Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Tired Trader in Wheat Are Dispor
in j of Their Holdings'.
X Mtrr Wlat the Wrtlkrr Con
dltloa Might,, Be Ceantry
. relate An Prepared to
i OMAHA. Dec. U. It'll.
The one Important feature In the wheat
trade la the continued liquidation of tired
holder, this appllea to the bin traders
aa well as the scattered long Interest.
The continuation of heavy receipts and
further Increase In the visible supply
and nu demand for the already large
stocks, and bearish reports from Argen
tina, all combine to make It easy fur the
selling aide.
While there la no great rush of corn to
primary markets receipts are away ahead
of last year'a and no mailer what the
weather Is country shipping points are
prepared to deliver a lot of corn from now
n. The chances of a bull campaign are
simply postroned.
All newa on wheat wai bearish and
selling- vu the order of the dsy's trading.
Cash wheat was mIc lower.
rthorta In corn were a bit nervous,
owing to the unsettled weather. Futures
were firm and and higher, but the cash
article waa UMc lower.
Primary wheat receipts wero 1.415.00)
bu. and shipments were 2H7.onn bu., against
receipts last yer of l.lott.Otw bu. and
shipments of IM.OuO bu.
Primary corn receipts were l.TK.OOO bu.
and ehlpmenta were t.HS,'0 bu., against
reoept last year of l.ri.OUO bu. and ship
tnetita of 2. 1X0 bu..
Clearances were 11.000 bu. of corn, 5.0W
bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
W0,0u0 bu.
IJverpool closed "d higher to d lower
on wheat and VBWd lower on corn.
The following can sales were reported
Wheat: No. t hard, 1 car Wc. 1 car Hc,
3 car 4c, 1 cars tMc; No, a hard, t cars
Via, 1 car 93c. Corn: No. I white, 1 car
(old) No, 13 cars 67c; No. 4 white. ( cara
MVfcc, 1 car 66c; No. 4 color, 1 car Mc;
No. t yellow, 7 cara 64c, 16 cars 66o; No.
4 yellow, 1 csr 66c, 7 car Mc, cats
MWc, 14 oar 64c; No. 1 mixed, 10 cars
bnti; No. 4 mlved. 1 car HA.O. I cara 54',n,
I cats 640. I ear WV: no grade, 1 car
MV, 1 car tltec. Oatsf Standard, 1 car
6c: No. t white, f cars 4Ac, ( rata
4c; No. 4 white, 1 oar 46V; No. I mixed,
1 oar 48c; no grade, 1 car 46c.
Oaiak rasa Prira,
WHEAT No. t hard. a4v7He; No. I
herd, eattfttVsc; No. 4 hard. V0tftia.
CORN-No. t white. M'4c; No. I
white, Wtfble; No. 4 white, 64.tte;
No. I yellow, 7Vv6o; No. I yellow, U
Mo; No. 4 yellow, MMfMc,. No. J. MW
;Wc; No. a, KkattHc; No. 4. M'J&Hc; no
grade, KW6IH0.
OATS No. a whit. aWntfWHc; standard,
S4c; No. a white, Ht6c; No. 4
white, 46V2WMtc.
BARUOY Malting, il. 1130; No. 1
feed, 11.01 4L 14.
It TIE No. 1, I2ac; No. a, 91920.
Carlet Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago M aw 143
Omaha 27 113 il
Duluth '. 10
Feateres ef the Trading; and Closing
Prices on BmN of Trad.
CHICAGO, Deo. 1L Big receipts In tha
northwest on both aides of the Inter
national line exerted pressure today on
the market for wheat. Largely as a re
suit the close waa S?o under Saturday
night. Corn ahowed a net loss of So to
H'tfo and oats mjjWo. At the end of tha
day hog; products war down from 6o to
From tha outset bears In the wheat
pit had the advantage, being aided by
the fact that taea serious oases than
expected were shown In today's crop
svdvloea from the Argentine. A more Im
mediate and potent influence, however,
developed la reports that Minneapolis and
luluth had arrivals totaling MM cars, aa
ea-aliurt Til a year ago. Moreover. Winni
peg seat word of 1.421 car there, aa
compared with Xei the corresponding day
last year. In this connection the United
Ktatea visible supply Increase, although
' smaller than had been looked for, made
a rather forcible contrast with a falling
off twelve months back. May fluctuated
between c and KHc, with tha
final tone firm, but o down, at
There was good commission buying.
Which kept com strong when other grains
were weak. May ranged from A2Hhtt'SC
to (3d, closing firm. So net higher, at
fcc. Cash grades were steady. No. I
yellow was quoted at WriTle for carlota.
Hhorts did most of the buylmc In the
eats crowd. Top and bottom prices
touched for the May delivery turned out
to be 4Hc and 4eic, with the close Vo
tip at 4S'iiS,tKSc.
Some of the larger packers sold provi
sions through speculators and broker.
"When the pit was cleared pork was 10c
to lOffll'o less expensive and other prod
ucts off from 6a to 7Hi-I0o.
Artlo 1 Open. High, lxtw. C'lose.j Sat'y.
I 1
M KS t!A My.
7, 14Si6t)7 IT7V,
aim ami is!tawir
4i 4K
44 464
46 464
is mil
16 so
a m
16 BU
16 K
IS rrV;16;6H76
u as
a as
a 17
a i:ms
16 W I 16 kv
S MVx S7V.90I
is isio-ij'n
a at
a og
a 40
a 40
Cash quotations were as follow.
FLOUR theedy: winter patent, 24.0O'-i
08; winter straights? S3.7Ui4.76; spring
patents, ..70m6 siring straights, 14. jo
li U): bakers, S3 70 4. 76.
RVB-No. i. KKk.
BARLEY Feed or mixing. SOfrOuc; fair
to chiHce malting, ll.tVjl.u.
SEEDS Timothy. 12.60w 15.00: clover.
i u-jijo oa.
PKa.IHIONB Pork, mess, per bbl..
ait.0uwlS.2u. Lard, per lou lbs., JS.77V.
bhort ribs, sides, (loose) IT. SO.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to sftu.Ouo bu. Primary re
ceipts were l,416,OUO bu., compured will)
1.1U.WI0 bu. the corresponding day a year
ago. The visible supply of wheat In the
United States Included 440,uuu bu. fur
the week. The amount ot breadstuff
on ocean passage increased l.fe4,uoo bu.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow. Wheat
ao cars; corn, it cars, oats, 23 cars;
bogs, 21,000 head.
Cash Prlcea Whest: No t red. 4'ic;
No. a red. Wiileici No. a hard, sivUtl.OI;
No. a hard, Myic; No. 1 northern 1.06.
. 1.07; No. 2 northern. ILuiolOu; No. 3
northern, $1.010104; No. 3 spring, MicU
t.03; No. a spring. WM1 03; No. 4 spring,
aavitl02; velvet chaff, fclcfj 11.03; durum
$104. Corn. No. a old. sc: No a!
S-!4c; No. a wtute. 8iVc: No. i
yellow, ewtir; inor a yellow, old, 70c;
No. 4 e-ld, Kc; No. 4. 65U sc: No. 4 white,
SVbAHc; No. 4 yellow, 6?67c. Data: No.
2 white, 4mtsSc; No. a white. 4.So4rc,
No. 4 while, 44i47Sc; standard. 4;s4JiSc
Rye; No. a, fio. Barley, iicfj 11.22. Tim
othy, 212 60016.00. Clover. aU.6u11JO.OO.
BL'Tl'KR- Wsak; creameries. 2o3ic;
JcXKiO tolaady; receipts. 1.787 cases: at
mark, cases Included. 2:' ,26c, firsts. 2W
CHEESE Steady; daisies. WVfrlSr
twins, leiMsv; young Americas. lfaVo
16c; long horns. l&Stl Kic.
POTA TOES Weak ; choice to fancy S3
foofao; fair to good, 7it)80c '
ru ULInT t ead y ; turkeys, lJfilJc
thickens, lotjllc; springs, 10c.
VEAL fcleady; 7llo.
I LleeroI Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL. Dec. ll-WHriT-ti
mdy; No. a Usnltoba, 7a lud; No. i
ilaxmaba, 7a 7d; futurea. eaay; Decem
ber, 7s Sd; March, 7a 2'd; May, 7a 1VJ
CORN Spot, firm: American mixed 4i
Sd; futures, easy; January, 6s IVd, F'eU-
susry, M s'-o.
i LOU M-W inter patents, tit Cd.
Peoria Market.
rrjurujL. Leo. ii. tjurt.-v 10 war; ;
, a white, 67'c; No. 4 white, 66c; .
( yellow, 7'c; ivo. -Uow, 16c; Nc
PEORJA. Deo. U CORN Io war: No
mixed, 57(c: No. 4 mixed, 66c; sample,
OATS Lower; No. 2 white. 47c; stand-
aro, 4.c; sso. I whits, 4;o.
qaotatloM of the Day an Varleas
NEW YORK. Dec. 11 FLOL'R Quiet;
spring patents, ...ura:, ao; winter strslKhts,
It.lr4 2: winter patents, S4 KVU4 70;
spring clears, 14 ii4.3.,: winter extras No.
1. l4.iOiiJ.Mi; winter extras No. 2, t3.6.V?
J f i. hanrti straights, I4.60i4 "0. Kye
rionr. steadv: fair to good. a4.75fi4 m;
chol- to Isrx v. $o.ira;, ju. Buckwheat
Hour. iilet, .'.66 per 100 lbs.
('OKNMKAIs-fteady; fine white and
yellow. coarse, tl 6Vul.0: klm
dried, ismfanio.
Jli K-Hteai ; No. 2, 7c, c. I. I. Buffalo
to arrive.
UAHL.KY Steady ; malting S1.1W1.26
c. I. f. llnffalo.
'IIKAT-Kiiot market easy: No. 2 red.
4V:; elevator export basis and &'. f.
o. n. aiiout; ISO. 1 northern Iuluth, fl.11
f. o. h. aflont. Futures market was eas
ier under liquidation owing to further
large receipts In the northwest, but prices
regained part of the loss on a smaller
increxse than expected In the visible
supply, closing So to He net lower. De
cember closed 9fitc: May. I IW44I.OI 7-Hi:
r lowed $1.01 v iteceiptx, lU.mi; shipments,
t'UHN Hpot market steady; export
new, KXtyc f. o. b. afloat. Futures mar
ket was nominal, hecelpts, lu3,50").
"Ai.v npot marKet steady. Futures
market nominal. Hecelpts, 2l,3i0.
HAY -dteadv: prime, nominal: No. 1.
tl.z-Ail ao; No. 2. ai.ltrol.U; No. t, 6cjtl.0O.
IIOI'M oteady; state common to choice
It'll, boMic; 1:110. nominal. Pacific coast
1H1I, 4.Vii(i0c; IKI0, nominal.
IIIDKS-Kteadv: Central Ametfca. 22c:
Bogota. yj'ttlWc.
I.HATHKH Firm hemlock f rsts. 2,,a
27c: seconds, ZliaUc; thirds. l!Kii21c: re
jects, l&c.
PHOVIHIONS-Pork. steady: mess.
I17.7.VU1&.0O; family, 113.. WOO; ahort
clears, 17.2.Vn Ik. 75. lleef, firm; mess
tU 6il3.0i; lamlly, IM.ofVU 14.60; beef
hams, J.K.OfKi31.00. Cut meats, dull;
pickled bellies, ten to fourteen Pounds.
KmilOc; pickled hams, llyilSc Lard,
easy ; minnie west prime, in vti9.Vb re
fined, stesdy Hi1,; continent. !. Ji:
8011th America, I10.5u; compound, ';.
1 AL.I.OW Harely stesnv; prune cltv
hhds.. ti'.c; country, bWutW.
1DI I.TH1 Alive, steady; western
chickens. 1213Hc; fowls, IHSilIc; tur
keys. 141iV; dressed, quiet; western
chickens, l&jjlGc; fowls, l4j'l(c; turkeys,
107 I SC.
BUTTER l'nsettled; creamery specials,
37V; extras, 3Vrc: factory, current make.
firsts, Kt'ciimo.
CHKESl'V-FIrm; state whole milk, cur
rent make, average fancy, lie.
KUWB unsettled; slightly easier; fresh
gathered, extras, 4i4.Vr; extra firsts, 'd.Vtf
Sfc; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1. 24c:
fresh gathered checks, prime local, 2tyi
at. I.oala (General Market.
BT. LOUI8, Dec. ll.-WHKAT-Cash,
lower; track No. 2 red. 94iil&c: No. 2
hard. tkV&l.Uft; December, 3'4c; May, 87 '40.
I.UKPI-.nominal. trai K Wo. a, 6iVoc;
No. a white, tUftc; December. 6vc; May.
OAT-lAwer; track No. 2, 47V4'ttf!c;
No. 2 white, UVfac.
KYIS Unchanged, 5c; December, 47V4c
FLOUIV Weak: red winter natents
I4.Hj4.;o; extra fancy and siralsjhts, ja.Ji
44 2o; hard winter clears, U AV(1.7U.
r r. r. 1 1 1 imomy ,;ib.t)0.
BHAN Qulot; sacked, east track, I1.1S
HAY-Wcak; timothy, $21.0O3.5O: prai
rie. H2.Oi(1N.l0.
PHoVIHIUNH Pork, unchanged; lob
bing. 111. 76. ltrd, lower; prime eteam,
H.67SiiS.e7i. Dry salt meats (boxed),
lower; extra shorts, S8.12H; clear rtha,
a"-.12: short clears, Wth. Baoon (boxed),
lower; extra shorts, clear ribs,
ts.12'4; short clesrs, 0.2i.
POULTRY Weak; chickens, 7Ho;
springs, VVo; turkeys, 14c; ducks, UVic;
geeke, He.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 26gi6c.
EUGH-Weak, 29c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8. H) 7 em
Wheat, bu 33.0n) 41.0m)
Corn, bu 271.000 4A.0H0
Oats, bu 114.0U0 26.UOO
Kansas City Grain and Prnvtalons,
unchanged : No. a hard,!;
No. 2. Wh.U41.01; No. t red, v4W04Vu; No.
2, aatifflc; December. 96c.
C'OltN.-4ilo lower; No. 1 mixed, 61ijj)
62c. No. I, bHc; No. 2 white, HiiOv; No.
a, 6bHUU)c; Dwember, tUtUSc; Msvy.
OATS Unchanged; No. I white. 49M
4H-: No. 2 mixed, 47Vs4sc.
KTK 3il)4C.
HAY rlteady: choice tlmothv. Its Mat
20.KI; choice pialiie, 13.2iVrJ 13.60.
MlJTTER-CreKinery. Jbv.: first a sac?
seconds, 31c; packing stock, 21c.
k.UU Extras. 3Jo; firsts. 30c: sectonda.
Receipts. Shipments.
67.000 13.000
17S.0H0 4S.0
12.000 8,000
Corn ..
Oats ..
Minneapolis drain Market.
cember. twc; May, 1.03SiU1.031A; July.
ai.04Sal.04S. Cash: No. 1 hard. aitVxo
No. 1 northern, tWHtJ'JOc; No. a northern.
FLA X 22.024.
fXJKN-No. 1 yellow, WfliSttc
RYE No. 2. kfiSe,
BRAN In 100 lb. sacks, aJ.
. iX)l'K Lower and alow: firat natente
$4. 16. 10; second patents, a4.40&4. 70; first
clears, aa.DOtM.K; second clears, t3.uf
Visible ftapnly f Grain.
NEW YORK. Deo. 11. The vlalble sun.
ply of grain lit the United Statea KhIup.
day, Dwember , as compiled by the.
new lorn i-roouce exchange, waa aa
Wheat, 7n.3w.000 bu.; Increase. 441.000 bu.
Com, 4.rj.;,0iW bu. ; Increase, 2.072.000 bu.
Oats, !l' KH.(M0 bu. ; decrease, 36H.IAU hu.
Rye. 1.2M.OI0 bu.; docrease, 87,000 bu.
lt&rley. 4,07t,0tU bu.; vecrease, 134. (X bu.
The Visible supply of wheat in Caned
last Saturday waa 10.833.OU) bu.. an In
crease of 1.644.000 bu.
Milwaukee drain Market.
I northern, Sl.OMil.0u; No. 2 northern,
ll.01Sttl.0J: No. 2 hard winter, t4)c:
December, 3Hc; May, INTe,
1 a 1 1 ntatidaro, 4iWtf4'c.
BARLEY Malting, tl. 12111.23.
(nffee Market.
tures opened barely steady at a decline
of 6ol0 points In response to lower Euro
pean cables and reports of lower Rela
prices In the Santos niarket. There waa
scattering liquidation, but offerings were
comparatively light at the decline and
me maraet later rallied on covering by
shorts, bull support and reports that one
of the leading roasters waa a heavy buyer
of spot coffee In the local market. Th
close was steady and last price were
net unchanged to points higher. 8ales,
6i.UM bans. December, llioc; January,
iA.ojc; reuruary, 13.U6C March, liisii::
April, 1:.vjc; May, June, Julv, August SJid
September, 12.4c; October, li.S3c: Novem
ber, 12..
Havre waa H to K franca lower st tha
hour of the local ouenlna but later ra.
covered part of the loss, closing net un
changed to S frano lower. Hamburg
was S to S pfennig lower. Off the lsra-
sinan n.araeis. tuo waa 60 rels hlKher a4
'26; Santos 101 rels lower; 4s liiliO' 7s
7li:o. Receipts at the two Braxlllan porta!
4.ou bags, asalnst 24.uu bags last year
Jundlahy re.elpts. Z4.000 bag, against
lH.Au begs last year. Today's specla"
cable from Santoa reported the niarket
steady, with 4 60 rela higher. New York
warehouse deliveries Saturday were 4 914
bags, against 7.621 bags last year. Spot
coffee, quiet: Klo, No. 7. 14c; Santos No.
I I. Quid. Cordova. leSOUHc
Philadelphia Prodoce Market.
l. le lower: western creamery spe
cials 3c: nestern creamery extras. o;
nearby prints, extra. 4uc. '
l-XJUS-Weak. a per case lower;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts free
cases. Ill' . ,r caw; Pennsylv.n a and
other nearby current receipt.; fro
to no per ca.e: weat.rn firsts? free cas
JI060 per case; western current receipts'
free raae. is) pr "'
CHEEHE-Flrm; New York full ereama
fancy. loS,fllOSc; fir to golad. li'bc?'
Main Hstlcr Market.
ELGIN, III., Dc. 11. BUTTER Firm
at 2oc; output Sii.Ouo pounds. Th quotV
tlon committee reported that the niarket
as firm at Sic. bu tan tpWw u'kM
and the ensuing vols w a lie. Tha
president test lue deciding vpte.
Prices Rise Substantially in Re
sponse to FsTorable News.
F.sperlnl ttrenath of Union Parlfle
Dae In Part to Action of Supreme
( onrt la Forbidding; Inter
Mountain Redactions.
NEW TURK, Dec. 11 -Wall street
heard more good news today than for
many a week. The stock market, which
has been very heavy of late, responded
with generous gHlns. Union Pacific was
raised 3 points above Saturday's clore.
United States Steel and several other
gained 2 or more points. It was assumed
at the outset that the markeet would re
flect the favoiable bank statement for
last week and the large train In unfilled
orders for November reported by the
nuea mates jjteel corporation. Uienlng
nalns. however, were small and were not
long maintained.
Before noon the character nf th mar
ket changed again and during the re
mainder of the session prices were on a
higher plane.
An ndtled market factor was the an
nouncement of an advance In the price of
copper, sales of which were quoted at
MSc, the highest of the movement, of
greater Importance as a market fa:tor
was me announcement that United States
Steel had raised Its prc:e for wire and
I'he especial strength of Union Pacific
may be traced In part to the action of
the supreme court In restraining the In
terstate Commerce commimlon from mak
ing effective the proposed reductions In
intermountaln frelKht rates. All of the
northwestern toads which are Hlrwlv
affected mnde good gains after announce
ment or tnis decision.
1 he tenor of the report of the Hadlev
commission In respect to railroad securi
ties was regard.-d a favorable from the
stock market viewpoint. Another occur
renc which helped iho bulls wss the re-
nieai 01 the supreme court to Interfere
with the American Tolm. 'Co FfViruRnl.u .
tlon plan. American Tobacco rose 18
points on the curb and the bonds and
preferred stocks also advanced briskly.
An abrupt advance of 2 points In Ca
nadian Pacific shortly before the clone
was exnlalned in th
$111,000,000 of new stock whs to be Issued
on ierms wnicn conferred valuable
rights' on shareholders. Crest North.
em Ore certificates were the consplcu
ouely wenk securities. They gave wsy
t ioiiiiB 10 m, ma lowest pile at Which
they ever sold.
The bond market closed firm .fe
enrly period of Irregularity, with especial
weakness in the WabHSh Issues. Total par vaiue, i,6,uut). United States
bonds unchanged on call.
Number 01 sales and leading quotation!
of stocks were aa followa:
.... . , is. Hlsh. Low. Clots. pia K K'
Amalgamated t'opper ... IT.J'NJ sa
American Axrlrultural .. aoo M
Am. Hit Sugar ,, t orn ..(ij
Amvrlran (in 1 khi 1 1 v
l4 I
it II
(3 13 Vt
41 44
701, 72S
Ha'i Hl'i
W 1314
14 104 '4
7i S
pw. itttia,
1(M U3
101 1014t
1i 71
13S 140
31 20Vi
JOS 320
114 -t'i
1H' 30
37 37
11 14Z14
10 ill
MV. 34j
47 4
137 137
lH 10
147 1(7
44 4
SI 31
(oh II
41 41
lt) 152
127 It
34 14
142 143
14 14
44. 44
106 in
t t
33 S3
2S S"4
103 104
154 15(1
1S3S 182
S 2
M 3H
Am. c. V., et-dlv.
Am. Cotton oil
7li0 U
Amarlran II. A I., nti
Am. lea Sacurltiea.,
Amarlran l.lnied jtiq v-
Amerlran lxconiotlve
Amarlran 8. li.tno 711
Am. S at . pw 100 1031
Am. RtMl Fnunirlea
Amarlran Tobarro pfd... 4,aw0 liu
Anaronda Mining Cb.... I.IMKI in; anv,
Atrhlnan 4,!(10 im twa, ions
Atrnlann ptd M0 lo.l m Iu3
Atlantle Coast Lin frxi U7 1J
Hrlhlnheni Htea)
Hrooklrn , Rapid Tr
Canadian' Partllo
Antral Leather
'an laatha wA U.,.
100 tl
Ontral ot Hmw Jaraey., too zm
Cbaaapaaka A Okie 1,(00 7JU
t'hlraso A Alton
i niraao o. w., saw.,
Chlrasa (1. W. pld...
hlr,o N. W ,
4o0 M
I W or. do K. A I (no n
Colorado A southern.... 400 47
tonaulldated Uaa 7i0 1H4
Corn Produota ' aiMl iou
iMIavara A Hudaon...,, 100 1)7
isnwt Klo Grande
mnver k. a. prd..,..
9X0 45
Krla tat pfd
Brie td prd
Ooneral Etertrlo ...
KM) 41
Illlnola rantral ....
Intarberoush Mac
Int. Mat. ptd ......
International Harva
Inter-Marina ptd .,
International Paper
International Pump
am is
uo 14
-enirai jfl
:" ""ere.... H wli ts
K. C So. ptd......,,...,, , ..... a4Sa
owa iemral
Larlede Uaa
Loulavllla A Na.hTllle.
Mlna. A at. Louie
M . St. P. A a. M...
Missouri. K. A T
M., K. A T. ptd
Missouri farina
400 t
National meruit
Piatlonal Lead
N. R. R. ol M. td ptd., ins I4M, X'2 lii
t 4
vi a v s; - .?'- iu
MO 4
Norfolk A Western 1,400 j74 10H4 107
00 71 73
Northern Paclfle
I.71H) 117 llfti 117
4T0 31 It 31
l.loo lit 1214 ;
Paoltlo Mall ....
Pennarlvanla ..
People's Uaa ...
SW 103 103 103
P.. C. C. A BL L.
Pltteburfh Ool Mo 17 174. 171
Preaaed Steel Car ,. , "
Pullman Palate Car too H7 1117' im
Railway steel Spring.... lot) 31 tt jn
Headlns 113.300 lkfl 14TT4 1MI
Kepubllo Mteelt l.loo 33" 3j. .111
Republls glee I pfd 300 II n 3
KiKk hland C 4,100 tmu 1x4 cu
Ro-k laland Co. ptd 00 , 444 4M 4(U
t. L. A g. V Id pfd... l.aoo V4H! 41 412
St. Louie a w . Ir
St. L . W. pfd " " ii
Sleaa-Bherrteid 8,'A f S9
oulhern PaclHo 4.400 n ( lvti lit
Southern Hallway I,4i1 21 31 a4?
Southern hallway prd... 1'H) Tt ?i ?i
Tenneaeee Copper 4"0 lc 3d liu
Teiaa A Parltlr V10 tt I.I 1-14
T., 8t. L. A W 100 1H'
T.. St. L. W. pfd tniO laa, 3 3,
fnloa Paolflo M. tno 174 170 j-svi
Pnton Perirte pfd...M... 100 t.iu nu a-u
foiled Htetee FVtaltf " . "
I'nlted Klatea Huhber... I. TOO 47 44 47
l olled Statea Steel 111.400 17 si mv
H. g. Steel pfd 2,300 lop. i. n
Ptah Comper 4.400 It 40 HO
Va.-rarollua Chemical .. 1M u r.i i
Wabaah 1.700 a u v
Wabaeh pfd l.loo 11 77 17,
Western Maryland Ion 11 404 41
Weettnsbouee Kleetrla ... S s6 IA 4u
Weetern t'nlon ino 5 n 7
Wheeling 4V L. C 1M1 4ii lu tu.
Lehtgh Valley 17.700 7 17i 177V
Total aalea for tha say, 431.000 eharee.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK. IVc. 11. Mr IN RV fin
call, steady, at Vj44 per cent; rullna
rate, 4S per cent; closiiig bid, 1 per vent;
offered at I per cent. Time loans, easier;
sixty days and ninety days, 4' per
uwii, sik inuiiuia, wtiee, per cent.
t per cent.
S-fKRl-lNa EXCHANQK Plrm. with
actual business in bankers' bills at !4.kio5
tor sixty-aay puis ana at 4.w for de
mand; commercial bills, 14.83.,
SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wero
as follows'
V. S. ref. la. reg..,100 Int. M. M. 4 45
do euupoa loo aajapas 4a 41
V. . aa. rag ivi e4a 4(4j. ,,
4e aoupoB I'll K. C. Ha. lei le 7J
U. g. 4a. reg ADS U S. deb. 4a 1U1.. si
do coupon lit L. A H sal. 4a.... at
Allla-Chal. let 4a . 11 M , K. A T. lat 4a.
Aoj.r. Ag ta lul do 4a .1
SA. T. A T. . 4a..i"aMo. facllla 4e 14
Am. Tebaceo ea l'N. R K. ef M 4a 1
de aa 117S.M Y. C. g la... 174
Armour A Co. 4a.. M de deb. 4a p
Aichteoa gea. 4a... WN. V. N. H AH.
do av. 4a 10 o. 4a nt
aoo c. ia 104 N A . let a. 4a II
A. C. L. tat 4a 16 iio cv. 4a lor
Dal. A Dale 4a MNe. Pacltlo 4 i
de la e la 49
de g. W. la ... K0. g. u rfdg. 4. .. 14
Brouk. Tr. ct 4a... 14 Pens. ee. Ia 11S..
fee. of Ua. la 10V ao cos. 4a toy
ws. Leather 4a toRaadlnf gea. 4a....
C. ol N. J. g. 4e .lsiS. L, A g. P. tg. 4s I
Chea. A Imt 4e..llX do gea. aa
de ref. 4s U8l. L. g. W. r; 4e. 7
a, hlree A A. Ia. 44 do lat gold a
C. B. A U. I. 4a.... P4 S. A. L. 4a siC
do (ea. 4a Ma. pae. cul. 4a.... II
C. M A a. P. d 4a II do c. 4a 1;
C. R I. A P. a. 4a It do lat ret. 4 M
de rig 4a So. Railway aa W
1 ole. Ind. la 11 do gea. 4a 7l
.lele. Mid. 4a e Unloa Parlfla 4a. ...lot
C. A S. r. A a- 4 n do c. 4a ins
an. A H. r. 4a.... ' de lat A ref. 4a... 1
D. A K. O. as So p. g. Rubber 4a....li4
ssl. la tekjl. fL Sieel f4 ae...iei
liwillerr la 7sVa -Ctr. rbem. la..l"o
Krla p I. 4l . ST'aWitiaah let la 104
do gen. 4e 711 do lt A ex. 4a... II
do r. 4a, ear. A.. M Wnnern M4. 4a "
da eerlea B 74Wnet Kler. re. 4a.. IS
urn. Kler ee le .i;.S Wla. f'entral 4a 1
III. Can lat ref. la. M'.Mo Pac. re. la .... 17
Inter. Mrt 4t 7l,anama U 101
Hrd. "Offered,
l.ondoa Stock Market.
I.ONIM1N. Iec. 11. American securities
rrtiened steady and during the forenoon
odvnnced on fair buying. At noon princes
ranxed from to Te hlKher than Satur
day s New York closlnit.
Inaola, money .... 741. LnuteTllla A Naih.140
do atcmiot 77 I 1 Mo.. Kan. A Tel.. Jo
Amal. 1'npper 4SSNw York Central .. tfr)
Ana-onda 7'4Narfolk A Weetern. 110
Atrhlann V do pfd 1
do pfe 107 Ontario A Weetern.. 41
Belllmore A Ohio. I0J Pennirlvanla 12
ranidltn Pacltlr ..;4bl!and Ml nee
Chesapeake A Ohio. 71 Heading 74
Chi. Ureal Western. 20 Southern Ry .70
Chi.. Mil. A St. P ill do pfd 74
i- llrere 1'i Soul hern Paelflo ...It!
I enrrr 4k Klo O.... 2llnlon Pacltlo i
do pfd 44 do pfd K
Erie J1HU. S. Steel It
do lit pfd tt do pfd HI
no 3d ptd 41'iWabaah 7
(Irani Trunk 2" '4 do pfd II
Illinois Central ....141
MI.VKR-Uar, steady at per
MONKY-Wi3H per rent.
The rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills is 3 15-lKi4 per cent;
for three months' bills. S7A per cent.
Stock Market.
11. Closing quotations
on stocks were
mi follows:
Amal. linper ....
A. , L. S
Aritima Com
. '. Mohawk
. l-"t Nevada Con. .
. 24Nlpisilng Mlnea
34 North nutte ...
T North Irfke ....
n A C. C. A 8. M
Rune Coallllos
t'al. A Arlxona...
Cal. A llecia
Cop. Hanga C. C
Raat tiulte C. M..
Cilrons on
Cranny Con
rlreene Cauanea ...
. 17 Old liomlnlun .
. 5H Oai-enla
. far roll S. A C ...
, It
, 15
. IV
, 2
, 47
. ll
, (
. llvulncy
. vl Shannon
. 11 superior
. I Superior A B. M
4 Tamarark
. 30 1 g. g. R. A M
. 7 do pfd
. 20l'tah Con
. 2Viriah Copper Co
. 34 Winona
. ft Wolveriao
. 21 Royale Copper
Kerr Lake
latke Copper
I Salla Copper...
Miami Copper
rw York Mining; Mocks.
NKW YORK, Dec. 11. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks were:
Allrs too Little Chief I
Com. Tunnel Block.. 23 Meilnan 400
do bonda II Ontario 100
Con. Cal. A Va II Ophlr 170
Iron Hllrer 110 'standard 100
ladvllla Cob I Yellow Jacket 13
Bank Clearlnaja.
OMAHA. Deo. 11 Bank clearings for
today were 2,7.'iS.2ta).3i and for the cor
responding day Inst year 2,662,7H.12.
BUTTER No. 1, l-in. carton, 86c; No.
I, In MMb. tubs, 35V,c; No. 2, 96c; pack
ing, 20c.
CHKKSEJ-Tmported Swiss. 82c; Ameri
can Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, lc; twins,
lttc; daisies, 19c; triplets, 19c; yoitnc
Americas. 2oc; blue label brick, 19c; lim
berger, 2-lb., ISc; 1-lb., lc.
POULTRY Broilers, lkc; springs. HWc;
hens, II 4c; cocks, fee; ducks, Itic; geeso,
13c; turkeys, 22c; pigeons, per tlox., J1.20,
Alive, broilers, 12c; nens, 7vc; old
roosters and stags, 4 He; old ducks, full
feathered, llVxc; geese, full feathered,
vVc; turkeys, ltic.; guinea fowls, 16c each;
pigeons, per dos., 00c; homers, per do.,
II. . i; aqiiHbs. No. 1, 11.60; No. 2. 60c.
FISH Pickerel, 11c; white, 10c; pike,
15c; trout, 16c; large crapples, lftjlSc;
Spanish mackerel, 1IM; eel, lac; haddocks,
13c; flounders, 12c; Rreen catfish, 16c;
roe shad, 11.00 each; shad roe, par pair,
60c; salmon, 13c; halibut, 12c; yellow
perch, 8c; buffalo, 9c; bullhead. 14o-
HbKK CUTS No. ribs, lfc; No. I
ribs, 13Vic; No. 3 ribs, 8c; No. 1 loins,
19,c; No. 2 loins, 14Vsc; No. S loins, 10c;
No. 1 chucks, 8c; No. 2 chucks, 7,c; No.
3 chucks, 6,c; No. 1 rounds, lie; No. 2
rounds, 9Vfcc; No, 1 rounds, Sc; No. 1
plates, V No. 2 plates, tc; No. - 1
plates, 6V.O.
FRUITS, ETC. Apple,, ejtooklng varie
ties, per bbl., $A7b; Jonatnan and Grimes
Uolden, per bbl., 24.60; Ben Davis, per
bbl., 22.76; California Belleflower, per box,
11.36; Colorado Jonathan, extra fancy; per
box, 22.60; Washington Spitsenberg, per
br.x, 22.6o; Washington R. Beauty, per
box, 22.60; Washington Staman Wlnesaps,
box, 22.60. Bananaa: fcanuy select, per
bunch, 22.2Ci(2.60, Jumbo, par bunch, 24.76
til. 76. Cranberries: Wisconsin fancy, par
bbl., 29.60; per box, 23.26; extra largo
Jumbo, per bbl., 210.60 Uatea: Aucliur
brand, new, 30 1-lb. pegs, in boxes, per
box, 22.60; Dromedary brand, new, 1-lb.
pkgs. In boxes, per box, 23-00; bulk In
70-1 b. boxes, per lb. Ho. Figs: California,
per case of U 12-os. pkgs., 060; per case
of 86 12-os. pkga. 22.00; per case of 60
6-ox. pkgs., 22.00; Now Turkish, 6-crown
In 20-1 b. boxes, per lb., luo; a-crown in
io-lb. boxes, per lb., loo; 7-crown In 30-lb.
boxes, per lb., 17o. Orape Fruit; Florida.
40-30 sixes, per crate, 4.7ou.o0; so-bd-b
sixes, per crate, 2o.2o. Urapes: Califor
nia Kinperor, per 4-basket crate, ll.iy
2.00; Malaga grapea. In bbls., 4o.6oittf.iw.
Lemons: iAmonelra brand, extra fancy,
0 alxe, per box, 2&-26; 300 alio, per box,
26.26; Duma Umoneira, fancy, duo-duo slaes,
per. box, 26.60; 240 and 420 else, 60u per
box less. Oranges; Arlxona navels. M
12 uses, pur bu, 26.26; Iu0-17-20u-216-2o0
sixes, per box, 2o.iJ; California navets, all
sixes, per box, V-to- Pears: California B.
Clat'igeau, per 60-lb. box, 23.00.
V sAiliTAbDES Beans, string and wax,
per market basket, 21.oOwl.3J. Cabbage,
W iavonsin, per lb., ldltoc. Celery, Mlcbl
gan, per dusen, 40c; Calliornla Jumbo, per
dosen, 20c. Cucumbers, hot house, per
doxen, lioO. fc-as plant, fancy Florida,
per dosen, 22.00. Garlic, extra fancy,
white, per lb., loo. lettuce, extra fancy
leaf, per dosen, 40c. onions, California,
white, per lb., 3c; Wisconsin, yellow ana
red, in sacks, per lb.. 2A(C; Spanish per
crate, 21-Ou. Parsley, fancy southern, per
dosen bunches, 60144160. Potatoes, Min
nesota i-arlv Ohio, per bu., 21-16; Wiscon
sin while stock, per bu., 21-10; In lo-sack
lots, 60 less. Bweet roiaioe. iiansas,
per bbl., 22.75; per bu. basket, 21 W
Rutabagas in sacks, per lb., IV4C
Tomatoes. California, per crate, 21-60.
MlSCKl-lANKOUB Almonds, . Tarra
gona, per lb., lbSc; in sacks lots, lo less.
Braxil nuts, per lb., loVxc; in sack lot, lo
less. Cocoanuta, per aauk, 26.60. Filberts,
per lb., 14c; In sack rots, la less. Peanuts,
roasted, per lb., sci.raw. per lb., 7!na
pecans, large, per lb., lie; in sack lots, lo
less. Walnuts, new crop, lsil, California,
per lb., lic; In sack lota, la less. Cider,
New Nehawka, per 16-gul. one-halt bbL,
23.00; per JO-gal. bbl., 26.60; New York
Mott S per 16-gaL one-half bbl., 23.60. per
30-gal. bbl., 2o.60. Honey, new, frames,
2:176. Kraut, per 15-gai. keg, 23.76; per 2
gal. keg. 2tl0; WiecoiislB. per en-haif
bbl., 23.60.
Metal Market.
ard copper, firm; spot, $l2.U6(13.'Si le
cember, IU.iahj 13.37; January,
13.;f7; February, 213.07''13.37'i; March.
lH.loylS S7V. London, firm; spot. d loa
3d; futures, f60 12s (d. New York today
received ltt tuns. Custom house returns
show exports of 10.1S0 tons so far this
month, like and electrolytic copper, 13V
inHc; cavstlng, i:kal3VtC. Tin, aull; spot.
243.So4j-44.ho: lieceuiber. 243.4644 00; Janu
ary,; February, ti inMidi "6;
March. 412fVg4:60; April, 24u.omn-42.00.
ixmdun, weak; spot, fins; futurea, Ilk l's.
Lead, quiet. 24."g4.50, New York; 24.3UW
4 a.'v. KM.d St. lxils. London, fli lbs 3d.
Spelter, quiet; 6.in4i.S6, New York; 200
.20, Kaat St. Louis, i-onaon, t-T j.s oa.
Antimony, dull; t'ookson's, 17.76. Cleve
land w a mints, 48a 4'd In Ixndon. locally
Iron waa unsettled; No. 1 northern
foundry, $14 7rVn 16 1; No. S northern
foundry, tl4.604il4 75; No. 1 northern and
No. 1 southern soft foundry, 14.26f 14.76.
Kraparatrd Apples aid Dried Fralt.
APPlF.S 43ult but very steady; spot
fancy, 10ViJ loVtC choice, 2V-Vo; prim,
DRIED FRl'ITH Prune, firm with tvn
Improved demand; quotations range from
(nynllo for California up to 4u-o0a and
lOVttilliO for Oregon. Apricots, dull but
steady; choice, If-frlbHa; extra choice, 14
141c; fancy, 17tlHc. Peaehea, Inaetlve
but steady In absence of pressure to sxll;
choice, llVeuiUHu; extra choice, llVtrlhi;
fancy, 12'ti t24. Kalatns, quiet but firm
In sympathy with th rest; loos miw
rataJs, afiTWc; seed leas, vff7e; tsndon
layers, l.40ia.l.4.
OIU as fteaia.
l-'trui. S444Aul sales, UJ) bbls.;
receipts. 4i bbls.; ahlpmriila, till bbla.;
tiM'kn, 3.4ol bbla
ROSIN Firm; aalea, g.f1l bMa: re
cnlpta. l.K bbla; shipments, lo4 bbls.;
stocks. 123.426 bb's : B, 2&40; D. U:
K. 2o 4o; K. 2d 474j4i4L6S: . kUjii..v:
11 2U; I. 2R-W.n4.l7S: k", t-76; M, 2d. so
Hi., N, 7.1; VV. U..; W. W.. ;.7i.
Killing: Cattle About Steady with
Last Week's Close.
Pal Ikers and I.imIii la Gvod De.
nand at Last Week'a Prices,
VV'sille Feeders Are Scarce
and Steady.
SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 11, Mil.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Kstlmate Monday .... 7,iii0 6 4"0 11. .VW
Hame day last week.... 4,: 4.MH .44i
Same day 2 weeks ago. 6.571 &.r,:!3 H.475
same day 2 weeks axo.S.U&o S.27S IS.tiSU
me day 4 weeks ago. 0.713 I.hsJ lfi.Of.s
bamc days last year., e.012 5.31U 10.015
The following table show the receipts
or cattle, hogs and sheep at Houth Omaha
for the year to date, as compared with
lae;t year; 1911. 1H10. 19U9. li.
yUle 1.123.0W l,lfil,04l 38,008
Hogs 2,21,289 1,77,297 4 30.9S2
Sl ep 2,304,til S,9H1,071 41,453
The following table shown :;ie overago
prices psld for hogs at Houth Omaha for
the last few days, with comparisons:
Data mi. 'Iitl0.ili.lei.,iisj7.iaoti.lisj6
Dec. 1.
Dec. 2..
Dec. 2..
Dec. 4..
Dec. (..
Dec. '..
Dec. 7..
Dec. 8..
Dec. 9..
Dec. 10.
Dec. 11.
7 131
2 00
( 031
I 03
s ifi
4 06
4 l
4 -7
4 81
4 84
4 3
4 P2
4 H7
4 81
6 7!)
7 13
7 la
2 75
4 61
6 03
& H
6 6a
6 601
4 61 16 08
4 63 131
6 WA ,
7 28
2 l'J
4 i Ui
6 f
6 HI
LI a).
4 U 1
1 a 1
8 22
8 221
8 :w
8 33
8 35
& 41, 4 63 tl 21
6 74
7 32,
7 46
a 421 it) io
o 41 4 471
7 681
6 63; 4 34 6 21
6 41 4 40 6 14 1
ouiiuay. Holiday.
Ke.elpts and dlspbsitlon of live stock
t the Union Stock Yards Hnoih nmihi
for the twenty-tour hours ending at 3
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ll'r'g.
P. m. Saturday:
C, M. & St. P S 8 3 '
Wabash 3 .. 3
Missouri Pacific .... 3
Union Pacific 20 8 1 7
C. N. W., east.... 30 4 3
C. A N. W., west.. 97 S3 b
C, fc!t. P., M. & O.. 61 3 8
C.,B. & g., east.. 3 1
C, B. & y., west.. 00 28 11 ..
i'., K. I. A P., east 24 i 1
C, K, I. at P., west 2 1
Illinois Central .... ! tt
C. O. W 01
Total receipts ..32T 92 12 1
Cattle. Hogs. Sheop.
Omaha Packing Co 031 31 74
ttwlft and Company. ...l,li ' l,a4 2,214
Cudahy Packing Co. ...1.2X7 2,33 2,713
Armour & Co 23 l,t30 2,725
Morrell 84
W. B. Vansant Co 136
Benton, Vansant tt D 240
Hill at Bon 335
K. B. Lewis 103
Huston & Co 77
J. B. Root &. Co 150
J. H. Bulla 104
L. F. Hubs 1,10
I. Wolf 1S4
McCreary & Kellogg.. 14i
Werthtlmer A Deger... 204
H. K. Hamilton 24H
Mulllvan Bros X)
Dee Rothschild B3
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... 64
Cllne & Christie 1.16
Other buyers 765
Totals 7.131 ,1!W 10.511
CA'i'l'LK Receipts of cattle were quite
liberal this morning, being the largest
lor a Monday smre three wee ago
There was, however, a good buying de
mand, but still advices from other selling
points were not especially reassuring and
buyers were a little Inclined to go slow
and feul their way.
Beef steurs were about steady with th
closo last Friday, but It will be remem
bered that cattle closed a little lower
last week, so that today's market might
be described as weak to lotjglDO lower
than the high point on ThurBuay of last
What has been said regarding beef
steers would apply In large psrt to the
market on cows and heifers. They were
In faot-steady with the extreme close
last week, but lower than the high point
on Thursday.
The supply of strictly good feeders, was
fair and the demand very good. As a re
sult the trade was active, with prices
generally a little stronger than last
week's close. Oood western feeders sold
as high as 26.IW. The medium grades of
both stockers and feeders were at least
Quotations on native cattle: Uood to
choice beef steers, 27.OOrff8.10; fair-to good
beef steers, - 26.26(7.00; common . to fair
beef steers, J6.OUtf4i.25; god to choic
heifers, 24.805.76; good to choice cows,
24.606.60; fair to good cows, 23.76Ta4.30;
common to fair cows, 92.753.66; veal
calves, 23.2tVLt7.60.
Quotations on range cattle: Oood to
choice beet steers, 26.7&&6.60; fair to good
beef steers, 26.006.75; common to fair
beef steers, I4.4oJj5.UO; good to choice cows
and heifers, 24.6oy6.26; fair to good cows
and heifers, 23.6oti4.6C; common to fair
cows and heifers, 22.75ta3.60; good to
choir stockers and feeders. 2o.00a.0o;
fair to good stockers and feeders, 24.763
6.26; common to fair stockers and feed
ers, 236094.76; stock heifers, 23.604.60;
bulls, stags, etc.. 33.OOQ6.00.
Representative sales:
bis Eir mi ei;s.
A. Pr.
At. Tt.
.Ml I 80
. Ml 8 43
,. no 1 is
...1040 JS
...lew It
...1181 140
8 U
8 40 8
4 00 12
4 ao
8 M I
. 711
....107 4 M
....113 8 10
1 ,
.71 4 M
. 127 I 00
. 44 I W
.1310 I CO
. 124 4 4
.141 4 74
. 1H6 I tl
00 4 00 14
M IN :i
t UN 4 11 I
I VO 4 S5 41
8 400 4 M I
I IM 4 lo 2
t MO 4 40 1
140 7 14
II 773 4 00 II 771 4 IS
1 7 SO 4 00 I IM iU
T; Ill 4 71 20 70 4 M
HOUS Tone to demand for lions was
more or leas backward In direct contrast
to free buying on Saturday. Packers
pointed toward lower advlcea from other
points as an argument for cheaper cost
and Ignored a limited supply locally.
Trade ruled fully a nickel lower under
the pressure of combined bearish efforts
and the bulk of a 8u-car estimate sold on
tills basis.
Business proved very, uneven at the de
cline noted and there Were periods In the
session when tVolOu breaks were plalmy
shown. Movement lacked activity from
start to finish and In a general way the
market was little more tnan a series of
lulls and quiet buying rounds. Shippers
and speculator furnished fair support,
total orders not In the handa of packers
calling for something like a dozen loads,
mostly good butcher weights. The yards
were practically cleared before 11 o'clock.
Lard, butcher and bacon varieltlvs sold
at the high, middle and low spreads, ru
spectlvely, but margins between the
three grades appealed to bu a little
.alter than usual. The beet heavies
landed at 20.10, a dime less than Satur
day a lone top, and good butchers sold
around 2o- Bulk of llgnt offerings range!
Irom 26. Is) downward, 26.06 buying com
mon, high-mixed stuff with a light aver
age. Tnor were not very many pigs on
No. Ae. go. Pr. Ne. At. SB. FT
lol Ul ... 4 40 71 311 ... 4 1714
W 14 20 1 40 II 2U ... 100
1 lei ... Ii 71 1.1 M IN
10 Ill ... I 70 44 24 40 4 00
77 1M ...1 74 43 US ... IN
41 H 44 I 10 4 l IS I 00
M 3MI ... lis II 1 ... 4 00
44 Ill ... I eO 44 1,1 00 4 00
174 ... I 00 43 lat ... I 00
14 HI ... 4 SO 44 301 40 I 00
II Ul ... I M 13 121 ... I 00
44 U0 ... I 14 tl 1.1 l0 I li;4
73 13 41 I 46 II lot 140 I 04
14 IM ... I U II Ill 100 I Ml
43 114 ... I II (3 331 ... 44
31 KM ... I 14 44 IZ1 40 I 05
41 ill 134 I 10 41 300 ... IN
34 300 ... M ,7 -41 130 I 04
II 3JI 110 I as 41 310 13 I 01
141 Ul 3V0 I SO 41 370 ... 4 01
7. ......Ill M I 0 40 3l ... 104
14 310 HIM 4 U0 4 AO 01
II 314 120 I 00 14 1:4 01
71 Ill ... I M IM M I 01
4 I0 ... IH 44 114 W I 44
41 tt 4 ei 40 1l 140 I 03
44 IM u I N aa 4 4-4 4 44
M .Ill ... IM 71 l 13 4 04
4 Ill - IM J 44 40 1
43 144 M Ik l Ii4 M 4 10
II. 13 340 4 H 44 .".ill 14 1
II Ml ... I M I Ul lis) I 1
II 341 ... 4 44 43 M4 le I I
4 srr ... 1 4
U 14 .-- in 4 14T ... 8 M
SHEEP Packers needed a good supply
tt sheep Itvmbs VO keep killing guia
t work, but were Inclined to delay pus
chafe until the last moment, aa most of
the other market center were pretty
well filled, lending more or lee promise)
to a lower scale of values. This attitude
failed to get them very mucb stock, and
with the rank and file of seller holdm
out for steady figures, early buyer wet
forced to settle on a firm basis.
Supplies amounted to fully 11,000 head
nd consisted largely ol corn fed and
warmed-up classes. Only a handful of
ranee stuff was Included In the run, and
about half of the offerings that cam
under western billing carried wheat stub
ble finish, suitable for slaughter.
Despite the alse and character of sup
ply, the market opened In quiet shape at
well sustained prices, choice cornfed
lambs bringing aa much as 16.01), An
extra good kind of fed westerns moved at
2.1.75, and some stubble feds found a pack
inn outlet at 2o. 65. There were pleMy of
heavy sheep on sale, but good handy
ewes or yearlings proved the exreptlOJi,
ewes being quotable up to 23.75 and yeaf
linKs of prime quality claiming a limit of
24.75. Toppy fat wethers landed at 23.80.
Feeder business had a scattered, uncer
tain appearance, but the situation as a
whole showed no changes worth mention
ing. The country demand has dwindled
lo extremely small volume, snd even
though feeder orders were plentiful, cur
rent receipts do not offer a very ' good
selection for finishers having shed or
barn protection. Warmed up western
ewes are going back for a final flnlBh at
and near 83.00. while strong weight feeder
lambs are in fair demand at 24.6U&4.66.-
Quotations 011 sheep and lamtjs: Lambs
good to choice, Jo 6."i.(Xl; lambs, fair to
good, 8o.26(!i5.65; lambs, feeders, 23.754J4.76;
ycarrlnus. fair to choice. 24.15.i4.76; year,
linns, feeders. .l.50r-c3 S5; wethers, good to
choice,; wethers, fair to good,
23.4li)3.65; wethers, feeders, 23.003.J5;
ewes, good to -choice, 23.103.60; ewes,
feeders. 32 404)3.00; ewes, culls. 11.602.16.
201 we8ti-rn ewes, feeders 94 3 00
3.S0 native lambs, feeders 62 4 60
34 Montana lambs, feedjrs.... 45 4 20
66 ewes, feeders, culls 74 2 09
!7 fed lambs 78 6 60
270 fed lambs 70 B 75
1 fed yearlings 96 5 J
ITS fed ewes 100 3 60
5ii2 fed wethers 101 4 00
17 natlte lambs S8 6 75
20t fed ewes 110 3 25
75 fed ewes, culls 9H 2 60
371 Montana wethers 121 3 65
Demand for Cattle Steady Hogs
More Active Hlteep Weak.
ceipts, estimated at 29,000; market steady
for good Kiades; beeves, 24.704i.15; Texas
steers, 24.10rc6.75; western steers, 24.40y
7.25; stockers and feeders. 23.006.80; cows
and heifers. 22.0046.90; calves, 25.60(88.25.
HOGS Receipts, estimated at 44,000
head; niarket more active; strong at
opening price; light, 25.55tf6.20; mixed,
25.75tjti.30; heavy, 2o.56f36.40; rough, 25.8.Yd
6.05; good to choice heavy, 26.05ft6.40; pigs,
24.UO(rft,.50; bulk of sales, 2tio04i.30.
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts esti
mated at 43,000 head, market weak; native,
2-tiid4.15; western, J2.75fy4.10; yearllngB,
24. 26415.60: lambs, native, J3.7D.f6.10; west
ern, 24.25(36.10.
Nt. I.onls I, Ire Stock Market.
ST. 1X5UIS, Dec. 11 CATTLE Re
ceipts, 6,400 head, Including 1,500 Texans;
carket, steady; native shipping and ex
port steers, )i.Oi(tt0.35: dressed and
butcher steers , 25.25(ft.o0; Bteers under
1,000 pounds, J4.00(us.2o; stockers and feed
ers, 23.0OUt6.OO; cows and heifers. 23.0O((i7.00;
canners, 21-O0(ff3.00; bulls, 23.754r6.25; calves,
24. 00418.26; Texas and Indian steers, Jl Wtji
7.00; cows and heifers, J4.60ry7.00.
HOOS Receipts, 10,200 head; market
steady, 6c higher; pIks and lights, 24.50
6.26; packers. JS.StK6ti.3u; butchers and best
heavy, 26.804r6.35.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.800
head; market, steady; native muttons,
23.004)3.75; lambs, J4.254i6.75; culls and
bucks, 21.254jO.0O; stockers, J1.50S3.25.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 16.000, Including 1,600 southerns;
niarket, steady to weak; yearlings, 916,
Dressed beef and export steers, 26.50(39. 15;
fair to good, 25.4O4iti.60; western Bteers,
24-604t.50; stockers and feeders, 24.004i&.60;
southern steers, 24.60d.ift.6O; southern cows,
23.00414.50; native cows, J2.754i6.26; native
heifers, 24.0O4jft.0O; bulls, 23.605.00; calves,
HOUS Receipts, 11,000 head; market,
6c to 10c higher; bulk of sales, J6.75ffl6.26;
heavy, 26.204j&27Vi. packers and butchers,
36.064V6.26; lights, 25.fo4i.10; pigs, 24.0Og5.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.000
head; market, steady to 10c lower; mut
tons, 24.xa6.0; yearlings, 24.004f6.10; weth
ers, 23.4O4i4.00: ewes. J2.5lto3.50; stockers
ana feeders, 82.Zog4.w.
St. Joseph Lire Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Deo. 11. Cattle-
Receipts 2,200 head; market steady: steer,
24.o04v8.26: cows and heifers, 22.65(36.00;
calves, 23.604t7.6O.
HOGS Receipts 7.000 head; market
lower; top, J6.25; bulk of sales, 2B.80trti.16.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 1,000
head; market steady; lambs, 24-6098.00.
Stock In Slgrkt.
Receipts of live stock at the ftara brln-
clpal western markets yesterday:
cattle. Hogt. cneep.
South Omaha .... 7.000 6,400 11,500
SL Joseph 2,300 7.000 1,000
Kansas city iwi 11,1m s.oou
St. Louis 6.400 10.200 6.200
Chicago 29.000 44,000 48,000
Total 61,200 78,600 70,800
Cotton Market.
Closed quiet; middling uplands, .20o;
middling gun, y.eoc; saies, o.iw oaies.
Futures closed steady. Close: Decem
ber, 8.82c; January. 8.64c; February, 8.63c;
Aorll. 8.66c: May. 1173c; June, 8.76c: July.
S.s2c; Auguat, 8.87c; September, 8.92c;
October, 6.98c; November, 9.01c.
8 near Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 11. 8UQAH Steady-
muscovado, 89 test, 4.274M.44c; centrifugaf,
96 test, 4.87474.94c; molasses, 89 test, 4.19
4.19a, Refined quiet.
The Best Knows Office Building in Omaha.
There ia great advantage in being in a
building which people can find easily. No
building in Omaha, or as a matter of fact, in the
entire west, is as well known as
The Bee Building
Every man, woman and child in Omaha
knows where it is and everyone who has ever
been here knows how to find it. This is only one
of the many advantages in having an office in
Kc-em 380 Is a choice comer office having a north and west exposure,
making tliia space attractive at any season of the year, on account
ef good light and ventilation. We will arrange this space, 1S,
suitable for tenant, and there being a vault In the room. It affords
extra protection for valuablea Kent, per month
Boos. 41 Has a south and west exposure which makes a well lighted'
office. HHxZOVs feet In sis. We are only asking 78c a square fool
for this .space which Is very cheap rent, considering location and all
conveniences furnished by The fee Butldlug. price, per month, IlgXO
Hoon 61 Don't pay for deak room space when you can rent a piivat
office for the same amount. This room 1 2x14, has a lavrge window
on the court, affording plenty ef light and ventilation. Price per
month Via.
(Asa ttO Pise Sxlt-4, having a frame and glass partition across center
ef room making two good aUasal surfaces with every oocvanLatraoav,
toe rental p. ice ooiy. per nxaaia
Xfcoeja 401 This room is located near
ski u are feet ef floor apace. Tula
locaMJon ia ceovcnlent. Kent!, 407 Is Ilxlttt feet and
Ksntal price, per u.kBta ...
Bet Business Of Gee. 17th and Faraam. St.
Former Local Attorney Meets Death
in Illinois Hirer Saturday.
."wi ( tke Accident Meaa-er, bet
the Victim Was Well Known In
Omaha, Where lie Mrtl
Many Ysar.
Information hss been reicejved her tell
ing of the death by accidental drowning
at Beards town. III. of Charles H. Marple,
formerly a well-known attorney here.
Mr. Marple walked off of a dock In tho
dark, his head striking a stone wall
which was built close to the dock. He
was carried unconscious into deep water.
His body was recovered a few hours later.
Charles H. Marple came to Omaha In
18Y5 from Norrlstown, Pa., and soon after
hi arrival established n th law business.
He specialised In civil law and later be
came associated with W. F. Gurley in the
practice of law. This partnership ex
tended over a period of several years, and
after Its dissolution Mr. Marple and the
late C. J. Green entered Into a partner
ship, which lasted two years. Mr. Marple
then became associated with W. R. Mor
ris, during; which time he was elected to
the office of regent ot the University ot
lie married Miss Mora Balcombo, a
daughter of St. A. D. Balcombe, In 1898.
When war was declared with Spain Mr.
Marple went out as a captain in the Sec
ond - Nebraska v Volunteers. After the
Spanish war he volunteered for service In
the Philippines ' and when his term of
service expired he opened a law office In
Manila, where he remained until 1906.
He returned to the United States and
became associated In the capacity of legal
adviser with the engineering firm of
Christie St Lowe of Beards town, the
junior partner of which la the eon of
Omaha's first mayor. At the tlm of his
death he was still connected with the
Beardstown concern.
Mr. Marple was deeply Interested In the
reclamation ot the swamp lands In the
Illinois river valley, and some of the
finest farms In the state are monument
to his advanced Ideas on th subject ot
He la survived by his widow and one
daughter, who are at present sojourning
In Switzerland. His mother, two sisters
and a brother are living In Norrlstown,
Pa. The body will be taken to Norrls
town for burial.
LIEGE, Belgium, Dec. 11. The bomb
explosion which occurred- during a cine
matograph exhibition here last night has
resulted In . the death of two person,
while sixty-three others are suffering
from serious Injuries. Eight of the vic
tims had legs amputated. The theater
waa crowded with workmen at the time
of the explosion and a terrible panto
ensued. The bomb, which was charged
with dynamite was loaded with nails. It
Is believed It was thrown by a mad man
and not by a revengeful discharged em
ploye. V ,
Persistent Advertising It the Road td
Big Returns.
liry Goods Market,
The cotton goods niarket Was quiet and
barely steady during the day. Tradlp
Is confined to small lots. Th drew good
and men's wear mill Are reporting a
better sold up condition for spring, more
particularly the large corporations mak
ing staples. Kaw silk Is quiet here.
Onutha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Dec U.-HAY-No, 1. tltj
No. 2, 21109: ooars. fll.00; Paoking stock.
J7.50U8.00; alfalfa, 216.00. Straw; Wheat
24.00; rye and oats. 27.50.
Wool Market,
ST. LOUIS, Deo. ll.-WOOL-F1rm; ter
ritory and western medium, l"f20o; fin
tuedlotns, ltjlfc; fins, lilec
For a Moment -
of what would happen to
y?ur. LW"I n1 Valuable Paper
should Burglars enter the home or
rtre destroy it.
While the subject Is fresh In your
mind, come-to this bank and select
a Safe Deposit Box In our Fire and
Burglar-Proof Vault for th safe,
beeping ef your Valuable.
The coat Is $2.00 yearly.
Omaha Safe Deposit &
Trust Company,
txoet Level Katraae te Vantta
the elevator and has a total of 1(2
la a very ceairabi sniU aide and
per tuenth gilAe
two large windows on the court
w -.