aft n TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: nKCKMHKH in. 1011. FAMILY LIGHTNING RODS Ideal Means of Putting Domestic , Jar Out of Business. THREE GENERATIONS IN HOME 1 Soothla K.ffriM et laras and (iraaiwmia on Hot Tempera of Vuik Mnrrlril Couples. II V KM I IB riUlETi Mcmlier of the Krench Academy.) TomiK married people often quarrel. "Ton lovo for threo months,' quarrel tor tliifo live tog-etlier for thirty, and then the children begin the same olr sa.s Talne. This is why I hnvu tiro raid that the Ideal family consist cf threi KPneratlons- grandparents, par ent!" anil children. W hen the grandpas tits art present quarrels itart leas easily. They ai withheld and you know that vfti If a. difference of oplnlorr that iu Wp to yourself Is painful. It is far lees ! than nn open quarrel, because the ir revoiubla words, unpardonable words, hit vc- not been pronounced. Touns married people always have a l'ttlo to complain, one about tlu other. They generally complain to their male or female friends, reaper-lively. In most enscs this Is very deplorable, for a friend i more, apt to iour oil Into the flames than to act as a peace-tin krr. 1 have heard a mother complain to her n-ycar-ntd son. which is even wnf'. Sho had to complain, but this ulmoxt criminal. In the- complete faniil.-r the granrlfHtlu'r end Rrandmother re there to Uston to complaints, to dltu.-11.14 lh"in. to smooth thm dowh and to annlhtlnln thtm. Toil Much Happiness. -'tou.iig collides are often Buffering fioni ft satiety of happiness and the remedy of this Is in the child, but it Is certainly also in the giandparcnt. Solitude i deux In happiness has Its drawback Uie too rlose intimacy.. The . Intimacy Is ' fortunately , broken by; the child, but more, fortunately ! mill by. the older people, w ho are not yet , too old and w ith whom you can talk, ex . change views and ideas, together with , whom you have pleasures . which do. not ' enter into your relations with 'the child. Crandfather and grandmother art like liirhf conductors for the too close inti macy which makes happiness monoto nous. Tonlradlct me once in a while that I may feel that we are two," said an .Orestes to a Pylades, who was too much of an Achates. Generally young couples contradict one another too much, but soino times they do not contract enough I In both cases advices are weclome. In the first case they conciliate In the sec ond they bring 'In varieties, in the first case they establish harmony In the sec ond they add a new instrument to the .concert. One feels that one is being watched, certainly, : and the craving for independ- em e crows when you feel that ou are not autonomous, that you do not belong tn ynurseli. "I his Is a heavy burden. I lo not deny this. You always feel 4he 'tu'onven!cr.ce cf ft thing, the abaonce of which yuu -would dtplort if it were not the.c. sfucli Is the character of the human heart. Hut everybody has his duties, even grandparents, and it their children have the duty of being respectful, the grandparents have the duty of being dis crete. They must preserve moderation and give to the children a certain amount of autonomy In time and space. They nra councillors, confidential advisers, pro tectors and preservers, but must often be content with being witnesses. A really wise man is a man who knows a well when to be absent as when to be present, when to shut his eyes aa well a when to open them. Surveillance at Uooil Thlna. The art of I'fo cons'sle partially in knowing how to plRce yourself In a re lation to clrcunntancos which In a gen eral way force us to be what we want to be and prevent us from doing what wc ccldentally much 'wish to do. In a gen. eral way you may feel a desire to be unfaithful to your wife or to your hus band. It. is in' this Utter cane, that the surveillance by older people Is disagree able tu us. You muft then lmiiHxllely tell yourself that the day will ronieAvhen ou will he huppy to linvo done, with a little help, that which harmonizes with your general -tendency and will, though you would willingly have listened to your first accidental Impulse, and you will congratulate yo.ire'f because of the ob staeln that came In the way of your uccldental desire. Although I have some sympathy with tho wife who Is unfaith ful to her husband because of the road Inf.ttuatlon of a moment and who lo,ves her huMiund no less for that. I do not adlvxe those who ate Inclined towards unfaithfulness to consider that even the dream of unfalthfulnens leaves no pleas ant memories behind. As there Is nothing more exquisite about love than the dream of it and the memories It leaves behind. It is sufficient to have dreamed of a lover and remember your dream, lor un faithfulness itself leaves nothing but sad and disturbing memories. leneflclal tn Children. Early marriage and the presence of the grandparents, if useful to the young couple, are still more beneficial to the children. Early marriage diminishes the difference in age and sentiments. between parents and children. It Is this difference that Montaigne wants to : make very great that the son may not become the rival of his father on the battlefield, In business. In the pursuit of honor, that the father may be ready to retire when the activity of the son begins. It Is no longer suitable In our days. As for rvalry, twenty years dlffertnce In age la sufficient that it may not become dangerous to the father, and on'the other side It Is an excellent thing for the son of twenty to have a father of forty, be- u the father will then at the same time be able lo fill the place of a friend. u eomiade. an advisor and protestor who will be in full vigor, while If he were sixty his strength would alrewdy lte on the decline and his way of thinking quite different from that of his son. Montaigne never thinks of bringing up of children by their parents and in this regard a great difference in age between father and son, mother and daughter Is a very serious drawback. When you are W and 10. respectively, you still understand one another, but when you are 40 or 4i and Ul, understanding is difficult, not to say Impossible. Kducallon partly con sists In Itving over again your own child hood In your children, giving them the benefit of your experiences. In becoming a child once more to understand how to guide and advise a child. You may be ablu to live your childhood over again until yuu are 30. at 40 It is difficult, at 50 impossible. I know this from my own experience as a teacher. At 22 I was a very good teacher, at 30 I was excellent. at 40 I was a poor success, at uO I would have been a miserable failure. It is necessary fur a child to have happy and Ught-hcarted parents who are able to understand and take part In its Joys and pleasures. All good men have had good parents and neurasthenics are only those who have had melaucholy parents. "Cul non rlsere parcntes." Jolly Parents Bearer. There are almost no more guy and jolly parents nowadays; they are all nearly 40 or 50. it is a disaster to a generation to have had parents whose Joy of living was a thing of the past. The child who sees qnly its parents is cheated of part of lis life. It sees only one side of life and the sight of human life as a whole Is an excellent and very essential element In education. A child mint have before Its eyes Infancy Im personated by Its brothers or sisters, youth and middle age by 'Its mother and fathers, ripe and okl age by Its. grand patents. I had a father and a mother who were far too old for me, and, old grandfather and grandmother, though my grand father's soul had remained young. I felt very well that I missed something. The gap tu filled' by my uncle',' a splendid young man, only 20 years older than I, who came to live with us. Webecame great friends, for he was a good natured and Jolly fellow, lie taught me something of life and also a good many games, lie was Just old enough to huve been my father and thanks to him my register was now com plete. I found In him something of the father I ought to have had as far as age la concerned, while in my father t found a grandfather and In my 1 real grandfather a great grandfather. v This was very convenient. A child should have an opportunity to observe life In all Its phases. . .There Is no better preparation for life Itself. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Secret Societies Now Engaged in Electing; Officers for Year. SOCIAL EVENTS ARE PLANNED Wltsi the Winter Season tomes -fioaaremente at Many rirasaat Affairs amaasr the Carinas Lodges la Omaha. Tuesday evening Clan Oordon No. 3. Order of Scottish flans, held a very Im portant meeting. One man was initiated and the following officers elected for U12; Chief, James Cameron: tantlst. John McTaggart; chaplain. John French: sec retary, James C. Lindsay: financial sec retary, George A. Dunn; treasurer. Wil liam J. tllelop; henchmen, William Hen nle, Alexander MrKee: seneshal. W. K. Callan: warden, James Mann; sentinel. Mat leltch; physician, 1r. C. C. Morri son; truatees. Tom Johnson, liugn Buttle. D. Unn; piper, CJcorge W. McDougall; standard bearer, William Hampton. Inalrprnilrut tinier of iit Fellows. Omaha lodge. No. ?. will have four can didates for the second degree next Fri day evening. U. Vlefflor fell oft .C an eight-foot step ladder In the Odd Fellows' hall last Tues day morning and surfered painful Injuries which will keep him at home for several days. Keacon lodge No. 2j will put on tho first degree work next Tuesday evening. The officers of the sovereign grand lodge, acting under the Instructions of the last sovereign grand lodge com munication, are making preparations to plant this branch of Odd Fellowship In England next year. Dannebrog lodge. No. 2 hi. will have four candidates for the second degree next Friday evening. Pouth Omaha lodge. No. Its. will have work In the first degree tomorrow night. District Deputy Grand Master Clark visited the lodges last week and is mak ing preparations for Installing the new officers early In January. Ivy Rebekalt lodge, No. U. will give a dance next Thursday evening. Rarlght's hall by Mpha csmn No. 1, Woodmen of the World: Counsel com mander, Michael Kelser; adviser lieuten ant, A. C. Winters; banker, tleorge 8. Mack: celrk. Charles I'nltt; escort, Alfred Sinclair; watchman. A. J. Bruggeman; sentry. W. It. Church. Kmerson Dawson was elected member of the board of man agers for three years and all camp physi cians were elected camp examiners. K.aalea Choose Officers. The local branch of the Fraternal Order of Eagles held an election Thursday night In which the following officers were chosen: Worthy president. W. K. Stock ham; worthy vice president, Henry Teseh; secretary. C. 8. Huntington; treasurer. T. Costenxo; thaplaln. It. Uasgmshek; trus tees, P. O. Srhroeder, J. tl. Gross, K. 8. Fisher; inslle guard. 8op1ius Hangs; outside guard, William llusten. Hoial elhbora. The Itov il Neighbors of Omaha and vicinity will hold an Important union meeting In Woodmen hail No. 1, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, Tuesday afternoon, December 12. beginning at I S) o'clock. The national lecturer of the ltoyal Neigh bor society, Mrs. Grmlnger, will deliver an address. The supreme oracle and state olfiveis also are expected to be present. five parly and ilanr? nt Ttartght's hall Saturriav evening. Hand painted china prises will be awarded. I.erlarer la f omlna. Mrs. Susie Uronlger. the rstlonsl lec turer of the Iloal Neighbors, will lie here this week and will hold a meeting In Modern Woodmen of America hall to discuss the raising of rates. Irele lo Fleet Officers. The Getty Hour circle will meet on Wednesday afternoon at Fraternal hall for election of officers. The meeting" will be called at 2 o'clock. Flection Anuovnrral. Lillian temple No. 1. Pythian Sisters, will sold Its yearly election of officers Mondsy evening at Myrtle hall. ttnlirrt Horns' HlrlhUay. in commemoration of the birth of Bobble Bums, Clan Gordon. No. 6.1, will hold a celebration on the evening of January 26. For the occasion they have engaged the Royal Welch Ladles choir of twenty voices. The choir Is led by the wife of an ex-mayor or Cardiff, Wales, a very wealthy woman. ltoyal elahhore Fleet Officers. ransy camp No. 10, Royal Neighbors of America, elected the following officers for the ensuing yei": Oracle, Mrs. Ada Rrady; vice orncle. Mrs. Adalla De Vol; past oracle, Mrs. Ella Barlow; recorder, Mrs. Olive Grimes; receiver. Mrs. Marie Gross: chancellor, Mrs. Mary Hewitt; marshal, Mrs.' Ada Willey; Inner sentinel, Mrs. Mary Koesters; outer sentinel, Mrs. Llbble fituart: manager, Mrs. Eliza beth King; physicians, Drs. Rex. Pinto and Jacobl; assists n. recorder, Mrs. Laura Parker. Fraternal I nlon f America. Mondamln lodge. No 11 Is making preparations for a Christmas dancing party on December 1H at Frenxer hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker streets. The hall will be prettily trimmed In Christ mas green and a real Santa Claua will be there. . ebraaka .National Uanrda. , The Omaha battalion of infantry of the Nebraska National Guards will give a dancing party next Friday evening at the new armory, at Twentieth and Har ney streets. The battalion will hold a stag party at the armory December 22.. Barristers' Banquet to Be Held Saturday Omaha Bar association's last banquet of the yesr be held at the lioyal next Saturday evening at o'clock, according to announcement of Fiank L. Weaver, nresldent of the association. The ban- quet will be complimentary lo all mem bers whose dues are paid. Judge Howard Kennedy of the eaulty and Juvenile divisions of the ' district court will speak on the-ne"w law-library plan. Arthur Wakeley will speak of his Impressions during his European tout- last summer and other members of the bar will give Impromptu addresses. Members who will attend should notify President -Weaver or Charles K. Foster, secretary of the assoclstlon before Fri day evening. Deccuber U. Maccabees Dance. The Ladies of the Maccabeea nt the World will give a dancing party Thurs day evening at Myrtle hall, also a class initiation Friday afternoon, December 15, at 2 o'clock, Fifteenth an 1 Douglas. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Caster Tost Flection. George A. truster post. Grand Army of the Republic, will conduct their annual election of officers Tuesday evening. MOVEMENT ISQMNING FORCE Religious Campaign Participated In by All Denominations, EXPERTS COME HERE W MARCH fieogxe l. Wallace Attends Meeting- of Committee of ninety. ""even at t. Irftala anil Helarns with Mneh Information, l Alpha Camp Election. The following officers were elected at Pocanohtas, will give Progressive Hlah-Flve." Minnehaha council No. 2, Degree of progressive high Hold that Driver Assumed All Risks Answer to Floyd, H Doherty's IJJ.OOO personal Injury' damage suit sgalnst the Omaha Ppeedway company and others wss filed by the 8peedwoy company In district court. Doherty, a rscer. was se verely and probably permanently injured during the automobile races last summer. He was driving about sixty miles an hour before a race when Joseph 'G. Zlm mer and 11. It. Marquardt tried to cross the track in a car. He etruclc them. He sued them and the Speedway company, alleging negligence and carelessness, one of.'the iipecirio charges being that-tho track was not oiled and dust prevented his seeing the other car. The. Ppeedwgy company; answer sets up the defense that Doherty knew the danger when he drove on the track and assumed the rl.k. Zlmmer 'and Mar quardt have not yet filed their answers. The key i in success tn business Is the Judicious and pera'stent ise of newspaper advertising. George O. "Wallace Is home from ft. Louis where he attended a meeting of the committee of ninety-seven, Men and Religion Forward Movement.) Mr. Wal lace also took oecsslon to look Into the methods of conducting tho eight-day campaign In" 8t. Louis, similar- to the campaign which will be conducted In Omaha the last week in March, and will report to the committee, ha vlng charge of the Omaha movement at Its next meet ing. Mr. Wallace states that the committee of nlnetv-seven Js enthusiastic over the great growth of Interest which men of all classes sre showing. Not only are mem bers of Christian churches aroused, but leaders In the Corns n Catholic and Jew ish churches are co-operating In a num ber of cities, while leading citizens In many cities who are not members of sny church express their confidence In the good that must result from such cam paigns. About one-third of the Cities to be visited bv the teams who hold from five to eight-day campaigns of direction and Instruction have already had their cam paigns and reports were, received from these. Minneapolla was- the first city touched and because of the experimental staae of the movement at that time did not see Immedlste results a clearly as if the campaJgn-had been conducted later. However, the reports from Minneapolis are extremely interesting. Mr. Wallace says that Omaha was pe culiarly fortunate In having- tho campaign at so late a date, not only on account of th accumulated force of the movement which will be behind the work when Omaha Is reached, but because of the greater experience which the specialists can bring to their work here. Mr. Wal lace, after studying the preparations made at 8t. Louis, comes back much en couraged with the situation here and feels that the lending church men of Omaha and the churches are into the work here as heartily aa anywhere In the country. CASH REGISTER STOLEN BY INDUSTRIOUS THIEF Charles Jacobson, 441 North Twenty fourth street, reports that Ills lunch and pool room waa entered through a sky light Friday night and robbed of a cash register containing about $15. The bur glar used a ladder to get on top of the building and then pulled it up and placed It down through the skylight. He got out of the store by, unlocking the front dtwr. 1 '4z (Hrj j ' jgjji . ( V 2 roi j . ($ 4fe 1 I JVv 5lsar a" .... AT rTrwriiRV vVki Artistic Creations in Whiting Silver As exclusive ' Omaha representatives for the famous Frank M. Whiting Silver ware this store is in a very fitting posi tion to assist those who are in search of distinctive and beautiful Christmas gifts. A Whiting silver gift from this store is sure to delight the recipient. Gift buyers will be especially interestciljn the handsome pierced line made by Whiting. The exclu sie character of the designs and the refined lines of these pieces answer requirements made by the most exacting. Some of the most attractive pieces of this beautiful line are shown here in hand pierced coffee cups, bouillon cups, sherbert cups, ramikin cups, sand wich trays, caseroles and meat platters. "Whiting. """" silver gives the finest designs for every correct table appointment. ' It posseses splendid beauty and is made by the most skilled workmen. It is very moderately priced, so that one may find here an inexpensive gift of silver for Christmas. C. B. Brown Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths .; Sixteenth and Farnam Streets Frank M. Whiting, Attleboro, Mass, jtjuvtAJirtAAftnnn. wavini-i --ji-vn srrarsrsafi. The Mesh Bag You Should Buy npHIS Store . carries the largest line of gun metal mesh bags in Gmaha. These exquisitely beautiful articles are manu factured by the Importing Co., of NewYork, whose stamp on a mesh bag is guarantee of the highest' quality and the most fash ionable design. All patterns beautiful and distinctive. The workmanship is the finest possible. . C. B. Brown Co. Jewelers, Silrersmiths Sixteenth tod Fijian Cameos Popular as Gifts The entrancing beauty of cameos and the appropriate tone of decoration which they give to their wearers make them very popular for personal, adornment. They form excellent gifts when carved artistically. Wc show a. fine line of cameos from J. Milhening of Chicago. They are carved in onyx and coral and are beautifully mount ed in platinum. The harmony of colors and tho superior workmanship have produced in the Milheniug cameos nome of the' handsomest creation in the west. This store also carries an individual and artistic assortment of the latest styles in Milhening scarf pins, bar pins, and fine jewelry, set precious and semi precious stones. A selection from our Milhening display wiirl please, and will always be cherished as an example of the fineht in design and quality. fiWuw3i C. B. BROWN COMPANY Jewelers and Silversmiths Sixteenth and Farnam J. H. MILHENING. Inc. Chicago, Illinois Q.ary --v v C. B. BROWN CO. Jewelers and Silversmiths The House That Gleams With Christmas Gifts A jewel, a piece of silver, a watch and all the perfect little treasures that will be cherished to the utmost by the recipients are here flanking the two sides of this gift house. Here one can purchase just the Christmas gift that will be most appropriate and What is more, the gift that will endure and be long remembered. If you want the purest diamond it is possible to get, it is here, and not at an ex traviigiint price. If you want a simple piece of gold jewelry, it is here. . , Jn the quiet of our diamond room you may impect our collection of unmounted precious stones and make careful selections mountings to be made to your own taste aud order. Always remember that there is a di'licucy about the design and workmanship of our jewelry that sustains the lirown reputation for originality, which has made this the best jewelry ytore in the city. . - We shall be pleased to have you view our collection of precious stones, rare jewelry, watches, silverware, clocks and other gift suggestions, which are conveniently displayed so that they may be thoroughly inspected without any unnecessary delay,- C B. BROWN CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths Sixteenth and Farnam Sts. XAy srlfsWlltO tWay 4r- - -it -w- 'Xn-X aAwwj. aJMWssN lJ".'A. ayoWfMY' J Wistlitt! XJ-u-uxnjTJ-u-l-u-u M-"1'" iiwiiafcaafciaaM s. fe.' sfe- fe Ajtmwi . .nwisX' fUV-. ttm't'L v'"tu '"ll"w 5mu qpr wSS) ,i?SR Wr)5 ir"s " M -' xffite Kmmn imm mm mm WW WHB viT-v i::.v v v- "v- vsi" 11 v'-i' !