
where primaries are not recognized by
state laws.
Two Reports Snbmltted.
As a result of a long conference two
reports were submitted to the convention,
the majority report signed by Messrs.
l' . -.( f T ........... ..... ...
the ,;er n,rylnK hl, vot8 ln Uvor 0't
optional primaries. Senator .Borah of
Idaho presented a minority report, but
eventually eliminated one cause of die-
between members of the committee as to
whether state committee! should be
enabled to call primaries for selection of
delegates if they desired.
With certain objectionable features re
moved from the Borah report, Mr. Rose-
water voted with the Idaho senator, aa
did representatives from Colorado, Idaho,
Delaware, Oregon, South Dakota and
Wisconsin. t
The Borah report perntlttcd state or
ganisations to lmrpovlse primaries to
elect national convention delegates in the
absence of any state law, while the report
as overwhelmingly adopted authorises
primary election of national convention
delegates only In states that have such
I .
primary laws.
While the convention call provides that
delegates to the republican national con
vention must be elected, thirty days be
fore the meeting of the national ocn
ventton on June 18 of next year an ex
ception was made in favor of South
Pkota. which, by law, will bold a state-
wld primary on Juno .
Compromise Seen red.
convention and for a time it appeared
probable the controversy would be carried
nt0 the committee meeting, but a corn-
p, omlse finally was reached. To the
original slute prepared the names of
victor Rosewater of Nebraska and E. C.
DUncan of North Carolina wore added.
tna other members of the committee
being Colonel Harry S. New of Indiana,
chairman: Arthur I. Vorys of Ohio.
Frankln Murphy of New Jersey, David
yv. Mulvano of Kansas and Ralph W.
Williams of Oregon.
Good Roads Meet
Attracts Members
From Two Houses
(Prom a Ktaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 12. (Special Tclo-
gram.)-The opening meeting of the good
roads convention, which began Its session
at the Raleigh hotel this morning, at
tracted a large number of representatives
In congress, who represent rural constitu
ents. Representatives Stevens and Kiu-
Want Ad
Christmas Gifts
By reading the want ada every
day, you may find your name
among the want ads telling you
that a gift is waiting for you.
No puxxles to solve nothing to
do except to call at The Uee of
fice when your name appears.
There are other prizes than
these free gifts on the want ad
pages. You may find your oppor
tunity In the way of a situation,
a bargain or valuable information.
It la a good habit to read the want
ad pages every day.
DalzelPs Ice
Cream Bricks
Boxes of
O'Brien s Candy