T1IE 1JKK: OMAHA. TL'KSIMY, PKCKMHEK 12, l!)lt. Sometimes Mutt Has an Idea Like a Regular Man By "Bud" Fisher -lY:H,eVVft. rVTtot.Nr, T R.,Vsit0 0HTH6 J-u. To CT KINV TO rCON-tefc H.S tcoo riNt - uiTeN,foo a t-reL vou. tm YOU. HONOH. VHt fl'WN5l pLtAO-O iOIL.Tf TO fceTlfu- MlS fte LOWfc", TrtrVN TO StrHAUO cV Ht WOWMNf, LJHOVJVO 7 NO PUN1MMCNT OtT CHCJVH CWfNxrtON JE.-- 4H,-UH Grt or- in. oe,ej- MewnrA you P- rc. X ct we eVMit. rms . hm rvKi TOW do HrJ IMTO COUH.T eVUO YrVU. rAINr M - TRN Tft fjpc AAfc TO THS- CHrV. WO X fM -4TT Mr WITH V MM w3 . L1UJ .. 1 --If ai n 1 Udm. r MOT HI I UrNNO-AO T Co UNPuNlVMcO MORE HONORS FOR NEBRASKA Capt. Shonka Placed on Honor List by Outinj'i Coaches. ONLY VALLEY PLAYER CHOSEN Kfrf Tim C'orahnakvr Hrhnol Hat Utrm Gtr yrk flap hr T'ram Gridiron Talon of th Whol (ooatrf. rapttin EhonVn of th .Vnlvtraltr ot brak toot ball elevau la one of four lft taekla of tha country n ho ara placed on tha foot ball honor Ual of 1911, a a-l-tlon made by prominent torches of 1h ronniry jind publiahcd In tha .lanuary niimner ,r Outing. Il la tha only Wnt- man ouiaiaa oi ilia hloavo con frenca who ia plaofd on tha honor Mat Thla honor lint la1 not ehoaen at rn lom. nor la It the adaption of one man, but It la tha reault of careful aelectlon by tha prominent foot ball toacha of the country; each mun mrntloned hat been named By two nr more coanhaa. The 1911 foot ball honor linl la aa fol io wa: I-Kl'T END RTQI1T END fonklm. Mkhtgan; Walla. Michiaan; Oliver. Illlnota; Verv, K. nn. niau; WhltM, l'rlnirion. huirt. , t'ai llala; lally, Uanmouth. s-mllh. Jiaivara; fconielaler, Val. 1.I.KT TACKI.K .ill. Indiana; Ftionka. Nrbrukka; llowa Yale: Hadmmrhar, . Mnrrlaon, Vandarblll '."!.", rosn, Myraruae; .lc, rarihmora; gpiackllna. Brown; ilit, JiliKtlon. Nioll. W'laoonaln: , 'apiTn. Mlnnaaota. , , , I'KKT 1!AI,K BACK I.ICrT 11!Anr Camp, Yale: H. Heltlna. tlllnola; t'ral. Mhhljan; Ainold,.Army. hauer. Chicago; 'Hiorpa, Carllala: ' Roaenwald, Minna CKNTKH tola: BliiWhemhal. Ollphant. Puidtie. rriucrton: KI 1,1, HACK Jveirham, Yale; Mercer, Penna) I tt'Krten, Iowa. vanla; ' Powell, Caillal: niOHT fil'ARD Daw-ltt, Princeton; Kcniby, Chltaco; Imiton. Navv. Iuff. Princeton. RIOHT HALFBACK MpiaKal, IjUvmic; r.ir.HT TCKI.E Wendell, Harvard; Piobat. "vracune; Coatello, GeoiKs-liuai-r, Wlaconaln; town. FRANKIE MANSON DEFEATS O'NEILS HEAVYWEIGHT i " Krankla Uanaon, Instructor of tha aihool at phynlral culture at Nineteenth and i'arnam etieete. who la belter known to the atoning fraternity aa "Mont Trimmer,", lias returned from Spencer, Neb., where he defeated l'unimy Yet, tha O'Nvlll heavyweight, In the third round. Ma on haa been matched to fight Jaik Sullivan at O'Neill next week, t MUNRO BEGINS TRAINING FOR MATCH WITH GOTCH KANBA8 CITY. Mo.. Ie4j. II. -Alec Munro, wreatllug rhampion of Ureal ttnllan. arrived here today ready to be gin training at once for lila match with Kratik Uotch, for tlio world a title on th bight of December In Convention hall In thla city. He will begin h woi k out' tuinurrow at tha Kanaaa City Athletic club. Me welgha '10 and a:d today he intended to take erf ten pound befoia the aiatch. RED OAK HIGH SCHOOL DEFEATS TEAMROM TABOR TABOR. la.. lee. II. iMpevial.) A lively baakel ball game waa played here tn tha old college gymnselum lait nig lit Atout forty looters came over with the Red Oak HifH school team and witnessed thera defeat the labor High achooi by a a.ore of tt to :. Ked Oek waa awarded eight pulnta and Talor noi.e. A curtain raising tame was p'aeJ by the Tabor Higti tih.'ul senior snd kopiij more girls ssatuat the fieahmeii and j .inter glrla, rtsi.ll ng It to 14 In favor of tea latter. Irelf Defeats Hskun. CIKTR, Neb , L'ec. 11 .- Spot 111 -1h Crete H.th school basket ball team t'e tested the Watioo team here Frldsy nUjIit In a hotly contested game by the (cjre vf 27 to a. The key 10 sucrcee In business Is ths ) j.lli loua and pisstvnt uae of newspaper .4 17) -- j-s, I i K H I e i ' y i COACH SAYS RULE WRONG Summer Base Ball Regulation Can not Be Enforced, Says Huff. IL1IN0ISAN TALKS OF CASE Illrrctar at Atalollt-a la Valrrraltr f llllaol DfrUm II 4 Afciar and tka t'acaltl laaa I'ktair Ullaatloa. fRBANA, bee. U.-George Huff, director ot atblatlci at tha University Of Illlnola. today declared that the aummer bate ba.ll rule, ot the western conference la violated on every tiaaa ball team, not becauee of racultiee and coacheg conniv ing, but (imply bel-auat tha rule cannot be enforced. "Tka rule againat playing bane ball for money by college playkra never ti and never will ba enrortfed. feald tutt. "I do not believe there la . conferenck team that would really ba eligible If tha 'facta regarding player were known and the conference law enforced.' . 1 do not mean by thla that there la any connivance by director, - facultlee and coaches. The very, abaurdlty and ex treme weahneaa of tha aummaf baae ball tan la shown la tha western confertnee. This body was able to put . Into effect drastic legislation the abolition of the training table for Instance, "It the conference was mighty enough to draft these rtgorOua lawa and enforce them, why la thire any exception, In the aummer baae bait rule? Simply because from 6 to CO per cent of the student body do not believe In the justice of the law they give their moral aupport to the men who break It. You cant enforce a law regarding which Injustice la felt In the heart The present ayatera Is nothing but a Joke." Huff concluded hli statement by as serting that If tha western confetence would be honest with Itself In this re gard most of the friction between Institu tions In tha Organisation would be elim inated. He advocated the repeal of the law. ALEX MUNROE BEGINS TRAINING IN KANSAS CITY . KANSAS CITY, Dc. ll.-Ale Munroe wreatllng champion ot Ureat Britain, ar rived here today ready to begin training at onoe for h1a match with Frank Uotch for the woi Id a title on the night ot De cember 27 In Couventluu hall In thla city. He will begin hla workout tomorrow at the Kanaa City Athletic club. He weighs 230 pounde and aald today he Intended to take off ten pounds before the match. TALKED OF FOR THE JOB IHAi TOM LYNCH HOLTS i:daid 4i. Hario..-. president of lha Kantein league, wlie I aa been memlened aa a poaalhla succraer.r is Tom l.nt,tl III th picaldciK)- of the Naliciial Uague. . t ' - I Mfd AC SOBKlT CRlrAE. 'K0W.0B. X MAN WHO MANAGES TO HAKE THE GAME PAY Doer eaoku. The whole team ot 1911 Cornhuaker foot ball players will accompany Manager Earl O. Eager and Coach "Jumbo" fttlehm to Omaha tkla afternoon for the big get together feed that the alumni Of Omaha are tendering the championship eleven at the Millard hotel. Manager Earl O. Kger aent word yesterday afternoon that six teen huitky youngaters Will arrive at o'clock thla evening. No captain for next seaaon a eleven has been elected, and the letter men will piobably select their leader when they get together here tonight. They will be asked to pull off this act then and they a; t expected to consent. It la going to be ths biggest affair of Metz Bros, Show Speed in Doubles at Dca Moines Meet Although tha Mats Brolhsis' fameua team of ten pin artists did not snow very well !n the flva-sosn event, a great deal ; satistae'.lon Is to bs gains frein ths allowing they made In the double eveut at IBs tournament at Pea Moines. Ths team Cid not arrive In that eity unt.l ATitr e'cleck, and then Just had time lo Shange cU.hee and go upon, the aliens p-.ieiually at 19 o'clock. Atttr having a nglil'a teat may shot In th doubles Sunday, with th fallow Hit its-ills: Kcaie .o,ird na v. in t;s lea Ki IM i Vo.als II;-, ey lli..,l..,i.on .... S40 KM 4QJ l.JJi" I t J Tot .... BUO lfi t iJO .... tii l.S ID I JH Vo fa J tu IX U;4 Kea e - d Conrad landed la third place ai.'i lia . ey ai.d Huoilngtoii In aavento pla e i" the tn;, Sid tits four cu.c iL.Cn, .a Uenmwi.'a. tus f.llii niiinlie. of .he woi, wsj'. 4 ha.e le.alid ip to more U ; woe, r, i.lctt weutd have landed .. iiiu..e.- m l.ii ease, In i n k iigies t ie n"i also li st n imnO int.', liunlmgien with lii, lSj and i -'. le.al of Hi, landed In th rd piece In tlie event. Neale Shooting 1st, ITS and 'wwq- --7-- fil W uc TO VOW i ii TO "mi !. .. It kind ever held here and the Omaha alumni are trolng to turn out In large numbers. It It .expected that there will be between MO and 400 of tha old. grade down at tha Millard hotel. There wHI ba aongs and music In large quantities, and one section of Omaha will think It has been set down In the mldat of a college colony. .-.' ToarlaaT tan far Team. ". The team, manager arid coaches will ba met at tha Burlington at at ton this evening by a reception committee of tha local alumni who will have several big touring fare to take tha boy to the hotel. . ... Many alumni In Uncoltt have stated they will be hera for the Wg slunC All alumni In. Omaha are Invited. If they hava not received formal Invitations thev must coma .anyway, the reception com mittee aeciaree. The ' price of the feed I 60 centa; there are to be n aubacrip tlona. All It will cost anyone WU1 be M cents. , May Abroarate Hale. LIXCOLN. Dec. U.-i Special Telegram.) Tha .banquet, tendered, by tn . Omaha alumni to the Cornhuaker Tuesday night haa called to tha attention of university authorities a ruling of the Mtaaourt Val ley conference and of the board tit presl dtnta comprising the Missouri . valley sthoola which prohibit9 th playing of foot ball gamed except 6n eollega cam- PUSS.-.; ...,. - .... y, . Inasmuch a the Omaha banquet la th Initial mov toward ecurtng a toot ball game for the metropolis next tall, uni veialty authorities made the statement Monday that tinder the present rule ot the Missouri Valley conference such a game waa Impossible. Two years ago the presidents and regent e of the various schools comprising the conference met at Dee Moines and enacted the rule pro hibiting games outside or the college athletlo grounds and the ruls wss later Incorporated In those of the Missouri Val ley conference. ie rule la now In full force ana k.hi Its reclalon a tame In Omaha In which Nebraska la on of ths contestants, is an ImpoJBlblllty. Considerable speculation exist In thi dty over the probable atep which win be taken to permit the playing of a game In th metropolla. It 1 suggested that the..rullng be rescinded, conaldetable ti:eatlsfactlon having al teady been expreeeed over it. The next meeting of the preeldvnts and the regents will be held In Lincoln next 3. with a total of also landed among; the top men. . Altogether this Is a remarkable showing for five men to make, getting into the money In svry event, snd most promi nently In the doubles and singles. LEADING FOOT BALL COACHES PICK IHONKA FOR TACKLE. 1 1 May Elect Captain Here , . v : , -v .-. . i , . - i : ,. s-. .. , -( . ' X. iv-; ' 1 -; .. . - .-.. , '' .. r . - ;V i. -v - - Vy . ' yj . : , t ' - j -... teHuN K A CAPTAIN OT TUS CORN-Hl'SKKrVsV THE PR.bON5R 7 HI ' cjrjrtff : ; MAN BEHIND THE LINEUP OF THE C0RNHUSKERS "JUMBO" BTIEHM. fail, but if Omaha lit to be given a game on the schedule next Tall, a apeulal a ra tion of that body or aotlon by the con ference Itself muat be taken. Water Hale Doee tot Hold. The Missouri valley . rule against the playing of gamea on fields not under control ot one of the schools participat ing, la held to be effective only againat conference Institutions. Nebraska, for example, could play Michigan or Minne sota 1n Omaha. This same ruls was tn foice In the Chicago conference when Minnesota, a member of that organisa tion, played Nebraska In Omaha at Rourke park, a field not owned or con trolled by either achooi. With the Bowlers Garlae Alleys. Team standing December 19: Vv. U P.C. Jetter Gold Tops Mil H Martin Users II m4 sielllngs i 11 tus Petei eon's Candy Kios.. kl 1 tJ doyce ciacsw Jacks... IT IS tu Cu, kin's Cubtv 16 1 ill iar low Colts 10 r lit do. urn. Ioe e Coal Co.. U Total 1'liia. 81,1X1 l!.lii - i.li i.IS ...M9 ...,1 ..D7 ...Ml ....IM ....Ivt ....Uvl ....IM 1SJ ....-,1 ...ai.i ...,1W ....IM ...14. Individual franclseo .. fegenberg . Hull , lTitsgerald . krltcher ... Brlsis Koch Hemlebcn . Ohneeorg ... Kennedy ... Dr. Hunt.., Ham .i Lepinakl ... UcCord .... Hall Vaiatedt .. Chadd Cooley Koth Oustavson . Clark Nolan Thomas .... Sherwood ., Hammond . Tombrtnk avaragee 1M Ill m ui l.S Winter re 8. Winters. took Peachek ... V oiie Caikio 1.7, l.t 1. -I .......1.4 itr XI at tin Ti, 1.0, in H! lev lJ HI IS? , It lu 1; lti , 14 li baktr Alaun aiailetta ... Dr. Cox.... Clayaora .. Kruce Kowe Greene ..... Peterson Polaa Towl discs ...... Mullen Kelleon Iaiklna ....its ....14 Tl ....16 ....144 ....141 ....Hi ,...1M .... ...IK ....1-1 lll 1 Qdbbla .... 15H I . Co-Id's Htn Win, PARIS. De. li.-rrsr.- J. Oould's Cavero won the Prize Marie Anteny at tha Auteutl race track today. " ' ill miiiii i - - i ii-ii n.u-t.o vow 1 Ar"R.Kt TO U6T VOVJ CO rAltHT HIT WW 1 J It ' ' , UV ! A. SCHMIDTJEST BOWLER St. Louis Man Wins Indiridual Contest at Des Moines. MAKES GOOD MARK OF 686 Fawtoa aad Mayer of Sloax City Hlgk in Doarnlee, -rlth 1,310 -Hontlnaton of Omaha Rolls 643. I DES MOINES, Dec. tt.-A. Schmidt ot St Louis' was declared ths victor In the Individual events of the Midwestern Bowling tournament which closed herb last night. His score wss cm. N. J. Locksr Of Des Moines won second place with 64t and Neblett ot Des Moines third With til. Fan ton and Hoyer of Bloux City won tha, high score of tha tournament In the double events with 1,110. Hoffmelster and Iserman of Des Moines were second with 1,209 snd Vernon, and Overman of Des Moines third with !,1S8. The only score worthy of mention In today'a singles and doubles wss rolled by M. R. Huntington of Omaha, who fin ished with (42 In ths Indlvldusls. Basket Ball Gets Good Start at the Omaha High School The Omaha High school basket ball squad has entered Into the spirit of the game for all It Is worth and If the num ber of active candtdatea remains aa large as It is at preaent for ths next two weeks, Coach Clark will hava no trouble In pick ing a regular aquad of first class caliber. coach Clark will merely put the lads through a stiff preliminary practice thla week and will not attempt to pick the regular aquad until sometime next week. There will be tpurteen on the regular aquad, enough for two fives and aubatl tutes. , From this aquad ths first team will be picked later In the season. There will also be a second five and four class teams, repreaentlng the senior, Junior, sophomore anid freahmsn classes. . A series of games will be played between the class teams, usually as preliminaries to tbs regular games. of ths first quintet. Table Roek Defeats Hasaboldt. TA BLR ROCK, Neb., Dee. 11. (Special.) The basket ball game pl-yed here Satur day n.Miil between Humboldt and th Table Rock "Tlgera'' reaulted in a vic tory for ths latter, the score being II to a. . WILL RACE HORSES AFTER HE LEAVES SENATE r -enator Josenh W. Batlev of Teitas hn it - ,u.v,t IIWI iinii and haa bought a string of light harness horses, anticipating hi retirement from the senate on March 4 next. Senator tlalley will campaign extensively with his new horses next seeton. Hs told his farm and string of racsrs at Lexington, Ky., last year, saying he would not I ace again, but the trotting hor ferer seems Juet now to have him completely within Its grip. ; . '.r ' "i ' ... v , s. ; . . i',,, ... - . : . j ' i Si"?' ? ASKS HELP OF THE PUBLIC National Commission Finds Evi : dence ia to Sc&lping Elusive. WOULD END BASE BALL POOLS Name of Easter Leagae C.haagred iBtematlalrkl Leagae aad Bar raw Reelected Chief Officer for Five? Yeara. NEW YORK. Dec 11,-The National oommislson issued a statement tonight. Inviting the public to prove It It there was collusion between the New York National league base ball club or sny ot its orrictala and ticket scalpers In the world's series lest October. So fer, Chairman August Herrmann said, the commission lias spent $1,600 look ing for evidence and was prepared to spend more. It has investigated the scandal, he declared, and would continue to Investlgste, but real proof was hard to arst. What evidence already had been gar nered he did nit dlsolose. . This was but on tf geveral matters that kept the commission for six hours behind closed doors. Another matter dis cussed was gambling in baas ball pools, upon which ths miiibers placed a ban. TO correct this evil the Commission adopted a resolution recommending to the National and American leagues that they . do all In their power in their respective circuits to end that custom. It also wss announced that ths ocmmisslon will con sult with "the postofflca authorities and the proper federal officials te secure their co-operation to that end. It having; been reported to the commission that several newspapers and othsr periodicals carried these pools, making it seem a lottery." The name of the Eastern league was changed this afternoon to the Inter national league and Edward O. Barrow N was re-elected president, secretary and treasurer tor five, yeara The committee reported that It bad re ferred to President Lynch of ths Na tional and Prealdent Johnson of ths American league the request of the East ern league and Pacific, league and the American association tor higher rat'lngs. Each major league wlK consider the ques tion at It meeting tomorrow. The com- mission will consider the question at its meeting tomorrow. Ths commission will receive their reports at Its annual meet ing in Cincinnati. January J, and dispose of the 'matter then. Ticket Srawaal II la- Tople. The length of discussion tbs world's series ticket scandsl overshadowed vu other topic before the national commis sion. While the subject waa up the members did not lesv ths room, even to luncheon, but had the meal brought In. 'When adjournment waa taken, Chair man Herrmann threw open the doors to newspaper men and made an oral atate- ment. "Insofar aa the Inveatlgatlon ot the ssle of tickets during the world'a aerie. concerned," he said, "the commission hsa ataited a rigid Investigation. l h.. sxpended more than fl.COt and Is prepared to apend more. The commission realises that tickets wars In ths hands of specu lators, ooth in Nsw York and Phii.d.i. Phis, it also realizes thst the speculators sold these ticket at exhorbitant prices. -mat we want te know, however, ia whether any one connected with the New York club or the Philadelphia club was In collusion with any spsculstor or speculators. We are anxious te secure information along that line. "If any newspaper haa Information along this Una or any Individual cr newspaper wrttar, for tbst matter, the commission would ba mmA to h.. them and to take the matter up with inem. in ice tr.esntims ws are continuing our Investigation. Wa ara tn th. i.. cf It now and wa are going te the bottom or me matter, tut what It will result In no one can tell." It waa given out tKt the commission had adjourned subject to ths call of their chairman and that ths investigation al though hsld up a day by tha matting to morrow of the National and American leagues, would continue during the re mainder of the week er longer, and that a meeting to go over the e video oe Uat be called within a few daya (