niF. OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: DKCKMHKW lo, 1!MI. UKAI. KSTATK tiTV rnorKRTV fqh 4i.w ' 4M) arre 7 mile south of Tryoii. Neb. ; od house. IS acres plowed. bli.rk soil, rolling Iswd. 100 fret Co water; $i ver acre. Pox Lexington. Neb. Ft n. . e 7 r7:xo ianh m. and 2T7 Soilth 21st lrMt, South tmmhs. au-ranfted In fists tr accommodate four tenant; nnh hM four rooms and one room In cellar. City WMer and sink in Mrh kitchen; deep sewrcis; porches; paved street. Price for escti hot me. JiW). MT. H. Griffith, owner, i"00 Chicago St., Omdii,1 rtNM REAL KSTATE A nArH l,M FOR SAI.F. British olombla. We still have a few cholre farms left, about to miles from Kort Oenrare, the, coming metropolis oC Central British Co lumbia. Over 10.000 acres f this choice Awi. along the line of the Grand Trunk pa cific railroad, sold In Omaha alona on short notice. ' It Interested In a safe and profitable Investment, call or write B. Meyel. lls 1r1ct Sales Agent. 610 Taxton T31dg-. Omaha. Neb. KHM A RM'II MM) K4IR I.K 1 HHTATK "My knowledge of land on uncompleted Grand Trunk can make you quick profits. Krsnk Crawford. 31S Homer street, Van couver, or Omaha." r0 YOU want to farm In western Can ada, where the crops this year are In advance of everything grown, on the continent? For wheat crowlnK. dairy ing, mixed farming and cattle mining the province of Alberta Is unsurpassed. Lands are now'offered by the CANA- PHN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY at prices ranging from tlO to $30 an acre m t-OND TKRMB of navment or on the crop payment plan. This Is paying for your farm with a portion sof your crops riich near. Ijind vaJucs have Increased 30 per cent In two years. Great opportunity for the liomrseeker. Call or write for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc. K. 8. KLOH. General Agent, Canadian Pacific Albertai Land Co., 440 BOARD OF TRADE Bl.DU., Excursion every Tuesday. See mo for I rates. California. California, the Land of Enchantment I FlorMfl. t F. A IT IK II, IWI.M BU.MTI. FLORinA We wlii sell you n fS'-m ami beautiful kv-alloti fur a home on Lake Worth for only $iA $10 down and $10 monthly. lon t ai'lsv if ou want a location on this tovciv lake front. Htvnnt & greenwood. Republic Ulilg . Chlcagii We olFr" 100 forty-acre tracts of choice orange, grapefruit and vegetable lands mi two competing railroad lines In the famous flowing artesian well belt of De toto County. Florida. Lands selected 10 ears ago by experts for development purposes. Two small towns near lands afford school snd church ndvsntSKCs. .""lose to Arrsdla. county west. 6C0 acres bearing orange and grapefruit groves surround property, with- trees 2 to wo years old. Health conditions excellent. Ask us to mall literature. The K. A. Thomas Real Estate & Investment Co., Arcadia. Ha." HA V E RolCHT FI.OK1 IA HOME. Can give you Information that will save you half on price of land. J. 15. l.nCoste, Ifd V. F.ltn ft.. Chicago." l'I'NTA OORliA The January Gardens of Florida will make you Inrtepedent for life. Small monthly payments, uppnr tunltv knocks but once. Don't delay. Write today for our beautiful booklet. Prices and terms. Covevs Florida Planta tion Co., Chicago, 111." FIM A Hll I.VMI FOR I.K v UKAI. KSTATK -A 'I easa. FOR nn attractive prospectus describing Houston and Its popular suburb. West, itmi eland Farm, an established. uece ful asrloultul al development of sm.iil farms, with HouMon electric street car seM Ice, etc.. send vour name on sstal to Comllt ft Henderson, HM Scanlan llldg . Houston. Tex." W niiilng. yl'A P.TF.R section. North l'hitle vlle, T. acres Irrigated from government canal; near Burlington siding; soil suitable fi alfalfa, pntstoca. Migns beets; $.VMV. two. thirds cash. Balnton, 1!T0 lahlla St. Denver, Colo. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Toledo Bond Firm Demands Fulfill ment of Rescinded Contract. C0AD AGREEMENT TRANSFERRED Ity Mar Flnrt thai l Slnsl llif I p In aiip or llmr- Market for Paper et Monday Mlhl. Illinois. FOR SALK Chicken ranch, 5V4 acres; plenty of fruit and peaches; good build Ings; location central Illinois; for par ticulars write Laurens, Iowa, Route S, Box 11. Iowa, THE easiest way to find a buyer for vour fnrtn Is to Insert a- small want ad in the Pes Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa. 4)1,000 daily. The Capital Is read by ami believed In by the standpatters of lovva. who simply re fuse to permit any other paper -In their homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day: $1.23 per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Ad dices Des Moines Capital. Des Mollies, li Miscellaneous. (iOVKKNMKNT FARMS FRKF. Our I"1J official LU-paga book. Free Government Land, describes every sere In every county In I'nlted 8tates; Con tains township and section plats. Maps, Tables and Charts showing Inches rath fall annually, elevation above sea level bv rountlea. Homestead and other gov ernment land laws, tells how and where to get government land without living on It. Application Itlmiks. I'nlted States Patent. All about Government Irrigation projects and map showing locatiun of each. Land Tax laws of each ftate and other Information. Price 25 cents post paid. Homeseeker Publishing Co.. !t. Paul. Minn. LI VIS STOCK MAIIKKT OK WEST thlp your stock to Couth Omaha; save mileage and shrinkage, jur consign ment receive prompt and careful attention. Mississippi. ' "Go South, Young ManM Build yourself a ivune on the Gulf Coast. No extremes of weather, either hot or cold. No drouth. Good, rich lands from $10 up. We owa them. Easiest of terms. We want farmers. Write for our booklet. COAST REALTY AND COLONY CO., Pascagoula, Miss. . We want Omaha people to know mox-c about California. Its beauties. Its dppor- . tunlties. Its production. Its climate and Its social conditions. We have arranged for i FIVE FREE LECTURES Mo he given at various points In and about the city, beginning ; TUESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 12 IN THE ' BENSON METHODIST CHURCH These lectures aro beautifully Illus trated, with colored steeoptlcon vlewrs i fatten from axtual phototfra-Pbs. The lec tures will be given by iREV. CHARLES A. PAYNE 'of Milwaukee, who has be'on on the pub jllo platform as lecturer for many years, lie baa traveled all over the world to se tcure Information on and views of varl 1 ous countries. He has several lectures on California, and no man Is better In formed In regard to that stato and Its future possibilities. JPATTERSON IN TICTURES Of course, he will show views of Pat .terson as well as other parts of the San Joaquin valley. If you want to see the .actual Patterson Instead of pictures, you nhould Join us on our . SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EX CURSION WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20. Whv not take your Christmas dinner on Hie FAMOirH PAYNF. SPECIAL in 'Bunny California? Our trips to California are educational vou aee morn country, see It better. nulcker and more completely on the 1'avne Pueclal than In any other way. ;"Ve want our cuatomrrs to see Patterson onlv after they have seen other parts of California, In order that they may make I their nwnu oomuarlsons. In any event, do not fall to attend one 'or our FREE LECTURES THIS WEEK. Watch tlio naners for nlaces and dates Tickets of admission aro free. Children Vnust be accompanied by parents. Payne Investment Company Genera! Sales Agents for Patterson, Omaha, Neb. Montana, ELEGANT 40-Acre stock farm near Torrv. with frontage on Powder river; well grassed. Price. $10,000. Will consider Omaha property. O 14, Bee . IVebrnska. NEBRASKA and Oregon land. 894 Urandels Blk , Omaha. Neb. 8 up. 70 ACRES FOR SALE. The heirs of the late Sarah Harrier. Valley, Neb., are offering 70 acres of the best land In Douglas county, Neb., for stile. This Is a rare opportunity to Duy first class land close In to a good town; good high school and churches; every toot under cultivation; there is none Dei- tor. One-half mile north ot postofrice at alley. Neb. No commission to pay to anyone; you buy direct from tne neirs. or further information call on or ad dress P. O. Harrier. Valley, Neb. FOR RENT or ,ale, 1.040-acre ranch Phelps county, Nebraska; miles to Hertrand; 11 to Hjldrege; .ju-aere pas ture; four barbed .wire fences, ceaar osts; ItiO under cultivation; fine asn tim ber, balance hay land; 6-room house; two windmills witli 00-barvel cistern Iped to tanks; corncrtbs, granary, nam, bnir house, chicken house. ahe, corral; all In good repair; can be occupied Febru ary l. v.. o. Euiing. ei in. , lain pi-. Omaha, Neb. . t5 acres nice rolling prairie; excep tionally well grassed. Central western Nebraska. Price, $16.C0 per- acre. Might exchange for clear city property. U, l41 Bee.' Land Investment Is Hard to Beat There Is nothing that Is more safe limn an investment In land no matter Jiow small the Investment may be; the nnr vou are abel to buy the better but you should. not buy more than you .re surA vou can pay for. You cannot put your money In a better place than to buy an gore or more In or near Omaha In case you would rather Invest in ome other plate CALIFORNIA offers the best and safest Investment In th west. There are more people going to live In California every year than In mv other western state. You all know tiiat population Increases the value vt land. We can sen you 10 ACRES ill Califoruia, good level valley land for on terms of $85 cash. $1 an acre a ninth. This land has rich soil. Is clwie to a large city and good markets. ACREAGE IN AND NEAR .OMAHA Close to car line, ; $400 to $i00 an acre en ery easy terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 Harney Bt. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Pyers Bros. Co. Stron and responsible VOO D RROH 2.t4-Ksehange Hldg. "Vlre t-"VV est. CoinT Co.. Omaha & I'enver. W. R. SmTtM BON Just handle sheep. W. F. DENNY A CO.. IK F.xch. Bldg TAOU HROS. handle cattle, bogs, sheep Clsy, Robinson & Co., ;W Ech. Hldg. Interstste Co. Hetter results. Hhlp to "a- CLIFTON Com. Co. 22i Exchange Hldg m'RKE-RlOKLY CO., 201 Exch. Hldg. L. E. ROBERTS &. CO., 229 Kxch. Hldg Cog A. Jones Com. Co.. bunch of hustlers. Farmers li. H. Com. Co., Exchange1 Deposit proceeds of ahlpments In Stock Yards aiat l nans, i;niy imim Martin Hros. 4 Co., aC8-4 Kxch. Bldg. . i - ' j-'-r- OMAHA, THE GRAIN MARKET. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co.. 7s4 Brandels. WKKKS GRAIN CO, grain merohants, nslgnmenta solicited. . 73 Urandels, consignments GOVERNMENT NOTICES New Mexico. WHAT will vou Klve In trade' for $.1,000 or part Sant Fe irrigation stock; good references. L, till Bee. PROPOSALS FOR HR1CK DORMITORY ..irsi steam heatbiK and power Hant Department of the Interior, office of In dian affairs, Washington, D. C. Novem ber IB. 1911. Sealed proposals, plainly n arked on the outside of the sealed en vin: "Prnnosals for Brick Dormitory r.nirai Steam lleatlnc and Power Plant, for the Rapid City Indian School, South Dakota, and addressed to tne i.ommm- ... . , . j 1 .... 1 -U'.alilnBlntl Ik SlOlier Ol lllUI&Il Jtunim, C, will be received at tne inniau uinc until 2 o clock p. m., iecemuer , i mi, fn.niiititiif mkterinls and labor tot the erection of a brick dormitory, central steam heating and power piani, i im Hanirt Cltv Inrtlsn school. Bouin uaurn in utri,- uvnriliuiFii with the plans, sped' ficatlons and instructions to uiauera, which may be examined at this office, nreixoa nt the Kunervisor of Con struction, Lenver. Colo.; the American Contractor, Chicago, 111,; Scientific Amer ican. New York City; tha Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; the Journal, Ponirt Cllv. 8. D. : The Bee. Omaha, Neb. the I'nlted States Indian Warehouses at Chicago. 111.; Ot. L-OUIS, .ho., amu uiim, Ivh the Builders and Traders' Ex- ..i,u. at st Paul. Minn., and at the school. For further Information apply to Superintendent t the Rapid (:ity Indian bchool, itapiu v uy, rt. u, v.. -. Acting "'"'lBloerN30D35:,01214inJ took the repi.ll of Hie cltv ,1. i k iih.I 1 monthly report showing the condition of North Carolina. WANTED Men to become Independent farmers In eastern North Carolina, the Nation's Garden 8ni. ' Ieads for large profits on small capital. Write for book- et. O. van leuven, 824 ooutnern uiag., Wilmington, N. C." Oregon. m A. Al Frultland. nearly all cleared orchard and Improvements at $60 per A.; W A Al Frultland all cleared at $H0 per A.; 47 A. adjoining a subdivision, price $4,500. These properties lie along the electrlo road now being built In the famous Willamette Valley Deiween tne State Un verslty at Kugene ana tne State Agriculture College at Corvallis. Geo. V. Fletcher. Junction City, Ore.' FORT LOGAN. COLORADO. NOVEM ... wi mil Sealed nroposals. In tripli cate, will be received here until 10:10 a. m. December 20. 1911. for the construction of a new water distributing system. Blank forms for bidders, plans and specifica tions may be had upon application. The United biates reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposal for tba Construction of New Water Dlstrlbutlng System," and addressed to the construc ting quartermaster, Furt Logan, Colorado T T Frlssell, Captain and quartermaster, U. B. Army, consiruciniB Wu?i:,,,.D.c. N. a-'tA-la-lA. D. 9-10. FRUIT-LANDS In ten-acre tracts on easy payments. Large tracts ior bud divlslon, from $45 to $ per acre; on electric road now building In the famous Wllilamette valley ot Oregon. Agent wanted. George V. Fletcher & Co., Junc tion City, Ore. TWENTY acres, great location, price $1,000; accept clear lot same value. K, 910 Bee. ) ACRES of Oregon land at only $fi0 per acre; near Columbia and John Day rivers and railroads; win accept ciear mi. M 913 OPEN FOK SETTLEMENT. ORCHARD LANDS. IRRIGATED. NO CASH PAYMENTS REQC1RED. We need settlers not their money, ir rigated orchard tracts In the famous Rogue River. Valley, rioutnein tiregon. Prauio land, ready ior mo piow; no timber, no rocks. Water now on the grouiul. Unequalled for productiveness snil ruinate. inis proposition ami financial standing of company Indorsed by National banks, leading business men and financial agencies. Only Irrigation company in Northwest permitting settler to make the land pay tor usen. we ateo sell Improved orchard tracts on small monthly, semi-annual and annual Davment to those wno are una Die to make residence at the present time. Send for Illustrated descriptive matter. Roguelands Incorporated, M edford , Ore. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON; 100-page book Kives lliu amount of Government Isnit onen to homestead In each county in Oregon, Washington and California snd descrlution of same; gives home stesd, desert, timber, atone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21xL": one showing R. R. in oper ation and one showing R. R. proposed and under construction. Including Kast- ern and Central Oregon, hook i.c; maps iv ui-h or 1 i three. D'JC. mho or rui Ifornla. In colors. 37.12. wc; map of Washington In colors. IWH, Joe. Mmmo Runey & Co., IS Hamilton llldg., Port land, Ore." LEGAL ,TIC12. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of LKbMlI jABlS-ANDKEKSKN iiAHDWAKE COM PAN Y, Omaha. Ne braska. December 9. 1911.-Notice is hereby given to the amoKnoiaers in i.e-vjitt-Andrecsen Hardware company that the annual meeting at the stockholders of the coinpanv will be held at the offices of suld companv, corner of Ninth and Har ney streets, in the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 9 A D., IMS . at B o chick p. ni ior ine purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the ensu ing year, and to transact such other business as- may be presented at such meeting. Attest: W. M. Glass, Secre tary ; 11. J. Lee. President. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UMO-N HTATIO.N Tenth and Mason Colorado. FOR BALB Two homestead relinquish nients. lolning and fenced; shallow wate, . ..a .. n , of the nlaces; fine prai .... iur,a tn vallev. Ijind heated 7 miles . f good town and 14 miles ot Sterling. Colo. We must sell thesa at once. prlc 14& each Get a friend or relative ano come to Sterling and each get a home of 1,0 acres. Morton fc Valdo, 1 he Land Men. Sterling. Colo. "h5S-ACKH flee homesteads, .cheap re- 1 muislinienta; shallow water; good gTaas; L'.nk and farm prod'J'Hs; near , hool si'-d Jllrt, CoiO lird. Write Ed Hansiiaw. Ulan. Western Opportunities Utah lands are btlng filed upon more rapidly than lands in any other state Utah la rich in coul und iron and attract ing gre-it attention for Its excellent fruits. Salt Lake City is the greatest R. R. cen ter west of Chlcngo, will be an Important manufacturing city. Is the world's great est mining and smelter center, sn eduea tlonal center and ideal home city of tne continent. The most perfect four-season climate in the world. We can offer to the right man exclusive sale of Ml to art choice building lots, close In, cement wslks, shade trees, city waler. can line, building up rapldlv $175 to $:) per lot; $X cash, $7..r0 per month. Address Hubbard Investment Co., M W. 3d SoutlSt., Salt I -like Clly. " " Florida. I HVK Jus raturned from Florida; vent there to look Into the hind situa tion Jf you want to know anything about Ihe state 1 can tell you. rite r-. Jau AiisuUt, iinard, Ivb, '1 rsaa. LAND I iPEN! NG Over loO.OOO acres Texas State Laud being thrown open to the public; $1..i0 to per acre: title di rect from state; l-40th down, balance 40 ers; for further lnfruiatlon write Box IT, Houston Texas. WILX SACRIFICE part or all thousand acres near Houston; rich soil; fine drainage: good transportation; sultnble sub-division, general farming, truck, figs, oranges, pecans: tas teiu.s. L. lluul, Huuton, 'itx.' . .. I nlon Pacific Depart. Arrive. Ban Fran. Overl'd T,..a 9:45 am a 7:40 pm China & Japan F. M. .a 4:05 pm a 6:4." pm Atlantic Express a:4ham Oregon Express all:S5pm a 6:10 pin Los Angeles Limned. -a u-:. pm a:vpm Ii.mer HneclHl a 7:04 am a 7:27 am Centennial Slate Spe'l.all :8o pin al2::5am Colorado Express ait S'Min &4:-0piu O: egon-Wafh. L't'd...al2:o pm a 11:20 pm North P atto Local. ...a 8:i.i sm a iniini Grand L-iland Local. ..a 8:.Vpm al0:)am StromHLur' Local. . .bl2:41 pin bl:2lpm Mlssaarl Pnclfle K. C. & St. L. Kx.,..ll:31 am a 7:40 am K. C. Hi St. L. Ex all:lu im a 6:50 pm Chicago, Milwaukee &. St. I'l Ovcrlar.d Limited aiWpm 9:12am Perry local a b:30 am 11:00 pm Colorado Express .. ..a 6:0) pm J:K nn Colorado Special a 7:4J am t:Su am Perry Local b 6:15 pm l-:05 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:00 am a C :." pm Chicago Limited a ti:00 pm a 6:00 am Chicago, Hock IslnnA A. Pacific HAST. Rockv Mountain Ltd. .al am alO.Supm Chicago Local Pass. . . bl0:55 am blb:14pui Chicago lav Express. a :46 am a 4.30 pm Chicago Express a4:lopm a 1 :10 pm Des Moines Local Pas a 4:"7 pm a 1 1 2 pm Chicago-Neb. Limited. a S:oS pm a 7:41 am WEST. Chi. -Neb. Lmtd to Lin- ' coin a 1:01 am a 5:5 pm Chi. -Colo. Express ....a 1 18 pm a 4:00 pm Okl. Or Tex. Express, .a 6:0u pm al 1:46 am Uocky Mountain Ltii.al0:4 pm 112:11 sin I hli ugu A IXorttafvrstrrn NORTHBOUND. Minn. -St. Paul Ex . . . .a 70 am Minn. -Hi. Paul L t d. .a 1M pin a I 0 am Twin City Express ..a 7:45 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local a 1.46 pm a 8:2 pm Minn. A- Dakota Ex. .a 7:00 pm a 9 16 am Twin City Limited ...a $46 pm a 7 : am Minnesota Express all .uO am F.A8TBOUND. Cai i-oll Local a 7.00 am a 10 pni Daylight Chicago a 7 W am 10.4o pm Chicago Local aJ2:05 pin kt:2l Pm Colorado-Chicago a 510 pm a t H pm Chicago Sjeiial a ( 02 pm a I 49 am l ac, Coasi-chUago....a i Mb pm a I ! pm Iaih Anaeles Limited.. t.M pm ali:30 pm overland Limited ai:55pm a 9:15 am Carroll Local a 4 SO pm a 10 00 am Fast Mail a ;3U pm a 3 pm Cedar Rapids. Moux & Omaha H 35 pin Centennial State Urn. 12:40 am 11.15 pm WESTBOUND. pine a 100 am all 00 am Noi folk-Dallas a k 00 am alO 15 pm Long Plne-LIni oln....a 2:16 pm a ( 20 pm Hastipgs-Siiiior b 2:16 pm a pm lieadond-Hot Su'g..a 3 15 pm a ( 20 pin I aaper-Lander a 2 66 pm all 0) pm Frtiaout-AlWon b 6.30 pm b l.'ni pin Unless the city council agrees to carry out the contract for the sale of all bonds to be Issued In the year 1!13 with Spltxer. Iloilck and company. Ihe assignees of J. Coad, the original bidder and pur chaser. It Is possible that there will be no hid offered on a $110,000 lssucTo be sold next Monday night. This was learned yesterday evening when J. W. Ixmg, representative of the Spltxer. Rorlck company of Toledo called upon City Treasurer John G. Gltlln and Informed him that the original contract was binding und valid, though It hns since been rescinded by the council and It appears that In tho event of Its en forcement, the city stands to lose some thing In the neighborhood of $12,000. Late last evening J. W. 1-ong. who Is registered at the Rome hotel In Omaha, said he did not care to discuss the matter at present. He said he stopped over Sun day In Omaha, but when pressed, admit ted that he had been In South Omaha and would be here next week when tho renewal bonds are offered for sale. Apparently Innocent on the face of It, an Issue of bonds for the year 1912 was offered for sale by the city of South Omaha, The bonds draw Interest at the rate of C'4 per cent. J. F. Coad. vice president of tlve Parkers' National bank, bid on the Issue on a premium of H of 1 per cent. This bid was made and ac cepted by the city council at a time when the bond market had listed the Issue at 106. The conclusion was that the city stood to loso and someone to gain $11,600 on the deal. The Omaha Ree printed the story and a popular clamor waa suen mat tne city council hastened to convene a special meeting at which the contract waa re sclnded with the apparent concurrence of Mr. Coad, who never appeared anxloUi to press the contract. Coad Assigns Interest. It now appears that Mr. Coad lmme dlately after the sale of the bonds had assigned his Interest to J. W. Long. agent for the Spllier, Rorlck company of Toledo, which, It Is understood waa In a position to market the Issue at i per cent, realising Immediately "i per cent on the transaction, besides the difference between the premium paid and that of fered In the open bond market. A proposition waa then made by the Toledo company to buy th renewal bonds to be sold next Monday night. The prop osition further embodied an offer to be come the depository of all improvement moneys which were to bear 4 per cent Interest while on deposit. This time the offer of the bond company wag not snapped up, but the council after a con ference with local bankers determined to tnke more time for the consideration of the proposition. Mr. long's arrival In the city brings the whole question to .Issue. Borne, who are well Informed, profess to believe that the city may be forced to live up to the original contract because of a aiisnected agreement among bond dealers by which certain territory Is allotted to certain flrma dealing In securities. This assumption amounta to this, that unless the original contract awarded to J. F. Coad and afterwards by him to the Bpltier, Rorlck company, Is executed the city may not be able to find a market for the renewal bonds that are to be aold next Monday night. The proposed bid on these renewal bonds will be 4 per cent. Spltxer, Rorlck had signified their Intention to bid. No other firm has so agreed. Unless therefore the city will live up to Its original contract assigned by Coad to the Spltsers It may happen that there will be no bidder at the meeting next Monday night. In the question of the contruct rescinded by the council there will arise the pretty technicality whether the revocation of the contract assigned to the Spltxer company by Coad was known to the bond company before Its acceptance of the same. It will further bring cut whether or not the Insinuation that there Is a bond trust operating In the country Is true, tlty'a Hardware, Bill. Despite the fact that there are no car penter shops maintained In or about the city hall. Mayor P. J. Tralnor. did find a hammer yesterday with which- to de molish a recent criticism anent the quan tity of hardware used by the city em ployes within the last six months. According to the statement, to which the mayor and officials took exception, the hardware bills for the city of South Omaha within the last x, months amounted to $-i.73. According? to a state ment of expense drawn by th6 office of the city clerk the exact spent for hardware amounts to $HHil7. The time oovered by this expense extends from January until t lie promt date, which Is considerably more than six month?. In discussing the matter the mayor showed that the burn arc bought by the city Is not dewted to the exi lusle IK, of Ihe city hall. "In fact,'" suld the mayor, there Is v ry little of It that ;vrr comes lo this department of the city I government." tilling Into the hrmUed statement ol the clly clerk, Ihe mayor pointed out that the expense for hanlnme during tho last year was Incident to the con duct of the departments of fire, police, ,tiret repair, street cleaning snd new fire halls. The following represent Lie amounts expended uinm the puichase of tools ami hardware for tho different departments of the clly: Fire department. $'"'.S7. po lice department, $'.".; street repair. $7(5. ;t; street cleaning. $..2n; new fire halls. $:!:), and $172.04 from the general fund for ex penses Mi the purchsso of tools for de partments not comprised within the foregoing. "These figures speak for themselves." :iald the mayor, "lei who will say that they are exorbitant for the maintenance of the different cleaning mid repair de partments of the city." The mayor concluded with a reference lo the fact that the new fire hulls had lust been opened and equipped with the necessary furniture and supplies, thereby entailing an Increase In tho expenditures from the fund In question. The t baaffenr" mt lllith School. "The Chauffeur," a three-act comedy. was given by local talent at the high school auditorium Inst evening before a large audience. The play wna well acted and of a character that never falls to please an audience. Dale Krnttcii In the role of "Frits, the Chauffeur." atted the part well, bring ing out the huinoroiisi side of his part In a way that greatly Increased the Interest In the play. Harry De Young as Lord Sapnut was very good. Miss Gladys Van Sant In the part of Mrs. Joddrel Jenkins, "Newly Rich." brought out the ridiculous affectation of the par venu. Vocal polos were given by Miss Geor glna Davis and Karl Abbott. ritr 4 leek's Report. City Clerk Qood has completed his the different funds In the t'.lv lowing I t he report : Receipt The fol- Flie General Snhirv Public llnht , Water Street repair Pollen Library Interest and sink Street cleaning Park Judgment I ee 4. It'll. $ III. I'M 50 . 7, ;ee l.t . Ml. t!1 S' . 1K.i'.'i 47 ' . 17.WI M . l.iiTH 1. ' . 2s. !) It 4.4'i;.;w . Ifl-.V.ll'l ! . n.lcsi S I 4 .;:" 1.7"!l Encxp l'.al. Dee. 4. I'.Hl. $ l'"..V,:, 02 '.St. I'll .'.5 111. i, 7 1 M Momlng worship at II: sermon bv the pastor. Fpworth league at :30 at Brass" chapel. Rev. J. M. Hothwell will preach at the Presbyterian chinch nt 7:30. Baptist church Twenty-fifth and If. streets. Rev. C. T. Ilsiey, pastor. Morn ing worship st II a. m ; evening worship at 7 110 p. in. Plhln school meets at t:4S ib. m. Baptist toutig i-eopie a union at 4.1110 HI 4 mk l 7X $I119.!'97-SM Totals $.M.L'7 til .letters t.i on Mone). The .letter Gold Top ho .lug team Is rejoicing over the fact that they enmo In the money lists of the Des Moines tournament. The following are Ihe scores that arrant the team In their boast of winners: Hall snd Leplnslil, doubles... Fttsgerald and Hull, doubles Fltxgerald, Mingles Hull, singles Him Una Scores. Valslcitd y.ock Winter . I lanrock Hunt .... 1.171! I.f 675 5'is 1 1 F.NCI I E Y W lis.. I Illnek Heal Swift Staokhouse 1st 'it ltd T.ilnl ,2i r.s ) 171 :) 1 11 f.l'i .!'.' I. I'vl 41'- AH MI' lO 475 .Mil 14S 177 4'I4 Si". st. I 7!H1 2,4'G LA U.J I UY. lt. .'.I. iM. Total .llfj IS. ltd 4.'S 1X1 li.J 1114 4'a 157 in 1M 441 ,H4 1M i;.s 41 ,. l: lliu 111 34ti il 704 72.5 2.100 4 h li cell !er Ices. hnreh. Rll.le study 1 .i-flrr M emorial at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 by the pastor. Evening worship at 7:.'0. There will be Sumlav school nl St. Ed ward's mission at !' IW a. in., and at St. Clement's mission at 3 I p. m. St. Lukes Lutheran church. Twenty fifth and K streets. Rev. S. If. Yerlon, pastor. Sumlav school at 9:45. Public services at 11 a. in. Catechetical clnss at 6 p. m. Hethel Uaptlst church. Forty-third and t Mimeis l- M. Huhhell. superintendent. Hlble school meets at 2. Ho P. Wi. Pastor c T. Ilslev tireiu'hss ,-very Frldsy at 7:10 p. in. First Melhodlst chinch. Rev. J. M. Rothwell, pastor. Sabbath school at :4i. (:HI Brown Park ltaptlst mission, M. 16. 1"l .1 I Ainlressen, preacher. Miss Clsra Ervln, ii.OJ I superintendent. Miss lllnneh E. Waits, vo :,4 1 mlsKlonui'V. Illble school meets at s:4ft a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. sewing school Saturday afternoons. First Preobvlerlan rhureh. Twenty third and J streets. W. R. Wheeler, .. pastor. ltllile teachings In all depart ments nl (i;1.i. Sut.teet of Dr. Wheeler's morning senium, "The Trouble of Israel." Special music by chorus cliolr. Endeavor services el fi"J. Rev. J. M. Hothwell will preach at 7:110. A cordial Invitation la ex tended lo all. The United Presbyterian church. Twentv-thlrd snd I. streets. Rev. W. A. Pollock, pator. Hlhle school at !:4.i. Public worship at II a. m.. subject. "The. A tractive Power of the 4 'toss " Young PeoplH's Christian union st ti:.10. "Tim Sonice of it Workers Strength" la th snhiect of the lesson found In Col. 1: t-13. Mis'- Adeline Itueben will bo leader. Evening worship st 7:110. topic, 'Cb.lrat'g Agony In the Garden." Saint Martins church. Twenly-fourtlt and .1. streets, Rev. Alfred G. White, rec tor. X a. m. holy communion: 10 a. m., SuiuIhv school; li a. in., morning prayer and sermon bv the rector, topic, "Essen tial and Accidental In Religion"; 7:30 P. in., evening prayer and sermon by the rector, topic, "The Good Samaritan." fills Is Men's club Sundav at St. Mar. tin's. All men. whether members of St. Martin's club or not, are cordially in vited to be present. The solo Will be sung by J. Waldo Laur. Worth your while. When you shop for Christmas goods don't let It escape ou that there nr might v good chances to get something appreciable In South Omaha. At Flynn's you can find some thing nice for any member of the family and at the Flynn usual economical prices. Don't be skeptical about this; come and look our line over. To those who have not visited us before and those who hava we can promise some surprises and that their time won't be misspent. JOHN FLYNN CO. I The key to success In btlstnesa la tha judicious and persistent use of newspar advertising. Save Magazine Money! Earn $5,000.00 for Charity Back Broken Friendless Bedfast Must Support Self or Perish with their order, and r.n.wala 5W"T prlo. -5.000 ean be earned for CHAIirr, tar of CKAKITY, the Interest will bring- in. ""Vj for life and later pay a nur.-'a wage, or .ndow a ho.pltal not forever 4M.7BO of wbloh ia .arn.d. 4,103 IVlore Subscriptions Earn $5,000 for Charity Tfl i So Invalid oonld earn a dollar by mafailn. .olicltinr He would hare to reach on. hundred people for .very order. OSXY by act of HEBOT can a friendless paralytlo aurvlT. hut if aa a matter of OXAKTTT, the publlo will favor me 6,337 WRITTEN JlAIIiWAY TIMK ( Altl. Wabash Omaha HI. Iouis Ex, .a :M pm a 9:1C am Mall and Express a 7:tti am all:lu pm btanb'y L. (from C.13.)b 6:00 pm bl0:15 am 'hlcasra CJre Western Chicago Limited a 8:3o pm Twin City Limited a 8:3i pm a 7:48 urn Twin I'llv l.XDieFS a D.iJ Sill a n:nl Pill Chlcsgo Express a 3:4i Pm Ixical I'afsengcr a o:it pm nnrllngtoii station I'eniU A Mason 1 THE . LADIES' HOME JOURNAL Monthly $1.50 Circulation 1,700,000 f , vAU vaS V. J 1 liiwin'"-'', mm 4Js, ' IJifeiV'; -vf uwe'T. - '.',l'-' ; ,T i - ... . :r W r.v- ;-v. i. ..-'( ' T '' '! ''-' "n, i.l -"' ,'; n ' ' : ' ' S . I ' ' 'I ...... i i ; : H' r, ,,i.;, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Weekly $1.50 Circulation ' 1,900,000 THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN Weekly $1.50 $2,750 EARNED 4,163 YET TO WRITE POSITIVELY MUST HAVE 1,663 SUBSCRIPTIONS IN DECEMBER. a ' . a v H W - ' i EVERY BLESSED ORDER OK RENEW A 1 iAi;ji ouc. ' .Parnlyzed Eleven Years Hospitals do not accept Incurables, therefore, having but a short time to live, as an only hope of provision for mv decline: I'or 4,1 till more subscriptions to toe above, magazines the publishers will deposit i.0ii0 with thn Conservative Savings Loun Association for ny lionet It, the prlnclpiil to revert to some CHAHl . - to be chosen 4y the VoTH of my Miibscrlbers $l!.7r)li of which Is eiirneil, aiso any publisher below will add $r(l for ri(li) subscrip tions In liecemher. I mailed 20,000 calulogues In Omaha with scarcely a reply; ,10,000 people received my story, but returns do not come, yet failure means death, for whereas tho publlo - ii, A tiitnrhiittiAti. defeat la never foraiven. - Hcmember, whereas, the thief received a fair trial, It Is yet necessary to lock up the Jury to enforce delibera tion. I would not even receive a bearing. No man can Judge results, but this Is certain. 50.000 people Biib.crtb for the 1'ost and Journal In Iowa and Nebraska alone. 1 wrote 4.S00 subscriptions last year myself. A thouaanrt piircluised these magazines on new. stands, who could save 11.10 u year, a thousand people order th. fo.t ana Journal for gift purposes In Omaha alone. Thousands and thousand, of other maraslae. aaplr.. Won't you pica, get them InT YOUR RENEWALS COUNT WON'T YOU HELP? 4,800 Subscriptions Earned $2,C0O of Fund Last-Year fi These MinziDU Battrick Co. Crowell Co. McClart Co. Tk( Cotmopolitgi Ct. In rTL.. ir 3. nt hliMUrti4 vut ina u4 W U laClira atlYia trt Mr ritt IM bur y witn lnositf i,htM,i ...... i-, fcrt Mt fillHi (bu itoitiM. km JiVumtM fttriail.l) Adrenlur tit 70 M Hl 14 Ml $4 tA aiiiiImi ii u a m 4 :ut 4 . is Amirlran K7 "5 a IS n I art (IS Anierletn tUf iilas l it 3 l.'i 4 1.1 4 ill atlanllr Monlhl f, ul S 1.1 II 1.1 Asn A oiuurr .. asn '." n u iva ion Cixsinpolllas j .... H'.ll ii:iu .1 HI . 4 SO Cciuntrr lieirtlrmtn S ;n ,imi ami 4 V 4 SO Country l.lfe t Tl Ami n nii 6 VI I V) Current UUrtlort VS 4 1 4 4 011 116 Ti 4 IS lllnilor 3 " S In 4 H.1 4 Ml Imlsner t xi 2 no Vim 8 SO a S0 Kisde iMualcl lit 1.1 ' .14,1 4 In i 4 11 r-rrrbo1,i ... 11.1 .14.1 4 15 4 1ft lined HouaeiseplDg I 3 m , 1311 .... (3 4 00 llurperi Bmar S jn S Mi n:v) till I, 4 00 . tlnriirr a Miism'na U 7u 6 hJ ft M a- C 5V lliirprr a Waekl, ft 70 A HO t, Ml (1 Ml -s 0 60 llrauWniil ;V (111 4 1.1 it 4 IS l.adlra' lloms Josmal. . . . .iVl t l Soil 4 511 i M l.lpnln.-oll a !.'. Ill'i Ik'. 4 75 E 4 7 lplle Kolaa Inewl t US .'I l.'i il ls 1 0.1 3 J SO I.lltlr Knlaa (If rrs 1.11 .1:ui II .111 4 IK) w 4 CO Mii'luraa SV. It 1.1 . ... 4 IS t. 4 10 Modern PrlsrlPe '.' '.' : SI'" ' s tm (htilng 4 7-i 4 wi 4 ' BVi b; M I'a'-IB- Moulhl, 1.1 H'i SIS 4 1.1 4 IS IVara.m a SIS .111 1 IS 4 IS C 4 IS I'lrlnrlal Hlw 3 .'. 3 1.1 SIS in a, sit HpyIi w i.f llla " 'is 4rt 4 "S 4 7S i S 4 7S SalurOa, K.vuh, Pot... S 1 l SHI 4 Ml u- 4 SO Scrlliher a .n ft to ft m : mi eoo St. Nlrkolaa (new onl,).. 4 'n 4 ( 4 III ' Bill S ftO si Mfhulaa (If rr-n.l '-'" ft a I S :w Sim "' Suereaa V 111 SIS J S IM rei-knlcsl World 1 11 i S4'. 4 11 4 11 Wunifora llolns Comp.... S . .. ".I", 4 IS 15 World Tnrtny S ''.1 4 li.l ir. 4 7I World's Work 4 Oi 4 11 4 IS. I (A 4 k YOUR RENEWALS COUNT , WON'T , YOU HELP? 4,163 Subscriptions Earns Total of $5,000 This Year TO READ THIS UAREi lfLl WJLL PKOrfArtLtf SAVE MY LIFE. DarHim ton- Iiepart. Arrive. tnver 4 California. .a 4:10 pm a S:4-i pm t'uKet Sound Express. a 4 10 pm a 3:4i pm Kebraska Do Ills a am a i.:iu pm Mark Hills a 4:10 pm a 3 4o pm .Inouln Mai b 1 :Hi) pm ai2:i. pm Northwest Express. ...atl:Vi pm a 7:01) am Nebraska points. . . ,. ..a fc:20 am a 0:10 pm Nebraska Express a 11:16 am a :10 pm f.lneoln Ixical a s os am Kchuyler-rMsttsmouth b ZM pm bl0:30 am l.lnroln Local b s:tB am Pluttsmouth-lowa a 9:18 am a 8:W urn llcllevur-I lattsmouth ai'J a) pm i; pm Chicago Special a 7.16 am all :1b pm Inver Special ali spm a 7:( pm Chicago Kxprers a 4 30 pm a 3 'A pm Chle. Kast Express. . ..a :w pm a s ou am Iowa I,ol a l is am al0:S0 am Creston (la.) local....b I so pm blO 4i am Ht. I.ouis Express a 4 36 pm all W) am K. C. Jt Ht. Joseph. ...al0 4.i pin a 46 am K. C. Ht. Joseph. ...a (16 am a b 10 pm K. C. Si ht. Joseph... 4T4.30 pm tVrlist.-r Otattou 10th and Webster. Missoarl failfle Hepsit. Arrive. Auburn Lot si b 1:60 pin bllijam Iblravo, at. fa a I, Mlaarapolla 41 timaha Pepart. Arrive. Floux City Express. ...b 2 26 pm bll:0r, pin Omaia I -oca I c t am e b S, pin Hloux City l'ass b t.26 pin Twin City Pass b :45 am Emeraou Ical b 6:66 pm b 10 am (b) daily except Sunday, (c) buuaay only. a dally. four yciirs uhi i.i uii a huh The next voir to -Mh1i1Im1i h. biiHiiiesH 1 offered tli'e ( 'url Ik prli'M to the Child bavins; Institute, thereby earning; $1,000 lor them. I luil uiiv one of half a dozen Charltlus permitted ma to liuve repeated I his olfer, provision for my decline could have been nicely arranged. Hut 1 could not Ket a hear IhK. A pHialytlc coiilil not live ulonu, however. 'riiercfori', ii year ao, to Insure sufflclont business to pav a woman for my care, I arrant! with different pub IIhIktm wlierebv for f00 suliHcrlptioni any month, 140E would deposit $J60 towards a fund of. $6,000 for my bene fit, Ihe principal to revert to some I'llAltlTY to be uaold.d by the VOTs of my subscribers. $J,000 was earned but 1 lio-t hulf my worklnir capital. Thus, tne publishers provide fuel anl light and pay $ 1.1 a month lor clerk and $JU for nurse which la business expense so Ion as I Ket the business. As I live an sleep in mv olflce. my maintenance costs less than It would m an almshouse, else I could nut live at all. Isolated is I im 1 could not possibly earn $300 a year. To find one's txol lifeless from wiust down illi neither fi-eliiiK n"r luminal knowledge or control, wonio be an appeH I : nit affliction under tb mosl piili-ul firiii.i -stances, but for one utterly frl"inllcss mid ilcMtitutc to snl- fer such an Injury, lo bo literally i ipcllcd to support oneself or perish In a fate which exceeds comprehension. It Is absolute noiiM'UHii lo suppose that any sliiilin could earn a livelihood by nnmanlne solicit Iiik. lie would not receive a ilo.en oriicru a loouin um to sul rtcti'iit miiiiiices in iii"'" "i f,..r.u..u v.. tt ,-un IlllUlfllie i ii v iiliutil when I found myseir iieuiast aim m"iinrij i-,, empty house, couipcllfd lo prcl .ire my own I mid oil The "firs! 'season I mailed an appeal to .(00 Indies, asking a $:i00 prize which ena men in '.."' ' " life lease or my collage, nui i onc.i n. ... ..... - gutting In my orders and li.Uht liave collapsed hud not Lev. Mackay Bent a lady to help. i'.uj thi a muiter of life or (leuth with me. Hut If the public will give its support to purn this $6,000 for CHAIUTV I will have earned a LIFE'S INCOME of $:00 a year for three yiurs' work THKATMENT and 1.1VINO EXPENSES -which would hav beea L'TTKItLY IMI'OSSIHUE by any other jilun. As it will be Impossible to write 500 Bulmcriptioi-.B each month during tne summer. I must therefore nava 1,663 subscriptions in DECEMHKK. 1 cannot get them myself, but 1,000 KHrmera would find THE COUN TRY GENTLEMAN. Ihe best investment they aver made. I could save 1,000 people fl.10 a year tin the riATlWyJAY EVENING 1'OST. aad LADIES J10ME JOUR NAL being the difference between the single copy Mid the yearly subscription prlce.v 1,000 people could usa thHe roagalnes advantageously for teirt purpoaes. Gift cards Bunt on request. ' If 1,000 people will place theirlprder in DECEMUER the full $5,000 will follow as it did last year. Writ for catalogue and story. Dignity is a barrier, but 1 believe you will. God bless you. PsIOW RUSH TMEIVI IIM! Your check is good, 'Phone Douglas 7163, Always address, . GORDON, The Manazine Man, Omaha, Neb. I I