Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4, Image 35

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t itv rnoPEn rv ron ai.K.
t 7.7:0-Tw.i ytry choke, wHl hullt, modern, attiatlve, S-room flat. Inii1a lora
i tlnn. Itrntnl r) per rar .
tl.TW-Konr pmc tlrairr i hrlrk flat on North th HI , nrar Charles. Rental
11, yn per fr. It nxll0 ft. flood Investment.
l.i..Vrt-Tl.ii- dandy tow, fine, modern 7- room litlvk flats; handsomely lcot sted
Rental $1,770 pf-r )r, Close to High A bargain.
I ,(--f,'.x'V) ft., nn I'apltol Ave, lx-iwr-n imh and Ilih Hi, trm liae In front;
three Mores with flats ubove. 8iecial price to Hose estate. Investigate.
' 9.00O-1O1H Douglas SI. 21xli ft, track In allry, two-sn try hrlrk building.
' Rental $Mn prr yrar. (heap.
IM.OOn 110xl." fl. Kat front. beautiful 1'xation. exceptionally well buiU ; U l k
am) cement hous", 9 rooms, less than two years old. I'.eautlful arrange
nvtit. handsome interior flntjh, Hot wuter lieat. Tha la an unusually
choice place.
'Am West Karnam DMrlrt, Koutli and Kant front, corner lno ft., Excellent
well Imilt. very attractive. liaiidKonii ly finished, hot wntr Jie it; only
one hlcx k from Karnam car. A dandy lioinei and cheap.
7,7"iO-In tha Field flub District. !.- ut I
I Bhruha. of every kind. Hplendld well built, thoroughly mod., quarter-sowed
i oak finish; moms, with sleeping Mirrh; hrlrk fireplace. Ownr leaving
city on account of health. Thla la cheap and good.
I 6,ifln-ln the Field flub District, a TKACU of a new, very attractive, w. II l.ulll.
thoroughly mod , up-to-date home; very attractive Inflde; can t help but
jlrase you.
Trackage Bargains
1 $w,00 1:E ft. ., everything considered the beet trsrktiirc bargain In Om.iha. Can't
help hut double In value. Location
jl7.5nu-axl33 ft. t'. P. trackage, excellent for warehoune or factory; take half
rash and half In good clear property.
;D. V. Sholes Company
l'j3 City Natl Hank, l)ldg.
1 16th. Street Business
(Property Investment
Thla 3-story and basement,
substantial brlrk building la
beatvd I blocka from the
' City Nat'l llank Ulilg. and
adjacent to one of Omaha
retail stores: $T.,009 him uat
been expended In putting In
new, modern atore fronts,
and the bulldmg hal been
thoroughly renovated
IhrotiKliout. Tlieie la 44 fl.,
front age on Itlth HI, with
ajley on the north. The
present value of the building
In about 3.UW. We believe"'
the 44 ft. alone will aoon be -'.
worth $44,000. Price, $li.00.
TennniJl.VOOO caah, balance ,
easy Tia'ymenta. Thla la an
opportunity to make an In- .,,
vestment on Omaha's beet 5 ,
retail afreet on very favor- .' it
able terms. 'f
902-12 City Nat l Hank iVlrtg, '' ',
'Phones: D. 7M or A-17ui. . . .
I wo Apartment r iat
Must Be Sold . corner Slat and lavehpnrt.
', Thla prartlcally new, t wo aimnment flat.
Ion corner lot. In eaay waJkinir diatanua,
lin aplemlld nelBhlmrhood, can b bouant
'at a price that will bring a handawm I e-
turn on the Invent ment. Trie atreeta on
bold aldea era paved and paid for. All
improvements In and all paid. Kach
apartment ha separate bakement, beat
triar plant, white enamel laundry tuba,
aa water hotT, iiaa laundry atove, Ka
ratiKe In kllcheria, nlectrln IlKhta and ,
with fine combination UtthtiiiK fixtures,
shades and curtain rods for ail window
and doors, made to order screens for all
windows and doors, beautiful oak flnlhii
and floors, all corner bedrooms, very beat
of modern pltmiHI tier, larKe llvlna; rnoniH
In enrh apartment, floored attla over en
tire bul Id Ins:, nice yard and separate
porch for each apartment. The owner
lias beon exklna; IT.WO. The luconia la
i0 ier year. Clianse of plana has tie
cr phd Hied sale and no reasonable offer
wilt le refused. See It today and aee ua
Norris.& Martin
400 Hee HM.
Iouglas 4270
An Excellent
, House -
Keception hall, living room, dining
room, sun porch, compiet kitchen and
pantry, fuir good bedrooms, sleeping
(Kirch, bath and large finished attic;
large closets; oak and mahi.aany finish;
hot water heat; full basement, pressed
hrlrk foundation; a completely modern
and well built, well finisher bouse of
fered at $S.40U because owner' really wants
to sell.
Ask ua about thla house.
' (Jlovor Koalty Syndicate,
'lit-g City National, PlnlK.uglas 39n
1 ATXM0I)KHN 1 i()M 10
Two well built, new, all modern cottage
.finished and conveniently arranged for
bunas lika comfort, can be bought for the
I next few days with a small payment
'down and the rest monthly.
Kee t oern at Xlst and Vinton streets, one
li nk from llanscom Park Weft Hide car
i or If you dtslre a different atyle home,
we hate two east front lots on same cor
tier upon which we will build a house
'fur ou after your own Ideas and un
aauie terms as above.
fation Blk lamglas
The rent you v in Omaha will build
a te-ner borne la I'cnson.
. ltit,uvlwitson 1...
K' Trullinger
Hanscom Park
iM-ven run' thrwughly aiodera. Price
ieuuieo u"). l'lnisht-d In oak. lo-
sled vii tlte tK'ile ard. .lust sou III of
'lue liK and one blo k frwm the etreet
r hue. inn buue is l-au'lr over
fee it tuiovnow, iSS) i. i-nd rt.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
'I i ler ilJi
7iO I j:tli Miw-t 1
My l.ti; lira, laie. 2-lor. all mod
ern bomr. wiin 4 rijit ai.d lafg rp-
t.ou lll And bait,. HiU'He hulgn. tu!ijr-
banr: t Vkitn l4undi kud t:ff,et4 fiim.'s
JA'itv attic aitb t-.,i u. Com
binauuii t.ejt and flvtts ; ijam Uis-i
frufii -uuli,r rr sef i 1-e biid m a f'lie
."I" fi;fclfi f( aa 1 ia
) avlar 46ugf I 'fVflff fan mr!. 'ti
fill grounds. 70 x I 0 ft , lot of trees and
very fine. Investigate thla.
Tel. Uoug;. 49; Indep. A-CM3.
$275 CASH
Makes First
On New 5-Koom Cottage
.Ll-hl.w,11 b"nt ""alw la located at
... Maple 8t., half block east of SOili
M . which street lias recently been pav.d
with asphalt ; only one block from new
school building at 30O. ami Maple His.,
half, blia-k to street car and stores, snd
it n Ipcallty where nearly all now homes
have recently been built. Moose has entry
hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and two
be, rooms, and bath on the first floor, all
wall arrannevtv also has stair to attic, cc.
tnented cellar; gHa and electric lights;
furnace can be put In If wanted at a
small extra expense. The house Is nicely
decorated throughout and . a well built.
hy continue paving rent when yjii can
Just aa well live In a home of vour own If
you have ;'?5 to pay down? Monthly
payments only whluh Include In
Krest. Jloiwe la ready to move .Mo at
ll10" YLIUb" !- lo hhow ,von
(hreugh the hmme any time you 11 tnll
Ua up by phone or call at the office,
Jinstingg & Heydcn,
1HI4 Harney Hts
Close-In .
Residence Bargains
: $2,500
I Iluya a B-room cottage af S722 Capitol
Ave. Modern except heat; new and mod
ern plumbing, combination flxttirea, full
baaement. C ement walks, rlill south front
lot, &0xlJ5. Kai rash, balance monthly.
On Davenport St.. just east of the boulc
var.1, and only six blkaUrom lltKh
HchiMil. Hlx rooms, all modem; hard pine
finish; sanitary plumbing, hot water heat.
Lraa lot, hixl.a. Nvwiv paved street,
paving paid In full. This property must
tie sold at once. We want an offer. Phone
ua for the number.
An eight-room, all modern residence.
froiilliiK on the boulevard lust north of
California. Ht. Well built and conveniently
arranged. A bargain at above figure.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both Phones.
213 Ho. 17th.
Your Choice For
One house, I rooms, lot tcxia feet
situated 41st and Camdcq Ave.: one of t)
tonus, located at :it;t!i and tllilo Hta.;
one of I room, located at 4124 N. ."Nth .t
Terms-Only 1100 cash and the balance
In monthly payments of )U each.
13i"0 Karnam Kt. Tela. ll. 1UG4 Ind. A-Mi4.
West Farnam
Sacrifice Sale
Been asking $T..O0 for a good l-ronni. all
modern home, well located, neas Turner
Park, but owner wanta to sell right uulrk
and will consider any fair offer. If you
want a house of thla slae In that district
ask about this one. VKHY KAHY TKKMS
can lie arranged.
(Jlover ltealty Syndicate,1
Ul-rj City National. Phone Ifciuglaa
Close in Bargain
In Benson
rive-room cottage, all modern. IXnlng
run,. Using room trimmed In oak
m tasv payments. I block from car
line. Phone lleiison 4M). K. C. Puller
Kouhtze Place
Nine looms; hot wier beat; oak finish
down stairs; birch above; oak and maple
floors; built about two years; handsomely
decorated. IWK Hpi-ncer street. Price
Armstrong-W alsh Co.
TyWr lOi.
210 M. 7th Htreet
LAHGL 7-rooni uiodern house, ou
g valuable uorthweat corner lot. Will
sell o oeaajr term or consider vacant
lot la xibango. On block to car.
R. H. Landeryou
4i02 Parker t?t.
Doug. 2101. 4 42 hoard of Trd.
Dundee Bargain
Ijsht-ioorn all modern house, flnuhed
lo b ri h. white enamel, hard pine ai.d
uaK . irp( ng porrt) on eeeond floor, extra
toilet and latsioiy cn first f I ..r. llsrry
al. I'uiaain, 'leiephutui liarnr (ts
To Buyers
no city offers better ' investment
home opportunities than Omaha.
no paper carries a larger nor better
list of bargains than The Bee.
every day live real estate brok
ers are advertising their choicest bar
gainsand selling them through
The Bee.
every day keen buyers are find
ing good bargains in the real
estate columns of The Bee.
turn to the real estate col
umns on the want pages
right now there you will
find choice properties at
bargain prices.
you cant lose on Omaha
real estate.
How Located
913-916 City Natl Bank Did.
Bee Publishing Co.,
In your Sunday jiaper we advertised in the real estate columns a house at $3,250.00
as a tippcial bargain. , This ad was read by one of your subscribers who called at the
office Monday, got the keyn and wo have today sold him the house.
AVc have always found The Bee ads bring results.
Yours-very truly,
LCR. ' L. C. Sholes.
iaWyVaiaiaiaeVaasyVi i siafyWi
v : $475.
Building .Lots
In Collier Place
Frontlne north on l.arlmnre helaeen
Hist. Ave. and IMd Ht.. where new cement
waias . nas-e recent !y been ut down.
Pine iiumra Just m runs the street and nil
u rii ii mi the district. I.ols In the same
Inrallty that are not any better than
these are hrlil at from nm to ItftO each.
$10 Cash
$10 a Month
You mukt act quirk If you want to Kit
a lot In thla district' at the prices we
are offi'ilnK them.
I his In ii now Mock of lota and haa
only hern on the market a few weeks
and nearly all of them have been sold.
These hits are located within two or
three lilncks of school and car line.
li'H Harney St,
West Hill 8 Room
Half block to car, 1 block to school,
rasy walk to cathedral; lot Ulxl40 ft.;
elKht lartfti trees, south and east ex
posures p-ive plenty sunllirht; baiiement
centented; full brick foundation; A n. il
ea n furnace; open lJunibliis ; & rooms on
first floor; other S uoatalra so arranged
that extra family can occupy, with In
dnpendent hallway. M0 will do , bal
ance aa you ran pay. If not sold this
weeK will be leased to Hood family.
O'Kot'fo Keal Estate Co.
101S Omaha National Hank HldR.
I'lioiua IouKlas Jl.'u'. Independent A-21JJ.
Kvenliure llariiev'Hii or llmnrv filH4
Wuy one of thme lots on f'hicaao St.
Just east of the school. Duly Sl.UU). Terms,
cheapest lorn III LUtndee.
7-room bouse at Kit J t'apltol Ave., Jut
belna; finished; l as larae livinic room with
beamed cetllna;. clinlng room, den and
kitchen on first flour; 3 uuod bedrooms
and large sun parlor or lccplni; p ircli.
atiln floored; oak finish 1st floor. Owner
will sell on terms unci take good lot part
A new -room cottage, ona block from
rar In liunrte-. All modern, east front,
t ul v cash, balain e same ns rent.
$..7'i. Owner will cunstder ttood lot us
part payment.
A neat brick coltaue of t rooms and
bath Just two blocks from llanncom park;
cash, balance somn us rent. Only
l t.'.ti
4l H'isi.1 nf Tll.le til. In
Omaha Business
Property For Sale
Corner lot. Wxia3 ft, lone In: cheap
Improvements. Income payee taxes and
some Interest. 1'rice. .:l,(.mu. If puriMiaser
UII build a 4 or l-Mury liuildlng on this we can ftimlsh a flrst-t iaaa tenant
wlu will take a lease for tu or M years.
I'm Ieii y la so haated that It la sure to
Increaa In valite.
J. H. Dumont & Son
rhone D. :X. 1 Tarnam t , Omaha
Easy Payments
Ktve room and bath cottaae; newly
palmed and papered; In first class con
dition; good location; two blocks lo rar
line and school; cement walks: south
front. t0 cash; balance monthly.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 11W
210 8. 17th Htreet
KOlt I. K -4 'heap 4-rom eoltage, with
food titbulldlnaa, well and stirubbei .
'hone tw.ulh PA Must sell, going west.
Mu. I'aittrtou, ViZt X HI., tiouiu Omaha
of Real Estate:
Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals
Hanscom Park House
at Sacrifice Price
94 for SlOfl raclflc 8t., re
duced for qulok sale be
cause owner la about to
move away. Thla Is
an exceptionally well
built brick and frame
house, with 8 rooms,
atrlctly modr-rn; tjuar-ler-aawed
white oak
finish. Owner on prem
lana. Can be shown at
any time. Easy terms.
Thla price la leaa than
house alone could - be
built for.
Phone D. TW or AO-1768.
' i-llS City Nat l Bank Bldf.
Must Be Sold
lltiU Ulnney St.. lot 44x132, two-atory
double house rented for 1-4 per month.
MoitaiiKe 1 . 1 V.
Jiw-'l-itUS l.akr St., two-atory four-apartment
tiame flat rented for fil per month.
Mortgage fl.buo. ,
Two full slao lota at the 8. K. corner
of 46th and Douglas on Helt lylne. Mort
gage S0O.
We make no price on these, aa the
owner will consider any offer at all within
Robinson & Wolf
riione Douglaa 241$.
435 Paztort Blk
Special Bargains
A nlneKiom house with central ball
and musts room, parlor, dining room,
kitchen, yak woodwork, oak floors, lava
tory and fireplace In first story l S bed
rooms, bath room and fireplace In ttecond
Hlory; ! loured a (tin and full basement,
with extra toilet; lot twxloi fe, on a
buulrvard, with shade, shrubbery and
an rime; street paved and paid for. Price.
7.0uj. Thla property la worth K.OM more
than tbe price.
U-ioom modern house with oak finish
and floors, 2 south and east front comer
loin and garage, on a boulevard. Price,
.0 4). A very desirable home in one of
tho popular neighborhoods of the city.
Will sell the house and one lot for ii,fw
J. H. Dumont & Son
I'lione Doug, eM). PWi 1'arnam Pt.
Five Rooms Modern
New Cathedral
The prettiest little five-room cottage
for sale In the city at 41u0 Hurt Street.
Just being finished; oak and birch wood
work; hard wood doors; bard sand finish
plaatrr; handsome combination flxtu'ea;
full cemented basement with tip-top fur
nace; laundry; coal bin and vegetable cel
lar, liatli room and one bed-reom
finished in white enamel; very finest
of plumbing; large attic above where
more rooms can be finished if desired,
booth lront lot 4;".xl(K). Price :l,SU0.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler li.
210 8. 17th Street.
H. I-ou!s brick flat, i rooms below, t
rooms above, oak woodwork, aeparate
furnacea. flrst-clasa construction and al
most new. Price, 17.000, Income frjn. lo
cated one block front Karnam car line
and one mile from lth and Karnam cits.
A choice Investment, In a fine location.
I. If. Dumont & Son,
Phone I Mu kUis CM). litui Karnam Bt
About toon cash, balance HO tier month,
will buy ( lie urw house, SOOl St.eucer
street. Take a look; you will want It.
Or will rent to choice tenant.
C t. bhepard. V4 Wirt Bt.
December Ctli, 1911.
$100 Cash
$10 Monthly
6 rooma, modern except heat; In fine
neighborhood; near car. $2,S0o.
$200 CASH, $20 MONTHLY
5 rooms, furnace, gas, electric llghta,
bath, full basement: In one block of school
and car. Price $2,200.
$300 CASH, $12 MONTHLY
4-room cottage with city water, on a
fine lot; 12 fruit trees; chicken house
and fence; in one block of car. A anap
for 91,100.
7-room. all modern, new dwelling in a
fine neighborhood. Elegant reception hall
and parlor combined In one across entire
width of house; dining room, kitchen,
open stairway; 4 bed rooma and bath on
second floor. Every room in thla new
house nicely papered and floors all pol
ished. Kull basement, best furnace, laun
dry and extra toilet. Price 14,000. Can
make good terms.
R-room atrlctly modern dwelling, decora
tions alone coat iM). Kull cement base
ment with hot water heating plant. Two
fine south front lots with fine ahade, on
paved atreet and car line. Price 17,000.
Part cash.
A few lota In beautiful Boulevard Park
surrounded by fine homes. Prices from
$0u0 to SU0.
American Security
Formerly Shinier Chase Co.
30 8. 17th Ht , Bet. Karnam and Harney.
Hoth Phonea SJ7.
120 NORTH 38111 STREET
Let me ahow you this new stucco house
Wllh haril uniit rinlul. .I.,.. .-i . ,
- i . uu,iiuui aiiu i mi
water beat. Thla la a splendid home at
the right price.
Bee the b-room cottage building at 311
Hamilton atreet and then seu ma fur, ii vim eiriciiy nioa
em and will faco the new lurking and
uuuiova.u mo iiurwi aiae o Hamilton
10 Net
Two cottages on Cuming, Just west of
Sttn Street, modern, except heat, ftental
$11 per month. Price $3,110; mofTgaKHs
now on the property of $1,400 drawiug
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler U3.
210 . 17th 8treet.
Brick Store and Flat
Pressed br-k building 24x50 feet, lot
$2x132 feet, north weft corner 24llt and
Franklin Hi. Items for Jti5. Price $i.000.
Can make terms.
S9 Karnam Ht. Tela. D. 1064 lnd. A-Unvt
Creighton First Add
Nine rooma. modern, with HOT WATER
heat: full eael front corner lot: hsjidv
lo rar: built for a home; less than i
years old; now offered at very low price
m vruum ronsianr a smaller house
cloaer in. Thla la right south of Hanscom
Glover Realty Syndicate,
12la-Clty National. Phone Douglas SSti3
Close In and Cheap
Right-room, atrlctly modern house, oak
finish down alalia, floored attic, full
basement, laige lot, paved street. Kasy
pa mrnts.
ttt UranJris Hldx Omaha, fc'eb
Has Been the Best Seller in Recent Years
in Omaha Additions
We atlll have a few choice lol as follow:
4 4x14 7, south front, Just eaat of the entrance of Miller Park, all Im
provements In and paid for, $876.
45xt60, west front on 24th street, facing Miller Tark. $730.
44x165, facing Miller Park, Just south of the Boulevard, $800.
44x165, east front on Boulevard, $1,000.
Take a Walk Today
Along the "Prettiest Mile" and see the Improvements golnc In on the
Beautiful Boulevard from Ames avenue to Miller Park.
The Boulevard Is being macadamized and a broad cement walk 6-feet
wide and over a mile long Is one of the attractive features of this rapidly
developing section.
Why Not?
Live among ideal surrounding, with large lots and beautiful homes
when you can buy lots cheaper there than you can closer in?
Now is the Time to Buya Lot
In Norwood Addition
They art sure to be much higher in the spring.
400 Bee Building.
Buy In Dundee
t)u to the ever increasing .
growth of Umana'e best resi
dence district toward tha
west. Ixits In the West Far
nam district today are sell
ing from $80 to 1125 a front
foot, and there are compara
tively few choice locations
left. This accounts for the
fact that within the last year
about 70 r&w houses have
neen Dutit lor homes In Dun
dee, meaning an Investment
of about a quarter of a mil
lion dollars. About a quar
ter of a million mora has
been' spent for publio im
provements, such aa paving
and curb and guttering.
Now is the time to buy and
take advantage of the de
cided Inorease which la sure
to come within the next few
t 8.VV-oOxlK ft., fronting north on
Hurt St., 100 ft. west of Md
$1,000 North front on Underwood
Ave., 60x128 ft., 1G0 ft. east
of 62d Ht.
$1,800 60x136 ft., corner lot, near
Elst and Chicago Bts.
$1,50060x135 ft., fronting north on
Cass St., 100 ft. weat of. Kid
Ht. ; paving all paid.
$2,150 107xlK ft., southwest corner
of Burt and 2d St., high,
sightly corner.
$2,600-100x135 ft., N. K. co$. 61st and
I'nderwood Ave.
$2,600-106x135 ft., at the N. W. cor
ner of 62d and Cass Sts. One
of the choicest corners in
Terms of payment on tha
above lots. One-tenth of the
purchase price cash, balance
monthly. These are only a
few of the lots we are offer
ing for sale, so be sure and
aee ua before buying.
902-12 City National Dank Bldr.
Phonea D. 768 or A-175.
Some Cheap Places
$1,600.00 FlTe-room cottage with
sewer, water and gas, on east front
lot, 40x120, at 3506 N. 28th St.
12,000.00 That good seven-room
house at 2625 Decatur St., modern
excet furnace; lot 30x127.
$3,000.00 Seven-room, new, mod
ern, well built house, well located on
lot 50x132, now vacant, on easy
$3,150.00 Eight-room modern
house with hot water beat, close In,
on south front lot, 50x115.
$5,000.00 A fine home In
Kountse Place, nicely arranged, with
vestibule, hall, front and back par
lors, fire place and mantel costing
$350, hardwood floors, large base
ment, with combination hot water
and hot air furnace; five bedrooms,
stairway to floored attic; lot 50x124,
with paving paid. Might take
smaller place for part of this.
W. H. Gates
644 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas 1294.:
How Much Kent
Have You Paid?
Nearly enough to buy a home have you
not? Why not make a start now? The
same money which you pay out and for
which you recttva no return would pay
for your home in a short time. We are
building thrre of the best and most com
plote five-room modern homes that have
ever been erected in thia city. They are
close to the West Karnam car line and
only two blocks from the new cathedral.
They are finished In the beat of oak;
birch and maple and no better plumtiig
ran be bought. Uath room and bed
rooms are finished In white enamel,
other rooma are in the natural wood
finish. First class f urnacee are Instilled
In the basements whli h have every con
venience, even to a Moor drain In the
laundry. Interior wall are all aand coat
handsomely tinted. Keautlful combina
tion fixtures are In every room In the
house. These houses will be ready for
accupancy about January 1, but we want
you to look at them now ao that you
can see how they are being constructed.
Location Northweat corner 4let Avenue
and Burt.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 15S. 210 8. 17th Htreet.s
6 Home Sites
Fronting on car line and paved street;
price reduced to $400; two new homes now
being built across atreet at a coat of
$4,000 each. Terms lib caah; balance $10
per month. Situated at Xtf Ave. and lias
call St.
1320 Farnam Bt. Tela. P. 10M lnd. A-10S4.
' The beat building lot In tha Hanscom
park district. Crelghton'a first addition.
Northwest corner Thirty-third and Arbor,
giving east and south exposures. If you
contemplate building next spring , buy
this lot now upon easy terms, at a satis
factory price.
Wil.I.lAM If. OOCLD. JR.
R. 12s Exchange Bldg., .Smith. Omaha.
Phone South 4J7.
For a nice boms Is the northeast cor
ner of I&lh Ave. and Poppleton, nyr
the Field I'lub entrance. Ground ttxlj
and very cheap at M.liA
Payne Investment Company,
Douglas ITU. A-llb.
Douglas 4270.
101 South lth St. (Cor. Dodge), 1
Street Entrance.
Rent LesBon No. 3
Don't Bo Under the Landlord's
v Thumb f
If you allow yourself to be lield down
to paying rent, you will never get along
in teh world. Month after month you
pay rent. And for what? Just place to
stay. You get nothing to show for your
Btop It. Be thrifty. Becoms the owner
of. one of these.
Charlsew Heights'
not fiction. Ona of our bur ere In Charlsew
Heights paid $10 down on two lots;
bought lumber, etc., on time; Pali $18
down; put up a temporary summer houee,
moved hla little family In: thus he Im
mediately cut off a rent expense of $i
per month, and by fall had paid out
on his lots $4 per month, and with a loan
from the building association, he built a
neat complete little cottage home, one of
tha nice ones of the addition. He pays
no more to the association now than ha
had been paying rent before. Tou can do
it. Just a little bit saved by money e-nd
grit. That's all.
Here's Another Way
We will rant these pUces and later If
you Duy tno rent erceipta may Da turned
pta may ba turned J
place plain, simple f
, people willing to J
ither than NEVER
Jn, but tlvey have
in aa payment on the place c
nouseei lor good, plain, p
START. They are plair
extra ground, rich soli on which enough
can be raised to supply the family table
and pay the whole price In a few years.
These are the same as building assoctMion
lots and small bouse, I rooms. $15.40
per month.
6 acres, 4-room house chicken house, eta.
$17.60 per month.
10 acres, 4-r., house, stable, ate., $17.50
per month.
One man raised over $S00 of tomatoes
on one single acre of above.
Alst These Ukewiss Plain,
but to be bought on Bldg. Aaan. terms.
email nouse ana lot, northwest pan,
$9.90 par month.
$-r., house. Co. Omaha, near oar, $7.70;
-r., house, $9.90 per month.
Get plat and prices on
Charlsew Heights
also full particulars of above at our office.
101 South. 16th Bt. (Cor. Dodge.).
Street Kntrajjoe.
Real Estate, Insurance. Rentals
The owner must sell his new all mod
ern six-room horn Just southwest of
Hanscom park; this houae waa -built for
a home, has finish full basement, with
laundry connect lone; full 60-foot lot near
car snd school; price reduced to $3,660;
$500 cash or will consider trade for lot or
chearer houae.
Also have a new five-room cottaae.
modern except heat; all nicely decorated;
fine 60-foot eaat front lot near car and
school; located 4730 North Thirty-sixth
atreet; loO caah and. 130 oar month. Price
CM Brandels Bldg., Douglas JM; -S5
Near Field club. I brand new homes
Just being completed at southwest, corner
of 38th street and Marcy, Just on block
soutn or west Leavenworth car line)
paved street. These houses range In slit
from ( to I rooms, two have sleeping
porch, main living rooms finished in oak,
beamed celling In dining room, gas and
electric light fixtures, modern plumbing,
No. 1 furnaces, cemented cellars with
sinks for laundry purposes; yards have
been aodded.; east and north front lots.
Prices $3,600 to l.i.OOU; easy terms. Open
for your inspection Hunday from 2 to 6
o'clock. Come and look these over if
you are looking for a home in a nice
neighborhood and close to car and school.
Nothing offered like these in tha city.
Bemis-Carlberg Co.
I10-S13 Brandoia Theater.
Apartment House
Site H500
rO ft. frontage on 26th Avenue bv l.'O
ft. on Dewey Avenue; Northeast corner
seven-room house now renting for $2a.0o.
One of the best as well as the cheapen
locations In the city, for apartment housa
or (lata.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
EIO . 17th Street
A New Way
To Buy a Home
This plan Is new In Omaha, but lias
been very successfully carried out In
other cities. Any progressive person can
own a home under the plan.
J0 South 17th St.. between Farnam and
Hartley. Hoth Phonea, SM7.
This Is Cheap
Four-room house with attic, city water
and gas. large lot; house la now vacant
and therefor offered at $lju0. A few
hundred down! balance like rent; house
only four years old; located near CSth and
Bemis-Carlberg Co.
mo-llj HrandMS Theater.
STRICTLY modern cottaae. nearly new. '
built by day labor; comer lot; notlilnt v
better In the city; pries tt.kOO; very small j
cash payment or vacant lot will do lur
first payment; buJanc monthly. 1