Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Hijieens Seem Content to While
Away Time on the Seat.
lni (boynikl Knaagrd Trarh-
Ink Othi-ra the 4nuir Tominf
White Workina In 1 uauel
KI4 Hfrmn n I'lorlnl.
SEW YORK, P. Kvrybody know
how lini tall playigs. professional ami
cthci w ls, pniiin In funning bets of tli
past and ir-nt: recall tho en-at ftats
nf (hr diamond anil praisn the dulfigs
of other day.
Rut did any one ever mix In a Imnch
if pugilistic f annm 9 and hear any more
enthuslaaltj lulng thun tho Rlove
wleldeis tan turn loo 10? The answer Is
"in'." for th old-time fighters are Just
as talkative a tribe as ever could be
Kotten together.
Recently a bunch of fljihters, paat,
present anil fmm got together In a
prominent gymnasium, and after ftRht
without number of years ago lnul been
masticated ta the king's taste, 0110 of the
bunch propounded a question of natural
"What beiomes of the fighters when
their days of 'activity iri tho ling are
at an end?"
The Question net everybody thinking,
nnd In order to answer It wan necessary
to "take cuaes" on some of the fighters
nhfi In the last few years have left the
ring for all time.
H was discovered that a BToat many of
the pugilists bad become policemen. In
I'hlcago, th home of many of the best
fighters who ever stepped between the
ropes, there are many of the former glove
vt'ielders who now swing a club Instead
of the maul lei.
Remember Martin Duffy, who was one
of the topnotch lightweights of his time,
which was only n, few years ago. Duffy
in bo found any night In Chicago
traveling a beat. He isn't a lightweight
any more, but has Joined the tieavy
welght class. Duffy certainly was a star
at cleverness, something like Tacky Mo
Moffat Swing a Clnb.
Jack Moffat, the middleweight, who
ponseesed class, but failed to become a
champion, partly because ho dislocated a
t-houlder In a fight, la a policeman and
travels a beat over Chicago streets.
Moffat met the brilliant Tommy Ryat
more than once in tho ring, and Tommy
always gave Moffat credit for being a
fighter of the first water. The bad arm
finally stopped Moffat's ring career and
he donned the suit of blue as p. means
of livelihood.
Jimmy Barry, the wonderful little cham
pion of the ring in his day, also Is living
In. Chicago. Jimmy qontlnues to make
fi lends Just as he always did, and Is earn
lng a living with something besides swing
ing on the other fellow's jaw. Barry
spends the summer months working in
the public playgrounds, where be is con.
sidered a huge success.
. "Kid" Herman, another Chicago light
weight. Is a real business man and suc
cess has brought him plenty of the
nhekels. The "Kid" Is In Seattle, Wash.,
where he Is proprietor of a florist's
shop. Herman almost reached the pin
nacle of fame, the obstacle in his path
being; that Wonderful colored fighter, Joe
Cans, .now dead.
" Joe "Ch&fhskl;" who baa made Chicago
bis home for' many years after leaving
California, has earned a living, and a
pood one, too; by teaching the game that
iKaJe him famous. Choynskl now Is box
ing Instructor, at the millionaire athletic
club f Pittsburgh. Previous to leaving
Chicago',' he conducted a physical culture
rchool, and, also was instructor at the
Illinois Athletic club.
Tommy Vhite, who gained fame by his
great fights wltfc; "Terrible Terry" Mo
iovern, still holds forth in Chicago. For
the last couple of .years he has been em
ployed In construction work on a big
underground telephone tunnel.
The once great Australian middleweight,
George Dawson, who fought many battles
of note. Is boxing instructor at the Chl
apo Atletlc association.
Then there Is Kddle San try, who at one
time claimed the featherweight cham
pionship. Eddie a couple of years ago
was proprietor of a saloon, but now is
officiating as referee of bouts In Wis
consin cities. ' J
High School Lads
, Argue Out Woman
Suffrage in Debate
High school boyst 00U it upon themselves
ti debate the all-important question,
Ri solved. That Women Should Have
the Right of Suffrage in the United
Mates," the occasion being the semi
monthly program of the Athenian De
bating society of the school, given In the
educational department at the Voung
Men's Christian association Friday even
ing. Tor thirty minutes tiie lads threshed
out i,he suffrage question in a true Pank
huiMian fashion and it was only after the
guvc.l had been pounded neveial times
tbat they were willing to give up their
arguments ami let the Judges decide who
as entitled to the better of the reason
ing. Tho decision was awarded to Earl
Starboard, who upheld the affirmative,
oicn Mulr very ably attempted to prove
the negative side of the question.
In addition to the debate a program
was given, consisting of a monologue by
Joseph Sorenaon, and one-act playlet,
"The. Doctor's Return," by Harvey Nel
.'.'i and Warren Johnson.
Autoists Eeturning
from Trip to Coast
Traveling fron Mollne, III., to San
I raiidsco In order to mark a new auto
inobllo route from the MUsUsippI to the
coast, W, A. Peck, western sales min
user for the Midland Auto company, ar
livcd in Omaha yesterday on hi way
back to Molina.
Tho .Midland car carried besides Mr.
l'rclc, J. L. tiartland. Associated Prea
rt porter; B. U Mayo, mechanician; and
J'. A. Baker, of Denver, lie made the
I.C4J miles between the two points in 124
hours aud 37 minutes. The route estab
lished takes In soino of the prettiest
mountain scenery In the west, at the
amo trnie cutting off over 400 miles from
lint best of the other auto routes.
The roulu has been marked, and steps
re being taken by the Midland com
I ar.y idpont ulgn boards along the route,
making travel by auto easy. While In
Omaha the auto lilch made the trip
was the object of comdderabls Interest.
Europe Likes the
Flush Side Cars of
the Latest Type
W. 1 1, l.'mocd. designer for tho It. 11.
Franklin Manufacturing company, the
manufacturers of the Franklin automo
bile In Syracuse. X. V.. has Just returned
from a European trip made for the pur
pots of studying the development of auto
mobile body dpeigii in Germany, France
and England.
Concerning automobile body develop
ment In Europe, Mr. Kmond said:
"The flush-skied body and the sloping
type of hood seem to have the predomin
ance of favor among all European manu
facturers and It Is interesting to note the
way the various designers are going at It.
"England has led In the development of
the flush-sided type and France seems to
be the last one In line. This mny be due
to a Miiall amount of 'pique because the
French designers do not like to admit that
the.y are following any otryrs.
"rn Germany even thing Is flush-sided
and the Germans are also carrying the
matter of the scuttle front to the ex
treme. One of the most popular types
now seen In Germany has a scuttle to
both the front and rear seats, the buck
of the front sent being developed Into a
scuttle design. Concerning the matter of
placing the control levers Inside or out
side of the body, there Is a wldo diver
gence of opinion, but the practice which
obtains to the greatest extent Is that of
P'lttlng the shift goor lever lnsldo lliu
body, the emergency brake lever outside.
American Cars Show
Best in Big Races
A close analysis of the seventh annual
race for the Vanderbllt cup, held on the
seventeen-mile Chatham county course,
shows it to be a great victory for Amer
ican cars. lifted against some of the
most noteworthy cars of the European
continent, the American built cars ex
celled In every particular. Chief credit
Is due to the Lozler team, with Mulford
finishing first and establishing a new
world's road race record, and Harry
Grant twice winner of the races tor the
Vanderbllt cup, pulling up In fourth posi
tion. Mulford ran a beautiful race in his
white Ioslr and well deserved the vic
tory he won.
The latest offering of the Hupp Motor
Car company a thirty-two horse power,
long-stroke, five-passenger touring car
embodies many features new toi this
country, and Is also stamped unmistak
ably with the same Individuality that has
always characterised the Hupmobilcs.
, The new model is by E. A. Nelson, the
creator of the original Hupmobile run
about, who has been responsible for the
unique style and character of the Hup
mobile line from the outset.
Body, cowl and hood have tho appear
ance of an Integral piece, and show the
pronounced sweeping effects of straight
line construction.
The wheel base Is 106 inches and the cen
ter of gravity Is exceptionally low, thus
making for steady balance and tire
Great pulling power at all speeds, ab
sence of noise and Vibration, economy of
fuel and oil are some of tils advantages
claimed for the small-bore, long-stroke
motor. This unique design Is in high
favor among the foremost European en
gineers, but has never before been ap
plied to an American car.
The pressed steel frame la unusually
aturdy for a car of this blze. It Is so de
signed as to harmonize v-ith tho body
lines. The frame Is of pressed steel, the
body of sheet metal. Has very deep up
holstery and provides ample room for
five passengers. Mud guarOV, running
boards, and all equipment are spcclwlly
made for the car and hartnenixs with the
rest of the design. Every fart is spe
cially built for this ear alone, and the
assembly forms a compact, efficient ma
chine that Is as nesr perfect as I he nil,-,
ers are able to produce.
A Cadillac touring car, carrying five
persons and driver by its owner, won
first prize In the owners' class in the
recent economy test of the Harrlsburg
(Pa.), Motor club.
The contest covered one day and roads
In five counties around Harrlsburg. It
was for gasoline consumption only. From
start to finish, the gasoline tank of each
car was sealed, and at the end of the
run, the amount of gasoline used was
noted. The Cadlliaa performance may be
considered remarkable, inasmuch as the
car cairied flvo and consumed only six
gallons, one quart of gasoline for the en
tire day's run through a mountainous
country and over roads in the poor con
dition usual in November.
II. E. Fredrickson's special week's
showing of Pierce Arrow motor csrs
closed Saturday night a pronounced suc
cess. From the sales rooms had been re
moved all but this ono line of cars and
these were shown with various bodies on
the different horse-power chassis. A
pleasing effect wss added by a setting of
terns and flowers throughout the room.
"1 am highly gratified at the Interest
shown In our efforts," said Mr. Fredrick
son, "and by the large attendance, a
good percentage of which was made up
of owners of other makes of cars."
smflowrr fklloaopb j.
When a woman kills her husband she
can't fool an) ono by "weiring mourn
ing.'' Few people write anything on postal
cards that Is likely to interest the postal
if properly religious, a woman needs
littlo "voice'' to Induce her to tackle a
Make the Injunction against worry per
manent anu your irouoies won 1 amount
to much.
A woman's idea of the pinnacle of pros
perity is to be able to buy everything
the agents offer. Considerable idea.
One doesn't fully appreciate a handker
chief till he Is reminded that ha didn't
brtng one.
After a woman has tried severs! patent
egg beaters, site does that useful work
w ith a foi k.
,Vhile a woman may be an angel in
some respects, she won't forgive a man
Just because be confesses. Atchison
Anything in Make Talk.
"Some of these arguments about poli
tics." said Senator ttorgtium, "remind ml
of debates we used to have lu the so
ciety 1 Joined when I was a boy."
"1 suppose you talked a good deal on
Impractical lines?"
"We did. We spent almost one entire
winter dlwusalng the question, 'Which
makes the beat ear muff, a corn fritter
or a buckwheat cake?" Washington
Export Trade in
Autos Increases at
a Very Rapid Rato
If the expert tnin ... . of the Mltchell
f.ewis Motor ronii'uiiY is any criterion
of the general comllllors governing the
exportation of A met lean cars, the I'lilteil
States Is not losing prestige In the world
wide distribution of automobiles. Over
$1.iW.000 In export orders have been taken
and there is scarcely a civilized country
that has not absorbed some .Mitchell cars.
From the hot sands of the Soudan In
Africa to the frigid Alaskan country
Mitchell motors arc performing, carry
ing the message of the supremacy of the
I'nlted States In manufacturing.
It seems to bo a fact that American
mado motor cats of the medium priced
class are beyond competition; foreign
manufacturers do not seem to know how
to produce in quantities.
Appearance In VHUze I'parta Staid
(Itlaeaa anil Threatened
Scrluas Iteaalts.
There was dire confusion In the police
station of the village of Drtnkwater.
Seven prominent oliiiens In seven differ
ent states of wild excitement stood befors
the magistrate, holding gingerly In their
hands seven dangerous-looking dynamite
bombs. After they had vainly endeavored
for sumo minutes to tell their stories all
at once, his honor, HPisi-d with an Inspira
tion, raised his voice above the din und
suggested that'' their complaints be de
livered In monologue form.
This Idea finally being unanimously up
proved, the village banker recited hl.t ex
perience. "Judge," he said, "on hour ngo
while 1 was at home eating my noonday
meal a man, dressed as a chauffeur, rang
my doorbell. I went to tho door myself.
The man stated that his automobile had
become stalled by reason of a bit of dirt
that had clogged the feed pipe connecting
his carbureter, and requested that 1 pro
cure a hairpin for him. He stepped Into
the hall as I hurried to get what he de
sired from a nearby room. When I re
turned he had disappeared, but there was
a smell of burning powder. IxKiklng about
I saw this bomb In the corner near the
door. I stared at It a moment, too fright
ened to move. I plainly saw the fuse at
tached to It, but as It seemed not to be
burning, I stepped nearer and founS that
it had gone out. With a gasp of relief t
rushed to the doufr, opened it, and saw
the chauffeur In his car Just getting under
way. I ran after hlrn, ordering him to
stop, but he paid no heed and had soon
turned a corner, I noted, however, that
his car was of the small runabout type,
violet in color, and that the license num
ber was 32.689. I then picked up this
bomb and rushed here."
The village parson then told his story,
which differed only In a few minor. de
tails. He expressed himself as positive
that his visitor looked like a business man
and had gray hair, that the rimalmiit was
Indigo In color, and that the number was
26.8U3. Then followed In quick succession
the testimonies of the school principal,
druggist, general merchant, attorney and
Jeweler, who had had similar experiences
all within from five to ten minutes of
each other, but in no case did the appear
ance of the owner of the car, its color or
number agree. In tho order named, each
swore In turn that It was blue, green, yel
low, orange and red, and that the number
was 68,932, 89,326, 93,268, 8U.239 and 29,863.
The magistrate at once telephoned to
residences on every thoroughfare leading
from the village, appointing citizens living
In the various residences as deputy mar
shals and ordering them to Intercept
every automobile outward bound and hold
It until It could be examined by a squad
consisting of the seven citizens who
manned the banker's machine for the cir
cuit of the outposts. But Investigation
proved that no power vehicle of any de
scription had passed Trom the town lie-,
tween the time of the attempted outrages
and the arrival of the citizens, with the
exception of an Innocent-looking motor
cycle, which had been allowed to pass un
challenged. ' '
The mystery proved Impossible of solu
tion, althongh every nook and corner was
ransacked for clues. Famous detectives
were Imported, but were forced to confess
themselves beaten. A week after tho
occurrence each of the seven citizens re
celved by mail a large envelops bearing
the postmark of a city many miles dis
tant, and containing large and perfect
photographs of the Interiors and the front
halls of their residences. They were per
fect reproductions of their subjects, with
one notable exception. In each picture
there appeared hanging on the wall some
object that the owner of the house had
never possessed. In one case It was a
deer's antlers, In another a painting In a
heavy gold frame, in the third a large
wooden spoon, and so on. The seven cit
izens met together and conferred on the
night of the arrival of their anonymous
gifts. On comparing pictures they dis
covered that the nonexlstlng hall decora
tions that they had thought they had
seen In the morning were not In tho
photographs at all.
The result was that the next niorning
the village occullst did more business
than he had done during his two years
of practice In Drinkwater. He examined
the eyes of each of the seven citizens,
found esch suffering from serious and
peculiar optical diseases, prepared a treat
ment for them, and made appointments
with them for the same time one week
A large Manufacturing Con
cern in the middle West de
fclres tbe services of a high
grade ralettman who has had
experience gelling farm imple
ments, gabolino motors, or
automobiles and is acquainted
with tbe trade in Iowa and
Minnesota. Give full particu
lars in first letter as to experi
ence, salary expected and refer
ences. Address Y 71 Bee.
Christmas Furs
Reduced Price
1613 Farnam St.
ia the home paper of Nebraska.
from date. Other citlxens. hearing of the
Misuse epidemic In town, rushed to the
rye expert. Who reaped a golden harvest
by selling spectacles and preventive nos
trums. The day of the appointment of the seven
citizen arrived. Karh was on time, but
the oculist was not In evidence. They
nalted. buy in discussing symptoms un
til finally a runabout, painted like n bar
ber's pole in the seven primary colors.
npiered before the door. A man .lumped
from It. bowed to the seven cltlacn. lined
up before him on the sidewalk, stripped
off one disguise after another, and finally
came to his own garb and features, which
p. oved him to be the ocullit himself.
'"Gentlemen." he said. "I owe you an
apology. Here la my story. 1 rsme to
your town two years ago. opened my es
tablishment, and received no patronage.
A few week. ago In my desperation I de
cided upon a hoax. Kindly examine this
runabout. You will note that it Is a motor
cycle with a light pine outraging made to
look like a car body. These canvas
covers, painted in the seven primary
Have You
The 1912
etachable Tonneau
Capacity Either Two or Four Passengers.
IssstessnMts 1 -snn mvwm
$1,100 F. O. B. Detroit.
Silk mohair top, brass bound
windshield, speedometer and
Prestolite tank $90.00 extra.
This car will please
the most particular.
Why pay tha "other fellow" $300 to $500 more?
M-IM Omaha Company
2026-2028 Farnam Street
Douglas 963, Ind., I69S. L. A. KELLER, Manager
Direct Factory Branch the Studebaker Corporation, Detroit, Mich.
Uof Automobiles
ii'iyGH" fi"10 "ut c- ,ij2-j4 F,n,m tirMi-
Nebraska Brick Auto. Company
i- b i. mi, m.t,A 9 ata. X. B.
"- ' Omali Braae.
PEERLEESS W I mmm w Ittl I I Mm
HUDSON 2205-2207 Farnam Street
II. E, Fredrickson Automobile Co. Chalmers
Apperson "Jack
to $1,700.
colors, 011 Ne, cover the buck ef ma
chine. 1 have arranged them o ei 'lapping
today, but on my prr fcms lslt to ou
one covered another. Also note that the
number of the machine Is made up of
figures on separate pieces of tin. making
it possible to Interchange them easily. The
bombs, you will find If you examine them,
contain awdtiat Instead of dynamite. The
powder you smelled was not that of the
fuses, but that of the flashlights that I
used lu photographing the Interiors of
your halls. As to the pictures of strange
things thht appealed when you first
looked at the photographs thev were
really there until a moment after the
llKht struck them. They were produced
by a photographic trick of making double
negatives and omitting to develop one of
them. As for the disappearance of the
runabout. You will see how neatly this
false outrlgKing cotlapxeN and takes Its
place In the centre of the motor cycle
fiame. Thank you, gentlemen, for your
patronage. 1 am going to leave this sec
tion of the country for the good of my
health." Huston Herald.
Seen It?
and Accessories
Welsh Cars.,
BISI - EB. Osn'l Mat.
1S1S - 14 - 19 Carnam St Z.SB HUTT. VUT.
2052-84 Farnam St., Omaha.
Wallace Automobile Co.
2203 Farnam Street
Salesroom Cor. Tenth and Howard Sts.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Overland and Pope
Hartford Connoll Bluffs Is.
1102 Farnam St
Marlon Auto Company.
G w. Mcdonald, Mgr.
2101.2103 amain bu
";'f - J.
'in r f
"Whore safety, durability, tiro economy, ciuo of attach
ment ami all 'round efficiency are desired there is but ono
tire to choose. v ,
No other tire will stand tho test in competition with tho
U '
.Motorists have already isliown enthusiastic? apprecia
tion of the Kepuhlic agency in Omaha. Every mail briugs
orders from our out of town dealers and owners.
Here in Omaha owner after owner is having his car equip
ped or trying out an individual case or tube. "
J'owcll Supply Company will be glad to show .you lie
public tires or tubes and explain their different points of
superiority over tho ordinary makes. ,
You Will Find an Adequate Stock
Here at All Times.
We Also Have a Full Line of
the Republic Inner Tubes.
Republic, inner tubes are tho toughest, most durable and
most satisfactory inner tubes made. The material used. is
the highest grade of rubber and proved by test to insure
tho longest service, greatest endurance and suffer the least
The Republic Black Line
Red Inner Tube.
The Tube Perfect."
Jn the Black-Line Ued Inner Tube are embodied new
elements of the most vital importance to tire users. Only
pure Para rubber, scientifically compounded, is used. No
better tube material can be made. The Black-Line lted
Inner Tube is much heavier, thicker and more substantial
than Ordinary tubes.
With proper care aud attention tho Iiepublic Black
Lino Inner Tube should give 50 moro wear nnd 100 more
riding comfort than the ordinary tube.
For the convenience of the motorist we pack each
Black-Lino Hod Inner Tube in a specially designed heavy
canvas bag. This protects the tube from dirt nnd injury
ami is far more satisfactory than the old stylo pasteboard
box. Each bag bears a tag giving specifications of the en
closed tube.
Write us for free booklet, The Tiro Perfect," giving
full description of Iiepublic tires and tubes; schedule of
weights the different sized tires are built to carry; amount
of air pressure necessary; interchangeable sizes, etc.
Remember All Your Dealings on
Republic Tires Will Be With
Powell Supply Company
x Here in Omaha.
We will carry the stock; deliver the tires; handle tho
accounts; make any adjustments that may be necessary. In
fact, if you use Republic tires, you will get the maximuni of
wear and comfort and bo freed entirely from the inconven
ience and delay incident to defects in the'or'dinary tires and
the extra time it takes when you are compelled to deatiwith
the factory. .
Use Republic Tires and Tubes and
Get Satisfactory Service.
Powell SupplpCo;
Present Location 2020 Farnam. New Wldta 2li6 Farnain.
The Pioneer Auto Supply Co. of the Central West.
StAgGaRD tread