THi: OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: DKCKMBEIl 10, 1011. HE Li v.xtei male A(rali) nlrimrn anal kolicllora. Live rlty rosd salesman. Rep, 0-7P4 WANTKIi-A real ultn'imn, man lm ra alilliiy. who will work for n as hard and conscientiously a hp would fir Wmwlf, to reprpsent u exclusively In Omaha and vicinity. Mut be rewdv to . j . commenc vrotk January 1. We ha largp. well known and In VPrv w-av fliat cia.s II no of EXt'Il'SlYE Calendar nd Artertlaing Spe lalltlea. ;aij ' lii J-1 an attractive and varied thaf each ami every business In evprv nn In the country, wtlhout regard to !. be, hwi'm. fully solicited. Our goods are very at tractive, but no more o than our rea sonable piiccs. and we know from fne experience of others mho have been anil are now In our emnlo.. that aliy brleit. hustling man who baa ability an Is will ing to work, rati make wltli iih from $.i0 to $1M) per wc,k. Commission llbciut, Our companv whs orgsnlzf'd In P2. Capl tallxcd $.'10 "0. Wr are responsible and mean business. If you do. It will pay yoii to writ Pule Manager MElt- 'MASTS ITHMSHIMI Co.. K At. AM A - MH'II. Em-lose this .lirun nil with onr application. TvANIKjiA(!h,N I rV- legitimate tnilr. Unites fur slot machines; patented: sells on eight for $1 r. partloule ra. Glsha Co.. Anderson. lnU WANT five procrp!U p ipu at-inal I vp, or women, a'll Oitaraniopd hoalpry, 'The I.lnp that roppRta." Kitflnalvc tprrl tory. I.lbpral comtiilaalona l.'rwllt tlvrn. I,phr Mfr "o, invr, 'ol. KAHN SI .0 KA8Y. Thrpa ppoplp PHMI It within thirty day. Thpy tPlI you how. othpr honpat. onprttPtln rnpti wanted to handle rilatrl. t aalaa for I-. H. Klrp K. tliiKulaliPra. No pxperlpnca raiptlrpd. fan maka you dtairlrt tnanaKPr If you apply now. I'nltPd Mf. Co., JVItf L'nlted IIMk., ToIpJo, u." AOKNTH inakp big inoiipy pplllna; our Rnoda. No tapltal or perpnce rp (iiilrrd. lrKTP rPllablp houp. Write for KKFI0 rataloRtip, aamplPa. I 'A NUM. II. KITTKTl Co;, Madlaon Ht.. Thliagu. 111." KA I.KSM F.N llrat-nlaaa aajPHmpii lo pell I'lirttan Ornpn Juice aa aldn line or oxrluHlve; tun axllpr; Rood romnilalona. )'iw J 'aw Oiape Julca Company, J-td., Taw I'aw, Mlrh." AOKNTS We la,va the latrat Inipruvpd inantle burner, flt all Inmpa, liW randlp Imwrr; burna with or without mantle, hamploa free lo hnailpra. Hlmplex (.) llht Co., Nw York." CiAIKN'l.U aaluaman wanted We want a rpllable and rapabla ualeaman at fHi'n to rarry nur altractlve Hum of ral piidnrM, fana and ad.prtlaiua: Hpeclaltlea In Nebraaka. We liavu h pplpudld line, carefully aplerted by men Inn In 1 1 -a biialutaa.t. and who bav thrmaplvea aoldk thla claaa of Kooda on the loud for ypain. im our liberal rommlaalon baala plan a aaleaman whu will devote hla time exrlu flvely to our Una ahoulJ have no diffi culty In clearing fr im tl0 to $100 per week. If yon ara a man who will work and can sell Rood addreaa aalea Manaarpr, Kalamaiou AdVerllalnif Co., Kalamasoo, MlrhlKan. Allath thla advertlaetnont to your reply and Rlve full particulura re Kardlmc your paat bUHina experience. AtiKNTS To aell -bo neweet eleclrln appllanno on the market; aold everywhere tlieia la electricity, In the honia and of fice; liberal profit; aalra-drlvlnic aample, wplcha a pound; no expe-lence or kmiwl edo of electricity reiulred; It ahnwa how to uaa one llsbt Inatpad of two and net the aame rcKUlu; lla for t-1 .') and ravea tha purcbaacr an Invealntent of $.!.; write for partlculara. Tha Handy UkIiC Co., fi!3 Kaat KlKlith Avpiiuu, Cincinnati, Ohlo. AKNTH Kit her aex. In Introduce rapid elllna; liouaehold aixclnltlpa; free aamplea 1 and catalogue. J. Uilaon St Huu, Ne braaka City. Neb. "pTcOIAyTy M KN-iOxperlenceds a "ten-dollar bill" UlO bill) on each deal; exclusive 10-cent line; excellent future aaaored aaleamcn with record for hon eatv and ability; Rlvo reference. Central fdfr. Co., Iowa Illy, la. ' , V IXiN I alava for waKea; earn $' t li dally; be your own uoaa, we ahnw 7011 how. . Afenta Supply Co., 711 11th Hi., Itenver, Colo. ' Hl(l J'UOKITH for you; luanuiuQIuro barley rrlap, new confection, (,'alUornl Invention: be package coata you It; ma chine. $7.50, prepaid; aamplea, 10c. Sbafer Co., tpm Howard Ft., ai Krarvrtaoo. ' WAvNTKr--r!lrta llna altamen for new, iub K aaUiog furniture novelty! reference required, t Folding Chair Co,' Mt. flene ant, Tenn." . ' AtltNTS Uolh eexea; atimethlng new; gaajet room heaters; necessity In every bouse; raav seller; outfit supplied, li. J. Seed, al Keade. New York." . . AOKNTS No matter what you do, ve want to mall yoit our money making catalogue; Hi quick selling Xinas Kooda; over 6.0UU article, beautifully pictured In our two free lull $A.uj cataltsxuea; big profit taking Christmas orders and big aavlng fop oil and your customers on evary Christmas gift. A. W. Holmes & Co., Dept. JU't, Providence, It l." IKN'T slave for wages; earn t to $io dally; ba your own boss; we ihuw you liow, free. Tha Hlarrrelt Novelty Co., Hot Sprlnga. Ark."' . KAHN $a) weekly taking ordera for tut rata groceries; outfit free. Standard Orocery Co., tivl Areade, Cleveland o" SAI.KSUAN wanted to soil while aooda and dresa goods from factory to retailer; attrai-tlva aide line; liberal commission. Jiryu Mawr Mills, Philadelphia. Pa." VVANTKlJ Permanent position worth $Vn or better monthly to producers; want three good, bustling salesmen to sell heavily advertised trado booster to ail lines of retailer give full particulars iMl relcreuc. ii. T., li-lUu Alaajnlc Temple. Chicago, J II." CHKWINti t'.M riall to dealeia In your town; clean, prontatile bualnesa built up yuicary wun our pr.imts; lour fiavora; novel packages. Writa today, llelmat Co.. Clnclnnall. O " UK t travwlliikT aaltraman; cam whlla you luaro. Writ fur parlkulara of our ssiem. Bra4trel tystcin, itocheater, N. Y. AOKNTS make $.t) a aay selling patented specialties: send for flee catalugue and Miopia, every article a gold inlua. Slnten 6c MrlMw, 4M Morgan St., St. Louis. Mo." WK pay $ai a w-k and eapeuaea lo men Willi rigs to Introduce laiultrv mm. Miund. Years coiilricu Imperial Mfg. 'o., Uept It, Parsons, Kan. W ANTKI Specialty valeemeu lo sell Mothene, the real moth exterminator, Jirandel Chemical Co.. Seattle. Wa. I AL.KNUAH rAl.KSilK.N-In tills city and neighborhood: auto fine side line fur traveling salesmen; largest and lineal line calendara kind wail pockets, tin ported and domestic; fans, Irather goods. aluminum, ceuuiuiu. etc., uisthi cuinnili' ions; your territory prolM-ted. In-al ill lect with head'iuartrra. Oldest house In .America, known uy everyixKty. Ailoxaa, Klving references, slating expviieiire. At it BT UAHT llANK-KOTii ANU i.J l lln. CO.. St. Louie, Mo." BUTTER HALF-1'RU.'K. Oue pint ol milk merged In lo one pound of butter Wonderful utw Invention, tireat money saver. Write for illustrated cinvartis and 200 testimonial names. Faintly M.e machine 15. ui Big profits lo agents. Butter Merger Co., Indianapolis, Ind" Agent aws cViiiilng money selling our big loc package or 2t Assorted Hulldav postal Cards. ' i.,VUi) Vark4les." "I.U1 PKor'JTS." . Sell every v. lo r at alxlit. Sample package 16c. Partluulara li,. MJL.i-lVAN CAI!I CO.. 1JM Vaa Buren St.. 'hleago, ' ill." tiM a.. iy '. many make doul.Ut as Mjtatii iui- the liuplrxw Vacuum Cleaner.. The iKily perfitct band niaehius inaile.. uoulso suction. wvhs on., lua. LleAtt. .fwrpaiia, , flours, curtains, furni ture, a, kunir Can t gel out of order, a mild ra-wark It. ciort.riaJngly lost prtoa, big prwfiis. hiya U ts) liasl pesa. Oue machine free to working HntM. Wrlta qwirk-tor territory, tcrnm and pur great offer.. Hupiexu Co., U6 Sut! ttri Street Brooklyn. N. Y " INrll KAM'K men or other guaal tiue to office wttb us and hlp a--li real e tat. Uiml bgitl "t. luciSasini; ci.(a4T tlitltt jS. a AOllreaill . 11- f fl ENKHAiKIK tsiei sHit:ca waua au eatabltab iit-adi oanera -anil 4ook, aites l. Mt.avs of Mate of .Nebraska.' t' luaite tisiutt U ".uued. AiMiwe, , wlua l.alia ' or -a-i nras seft rs4a, , ikt a 4 a etna yatr Coinpait. i'Muidl- !. i s . - 1 I i ' A p A iTC I . T"j. 172 Ti L ' lor flu Ice tor. )' o- r XI .rt Ae la , J Vt I -aw. I af a -..I 'H.iie- r i ) icon! ti'j l. it. I ill U, I ! I-.: uit, :ivti. .am e and II. J. 34 H pi injnent HELP WANTED MALE A grata, statesmen and ftollcllnra. WANTKD --RESIDENT SALES ma.v;i;ii. IT-0 snlary, nltlee ekpnr and a corn- mission on thp grns business ilon l' r nonth. An eastern lactory having a Iivp branch nffli e b-r desire active man to1 take charge of sabs, (tcllvei o. coll.c-i Uim u n,l ... .-.-0 .... Ikolr a..lllnr l.kinS , n ml Instruction. Managers ti'tuire.l lo carry thp stock now on hand Ito fill i nrrtiri promptly) amounting lo about II.'JH. The ipturn on aame scoured to '" j a p r signed ag reemeiit. Fie-nlnn m r- , nian.'tit; t i-ferem-is required. If ) oil rani fpiaJIfv and take charge ut onrp ch!I 'i ( or nddroaa Mr. .lnhn. No. 4U7-- Jaiba' li : blm k, iniaba. N'h I WANTI.O-SutiMnrn of nbililv Hiid mat flpiH-aianio to rnll ml all imrclianla In tln-lr l?rrlli.iy. l-.lPKaiit ablnllnp. i-oiivntu-ont to inrry. flood iiiT.mlyclonH, prompt ro.nllliinrca. Urltrmnt MfB. t'u . 'inrlnnatl, Ohio." ,MIKNTS-!:i. weekly; great advertli liiK campaltiu liitriMlurliiK pcrinaiirnt hua. )!ca liv lilairtbutlna: premium rouiioiia; aay for beKlnnera; big money for huat lir Mr. Strohm, aal inanaMcr, Wayne. III. iTTS" KiiXf. XsiT TJitcAi. a;knts. lliro la your oppoi t unit y. Knirgetic iiipii can male I-Ma.o env and up. THK IMIM'.OVKM fASCIIKHTKIt KKKOHI.NK MANTI.i; I. AMI' revolutionizes o.d tnetli oda. Kor "uperlor lo ijlectrlc'lty. K"''. Bcetylen.- or gaNollne al l-l' the coat. HI ' KITH AM. IMIM. Safe, clean. odorless; IH.IINH WITH OH WII'MHIT MANTI.K. Tested and pro i.ounced by ltate of l'enna Ivarila, ".Mont efficient liirhl found." Oreaieat seller known. WK WANT A KKW- MoHK I.IVK MKN IN OI'KN TKKIlt'l OJt V. Cancheater Light Company. Kept. W. 'JM N. Klale Ht.. Chicago." WANTKD HaieHiiiHii to carry side line of special box lots of lace for retal trado for the Iiakotaa, Colorado and Ne braska, on a airlct commission boals. The line Is small and compact and easily carried. Address stating expertPtice, ter ritory, referencea, etc. Simplex Import ing Complin), 4; ilroorno Hlreet, New York city." "haCkHMKN sT-IIIng drug and toilet goods, slils line, dollar preparation; dealer sells half price; makes 100 per cent; aura repealer; If liade have confi dence In vou, our tinloup, co-operative selling plan means $Ji-$M week year round. Colonial Products Company, JJox l7!i, Moston, Mass." " AOKNTS In "every town, city and state to sell Manli tonic, a mpdiclne easily sold Id nun; liberal commission; write for particulars. Kerr-Warren Chemical Co., Mroadway and 401I1 Hi., New York, N. Y.. I1. H. A." A No. 1 stock salesman wanted. A go Irisr concern, composed of well-known Omaha business men, has a gl't-edKO proposition that la easy to sell and a large number of pemle right here In Omahii can be Interested. Considerable) adwr tli.lng haa alreudy Iw-en done. A good stock salesman will tiava no trouble to make big money. Your answer will be considered confidential. V Kit. He.. F.Xt'Kltl UNCKU salesman to aell our high grado line, salary or commission, whole or part time; state agp, experi ence, salary expected. McNatnara Var nlali Worku, lelrolt,AllchJ "WK have exclusive lerrltorv for good, live salesmen to sell the claaslsst line of ilplvxe bas-rpllcf calendars and novrltlpa. Write today. Huiltli-I Isclit Co., Indlun apolla, Ind." HA1.HSMAN legitimate game for cigar counters that can t ! bpat. K.verylody wants It. Cawood Novelty Company, Uan vllle. III." t 'A l.KNI A It HAt.KrlM KN. We want reliable and capiiblo salesmen for Nebraska. South Dakota, to sell, be ginning January I, the foremost line of Imported, domestic and de luxe calen dars, fans, aigna anil specialties In cellu loid, cloth, leather and metal: xclualve territory; liberal contrart; with our lino you clear easily $7& to $IM weekly and work all year round. Wrlto full par ticulars In flrat letter. Hennett-Thomaa Mfg. Co., Chicago." SAI'KSM KN Atipialnted with automo bile, owners; sell llrect guaranteed In stantaneous cold weather auto starter, easily Installed; ready sale, instanta neous Auto Starter Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. . - , JUST OCT Mew Invention for C1 OH lamps. 1'lia Marvel Vaporiser fits any common I aril n. Makes large, uni, -wii white light. No smoke or smell, limit break chimneys. Agenta excited Coin Ing money. USTKN Achorn, Ftah, says uulckest, easiest, seller I ever ssw. Olasscock. Ark. aalea $.-.4100 In few weeks. K reiser, Mo., cleared $il.0 one Saturday. Hurry, write oulcU for free details. Medcait, lex, . niaae -ne hour. Free sample to hustlers. tut name on poatal today. Sidney Falrculld Co., S9I Nasby Hldg., Toledo, O." k NKW YORK manufacturer of high clasa specialities desires responsible local representative; territory given; accounts financed. AUTOMATIC. 1'KIIFKCTION CO., 17 West 42d, New York. "V N I K fl W H A R to" measure, aelling from factory to .wearer, want progrea- slve agenta, Mi or women, in every town. Kxclualve territory, wrua i.enr Mfg. Co., Henver. Col." AOKNTS Represent us In your locality, fastest seller wrB profit. Free particu lar. WAHUKN & (M.. H. . llox 107. C. Oklahoma City. Okia." WANTKD KKI.1 A HL.K AOKNTS: High grade Office Specially required every where. Quick aeller. large discounts, convenient sample. Kxclualve territory. Request particulars. ARITHSTY t.K COMPANY. ith Street Arcade. New York." salesman to sell a well established line of stock remedies, dips and disinfectants In Nebraska and Iowa; exclusive territory; flist-claea goods; no trouble to aell repeat orders; good for $lco to $: per month to men who will work. Write Superintendent of Agents, 414 Bee llldg.. Om.iha. Nebraska. W A NTK1 Bright, capable lady to rep resent an eastern corset factory; per manent; good pay. Phone H-:i2:!. F.XCHANOB man to handle real estate exchange department. Adorcss at once, C a. Rev ' $15.00 to iKtfAX) Per Week can be made by men. women, boys and girls representing our goods. We give premiums with every older. Write today. Humillon Sales Agency. Inc., LVpt. 11, W State St , Boston." F.VKKAL KXPKKIKNCKO THAVKkV INO HAI.KHMK.N TO SKI. I. HUSH ORADF. fr'FF.OIAl. OILS. OHKASKS, PAINTS A N I SPFC1AI.IT1KS TO uKALKHn ANU CONSl'M KHS. S A I A It Y A N I KXI'KNSKH. KXCK1.I.F.NT tP POKTUNITY FOR ADV ANCKMKNT. 8TATK KXPKKIKNCF.. TIIK S1KRI. INii JREriNlNO ' CO., CLEVELAND. O SALESMEN for Iowa; good proposition for no" loan lo represent us with Isrst popular priced line of men's neckwear; commission basis. Apply with references and full details. S. and Z. Neckwear Co., 3s7 Broadway, New York." Ull'Ali and traveling representatives wanted, al:o ugents -o carry jUick sell ing side line; profits Ma; v. rite Ne braska Farm J0urn.1l, XI4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Omaha, Neb. AOKNTS make i.ig money selling our metallic lettera for office windows, store fronts and glass signs; any one can put thctn on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co., 4.17 N. Clark St.. Chicago." 1VN1 salesmen wanted, In and out of tb city; live lea-la furnished: property U1 bear strictest Invralla'atioii; exiKUisea of m estimators for pro-icctive pun uaaer paid by us. Thorough selling Instruction.''; perfect, simple, understandable literature; uiiuaually liberal commission; splendid co-oseratlo'i. The tlrm la one of the urotig att lomplel land organisations In America. Address Hrawer IC4. Chicago." SALESMAN to represent us In lows with strong line uieu's neckwear on com inlsaiun basis; first class proposition will be made right man. Apply with references and lull pMittculat iisaitlliig experience, etc. Itartfiad Neckwear Co., l.'tli St. and llruadway. New York. AGENTS Our ulin la to help you to (U.-cvsa. if you are reliable and will call on in. rebuilt In your territory. Elegant se'e 'ine. good commission, prompt re piittkniea. Mutml Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. t." AGENTS W A N'TEI Sell rich locking msrted :4x1.x ruga. II each. K. M. Car ter. Milan. Tenn , sold I I'j In four ilav; i!s profit '! Vnu ran do a well. Write (or auiple offer and untune seitin plan; exclusive teintoiy. CuuJ"" i.rttf tllllllllt4SM. Me Vacant rooms become tenanted when advertised in The! Bee This iu was ordered taken out after it had run a few day?. The rooms were rented to desirable tenants many more were disappointed in not answering the ad sooner. For a furnished room ad Telephone Tyler HELP WANTED MALE Atresia, Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED- Immediately, salesmen and sollrllora for every city and town In the country; orond new linn that wlli aell In pvpry eiore arid home. Halesmen can make $.5 to $P a week; no machinery to expiiiln; NO KAKIC. You dprr.onstrate our linn; everybody buy instantly. Thla Is an opportunity to get a permanpnt posi tion. We can show you. Call or address Males Manager, 4H7-40H Karbacil block, uniaha. K.XI'IOItlKNCKI solicitor In Nebraska to give entire time In presenting high class proposition to merchants and phvsl cliins. Collection agency solicitor prs frrtd Income 2.JiSi.t4j to $.!.iH) annu nllv. Kxcelnnt opsirlunil V Mini advance ment for a producer. Address A. F. C 4J W ells llldg , ouliicv. III " NKW I N V KN III IN Just on the mar ;r-rcrr.-.:.'...r. ct; Jjindon took H orders first 4 hours; Mrs. Hnwp'.l sold 12 first 2 days. 52 for first delivery ; low priced water-power bom massage machln; every woman wants one, exclusive territory; writ for full particulars today. Klackstnnn Mfg. 1, KM Meredith Hldg , Toledo, o." fi TO $111 a day for reliable men and women agents; easlpst, fastest, best spll- ers ever offered; a sale for every call; big pruflls for you: full details free. Ad dress Household Co.. Agency 1I vision 1. so. Tnj.eka, Kan " SM.KSMKN to handle our complete Una of Imported and domestic advertis ing calendars and novplllea. V.'e also have an eseclally attractive side line proposition to aalesmen carrying other lines. State territory, lines and full par ticulars, oimatead Itros. Co.. Adv. Dept.. Wheeling. W. Vn." FIFTY CaITkNDAH. ADVKHTISINO. OK JKHMIUM salesmen to carry our new census advertising maps anil pre mium charts next year, heat line on earth, Splendid opportunity for energetic, resourccrul salesmen to make big money In connection with urteent lines. Don't overlook this. Write today. World Map company, Chicago." WANTEO At once, salesmen to handle our line. Salary on commission. Prefer men who have acquaintance with harness and hardware trade. 1 .1 lie full of special ties at attractive prices. First-class ref erence must accompany application. Ap plications must be In by December 24th. United States WlgpCo., Westfleld, Masa." WON liKKFl'Lt new invention: Phenome nal; sure seller to every 'phone user; $15 dully profit; &c aampla free prepaid live agents. Satilphone Co., Chicago." AOKNTS Send for free sample, new article. Oets you Into every home and office. Bells at Might. Illg profits. Ideal Novelty Co., 211 K. 2d ' St., Colorado Springs, Colo." AfiF.NTH K to $15 dally. New Inven tion. Wonderful spring winder machine, Hand power; simple and strong; makes wire springs any slxe for any purpose. Factories, mills, machine shops, garages, etc., buy at sight. Irresistible. Men en thusiastic. Write at once. Nat'l Mfg. Sales Co., Narl. Union Hldg,. Toledo. O." AnKNTrt YotT" 4-ansecure permanent employment nnd earn a good' steady In come. We need, good men. Send for our proposition. P. Faber Co., ttilV, V St., Sitcramento, Cal." I1KHK AT I. AST New Invention. Make $;& to KK) weekly, tjulck sales. Over 1J per cent profit. Morris, f.. made fji one day selling Vacuum Clothes washers, op ei steal on new principle, washes without work. No rubbing; no chemicals; made of copper: everlasting; women excited; agents Inlng money; write quick for In formation; free sample. Want exclusive salesmen. Metallic Mfg. Co., 1101 Bpltier Hldg., Toledo, O." The Sentinel Printing Company, In-, Ind. The well known Im porters and Manufacturers, Calendars, leather novelties and advertising special ties, now making contracts for I9l'i. One hundred real salesman wanted. Abso lutely the strongest Itne ever brought nut. Attractive commission proposition. Secure your territory at once." W ANTKI Experienced clothing sales man; single man preferred. Address Box 4.(7. Nebraska City, Neb. SALES agent wanted for south western land. Uood proposition for the actual farmer. Want a man who ran handle local agents and produce business, Oood commission. Ulve experience and terri tory desired. Uaylor-Klefer Realty V., Marquette bldg., Chicago. Clerical and Oltlce. FUI.D dress suits, evening party dresses for rent. $1 to Sl.uO a night JOHN KKI.DMAN, XI N. 17th. D. 312. "CAM)"-High grade positions. Mat He. tii firs toft1Tk yeah there will be a number of changes made In all line of high glade commercial po sitions, l.lst with us early and get In line for a better position than you have, WE PI jACU office managers. Salesmen, traveling. Salesmen, retail. Correspondents. Accountants. Hank clerk. Credit men. Prtvut secretaries. Stenographers. Collectors. Office clerk. Hotel clerk and cashiers. t Buyers, nil many others. See ti at once If you are open for a position or It you con template a change. WEST V REFERENCE- BOND ASS'N. Tii Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg FIRST-CLASS experienced bookkeeper on eastern accounts by a large man diy goods house; only those having experience need apply: answer In own hand writing, siatlmr for ner positions held and salary expected. Address W 91i. Bee. I'O-nl'KH ATI VK OI'l'llRTrNlTDW Ac'i.'i H'NTANT for first class Imple ment firm. C'plonuld chance lor advance ir fit. SlllPPINC, t'l.KUK, voung man. $40, STKNOOKAl'HER, must be thoroughly exiierletice,!. Jim STKNOOUAI'IIER. wholcralo house, FIVE SALESMEN. Ilve-wlres" $1,21- JI.WU CI.ERK tgenta furnlshlnzsl. $''0 KXLFSMAN. soap cpciience, ll.Jinl. la) YiC KNOW that we are CON STANTLY In touch with ut the man ion want to aee about a position: not only, that, but wo know hltn personally. Let us give VOl' an Introduction lo him. CO-OPERATIVE REFER UNCI. CO., (Established FIVE YEARS In uniaha.) leiri-m city National Bank Bldg Factory aiad Tradea. Drug store fsnaps) )obs. Knlest. Bee Blda. WANTED Experienced bushelinan, man who can lake measures and wait on trad. Dundee Woolen Mills, N. W. Cor. 1 .ih and Harney sts. WANT ED Three Jtupple Maaous cure. Ap.ilv at new court house. at allaeellaaeaiua. Rel'sble Kmp. Agency. UlO Davenport. WANTTjD. for U. S. army, aoie-bodied iinnisi rlad u:en. between age of la and $."; cillsena ot Called Statea. of good character and temptrat hblt. who can tpeak, read and write the English l.iu. guag. For luformatlon apply to Ite crulllng Officer. 13th and Douglas Sra, oiii.ili. Neb ; 007 4th St.. Siuux City, la,; IM N. lOih St.. Uncoln. Nl. GOVERNMENT pvst'luiia open, list how !;,- salaries free. Frnnklln Institute, Dept. 21i-K. Rochester. N. V. TELEGRAPH Position. guaranteed yuu by both L nloa Pacific aud Illinois Cen- ttal isll-oads If yuu gain your framing in our acbool. Practice on R. R. wire. Ad dress, for particulars, II. B. Boy lea, pres. Boyle College. Omaha. Neb. I an. Ilea I Iralivia 1 1 J ti Uttl. p. 4M. Till: .are waiuanl lor gcveriiment ob; 1-4) per month, xtnd postal for list of posi tion o.en. FranklUi laslltul. DcbL Zii Iv. ltocLcster. N. Y. 1 1 TWO ftirnlstiad rooms for tioiiaekrpp Inn; rpntal rpfaonablp. 1'hone Ked "iHll. iih piouth 1 1 1 . sens HELP WANTED MALE yt lacellaueoua. TDK NAVY HAS KVKftV KIND OF WOKK for ambitious men. Successful applicants for Navy positions f ad work. not only as seamen, but as miiciiinlits, uremen, stenographers, iMHiKkecpers, mu sicians, carpenters, blacksmiths, shlpflt- leis. electricians, boilerma kers, cook. steward., waiters and others. Many young men who thought there was no congenial work In ttie jsavy dis cover there more agreeable and varied positions than In civil life. 'I'll K t NITF.U STATKS NAVY offers ;i life that Is healthy; work that !s pleas ant; excellent opportunity for promotion; the Incentive to save money; and the fin est of chance to learn by study and travel. And besides these things com panionship with ambitious men of good c haracter. The Navy Department never urges men to enlist, only to Investigate Navy op (orlunltles. It la worth the while of any man 17 to 3, years of age to look Into tiie subject of taking f'.ur years training in the Navy, or of making the Navy a life's work. The nearest Navv Recruiting Station Is ut Postofflce HldV., Omaha, Neb. The officer In charge will be glad to see par ents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about wotk, pay, promotion, retirement, recreation, etc. Or send for "The Making of a Man o' Warsman." It Is free. Address Bureau of Navigation, llox ifr. Navy Department. Washington, D. C." YOL'Nti and middle-aged men for per manent position under the 1'. S. govern ment. Common school education suffi cient. Particulars free as to salaries, dates and places of examinations (soon to be held In every state). J7 National Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C." MAN wanted with rig to take charge of sale of our medlcln-s. extracts, spices, soaps, perfumes, toilet articles, stock and poultry preparations, etc.. In your county. One man made $'.H) one week; steady work guaranteed. Work health ful, pleasant, very profitable. References required. Write us. We mean business. Shores-Mueller Company, Dept. 19, Tripoli Iowa." $ PF..H lU'NDKKU for collecting names and addresses; stee.dy work; send stamped envelope. Western Advertising Co., Tulla, Tex. U.S. AUTO 3 HOOU OMAHA. N EH. $! MONTH AUTOINO. Guarantees more actual reDalrln than any three other schools. Come ace. ABLE bodied men wanteo for the U. S. Marine Corps between the ages of IS and .16. Must be native born or have first paper. - Monthly pay, flu to PkI. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attend ance free). After 40 years' service can re tire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ance Service on board ship ami ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, 1405 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. W0 MEN, 20 to 40 year old, wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month;, no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity: no strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Address Y SO, car of Bee. WANTED Experienced salesman to work the farmer trade; live wires earn ing $.15 weekly above expenses; good proposition; high quality and right price. Commission only. l 21. Bee. IF out of a position call at Interna tioaal Motion rictur School,' 2JS Bee Bid. STOP! RAD! Met mta a paying fi I ... I , ,,i Learn automobile engineering " In our large training shop. Hundred of suc cessful gradkatea. Complete equipment of automobiles and machinery. Address National Auto Train Assn., K2 Brundels Theater Bldsr.i Omaha, Neb. " $100 MONTHLY and travel and distribute sample for big manufac turer; steady work. a. Scheffer, , Law Bldg., Chicago." M WEEKLY selling collection cab It.eta to merchants: no coinnetition- elusive territory. Write for free sample eou uescripiive matter, xaver Co., elede Bldg., St. Ixiula, Mo. A- ENERGETIC man wanted to represent my goods; I have started hundred of others In a pleasant, profitable business and can start you. Prompt reply neces sary. Hamilton, K2 Stat St., Boston, Mass." EARN $:I0 weekly taking ordera for cut rate groceries. tJutflt free. Standard Gro cery Co., 36i Arcade, Cleveland, O." $2n WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. Em ery, tMl Plymouth, Chicago." WAN TED Young man with good refer ences and ability for position In this city; 25 weekly; advancements. E. A. Bett ridge Mfg. Co.. Newell. W. Va." WANTED Musicians for the lth Jnf. band; must bo single. Address ail let Ut to Emanuel Klein, chief musician. Fort Mackenxte, Wyo. WANT EI Men to learn the barber trade. Barber make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money-making facilities. Our course gfljies year of apprenticeship. Po sitions irfways waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 8. 14th St. MEN ot Ideas and Inventive ability, write Greeley tfc Mclntlre, patent attor neys, Washington, Jj. C, for the!;- list of Invention wanted und prises olftred by leading manufacturers. NO NEK l. of worrying about dessert when Dalsell I in town. If Mrs. J. Lewi. 41i Dodge St., will come lo The Bee office within three day we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. GOV KRNMKNT railway mail, custom, Internal revenue examination every whete soon. Get prepared by former l'nl ted Slates Civil Service Examiner. Write now for free booklet, l'attersisn Civil Service School, Box ll'ii, Rochester, N. REPRESENTATIVE wanted In every county selling household and home sim i billies ; liberal comniivaion ; ladles and gentlemen workers make handsome In comes. G. Erwln, 7JD Western Ave., Clu ao, HI." LIRA WING isn't hard. Quick system learning paying trade. Full course in de. signing and Illustrating tor only $1. Folder iree. I. happen. Bo s-'J, Oklahoma City, tiki." WE GIVE lull course In automobile operating and repairing- for tie. Payable m rour installments, tor rurther infor mation, address Lock Box 7f7, Omaha, Neb. 1 WANT a man who can repair housea lo do odd jobs Ismail part of his time per mouth), but he must have ambition enough to want a home. I will start him lo get the home (or. Jot) by giving him work for the down payment If be answers at once . Home work now walling. Ad- oreas u 907, jiee." HOTEL AM) WINTEIt IIESOUT9 "MOST delightful winter climate In Amei-ua. pine Helt or South Alabama. old Hgc:a now open. $10 weekly up. Wiite for llli'strated booklet, lljgela Hotel. i. iironeiie, .i. I J VI STOCK FOR SALE llurar aaal Vcalrlra, FOR 6AI.F:-All kinds of good horse :i,t BL ,fho" Dougla Uj0, GOOD, - serviceable mare, bioke.Tel. Vebeter2l15. 1.214) lbs., city TflbVtsKT wagon a. ia No. 4J.1 st. nd barncts for sale. IX 1ST AND l OVND LADY'S gi -d watch, engraved "M. 11." on back; Mr. W. R. Esler on iualdu cute Webster lii. Reward lOOO LOST AND FOUND PKKSONH having lost some articles would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Hluffs Street Hallway company to bsc ertain whether they left it in the street cars. , Many articles each day sra turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA COrNCtl, HM'FFS STREET . R A II ,W A Y COMPANY. JF PART IKS who lost good vision wiH call at COI, CM II! A OPTICA I, CO., 200-11 So. lsth. same will be restored. IOST Small suit case containing gov ernment and private papers. Call Web ster 2401. FOUND Last Monday, Iec. 4. In Bran dels stores, pocketbook containing stun of money. Owner can recover same by proving Identity at accommodation doak, main floor, weat end. IOST Sealskin scurf In Hrandela Satur day ofternoon. Liberal reward. Has- nev 21 1.1. KOST Bunch of keys, one key No. XiX Return to H. W. Christie, 411 Banker Dlk. Suitable reward. MEDICAL UKST bracer for men, Cray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 per box, prepaid, t'hermau McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. MONEV TO LOAX alarr and Chattel. WHY USE OUR MONEY! BECAUSE you enn borrow it on yotie HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 1'IANOS, AUTOMOBILES. BANK BOOKS. WARE HOUSE RECEIPT, REAL ESTATE and SALARIES In a few hoars' time, pri vately and Oil EA PER than any othet concern. NO MATTER HOW. CHEAP THEY ADVERTISE. You may refund tne man m smaii weekly or monthly payment that soon get you out of debt. Our business i a private as a Dang and your friends, relative and employer know nothing about it. No delay. Eacli application given prompt attention. call on us for money to pay all your bills and you will find It quick and easy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, 20 Pax ton Block. 217 S. 16th. 'I'liones: uougias mi ana a-iiu. .,..,t.m4vmm miwiiiUHWiiii $10 TO $100 LOANED TO ANYONE TO $100 g tt tr tt $4 14 .14 . We will procure a loan for any body who owns furniture, pianos, burses, wagons, or anyone holding a steady position at the most rea sonable charges. All we ask la your promise to puy. No red tap. No delay. Quickly, privately, cheaply. 'J iu Installment of $L& in-, Installments of $l.sS. t in Installments it , $2.ia. No other charges. Loan made trom one month to on year. Term to suit you. M u . GUARANTEE LOAN CO.. It u tt u n t$ (Small Loan Department.) eJ 204 Wtinncll Ulk. Over Neb. Cycle Co, t$ X. E. Cor. 15th and Harney. H Douglas 5o46; ind. A-13uo. ft Open Kvery Evening Till O Clock 1$ Until Xiuaa. M54JM5 T,' J;3W0!SJI ftriliimiimWiJ DIAMOND" LOANS "at 2'ii and 5 per cent FLATAU. lf.14 Dooge. lei. Red 6til. tt tt MONEY FOR EVERYBODY tt tt tt tt tt a tt tt H $$ tt tt tt ti . $10 TO $100 $ LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANQS, e BAustur.s, n,ic .p M at charges you can afford, and without the red tape and delay you experience with other companies., it ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT IS HERE. It's as OOOD A8 A BANK tt ACCOUNT IN TIME OK NEED, tt NOTE THESE RATES: $$ $10, yoU pay back $11. ts). tt $15, you pay back $17.00. is fjft, you pay back $'Jt .00. $1 A0. you pay back vi.00. $$ NO OTHER CHARGK9. $$ Weekly or Monthly Payments. $$ Open every night till Xmas 8 p. m. $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $$ W-10 Brown Blk. Opposite Bran- $S dels. S. E. Cor. 18th and Douglas. tt Phone Douglas 2031 $ $1 swjsjijHJfjsHtjMPjwnimjmjojMtJsi CHRISTMAS MONEY. YOUR CREDIT. U as good her as your employer' I at his bank. TOUR PLAIN NOTE Is all w ask. do security, no lndorstr. Wo are making SPECIAL CHRISTMAS RATE?. Borrow $10.00, return 40o per week. Hot row Lv Oo, return Wo per week. . Borrow (.to 00. return $1.20 per week. Borrow $'.oo, return $l.6C per week. Borrow t.w, return $2.00 per week. Call and let us explain. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 4:77 Board ot Trade Bldg. Tel. Doug. CI 11. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. If you can use from S10 to $100 or more to a good advantage, come to us. We do not advertise any misleading rate. but we have the lowest rales In the city. V guarantee you a square deal. You can repay us in small weekly or monthly payments. We allow a discount It paid before time. Call, write or 'phone appli cation and you will get prompt attention. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Dougla liao. 2.M Be Bldg. A-lXsI DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW GET YOUR XMAS MONEY FROM THE CITY LOAN COMPANY because our rates are lower, payment CITT lOAN COMPANY. Apposite Haydan'a. SI68 Ind. A-2o. rO-21 Douglas Block. Phones Douglas USE OUR MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. W make loan on all kind of chattel quickly and pitvately. Phone Doug. Uii. HOME LOAN COMPANY. 123 Farnam St. Room t. Patterson Blk. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. Loaned on furniture, pianos or team at low rates and easy terms. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN R. 13 Arlington Blk. IMI't Dodta St. Phone. iMiugla ii-Ji. Independent A-tu ! elf ARr5AN CX $5 TO $100 Furnished salaried people without recur Ity. Indorsement, delay, publicity, extor tion or deception. Terms to au.t M4 Paxton MONEV loangd salaried we men keeping house and otuers, wahout cuitty, eay t aymenta. Office tn 61 pr.a c:pl rii'.ea. lolmau. 503 ilnahi Ni;'i liank B0g , foiuiti'iy N. Y. I-fa Hid. OKKKHKD I-OIt HKM lluara nntt Huoaia. O. M. E. i.auls li.iuk. D. I'll A-n EEEKRI Et)R UF.ST Hoard and Rooms. I'orlr.u. family hotel. 2Cth Ave. and War rooms and excellent meahii S St. Phnne 1 King las 1:1..- J Mi.'l lunce lor nice people. XilK AIAD ISliN. tnd Cblcago sts. Jl.Oo and up. Under new management. St. Jamc. mod. "ILL'S day; week $6 up. SI'ITH of rooms, excellent board. West Farnam. Call Harney 4-V ONE large attractive south room, with board; team heat; walking distance, less North ;:,th St. Furnished Rooms. , Dewey European Hotel, nth Farnam. 21 U DO COLAS, modern f uTniflhltrooms with or without board. 1ji;sikahi.K ttirnti'hed room, private family. 2Hl!t N. ?0th. Phone Webster 6H7A. I'UR.NISHKD room; private; Tel. Red. nts. ROOM,' with bath. In private family; widow preferred; where there are no other roomers or children; in quiet nelgh oorhood In suburbs of Omaha or South Omaha. Irfick Box B., Omaha postofflce. FL'RNISHED room with board for elderly man with good habits. Refer encea exchanged. Phone Harney 151L FOR RENT Two furnished parlor rooms with beat and gas. MJ S. 2d St. 2502 St. Mary's Ave; strictly modern, warn, front room. Red 2ST77. 2IWH St. Mary', new brick flat; ele gantly furnished rooms, business people pi eferred. TWO furni.iiied rooms for housekeeping, fl modern; gas furnished for cooking and tights $3 SO per week. Phone W ebster Wo. 27S.J 1'arker St. ROOM lor two; steam heated; modern. 17 ,! Jackson. FURNISHED room, private family, modern,;, walking distance. I'hone Har ney 1,1KB. 212o . DOUGLAS Two newly furnished, strictly modern rooms, hot water heat, for gentlemen. Tel. Tyler 123S. JjOVBLY front room; new, modern home; private family. H28 8. 17th Ave. $10 Cozy small room, furnace heat! gas; nice bath, plenty hot water; both tele phones; respectable: permanent people only; also front parlor, with use of piano; no objection to music or practice. 2iW St. Mary's Ave. fits), fl. 2Mh St. 2 nicely furnished rooms, one with alcove, suitable for two people; steam heat, bath, both telephones; use of piano: very reasonable. lull Douglas St. Two modern, strictly up-to-date front parlors, each suitable for two S'ntlcnen. TWO pleasant modern rooms near good board and Hanscom Vark. Tel Har. 2S08. IOVELY front room In modern home; private, family. 4)2il 8. 17th Ave. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, flrat floor, lady owner retain un-stairs, young couple preferred. Doug. 23.S2.. IAVE you decided what to get your lady friend - for Chrlatmaa? There- Is nothing that would please her better than a dalntv box of O'Brien' candy. If R. C. Peters. 4KB Cass St., will come to The Bee office within three days wo will give him an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien' condy. 255 St. Mary's Avenue, one nicely fur nished front room with piano; strictly modern. Douglas 4432. CLEAN, comrfortable sleeping room downtown. Call Douglas 2434 Sunday. Gentlemen only. Furnished Housekeeping- Rooms. MODERN well heated rooms, for house keeping. 813 So. 20th. J-'o l-arge. warm, well furniBhed room and al over furnace beat, gaa, nice bath, plenty hot water, both telephones; walking distance; leavenworth car one block; also parlor with piano; (18. 2ati3 St. Mary's. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 201U Davenport St. ONE large front parlor, newly furn ished, atrtctly modern. 800 No. 25th St. Hotels- and Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM 3 for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 S. 13th Bt Hub Hotel, steam-heated. l:KH Doug. St. DODGE HOi&L 13th .and Dodge; all steam-heated rooms: special week rate. Excellent meals, 203 N. 2tith,. So. Omaha. Howard Hotel, elegant mis. 1002 Howard. HOTEL-Flomar,. 17th and Capitol Ave. Burlington, nice rooms, 1 block to depot. CASS HOTEL, nice rooms, 170 Cass St. OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rats?. Elk Hotel, rooms 250 and 60c. 817 N. 16th. f lo-rlp-ir Untpl Council Bluffs. Rooms Ugueil IlUiei to 7 00 pP. week. Apartment audi Flats. 5-ROOM apartment In the Uintah. Ap ply 418 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg., or phone Douglas lsstl. ' THE MAEWOOD Only up-to-date apartment' house In Omaha. Just being completed. Splendid location, at corner ot Harney and 25tli Ave. Easy walking distance. Cafe in connection. Flrst-clas janitor service. Ample heat. Holler nearly twice the capacity necessary. Plenty of hot water; 575 gallons on hand at all times. laundry with four tubs. Laundry drier. Garbage disposal plant. Water furnished by owner. Fire hydrant and hose on each floor. Telephone in each apartment. House service free. Bullt-lu cupboards. Ice box and writing desk. lMsappearlng beds, well ventilated Gaa range, shades and curtain rod. Lawn and fountain in rear of building. Storm windows. Private balcony for each apartment above first floor. Storeroom In basement for each tenant. I Apartments, Including reception room. living room, kitchen, batn ana large closet, only $'. and only M-50 per month for boat during winter monuis. inn building la already nearly filled. Act quickly If you want one or. inese apart ments. ERNEST SWEET. 1ZW City Nat'l Bank Uldg. Tel, Doug. Hi2. FLATS .,. ' . . a ..a tt-f iifirlltf moil tiawlv oi.t nuira r -- . - . - - -. decorated. In a good, warm brick fund ing. A bargain at only $10. Special Induce ments if taken at once. 1M9 No. 24th. -r.. all tnoa. except neat. A bargain at $16. , 521 S. 2blh Ave.. 10-r., all mod., within easy walking dlstancr. only $-"7 00. fitij 8. Mh. 5-r., strictly mod., within walking distance, aoun raclflc, on 8-r., strictly mod. brick dwelling, in a very choice location, only $i. 214 so. 41st. a very fine, strictly mod. Vr.. St. Lout apartment. In West Far nam district, reduced from $W to $10. PAYNE & SLATER CO., i - Sole Agents, Sixth Floor, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Al'ARTMENTS . ALSATIAN Two five-room apartments', 2nd floor $..&; 3rd floor $45. ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1536. 210 S. 17th Street HOT water heated, best svstem heal. $-100111 new flat 'l hardwood finish. t4!.60 5C3 S. 22d. i-roout flat on Serman Ave Web. 5765. "(LTFINVPXRTMEN'rS On four and two three-room aiurt nients now vacant ill THE STElU.INtl. corner lth and St. Mary's Ave. These apartment are strictly modern urid ut-to-date In everv detail. Sen tner.i at one. PAYNE & SLATER CO., ' Sols Agents Sixth' Flcor. onnbu Nat'l H-ink niilg BEA UtTf iL LY"arr:in sed. newly ilecor steii. every modem convenipiice. flu l -cation. 7 looma and cement basement 4'.st and I'arnar.:. Te.ephulie lUiney 772. morning. 3 and 4-r. mod. xpa. lo.ei.t-'. M X. JM. " FOUR-ROM aparinu iit. lualtJ, J 'ih Mai.ucl. ;lt .ind Howaid Apartment and Flats. MODERN B-room heated apartinont tu( yvpst j. am in alrcet; very choice. John w. rqhhinh m fa r n am bt. FIVE-ROOM Dot, Strictly modern, ti cept licat. 7"S S. 24th St. J.- 1. Kemp. Doug. tK. Ind. int. J IE ATE D APAR'IloTvm " Five roo'.ns. lieat. pas ranp.'. ahatiea. curtain rods, hot at:d i-olil water the year arnuiNl. janitor sprMces, In Tilt: LEONE. f.:2 So. 24th St. $40. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Polo Agents. Sixth T-loor. Omnha Nat l Mnuk Uldg THItEE nnd 4-rocrnf UtsrValk I roV "dis tance; all modern except heat: wuier tn cluded. for only $U and 13.60 per month. A snap for small family. Cull at 2SJI Dewey Ave. See Mrs King iJACl 1 ELdirrpXRf MENTS ALSATIAN 3Mh Street between Dodge and Farnam. three choice furninheil rooms with heat and janitor service. li each. ARMSTRONG WALSH COMPANY. Tyler VM. 210 R. 17th Street. BWAI'TIFI'I. IXMUIA iNB NEW, NEAT, NH'TY. Three and C-rnnih apartments at 171 l and Maplo streets, ateani heated and nil modern in everv resnect. are nw. t.iuii' for occupancy. SEE THESE. THE BEST APARTMENTS IN THE CITY -6 to $4 MENGENDOHT CO.. 615 Bee Bldg. Doug. a4t2, Web. 21713. COMFORT STEAM HEATED CHICAGO PLATS. "THE STANDARD." Separate homes, six-room, full modern, fireproof stairways, new decorations, shades, ranee, hot water all year, janitor, walking distance. Winter. $32, $33, $.V.: summer, $10 less. You can't live as well or comfortably elsewhero. References required. PAYNE St SLATER CO.. Sole agents, sixth floor, Omaha, National Bank Building. ON K of those nice- 7-rocsr-, brick,, nil modorn flats suddenly vacated, 10U5 North Twenty-ninth, $20.00 Look at this. A nice 6-room, second floor apartment, modern except heat, $16.00. O. E. TURKJNOTON, 802 Bee Rldg. FIRST-CLASS 4-room apartment In the Almat 27th and Harney, $37.60, including heat. Harney 2029. . Knrnlshed. House. NICELY furnished 4-room aouu. ll': per month. Tel. Benson 144. lfl.ltntt 'hniiaa !,.. .. f..P.,uK 4- - - - - v .1 . t . . U. ..."..VU. 1,11 ... em, walking distance. Can be used fot housekeeping apartments. Harney 1S36." FURNISHED house. Phone Douglas' 1949 or call 6326- North 26th avenu. FURNIKHEr K-roorrv n,rTH.n ,,,.. rr rent for winter. Apply F 786, Omal'.a Bee. 3)49 S. 19TH-5 rooms, modern except heat, all furnished, water paid, $20. Dinir,ii 4B il!;r11f;iits ?3 Bee Bldg; D 47M. A I77iL BRICK holla, with S TAma In U... Farnarn district, for rent, furnished lot three months, $53. J. ii nnvtOTj-r env' ' Tel. Doug. 6H0. 1NU5 Farnam St., Omaha. 7-RoOM modern nicely furnlahed hoaise, wdth piano; walking distance. Call nt room 404, Bee Bldg. Furnished Apartments. 6-ROOM all modern furnished amr;- ment, In the Roland apartments, for leix montna. ejaii Webster 4i4 after o'eloak. I'nf urnlshect Rooms. OH, LOOK. Klah has thosej nice Hsht unfurnished southeast rooms, 18H Bur-dette.- Yes, It's Fish, the Piano .Tun.-. How ace , and . Cottages. WALL PAPER PiW. paper hong 4riLxj jtxi. jiXVlnKi giagn(( picture framing. Monaon, 803 Park Ave. H. 63aj. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern excep; heat. Bargain. 1742 B., th. Douglas m. ., wtcn-ituuM, an moaern. je:it Phlnaan Tal Ttmi.r TTJ-Jl SIX-ROOM house lor rent: K3E Sautu Twenty-first street. , : . . . - ' FOR RENT. - I i-V" 15S7 N. 19th St.. 4-R. cottage, city-Water tit. 1537 N. 19th 8U, 7-R, modern 4x. fur- 2i . ;'216 Grace -St., -R. modern, $18. . . '; 2721 Sprague St.. 6-R. cottage,' city .writer. $12. : i 2723 Spragu St.," 6-R cottage, qlly warier. $12. .. 2521 Blnney St., 6-R cottage, city water, !2. 2623 Blnney St., 6-R cottage, city water,iJ. K228 N. 2iith Ave., 6-R,; barn, $1. 77 " 716 Bancroft St., 4-R and baseman t. 10. 1017 Center, 6-R cottage.1 city water; $32. W. G. BHRrVER. 1047-9 Omaha National Bank. Bldg. 841) H. 218T ST., rooms, modern except heat $19. . . I3u2 s. 31st. St. 10 rooms, jswdern.- barji. 4222 Cuming St., 8 room,, modern, new, 4115 Izard St., 7 room, modern', $32.50. 45th und Nicholas Sts. (northeast ojr ner). ti rooms, modern, $30. . ' J30ii s. 30Ui Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $30. 4128 Izard St.. .6 rooms, moduli,' I 0. . . 4.190 Lafayette Ave., rooms, modern, $25. lit Grace St., 10 rooms, modern, $26. 2010 N. ISth' St., 10 room, modern, $23.. . l'Juti-8 Farnam St., 6-room flats, each $25. 1j2 Farnam St., 6-room flat, $20. 4.'i02 Hamilton St., t rooms, modorn, $.22.50. 2924 Hamilton St, 6 rooms, $IB. 20i)3 N. 18th St., second floor, 6' rooms. $17.W. 2015 Cos St., second floor,..? rooms, modern, heated, $40. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St Phones Douglas 1064, Independent A-10C4. 672 S. 28th St., 6 rooms, completely modern S35.vt). Hull, 433 Ramge. 1. 7403. A-4403. - - 1 '-- . - FOR RENT Four-room cottage on 2Sth Ave., between Dodge and Douglas street J. Sea Dexter L. Thomas. 412 ' Bp Bldg. STRICTLY modern new 6-ruorn bunga low. Owner, AVebster 3162. Tinxri.- ('..., . a 1 ih.uiuiHl t.nuim kniiHM with bath, basement. In city. . Apply iUJ N. 22d. ; ' . "$20 7 room, 3628 N. 27th, $25.00 1117 Pant Ave. S524 N. Z'th. 12. Webster l'!77. MOD. 5-room cottage; fine rep'r. II. 8t44. 0 ROOMS, modern, except heat; conve nient to car, church and school; modern steel range, also gas range and handsom kitchen cabinet. aCKSi Pratt St. . Untisna In all parts of the citj. llOUhea Creleh ,song g. c'o., Bee Blllg.' For Rent Brick House Four bedrooms, bath and toilet on sec ond floor; large family room, dining room, buttery-kitchen, refrigerator room, hall and vestibule 011 first floor.; full cement basement; furnace heat; every thing ftrst-claas and strictly modern. Lo cated at 1611 Georgia Ave. See the owner at li1 Georgia Ave., or pUun Harney 15U9. NEW modern 7-rooin house. isiS Maicy. Inquire &19 8. 20th. Weat Farnuin New modern arucco, 7-r., 319 N. th Ave. Phone Ked 2IH7. - FOR RENT -roorn house and bath all modern. Inquire 1913 South Ulh St., or Phone Tyler 1435. 6-ROOM modern house nearly new and nicely decorated. Lo:ated at 1710 Decatur bt. $23 01. Phone H. 6433 or D-1636. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Epi easmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Douglas 294. City office, lis S. 17th SL Be Bldg. : Houses. Ins. ltlngwalt. Brandel Th. Bldg. OMAHA EXP. CO., moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. XM. 41ii N. 17th. 7-P.OOM house, t4; ft-rooin. tM. IU11-r-otn park: modern. Phone Harney 174w. 27lti D0UUI.A6. water fre; ooen. 4-room tottuge. e; MoL'.Cl.N v-iooi.i Ave. Mail nev 1M. iioue. 71i Capitol LTiJKT-KlHiM iioiio. tt itly mod er u. Call S e'aater .'v!2 "TTuiTlT ": a iM borse ut l'f N. l'.nck b.iru ct flo N. 2Jt M. O. t'. REDIi 'K. Allot my, IJ17 Fai Piim -'. Uih. SI 1 IT