Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 6, Image 37

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    Till: OMAHA SUNDAY HBK: DIX'HMHHR 10. 1911.
Whet Opens High and Goes Up on
Bullish Cables and Damage.
In Corn Tnilr Wtn Are Will,
lag lo Take tin l.lnos In Hold
Over Snmnaer Months 1
tlrtator shipping.
OMAHA, Pec 1. 18H.
Wheat opened lather linn arid wmM
klvl.A.. AM t.iiillat, iahi. a,..! ll.lll:IUn IP-
port! from Arnenl.ia due to iwni i
rsitta in that rnunlrt Hut domestic con- ,
tlttloiis continue very beans'), tli nlk
northwestern movement, heiiay locoi I
Infk and the mnrmtll'i visible Hlpwy
have forced'ls to liquidate. Tim only
nap the market ehjws Is on short cov
ering. A jet llirrv are few In the corn trade
who arp wlllitiK to tnke on linos lo hold
ovpr hlu the mnunfr months. Country
rlrvulnm cntltiue shipping In face of
lower pri-is. and ranh riirtrfc Ms are Ireavv
and lower and doutit'esolv will he ho until f
aft- the enrty run In iivft.
hKit ialil. on rinoT ra'ilci and null
l'i iirwa Horn Ai (tontina. "aih lit
HtrnnKpr: sample iffiTlns were
'r hiaher.
('nntlnurd hnivv roiintrv nffprlnun mad.
1he oni market Peavy. i'k!i valuta
were weak at 'r Inwi-r.
Hrlniarv whrat reielpm were m.
and ehlpmenta were i:.i. Ph.. anlnt
reeelpta In at vear nf CM.'oO lm. and chip
innt of li".:t(' hn.
Frlmarv i-orn reolrl were 1 V.M.tflO lm.
and hi"ment were :.4".'" Ii" . at.alnet
reelpu IhH viar nt kJU.WO t)t- P' 'P
mnt of 4lf. OOi Pi;. , .
t'learamea were 1. ",3.000 biiaholn ir
corn, 4.000 Imehela of ..mi. and wlioat
nd flour equal t 177,nnu liuliel.
l.lvrpool rlnned 'j,aSd hlRlier on
wheal and unrlianaod to ,d l:lRlier on
Tha fullowtiiK cneli aalea wera re
ported: Wheat: No '2 haul, 2 rara
tclinlre) 9l'k 1 m ". 1 t- H0
No. 3 hard, 1 car. !'-'r; rej.rted. t car. 'tie.
Corn: No. i white, 1 rar Mir; No. 3
white, 14 tara i.7"i; N. 4 white, f.
uara 58c, 1 i ar Kb'; No. 3 yellow. 10
ara 6ir: No. 4 yellow, 12 rara ri4c,
Jl care 64 He; No. 3 mixed, 5 cara fi'.. ,
i cara SJ'ir; No. 4 nilxod, : rara f 4 4 o,
rara Ii4ir; no sraile, 1 ear
oata; No. 3 white, 0 cara 4,4c; So. 4
whlta, cara 4ic.
llmntim Caali rn.
WHKAT-No.. 2 hard, 0DHK'c: I."o.
I hard, 4J'c; No. 4 liard. !MHilluc
CORN Ni white, tfcHi5r; No. S
white. 66H 4 f.7'4'-; No. 4 white. 6ft'
No. 3 color, t6,.'Bie; No. 2 yel
low, 6ti itiHr; No. 3 yellow. rBP f' 'he,
No. 4 yellow, 6410Mc; No. i.
tlc; No. S, 9'ntiimr; No. 4, 5Hi
mc; nu ulade, 6li'jc.
OAT8 Nol ! white, 46',44r;
atandard, 4le 4nVir: No 3 white, 4ft
lic; No. 4 white, 4!i"t4
RARI.KV-MalUnn. $1.141.22; No. 1
feed, 11.020Mb.
'KVK No. 2. 293c; No. S, 91082c.
Carlo! Ilerclpla.
i Whaat. Corn.
Iilcano Ii 4 i"!1
Minneapolis 402
lint ha II
alarea of tha Tradlag and f losing
j Frtoea on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Iec. 9. A sensational ad
vanrc of 3i4'c at lluenoa Ayrea,
alleged to have been caused by far
readhing atorm damage to wlicul, led
in geneial covering hero today by shoes.
Th close il naivoua and MiC to WlSic
hlKlier than Inst iilght. Other leHdlng
Mlaplca showed a net decline. 1'orn. 'yw
'.r; oats. Hf'Sc. 10 W1'. and provlelnns
.'i'fio to l.'VxC.
i.iveriMiol shoria aa wall as local nnan
wara active here on tha- buying aide of
whaal. Neverthelesa. Ilia devcloumant
of any remarkable atrrngth In t'Mcnxo-
was-choked by tha slowness of northwest
markets to respond to the now a from
Houlti America. Winnipeg did nol ad
vance to so great an extent aa t'hlcHgu
Minneapolis was weak thioiiKltinit. t-1i li
me nt was In a decidedly U'leettled state
when 111 lat gong elearrd the pit. Mav
fiui tuaied from K7S yWio to with
lmsl salts UT'-f, a gain of v net. .
I'mspecis that during the rest nf tha
month considerable contract corn will ba
turned out by the elevators here mad
Ike market for that cereal weak, ltiitiary
lerelpts showed atl -inrrease of nearly
2.O0.0H0 buehela over last week.
May ranged from tVi'-ic. closed ".c
e5own at ei-'1-. Cash grades were In only
moderate demand. No. 1 yellow was not
Depression appeared In the oats crowd
b-i-anae of I ha weakness In cum. Top
a,nd hottom touched for Mav proved to
be 4,c and ik''ii lKlc. wltn the close
iiiMHMiC, a decline of UtiSt-' from lat
In- prot ialona. the Influence nf hlher
prl.ea at tha yard waa mora than ottset
by tha aagglng of course grain and b
tauae of the largo run of boas at western
points during the week. I'ork showed
. aetim.ok of i1, ul.'' and other products
a'trjoo to 6Wic.
'leading futuiaa ranged as follows:
iTlioTl OpciT ( i iigti7 teri'aK"iX'ioaeTe7,y
lc.. MSff H
3J M
! 2S
.K1 M-,
Corn I
fil'i til'iMSrtlHiiH
t'2-l 2SI
4i'.'i 4.;,
'! '4i I it 46i,
H 00 U S2Va! lid I 13 W
024 I PS f I 00
IS 09
; cv2i
s :
S 47!
S 46
8 30 ;S 12mia 12V,li..
I 47"S fHi H 4tl-.42 474
a u s tnutii tout-'; iu
t ash uiiotal.ons were aa followa:
F1X1"K-Steady; winter patents, U (Hit
uu; winter siraignts, n. itiuHin; spring
pa lent. SJ.70-?i5 NO; spring straights, $ij
ti-4 ai; bakers, H.'.iWit 70.
KVK No. 2, 2'tiiWc.
bAHl.KY Feed or mixing, SoIcwTk-; fair
to choice mailing, 1 lotjl.2J.
SfcKliS 'I imotny. l.2a. clover. S15 0i.
FKOVISIONS-Fork. tneac. pec bbl..
SUM'S 3b Id. Lard, per l' lbs. Jl , u.,i
li 2n. hor( rlba. aides (loose), S.S5, short
clear aides (boxed), S.VO0.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
ware eiual to 47,"ioO bu. ITiinary rtn eipls
were Tm.ou) bu., compared with t3J,ooi) bu
the rorresponUing day a year ago.
Kaitmated receipts for Alondav: Wheat.
(T rare; corn, 2'C cars; oats, 142 cars, hog,
4C0U0 head.
Chicago Cash I'rlcea Wheal : No. 2
red. .jntifi'.t-; No. 1 red. vvuslc; No. i
bard. v'.ctiSl.u2; N. I hard. s:ii'Ait", No. I
nurthcrn, : 'u. 2 northern. II uf
l ol, No. 3 liorthcrn. II U.'ulAt,. No. I
aprtng, y-clifl w: Nn. 3 spriiiK. K.j-iui 01;
No 4 spring, kjcii tl 01 ; Veu'ei t ball, fcic'n
tt "4; auruni. WkKUl.Oh. Corn: .No. X,
ig 'i; Ko. 1 while, hW.'.U ; No. 3 yellow,
fctiii.k'.fcr; No. 4, 6i,ji'; No. 4 white.
UntVic: No. 4 yellow, 1T,41ti."ki4c;
jaib. No. 2. IT. , :.o. s white. !vtn..c.
o. S nhitr. -1','ptv; No. 4 white, tit'.ti
;-.c: standard. 4.i,ii4:'c. Rye: No. i,
!).. Irley. ,.'il 22. Tlmullo,
112 Jul l.'i.Wk. t lover. lli4l,V.M.
lll.'TTIUH Steady ; creHincrles. 2SJj27c;
ilalrtes. li-SISc.
KtitJ j Iteceipte. l.:,OJ .axel-. Market
atAiMly; at mark, t-aaea Iticludcd,
liista, 2tf-iJflt): ordinary fiit. 2aC
"HiJii'r.-Mcady : daisies. ljjlCc;
twins. 1't tilc, Ycunx Amtrkas, i
li.", Ions Imi ns, lfV'iltc.
HOTA iUk,.v-Mtii) ; choice lo fancy.
Ugtkir; fair to good, sojivx-.
1-tJl'l-TltY W eak; turkeys, l :flH';
tt U kens. lvglle; apringh, luo
iVEAL-Steady at 71illc.
;t 'arloi Receipts Wlieat, is cars,
I of contract grade; tu n. 4 vara,
tone tif contia't grade; oats, lia
'otal receipts of wheat at Ciilcago,
litapolls aed liuluth today were U..3
M in
cars. ..iolared with i cars last week
ii"; eais the vol respon ling day a year sk.
Mllasskre 4: awl a Market
MII.WAI'KF.F.. Dw . S --V"H KAT N, J t
I,.,, thai n, llUiitu, No. J unithein. II i-ft?.
, u NU K. .. 9 I. u . . I ... I . - .
! May.' 874c. ' ' "
'. .i,AT-tgdard. 4c. ?'f .
bAltLUY-Malling. Sl.lCtil22. "
. .
HlaataaIU oraln Market. '' '
MINNKAItil .is). Dec .-WHKAT-De-
eixlit-r. 'tg-mc; Mu .-. Ul u; July
II.MAoIa A-sl.; No. bard. Sl.tAH.;
No. 1 northern. IV ,i ' i : No. 2 northern.
.'!!"..: .No S. 8 iTI'st .
I'.MIl.KV .1.1
t'uHN No. .". 'I'llxw. ,Wi:,ic.
IIT F-No 2, V liw.'jc. .
isiiAV Krawt: I ji. '
I'M U'lt - r Ma 1 1 i anl iim-hanped; flt1 pat
ent. II !) 2 i sond patents. ?4. Anils');
set otid dents. i.kv: 7.
Qnntatlnna nf ffhf liar on orloua
m I innclltlra.
NKW Von K. f H-r. .-FI.Ot."R Quiet ;
spring pnlent. $.' Hni.y); winter straight-..
It.KiiH.M: lnt s paten:. 14 x,ti 4 io.
prfng clears, It 1 liil.S..; wuiiei rsita No.
I. .i.,i.:i mi; win St extra No. 2. $. : .i.Vn
:i Ikl Unm pi rulghts. S4.niki I.Tti. He
ri' r- tulei . fi
choice '
.IN M 1 . A I. .-
." In K'"il, II ''" 4.ii.
. S5.sVfi:..20. Buckwheat
V-cr 100 III.
leiidv, f:i,i' white and
I conihc 4l.554i I.MI. knn
)'""W, HMH W
dried. $.".6013.75
ItVK-Nimly, .So. 2, 97 i. I. f. llurYalo
to arrive.
e. I f. llilffalo.
ii i:.r-.-iint
75c i-lcvutor expo
I ; malting, 1.1V41.25
Biirket, firm: No. 2 led,
ft PaaH nod kiir f. o. b.
! inherit iiuhun. tl.A
V"uture market oneiirii
afloat; Nil I
. 0. Ii. nlloat.
a iiuarler hinlier I on the ranli-e and it-
puna of heavv i
ioet tho advance
lower northtw'ti
Mhnrply on tiivn:
ln Hturinx In AlKentlne
n liberal leieitita and
In niarketa, liut ruliled
Int. due In an adviirco
Eenoa Ayr, rlnalnn c
nlii'T ringed. !V'V'. Ata',
of :,-,i4',c In H
net hiKiiet. I "-c-
IIM Vii'l d2 3-IH:
loHed. Jl 02. Kfcetpi,
al.m) mi.; ahtprr rnt
li:..!ij bu.
CORN-Spot m Irket
Ilrm; export new,
SSi.r f
HflO It.
ll.W, till.
market wan
a'Jci bu,
Kecelp in.
JAlrt Siml in irket. etead. ; aiandard
wliti-, u3i' in t p'valur: No. 2. file; So.
3. fi.-.-c; No. 4, i t'c; nat nral ' whim and
whim clipped. i,2l. i.i. V
?SMi bu.. eliipm rnt
nn trai'k. ltevelptu,
li.ii.'i lm. I'ulinc4
tiiuiket, iionilnal.
MiV-Htin; in rn. nominal; No. 1.
$1.2f4tl. ; No. 2, rHKJ,.l.,; ,o. i, c4i4l.4M.
I It. I"K- KaH ; kill, ciimmiin to ('mice
Hill. V'n.Vx-; l!il0, tiiuilnal. I'arlfii.' coukI
U'll. Vn.iic; piln, ii'nlnal.
II in i. ; w iuihi Aim i, 2;
l.lOA'iMlr.i. ! urn. I hemlock
27r; heinun. iltrl (c ; third".
Jen. I!i.
I'ltitV 10N-roa!K. ateadv:
lli,.v,is. ki, family. II..iOi 2iMt;
clear a, I I i.2uii In. lit. licrf. htcutlv
H2 Mi)3. t; imll;
hams. I ln.OO'uol.Oo. ! Cut lucuih.
pickled L rlll-s, lert to fourteen iiiiuiiiis.
tf't.raPx'; i K'kled bairna. 11 .(( US'', ljird,
steady; m kldie weni prime. j.l.i!l.2(i; re-
filled, atea liy tiTc; continent,, buutU
Aineiica, l U.l; colnpnund. 7Uc.
TALiAJW Hurtij oicMiiy; n.-htie cltv
h , tiVc: coll in t . 6;Vai'c.
Itl'Tl Kit- rt'iiseli ifd; ( .cainrry apeclala,
S?v! extras ; ::tltci factory, currem make,
flrsls, l'3iii). Ic. I
ClIKKssbk rirni:. ntute whole milk, cur
rent miike, a Icragt tancy. lie.
KOISS I'm tttlej ; slliihtly easier; fresh
gathered, exi ras. I ii4t)c; extra flraia, X'no
,y(c; fresh KiUheiijd dirties. No. I, 24;
fresh K&lliaic t Kt acks, prime local, -ii'i
IIU'LTIIY - AD v, steady; western
chickens. 12W. E'lcj. fowls. IJ Vfcii14c ; tur
key ii, lrgifio; di waed. tiiiiet; western
clnckena, ltj1 k:; . fowls, Milne; turkeys,
p'qbQ. ;
Mf . I.oal U ftieral Markel.
KT. LUCIH; led 9-Wll ICAT lllghet ;
track. No. 2 rt 0, I fiislr; No. t bavd, ik'ic
fci S 1 Itcreml r.i oac.
COIIN Tlim; trlick. No. 3. fJi4.'.KVic;
No. i wkjla, C IV.I Pile; Ducetuuer, 4c;
11 a v. fi:k'. ' '
DATS-k toady: I tl gck, No. 2. ieac; No.
3 Willie, 4Vc; l re( iber, WO. .
H VI.; Higher. tt 96c
KfOIMi Utill; rl winter patents, SI.33
tt4.7Ai xtra fancy a nit-siralKht, :l.fM-30;
hard Vlnter clears
et KI51 V-Ti mot I, s ', ) 14 Wa li.OO.
CO ft r-yd K A I, i-m,
HKA r Firm: i J otl esM track, l.l(v8
I. 18., , .11 ky. time timothy, S22.0uoai.00;
praline. 1S 0ti lfc ' ,
r(tOVmiN-lo4', lower; Jobbing:.
II. ViS. . J.i S'd, lotynr; nrlme attain. Si.iU'aii
k'-Vm I 't V tan rn (, unchanged; boxed
alioTt. , It.'ITSU clear rlba. Us JTi "-a;
i lea Tit. , lUenn. uncbanSed;
extiia. short,' V.ti.;. cltw rU.
ebon clcai a. 1 M.
Ftn'Ul UY e- Weak. chickens. irc;
sDr'nss, Mf,e; xlurkeyt . 14c; ducks, UHc;
gecs... sc. , i
HI'TTKR K. vn:
rr t:iiry, ZtifiiSUc.
bJtlg Weak, at
Flour, bills Ji.,
1ft ivelpla. Shipments
...... K.MO H.ISJ0
"i0 .15.0ft)
Wheat, bu. ...
Corn, bu.
Oats, bit
v-,.1 '." 2.1.000
...... i4, W 2k,Mi0
Kansas I'IIt tiralw A ad I'rovlslona.
Citsli, unchanged; Nu. 2 hard, Ink';
No. 2, ikicVSl.Ol; No. :"( re!, U4if'IMC; N.p.
J, lii'; Miy. 7V: ul.v. Klsli H11c.
WJI1N-1 tichang.d te down;' No. S
mixed. t;:lc; No. 3. iVKntHk-; Nt . 2 tvlilte. i.2tir
tiJc; No. 3. Ni'ritJ'V'l 1 ie,m ir, W-ivteVtc.
DATS I ncbangert; N i. W hit. 4'M
4Hi-; No 2 mixed, 47Ii.
HAY Steady: choice 'timidly, llH.rmr,
20 tti; cholco prairie. U J," l;u'
HITTKH Creiimery, X c; flia-ls. 3:1c;
second!, .'lie; packing stock. Tic
KiJlJS txtraa, 32c; firsts , ;tc; aecoiitla,
Uncelpm. Sliipnicnt
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
2t,0oo 1.000
"7. Ooo r.lK)
12,000 ' V.Oi'O
lul!nfeV"l troante Market.
l'llll.ADKl.iMIIA. Dec. .-UllTTKIt-(Julct,
but stiMuiy; w.-stei n ria ajnery ape
clat. 0c; extta, 3Do; nearby ixlnts. ex
tra' 41c.
I'-CIUS Mi m ; good demand; Pennsylva
nia and other jieui by firsts, cases,
1 10. SO per case: current ledepts, free
casta, S10.20 ei crse; western .ii'ts, freo
chtn. Huso tier cate; current receipts.
flea c.ise, I1O.20 la.r case.
CM fciKSK Firm; New York full creams
fancy, l'l'JiliiSc; J" if to good, lvalue.
Kirl .lltirkol.
riXiitlA. Dec. .-t.)KN-Slead)-; Nil.
1 white. u'Hc; No. t white, 55c; No. i
yellow,'c; No. 4 yellow. & ic;
No. 3 mixed. I'ltl'-k1!". Nu. 4 mixed,
i ample. fmi52c.
OA i s hasy ; No. 2 white. 4c; aiatd
ard. 47c, No. 3 wli!e. lI'atiNc; No. i'
mixed, 4.i4'4tic.
Liverpool Irrada .Ma-kvl.
I.1VKKIHKIU IX'C. !1.-WIli:AT-Spot.
quiet; No. 2 Manitoba. In lOd; No. S Mani
toba. 7a 7d. Futures ieady; DecemtM-r,
7a "Sid; March, 7s JU.I. May. 7s 2ad.
CtjUN Sioi firm; Aintrican mixed, fit
.".d. Futures, steady; January, is kit,
February, La 7d.
,4'affeo !;arket.
tures opened steady at a decline of 1,71 17
points iindrr liquidation of March und in
1 ..!, hi to lower French cables. Pricea
tallied sllghtlv frotn the opn'ng dunng
the isrly trading on scattered rdwilny
and a little suppuit from bullish sources,
but there was agresnive demand ane
tlie market eaed again under i-untlnurti.
II. with the close barely steady,
at a net lots of l:iU poinls. Sales were,
ey.ism bags. liecrtnber. 13 Hoc; January
11. 'Sv; February. Ltttic; March, I2!i2c;
April. 12Dlc. May. June. July and August.
I2u!fc-; October and Not ember. 12v.' to the liob.lav there were no offi
cial cables frum Hratil. Havre was 4'rr
4. f. biaher. liambutg was unctianueti
to ' pfg. lower. New Y'oik warehouse
tlelitcries vesieniuy wrte 9.V.J baKs.
against II. loo baga lart year Sot cof
fee, quiet; Hlo No. 7. 144c; Sun I ok No. 4.
l,Tc. mild, dull: tuidova liU'.i IfcW. num.
I (nal, .
Ktassralrtl Apples nod llrird Fralt.
AI'l'J.KS tjui. t. but in Ices are elradv
I with little piensutv to sell: on the spot
fsncv are quote.) in luttlu'av; choice.
H V : prline '1J,Jl.
DRIKD FRF ITS Prunes, flrpi with a
good speculative demand: iitotaliiiun
taiige riviiii e',c to lis I i- OI'Ic-'s
to 4t-V''s and t to H',il2c fur Oregon.
Atriccls, inactive, but .noes ar. .
held; choice. 15c to 154c; extra choce.
iwilii'tr; f Aiicy, 174ilw Peachea. dull but
ready: Wiolce. Il',tit14c. ,M,a cliol,
H''.i.-c;, 12Vul2,c. liulslua. un
SPtt'.d i .1 Irregular; Inore muscatels,
t, i,c; cr oice to lull, y aeetled, 7M4c;
rX AS. C:wc; Ixuiiion lsiir, Ml 'Ol.45.
i ' v
lntale ct
-I auvanced 4c
(iitoda Market.
YOl'.K, Dec. I -PHY UUODS-
totirlcs and r.alnsnoks were
yard to 8'c. and aeileis
nf. H-i bleached giauda are not kern on
taking future business at curiam prices.
Flatted cotton hosiery will be opened for
fall 4f 1812 im Monday. IJm-us ar
and cutioa yarn ia tjuWi.
Prices Fall Back After Moderate
Showing1 of Strength.
Fat Arable Rank laleaet antl I
e x peeled I r I arae lleporl of I n
filled teel Toanaae Help
Financial Market,
NKW VOIilC. Iec. .-A favorable bank
eiai.ment and a report of unfilled ton
naife from the I'nlted Htatea hteel cor
pnration which exceeded xii-tatlonit
Kate a bull In h turn to tha financial mar
ket. Huth atatementu, being made after
the thine of the Mock market, were with
out Influence on epeculallnn.
The touree of pike win Irregular.
There wa a niodeiate allowing of
Mrrnirtli In the earlr trading and the
Harrlman etnrk. iteudltiK. Kaltlmorp AV
Ohln. Canadian Pacific and the Cnppera
gained a point or more. In the last half
of the aesMnn the market fell bark, can
celling moat of the aln.
The Increaae of 4ft,0) lona In the un
filled order of the Hteel corporation at
I lie end of November Indicated that tha
advance In the ateel trade In recent
weeks had been underestimated. Fore
caata of the fntm nt pointed to an
increase of leaa than half the amount
neluallv recorded. Yeeterday'a unexpect
edly gnnd ahowlns of fline for the cop
per tiade ii-d to further buying of the
Copper atocka wh'.'li maintained good
aalna durinp the perloda of weakneaa at
the end of the dav a trading. London
waa a large buyer of copper atneka hare.
Hmulu were firm aalde from renewetl
wealuieaM In Allla-ChHlmer'a t. Totai
iiHlen, par value 1.4'il,ni). I'nlted Ktatea
Vn repittered. declined 'i on call and the
2n coupon and 4 coupon and registered
'. i on call nn the week. oi eaD-s ami leadintf quotation
of stocks were ai fol'.ows:
'. ll.ih. Lute, r.loi.
Alll.-i'lialmf m pfd
AmslHsiitsied Copper
Anivru-an Arrleultursl
Alii. Ilt R.ixar
Anittrlrsn t'in
Amerl.-an c. a I
Am. l otion IMI
Amerlrtn II. A- L. prd..
Atn. ,- si.irltlt
Amerlisn Linus.!
Amsrlran lrnmntlvo .,
American S. sV H
Am. H A II phi
Asi. Ptsel Fmindrlss
Am. Sunr Heluilas....
ABiert.'Sii T. V T
Asierlcsn Tbsrva prd. .
Asierlrss Wimlln ......
Assrmels Mlstng Co...
AUhlsns aid
Atltstlr Coast I. Ids
lialllnvirs 4 Ohio
IMIhlehem tl
Hnxikirn Hapi.l Tr
Canadian Pa.lllr
Central Ijsathar
Central l,os(hr pM
Central of New Jerat.v..
si 4
7,7i 71'.
) 11.S1 ltai IH'i
4(H) ns 131 1H"
i. htj, rri, n
l.fori ini liw'a inti
ton inis n nn
(A 1'4 1M lit
fti 10114 ine'i HK)i
Moo fti't J't
Tfli) M It
ChwMUMak Ohln
Chttissn A Alton.
f'hlraso tl. W , new
1M 7!
10) 4
Ciilrsco O, W. afd
100 II
(Ulnjiri N. W
t-hlniro, M at. p...
'.. '., C AV St. I,....
Colorado F. I
Colorado A- snuthsni..
Consolidated (ias
'twit Prodsota
IVIaware A liudwin...
Ilonrsr Itlo (Iramlo..
I). ft. t) p'd
notlllara' gaourltlaa ..
Kris lat piii
krle nd pfd
Ilenorsl Klortrlc
(least Northern pfd...
l.UM IH1, Pit', 1'ilSi
Jon i7
1IKI .tli,
10) lil'i
nn SO',
It) 41
1244 l:'B"i
II 31
lt'4 114
& 1ST
(treat Northarn Ore clr. 1.700 JsV
Illinois (isntrsi
IntsrtMirotish Mel
tntorhorouRll Met. y'd-
liilrrnatlonol MarvrKter
Intor-ktarliis pfd
international Paper ...
International Pump ...
4i'4 ti4
100 0I4 KM',, 1044
lows Central
U.7IIII fi fill,
I mi u u
M- l.l
l.siio ll ' UH
xi J s:S (!ltr BoulBarn tl
K. C. 80. pfd 04
keelage Oaa .:.u. 11134
UiuiaTllle Naahvill,.. I, In) lit ii IMs; .
Minn. A m- Uuol, n
M.. St. P. A g. t. It.... I on in 111
Missouri. K. T Vim vii, 21.1, 2,14
M.. K. A- T. pfd nm t4'a t'4 u
Missouri ranllle ........ ' ID) tl lit, l4
Nallnnsl Illamilt Ml
National Ussd 1,0 (', ttT 4
N II. II. sf M. 'Jl pfd.. 400 flt4 14 rt4
Naw Vo-k l'anl-al 400 1034, loss lO'it.
N. V.. t). W IHI4
Norfolk At Weatasn too n,T, m iims
North Ani-rlesn lm) 7J 7! 7314
Northarn Paclflo I.11M I us, lis1, 1UO,
Psclllc Alall 101 911, .in, i
Hannarl,aiils 700 1-3 1 1 i 11H
1 "tun lea Uet IK) lu.1i, 10:1, 10314
P.. ('.. C. A Ht. L 144
Pltlahiirtih I'nal UK) 17 II 1T14
rraid HispI C- 100 35 SJ l
PillUnan Palae rar lr,l
Itallwar Steel Spring ... .
rteadltis St.DOO 1'HS !"' K't
Fplhllc Slael Hon n Jjr, ;,
t'otinbllr Rlaal pi t inn -' I! IP,
Rook I'lsnd 'o l.doo n 14, u
Itn.k aa4 Co. Old 4IB1 tl 4HS 41i
St. I,. A . F Id pfd.. 1IU 414 414 t'l"i
ai. tuia a s' ft
Si. 1 W. std 704
Ptoaa-ahafflold H. A I SI
Houlhorn Psrlflc 1.400 111 1I', tins
tDllth.rn HaPwa, 1.201 104 21 !'M.
mkMi Itsllwar pfd 70,
Tennnaaee t'ox-or 0 MV JM, lw
Ta,a, A rsi-i'i- mo rtt, r sr
f Ht. 1.. A w too ns is4 it4
T.. 8t. U W. pfd ... 400 , S, 17
Union Taelftn lilt, : 17ns
l'nlon I'anlflc W .'4
'nltad Hi ale, 1U'.J( CI
t'nltad Htatra Flnher 1 41 4 4'.4
"nit-d Rlatas Steal S.T0 II1, 4li a-
si. s. atasi pfd mo pi, in ii.t'i
I'Uk (Wisr I Joo 4,14
Vv-fa.uliua .. .10) (:i li I2i,
wihu'i mm t 4 s
Walutall r'd 10.0(10 1,4, .11 1,
Vaaiern M,rjl-d f
We .tlnalin.iae tla.trlc . ti
Wsalern t'nlon 774
'WHeeltag k. E 44
i-htsh Valley 1774 1714 17S
Total aalaa fur tha day, 111.100 shares.
New 1 urk Monie y Market.
NKW YORK. Ilec. k-MONKY-fln call,
nominal; time loans, strong; 00 days, 44
per cent, is.) daya. 4l1i'u ier cent; 8
inonths, itj (sec cut.
per tt.nt.
STKhl.INU KXCHAVtlF-flletdy. with
actual buslncne In bankers' lulls at $1.8250
tor ao-aay oil's and ..n .01- tieinand.
.'ommerela; bills, $4 si',.
SILVKR-ltsr, U5l4f; Mexican dollars.
IKINDS C!u. crntmnl, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today were
ss follows-
t . ref. U. reg . . . 10J Int. M M. 4a Ui
do iwupa, 1S) .)apau 4, ,7
I'. S. la, rl ...... 101 "Jj t,, ;
do coupaa ... l'14k K. c. Ho. lit a ...7
V. ta. ea. ..... 1I3S l.. 8 drii. t 1 Jl . . (,
So coupsu .... ll-ti I. A . list. 4 MO,
Allln-C'liat. la i,a... r',al. K A T l.l 4a. 07
Amer A os I? d,. n 4,
t, T A T. 4a .1 Mu. Ps.'.llc 4... .. 731,
An T.)ta.M.u SB OO'sN. K K. ot Al 4 ta :
do I. I10IN. Y ('. i... ;.
Aratour A '"o I'aa. lit, do del. 4a w
Ai.lil-in s'S. 41. ... in1.!.. V.. N. II. Jl II.
do t'V. 4S Iw f Ss
du ii. la If! N. A w. 1 c 4a
p.; 14
A. .'. U l a ..
Hal. A Ohio 4a..
As i,s
da a. w ...
UruoA Tr rr 4a
t ea. of Ha a ..
l au. tMiliar " .
S do eir. 4a
. II No. Pa.lfla 4a
da is
n. S. k. rfd. 4a
. It Fsns c. t,a ll
lov, io rou u
. neadlnu an,
uf N. J f
"'sis. u. ar a ,' f. ,a
t'iiaa. A (M.lo 4,t. PUS do geu. 6, ,4
d.. ief ss at 1 a. W. s 4a.. toil
t'hi.aoii A. Ia. oik, ! I. au0id 4a.. Us,
a a. u i t. ssiis A
) la . ... S4 A U It.
do ess 4 o. Pat . rH.
C. U A A P ta ,S , do . 4a
1 K. I A P. c. 4i. 7:4 d 1 r,f .
da iti t, H',Ro Rilwa u .
I'.il... 71 do gen. 4a... .
I ul.v M'd. 4t .. . Valoa Par:tic 4a
101 14
.' AS 1 r 4',, So cv 4s
. II. ev. ta..
ll a It. 1. ta
do ral '
krla P I. ta .
do as 4. . .
d.i,.t la. nr. 1
do Mr las b
i ".i 1,1 ,.r. 4,
S. Kabaer 0.
I' A Sltl :d i
74y -far. Chaas. it. Ii.l
:,Wauaah lat ba
71', da lat a,. 4, ...
twaatar Md. s..
i.wt. r:: 4,.
ill Via. cam ral ta...
Oru,- r
Ill 1-u lat raf 4a.. "t,M,.. Pbc it. u ...
la -Mat I1 I Panama Zt
Bid. oxtered
Xcvtr York Mining Mock.
NKW YtHtK. Dec. $ -Closing quota,
tl 'ii on 11 Cilng Hoi ks wen:
411. a tlprilr t,,i
t'.iin. Tueill Block.
aiaxl.-an . jimi
IO klMlJ M
m 1,1 A V,
Vatluar Js, kt .
S.i.Jarl ..
7 l.iula j
M -laJ'llla 1 oa a.
I'tj liwa sii.a ,
ee Maslaasa Pleklaa I it.
NKW YORK, Dec. .--" iiflllej orders on
t he book of lha Frilled Milaa Steel cur-
i.u.ll..,, nat un.,.AM ..... .
1 . " - . wfiv s.lll.vuo
I tuna, u cwiupa'ed wila J.4H4.JU tuna vn
TBI t.
2.TH0 41S tons on
No- i
llearlnsr Moose Hank statement.
NKW YORK, Dec. The statement of
clearing house banks for the week shows
that the banks hold IfMil iVO reserve In
excess of legal requlremrnts. Thin Is an
increase of si.;Hi in the proportionate
cash reserve aa compared with last wees:
Loans l,8:.rt,fi.TAfl" H0.sO4.00U
Lecal tenders I an. ion
Net deposits J ,M, HH nun 4 SSA 4t
Circulation .Vi.71si.Hk IJ.O'jO
Kxces legal reserve. 4(8l,oM S0t,.s)
Lanks' rash resprve In vault S32C.CM.000
Trust compnnkss' ia"h reserve
In v-tnlt S1.2S0.O00
Aggregate cash reserve .S.i87.944.0i)
Trust companies' reserve with clearing
house riieintiers carrying 2i per cent cash
reserve, S.'iO.W7.0fsl.
I lecreass.
l.k;17,14l,OflO S4i,H.'.W
:)07,:ti.o"n 4;
(WJ24.O01) sa.lso.ono
l,C27,l4H,'s)0 3S.2Hl.OisA
Loans ,
Sprc'.a .'.
LegHl lenders
Net deposits
Kxceas lawful reserve
fil,n02tl00 701,(1
ll,Wi:,201 10,387,20"
Hunks' cash reserve in vault S.127. 407,000
Trust companies' cauli teserve
In vaults 62.831.000
Agqregnta cash reserve I.TO.2SS.0O0
Trust companies' teserve with clearing
house uiemlera carrying 20 per cent caah
reserve. STil. 51.1,000.
Summary of state hanks and trust
companies In llreater New York not re
porting to the .New York clearing house:
txiana SKJO.M'.OiX) Sl0.iJ41.i;oo
Speci no,S?.iu 2.472.4PO
l-gal tenders ll.ZOR.jMi :,93
Total deposits 6s2.1.4O0 1.W3.100
London stock Market,
LONDON. Dec. 0. Closing prices
at.icka were aa follows:
( onaole. eioneji
71 ll-lt Loulnvlllo f, N ll
... T' M., K. A T il4
... M1, N V Central IWt
... 7 Norlolk aV W 110
...!!, do pfd so
.107 Ontario A W 41
AbmI. t'oiiper
do pfd
Pa It Hears Oslo
Canadian I'a.irir.
t fcewapaaks A O. .
Chicatci o. W ...
l"4 Paiiniylraula ell.
Its Hand Minn .
7t4 I'.eadlni 74
. . n P'lUlhern Ry ,
p. 11 do pfd
.. IU Sotithern Pacific IU'4
( hi.. Mil. Ht
l Heora
i"n"r an mo ... ri4 union Pacific 17'
do pfd iMj do pfd ll.,
flttf. 8. gteel US
do 1t. pfd......... i4 no pfd IU,
do 2d pfd 4: W'abaaH 1
Urand Trunk ?4 uo pfd .. 19
Illinois Central ltd
SILVKR Bar, steady at 254d per ok.
MONEY 3 3 4 per cent.
The) rate of discount In the open mar
ket for short bills la 3 15-160 4 per cont;
for three months' bills, s1 per cent.
' tlnaton Stock Market,
BOSTON, Dec. . ChDStng quotations on
stocks were
Asial. Coppar
. 4Mnhawk
. l4Novada Con. ...
. . 2tNlplaalis Mlnea
. 0 North llutta
I. 4 North bake
.. lipoid Dominion ...
. . bl'Oareola
. .Me Parrel l P. A I'...
.. nvty.iin.'
4 la
. t'4
, M
. HI
A. '.. I., at 8
Arizona Com
H. (' C. S. Al
Raits (nallllon ...
''al. A Arlxuna...
(al A. Herls
p. Itanso (.'. c.
i:aat Rutta c. M . . .
. . 114 "Superior
04 Superior A
H. M.
fllroux Con. ..
Orasby Con. . .
II n-KTamaraik ..
.. i4t'. a. a n.
" "T.
Ureene Cananea
lala Knrals Coppar.
KarT Lak
IaWs t Copper
I. Hallo Opper. . . ..
Miami (pper
T, no pfd
I'4t'tah I'on
4l'tsh Copper Co.
114 Winona
ft Wolverine
flank Clearings.
OMAHA, Dec . Bank clearings for to
day were $2,483,436.88 and for the corre
sponding day laat year $2.31S.0is.i. 93. The
clearings for the week amounted to $16,
3i;i,fi:i!i.p and for Ue same week last year
BLTTF.R No. , 1-1D. carton. 3Cc; No.
1, In 60-lb. tubs, 354c; No. 2, E6c; pack
ing, 20c.
CHKFSIS Imported Swiss. 32c; Ameri
can Swiss. S4c; block Swiss, lUc; twins,
lo; daisies, l!c; tt'lpletR, let; yount,
Americas, 20o: blue label brick. 19c; lliu
berger, 2-lb., Jvc; 1-lb 19o.
POLLTRY Hrollers, 18o; springs, 114C;
bena, HHc; cocks, 8r; dunks, lbc; gecso,
13c; turkeys, tit; pigeons, per Co., $1.30,
Alive, broilers, 12',jo; liens, 74c; old
roosters ami stags, 44c; old ducks, full
feathered. 114c; geese, full feathered.
84c; turkeya. 14c; guinea fowls, 15a each;
pigeons, per dns,. (ioc; h unors, per do.,
$1.50; squabs, No. 1, $1.50; No. 2, 50c.
FISn Pickerel, 11c; white, 1'jc; pike,
15c; trout. 15r; large crapplwa. 15b-18c;
Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18c; Paddocks,
Ur; flounders, 12c; fjreen catfish, 15c;
roe shad, $1.00 each: shad roe, per pair,
50c; salmon, 18c; halibut, 12c; yellow
perch. 8c; buffalo, 9c; bullhead. 14c. .
HLKF CUTS-No. t ribs, 18c; No. 2
rlba, 124c; No. rlba, $4c; .So. 1 loins,
ll4c; No. 2 IqUis. 134"; No. 3 loins. Se;
No. 1 chucks, 74c; No. 1 chucks, to; No.
3 chucks, &4c; No. 1 rounds. Ho; No. 2
rounds, ic; No. S rounds, 8Vic; No. 1
Plates, 64c; No. 2 plates, 5c; No. 3 plates,
FRUITS, ETC. Apples: Cooking varie
ties, per bbl., $?.Ts; Jonathan and G limes
Golden, per bill., $4.o0; ben Davis, per
kbl., $2.75; California Belleflower. per box,
$1.35; Colorado Joruithun, extra fancy; per
box. $2.50; Washington SplUenberg, per
bJX, 82.50; Waahlngton H. i'.eauty, per
box, $2.50", Washington Stamnn Wlnesaps,
box. $tl.otl. Hauatias; Fancy select, per
bunch, $2.2.'tl2.50, Jumbo, per bunch, $2.75
478.75. I ran Purr ics : Wisconsin tancy, per
bbl., $v.5tt; per bot. $J25. extra large
Jumbo, per bbl., $10.5V Dates: Anchor
brand, new, 30 1-lb. pKgs. in bones, per
box, $2.50; Dromedary brand, new, 30 1-lb.
pltgs. In boxes, per box, $38); bulk la
70.1b. boxes, per lo. Sc. Fig:' California,
per case of 12 12 -oa. pkes.. &c: I'er case
of 36 12-os. pkgs. $2.50; per caae of 50
6-ex. Pkgs., S2.00; Now Turklah, 6-crown
In ZO-lb. boxes, per lb., le; . a-crown in
20-ll. boxes, per lb., 16c; 7-crown In 30-lb,
boxes, per lb.. 17c. Grape Fruit: Florida,
46-JS sixes, per crate. 4.7lrt.rf0; so-44-44
siiea. per ciaie. $5.25. Uraposi: Califor
nia JbitiperoiV liter 4-basket crate, l.7:'.
2.U0; MutAga. Jtiapta, in bbla.. $
Letnnns: Dmoneira btani, vxtiu fancy,
at aisc, per Ikixj $5.26; mm, per bok,
$5.25, Loiu l.lmonaira, fancy, Jo)-K) ulses,
per box. $5.50; 24u and 4A1 alava, 50'j pel'
Lux leaa. Orungcs: Ansor.a navets. 84
128 sixes, per but. $5.25: Is0-1720i-2t6-x50
,iAcs, per ixix.; Caliorria uavelrt, all
slsea, per Oux, 4J.ii. i'earo; Calitorma ii., per ao-lb. box, SXOU.
VkilK I'AbbKh- lie a na. atiltig and wax.
per market narkel. ll tKkul.25. Canbage.
Wi:.cuiisin, par lb.. lUwlHe. Oeury, MU.iil
tiitn, per uwetin, 4tk; t allioinla Jumbo, par
Uoien. isv. Ci.iuinbera, hot liou.e, per
duxtn. 2.1, KtgiMaut, tancy Florida,
per uoxen, J.'.W). Uarlic, exua lancy,
white, per lo., kic. Lettuce, extra tancy
leaf, per dxen, 40.'. Onions, Caittiiiiiu,
while, per lb., ic; W Isuonatii. yellow ad
led. .n racks, per lb., -'iv; par
irate. $l.i 1'aislev. lauvy soutnein, par
duxen bunches, aft 75c. 1'otatues. Miu
ueaoia Farly Ohio, per bu., 81 tit: WIsk-ou-
laitl wnlto bio.k. lie.' bu.. Il.i'l. in lu-aaca:
lots, 6o leva. dweei Potatoes, avanaoa,
per bbl.. 12.. 5. per bu. basket,
KutabagAS in Backs. per lb., 14c
Tomaioes. California, per crate, L50.
M lai F.LLAN LOL& Almonds, Tarra
gofia, per lb., lite; In aacas lots, lo leas.
Uracil ntita. per ID , ItHxc; la kack lota. 14
lees. Cocoanuls, ler sack. $. Filberts,
er lb., He; In aack lots. 1j less. Peanuts,
roan led. per lb.. 4c; raw, pe." lb.. 74c.
pecans, large, per lb.. 17c; In sack lots, lo
leaa. Waluuia, new crop, Uil. California,
per lb.. 174c; In sack lois, lc less. Cider,
New per 15-itl. one-half bob.
$2.00; per SO-gal. bbl.. 85.50; New Y01K
Mvtl t per 15-gal. one-half btd , 4.1 50. per
3o-gal. bbl., $osd. itocey, i.sw. (runits.
t.l '..). Kraut, per 15-aul. keg. 82.75: per j
gai. keg. $1.16; Wlaonain. per one-ba..'
oul.. J.u.
Tar peal taei and Hosln.
48'4c; sales. 125 bbla; receipts, 1,.
4'il bbla.; shipments. 17 bbls. ; atocas. 38.
ii) bbls.
ftosiN-Firm: oales. :.4T bbla.: re
ceiiits. 2.871 hbls ; shipments, bhls.;
Mixes. Ii4 bbls. tjuute: b, $0.27,1
8 35; it. a4:iV(i4.W; K I A. 32 '4 ft 40; F. 81.441.
4 45, tl. 81.124416 .: II, 86 474tti.50: I, 8..'4i;
K. S'i.7'i: M. .8o; N, $7.ti; WG. $7 50;
WW. $7 75.
Silir Market,
KKH" YOKK. lo. 0.-Sl'OAR-Raw,
noin.lial: kluscovado, 88 lead. 4.3794.44c;
ceiilrift-gai, l"i test, 4 k7tr4.84c; moiajeaea
lest, 4.iikii 4. 18c; refined,
tiuiet ;
pott -
.'. lino cAio)ated, i.'.t;
Wtwl Market.
85T. LOI'IS. Iho.-. a.-WOOL Steady;
territory and western mediums. l,jioc,
Una mediums, JtiulSc, tuie, .11!;.
October 31,
yember in,,
Cattle for Week Fifteen to Twenty
Pive Higher.
Fat Alice p steady to Fifteen Cents
Lower for Week, Tlth Kat
Lambs Fifteen to Qaarier
l.orrer Feedera Steady.
SOt'TlI OMAITX. Dec. 1H11.
receipts were: eatt'e. Hogs. Sheep
Wednesday. . .
. 4.621
4 ti -.4
1 52s
Katlmate Saturday.
Six days this wk...2lH P S 71 S2.
Paine days last week..l2,l' 34.573 W.s)
Hame days 1 wka. ago..2:i.;;l 41. 5 4H.557
Same days 3 wits, atu..2S.OK7 40.MI
l-ame daya 4 wka. ngo..3ii,Kii; 2S,0 Wi.7riT
Same daya last year.... 27.6.17 28.5il 33.477
The following table sliovs the receiptn
of cattle, hogs and suecp at South fjmahn
for the year lo dale, as compared with
last year: mil. imo. J9o. khs.
Oattle 1.115.42-. 1. nil. Ill 46.IXW
'logs 2.2?l.i0 1.71! 47.7 I2S,2?7
Bhap i.m.i 2.3t.Si 60,578
The following table ahows the averi.go
prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for
the laat few days, with comparisons:
Date. 1 inn . iiMiw, ins. i1hsi. ; is-ri . ill". 1 1st.
I rc.
I )ec.
sVt .
I 0U
tl 02;
S 06
6 sl 4 Mil
6 OS. 4 5
I 4 S7
6 081
ri 03
. 13.
7 13
7 ill
5 77) 4 61
S 02
8 03
& oTi 4 C4
C 02
6 sill 4 031
C Ul 4 SI
6 m
e obi 4 'l ' 1-1 4 84
I 4 71 6 Hi 4 83
6 41! 4 21 4 2
5 451 1 6 15 4 87
6.. 1 G s I 7 4o 8 121
... S4 I 7 41i S 22
8.. 5 7,! 7 XI 8 221
8-1 6 0141 7 4o 8 ; 5 4 4 47
4 81
'Sunday. Holiday.
Receipts and deposition of live atock
At the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha,
for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
p. m. yesterday:
Cattle.llogs.ll r a.
C. M. & St. P
Missouri Paciric
I nlon Pacitie
C. & N. W.. east
(. . N. W., west
C. St. P., M. ft O
C, H. ft g.. east
C, M. . tj., west
C, It. I. ft P., east....
C. R. I. ft P., west....
Illinois Central
Chicago Great Western
Total receipts 1
Cattle. Hon.
Omaha Packing Co , 1,028
Swift and Company I,o.i0
Ciioaliy Packing Co 1.7S3
Armour At. Co 2.571
Attirphy 1,055
.1. H. Bulla 2
Other buyera a
Totals 11 7,987
CATTLE No cattle of any Consequence
were reported in the yards this morning,
but the total for the week foots up 20,140
head. While the run this week haw been
very much isrger than last week, when a
holiday Intervened, still the total shows
a lading oif of over 7.000 heed as com
pared with the name week last year.
ine market on Peer steers was In s'erv
aatistactury condition throughout the
week. Owing to the moderate receipts
and a good buying demand, prices stead
ily Hinied up, and at the close were safely
lu25c higher than the ciose ot ltut week.
It will be lanitrinbered that the market
lnet week was aiso quoted snarulv lilKner.
and, taking that advance into considera
tion, it la sate to ray that the market
la now biWitiwc higher than it waa two
weeks ago.
cows and heifers were In sDlendld de
mand throughout the week, being quoted
stronger practically every day until Frl
ttuy, when there wao a little reaction.
Still at the close of the week practically
all kttida o( cows and helteis are 200
higher iban lant week.
Desirable feeders were In active de
mand every nay ot the weeg, and at the
close they are safely 25c higher. 1 he
less desirable grades were also fair sellers
with prices ranging from 15c to 20c higher
for the week.
Wuotationa on native cattle: Good to
choloe beef steers,; fair to good
beef steers, t).2&w7.i; common to fair
beef steers. t6.0Ujj6.25;, gud to choice
heifers, m.8oj5.'i6: good to choice cows.
4.;j5.;iO; lair 10 good cows, $4.75t4.30;
common to fair cows, 2.7Vu3 65: veal
calves, $3.26t(7.5t).
Wuotationa 011 range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers. u..6if8.oO; fair to good
beef steers, o.(yrpn.(5; common to talr
boef steeis, 84.40tp5.ou; good to choice cows
and heiteia, M lmia.ii; tair to good cows
ana betters, 8.s.6utu4.5u; common to lair
cows and hellers. 4V2.75wtf.oUj good 10
cnolce Blockers and leeuera, 4V1.oorgtt.Oo;
fair to good atockers and feeders, 4.75iu,
5.2o common to fair Blockers and feed
ers, $2.5ory4.."5; stock hellers, J.o'kh4.50;
buns, stags, etc.. 4U.outy5.Ov.
HOGs r'ree buying In the hog yards,
aner a trading basis was once estab
lished, was directly responsible tor a
gunerai advance 01 a nickel in uricea
some little business was transacted early
in tne session at tlgurea no better than
dirong, but the full iuiprovment toward
tno cioso easily unset, ecattered sales
uiat uiti not show the nickel bulge.
Receipts amounte.l to tuny loo loads,
usual assortment ot weights and uaual
aoundance of bacon averages. Heavies
met sritti tne most responsive demand
110111 packers, the Mtmo aa recontly, and
outchet- clusaes were favored by shlppe
and apeculators. Movement ot bulk had
tatr ttciiou and at 10:80 o clock in.)st
iraaera nua nuining to do except fill out
sbjch tickets in liaie lor tne office ac
countants, cseaie-nouse taoa ind Rated a
total purchase by buyers not associated
wltn local packing concerna of something
use twenty loaas, over u per cent oi
tne entire supply.
Prices coveievi a wide range, especially
in the market for bacon hogs, and any
thing wltn weight landed above the, f4.titf
mark. The best lard animals on sale
01 ought ti.2) wnlle good buicbers sold
largeiy around M.ouu6.05. JJartit Ktuff
ranged from 6 0 uuwiiward, 4 ;0 buy
ing loads that were not very ataractlvu.
there weiu only a lev.- buncnea txi bea.vv
plus on sale ami pratticady noting iu
the way of loaatera uvanaole.
During the week )n-tcou ruled some
lower as the result of recent big runs,
hut late Improvement produced comiiiete
recovery ot losses and the tiade is clos
ing steady In all of ita branches, uu-
poi I Iituu shippers 0.1 iihim daya waa
very creditable, but packers worked in.
pen-Jenny as a rule unu provided au out
let for big bulu nt offering!?.
Representative sale
No. At. SB. Pi. Na. At gh. Pr.
a 4i ... i Id l .3 ... ,014,
tl 17, ... a j It) aU ... , t
S3 18 ... - " 41 '04 t In,
u :i, 18 m :t iju ,
u iro ... 1 u it zn to ,
Ii 17 ... ,M 71 It 2 lea
7 14 ... a w) 7(1 1't.) u , 0o
6, ) . . Id .1 nt 10 ,
S IM ... " SO -J3t ... l
l ... 14 'it -'I -Ml 0 0k
II Jim 40 I , 4 4 u,
71 nei ... 4 lo 7V :to 40 4 04
k H7 ki ' 11 ,4 :m .. 1
: 1:1 ... !. : so , 1,,
,i i ... 4l ;:ii it 1 ui
t ... k ) 04 l',4 ita 004
,1 It, ... I 6 31 ... Iti
,1 - ... I .It J 40 ok
cl 17 ... ) l i t l?0 0 i
; no ... 4 at I7 10 on,
7 M no a . . im
II iv Pel II !7 I'm) 1 ix,
rut u 4 so ui ... w,
17 214 40 5 to 44 as ... 1 u,
11 21 I luo 4 -', Ml :i .. I 11
It 1 ... 4 M'a 41 :tl ... I 10
II JI t ,4 x:t , V
; :ui ... 5 m it :ji ... ti
a Hi ... i II .1 ... 11,
a, :n lv) I Hi a l'u 2t) t 10
It Ill .o 4 Ii ,1 "04 1:0 111
a 1-0 4 a ao i.J it.. 1,
;i Xt ... Iti 71 ; 40 1 10
14 ,!l ... !' It !, 3l 4 II
11 ..54 ... 04 1:0 tin
7 1:1 ... t oi 11 an i 10
;i Ill .-. ' M 4 VI 4IS.
10 .'li ... 4 1 07 .4.1 .. I
4 t.l 1,4 OO 44 2tl 140 ( ;i
7 i'lo t 4 W 77 -40 ... I li
U Stt 40 4 . J ,4 .4 Vis) U
7, ;o4 to 0 o tt :o: m u
7 Hi l.o eo V, : . . ,14
:o ii 4 ) :t :i7 . . ii
7i i, . 0 t no 1 u
II til 1k I') lo tl 411 4 :,
74 1.t ... I Ot at t,i ... 0 I..
Tt '. 40 k on 15 ... I', ... i 1,
14 ni4 to i m ,1 , ii
t ;ii ... ou .' ij i.n 11,
7, 1 . I tl ,1 .1$ ... ,7,-t
I, 74 lA tl . l: . . 4 171,
it HO .10 4-3 g I ft
. im
II U ... 4 no H 144 ... a 44
11 100 . . 4 !i
Mltt-P Nothing, iiiucii g: rived In the
wav of sheep or nmb and ns the en
tire sufspiy was aiauet up easily rd
nulckry yestrdav.' trans' remained prac
tically emptv tutn Ilia scale of values
nominally steady.
During the week tht general matket
had an unaeMlcd, mors or lesit i,rstlc
appea ranee, prices ehiftlnx up nn.l down
in A tnunner lliflt kepi sellers
Abrupt changet were aiore fretiueti'ly
shown In fat lambs than In matured mut
torss. the former class ol stocks opcnli e
lower, scoring eompleto recovery of
Wednesday and Thursday, and closing at
net decline of l.V,i2.",c. llhtxtratlve of re
rent flurries rrkght be quoted sales ol
good Lambs on three days, tha three
strings being practically identical In
quality, finish, etc. On Tiesday they
brought l'i.4o. on Thursday, ,V.0 and on
Friday, Vt6. The best ft I westerns
now allow ),r.s irri ace selling at $
w.hlla natlvv'-brol l.imha have lo be loppy
In order to bring j.tVu0.7j.
FaVt sheep are tlosing at le'rela steady
to about 15c lower, the pocking demand
being broud and fairly active on most
davs. Jn Jnc, the Inquiry for any of
ferings suitable to kill proved healthy
from start to finish as dally supplies
were of jnnderi'te volume. OrV 33.000
hend of stock, mostly corn-il and
warmed-up vnrteries, made up tht week's
tott and ol tbi aggregate, the propor
tion of maturcl muttons was anything
but evoesslve.
Topiy wethers rogched $4.00 vvstcrday,
attractive, ewes ecV from $3.75 downward,
and extrti good Jiittidy yearlings made a
credltabln top of $r00 1'hursday. Heavy
yearlings appear t bo In poor request
around J4..1i.
1 Business In fartlers larked size through
out and salnei wera acsttened. prices
showing few changes of consnouenoe. The
country demand still continues fairly
active, but limited assortment does not
admit of free chi tee. Week's entire pur-
1 chase on country account amounts to
only 5.000 bead.
Cjuoio tlons on theep gilt! lamb": Iamb
gr.od to choice. S5.u09t.S0: lambs, tnir to
good, 5.15tr.'i.n0; lambs, fesnlers, $.77i4.7."i;
veariiLw. f'r to cholee, $4.154.71; year
lings, fewders. K503.8."i; reethera; good to
choice, .Vjbo'ri4.(J; wethetia. fair to good.
$3.4(3i3.8r7( wetliers, feeiVTS, $3.00raS.2i;
ewes, goo 1 to choice, $.11045.80; ewen,
feeders. $2.05(3.00; ewes, culls. $1.5fi'2.16.
Demand for-Cuttle and Jthetpp Steady
lIots Higher. .
200 head. Jrkot steady; beeves,
$4,654(0.25; Texiga atee'S. $4.105.75.
western teera. $W407..V;. stockers
and feeders. $3,0045.80: cows and heifers,
$2.i5.90; calves, $5.5(iwi.25.
HOGS Reoelpts. 12.1)00 hea,!. Aiaract
So hleher than veate.vlar's avtirage; light.
I5.ntnt0.26: mixed. $6.81. 'y 6.374; hitjtvy, S5.!A0
8.45; rough. Sfi.8tlfaifl.10;', gooti to cnoice
heavy, t6.10.0.45; pigs, $l.0U3j.5ot bulk of
saieai SK.OoW-ilO.
SHEEP AND LAMBIV-rteceipis. 2,ti
head; market steady; native, St.6W4.lo.;
western. $2.Wii'4.lO; yean.ngs, i.;j'm).wi;
lambs, native, $3.7506.25; XAestern, $4.25ftj)
Kansns Cllr I.lve- Slock: Market.
ceipts. 5W) bead. Including 400 southern;
market steady; native steers, $5.25&9.00:
southern steers, 84.25iWg.:0: aout'lierii cow-it
and heifers. S-i.nTttM.M; naUve cows and
helfera, r2.7.rKTi'7.00: stocHers ant? rceaertt.
$4.003.5. 75; bulls, S1.o0Sr5.ty); calv.ys. H-JW)
8.00; steers, St.oOfjlfi.M; western
cows, $3.0tr.',.00.
HOGS Receipts. 4,000 heii4l: inarket
strontr; bulk of palev, $5.80rfi.i-!0; Jieavy,
$6.25(86.35: pnekera and butchetrs. $6.00KJ.
6.30; lights, $i.V6.15; pigs, $4.0Ofo .25.
SHEEP A.D LAMPS No ,-eceipts;
market steady; jnuttons. $3.0tyr4.00: lamp.
$4.25,00; range; wethers and yeaVfllntjs,
$3.25iho.OO; range ewes, $2.00a4.00.
St. I.ouls I.lvo Stopk Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. i CATTLE Receipts,
1.200 head. Including 4' Texans; market
stead v; native beef stivers, $4.6ora.O0; cows
and heifert, $3.tX?i7.0O; stockers and feed
ers, $3.2535.26; Texa and Indian steers,
S3.76ii6.75; cows and belfero, $3.00f). 75;
calves In carload lota. $3.75tn4.75.
HOGS Receipts. 3.000 head; market
steady to strong: pigs and lights, $4,254
6.00; packers, STi.nuOj.v.iO; butchers and best
No sheep barket.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 109. head: market steady; steers,
S5.7.VU8.00; cowh and heifers, $3.0S'6.&0;
CSlves, $4.flOe7.oO.
HOGS Receipts, 6,800 head; market
strong; top, $6.35; bulk of sales, S.o5u
head; market steady; lambs, $o.00((j'5.90.
Stock In Slcthl.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yexterdsy:
cat ue.1 lOK.t.niicep.
South Omaha.
St Joseph
Kansas Cdty...
St. Ixiuls
1 Totals
.. 100
.. 500
. .1,20;)
.. 20
.2.070 32,000
Cotton, Market.
tures closed steady. Closing bids: De
cember, S.H3c; January, 8.60c; February.
8.60c; March. 8.7Sc; April. 8.73c; May. 8.82c;
June. 8.85c: July, 881e; August, 8.80c; Sep
tember 9.00c: October, S.tsjc: November,
9.0eV. Spot, dull; middling urAlaiida, 9.2oc;
middling gulf, w.46c; no sales.
Omah Hay Market..
OMAHA. Dec. 8. HAY No. 1, $14.00;
No. 2, $13.00; coarse, $13.09; packiing stock.
$S.6tYrj9.0u; alfalfa, $15.00. Strawi; Wheat,
$6.00; rye and oats, $7.80.
Hotv nn Oklahoma Sooner
Jnstlre In tho Rlba
Dodged Jail.
A wait of twenty-two years for a visit
from the stork end the bird has not ar
rived yet Is the record, of the United
States in the case of "Cap" Cahay. Cahay
was convicted of being a "sooner" In
Oklahoma Territory. A "sooner" was a
person wild settled in the territory prior
to tho official opening of the territory to
settlement on April 22. 1SS9. (
Chile Madscn, now ctilef deputy Vnlted
States marshal at Guthrie, arrested
Cahay, now more than 22 years sgo. Mad
sen took Cahay to Wichita and waa the
officer in charge of the "sooner" during
his trial in the federal court room there
before Judge Williams.
The case against Cahay tvgs strong and
conviction was assured from the start.
Cahay's attorney, however, was not to be
defeated so easily, and also he knew the
soft heart of the presiding Judge, a man
of religious temperament.
Mrs. Cahay was one of the mala wit
peases for her husband. She wss on the
Oklahoma claim when tier husband was
arrested and followed him to Wichita.
She played her role, too, admirably by
her conspicuous appearance in court.
Cahay, as had been foreseen, was con
victed, and Judgu Williams gave him a
aentence of two years in the penitentiary.
The attorney for the prisoner did not ak
for a new trial, nor did he file a motion
for an appeal. He requested aolely that
sentence be deferred until the expected
arrival of the ttork in tha Cahay family.
j He made an eloquent plea for mercy.
'nitre tvus it ally no good reason why the
request should not be granted, and Jud,-e
Williams consented.
Tha attorney for the defense bad bonds
men ready, and Immediately Cahay was
released 011 bond to appear, according to
the court older spread on tho record's
whenever the stork should strive.
Several years put-ed and no stork t ame.
Every year regularly an Inspector up
poartd In Oklahoma Territory from Win
mgton J investigate the Cahay case and
to Ujfn when "Cap" would bo ready tu
I betiin serving b!s two years' aentence.
I Lvidt nil the stork was n.H a welcome
'visitor ut tin Cahay home,, lo,
I it has r. 'ter even bovered aboic the liou,
land Cahay has never served his entenct.
j While tho Depai un nl of Justice and the
; Interior at Ukiii n.iuii f:imel, ai.J the
' luopetlora investigated, Cahay and h.o
I wife li.ed happily and l.a bccaaic wealthy
j Mauseit bus liarneii In later M-ar that
j the klo.'k bad i nutiun, even v. Pe.i
the trlv,' was In progress St Wichita, ot
y siting i he Cahayhome. The entire role
afssume.r bj- V'ahai's wlfn'wgs. one pro
posed i.y his nltmnev and ,1:1 executed
sucx-eFsf uV y. Ok Ui homa Times.
Hero Jack 11 In ma AwaruVil la maces
for le ( Ilia Pie-,
It In not quite thace year, though Ic
this crowded age of. the world 1t seemi
A sung time past, uln.a the steamship
Florida ramnaed the White Btar liner Re
public and left it In a. sinking condition.
Xh accident took pbace in fog and dark
ness, Iwenty-Rix mllta southwest of Nsn
ticket Ilghtfhlp,,and the testimony of all
citicemed vrajt that every officer and
sailor playod the msti; but the popular
Imsdjlnatlon peemed citlefly to focus upon
John R. or "Jack" lilnns, the wireless
operrrtor on the Republic, who stuck to
his post and, working In the dark with
a broken key. sent I be "C. Q. D." mes
sage to the tsjierator'at Slnacoiictt and
stood by to guide the rescuers. The Willie
Star lino save Linns r month's leave of
absence, societies sbowared honorary
medals uixui him, and he was offeid a
month's etuiasement In vatidovllle. at
Sl.OPO a wpefc. This last mentioned Loon
he promptly declined; but he could, not
so eaally esca.De the enterprise of a mov
ing picture ttincern which enga,jed an
actor to play the part of the operator,
replacing tho photograph with a stoleu
one of Blnns, aid Kent "H picture
drama bearing til flamboyant tltla
"Saved by Wireless, Depicting the Hers
Blnns. the Deathlevs Hero of the Stirring
Marino Tragedy Ctff Nantuckxt Shoals."
The films succeeded beyond the manu
facturer's happiest dreams. They are
said to have yielded $328,000..
Strangely enough, Jack Blnns did not
appreciate the 10-cent brand of glory. In
the days following his exploit, he had
dVme his best to dodge reporters and
Photographers, and, when his month's
lea-'ve was over, he went on attending to
business as calmly as on the night of
the 'collision. But ths moving pictures
faced , him on land, at every turn, and.
about the time he folt that has had "had
enoughy he discovered that New York
has art admirable statute designed to
protect private xltlrtma In their right of
privacy. Under this law be sued the
picture people for $50,000. having first
obtained an Injunction which temporarily
suppressed the films, and the Jury gave
him $12,900. This verdict was cut by the
presiding Justice to 2,600 on the ground
that It was excesFlve. Then Blnns and
his counsel went to the appellate division
of the supreme court, which has Just
affirmed the verdict rendered last
" On the facts presented." . said the ap
rjcAlate. division, "the verdict should not
be deemed excessive. This Is a new
statute designed to protect Important per
sonal rights .and. both as a punishment
ttt the defendant and to deter others from
violating the law and Invading such
rights, tt Is necessary that the Jury In
a proper case liberally award exemplary
The oiigtn of the statute under which
Bines profits-together with all other de
cent people goes back to the New Ynrir
court of appeals, or, rather, to Its de
cision in a somewhat celebrated case.
In that instance the court, speaking
through Mr. Chief Justfce Parker, re
fused an lnJunctlon and damages to a
young grl whose portrait had been re
produced, without her consent, to ad
vertlse a brand of flour, four of the seven
Judges holding that this was "one of the
Ills that under the law cannot be re
dressed." Doubtless that may hav bee,n
troo at the time it was written; but the
opinion raised such a storm of protest
thU the New , York stale assembly
promptly met the deficiency in legislation
by forbidding the nae of "a name, portrait
or picture for advertising purposes" with
out the consent of the person concerned.
Boston Transcript.
Confldlaa PHwrluv Crus-llr Hoaxed
and Travel Far Before
Jan Rogowky quit his pjace as an
orderly at the Monteflore Hdme In New
York early in October to return to his
home in Poland. He had saved $30, and
after he hud engaged parsiage friends told
him he ought to take great precaution
against theft in the steerage of the
steamer. Rogowsky waa hnnranaad win.
this advice and corcluded that his shoe
wouiu make an Ideal hiding plane. 1
The orderly laid hia
Michael Petrocelli, a cobbler of 113 Hamil
ton piace, wno commended his Ingenuity,
and agreed to fix a nalr nf ah.
the money could be tucked away without
ol wear even, on October 7 Rogow
sky went to Petrocelll'a hr in, ui-
$100 in Ruiwlan notes. With
he found Abraham Nathan, a tailor in
the same buildins. Nathan muiA r,.
a Russian, and while Petrocellt was put
ting tne money into tho sole of ths shoe
Nathan and Rogowsky gossiped.
Rogowsky sailed ths following morning
with Jut enough money In his pockets
to get him hoin-lght miles out from
Warsaw. There he told his relatives of
the little fortune he had brought back,
but when he took his shoe sni.rt h.
nothing but a layer of newspaper. Rogow-
.y was in despair. His family could not
help him, but he walked to Warsaw,
where he borrowed enough to bring hini
bark to New York.
The other morning Rogowsky landed.
He wont to friends In Brooklyn, but couhi
not get een car furs from them, so he
walkej to the Harlem court, whero he
told his story lo Magistrate Kreschl. The
magistrate Issued warrants for Petrocelli
and Nathan, and while they were being
served Detective Unger of the court squad
sent Rogowsky to a restaurant for the
first meal he had had for several days
rotroceill and Nathan were amased
when they saw Rogowsky Iu court, but
they denied having robbed him They
wers held In $2.0tA ball each for examina
tion. Rogowsky told Magistrate Freschl
the only friend he has in New York Is
Jacob If. Schlff. He said hs would lose
no time In askln? the banker for a Job -New
York, World.
Persistent Advertising is tha Road t'J
Ij.fc,' Returns.
we orm XaTYEaToma
hileriikltunat LuinLor at Lisve!.. lull
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