fJIK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: DKCEM13KK . lC - I ' t. It M II t :i t ( I i; When the Big Chimney at the Omaha H'gh School Fell 1 I - r - i 1 -y :j .a -j,. j' HIIL T., t r --wi. , i f n f J W.UCCK OK CHIHNST . Lri'fe ' 1 . . : . .t. t: Hf" fcow.- ' -4 KV AT THE FALL. High School Smoke stack is No More The bli smokestack of tho Omaha High tchoo!, the last relic o the old building on Capitol hill, crumpled to the ground In a maas of debris yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The. work Of demolishing the ataclc was carried on by the Harte contracting firm, which Is erecting the new building. Early In the week the alack was split way down by cutting out a amall wedge of bricks on each side. A kIow fire was then built at the bottom and the heat gradu ally parted the mortar holding the bricks together, cauulng the stack to collapse. When the old building was torn down laat spring thj stack was the only part of the building left standing. The con structlon of the new building went on nevertheless, but as .t is now completed as far as the basement and the first floor the old smokestack had to be re moved. The stack was about 1S3 feet high, Basket Ball Fives to Hold Interstate Meet in February Wrestling Copper Back in Mat Game C111MNKV A8 IT HTOOU. MANY WILL ENTER TOURNEY Omaha Bowling; Association Opens Annual Events in January. ; BLANKS BHIIQ DISTRIBUTED llaadteMi Will Be netrntla4 Later, Mill Also Katraae I V- aaa Prt Maaey i 'ta CUvaa. MondaA January t, ha' been decided upon by the tournament committee of the Omaha Bowling association as the open ing date for the annual city bowling tour nament. Francisco, the Metropolitan and the Oarlow alleys at South Omaha have been rhoaen as the official tournament alleys. Secretary Kdwln M. Tracy has circu lated entrance blanks among the bowlers of Omaha, Fouth Omaha and Council Bluffs, and from returns received at present the tournament will be by far the largest of Its kind ever held In this city. This is due, however, moutly to the fact that the tourney will be operated on the handicap basis, whereby the good, the near good and the poor bowler will be placed on a par with each other. The Individual handicap has not yet been de cided upon and a committee of four Is working on a system which will be equitable to all. ; The handicap of a five-man team, will be. decided by taking the average of the team for the season. All teams with an average of I.SA will roll at scratch and all teams below that number will have added to thetr number enough pins to bring It up to t,K0 for three games. Three games in all will be rolled by each team. At present It is certain that fifty-five five-men teams will be entered In the tourney and at least 100 Individual bowl srs. The double teams are estimated at about 1 entries. The reason for the large number of entries this year Is due to the handicap system. This system was adopted after a hot dispute at the Isst meeting. The older and more experi enced bowlers hung out for a nonhsndl- rap tourney, but the majority were against' It. Ta Flaal Arruitmctli. , . Neat (Sunday, December 17. final ar rangements will be made for tbe tourna ment, . The entrance fee and the prlae money will be decided upon. The priti money this year, it is asserted, will be larger than at any city tournament ever held in Omaha. The entire entrance fee money will be turned over for prises and maintenance of the alleya. Tha cost for keeping this alleys in good shape will be comparatively amall, and the remain der will go entirely for prises. All the team rolling will be done on the Francisco alleya at Fourteenth and Harney at reel a, because of the fact thut there are eight regulation alleys and all have been approved by the American Bowling congress, under which rules the tournament will be held. A representa tive of, the American Howling congress will be In attendance at the tourney and will measure ami put the alleys In tour nament shape. The entire eight alleys will be used by eight teams, all rolling at the same time. The system of uslnti all tha alleys by as many teams has been adopted by the American Bowling congress s the boet system and will be tried out for tha first time In Omaha at the coming tourney. lagles at Metroaalttaa. The singles will be rolled at the Metro politan alleya and the doubles at Oar low's alleys In South Omhaa. The ob ject of dividing the tourney into three alleys is done In order that the tourna ment will not last over six days. It was planned at first to use Just the Fran cisco alleys, but the large number of en tries made It compulsory that three alleys be used. ' FREE EXHIBITION Ackermann Prints Perhaps the most popular prints, with mod ern collectors, arc Uioho rarely beautiful old Eng lish Sporting Scenes, which are so delightfully de picted in the specimens exhibited by Arthur Ack ermann & Hon of Ixjudon. During Monday and Tuesday we announce n FVeo Exhibition of some of the most beautiful of tho Ackermann Prints. On thoso days there will bo a npecial repre sentative of the Ackermann' nt our htore for the : J purpose, of explaining to those interested tho V processes by which the wonderful beauty of these print is secured. J n every part of the world V where art is appreciated, the house founded in the eighteenth century by lludolph Ackermann und "perpetuated by his descendant is recognized as a .'producer of the very best in reproductive art. .". We take very great pleasure in our ability on thi occasion to tshow our friends and natrons work of this character, attend this exposition. We hope that YOU will Al HOPE CO., (Primers Craft Shop) 1813 Douglas St Omaha i-IJ Dead Ones Barred at Alumni - Feast by Nebraska Boys Omaha alumni are boosting hard for Nebraska foot ball and a game to be played In Omaha next fall. The big "help-yourself-frcely dinner" la booked for the Millard notot next Tuesday even Ing. Here Is a copy of a letter sent to all the Omaha alumni, One found Its way Into The Bee office and Is here repro duced In text: "You've got something on for Tuesday night. Meet the old Nebraska mob at the Millard hotel. Omaha Alumni Unl- , verslty of Nebraska will entertain "Dog" I Kager, Coach Jumbo Htlehm and any of the glorious Cornhusker team who can "stiff-arm" the laundry man and get away with $2.20 n. 11. fare at a 'llelp-yourself-freely' dinner and smoker at the Hotel Millard at 6:30 sharp Tuesday even ing, December It ".Vow this la no bannuet and no orator ical contest. It costs DO cents. Including cigar. No collections, no assessments, no sideshows, lust four bits. "It yours a live one, be on the Job you'll have lots of company. If you're not a live one (any more, or yet), for heaverj's sake, don't come. You'd be lono some. What do we meet for? O. lots of things. We want to put In a spike for Cornhusker game In Omaha next fall without fall. Now la the time to do it. Then we want to huar what "Dog" and Bttebm have to say about this Meason and next season in foot ball. We want to get a hundred or more Nebraska men together who like to dope over the Michigan game. We don't get together often and this time we have something to talk about. "There will be much music and close' harmony und mighty little speochlng. "Como Just as you are. Dress up and you'll be laughed at. Millard hotel lobby will be full of Nebraska men that night from 6. Jo on, so you can't lose your way, "Committee: Clement Chuee, 'S3; Rob ert II. Munley, '7; Dr. Uotlney Bliss, "SW; Churles K. Koster, '00; Dean lllnger. Italph Italiiey, '03; tfamuel Keen, Jr., Prank. Bullta. '; Amos Thomas, Clyde Klllott. '09." 92; '04; '0s; Yost Boosts Shonka as Greatest Tackle in Western Foot Ball In selecting an all-etern foot bull team Coach Yost of Michigan wrote at follows of Shonka, Nebraska's great tackle and captain: "Hhonka of Nebraska and Frank of Minnesota are placed at tackles. In all the cames this season tho big captain of the Cornhuskeis hss shown his worth The cry was mado that Khonka hud not rsully gone up agulnst a good team, but thotte who saw tbe westerner rip up Mich Igan on November 23 could easily tee that Hhonka mould rip any line. No player ever rlpied Michigan before, but bhonka nsver hesitated. As for Frank of Minnesota, he has shown great form this season. The yards gained over the Gopher tackle have been fw and thae well qualified to Jude claim he Is the heat In the country. Although not the man with the ball that Khonka la. Frank has an udded ability. He Is better on defense than Hhonka, for he often teats through to down the man behind the Una. lie breaks up Interference and gives the end a clear shot, while ghonka Is content to wait, relying on his strenstb to prevent being thrown back." The Inter-state high school basket ball tournment. which wilt be held under the auspices of the University of Omaha gives promise of being the biggest event of the year In basket ball In this sec tion of the country. The meet will be held the latter part of February, and Is open to all high school teams, though the management of the meet is working mainly for the Iowa and Nebraska schools. There have been state meets before, but the idea of extending it to an Inter state affair Is an Innovation, which If It proves successful this year will become an nnnual event, and will be enlarged to take In 'any high school In the Mis souri valley, which wishes to have a representation. This year's tournament Is strictly an Invitation affair allhlgh schools being Invited to participate. The proposlUon Is meeting with much enthusiasm wherever It ' has been broached. In, the smaller towns In Iowa great Interest has been shown, because they feel that in this way they will have . . . ik. . an opportunity 10 get omo ball map. It Is a well known fact, that In lots of the. smaller towns mey oo nn e In for foot. ball, but begin the dribbling game as soon as acnooi opens In the fall. In thia way teams are often developed that Tiave the edge on the flvea representing the larger achoola. Because basket ball generally is a los ing game financially,, they are unanie id take on teams claiming the champion ship, and so they welcome this means of meeting the better known aggrega tions. , Cups and trophies will be given for the teams winning first, second and third places. These cups will be held by the winner for a year only, unless the win ner should repeat. Winning three times successively gives the winner permanent possession. Banners will also be awaraea, which will state the position won and the year, these will become tha property Hi. n&ner on winning one of the dares In the first division. Tbe tournament will cover rour or n diivi Mar. all or wntcn, wtin me p slble exception of some of the preliminary games, will be played at the unwersiiy avmnaslum. To arrange the details of ttve tourna ment U. Al Ferclval has been appointed special manager of basket ball, at me local Institution. Besides him the other men. who wIU help to boost the meet ur: V. II. CurTens. faculty supervisor of athletics at the University of Omaha; s W. Salisbury, manager of athletics iTnivrsltv of Omaha; A. W. Miller, bas ket ball coach. University of Omaha; J t. Maxwell, physical airecior xouog Men s Christian association; R. I earns, director athletics, publio schools; C. E n-,i director athletics. Omaha high school;' Joy Clark, basket ball coach Omaha high school - 1 M W ' If You Are Purchasing An Electric Oaker Glgctcio motor car for town uses, you want a Baker. It is the most economical. Its entire driving mechanism is designed to save current in starting, stopping, and climbing hilly streets. Its brakes are unfailing operated by a lighj pressure of the fooL The car handles as lightly and as easily as a bird on the wing. Electric Garage Co. Omaha Dutributtr 221822 Far nam St. The Baker Motor-Vehicle Co. Manufacturmrg Cleveland, Ohio C. A. Jensen, the big heavyweight policeman wrestler Is coming back Into the mat game. He secretly has been getting himself Into shape at his home,' where he has fitted up a gymnasium. The fact that Jensen . has been preparing to get back Into the game came out at the wrestling match Friday night, when he let slip a little statement which caused a few of the knowing ones to wake up. Jensen until last summer wsa well known among the grapplers of this sec tion. He was taken sick early last sum mer and had to retire from the game until he regained his strength and condl tlon. That he Is In good condition Is certain from the fact that he weighs five pounds more than he ever weighed be fore and is as hard as nails. Prior to his sickness Jensen was reputed to be a comer among the heavyweights, hav ing made a good showing against Wester gaard after being In the game but a short while. He has taken on such men Bill Hokuf, Paul Domke, Farmer Burns and several other one and got the best of the argument In many instances. When asked whether he was going to come back Into the game Jensen said he was preparing himself for that purpose and declared he never felt better in his life. After a few more weeks of hard training, he said, he will be prepared to take on any of the bunch. Jensen Is well known In Omaha, having been on the police force for several years. He s a fearless and quiet man and that he knows something about the game ran be testified to by Beveral had men who have been quieted by him at police head quarters. Mrs. Kirk to Marry Old Sweetheart FARUO. N. 1. D.h 9-3 P. William son, a arll-known stockman of arKant county, alii marry Mr. J. S. Kuk widow of the t'htcaso sap manufacturer during the holnlHVs. tt becunm known here loiiav. Williamson and Mrs. Kirk were schoolmates) in New York state and recently met aalu autr luany eais. Base Ball Magnates Gather in New York NEW YORK. Dec. ".Enough base ball men were on hand today to start Informal conferences In preparation for the meet Ings of the two big leagues and the Ns- tlonal Commission here the first thres days of next week. The minor league situation changes In the world'e series plan, syndicate base ball, the New Tork world's series ticket scandal and betting are some of the topics to be considered. Humors that the National league meet Ing would produce a lively fight to un ,u President Lynch have quieted and the outlook Is-that Mr. Lynch will be re elected without serious opposition. A proposal to lengthen his term has been opposed by Lynch, a ho says that he nroouaes to meet the Issue or whether ids adnUnlstratlon has been satisfactory at the cud of each season. President llcrrmaa of the Cincinnati club, chairman of tbe National Ctommls sion. and President Lynch of the Na lions! league are here now, and President Johnson of the American league, the third member of . the commission, is ex pected tomorrow. At the meeting on Monday this trium virate will consider modifications In thi chsrter with representatives of the three minor leagues, the National Board of Arbitration and the National association. Jewelry -of Course Is On Every Christmas List Artistic Jewelry has always been a favorite 'with Christmas Shoppers, for many good reasons. First of all, It is decidedly appropriate. It reflects the Christmas Spirit It has a perman ent value and Is always appreciated. We are boastful this year concerning the great assortment that we have provided for your selection we feel that we have a right to boast to say that we are offering goods of truer worth, at lower prices, than any other store In the city. Monday Specials O size Ladies' Elgin watch, hunting case, 20 year, $15.00 value -.-$8.75 17 jewel adjusted Hampton watch, 20 year case, open face $11.75 We still have blue whit Tiffany or at a few of those, diamond rings, fancy setting. 814.75 1 dozen knives and forks, guar anteed, regular price S4.60 a dozen, Monday ... .32.75 Fritz Sandwall Jewelry Co. (In Omaha and South Omaha Twenty Years.) 308 S. ISth Street OMAHA UNI STUDENTS TO GIVE SECOND PLAY The Dramatic club of the University of Omaha will present its second play Wednesday evening, December 13, at the university assembly hall. This play, like the first one given. Is to be presented be fore none but students. It is entitled The Cowboy Cousin." The story Is of i western man who visits his wealthy New York relatives. The cast of characters: Ben Markln (cowboy cousin) 8. W. Salisbury Mr. Morrison Oldham Paisley Jennie (a dependent)... Katherlne Matheut Mrs. Morrison Clara llendrlokson Clara Belle Morrison Zella Heebe Coach Marguerite Walker Salary Demaad Dismissed. CINCINNATI, O.. Doc. 9. The National Buhi) Ball commission In a finding pro mulgated today, dismissed the complaint of 1'iuyer David Skeels against the heat tie and Detroit clulw for salary while he was under suspension by Seattle dur ing part of last season. Detroit sold Hkeels to Seattle. The player contended that his suspension was unjust and that Ihu, Ih. 1 lu nU tf CU 1 1 la ll.n.Ja. nient ahould be compelled to pay him for! the time he waa Idle. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. Bell Phone So. 134. Ind. V 1703. Established 1802 Prompt delivery. ST J. KLEIN stZ PURE FOOD Christmas Liquors I Carry a Complete Line o! Wines and Liqoors 1. Klein's Pure Whiskies, full quart ,. ,75c, $1, $1.25 KLEIN'S ,uU iurl - -15 a y w-A Ty 12 full quarts ..... ..... JxMLA. 20 full quarts . 812.50 Whlsky AU KPress prepaid In Iowa and Nebraska. All orders outside of Iowa and Nebraska must call for 20 quarts In order to be freight prepaid. J. Klein's fine wines ...25r, 50c, 75c per bottle My Souvenir calendar is more beautiful than ever. eJ. KLJESrM SOUTH OMAHA, 26TH AND N ST. r ST Announce a Special Purchase of Key U the Situation-Pet Want Ada WHICH WERE SOLD BY THE UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE ON ACCOUNT OF UNPAID DUTY. THEY WILL BE PLACED ON SALE Monday, December 13 and the values are the most wonderful that have evere been offered in Genuine Oriental Ruffs of high character. .;iuktX: SEE THE WDOW DISPLAY. BRANDEIS STORES en J i A U n