Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 22

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The Year's lefl EE$ Their
e and icrdMlcs
W .T k I I-
Here is some description
of 1911's remarkable lot of
great books which we hope will aid
you in selection both for your own
reading and for gift purposes.
We.liave peleeted these ns the best books of the year,
and in describing them have endeavored to give a brief
synopsis of the characters and story rather than to
praiee them individually. They are ALL great books;
books of intrinsic merit; books worth while un
doubtedly the greatest list of extremely good books
one season ever produced. You cfm mako no mistake
in any of them. We recommend vou to read them ALL,
or, better still, OWN them all. '
li.n-i... I,.,,. mi, .1 , , .
American Belles
By Harrison Fisher
Maiy full pace 111 ii!t rn t Ioiik. . I w 11 1 if 11 1 1 v
i "produced In fniir colors from the latet
"f Mr KiihH " drawing". A b.-aiitifol
1n'-k. full rf If vrr poem annul girls,
and full (if llrrl..n Klsher's latent, clev
erest anil trf-at picture! of f su'lustlne
.y merlran
!ff 1.
gtil.i. Size sxi:,
llli he.".
The Common Law
The new-Robert W. Chambers
book with the Gibson pictures
A novel l.f atudln Mini society life,
with albIts rlcllKlit ful csrnartiilerle and
It frank fllireKaid of convention, which
concerns ItMolf with the love nfrnlr of
Inul Neville, hii artist of aristocratic
and snobbl-h ancc-try. HnM Valeria
vei. h gintiv i !! Kill. who. from a
an tnvslid mother
studio seeking nn-
iorir-1. y, Illustration'
ilhaon. II 4
Y y rlolmered life with
A I nmcs to Neville
ill plnyment a a mo
A by Charlc liana (i
I.OilH NKV ll.l.i: AM V Al.KKiK AKoT
fioin "The 'ommon l.uw."
The Harvester
By Gene Stratton Porter
"Th Hnrvmti'r" l a man of thcwunds
kikI flelnn who drama hi living from
the proillKal hanil of Mother Nature hiT
If celling medicinal root and herh
rid hai-k Hut when the Hrl rometi
and the llarventer'a whole anund. healthv.
outdimr hln reailxc that thl a the
hluhext point of- life wlilch ha rnme
to him, th-ra lipHltia a romance of the.
tret Idilllc nualltv. Illu-ti atlona In
! m. nr
1 kj irf
Mary Midthorne
By George Barr McCutcheor. i J
Into the narrow and bleak life of at 1 1
old New Kncland town imme Alary Mid 11
thorne and her hrother. Krlc. .Iut froti l
eornla heartetronic. warm hearted, pa
alonate. human, and altogether lov
ahle. Thereupon ben In a story of ad
venture and love making, of traced;
and comedy, of a real villain who ct
hi punlehment. of two younKstera
brave. and fearleae who marry thi
alrl all heroe deaerve to marr-; an
much more. IUustrattd. Ill
i.A.Mi'f lrom
A.VI Mliis. OitT-
Tha 'er-lo-WelL
The Ne'er Do-
By Rex Beach
The hero I a foot ball eoach at Yale,
who la druirKed and alijpped to Panama
a Jok. Mia growth In manhood hla
maklna- Knod: the Infatuation of a
liplomt'a wife for him; hla lova for a
Spanish alrl. Chiiulta. are the three
main thread of Interest. Tha bov n.iiat
eeri win hi fight a fight partly of
l.M'.ole an() parflai.. of character atid a
Mriik-ale for sreat thlruia. Through It all
l the oy. the aeat. t ha . enthualaam of
"inn in action. IlluMrated by Howard
rhandlar Chrlhty.
fx1 -m
'Mem b
ft . i t r j 7 . " af m . l'
k ...... r't J f. '. : f. il-
JiO. .zmnktr ilk
TAe Winning of
Barbara Worth
By Harold Bell Wright
from "The Following of the Hlar.'
Tie Following
nf thf Sfnr
In this prcaenr day atory of deaert life
and the national reclamation work we
have a story of big thlnga, atrong peo-
i'.c, aim uiau lutain. i oe pioi, inruugn in.':r y'YTLjf
w hich there runa an Interne love Intereat. M l ffi I I ft J
I mighty In lie conception and I car- "l!,? '"I lll'l
. .v iiDaav v j biun " 1 1 1 1 in,
amoothneaa of running water. The au
thor know the deaert and deaert life,
and has so vividly clothed his atory with
the local color and breezy atmoapher
i.flhe West that w see and know the
Kreai aiient ihiiu ana reel Us spirit call.
5; -T-1
F.'.il t ...... -II
5 t,ic j
if) iir.j j j
About bixteen
H mi
i5 James Whit comb Riley
The poem chosen fnr the Pw ChHatv-
ey noon in aa ricn in numor aa in
(unnnce. and It Is highly dramatic for
in rour hundred lines Mr. Riley has
jrioveloped a complete plot with four
fully drawn characters. Many picture
Im color by Howard fhandler Christv.
Sis Tx3'i inches, ninety-six pages. In
box. $2.00
By Joseph Medill Patterson
To whom doe a women's soul belong
til" church, her huahand or herselfT
Is H wife's cleaving to a ehsmel.s
drunkard a religious duty or a state of
These questions are discussed with tin
trammeled pen and Independent thought
but with fair minded respect for old
manner and custom. A passionate
story of a new love In a woman's life
which made her cut the Oordlnn knot
of a loveless marriage. Every word
burns. Illustrated. I! 23
from "The Harvester.'
By Florence L. Barclay
A love atory which turna upon a t'liilst
ma fernton prearhel bv a vming
mlHslouarv. Proud, willful IHan.i Itlverx.
poaeMloii of weBllli a well a bruuly.
heard It and. thouitli uniinncloii.ily. wmil
went nut. to x.miI. IHhiia scorned
matrlmon' and Mavlil' life was vowed
lo missionary work; ne erthelens tlu-v
marrled Junt before the strainer sailed
nd parted cei enionloimlv at the uana-
nk. each lovlnc bill bellevlnir the ollief
cared not. . . $i."o
By Henry Sydnor Harrison
11.60 nen the reader first meet Queed he
i military, narrow minned young man
completely absorbed In writing a learned
work on evolutionary sociology; his d.'iv
mapped out so that everv minute can be
devoted to the book. Hy degrees money
matters, Interest of the clly, and the
heroine contribute to break down hi
schedule and at last we have a man of
ine most winning character.
, y y congratu
'.. if fl antieatan
Travelers Five:
By Annie Fellows Johnston
a iff mi
for the dalnlv miss, her mother
sllvef-halrra grandtnot hei ; .for tha
tha limino. and hla aona. too .
read" of the travel's . ft villi
congratulate themselves on this book
apeatances. Kor here, once more, you
may all as at a pleasant window and
watch the pass" on the great . hlgh-
Dawn O'Hara:
The Girl Who Laughed
By Edna Ferber ?
i lie heroine la a pretty, witty Irish girl,
i etioi tee on . newsiaper. Her editor used
loaend her out from the newspaper
t'fflces for "funny human-Interest stories
with a punch" In 'em" for she had a
keen sense of humor. This novel, telling
Liawn's Own "human-interest story. n
genuine and witty and lovable as she Is.
i.U.v. iK' f
L. V Jt 1- m V ili I'm a
1 .?
tures of
V By'
iwsJL Roberts
1 . lll'S P
4 r&VM-ji wSA
0 mm mzmMm'
r ' u .sr. S A H
i Hi 'i 3
- 'lIiU I
maaaUlea " i
TUJTTER from "Kennedy 8quare."
Kennedy Square
By F. Hopkinson Smith j
In this new novel hy the author of
"Peter" the poetry and romance mt the
Old South lives again. The plot turn
on a duel dashlrur young" Harry Rutter
fights on aouount of a slight to hla
lovely fiancee, Kate Heymour. She has
a higher notion of honor and duty, and.
the duel leads to their separation and
his struggle to win htr back. Illustrated
by A. I. Keller. Ji.ia
gzokoia comrom ta
The Glory of
Clementina :
-By William J. Locke"
''lementlna Wlng Is a portrait painter '
of great power. Karly tragedy changes
her from a care free girl to a woman
who lives for her work careless of con
ventions and her appearance. She falls
In love and to save her lever from the
wiles of a woman desiring wealth,
Clementina blooms Into expensivn gowns
snd feminine ways. Her "glory" lies
In being Just a womsn and marrying
the man she loves. Illustrated. 11.30
Illustration from "Havoc."
will charm everybody.
i. :s
J L 1
Letltla love mvitiri'.Jk Ain4tie- t.
breath to her nostrils. .Uoma.m s' sh :
scorns at but secret ly adores. - Once ns
the trail, her high bred heart.' I
appaled by no terrors, deterred not by
decorum. In detecting a crime she make
the police look like n umrl nl,.keia uh.
The story begin with a secret meeting rings around a .scheming ' poll-
u "irangeti loves, and with
the aid of a rreen kimono connives at
n midnight elopement.
'v.?!.8' Picturen by Howard Chandler
I i?t.&tm from "My Ldy of Doubt.
-1 Havoc
By E. Phillips Oppenheim
I ' i
of crowned hcud of Kurnpe aiming at
thi Invasion of Knglaml. The efforts of
the Austrian socrct service to regain Im
portant papers relating to the protect
la the motif of an enthralling story full
of complicating, surprlac. and exciting
Incidents. KskUhIi brains are pitted
sgalnst Auottian craftiness, with a
beautiful opera singer playing an Im
portant part. illustrated In color hv
Howard Chandler Christy. i.a
The Lady of Doubt
;'pej. HH
flrrv . '?!
Into 'J-J.
By Randall Parrish
netner my lady be Troy or Rebel,
sne is ursi ot -an a woman, all flrr
loyalty- to the cause of her kinsfolk
ei e no i it'll a woman hat when, you
Major Lawrence come, tinheralrierl inm
her life. It mattera little that he Is one
of (ieneral Washington's officers, and
1125 therefore her enemy, she helps him in
a time of dire need and ends'wlrti" an
unconamonai surender. Illustrated
Travelers Five; Along Ulti i 1
A Weaver of
Dreams By Myrtu Reed
This new romance ahowa the uu
1 power of characterisation charm of fancv
I - rsnd delicate aenae of humor with w hich
ma (iuuiio iias iveioine laminar iii aiyrtie
Heed's books. Koth of the heroines are
charming, while the older woman ha a
Irengih and hreudth of nature that se
cure, for her the ruader a affectionate re-!-
, ' I1W
"Aa the Sparks Kly rpward."
As the Sparks Fly
By Cyrus Townsend Brady ;. .
fnfti till ..Int.e ' n l.t..nrf .... 1
Tni'iflc, his khlii
weie tnoi-t dear to
tan HiiHiin Cleveland
lilameii fur foi getting
ne uiM'over that
tiartlrn of Ijlen.
'tiihralliig aud fas
the unforeseen d
latest novel. Illustrated
arm. .
f ISris!.'r- ' 'I Mei "
X" ,V f -Jf 7W Js III i.' 1 IliblWIlvl v
d t an hardly C SV - ll I " "
the woilj when Y J. 1 '"V W ' T " " ,h" M(or' of critical period
he Is not alone In his . ' ,n . " orin ei s raniiiv.
Ir. Hmdv mtiVea li r 1 'V4ff --r i ' . " wiucn tne love anil lurt ami example '
.Inatlng slory out of m I ,?V ' I f, I "f Mother Carey lead her four children 1
cveiooinenia or .tfc i . n v m " , . . . . ,., ."oviniuiie ,t
by J. N. March- Ji.uLlU from" A tveavvr of lrCams." 'Ir new country homo titter the loi
II Si 'i tneir tamer. umifn or all axes
" rvs W f nml all t?m 'ultl I.,,,.. K ...h...
m. frVfTr tie LtlTG. "I,J mpalhlite In the trials and re lobe
brood. i r.
ii. jLZCJfL? fe Xl imoaii. . . 1.35
wwm iwm
lA r 'iw '-'M3
' r i- - VUsUil
MARY from "Tha Secret Garden."
The Secret Garden
By Frances Hodgson Burnett
The story Is most beautiful 'and ln
Plring. The secret garden wnd in
and locked for years. Is almost a char
acter In the story. Dickon, who - cart
make anything grow and is loved by all
living things;; dear, wise Mother Sow-
IS''i -""" ln" nvaua;. tne -willful
"yfePi Mary,L.P,K Weatherstaff. and the Joy
t'Jril oua little robin, are fiinirea .iii,
jne imagination and to live In memory
In colors byi
Indefinitely. Illustrations
juaTia , ivirs.
Him V
"Tne tllory of Clementina."
Miss Billy
By Eleanor H. Porter
Tlie sunny atory of a bright, young and
care free girl In whom life. love, and
hope meet a "really trulv" alrl whom It
Is Indeed good to know. A delightfully
human romance pood fun. rapid, clean,
and not too, obvious woven around
heroine who Ifea about her all th
charm and freshness of a spring mnrn-
Mother Carey's Chickens.
Mother Carey's
1 ' , '-7
fi. Everlasting: i?c
By Marie Corelli
Marie CureUI's latcet novel In along
. avehlt thought and narrates
the si ranee occult love slorv of a moral
and immortal passion, it Is a story of
.imvh mO.hi wntch engulfs and In
tel pencil atua our. It contains, as we
lulKhl exiect. many original and ad
vanced ideas, and srvrral staitllnalv
hold suggestions as to the causes of life
and death. H Ji
The Innocence of
Father Brown
By Gilbert K. Chesterton
Cii . k fill
A coition of detective stories In ' H1VV,aT . J
Whkh Mr. Chesterton has Invented '',". t 1 ? I . M1 I ttt
Hal to FheiUtck Holmes In the person I '.- f i fjCf j' i I f
f an inginious cleric who ferretk, out Sfji it '' , ' V , t !fi J I It is J
riltue ill a moat aniailti' manner aiul .r'.v '- ''V t rfl'l J 'SI lilt'
evrjws at i-tMiciiisiuna with voiidel'ful ' .Vf ' ' ' ' II i V ''' -i
tla'M,,. Cases that buffle the tfiniptt '. ,' I ' rV S 1 ' 'l "i I f 1 Sf
1 ' .-111 I lie III detect U nr.. .ImimU In hn.i . KT '. 1 Wi . ' . 4
ii oni i ne iron Woman."
The Iron Woman
By Margaret D eland
A tale of spiritual struggle and deen
uman emotion told In a almtue ,.ni.t
Myle. Youth Is pictured In all Its tender
He and passion: Its foolish obstinacy
Hnd Keiieroiia impulsiveness. The "Iron
oman owns and operates the Iron
works which Is the principal Industry in
nine iiiy not iur from old
'neuter. Illustrated. i.&a
The Fruitful Vine
By Robert Hichchs
This novel has for Its setting modern
Home with It Incomparable memories,
lis Intensely Inttrvating society. Its
I asls Is the unsatisfied longing for chll
uren on the part of a mutually devoted
couple. What effsct this Want ha on
them, how through atrength, weakness.
MinUnee. clrcuinstsnces, sood and avtl
tlic'r lives are made, is told In a atorv
that Is profoundly inovlny. i w
MN i
from "The Money Moon."
The Money Moon
By Jeffery Farnol
Oeorge Henew. young, big, "square" In
all ways adopts the third of the four
proper courses suggested by bis valet
for those crossed in love, and begins to
wats ana wain alone which takes him
out ot lxmdon into tha sun-kissed English
farm of Dapple-mere, where he meets
Mmau forges, most adorable of
boys, and quaint "Did Adam," Mr.
s'.Ms of the glistening teeth, and
and yet first of all. lovely
iest. Aunt
talct .n e loi'l in an artiai lc' tnanoer
scd ujT of u dashing met brilliant citar
aclef., lilUktiateJ. ' li.Jj
ff-ieiH !'.. troin "Teter and
Peter and Wendy
By J.'M. Barrie
The narrative of the plav "Peier I'an "
helghienrd and embroidered with nmiiv
lie- fantasies, and containing ever
much- thai no plav cnu,d contain of
Harries humor and feeling in vominrnt
and dea rtntlon. The etorv carries a
Wood deal furllier. too. than ul the plav
oil etKls far more aatlt.fa,ctoi llv for taiili J
I'tter anil the reader. IWutifuily II
iMHiated b r". D. UeuforJ. i jj'
-H --i'. . wv'ULJ tTAROUXI
v i is
ssssBsssBsssssaasaa .
Ji DOR Rr.ftrTTc TnTrm
from "The ITodlgal Judge."
The Prodigal Judge
By Vaughan Kester
Judge Slocum Price and hla boon com
Tanlans are aa well worth knowing' a
'Mlcawbcr. Rip Van Winkle. Tom law
yer, or David Harum of the soil, vet of
the realm of fancv; adventurers vet
poets; In their delightful simplicity, their
pienaia boastings, and their piquant
oil-rlnallties there Is something tikln ta
the drollery lying In the h-att- of th
most grave of us.
The Broad
By Jeffrey Farnol
Ilig with the bigness of the outdoor
woilJ, brilliant with tho joy of K I
veniurlng youth, vivid with incident, and
replete with fine characterizations, it
fleaenpUons of nature, of storms, forests
dswns. and sunsets are incompsr
b!e. i, ,
"Captain V arren's Wards."
n Warren's
! .All old C
. t'.ie gusrdh
Ii win .' ne r'ruitful - inc.'
By Joseph C. Lincoln
'ape Cod aea captain become
I lie omril un - nf Kl .-I..1. K'. -...-i.
bioiher'a son and daughter. 'I Im itu; v
- me iiliiiiiv vol griiuirej wa.s
slid honest ideas with the sonn.1 suer-fiei,litles-
of high sOciwy life and )-.owr
how he .finally reaeues bis . mec (roti -snobbery
and teaches her the real mean
ing if life Illustrated, I'D
o 'y
from "The
Carpat fron.
The Carpet from
By Harold MacGrath
The riot stsrts In Cairo with the theft
t wl rilr Ann iwilt i ..
collector. The little group of Amen?u""
in". '""r1..""0 "rang. ...rounamg
iolvd ,n ,nor dangerous and
S"," "-mplle.t,on.. lllutr.?ed
tolor by Andre Caslaign. , i.:j