The Omaha Daily Bee Thla Day la Omh glr IP . .TwntyTsa Tmm Am ss JssUta-lsl rr trf sack Issue JiS V VOL, ill NO. 15U Deficit turns -. INTO ASjJRPIUS oatoffice Department Beoomei Self Sustaining for First Time ' Since 1883. SERVICE GREATLY EXTENDED Care in Expenditure! Bring No Curtailment of Facilities. NE-CENT POSTAGE IS TO COME ange is Promised by Officials at No Distant Day. Postal banks draw cash "-'ovinias! rr General Advocates Cre adon of Farrela Paat, Abolition of "j Franking- Privilege, Pensions for Old EnBlrn AViA5I UK GTON, Dec .-"For tiie first lime since 18S8 the annual financial stats anent cf tha Postofflce department shows surplus Instead of a dofleit.". TMn 1s the burden cf the annual report t'T lostmaster General Hitchcock, made THihllo today, lie indicated that the .placing- of the postal service upon a self- sustaining basis meant aa improvement and extension of faculties and, at no Kilstant day, 1-eent letter postage. At the beginning of the present admin istration In JSOSc Mr. Hitchcock pointed "mmU tha department showed a deficit of 750. tils largest on record. In two Seara this deficit has been changed into surprtia of .$31. US, . detroite important extensions throughout the service. These rxlenalons include 8,744 new postofftoeta, elelrrery of ma.ll by carriers in 18 addi tional cities, t,5A new' rural mail routes ggregatlrur (UMTS mllea and 9,009 addi tional postal employes, with the salary ,U greater by tHOOMOO than it waa two f ears ago. Postal Savtns Banks. I'tia postal savings bank system, lens than a year old, now is In operation In !raotkany all of the 7,600 presidential tortoffice& Preparations are being? made Is establish at in about 40.000 fourth-class lofftcas that do a money order business, 3tt eleven months operation postal baolc deposits aggrerrated 111.000,000, and they are etxpeoted to reach 1 40,00, 000 or mere iyr Jnly 1, In view of the successful operation of Ins postal saving banks Mr. Hitchcock strongly recommended the establishment ry congress of an adequate parcels poet, which, be said, could be put into' opera tion In a few months. Heoond-Clauss Postage. I The postmaster general reiterated that I ihe second clasa postage rats should be i 3 cents instead of 1 cent a (Sound, lie I also urged that by readjustment of the pay of railroads for transportating the mails based on actual cost to tha raft, ..roads, an annual saving to the govern- -terUAeg at -feast -1tr.0KI, could "', be , t fected. Mr. Tlitchcodt iai'i 'the' progress 'in aviation encourages the hope that ulti mately the regular conveyance of mall by this means may be practicable. In many districts iters the natural condi tlons preclude nieans of rapid transporta tion." . , Mr, llltchcoc'.: recommended granting all jxwtal employes thirty days annual leave: that "a. civil' pension- based on length of Vmployinent lie (granted by tlia Kovcrnment" to superannuated employes; and that presidential postmasters be placed in the classified service. The reiwrt saya in part: For the fir-it time since 1SS3 the annual financial statement of the Postofflce de partment shows a surplus instead of a deficit. Tlie revenues for the fiscal year rnded June's), 1PII, amounted to $-S7,s7!,-Sc',-s,fi0 ana (ho expenditures to SJ237,S(i0, 70S.4S. leaving a surplus of $-l$,118.12. At Ihe beginning of the preewrtt admlnlstra lion in ISjO the postal service was In arrears to the extent of ll7.479.7TO.t7, which was decidedly the largest deficit in record, In the brief of two years this deficit has been changed Into a substantial surplus. Extension of the service. The wiping out of the deficit has been accomplished without curtailment of postal faciUtle. On the contrary, im portant extensions have been made in e-very branch of the service. Since the opening of the present administration theVe have been established 3.741 new postoffices, delivery by carrier has been provided In ISvi additional cities and 2.B1S new rural routes, . aggregating UV679 'miles, have been authorized. Meanwhile 1 1 he fores of postal employes has been increased by more than ff.000. In oom lensatlng such employes the department follows a liberal policy. Last year the I total amount expended for salaries was .approximately $14,000.0lO greater than two cars ago. The average annual sitlary has been tacre-sd from $89 to $SS7 for rursl suriers, frcm $78 to 11.083 for post office clerks, from JLO-Jl to frt.0S4 for city letter carriers and from $1,148 t- $l,lJ3 for railway postal clerks. Thus a marked tConlinued on Eecond Page.i The Weather Kor Nebraska I'air. For low a Fair. 1 entperalaro ratertlar. Det t)gUsst yesterdy J o eat ytaterOay . Mean temperature JrtclpltaUon Temperature and 40 ZS 1.11 .00 precipitation ' lures from the normal : normal temperature Kxceaa for the day . Total exceaa since March. 1 ...ii Normal precipitation Ulncli Kxceaa for the day I .w inches Total rainfall since liarrl, 1 .. .14 Inches lxfi(Un y sine March 1 14.01 inches I'alldleney for cor. period. l'MO. .14.44 Inrhes Excess far cor. iwrlod, Jt!.... 4.4. inches . L. A. VVELtfU. Local r orxaaier. at Uuiait --. ; Hour. V-7T i X-Sl J a. lit.. t--0M ' tu , . i7 Wi W i'-n:::::::;:::::- fi ViVAi'.-4" ' ' rn 44 rr&!x -vK1 'IK 3. " rj 4 - HvWiW l,,',D J&McQZ-.' : 5 Z 41 l. , p. m Cssusaratlvs Loral Rerord. 1911. W10. WW. 190. 44 1 44 u7 .j 8 :i 1 S7 .10 ,00 depar- Mrs. Claussen's Death Due to Violence, .Says Physician Hlli.Rl LA.N, Wye., Iec. 10. (Speiial .) Pinally securing a Jury at 10 o'llovk ISaturday morning, the trial of the Claussen case commnncsd with the ex amination of Dr. Anna O. Hurd, county health physician, who visited the Claus sen .ranch in company with Coronrr ('. R. Ilalley July 4, the day after Mrs. Clausseo'a death. Dr. Kurd testified thi noun arrival at tlio ranch they found the cayket contain, Ins the body lying directly in the sun at', mo norm end or the bouse near the northwest corner. A cursory examination of the body showed It in a high state of decomposition, with the fleah on the left cheek and neck badly discolored. Interro gated with reference to the position of the body in the canket, she stiUnd that the head and neck were twistl toward the right shoulder, the head bnt for ward, the eyes and tongue protruding. Undertaker George I Smith, who fol lowed, testified that Claussen called at his place of business the night of July 3 and asked for a "cheap box painted red." In reply to a question as to wbo it a Intended, stated that ilia wife was deud. Upon being told that ho hail nolhint; of that kind in stock, Clauvsen panJia.-eJ the cheapest coffin obtainable, lie aiso took the customary rough box. though at first objecting on the grounds that the casket was sufficient In itself. Mr. Smith also testified to conditions at the grave on July 4 when a post mortem was hold, 13r. C. R. Halley, county coroner, whs the chief wttness at the afternoon ses sion. Testifying first in 'regard to his visit to the ranch la company with Lr. Hurd, he stated that C!au en told him that his wife had died of typhoid fever at the end of a tw weeks' illness, de claring she had been delirious practically all of that time j with a temperature of from 108 to loifc. Dr. Ilalley corroborated Dr. Hurd with reference to the position of the body in the casket. Upon examina tion wtth reference to the post mortem, which he stated revealed no evidence of any disease. Dr. Ilalley axprnesod the opinion, in answer to a hypothetical quex tlon by the prosecution, that death hsd occurred from ex turn si violence, the In dications pointing to suffocation or strangulation. B. Mattas, a ranclver, who testified to having seen two women in the Claussen garden five days before Mrs. Claussen's death; Lloyd Cook and Miss Rosa Rhlns, who noticed two women and a man drinking as they passed the Claussen place the night of June 29, and James Rohwer, employed on the Claussen ranch last fall, who testified to Claussen's cruelty to his wife prior to the death of their twins, were the other witnesses of the afternoon. Wife Keeps Miner Prom Fatal Shaft CBecaue6f Dream j . . . PRICBVILtL-K, Tenn., . Dec. 30.-Hugti I rue, a miner employed in the wrecked Cross Mountain mine, owes his life to a dream hla wife had last night. When be arose this morning and pre pared to go to ills daily labor, Mrs, Larue refused to prepare his lunch for him to carry to the mine. She did not want lilm to work today. She then re cited a dream she had. In her dream Bhe saw scores . of miners with, their heads blown off, being carried out of the mine entrance as she and her lit tle children stood at the mine's mouth. Larue had not missed a day from his Work for many months but he was pre vailed on today to remain out of the mines. If. was only a short time after Mrs. Iarue recited her story until the x plosion occurred. Railroad Guard is Killed by Deputy CENTRA I.I A, III., Dec. 10 (ieorge I mis, aged 34 years, an Illinois Central special agent atsititlng In guarding rail road property here, was shot and in stantly killed early this evening by Ed ward Bacon, ester of the United States district court at Danville, and a special deputy United States marshal In charge of the federal force which has been guarding strikebreakers and railroad property here for several weeks. Uacon, who immediately surrendered to the local pollee, claimed that lie dis charged a man at the central shops and Lewis disputed his right to do so. Angry words were exchanged when Iwis, it is alleged, fired his revolver at Baron, and the latter returned the fire, the bullet striking Lewis In the forehead. Reyistas Wipe Out Government Forces ! ME III DA. Yucatan, Mex., Dec. 10. Of a force of about liO tate guard, mostly Yatiula Indians, which engaged a band of rieyfstas, estimated at between too and today, less than a doien escaped, ac cording to meager -nformatlon brought to this city by fugitives late this after noon. The government troops were routed completely. The fight occurred on the haciendas S.mconite and Misnelban. A fresh fores liai taJen the field to dis. lode the rebel. Deputy Sheriff Victim of Holdup j MASON liTV. Ja , iiec. lo.-iip.ia) Telegram.) Willi his month's salary n his pockei. Deputy Sheriff Sl lllden was the victim of a holdup liun night. Holden got away from the fellow and got out I.; revolver and fired, but in the den.-e fog the footpad eacaped. NEW BURLINGTON FREIGHT DEPOT TO OPEN TODAY The Burlington new outbound freight house wiil be onened for th i.. The probable date for the house wurrnlngj when the general public will b.; invited! i Is December M The Conuneicial haa taken the n.attn in charge. club ' .1 OMAHA, MONDAY BLACK DAMP TUTS STOP TO RESCUE Deadly Gas Fills Workings of Cross Mountain Coal Mine and Pre rents All Endeavors. TONtY SIX BODIES TAKEN OUT! Eighteen in All So Far Have Been ; Found by Men. " EXPERTS PENETRATE TWO MILES N Signs of Life Are Seen or Heard During Trip. DEAD IN LATERAL WORKINGS t n to Preaeal It lias He Imnoa alble to .end Parties ! 'Ibeae Places Heceaae of ltanger Reac-e Parlies. RUICKVII.LK, Tenn., Dee. 10 -Until nightfall but siv of eighteen bodies found had been taken from the Knoxvllle Iron company's Cross Mountain coal mine, where yesterday morning an explosion entombed at least 160 min. Most of them were Americans. Ulack damp put a stop to resque work at - o'clock this afferrrien. Kxperts had penetrated two miles Jntn the workings and neither saw nnryheard signs of life. It Is believed the great mass of dead will be found In lateral workings whore until this time It has been Impos sible to send men.. Shortly before midnight the rescuing party recovered two additional bodies, one being that of Taylor Little, while the other could not be identified. The workers had pasned and hi at tiled up twenty of the twenty-seven cross en tries, leaving but seven yet to reach be fore getting to the head of the mine, and unless men are found alive in these few remaining cross entries, there is none in the mine alive. The body of Lee Tolston, operator of the fan plant of the mine, was found burled and mangled under the cave-In In the main shaft this afternoon. Workers In Lateral Nhafta. The shafts extend more than two miles Into the bowels of the mountain. Accord ing to President T. I. Stephenson of In iron company, the men, if they hsd reached their posts, were In lateral shafts when the explosion, which blocked the main shafts, occurred. Thla at first encouraged those on the surface to hope that many were living. Rescuers encountered dense deposits of earth, rock and coal in the main shaft of the mine and also In an abandoned entry which had been used for an air shaft. Fires were built in an attempt to create a circulation ot air from within the mine. ' Wood posts and trusses in the shaft have been, blown out, and tills, miners asserts. Is an Indif'ation of a serious ex plosion beyond. Brattices' were con fctrjicldhy m-ans-. "wrsj.-li air '"Was fiMcexl 14 i Jbo'cluaiiiel as fast as it was possible to remove the debris, . 4 Ikesties as to Cause. There are three theories as to the causa of the explosion. One Is that in some manner powder or dust exploded, the sec ond Is that an electric wire came In con tact with explosives, and . the third Is that the explosion was caused by poor tamping ot a drill. The mine was thoroughly inspected Fri day of last week, by, J. TV. Hat maker, who has been inspector ot the mine for eight years. He remained In 'the mine, nearly all of Friday night. He said there was no trace of gases when he emerged. The mine, also,was recently inspected by an inspector under George 1C. Sylvester, state mine Inspector, and a representa tive of a casualty company which car ries Insurance on the employes of the company, is also said to have reported Unit it was In excellent condition) l'residenl Stephenson made the follow ing statement late th,H afternoon: "1 deeply regret the accident in the mine and I am bending every effort to escuo the men who are entombed. I am In hope the men will be 'reached. Ac cording to the topography of the mine, the gases generally go Into the entry In which the explosion occurred. Most of the men in tlio place must have gone Into the cross-sections where they were employed in mining, and this, therefore, causes me to believe that they escaped fatality, at least some of them." Members of nearly half of the families In this little mining town of 1.500 persons are imluded among those entombed and there is weeping In nearly all of the homes. Tonight nearly 2,000 persons are gathered around the mouth of the mine frantically awaiting news. " " 'I'sree Men lOacapr. Of all the men who went Into the mine three only escaped. They were John ! Lani, Samuel Fsrmer and Bert Hal inalier. They were In one of the lateral shafts. Warned by the noise they es caped before being overtaken by flames. These men observed bad "signs" as they entered the mine. They believe the exact location ot the blast is at least two Biilea in the interior and SOO feet from the mountain crest. Uricevllle, as a mining town has had a stormy history. It was the scene In the early nineties of rioting when miners rebelled against working with convicts leased by the Mate. Troops were sent there to quell the trouble. At Coal Creek, near there, on May l'i, W, 200 men were killed in the Frater villf mine explosion. There are several big mines at iiilce v 1 lie known as the Cross Mountain sis lein. It was In one of then that tUe I explosion occurred today. NA Ileroriia of MUr, i I-) -Cross ' SHV11.I.K, T'nn., Dec ! Mountain mine Nu. 1 where the miners are entombed, employs a day shift of p.'ii men, a ovoid lug to tho records kept at the mining bureau here. The mine twice has been Inspected since Inspector Sylvester assumed office. The first inspection was by Inspector Richardson, August 5. and the econd on October HO. At the time of the last Inspection the mine was reported as properly sprinkled and the entries, haul ways and workings kept free, from dust. No dangerous conditions were noted. Ttie mine is In class B, and under the regulations ot the mining bureau, la In spected every sixty days. Moreover, it w" "a''I",', t,,at n,," h1 not been lnhferted ,M y',r prlor ta ,ne ,lm ,h' '""P1'101" Wester assume-1 office, which Con:luucd oo Second Page.) MOKXINCf, DKCKMUKli 11, From the SL Louis Globe-Democrat. JURY. FINDS KELLY GUILTY , Council Bluf Doctor'a Crime Fixed .at Manslaughter. DELIBERATE FIFTY-FOUR HOURS Msruerer of 'Depots- Sheriff Wool, ansa sail Kdsnsad staVclna Held AfcaiataMn In Minor lAsy far the Crime, DES- MOINES. Dec. lO.-Ths Jury in the case of Dr.. Harry D. Kelly,, accused of the murder of Deputy Sheriff parence Woolman of Council Bluffs and 'Edmund Sterxlng of Das Moines, returned a verdict of manslaughter at o'clock tonight, after being out fifty-four hours,, The case, was placed In the hands of the Jury shortly before noon Friday and Indications were that a dlsagreertient would result. Several times the Jurors came In and asked for further Instruc tions. He' will be sentenced to from one to eight years In the penitentiary. The young Council Bluffs doctor shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Woolman In a room In a local hotel March 23 last and a few minutes later shot and killed Edmund Stersing, a bartender, when the latter refused Kelly a drink. Kelly was being taken to the inebriate asylum at Knox vllle, la., when the tragedy occurred. The jury, in a special finding, read with the verdict, agreed that the defendant was Insane on the morning the crime was committed. Counsel for the defense announced to night that a motion will be filed tomor row asking that the verdict bo set abide on the ground that It Is inconsistent. They dm-lure that, according to the state laws and the court's Instructions, the Jury cannot return a verdict finding an In sane may guilty of manslaughter. BODY OF AGED WOMAN FOUND IN RUINS OF BURNED HOME LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Dec lo-Nerh-bors lain today found the body of Mis. Benjamin ISray, 70 years old. widow of an old soldier, In the ruins of her home near Walilron, Mo., nine miles southwest of here, after fire lad destroyed the building. The fact that the woman's skull waii fractured led to the belief that she had been murdered and the house set afire tn hide the crime, According to neighborhood gossip Mrs. Gray kept a large sum of money about the bouse. MAN WHO HAS TWO LEGAL WIVES TO DIVORCE SECOND PITTisUURU. Kan.. Dej-. 10.-l'eter Sharp, retired farmer of this city, today filed suit for divorce against Cella Sarnantha Sharp, his second wife, whom he married ten years ago, many years aftf Ann Catherine, his first wife had become separated from him during the Chicago tire of lH.'l. The suit follows tha failure of Sharps two apparently iPicu wives to live In harmony in the Sharp home. Blimp admits he la unavoidably a bigamist now and asks the court to ie. line the condition. CHRISTMAS SEALS MAY BE PUT ANYWHERE ON LETTER WASHINGTON. Dec. lu. -Postmaster General Hitchcock today suspended until January 1 Jhe postal regulations forbid ding the transmission through the malls of matter bearing upon the address side Red Cross Christmas seals or other char ity s'smpa. From now until January 1 tha Christmas seals may be placed any- here un letters ur packaa TKX PAiKS. SINdl i: COPY TX& Mwf0) Listening Judgments Against L i Fteltoshalior: False Arrests SIOUX FALLS. S. V., Dec. 10-(Spe-clal.) A federal court Jury, In the cie or Wlllum LaMott Hfiilnst 'Frank A. Craft, state fire marshal of South Dnkota, and others returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff a judgment In the sum of $000. The plaintiff sought' to recover damages In the sum of $a.0i) for alleged wrongful arrest and detention In con nection with the destruction by fire of a barn in Meody county. A stay of etxty days was granted the defendants lil which to mako application for a new trial. The whole case turned upon the failure of the sherirt making the arrest to have his warrant properly j. K.'d in tho county in which the arrest was made. The warrant was Issued in Moody county and the defendant ..was found lit Deuel county, where lio W'ua arrested on the Moody county warrant without the war rant having been O. K.'d by a Deuel county Justice of tho peace. ' That this la necessary will I a surprise to many sheriffs in ihe state, who have not paid heed to county lines and have supposed ttiat a warrant of arrest issued In any county was good in any other county In the slate. Memorial Services Are Held at Yankton For Late Judge Tripp YANKTON, 8. D De. . 10 -Memorial services in honor of Judge Hnlett Tripp, who expired suddenly Friday, were held here thla afternoon. Many . speakers paid tribute to the dlsilugulhhed service of the South Dukuta man. A telogram of oon dolence was received from President Taft. Tho fuiii-ral snrvieea will ho held to morrow- morning at I0 S0 o'clock. President Warren of Yankton college will deliver rlie eulogy. PURCHASE OF AUDITORIUM TO BE CONSIDERED TODAY 'ihe proposition to vote bonds In the sum of $tf,0UO for tho purchase of the Auditorium will be again brought up be fore the council in committee of the whole tills afternoon. Interested citizens have been invited to attend the meeting and to also be present at the regular council meeting Tuesday evening, wUn some definite action may be taken. Coun cilman Furikhoueer, iioii the reading of the communication from the Auditorium trustees submitting the proMsltion, asked that a public discussion he invited before the council went on record. The Iruslees agree to liquidate all liabilities and to give the illy a clrar title to the property at $i.,0A which Is Irs than the grounds and buildings originally cost. LABOR CONDITIONS BAD AMONG COLORADO MINERS SALT UKC CITY, Utah. Deo. 10 Thornas Eanlll, commissioner of the Sal vation Army, who ra charge of ail operatlona of that Organisation wet of Chicago, stated today that labor condi tions throughout the entire west are worse than for many jeara. He declares that conditions are especially bad In the Colorado mfnlinpa and savs that there is a neaiersw ""ach to actual suffering in workingmertV. -ea than for many je-vr- w HAS WORST CASE ON RECORD a C 1 ' , ' i lifty-fieten "Children" Die in" Eight Weeks in Steamer's Steerage. . ITS CONDITIONS UNBELIEVABLE Actios; Secretory Cable, Department of Commerce) nnd Labor Fines Owners of the Simmer Orlerlo T,tMt. WASHINGTON, DecT 10.-Charged with His worst case of neglect of steerage pas aengera on record under the passenger act of 1SS2, the owners f the British steamer Orterio have been fined $7,0W) by Acting Secretary Cable ot the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor. Among its 1.243 passengers there were In Uie eight wee-ks of Its voyuge fifty eight deaths, fifty-seven being children; the births numbered fourteen.; the sexes were not properly segregated during tlie larger part of tlie time; Ihe ventilation of the ship was Inadequate and greatly Increased the mortality rate; the hospital facilities were ill-ventilated and without proper equipment, while the sanitary conditions of the vessel were almost be yond belief. Acting Fccretary Cable, after giving ample opportunity for the ship's agents to make a defense, directed today that the full penalties be Imposed. The case has been pending before the department since the arrival of the Orterio at Honolulu, April U last, where the collector of customs, who acls In be.hs.f of the bureau of navigation. Im mediately discovered the unlawful condi tions. The vessel Is liol regularly engaged in the steerage business, but was apecially employed to carry Portuguese and Span ish immigrants through Magellan straits to Honolulu. The ship was allowed to clear upon depositing a bond for Slj.tiotf. I aplalM Defends the hls. The master of the vessel, James Find lay, attempted to explain the existing conditions by stating that about ten davs afler leaving (ilbralter there was a riot bxtween the Portuguese mid Spanish male passengers, reuniting In a, pitched battle with knives, clubs, cleavers and pistols. To prevent further trouble the Portuguese passengers were plsced sft, while the Spanish passengers were put In the forward part of the vessel. Thla resulted In the commingling of the sexes, He mentions the refusal of the pas sengers to aaslst In keeping the vessel clean and states that the lack of cleanli ness on their part hail much to do with the conditions. Tho ship's doctor stated that he would pot permit the compart ments to be washeiL as this would have resulted tn unavoidable dampnns. which would be detrimental; that all accumula tions were rendered harmless by disln factanls: thai the sleeping compartments were scraped with shovels evsry day and swept and that the parents comes led the Illness of their children and retuaed medical attention. Cornmlaaionei- of Navigation Chamber lain described this case as the worst which hud come to his attention and ex pressed his concurrence In the following paragraph of a scathing urrulgnment by the grand Jury: "We cannot emphasize too strongly ths neoeaaity for tlie observance of regula tions requiring vessels to be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. When poor Immigrants, perhaps unaccustomed to modern methods of sanitation are brought into a tropical climate such aa Huwall not only their own good, but the good of the community In general Is subserved by a rigid Insistence on compliance with the law." The paaaencrr a. t of 1AJ claims to safe- JM'NAMARAS put I IN SAN OOENTIN Two Dynamiters Reach California State Prison After Trip Without Incident. LEAVE TRAIN AT PORT COSTA Travel Remainder of the Way Upon River Steamer. FEW PRESENT AT DEPARTURE Manacled Men Approach Automobile, with Downcast Faces, BOTH ANXIOUS TO BE GONE. Ilelleve Labor In Tints- Mill 'lb Ink Metier of Theiiif.lrl Ulll i I -Information- Juhu J.'a -relary Mail Tesllf), H I l.l.K'l I , LOS ANtiliLK. Cel., Dee. lH.-u.ii K. MrMsnlxal w'li be taken In I ndlanapnlis within a few davs to tell tlie fedrial grand Jury ihrre what h knows of ths alleged dynamiting conspiracy, llm first chapter of which was closed today w-itli the placing of James It. and John J. Me. Namara In the Pan Qusniln stale iuImui, SAN QUENTIN. Cal., Dec, 1.-Jnhn J. and James B. MeNamara, Los Angeles dynamiters, arrived at Ban Quntln prison and entered the gates at 10 o'clock today. They were taken from the train tit Port Costa, twenty miles from San Franrlsrn, shortly before I o'clock and transferred to a river steamer, which carried them to prison. The trip was without Incident. LOS ANOELKB. Deo. lO.-'Tm a young man. and I'm for union labor,''1 was Jehu J. McNatnara's parting comment to the world, according to Clarence S. Harrow, ' hla chief counsel, who was last with lilm. John J. also expressed the hope that the sentiment of union labor toward lilm would change, remarking that In time the case would be better understood. Root Kept K-rprvt. The route taken by Sheriff William A. llammlil and hla prisoners Was kept secret and even the time of departure waa un known tn the general public. By previous arrangements with Sheriff Hainmlll a coterie of newspaper men and photographers were concealed behind the Jail and were notified of the exact mo ment of departure of the MclS'amaraa, so they collected about the entrance only long enough to see the brothers enter a waiting automobile. James B.'s tight hand was manacled to John J.'s left wrist. Both men looked pale and cheer less, aad walked the few steps from the Jail door with bowed heads. Sheriff Hammlll was accompanied by Deputies Robert Brain. Claude Matthew son and Martin Aggulrre. As soon as the prisoners were seated In ths maohliw canvas flaps on both sides of the hood w is drawn. -and. the amomnWla "flgshe l up the hill beside the Jail and away to the iiortlmard. - ! For three days Sheriff Hammlll con sidered getting the prisoners Into' Saif Francisco by boat and going thereafter by launch direct to the Ssn Quentln gates. The prisoners were carelessly groomed and had prepared in no way for their de parture, except to order their belongings sent lo eastern relatives. . One of them had $lffi and the other $162, which was turned over to the sheriff. Lanier Sees Witnesses. Ths federal grand Jury wag not in ses sion yesterday, but will convene again next Tuesday to taks mors testimony in alleged .dynamiting conspiracies. Osrar -Lawler occupied himself today with sev eral of tlie witnesses. ; He was closeted ' for a time with District Attorney John D. Fredericks. ;...';. Mr. Lawler, who Is in charge of the government's investigation, expressed Ir ritation today that the newspapermen had identified one of the government's Important witnesses, J. W. Kaiser of Muocle, lnd., who is alleged to have sold nitroglycerin to James B, McNamarn. John J. MeNamara and Oitle H. Mc- Manlgal. Kaiser at first refused to give his name. Later they "shadowed ' Mm and learned his identity. 'If there's any gum shoeing to be done," declared Mr. Lawler, "I'll do soma of that myself." He added that many of the witnesses were apprehensive of dnnger in coi.Mng here to testify. "All the slugRers are not done aaay Willi, you know," remarked Mr. I.awie.-. Every effort will be made to concent the Identity ot those who are subpoenaed, but as many of the witnesses are knonu to the newspaper men working on the cae, It is not believed that secrecy can long be maintained. Mr. Iwler admitted that so far in be knew Attorney General Wickersham had not. yet decided whether to make Indianapolis or Los Angeles tha center or the government's probe, but that the mat ter probably would be determined before December 14, when the federal grand Jiiry will meet at. Indianapolis. tilrl Will Teal if.. CHICAGO, Dec. lO.-Mlas Noia IItc-v . private secretary and confidante ot John J. MeNamara, for more than two yeais, is lp t'hjcflgo under surveillance ot gov- Want Ad Christmas Gifts By leading the want ads every day, you may find your nam among the want ads telling you that a gift la waiting for you. Jvo puzzles to solve nothing ty An. except to call at The Pee of fice when your name appeara. There aire other prizes than these fiee glfta on the want ad pagea You may find your oppor tunity In -the way of a situation, a bargain-or valuable information It Is a good habit to read ths v. ant ad pagea every day. Dalzell's Ice- V Cream Bricks Boxes of O'Brien's Candy I tConttnued on Second rf.)