rUH OMAHA SUNDAY JiJ: DrA :r,.Mi.r..i V. WYOMING OIL MAN IS HERE! Anti-Tobacco Law General Manager Brooks Comes to Omaha to Locate Warehouse. TO MAKE DISTRIBUTING POINT Krflarrr to De In Operation h Ike First at the Vrr to Take fare of Oatpat of the New Wmln i Melds. company's icneral Manager Htooks of the Mid Mcst Ull company Is here from Caspar, Wyo., conferring wltn the Omaha bunt, i fis and railroad men with a view to t.-tabllshlng a warehouse and arranging or tne distribution of the picduct from this point. Tnc Mid-West Is one of the largest oil producing companies operating In the new Wyoming oil field. Its wells are located In the Hand creek district and at this, time are flow ing about 1,500 barrels per day. The field Is forty miles north west of Casoar, to which point a pipe line will be completed early next week. I'P to thla time the oil has been stored in reservoirs In the vicinity of the wells, but upon completion of the pipe lino It will be pumped to Caspar, a distune? of forty miles, where It will be treated at a refinery that will be completed and In operation by the first of the year. This refinery will have a capacity that will be about equal to the preset flow of the wells. From the Sand Creek district to Caspar the country Is lecl most of the way. In fact it Is so near level that there will probably be but one pumping station needed, tire oil being carried the balance of the distance by gravity pressure. Warring Officials to Engage a Berth County Commissioner Oscar J. I'lckard and Pater P. Elsasscr, who have done more or less warring on the Board of County Commissioners since last Janu ary, will go to Denver and Yule to prod the Colorado Yule Marble company Into rushing marble shipments for work in the new county building. They were named as a pushing committee by the board and will depart Wednesday. There Is some speculation an to how they will pet. on together, but they say an armis tice will be In ' effect during the trip. Their expenses will be paid by the county. t'nder Its contract the Colorado Yule Marble company should hae all the marble here by January lx but o far only one car has arrived and one is on the road. John I.atenser, county building architect, advised the. board to send a committee to Colorado, Baying the Wood men of the World and other buyers of the Colorado Yule marble have' men on the ground to make the company rush out their contracts. for Minors to Be Posted in Schools A copy of the law against the use of tobacco by minors, printed In bold, black face type will adnrn each room In every school building In tho city before the holiday srajion begins. The probation of ficer has had several hundred copies of the law printed and the Hoard of Kducs tion Is having them posted on the walls where nil the pupils may see. The law provides that no "minor under the age of IS years" shall use tobacco In any form and for violations of the law may be fined not to exoeed. 110. Any minor, how ever, shall be free from prosecution when he shull have furnished evidence for the conviction of the person selling or giving him the tobacco. The violation of the law renders the boy a delinquent and makes him subject to proceedings In the Juvenile court. Land Baron Case Will Be Retried I'niteJ Mates Attorney Howell and Spe cial Assistant Attorney General Kush have prepared new vldence to be used In the trial of F. S'. Ualrd, a Chicago at torney, who has appealed to the circuit court of appeals from the decision of Judge Munger, who, two years ago, sen tenced him to sixty days In Jail fur an attempt to defraud the government of lands In lawes county. Besides the Jail sentence Ualrd also was ordered to pay a .!0O fine. Mr. Howell and Mr. Hush will leave Sunday afternoon. At the close of the trial In St. l,ouls Mr. Hush will go to Ies Moines, where he will represent the government in the suit against Edward li. Muson, former clork of the district court, who was short $12,000 In his account. Mason will not be prosecuted on a charge of embes ilement, but will be merely sued on his bond. errific Speed Made on Union Pacific Passengers on the l.os Angeles Limited from North Platte Into Omaha this morn ing were treatedMo the -fastest ride that has ever been given in the history of the I'nlon Pacific railroad. The ; limited pulled Into North Platte two hours, and, forty minutes behind time, when It Was discovered that a woman was on the train who was en route to a hospital in Rochester, Minn., to undergo a serious operation,. If the delay - was not made up In the 291-mlle stretch between North Platte and Omaha the woman would miss connections with the Northwestern to. St. Taiil and be forced to lay over In Omaha twenty-four hours, thereby risking her life, 'vHen this I fact was learned the conductor gave ;the engineer orders to "hustle along." and the trip of 291 miles was made in 300 minutes. Five stops were made, averaging six' minutes to the stop, and deducting this time from the 300 minutes tho Limited made an average speed, of abodt sixty-five miles an hour. The name, of the woman for whom this extraordinary run was made is not known. The Limited arrived In Omaha t $:uii Its rjfitilar time being 8:39. No Reduced Rates for the Holidays People this year need not look for any reduced rates on the railroads for the holidays. Railroad officials have given out the information that there will not be any. As a result, people will pay the regular fare 2 cents per mile or stay at home. A month, or more ago, It was thought that possibly a rate of one fare and half might possibly be made for the round trip to all who had a desire to go visit ing, or go away from home to spend the holidays . with friends. However, the Western Passenger association took the matter up, threshed It all over and d elded that the regular, every day rates would stand. ORPHEUM THEATER BUILDING MAY SOON CHANGE HANDS FIELD CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS E. Buckingham is Chosen President by the Board of Directors. JACK HUGHES IS RE-ELECTED C. t. (lose Is Selected as A tee Presi dent rhlllp Totter Treasurer Row Over tae Pro posed hiaea. K. Buckingham was elected president of the Omaha Field club by the board of directors Friday night. C. A. Uosa was chosen vice president. Fiililp Potter was re-elected treasurer and J. W. Hughes was re-elected secretary. The action taken at the annual nieM. Ing of members Wednesday night in recommending that the directors abolish Junior membership has aroused a storm of protest among those who were not present. They say only a few members we're present at the meeting and the action takn does not represent the sentiment of the majority of tlie club. They have asked the directors take no action In the matter without calling a meeting of the entire membership of the club to discuss it. Home of the directors have practically given assurance that the meeting will be called. An exciting time Is expected. as many mn with families are consul -eiahly Incensed over that attempt to deprive their children of the privileges of the clnh, saying the scheme originated in the minds of "childless cranks" and old "cranks," whose children have grown up. At present fons -if mombers are al lowed the privileges of the club It they are under IT, on payment of 111 a year. If over 17, they have to pav full member ship foes and dues. Junior members. however, are supposed not to be on the dance floor on regular club dance night nor to play golf on Saturday., Sundays and holidays. leaders of the. movement to abolish Junior memberships say the boys have disregarded these restrictions and that the younger girls have been dancing with each other, crowding members otf the floor. hicf Donahue May Be Called to Help in Dynamiting Case Chief of Pol'ce lVmahue received a let ter today from District Attorney John IV Fredericks of Los Angeles, saying that he Ortle McManigal confession would be forwarded later and that Chief Donative probably will be railed upon to assist in tho further Investigation of the dyna miting .cases. v It Is probably that Chief Donahue will e summoned to Los Angeles, according o the letter from Mr. Fredericks. Ar- angementa are being made to extend lie investigation, but the plans of the os Angeles prosecuting attorney were not revealed In the letter. A representative of the Orpheum Thca ter company, with power of attorney to sell ,that part of the .company's property lying between the Orpheum theater and Harney street, lk Iri Omaha In conference With George Barker, who has made an offer for the -property. It Is understood , In the local real es tate -world that an agreement has been reached as to price; and the only thing that la now delaying the consummation of the deal Is failure to come to terms over the passage leading from Harney street, through the other building, Into the thea ter. The theater company does not want to give up the Jlarney street entrance, and has obtained perpetual easement on It by reason of having used It, rent free, for more than ten years, during the most of which time It did not own the prop erty. Mr. Barker and the theater represen tatlve have been closeted' for part of two days in an effort to reach an agreement on the passage that will satisfy both sides. . Blankenship Will Shortest on Record The shortest will ever filed for probate In the Douglas county court has Just been recorded. It Is the will of the late Lloyd Blankenship, teacher Jjitho ntate school for the deaf. It contains nine teen words, excluding tho date and the signature. Ulunkenshtp bequeathed all his property to his wife, Mrs. Ota Bell Blankennhlp, also a tencher In the school and names her as executrix. The will was written November 10, litll, only a few aays oeiore tuanaensnip s death, on a leaf torn from an ordinary teacher's note book, 3x4 Inches. The property consists of two acres of ground near Benson and Is worth about 5,0t0. But for the will Mrs. Blankenship would have received only half the prop. erty, the other half being distributed among Hianaensnip s rather and other heirs. Tcrslstent AdvertMngls the Road to Big Returns. MOTHERS' CLUB FEASTED AT THE CITY MISSION The Thanksgiving feast at the City Mission Friday was the event of the year for the Mothers' club. Each year at this time Miss Nellie Magee gets up the very finest meal to be had for the Mothers club. There were seventy-seven mothers, together with their babies, who are too young to leave at home, at the feast wmcn was neid in tne mission annex from 2 o'clock until 4. The meal, which was furnished by one of Omaha's philanthropic men, comprised roast pig, chicken, rich with dressing and gravy, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, pickles celery, cranberry sauce, Ice cream, cake and coffee. i-rcceaing mo omner, tne Dorcas so clety of North Omaha gave a program o music and readings. Many of the mothers who could not have gotten to the mis sion otherwise were taken there In auto mobiles secured by Miss Magee. The Gift for Remembrance LOUIS XVI COLONIAL TDECAUSE of its beauty ,and usefulness, an ar tistic Electric Lamp re ceived as a gift becomes a treasured heirloom. Its enduring qualities with stand the ordinary usage of generations. Our stock of Christmas Lamps have been most carefully select ed this year, and never be fore have we had such a beautiful display of useful Electric Lamps. Make your choice early and we will deliver on Christmas day. Prices from $5 to $85. Billy Has Appetite for Costly Apparel Mrs. IV Daniels has a goal, and accord ing to testimony Introduced In Justice I.eeder's court Hilly is some epicure. lie scorns to contemplate a wholesome un derskirt If he can find silk hose on the line. Fine handkerchiefs and napkins tickle his palate, and dollies are a dcll- acy upon whteli he fa;rly dotes, lnflecd, Billy's is not tin overall appetite by any means. Well seasoned mix are not al together distasteful to him If he hns a choice jabot or a portion of delicate lace with which to top off his meal. v Billy's highly cultivated appetite litis got hli mistress Into a peck of tremble. She has been sued by her Mrs. O. Nelson for the price of several nuals on.sumed by the flnc-halrcl William. She says she would not have i ured so much had Billy been content with a Tmk- sh towel or even a bed sheet, but that she was considerably put out when she wanted to go out for u 1mI and did not have any silk hose and other finery that Is so necesary to one's good appearance. Judge l,ecder has taken the case under odvisement. Saloon Man Sued ; for Boy's Downfall Mrs. Hose A. Ilallihan of Smith tlmaha has started suit for 15,000 damages against Cornelius O'Brien, a South Omaha saloon keeper, In district court, alleging ho ruined her sun, Jam s, a minor, by soli ng him llcjtior. Fred II. elghton and James L. Agnew, O'Brien's bondsmen, are made rodefendauts. Mrs. Ilallihan al- eses that the lad got drunk, destroyed a buggy and was arrested for destruction of pioperty. Since he learned to drink. she says, he cannot secure a position and unwilling to work, his whole disposi tion having been changed. Before he be came a liquor victim, she alleges, h worked hard and supported her with his earnings. ! t . r : t;;. . - . I ' ! .'J' - f ML t Judges Are Chosen for Sheep Contests The list of judges for the mid-winter Sheep show next week has been com pleted by the selection of the Judges for the Ramboulllet class, as follows: J. K Webb, bouthport, Ind.; C. K. Lockwood, Washington, Mich.; F. It. Cock, Belle Fourche. H. D. The flpor of the Auditorium, In which the show will be held, will be sprinkled wtth green sawdust and the building will be lighted at night with green lights. Green's-band of thirty pleceswlll play very evening and moving pictures of Omaha scenes will be shown on a screen. At Remarkable Torms and Prices Ho Money Down - 30 Days' Free Trial - Free Stool - Free Scarf This unusunl offer will only hold Rood v.nlil December 2 1 1 h . so wo advise, an lnnnemiue visit of liiHpt'Ctlon. No matter whether your order Is for n Schmoller & Mueller VpriRht Tlano at $250.(10 or a inaKiiiflueiit Weber (Jrimd, your abHolute satisfaction Is the prime coimlderatlon. The old nbusea of the plnno business (sui'U a high "uskinS price" with n unknown "taKliiB price." depending on the brewdneH of the buyer) havo been wholly eliminated. At Schmoller & Mueller's the Hrst price la the lowest. UVKKYONN UKTS IT. Our line of 1'lanos represents the acme of perfection, and include rucu celebrated makes t STEINWAY, WEBER, HARDMAN, McPHAIL, STEGER & SONS, EMERSON, MEHLIN & SONS, THE HAND MADE SCHMOLLER & MUELLER, AND MANY OTHERS. We are also exclusive representative for the entire line of 1'lanolR Planoa. Including THE STEINWAY PIANOLA PIANO, THE WHEELOCK PIANOLA PIANO, THE WEBER PIANOLA PIANO, THE STUYVESANT PIANOLA PIANO, THE STECK PIANOLA PIANO. AND THK TKCHNOliA lMANO, a thoroughly dependable Piano, containing a mo3t remarkable ex pression device, at a very reasonable prlre 8-450.00 AXD VPWAIMJ8 ALSO OUR OWN SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PLAYER PIANO, $290 TO $G50. We Will Take Your Piano in Exchange and make Easy Terms of Payments. f I'SKD riANOH OK l'KI,i:nil.TKI MAKKH. In our exchange department are the most famous makes of Pianos, such as Hlelnway, ( bickering, linabe. Ivei & Poml, Fischer, Kimball, etc., perfect in condition, undlnttnguinhable rrom new and only relinquished by their owners for the Piano which everybody can play, the PIANOliA PIAXO. Prices as low as 1100.00 for a splendid Upright. Write today for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of Inspection. We guarantee safe delivery and satisfaction In every instance. GOOD FOR $50.00 Ilrlng this Coupon with you and we will accept Baruo as first payment on any New Piano or Player. Piano in our warerooms, If presented on or before Jan uary 1, 112. SClOLLEEi & MUELLER PIANO CO. Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers 1311-1313 Farnam St. OMAHA. NEB. Established 1859 n Berka Undecided on Barber Ordinance ActlnK Mayor Ioula Uerka will reach a dpclHlon Monday on the signing- of the barber ordinance pa sued at the last meet ing or tne city council. Thin lant or dinance repeals the others and leaves the situation here as It wa before the be ginning of the fight for Sunday clotting. By a vote of neven to five It carried In the council. However, It was .put through only after the opposition had made a determined effort to block Km paHaago. Mr. llerka la as yet undecided as to whether ho will sign or veto It. LOUIS XV MISSION Other Christmas Suggestions: Klertrk-' C'oi'feo Perforator. $3.00 American Beauty Irou $5.00 Klwtrie Toasters $3.50 to $7.50 Electric 'Chafing Dish $12 to $14.50 Electric Warming Pads for the sick room, now at r $6.50 Electric Washing Machine... $60.00 Also sold on payments. Electric CurLiug Iron. , . .$3.50 Electric Vacuum Cleaner, Santo. . .$125.00 Also sold on payment?-. Christinas Tree Lighting Outfits: ' 8 lights $5.00 16 lights $7.50 lights $10.03 Many Other Useful Electric Christmas Suggestions. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard Street GREAT WESTERN AGENTS ARE TO JWEET MONTHLY The Great Western has adopted a plan of monthly ineetlngi for the officers and agents of the road. The first of thene meetlnaa of the we item division will be held at Fort Dodge December 14. at which time and place the miperlntendents and agents went of (Heweln .will meet and talk over affairs that pertuM to their various lines of work. ' The Fort Dodxe meeting will lie at tended by a number of the general of ficers from the Chicago offices, who will furnish Information upon subjects which may not he iulte clear to the men out ulm-g tho line and at the division polntn. In the evening af'er the Fort Dodge meeting the company will funiixh motor cars and the entire membership will go to Clarion, when; tho trainmen will hold thelrnonthly meeting. PAST RECORDS WORK AGAINST THESE TWO MEN Ilarrv (Hover and I'larnic? Tyler, chnrifed with highway robbery, tnmle two of the hlKgeHt mistakes of their lives In criminal court when they took the wit ness ntund In their on defense to stoutly declar they were not the men who hold up John Stenovlneky In South Umnha and robbed hlin of Deputy County Attorney Fitzgerald crovs - examined them and they had to admit they had been In trouble before and had served terms in the penitentiary for highway robbery and breaking and entering. The J'iry piomptly convicted thfm and they innrt go to the penitentiary for three to fifteen years. The law dots not permit the state to show previous convictions of men accused or crime unless iney take the witness stand. Then they may be Interrogated regarding former convictions. , BRIEF CITY NEWS Hava moot Print It. Omaha Oanaral Hospital, Dour. tSO. Egyptian Chooolrtss SOo. Myers-Dillon as, Else 'ltm-s. Barar-',,da Silver Plating, Dm. 1'latlng Co. D 2o.15 Kssp Tour Monsj and Taluables In the American Hafe Deposit vaults 111 tha Uee building, liuxes rent for 11 per year. Soldiers (or tka rhlllpplnaa Tw carloads of soldiers, en route, from Ht. IxiulM to the l'hlllpplnes, are being hand led by the Burlington. They mill from H.-attle. Cora SlTorosa Wanted Divorce peti tions as follows have been filed In dis trict court: Lucy 11. Cummlngs agalnHt William D. Cummlngs; Tcreno Moyer against William II. Moyer. rhotos of Houses V. D. Wead will have photographs taken of all the hotim-s on bin rental Hat, that prospective renters may get some Idea of a house In the of fice before going to look at It. Mostly la Tlusa lun klosely, a negro, who has been In the habit of Mopping women on the atraet and casting alurrlng remarks at them has been arestcd. lie was fined -a and cosla In police court. Children to Bntartala arBta Tim children- of Ht. Btephon's Bunduy school will entertain their parents and fi lends at a party In Haratoga hall. Twenty font tli and Aiufi avenue, on New 'ear"s eve. . i Hugs Taksa rrom Porch Mi. J. W. Kockuell reported to th police that while Key to tho Hittiatlon I'ee Ailvet IImIiik. ahe -was cleaning Iter house, elKlil rugs LIGHT CHANGEM0NS1DERED Various Bodie. to Meet Monday Afternoon with City Council. FLAMING ARCJSJRECOMMENTED l.llLht Company WaUes I'ropo.lllon Which Will He Considered ly the arlona runlmalons at the AleetlnsY. The electric light committee of the city council, a .committee from the Commer cial club, the Ait club and tho Ak-Har- Uen will hold a meeting Monuay after noon at 1:1.30 o'clock to dlHCiiss the light situation In the city. The relative value of tho flaming arc and the ornamontul post systems will bo considered. An attempt la being made to reach a decision which will lie concurred ill uy all Interested organizations us to the system of lighting that ought to be Installed. Following the proposition submitted by the electric light company, that flaming arcs would bo placed for 111) per year Increase on each, the council at once bezan its Investigation. Tho problem of uavlng for either system will aluo be. under consideration. Klectrlc light t.,T,Am me now considered Inadequate to lustlfy the ornamental post system but t a mowing opposition to the lews expensive flaming arc. wera stolen from har front porch at 104 Houth Twenty-fourth street. The rug are valued at I1UU. Saloonkeeper la Tinea William Mi' ler, arrested Hunday In a raid on his sa loon at Thirteenth and Harney street", was fined 9100 and custa by Judge Craw.' ford In police court. Miller was charged with violating the Sunday closing law. Thirty Days for 'Btiok Up" Frank Htuck, whom, It Is alleged, "stuck up' pedestralna on the street Friday night, got "stuck" for thirty days on the roclc pile In police court. Htuck was arrested about 1 o'clock Friday night at Tenth and Dodge streets, where he was suppta'd to havo held up a negro by the namo of (Jeorgo Wilson about au hour earlier. Wilson gave the description of the mau who had held him up and robbed him ol (A) cents, and In court Identified Stuck u4 the man who had held him up. Ilrnat Company's I'lanl llama. KAROO, N. D.. Deiv .3. The stock of the Meredith Wholesale Drug company was destroyed by fire today, at an esti mated loss of fliO.oon, with Insurance of about two-thirds of that amount. The flames are supposed to have started from an employe dropping a llKhled cigarette near aome wa,ite In the drug basement. . Jnror Hearers Old Man. CHICAGO, Dec. 8. A Juror, sitting In the Insanity court, today refuond to sign a certificate of Insanity against an old man, who, not a resident of Illinois and suffering from senile dementia In a mild form, was to be sent to his former home In Cedar ltuplda, la. The Juror, C. K. H haeffer. also paid the old man s furo back home. 'MILTON ROGERS & SONS COMPANY25 Offer lensible Presents at Sensational Prices Many Surprisingly Low Priced Gifts -Useful and Attractive -Placed on Sale Monday at a Further 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT j SHOP EARLY CAMPAIGN IS NOW BEING FELT The shop early campaign. Inaugurated by the Commercial club and thoughtfully followed by thousands of Omanans, Is having a better effect In mure ways than the Commercial club expected when the "shop early" move was started. Aa a result of the thousands of early shoppers' efforts, packages being aent by mail to other cities are now beginning to pour Into the Omaha poHtofflce, thereby In suring a merry Christmas for the postal clerks. The extra clerks have not been put to Work, but the ostmater expects to need I hen by the end of the week. Kevera! extra aUuup cleiks will also l employed. Hera are Just a few BugKestlons 1.,10 SclHHor Suts 81.20 11.75 Manicure Sets $1.40 U5c Sugar Spoon fill $1.0(1 (iravy l.udlo 80f It. 50 Herry Spoons 81. ISO $4.00 Sot Knives and Forks $.'l.0 $2.50 Set Knives anj Forks 81S.OO $1.25 Child's Set of Knire, Fork, Spoon, tfl.OO $2.25 Carving Set, il nieces 81. MO $3.00 Carving Set, 3 pieces 82.-10 $3.50 I'oullry Shears 82.HO $5.00 Chafing Dinh 8-1.00 $1.25 Chafing Dish Spoon or Fork ..... .81.00 $6.50 Coffee Machines 8r.li0 65c Nickel Coffee I'ot WlC f 1 .25 Crunib Tray and Scraper 81.O0 50c I'epper (irlnders I Of $3.75 Casseroles, in stand SIS. OH (7: lec-trk Wattling Matlilnea 850.00 5 8oc Tea 1'ot Stand a (H 40c Nickel Call Ilell $3.50 Copper Smoker Set 82.80 tioc Ash Trays -52 $3.50 Copper Smoker Stands $2.80 $3.00 Brans Jardinier, 10-inch ....... .$2.40 i)0c Hraas Cuspidor 7G $s.50 Steak I'lank, in handsome) nickel BtauJ, t .80.80 $1.75 Trays, nickel or copper .. $2.00 Nickel Alcoholic Stove .... 81.40 $1.00 FOR THK C HIMUtKN Skates Skates Sleds Sleds UO Off on Monday Only. . Pocket Knivex !T Off. 25t to 85.00 20 Off I'oikct Knives. KI-F.CTKHJ Hat Irons, Toasters, (Vffee Machines, Chafing Dishes. lOlt THK FIKKPLACK Andirons, Fire Sets and Screens in Brass and Iron. l'OH THK HO.MK Why not a New Idea. Gas Range, or An Ideal Flreless Cooker? We sell many for Christmas. c TOOLS and TOOL CUHBTM J Electric Washing Machines .$50.00 nniLT KJU fo) & SONS CO. LfS 1515 Harney tsum