Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, EDITORIAL, Image 28

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Pag
Copyright. 1911, by Amtrlcan-Exanilner. Great Britain Right! TUstrvtS
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"AQ .... . NggfcT y'gO,., Here Depicted Hat Now Been
(yn ' i . . . . " "- . : - ' Supplanted by the Modern Reaper
CrV : -N S VX Shown in the Picture Below.
Mr. Cliddan, th
Ftmoui Tourut.
BIBLKLAXD ts being rapidly
Americanized. Skyscraper!
have not yet made their ap
pearance to mar the ancient sky
lino, but many modern buildings
are being erected and in almost
every other reaped the", oldest
v cities ot the world are beins
Bpeedily converted isto counter
parts of Ne.v York, Chicago and '
the other up-to-the-minute me
tropolises of the . western hemls'",
phere. .. . ' l .
Telephones, electric trolleys, re
inforced concrete 8tructures, mod
ern watering- carts, American five
engines and railways and even- bi
. cy61e policemen are now a. feature
of the reconstructed cities of, Pales
tine. . . . y ..
The transformation has' bepn ef
fected lnce the triumph of . the
..Young . Turks over Abdul Hamid,
. eome three years ago, and with so
little advertising that the rest of the
; world is not generally aware of It.
In political, educational, and par
ticularly in economic reforms there
has been a great deal of progress.
Important railroad and trausporta-
t tion concessions have been granted, 1 ia.gra,Ufying to note that' it is
.American methods and American 'j
. .dollars -that are mainly responsible '
' for - this desirable - change. Truff,
.Turkey has had-, many setbacks
einee she started out to carry into
effect reforms in her various Asiatic
i possessions and at the moment Is at
. : :-.v.. V '
The Modern Watering Cart
Which U Now Used i&
Automobiles and Even Bicycle
Policemen in the Streets Where the
J avior Walked, Modern
Buildings on the Sites of Ancient
Temples, an Up-to-Date, Reinforced
Concrete Reservoir Where
Clean the
in v
cnpitHl, nnd also ,' In JerusalemJ
while an Kngllsh company art
about fo furnish the Jerusalem po
lice " with bicycles. Also the very
latest appliances may be detected
In the building operations that are
now Rolng'on. Reinforced con
crete Is being used on some of the
more Important edifices.
The Firtt Automobile Perhaps it Is in transportation
Scrn in th Holy facilities that the development taf
Then both Damascus and Beyrout
nave also recently had their water
supply greatly improved, and bow
boast of their electric tramway ser
Damascus was the flrst city In
Bible Lands to have electric trams
and electric light This Is remarka
bfe when we remember that it is
toe oldest city in the world, having
been a place of great importance in
the days of the Patriarchs.
In the near future, however, Je
rusalem will undoubtedly possess
electric trams, and an American
syndicate has been asked to submit
tenders not only for equipping the
Holy City with an electric tramway
service, but the suburbs of Constan-
Reinforced Concrete I Being
Used in Jerusalem in the
Construction of Cisterns
and Other Structures.
Elisha's Fountain, Jericho, Which
Has Been Superseded by a
Modern Water Work.
The Modern Wheat-Reaping Machine Is Now Widely Used
. in Palestine. '
war with Italy, but, despite all this,
Lbe improvements sanctioned by her
' government are being put in hand
, and responsible heads are seeing
viliat they axe being carried out.
Jerusalem, Jericho and Pales
tine's newest city, Bcersbeba, have
Been given a much reeded water
supply. At the last named place
' water is now being supplied to the
town from a well believed to have
fceen used by Abraham, by means of
a motor pump.
tinople as well. ' In the same way an
American company has been ' ap- '
proached by the municipality for
supplying , the Holy City with elec
tric light.
Indeed, In every department of
commercial enterprise and activity,
modern methods are being rapidly
brought into vogue. On the rich
plains of Sharon and also on the
tablelands between Jaffa and Jeru
salem steam-driven threshing ma
chines and modern harvesters may.
oe seen. With hardly an exception,
they are of American origin.
Everywhere American self-binding
reapers and ploughs may be
detected, quite an advance on the
old method of reaping by hand and
threshing out the grain by the tread
of oxen on the primitive threshing
floors. Then, all over the country,
particularly in the orange groves,
the primitive way of raising water
for Irrigation and other purposes is
being superseded by pumps driven
by kerosene motors.
Some few months ago the Turkish
Government granted a concession
for" the exploitation of the minerals
in the Dead Sea basin and allowed
a Mohammedan to place a motor
boat on this historic sheet" of
water, and K was then the-only self
pro polled craft on Palestine waters.
Now an American, at the. moment
residing in Cairo, has approached
the Government "with the object of
placing similar vessels upon the
Kiver Jordan and the Sea of Galilee.
Such craft would b mora than wel
comed as affording an easy means
of visiting the sacred places, and
also for conveying Tretght-from one
port to another. Indeed, such trans
port facilities are .badly needed on
these historic waters.
Then In Jerusalem Itself much
hns been done In wldenlug some
of the narrower thoroughfares,
particularly. In the business quar
ters ot the town. The authorities
have now decided to pull down
David's Tower, a venerable old
pile, erected so far back as 1342,
and which, of course, forms part of
the picturenquo old wall that sur
rounds the Holy City.
Some may regard the spoliation
of this ancient edifice aa a desecra
tion, but it Is necessary here to
widen the entrance and give more
room for the ever-increasing traffic
In and out of the city. The moat
Is now being filled In, and during
the coming Winter the tower Is to
be razed to the ground. i
The walls that surround Jerusa
lem have a .length ot about three
miles and rise, In some places, to
a height ot Z&Vj feet. They enclose
about 209 acres one-sixth of this
extent being devoted, to the temple
area, which contains some thirty
five acres. Until a generation ago
there were no bulldlnga beyond
these walls, and at sundown .(as
also at noon during the Mohamme
dan prayers on Friday), the gates,
some eight In number, 'were all
closed, and it was almost' all a
man's life was worth to arrive after
the gates were shut.
Now quite large colonies have
sprung up outside the walls and
some of Jerusalem's finest hotels,
hospices, hospitals and Institutions
are situated outside the walls. It
was only some five years ago that
the Jaffa Gate was not closed at)
night. Then a second was lert
open, until iow none is ever closed.
Indeed, two ot them have no gates
st all.
When the German Emperor vis
ited Jerusalem, some thirteen
years ago, a drastic Improvement
was made near the Jaffa Gate by
filling In the moat here and taking
down part ot the old wall, giving
quite a wide space for traffic.
There was set up here later a foun
tain in commemoration of the Sul
tan's Jubilee, and more recently,
surmounting the gate tower, a
clock tower, built out of stones
taken ' from 1 Solomon's quarries.
This improvement was followed by
taking down a portion ot the wall
of two of the other gates, thus giv
ing sufficient' space for a carriage
to pass straight In, Instead of ha v.
lng to turn at right angles Immedi
ately after negotiating the gate
way, as was formerly the case.
Two modern water carts recently
arrived in Jerusalem from Eng
land, and are now being used in
place of the old methods of water
ing the roads with aklns. It was
only the other month that the
municipality acquired a set of mod
ern fire-fighting appliances ot
American make. Then the Turkish
authorities recently granted con
cessions to several American and
English companies for the con
struction and exclusive operation
of telephones both In the Turkish
Parliament met lit the Spring ther;
were submitted to It plans for the
' construction of no fewer than l.BOO;
miles ot railroad with mineral and,'
oil rights In the Asiatic dominions
or the Sultan to show the rapid de
velopment now goinir on In- this
part of the world. Many of these
ventures will be financed by power
ful American-syndicates.
Briefly, the railroad programme '
Is as follows:. The Government has
determined fo carry the lines ot the
Hedjaz Railroad with all speea
across the 285 miles of desert be
tween Medina and. Mecca, Start
ing from Damascus, this line runa
almost due south through wild and
sterile country for more than ft
miles to Medina,, tho burial place
of Mohammed. It Is principally
used for carrying Mohammedaa
pilgrims. On many of Its more Im
portant stations one can now send
telegrams in almost any Europeaa
language to all part's of the world.
Until quite recently they had to se
written In either Turkish or, Arabic
Tourists visiting Palestine now
make use of this line for reaching
tho rock-hewn city of Petra, on the
edge of the great Arabian desert.
It means a saving ot at least eight
days in the Journey.
This Is, of course, by no mean
the only railroad In Palestine. The
first to be opened was that which
connects tho seaport of Jaffa wlta
Jerusalem, built by tho French,
and which will finally revert a
Turkey. Then followed one from
Beyrout, on the coast to Damascus,
also the work ot tho French, and,
more recently, the Turkish line
from Haifa, also on the coast, round
the southern end of the Sea of
Galilee, to Damascus.
Of tho lines yet to be built la
Asiatic Turkey one will extend from
Samsoon, on tho Black Sea, In a
southeasterly direction to a point
near the Persian border. Then, ot
course, there is the famous Bagdad
enterprise, the concession to con
struct which was given to the Ger
man Emperor some eleven years
ago by the deposed Sultan.
Few realize what this will tneaa
, In the way of connecting the Asiatio
dominions of the Sultan and' tho
kingdom of the Shah with Europe
by direct railroad communication.
Another 180 miles and the Bagdad
lino will reach Killls, already Joined
up with Aleppo and tho Hedjase en
terprise. If tho Bosphorus has by
that time been spanned by a bridge,
which has already been suggested
by the authorities in Constantinople,
the Turkish capital will bo In rail
road communication with Damascus,
Medina and Mecca, and also with
'the rest Europe. ,
by eatlnf
They und
What You Eat Your Medicine
The Strangest Woman in All France
DRUS, In many respects tho
, ; most remarkable woman in
Fiance, has Just returned from a
trip to Egypt, more convinced than
' ever that she is the reincarnation of
the woman of centuries ago who
inspired the sculptor of the Sphinx.
Seated in the desert in the shadow
of tho giant figure, with its weather
worn features, Mme. Delarue Ma
drus's striking resemblance to the
graven Imago waa so startling that
every- member of the party was
struck by it
' But this remarkable woman Is
never tto happy as when she is mak
ing a sensation. Beautiful, wealthy
and keen in wit, the succeeds in
keeping herself before the public la
tome utrtklng pose all the time.
' She ts a writer of the most dar
ing and erotic literature, has writ
ten plays and poems and novels,
though ahe is not yet thirty-five.
She has an insatiable desire for
travel, an unusual thing in a French
person, and be has been In the
. Himalayas, has explored remote re-
f ...
Mm. Lucia DoUru Mdru(, Who.
Saw Har lauf a in the Sphinx.
glona in Arabia, Persia aad the Car
pathian " Mountains. She made a
tour of Greece on foot, visited the
harems of Turkey, wandered all
over the Went African desert, and
now she hu been in Egypt this past
She believes that when in Roma
one should do as the Romans do.
Wherever she goes she dresses in
the garb of the native women ot
the place and enters ms far as a
foreigner an, into tho life of the
people. She declares that she is
getting material for more books and
plays storing up local color for the
She always Is photographed In her
costumes and against picturesque
backgrounJs, and sees that the Il
lustrated papers are well supplied
with posea of herself.
In her travels she has had many
adventures and hair-breadth es
capes, but as she always travels
with a large retinue of servants
and has several friends with her
she ia never In any very great dan
ger. She travels like a princess, al
though abo has had to endure innu-
merable hardships on some of her
Her next Journey Is to be to thli
country next year. She Is golnj to
visit the Rocky Mountains, Mexico,
Arizona and Alaska. She wants to
climb Mount McKlnley, or at least
to attempt It.
AVAGE people and animals cure their ilia
lng curative vegetables and fruits.
'hey understand instinctively the healing
properties that are contained in the storehouse
of Nature. If man understood and applied the
same laws they do he would need no doctor.
But food specialists are now studying the ques
tion of natural vegetable cures and are teaching
people the value of the common fruits and
vegetables when used as medicine for various
The pineapple Is a sort of complete medicine
chest in itself for derangements of the stomach.
It has been regarded as an Indignellble food, but
this was because It wax not known that no par
ticle of the pulp should ever bo swallowed, for
this cellular mass Is In truth completely Indi
gestible and should not be permitted to pass to
the 'etomach. The Juke only should be swallowed,
and the cellular pulp removed from the mouth.
It should never be eaten with sugar, but always
with salt. The sugar with tho acid makes a
bad combination.
Scientists have discovered of late that the
Juice of the pineapple contains a digestive prin
ciple very much like pepsin, the action being
the same, and it la recommended as a euro for
dyspepsia. It has been found that the Juice acta
upon the casein of milk Just as rennet does, and
tiie experiment has been tried of placing a slice
of raw beef between two thick slices of fresh
ripe pineapple, and the character of the beet has
been completely changed within three to four
hours. The action of the Juice, like pepsin, ts
Pineapple Juice Is now being made use of by
physicians in cases of dlphtheretlc sore throat
and croup, the false membrane being dissolved
by the powerful, Insidious acid of tho tropio
fruit. It brings quick relief.
Cranberries are now regarded as one ot the
best cures for malaria and for erysipelas. The
best way to take them medicinally is raw; the
chemical properties of the acid are then com
plete, whereas in cooking they are somewhat
weakened. There are two delicious ways of eat
ing cranberries raw in a salad and In a bever
age. As a salad the largest, ripest berries are
selected, washed and cut In halves and served
on crisp ettuco leaves with a dressing of olive
oil, lemon Juice and egg. As a beverage tho
cranberries are crushed and left to aoak to water
overnight. The aeld In tho water is extremely
refreshing and cooling to the blood.
The cooked cranberries are excellent for clear
ing the aystem and blood and should be eaten
in large quantities.
Watermelon has been found or great value In
cases or yellow fever and is also recommended
for epilepsy. The pulp should never bo eaten,
however, for its cellular structure ts as tough as
that of the pineapple and as Indigestible.
Ivemona have been appreciated medicinally
t more than other fruits and for fevers, rheu
mat Ism, liver troubles, sore throats, low fever,
biliousness and colds they have been used for
years. A doctor ouce sand that if lemons cost
a dollar apiece they would be regarded as the
greatest remedy In the World for a variety nf
ills, but as they a re so cheap and sd cbmtnon, no
one will heed the doctors' recommendation of
them. They are of grea value, and should' al
ways be In the household , and partaken of freely.
They should never, however, be used In com
bination with cano sugar, as'the effect of the
one upon tho other is very bad for the human
interior. The entire ' medicinal value of the
lemon is Immediately destroyed by combining It
with sugar or any cane product such as syrup
or molasses.
Onions are one of the most potent of the vege
tables. For nervous troubles they are like a
tonic and should be eaten in great quantities,
either raw or cooked very simply, and eaten
without any other vegetable. Baking thoroughly
is tho best method of cooking onions when' they
are to be used aa a medicine. They should then
be eaten with butter and a very little salt:; It
ia better to use no salt at all. Cases of nervous
prostration have been cured by a persistent diet
or onions, .whole wheat bread and butter and
raw eggs, varied with a few simple desserts and
plneapplo eaten with salt.
Onions also cure sleeplessness. A well-known
lecturer, who was uervous and high strung, al
ways made a meal of. baked onions and bread
and butter the night previous to his lecture. He
could sleep like a baby and awake refreshed and
steady tho next day. He would eat from Ave
to ten large onions at a meal, according to his
Onion syrup for coughs, colds and hoarseness
has long been known to old-fashioned country
nurses. They also bind slices of raw onloa
about the necks of patients with sore throats
and in a few hours the powerful astringent prop
erties of the vegetable are found to have re
lieved the soreness.
. Spinach, dandelion and asparagus act directlr
upon the kidneys and keep tho system pure anil
free from clogging. Asparagus is beat eaten In
the Spring and Summer, but spinach ia effica
cious tne year round.
Tomatoes are perhaps tho best vegetable
for the liver. They act direclly upon that or
gan, for they contain large quantities of vego
tabln calomel. They should always be eaten raw
when used medicinally, as tho action of fire
destroys the power of tho calomel. Never eat
the skin of a tomato; it Is indigestible.
Carrots are excellent for the blood and for
asthma. They should bo eaten raw. but should
iin iint'i v FrM ipn nr rrnnnri in rAj
They may then be eaten as a salad with lettuce
and dressing. They are also recommended for '
nervous patients and should bo very, very thor
oughly masticated.
lettuce la excellent for Insomnia and for cool
ing the entire system. It should be eaten green,
not white. The green Juice in the lettuce is tho
medicinal part. It Is not natural for lettuce to ,
bo white, although wo all And it. so delicious.'
that way.
Celery has remarkable medicinal qualities. It
Is good for nervousness, rheumatism, neuralgia
and nervous dyspepsia. Tho green leaves of
celery are excellent; also the root when boiled .
When one la eating the stalks of celery, none
of the cellular rait should be swallowed, as it
Is Indigestible; it should bo chewed until all
the Juices have been extracted and then tho
pulp should be removed from tne mouth.
Beets are excellent for making fresh, new
blood, and should bo eaten raw for this purpose.
Grate them fine and serve as a salad with let-
. tuce ana a dressing ot oil and lemon Juice.