Till: HUE j OMAHA. MONDAY. DKCKMliKU 11. 1911. lllanapoll I federal grsrvl j J There lonlgUt. nade known to father, rollce Jlarapolln. Of- or the Uepartmem oi a,iiute nert refined to discuss the girl or M.o facl jthat they had been seeking her tof-several months, but It was learned she had1 bee a located here sevcre.1 days aso and that aha would remain here until a day or ao befora she waa required to appear before the federal inquisitors. I Information from Indianapolis today waa to the effect that all farmer office employes of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers would be subpoenaed, but Miss Haley's testimony Is regarded, Jt Is said, aa the .most Important because of her close and Intimate knowledge of all that transpired In the secretary's office. Her Information, Jt la understood here, 'will be of even more Importance than that of Ortte McManlgal. bare "o Information The story of the failure of detective who were Investigating- the Los Angeles explosion to obtain from Miss Haley In formation about her work was given out In Indianapolis today by her father and the federal .Authorities, It was reported here. ' It related to visits by the sleuths to the Haley home and their efforta to have the stenographer attend theater parties and tell of her work at the office. They were cut abort, the policeman said, when her mother denied the visitors entrance to the JIaley home. Since - Miss Haley left Indianapolis a search has continued for her. When the secret service men went to Mr.-Haley and told him what they sought her for iie gave them her address In Chicago. The subpoena directing Mies Haley to appear before the federal grand Jury at Indianapolis was served on her at a, hotel on the south side Thursday of thla week. Bhe aid not express surprise when found, saying she hud heard from her father and that he had told her to come back home when the officials called for her. The subpoenas were drawn at tho di rection of United Elates District Attor ney Charles W. Miller of Indianapolis and were sent here by mall for service. They were made returnable December 14. lcp.rt,ncnt ofCT;Vtm frrpil PAH tAUTI liru a next ULiUVnU lUllhl 1 VII IV II A 1 llill Action of Congressmen in Regard to Federal Job Causes Surprise. OFFICEHOLDERS AEE DELIGHTED Agreement t Make V Heeoninien datlons Is TaVra as Indication I'rrsent Inenmhenle Will He Reappointed. I With Will Plead Guilty to Forgery PIOl'X FA U.K. P. D.. Dec. 10.-(8po. clal.) Deputy Sheriff WangHhena has ar rived here ' wfth Ilelger With, alias Homer Anderson, who was brought here from Kaiixail to answer to the charge of vi g)itfl . iiiiiiiifi v a. viirv.nn n uiv II sii cashed ami' 'converted the money to his own usn. The 'offense was committed In September while.' the young .man, whose true name. Is With, was employed by a construction company which Is erecting a new county Jail building; In this city. Boon after forging and passing the checks he disappeared. He waa located In Ken Baa a,, few days ago and his arrest fol lowed. He states that "Monday forenoon he will go. before, Judge Jones of the state circuit' court and .enter a plea of guilty. He. Is subject to. a' term of five years in me oioux rajie penitentiary. '' -" 'HUP1111 m 1 hp hp"" 'pp mum injure-!? vUiW a ', . Tho most popular bottled beer In all localities where It 13 cc!. Ask for bottl gavi get U reason. Order t cam for the hone.' IHatx Company a as -ate S).ui. Mil Siiiiiti.. n.k. 1 ILII . 1W tWwtett ;. V i'jTi n ' ."US2i ; T ... ;! ,. '' pssaavKsanisMsiMMSBMnin .. " I V " ' ' . . jtT7i: :. : . ... Seals Bring a Merry Christmas ONE 'f ONE CI NT ; I . ! CENT EACH 5 Vri.V !: BACH I From a Staff Correspondent.) DF..-4 MOIXKK, la., Deo. lO.MPpeci!.)- Mucli surprise was expressed here over the fact that the Iowa delegation In con gress, the Inst week agreed not to make any recommendations to the president for appointment of federal offices In Iowa. It had been generally . assumed that be cause of the fact that all the commis sions expire soon some action would' be taken now. Whether or notthe president will take this action to -mean -that , be should reappoint the present officials' or others who might be privately recom mended to him is not known. All the friends of the present incumbents rejoice uroatly over the action taken and regard It ns certain to mean that they will re tain office for four years more. Spe cially In the southern district the matter Is a surprise, for It was understood that M. I j. Temple, Vnlted States attorney, and Frank Clark, United States marshal, were preparing to relinquish their offices at the expiration of their commissions. The explanation given in that members of congress did not deslro to cause any troublo in Iowa prior to the presidential election. All of the representative and Htnator Kenyon will be candidates for re-election. The two senators will return to the state soon and spend some time during the holidays with their constituents. If there la to be any campaign In Iowa nest year it will be decided at that time. Good Manilas; In Iowa. Hunters who have gone out from Pes Moines Into the nearby fields report that hunting Is better this year than usual and that a larger number of prairie chickens and pheasants Is to be found than for many years. Ilabhlts are plenti ful. The fart thai Inst season wan very dry Is. given, an the reason that the wild fowl had 'a good season of nesting. Cooperatives A re Alarmed. The representatives of farmers' co operative societies In Iowa are preparing to carry at once to the supremo court n appeal from Judge Hobson In a Win neshiek county esse In which he held that a farmers" co-operative company cannot enforce a special requirement from members, but must do business in tho open and treat all customers alike. Ie hold that the contracts which are made are In restraint of trad and con trary to the state law. The company required that members selling live stock to any one other than tho company Itself should pay into the treasury of the concern a certain per cent of the pro ceeds. It the decision holds it will nearly end the existence of many of the cooperatives. Ylneanr Is Trial. In the federal court at Dubuque Judge Iteed has under consideration an action by, the government against seventy-five arrele of vinegar. The suit was started on information furnished by special in vestigators of the chemistry bureau of the Department of Agriculture. The goods were shipped to the John T. Hanoock company of Dubuque as "Faultless pure cider vinegar." The sample is said to have indicated the goods were branded falsely, in that It waa not cider vinegar, but a distilled vinegar or diluted solution of acetle acid and a material high in the reduction of sugars and foreign mineral matter which had been mixed and prepared in Imitation of cider vine gar. , Kxpects Try Marks. A(Torney General.. Cosson Is prepared to go to Council Bluffs on Monday and get ready for the trial or Pen Marks, or to assist the county attorney In the handling of the caae. The attorney general has been busy all fall with litigation at- feotlng railroad matters and express rates and is not In robust health, but he expects to give the Marka caae hla personal attention. Several witnesses will go from here to testify in the case. Oa Trial for Horse Meallaar. Horse stealing has become so rare In Iowa that a trial In court for stealing a horse creates comment. The lest week two men, Homer 8. Doomle and Henry Moore have been In court at Columbus Junction.' Ixulsa county,' accused of steullng a "livery team' and planning to take It to Kansas City to sell. Both were placed undrr bonds to appear in court. .'Will Have Wossen's Hasnltal. pes Moines newest hospital Is one of women, for women, and by women. The staff of physicians will be women, only women and children will1 be treated and women's money largely will go tooths support of the Institution. Articles Incorporating the .Women's and Children's hospital were filed Sat unlay. The purposes of the. hospital as stated in the articles are to maintain a hospital for women and children, to assist women phystrlsns in "preparation ifor their1 work and to train - nurses.'' 1 pes Moines rlub women are back of the movement and names of more than 1W of them appear In the articles of Incorpora tion. New Plattsmouth Postoffice Ready rLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Dec. ft) -(Apodal.) The new government poatofflre building was thrown open to the public last evening snd Postmaster H. A. Bchnelder expects to be Installed by Mon day. Tlie public will get their mall from the new building not later than Monday afternoon. The building waa begun In October of 1!10 and was turned over to the government by tho contrsctor a few days agr.' The furniture and boxes ar rived Saturday and were Installed at once. The building Is modern and equipped with the latest devices for handling the mull conveniently and quickly. High School Leaders Confer at York YOrtK, Neb., Dec. 10.-(Fpeclal Tele Tsm.) The two days' session of the high school leaders' conference closed at the opera house this evening. There were 309 delegates present, representing almost every high school In the state. This afternoon Htute Students' Secretary K. 8. Turner delivered an address on "Winners." Plate (Superintendent J. K. Dalxell delivered an address, "The Uoy rroblem." Btato Secretary Bailey and other prominent Toung Men's Christian association workers were present. PRIZE WINNERS IN CUMING COUNTY POULTRY SHOW WEST POINT. Neb., Dec. 10 .(Special.) The fifth annual exhibition of the Cum ing County Poultry and I'ct Stock asso ciation waa held during the week at the city hall In West Point. I (1. Harris of Mnroln officiated as Judge and scored the fowls with great care. The prlxo winners In the. different classes ars aa follow! Buff Plymouth Hocks, H. J. rischer; Burred Bocks, Ceorsn Bawtelle; White Car Polish, Mrs. K. rlonncnHclirtn: Black Orpingtons, Kred Koch; White Orping tons, the Central Yards, llooer, Neb.; Silver Iace Wysndottes, Alfred AmWT son: Columbian Wyandottes, Fred Kasp; Mottled Atu'onax, A. t?. Duvls; Bed Combed Bhortn Island Beds, C. U. Ander son: Ithodn Island Beds, II. K. Duther; Buff OrpinKton. Adele Koch; Buff Cochins, Joseph Oentrtip; White Rocks, Henry Uentrup; l.lRht Brahma. Burtolph Breeds; LeKhorna, James Molxard; White I,egliorns, Henry Bollii; Butt leghorns, Mrs. '. A. Huko; Prkln ducks, Joseph ntrup: Toulouse geese, tlenry Urauuke; Bluck Tall Jepunrsn Ifuntams, A. V. Hugo; MltiorcftH. Kred Koch. The exhibition was the most successful of the five shows of the association. CUMING COUNTY NEWS NOTES Knneral af Knock Wetsel Held Sat rday Afternoon Reenter Has w Light riant. WEST POINT, Neb.. Dec. 10.-(Spe-clal.) The funeral of Enoch Wetsel, one of the oldest settlors and best known cltliens of West Point, occurred Saturday afternoon under the auspices of the ITvangellcal Association church. Mr. Wetzel waa in his eighty-first year and was a native of Pennsylvania. He had resided In West Point and. vicinity for nearly forty years and died universally respected. He leaves two sons and a large family of daughter to mourn his loss. , . The neighboring town of Beemer has installed an up-to-date electric light plant. It consists of a fifty-horse power oil engine and dynamo, capable of light ing the town with 110-volt lights. Twelve street lights have been erected, the ma jority, of the business houses have been Ired and a great many residences. The sale of thoroughbred pigs of Her man Tootle In this city Saturday averaged $? per each small pig. Red Cross seals have been placed on sale in all the banks and stores In town nd are i.ifeting with gratifying success. The tuberculosis movement in Cuming county Is under the direction of Dean Rueslng, who has taken an active per sonal Interest In the matter.' The West Point Farmers' Institute will b held on January 81 and February L . liver Weddlna. WEST POINT, Neb.. Dec. l0.-(8peclal.) Mr. and Mrs. James Molgard of Sher man township celebrated their sliver wedding anniversary Friday when a number of prominent relatives and friends gathered at their home and tendered them with valuable gifts of silver. This couple have been resident of Sherman township for the last thirty years, and Mr.'Moi- gard 1 known a one of the most progressive farmers in this section of the state, ' having obtained prises for many years. for the best corn. He is a sclen tlflo corn grower. Red Cross Seals Provide These Things PsbUc Educitlot Hospital and Sanatoria Dispensaries and VUiting Nurte These Prevent Tuberculosis and Protect Your Home Last Tear f 360,000 Worth Wert Soli Tfcla Year Million Is Needed from (s . Kcd Cross Seal WILL YOU DO YOUR PART? Red Crow Seals Caet only One ' Ceut eath, mi should be ied i the tuck o all CUriMuas Md DR. HAM IS REARRESTED ' ON BLACK HAND CHARGE IOWA CITY. la, Dec. lO.-Dr. Charles Ham, arrested two weeks ago a a bus pec t and afterwards released on bonds in connection with the blackhand mystery against John L. Adams of Solon, la., waa ro-arreted by government authorities to day. Jerry Wortner, a horsetrader, living two miles east of Solon, was also arrested at the same time. The re-arrest of Dr Ham and Wortner came as the result of new evidence in the blackhand mystery which, the detectives say. is conclusive, The case I that wherein John L Adams, a prominent farmer of Solon, Just north east of here,, was continuously threatened for six months, being warned against his life on nonpayment of money. Once he was shot at from ambush and another time, hi barn waa burned. U res tuMl ar as Craw low Is rent rklskr. V uu ta State A real S3 City VsUoaal aaa BuUaiaf. Omaha, Sorority liens Hnbswd. IOWA CITY. la.. Dec. 10. Burglars en tered the Delta Delta Delta Sorority house at It Kaat Davenport street her last night and cured ever worth of Jewelry. Many of the sorority girls were awsy from the house at the time and those remaining heard no sound of the robber. No clue was left. -. Do you know that more real danger lurks In a common cold thso In any other of the minor ailments T The safe way to take ChamberUiu'e Cough Remedy, thoroughly reliable preparation snd rid yourself vt the cold ss quickly as po.sl ble. This remedy fur rale by all drug gists. DEFICIT TURNS INTO A SURPLUS (Continued from Flryt Page.) Larceny Case Settled; TABUS ROCK. Neb., Dec. la t8peclal.) The case of the state against Frank Bascom, which was set for hearing be fore M. II. Marble, Justice of the peace at this place, yesterday has been settled aifd the case dismissed from the ducket. A warrant was sworn out for the arrest of the defendant here on Tuesday night tor the theft of J18.W. taken from the pocket of D. T. HUllard at a livery stable In. Pawnee City. The case was settled by the return of the money, and payment of costs, amounting to IJ4.15. Fire baa Barn Barn. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Dec 10.-(Spe olal.) Fred Patterson, county surveyor of Cass couuty lost his barn Friday morning by nre, Mr. rattereon wae away from home and when the family awaked in the morning the barn was about all con sumed. There waa f0 bushels of corn a family carriage, a gasoline engine and yiuer vbiubuib prvuei iy uurneo. A re- Ward of luu ha been offered by the aur veyor for the arrest and conviction of tb person who set the barn on fire. extrusion of the postal service snd higher compensation for Its employes hsve gone hand In hsnd with a vanishing. l-flrlt. Postal Pavings System. An Important event of the yesr was the successful organization of the postal savings system. On January 3, 1911, de positories wre opened experimentally at a single postoffice In each one of the forty-eight states and territories. After a careful test for four months at these offices the system was rapidly extended and now comprises practically all of the 7.5O0 presidential postofflces. Prepara tions are being made to establish the system also In about 40,000 fourth-class offices that do a money order business. Postal savings deposits have kept pace with the extension of the system. Amounting st the end of the first month to only p,Z2 In the forty-eight experi mental offices, they Increased In a half year to $679,310, and now, after eleven months rf operation, have reached a total of 11,OO,O(0. This sum has been dis tributed among 2,710 national and state banks, where it Is protected by bonds deposited with the treasurer of the United Slates. Parrel Post. Now that the successful operation of tho postal savings system Is assured, It Is hoped that congress will promptly authorize tho establishment of a parcel post. The benefits of this service are widely enjoyed by the people of foreign countries and should be provided In tho United Hates. The department not only renews Its recommendation of last year for legislative authority to start a par cel post on rural routes, but sks s similar authorisation for the introduction of such a service in cities and towns hav ing delivery by carrier. After the or ganisation of a parcel poet on rural routes and In the city delivery service is completed, its extension to Include rail way and other transportation lines can be more rapidly accomplished without Impeding the handling of the ordinary mull. If congress will grant without delay the desired authority and provide the necessary appropriations it is believed that before t'-.s end of another year a sntlsfactory parcel post can' be organ ized on rural router and in cities with a carrier service, thus paving the way for the final step in the organization of a general parcel post. The Pranking; Privilege. In the last annual report It was recom mended that the franking privllffee be discontinued and that legislative author ity be granted for the use ot special en velopes and stamps in the free transmis sion of official mall, such envelopes and stamps to be furnished on requisition through the agency ot the Postoffice de partment. It Is to be hoped that favor able action on this recommendation will be taken at the coming session. The Im portance of such a reform is apparent when it is understood that the annual cost ot carrying franked mall reaches into the millions. v Reorganisation of Railway Service. Following the Inquiry into the coet of transporting mall on the railroads the department started a thorough investi gation ot the railway mall service. In certain branches of that service most unsatisfactory condition were disclosed as the reso.lt of Inefficient management It ' was found that In soma divisions ' the chief clerks had nor inspected their lines for several years. Employes en certain lines were compelled to work exceptlon- Uy long hours, while In other parts ot the service a sufficient period of train duty was not required. ' This reorganisation, although not com pleted, has gone far enough to bring about a decided Improvement over the unsatisfactory conditions reported. Un questionably, the final result will mean a tremendous caving to the government ac companied by Important benefits to the employe of the service. In place ot the present method of compensating railway mall clerks, which Is far from satisfactory, the department will recommend to congress a new system of salaries that will insure regular pro motions and a higher maximum com pensation for those who render efficient service. The plan of assigning to the railway mall car new appointee without pre vious experience In the postal service I to be abandoned, and hereafter the additional clerks required on the car will be recruited from the trained em ploye of the postofflces. Almost without exception, foreign na tion provide for the pensioning ot civil service employes when they become superannuated. Lrga corporation in this country are rapidly adopting the same principle In the retirement of their aged employes. On business grounds. If for no other reason, the government should do likewise. While the compensation of postal em ployes has been considerably increased during the last few yeara It is hardly more than sufficient to meet necessary llvJng expenses and consequently does not permit the putting aside of any con siderable savings against old age. It la be. Ileved that a civil pension based on length ot employment should be granted by the government. Benefits to the service far outweighing the expense of such pension would undoubtedly result. C0SS0N AND MABRAY LEAVE FOR DES MOINES . 4 J J t A ?ti " - tV y? -v "vk&i&m mm Si m w , pMmihp you sure will I I A mim Kite this tobacco; I W7 .A5af Jr w w Men, here's tobacco that gives you a fresh deal in pipe srnokin'. Tobacco that's all ready for your pipe, that's long-burniner, holds its fire close and can't bite your tongue. Forget that old messy way of rubbing and grinding tobacco in your hands. Pour Prince Albert right from the tin and" light up. for the buiiiest enjoyment you ever got out of a pipe smoke. has imitators, of course, with fussed-up packages and claims' but stick a pin in this fact : PrinPr Alhr is nrrr!iirer1 Vw a nofsniat " .v r- . v,m IHlWii LCU process that cannot be duplicated. It's this process that takes the bite out of Prince Albert; tha leaves in all the natural richness and fragrance of the finest tobacco. That's why no other tobacco has the goods. But try 'em. Compare 'em all with P. A. Get . this tobacco question settled; n sit down to endless enjoy ment -oi your old jimmy pipe and Prince Albert. In, ioc tins and 5c bags, at all live dealers. Also in half-pound and pound tin humi dorsand glass humidors containinga pound. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winston-Salem, N. C IMr?wOI Ml. MB F The Christmas shopping rush will soon be on and then travel on the street cars will be attended with more or less crowd ing and discomfort, in spite of all the provisions we can make. We therefore earnestly urge the public to Shop Early. Stocks of merchandise in the stores are now at their best and sales-people can wait.on you more satisfactorily now than they can later. Omaha&Gouncil BluffsStreet RailwayGo. Hi BLACK DAMP PUTS STOPJCO EESOUE (Continued from First rage.) (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOlNKfl, la., Dec 10. (Special Telegram.) Attorney Genera) Canon left tlita evening for Council Bluffs, accom panied by J. C. Mabray and other, wit neaaee -who will be used In the trial of Ben Marks In the state court this week, air.' Coason announced that he bad ue ceeded in locating one of the moat Im portant wltnesnee in the caae, A. P. Fair, formerly manager for the Nebraska Tele phone company, who by reason of hla po slUon ha4 knowledge of some things go ing oa connecting tne defendant with the Ma bray case. The testimony of Fair will probably be most Important. He waa traced to Texas and then to Lincoln and has finally been located. The attorney general will personally have charge of the case. Apollinaris YVattr haa ben a wared the Oraud frlx at the Dresden Uihlbltluo. was oil June 1. Deputy Inspector Klch ardx, who has the east Tennessee mines under his personal supervision, was ap pointed July It . Two Killed In Kansas. PITTSBURG. Kan., Dec. 10. Andrew Richards and Napoleon Lettace. miners, were' killed by an explosion caused by a "windy shot" in a mine at Hadley near here eterday. Richards1 son was in jured In a similar accident last week. HAS WORST CASE ON RECORD (Continued from First Page.) and quality of food furnished; tlje size and equipment ot hospital spaces and that a dootor la on board; that reasonable pri vacy and the separation of the sexes both from each other, and also from the of ficers and crew, haa been secured, and that the officers have maintained disci pline and cleanliness of the vessel thorugh out the voyage. These examinations have brought about great Improvements In steerage conditions, and on transatlantic liners violations are rare, ' guard on steerage ships the comfort and health, both moral and physical, of fu ture American citlsens and to prevent their being landed In a weakened and perhapa disease-Infected conditions be cause of Improper ventilation or sanita tion on the voyage, When a vessel nters a port of the United States with steerage passenger It la boarded by custom officers, under the direction of the bureau of navigation. Department of Commerce and Labor. Before Ihe pas sengers are landed every portion ot the steerage ia examined; the apace allotted each person Is noted; the number and sise of the berths; the manner and extent of ventilation, lighting and, the amount IS Hera is a toothsome dessert that can be prepared very easily t NUT FRAPPE be Ihi SpakSss Gdutea V i watt H cmp euf I c ptiiiweh ass nwtiwiiM WttfM It raid nm . tut Useful Christmas Presents AT IOW VKIOZB Including Bags, Suit Caaes. Trunks. Auto n.oblle Shawl. Lap Robes, Horse Blan kets, Harness and Saddle We are sell ing a lot of Fur Robe at a big dis count from $13 to $20 Automobile slza Alfred Cornish & Coi ltlO raraaaa Street. rnoae Boar. g31: III III : . fauMU ftutV SOT. fca mil j full. t I rAUTtOW W mrm . mm JTm Winaw stam vnU mm gr ttt tmm 9hv 4miy rarrfia Ae-raja Bmh Mtar fm'S . fmi CWI.bnCa.aslM.A.! . I w K. T. ITuTOMEY TO L AM In any amount on improved (or to improve) Omaha and South Omaha real estate Residence or business. Money On Hand No commissions to pay Interest rates reasonable Repayments of $100 or more on prin cipal received any day without notice. Prompt action assured. THE CONSERVATIVE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 1614 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Geo. F. Gilmore, Prest. Paul W. KuEhV, Secy.