Till: OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: DKCKMBHli 10. 1911. Thb 'Omaha Sunday Bki. rot'NDKD BT KDWARDBOSEWATTR ( VICTOR RQ9EWATKH. EDITOR: PARNAM AND IHII. 1JEE BUlLDtNO, Entered at Omtht reefffle as second 'tlsaa matter. TERMS Or BC FSCRIFTION. ' Aunday Bee. en rr frK i rfatrirday Be, on year,.... .-J lallv F iwtthmit flundavl. n '"''" Daily end Honda y. ne year " PKLrVKRKD BT CARRIKn. ifcvenlns; B "HH ndy. tr.mn...J Mallv pn (Including un1ay. Pe mo." Watty Bo fwlthnut unday. (PJ"" Artdreae all complaint or Irregularities Mr. delivery to Cltr Circulation Dept. '. ( REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express w,P0,l.'lI, liable to Th FuMlimlfc emr.ny Only l-eent atamp received In payment if smsll account. Persons! chks. " ecpt on Omasa end atni eichang. not a'-gep'ed, ' ' orricfs. Wrr.ha-fhe Building. 'south Omohs int N. St runcil Bluff . 1 "eov Ht. W Lincoln- Llttl Building , ; Chicago-? Marquette Bullrt-r.g. iKtntu City-Rallanco 'IV?,- New Tork-M Weat Thirty-third. ', 1 Vh!r.tton 7 Fourteenth St., N. . ' ' CORRESPONDENCE. Co.-. r.i-ulcailona relating to new and 1ltortaJ matter ahould b ertdressea Omaha Ba. Editorial Department, NOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 50,573 of Sfebreaka. County of Joui;la. Dwlght William, circulation manager if th Be Publishing company, being duly aworn. lays that th average dally circulation. Its spoiled, unueed and re turned ooploa, for th month of govern ber. mi. was nm. Circulation Manager, rmihacribed In mv rrene end aworn lo bfor m thl tth day of December. 1911. -.Bal ROBERT IH'NTM . , Notary I'lihllrt. clly t. gsbecrlbers leavlasr ifaaararily ataewlal J Be mall e taosa. Addraa Will U rag a tad. 1 Many: a man wear himself out keeping buay doing nothing. 1 'Mayor Jim ,14 Jimmying around down In Texas again. jAII Jtuiita. uU ct Mr.. 8nuatr . la bat'lie'ahuat leave the country. ; j! " t'F .ffnlltn it; la .toul -conapin jaf p fcsjr become an - unpopular jlea. J p4- It'll tlBjfeasdaitR wrlce.1. The tiUy aafe- .way la to; make, liaate 'lowly. - . '..'. . . '' jDlairlct Attorney" Trederlcke Cot Loe .Xngelei U In no danger of the recall. . .... Good News for the Weit. A rontlnulna- appropriation of 12.000,000 yearly for MIkrouM river .Improvement, as recommended In the rlveri and harbors report lo ron gictR, means much to this -.vpetrn country. That amount of money properly expended upon the river would put It In good shape, with what local sectional support rould -lo, for navigation and offer fruitful results In Ihe form of better freight rat-. Whenever the people begin to make line of the MlBnourl for transportation purposes they will take the rate sit uation very much in their own hands, so far as trafflo that can be carried on the river Is concerned. The resident nd the government engineering department should re celve the co-operation of the west In the advanced poaltlon taken. The west haa Buffered for want cf thla vry thing. Ita development, rapid aa It haa been, would have been more rapid with full advantage of river navigation. The claim Is made that its advance has been serlourly re tarded because of thla lark. But this is the time, not for repining over what haa or might have been, but for looking to what will or might be. It has taken good, hard pulling, to draw even thla much assurance out of tho government at Washington for Missouri river aid, and all communi ties have not done their share of the pulling. When the results are finally cast up It will be only fair to give most of the credit to Kansas City, which haa tugged away at tho old ropo In aeaaon and out and gone ahead on Its own hook, largely,, and established a packet line. Undoubt edly this haa been a forceful object lesson to 'the federal government. ' Jt la to te hoped the Standard Oil, under tho reorganisation, will remoro tho.TioUto' t rom the canVapout. Scoro' another victory for Justice aa opposed to heresy of the "unwrit ten uw.v, ; , ; Link' Steffena. talks of the Golden Rile, but he would not. turn , down liberal pate rates in silver or paper. -Now comes a man .who has under taken to sort the atateamen from the near-etateemen. Speaking of preferring the old ongs, bow 'does !'Do Your Christmas Shopping Now" sound? 1 . ' An exchange wonder that Emma Goldman has not spoken on the Me ' Namara case. Bhe probably haa, but at the regular -box office price. Did the president look to see whether the ciar .had his Angara eroesed when he 'promised again to keep hie word? ' President Taft comparee his trdst prosecuting record with those of his three Immediate predecessors, with ut fufferinV bt jtheicomparfaon, Maine' Mystery Unsolved. The official, and, presumably, the final, report on the sinking of the bat tleship Maine In Havana harbor is In, and the mystery of the Maine still exists, at latest. so far aa the general public is concerned. The report says tho sh(p was blown up from without, not within, nd inclines to the. theory that the explosion? came from a' sub marine mine and enda there. How the mine was planted or by whom Is not stated, neither is any theory of It offered. The: Intimation Is that the report contains more complete in formation, but that this will filed away in the sex ret archives ;of tho government, probably never', to be made public. 1 . ' ' ' It la. after all. of Ittle. concern to the Amerlckn people how or by what means the Maine was destroyed with Its loss of precious human Uvea. His tory Iwill not record that.' that ex plosion caused the Spanish .war, or did more than merely crystallise feel ing long gathering Into action and hasten results. The causes lay burled deeper even than any submarine-inline and antedated Ihe horror of Havana harbor, though, of course, the shock ing sensation and the cry of Spanish perfidy that day, which rang out around the world, played a vital part In precipitating hostilities. The cause of humanity has not suffered by the results of this war; destiny, we may well believe, has not been diverted from Its course. Nothing has hap pened since to discredit the wisdom of America's action. and tell him that from then on he must do his acting behind the scenes, Is a harsh repudiation of the call he answerod to enter the ministry. How can the church afford to do this, or even to encourage the tendency? It Is crying today for more pivotal men in Its pulpits and the need' will not be denied. "The church does not want merely the mediocre young man, but him 6f rare powers, the leader, who is able to cope with the world in any capacity. Dut to such an one the church tAat would draw the age line at 50 must be frank enough to say' at the nut sot that "at 50 we uhafl throw you Into the class of undesirables." How many such young men will It enlist that way? Let some of the shrinking sem inary rolls answer. There Is enough in the natural economic conditions and materialistic tendencies to deter young men from the Christian ministry. Certainly the church should add no obstacles. It might better address Itself to the task of showing that some of the most powerful and successful ministers of this and every age have 'been the old men of ripened experience and mellow wisdom. Nebraska's debater didn't Quit Vne up Jo the -record made by the foot haU team, but they did. their bsst, and that helps some. i Now, wlth'all these criminal pro ceedings off band, perhapa we can Settle down one, more to a regular diet of the Lorlmer Inveattgatton. j 8peaklng of those Iowana cutting that sew political pie, you mlsht aa Veil try to shut a Louisiana negro off from hie 'lasses aa to deny pie to an lowan. ; The discovery that a former Ne braska newspaper man is a German count need not surprise anyone. It takes a prince to stay In the business very long in this state. . ; Mrs. Patterson declares she is mad a Denver and will never go there any more. From what Denver did for (her It would seem appreciative in her ot to go anywhere else. ft SorletVnote from "Washington j&iveral prominent gentlemen, con- jicuously asaoclated with big bual- Viess, have arrived la Washington to spend their winter vacations. J; Nick Longworth takes time to ob serve that "I. like all my Roosevelt's real friends, am discouraging, and .pall continue to discourage, any movement to nominate blm at the text republican convention." And Jie apeak by the board the family ljard. . . . Mrs. Pankhurst was prmitted to pay a fine of f 16,, with added costs. J or the privilege of exerting woman's right to Ignore the speed regulations laid down for' automobillsts. This yiV.l be an added weight to her de band for "votea for women " s A Jolt to the Afe Limit. It Is barely possible that some of those churches that draw the age line against the old man in the pulpit might learn something to their ad vantage by writing to the Presbyte rian church of Wakefield. Neb. Ac cording to the Continent, the leading journal of - that - denomination," the Wakefield congregation, which loat Its pastor In Jnly, 1110, determined not to call a minister -who was as much aa (0 years of hge'aud did without a pastor until April, 1811. "Finally," says the Continent. "It asked a man 72 years old to become stated supply. In September It unanl mously asked that he should be In stalled aa permanent pastor. Since that time he baa secured a subscrip tion of $6,093 to remodel the church edifice. He preached every evening except Saturdays for four weeks and haa received Into the church forty persons, including eight married couples. The church is in good Von ditlon, splrltuslly, numerically and financially." It may be admitted that this man is exceptionally effective as a pastor for his age, and yet his case stsnds aa a solemn and severe rebuke to the church that acts on or entertains this fooliah not only foolish, but this unjust, un-ChrUtlah notion with respect to the rights of the aged minister and the church's duty toward thrin and him. It Is bad enough for men advancing in years In secular callings to have to baud themselves together . to resist the growing prejudice against years, as some hare done In Chicago and else where, but it is much worse to find such a condition in the church. Hut It Is poof economy, as well aa grace, from the cburth'a standpoint. Let'a see. Say the dead line Is to be drawn on a minister at 48, how many tars of desirable service does thst give him? Not much. If any, over twenty and often not twenty. The man who gets Into the pulpit much before 30 probably geta there too early. The average preacher does not come into the eenlth of his power until be Is about 3$ and many not then. To drop the curtain on blm at 4 8, or even 60, Power of Public Sentiment. Discussing the history of anti-trust litigation In the current Political Science Quarterly, Prof. Henry R. Seager of Columbia university de clares that Indifference on the part of responsible officials made the law prsctlcally a dead letter until re cently. He adds that three succes sive presidents and five attorneys general were remiss in their duties. or this law would have been sooner enforced. Literally speaking. Prof. Sea ger Is perhaps correct, but he must allow for the lack of a power quite as essential and cogent in obtaining results as executive Initiation, the power of public sentiment. It has taken yeara of persistent agitation to bring the public to the point of de manding enforcement of the Sher man antitrust law and even now, un der all the stress of an aroused and educated public' opinion, it' Is none too easy for energetic prosecutors to make satisfactory headway. "The responsible' officials" were not so much to blame It would teem as was the sentiment of their day. The country was not then ready for rigid discipline of large aggregatlona of wealth. ' The public had not bad the experience with theae Institutions that It has since had,, and It had not given the necessary thought to them. It la true enough that Senator Sher man, when be Introduced' his orig inal bill providing for an avtl-trust law, saw the necessity of curbing large aggregations... of wealth, but comparatively .( beside Senator Sherman saw it. The Ohio senator's speeches lo 'support offbbr bill in 1S90 rang with a vlaion far more penetrating than other people then laid claim to. He predicted the con ditions to which, aa a result of un bridled ' power, these gigantic cor porations would lead us and 'such men as Senator Hoar, who Teally wrote the substitute bill tbat super seded Sherman'a and . finally, became the law, shared hla convictions.' " But these men were ahead of their time, that is, their tlme'did, not see what they saw and not until .the country waa slowly educated up to It, did It see It. The anti-trust senti ment of today could no more have fitted into the thought of the. people as a whole twenty years ago than could many other later changes. uaaWe . to . repay . their , benefactor. From Arizona, where the .great Roosevelt dam stands as a wonderful monument to man's conquest of the desert, as we'll "as to the beneficence of an enlightened government, comes the word" that the population has In creased so rapidly, while the valua tion of property ' has more than douhledthat. the. owners,of the Irri gated lands find themselves con fronted with the necessity of spend 1 fig "money in so many HheT cTlrectlons that they will have to ask' the govern ment to forego for at least. double the original time the repayment of the money expended on the dam. the cost uf which was to be defrayed by the settlers) for'-whose benefit the irriga tion ..plant was established. Irriga tion baa achieved many wonders, but none. that'1 will exceed this spectacle. : v';7 rv Competition, and the Workingman, ' In ' the course of a somewhat lengthy discussion of business condi tions. Frank 'A.' Vanderllp ssys in the Outlook: I believe that. If the workmen of thla country uw clearly what unrestrained competition . apells In the relation be tween Industry and labor, there would ha a unanimous protect from the labor world against the theory .that monopo Ilatlo tendencies In Industrie are beat controlled by destroying- large corpora tion with a view to enforcing sharper competition. Mr. Vanderllp'a illustration Is inept,'.' if not entirely Inappropriate, and were' he ss closely familiar with other, conditions of life in this coun try as. he is with the affairs of the financial circles' In which he moves he would' not fall into the error of sug gesting that the, workingmen ot. the United States require any education to convince them of the evils of unre stricted competition. ' ( For longer than a - century the skilled .workman, not only of Amer ica, but of the world, have been com batting for the recognition ot the doctrine of collective bargaining. This doctrine is the outgrowth of un fortunate experience that proved to the workman the .fallacy and ruina tion of unrestricted competition In the sale of his labor. NMr. Vanderlip points out In the article referred to (hat unrestricted competition be tween firms engaged in the same line of business carried to Its logical end means loss of money to both and the ultimate consolidation of the two concerns In order that ruin may not engulf both. Thla lesson was very early learned by the mechanics under the new Industrial system that fol lowed on the supplanting of the hand crafts by machinery. That the prac tice ot collective bargaining la not generally prevalent la In no wise chargeable to the intelligent work ingmen of the country, but Is due to the fact 'that many of the men who have only their labor to sell are still misled by the fatuous cal) of ' indi vidualism" in the mstter of making bargalna for their only asset. Booking Backward IhisDqy inOmalm COMPILED FROM DrT. rlLCB r lKC. 10. Thirty Veer Ago Thla Saturday nlht'wan unusually.. buv one for the police and kept Marshal Angel.' Jallep Mt-Clur and their aides buy caring for folks' Who. wya ittlnx be elephant at too lively a tpUt. .. . . Th Bee announcea that Mr. David CoU of th commission firm of f'earon A'Cole haa become poxaevor oil fourteen., herdtaa and proposes to organize a company, tij run them In Omaha as 't'ley are already run In Council liliifa V'Mr. Cole Is an energetic young mn who mean buelnew In all he. undertaken. nd will' push"' this enterprise for all It l worth." , Petar Hanson, a 15-year-old boyi shot's colored companion on lower Ninth street, and It is doubtful If the latter will retain good evealght. Vi . : V Block Watchman Hill rsught'two-Voys In the act of stealing coal' near CWce fiekl'a lumber yard. The bow.boCg;efl -off, and on account of their youth wr al lowed to go home with a warning, for !the future. .... ' ' A call for the regular meeting of the Board of Trade for next Monday la dgned by James K.' Boyd, president, and V.. C. V. Allen, aecretary. It says several Important matters should receive atten tion, among thera the location of rooms for the ensuing year. At the next classical concert of th Phllomathean club, scheduled foe Decem ber 13. the club will be aaslaTed by Miss Kate li. James of Council Bluffs for the vocal numbers. The Lyric society held a party tonight at Turner hall. , The Belles Lettres club 'held I their weekly meeting at th residence of , Mrs.' Nathan Sheltdn on Dodge street.- v-: ; ! Mrs. Judge Savagewho has been quit i seriously Indisposed. for several .weeks past, la recovering rapidly... Mr. C. K. Sqnlree has gn to New Tork for a trip, whtch rumor . has It: Is con nected with the one-hundredth party of the Pleasant Hours dhb. r v il ,1T7T k n TvrTOTT kf-x. - rnn w its fa i-T i ana ;, ; N' 1 " ' 1 Tf:CI.r.J7r:0"0" Diamond " Ring., alngle stonc, In Tiffany1 sot- .tlng. at .,... $15.00 DLUlOAH Fine whit ltt-l-33-slnglo stone ring, LsdlesV'fer gents','. 'specially priced at ...... I i .$100 ' IM.VWptftJS-rFlne cluster rings,' w ith sapphire, emeralds, er i' diamond fenter; 1330 down to',.'. i .,.y. . .$75 DlAMONDHiSraaller' single storio rlns, gentlemen's or ladlb;t down to a ''low ' as .'. f. . ..;.,v.v'. , BUMOMIR ladles' ' or' gents stones weighing one car sio; ents' , fine 'single. stone, ring3.:.wlth at J .. . . ;..'.: u.'-.v.Vv -iSHl ftfkvl cot glas, f mesh 'i bag and 1 aitnltar . 'line. '' 1' ' JKWfcLRV Ottahav best reliing. array f.;,''gM Jew'efr'y ilat? jewel especially reduced price, this week only. AVATC1IKS Getrts'.V 25-year filled, cases: 17 $30 kind, thl week, at Z . . . , ; . . , WATCH K5U-Gents' 2Vthin style, . open face', 11 sixe,' with1-17 jewel JlocTtford movement, at . . ': .-. i '. .-. ..... f.'vi'vWJS WAlX,fU4-Lad'5eev6' al?e. 2$-year case. lS jewel "'Kbckford mcrveTnent. worth-$25, this iveek .....'. .1..: .V. T$l3.50 Don1'! ''.wait! You cannot boat tlio'prlces; yu cannot excel this'' superb array of giftat. Make LKISt'HELX selection NOW. and let .otlkers -make up. the usual "last minute" crush before Christmas. ''. ' .- 1522 Farnam Street Omahai ' - - Neb. 1t atC Der8 .mi - Wonders of Irrigation. The irrigation experts have spent much time during the last week In convention at Chicago palming beau tiful plcturea of the possibilities of wealth and slothful ease that comes to him who has a sufficient acreage of outdoors under ditch. Now and then the prospect was tinged with. a sober hue by someone who Insisted in breaking into the hertuonlous flow of picturesque poesy with some prac tical suggestion or Illustration of the more sordid side of agriculture as carried on in the Irrigated regions. That Uncle Sam baa been a bounti ful provider for his sons and daugb ters none will challenge. From the beginning until the present day he has bestowed with lavish hand the most wonderful bounty that ever fell from a government to Its people. Millions of happy home throughout the country and peaceful firesides where plenty dwells, attest the fond affection of good old Uncle Sam for his nephews and nieces. And when he. had given away all the fruitful acres of hla apparently endless do main he began by scientific research to determine how to win back to pro ductiveness, the soemringly hopeless arid waatea that were gathered to gether under the generic classifica tion of "desert." Having determined that water 'added to land produced crops, he 'set about to secure the water and provide for fts application to the soil to the end"' that other f his sons and daughters -might b made happy and comfortable In, some situation. And now (he old gentleman's gen erosity is about to- be given a further test. In the prosperity that has fol lowed the flowing of the water at Uncle Sam'a command, hla bene ficiaries have found themselves Occa sionally so burdened with new duties and new aspirations that' they are Envy and Jealousy. What common faulta are these envy and jealousy, yet how profitless and foolish. Whether one envies a natural endowment or an attainment achieved by dint of human ef fort. It Is the grossest of follies. No person Is entirely unendowed by na ture and In the dispensation of prov idential gifts the element ef compen sation counts for something; surely the distribution is not all onesided. The envious man may have qualities which the envied lacks, but likes What a pity, Inatead ot waatlng time coveting . another's possessions, he does not tske lime to appreciate his own talents.' v How much happier and better off he and the world would be. Aa for envy, jealousy of ac quired powers, It would be much mere sensible and profitable to aet about matching wits for wits in a determination to achieve instead of covet. J' " ' No one la envious or jealous of anything or anybody beneath him; It Is always ot a auperlor. Envy and Jealousy, therefore, are signs and Belf-confessions of weakness, la wardly or outwardly, the admission Is nfade of a deficiency in poifcwilon or acquisition. This Is a passion and an. uae any otner passion, indicates a lack of self-control, weakness. Oth erwlae strong characters sre often subject to this emotion, but' where they give it unbridled sway over incir Detter seir, tney conquer strength with weakness and not only lose for the time being, but loosen their grip on themselves for another test, making It easier next time for the green-eyed 'passion to rule. . If one would stop to think that) it may not be well for him to have all that his neighbor has and vice versa, he would have leas difficulty in curb ing those twin passions of jealousy and envy. Mr. G I fiord Pinchot lifts up his voice at Chicago to announce that the case of President Taft ia honelesa. which may serve to remind the casual observer of American polltlca that earlier in the week Mr. Taft pointed out that Mr, Pinchot'a seal for for estry led him to the extent of advo cating a 2 duty on lumber at the time Mr. Taft waa endeavoring to se cure the removal of the tariff entirely from that commodity. Perhaps those who have felt the grip of the lumber combine may be able to appreciate Mr,. Pincbot's present activity In op position to the president Twenty Years Ago ' The . reception given' -by Mrs. Aaron Cahn, Mrs. Albert Cahn -and. Mr. Martin Cahn from S to p mi at the Cahn residence, 223 Fafna.-fi' street, was sug gestive of Tennyson's "Dream ot Fair Women." so man." were there present. The large home was brilliantly decorated and Illuminated and the occasion waa on of the social stars of the aeaaon. Aaalst Ing the hostess In th drawing room were Mr. McWhorter. Mrs. George I. Gilbert. Mrs. Adolph Meyer; while Miss Polack, Mies Chambers, Mrs. Krats. Mlaa Rawlaa, Mrs. New, Mrs. Edward Kosewatcr, Mrs. Oberfelder, Miss Hattie Oberfelder. Mrs. Deuel, Mrs. Ben Newman and Miasr New man aided In making the afternoon par ticularly enloyable. The courts free Jske Price, colored, of the charge of killing Fannin Tate, colored, the woman whoae body waa found at Fifth and Pierce etreeta, when Price was arrested on suspicion. Mayor Cushlng said he regarded the Central Labor union's injunction against his sinning the city hall furniture con tract as a "useless piece of wind," aa he would not have signed the contract, any way. Reports were received that the Iowa Coffin factory ot Dubuque had decided to mov to Omaha. W. J. Love, the United States conmil at San Salvador, called at The Bee office. Mlaa Annetta fcllia Redman,- daughter of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Redman, and Mr. Harry Walter Keellne of Cotinotl Bluff a were married at the bride's home, 1S23 North Twenty-fifth street, by Rev. A. J. Turkle of Kountke Memorial' Luth eran church at 7 p. in. Among the aub stantlal preaents received was a deed to a KO-acr farm east of Council Bluffs valued at 115,000, given by th father of the groom. Ten Years Ago Mayor Moores signed the ordinance permitting the Northwestern railroad to run a track along Eighth street and thus made it a law. A Farnam street car collided with, a coal wagon at Thirty-first avenue about t o'clock In the evening and Motorman Domananskl sustained serious extertuU and Internal Injuries. George II. Maxwell discussed Irrigation before the Omaha Commercial club and predicted that congress would enact some good legislation for Irrigation In the wwt Ocorge W. LInlnger received a commit alon from the grand lodge of Masons of KgYPt as Its representative to the Ne braska grand lodge. Mr. Uhlnger had been In Cairo and become acquainted with high Masonic officers. Miss Adella O. Shackleford, 19 years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shackleford, S0R North Seventeenth street. died at her home. The rule of the Board of Education re quiring teachers in the high school to hear classes for alx periods during the day was proaounced a failure by every department head but one. who submitted reports upon It, that Is, the teachera were Ignoring the rule. As a practical propo sition, the rule was discounted. Retf. K. M. Stephenson, district secre- tary In the northwest for the American Baptlat Publication society, addressed a small gathering of Baptists at the 1m manuel church on work in the Sunday school. People Talked About Only three weeks to swearing off time. Get your sweara ready now. Officially. Mr. Rockefeller ts out of oil, but tbe dividend checks will reach the old address. Felicia Lyne, a young American girl, ia warbling her way to fame and fortune in I.ondon. Felled halls from Kansas City, Mo., but managed to overcome th handicap. ' W. J. Bums Is a bully good sleuth, all right, yet the veteran mysteries of Charley Ross. Willie Tascott and the man who swatted Billy Patterson mock hla prowese. The late Mr. Patterson, who occupied the .center of th atage In Denver recently, resumed her maiden name back tn her Illinois borne, and promises like treatment to her hablta. The last ahould be first. By an extraordinary effort of self control Philadalphlana have survived the apectacle of a new mayor forming a municipal cabinet without giving a thought to the spoils end of the game. "The world do move."- Three Duveen brothers, purveyors of art for art s sake in New York, have paid two tinea of HS.&JO each and one of llO.OuO, besides a lump sum of tl. 100,000 pa.- slighting t'ocle Bain's tariff taxes. Tn ait of amuggllog romea high when the artist la caught with the. goods. SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. Washington Herald: Blaho-p Tuttle Says women have enough power without the ballot, but the suffragettes , merely ;an-' swer, "Tut, tut!" ' ' ,. r ; Houston Post: A South Carolina min ister says people should fast on Thanks giving In order to have the ' right spirit of gratitude to the Lord. Fasting Is the thing In South Carolina, where there is so little to eat, but If the people of Texas were to refrain from eating for a day. the provision market would be glutted and the producers would suffer from falling prlc-ew. : ... Baltimore American: la conferring the red berottas-on the American cardinals, Popej Ptus1 X: referred to this country as 'the great and glorious land where liberty abides ,1n . teajlty, hot jmerety in name,''' and proffouricd a 'blessing., upon It. -vThe tribute from such a -source, which Is in touch wlthSevery land on the globe,, is one which qkn be received In this country, irrespective! of creed with" gratification and pride, for it Is a tribute to the a stltutions which have mad the . United States of America the synonym of the freest and most prosperous government the world has seen. . The Pope's utter ance could well be taken as a Thanks giving greeting. Philadelphia' Bulletin: Because the Presbyterian synod of Louisiana- has de cided that wemen shall nat- be allowed to speak In church, a bitter factional quarrel haa broken out among the ministers In that state, and the question Is to be car ried to the .Presbyterian General Assem bly-Tor final - decision. A growing Im PM1enc with the cujtem -which dictate" tliat women shall Vast lieadooverlng and keep 'silent In places of 'worship' has been distinctly noticeable of late -years, and In traceable In, a. degree td the. suffrage movement. Many, pwacherft hive taken an open stand with tlje- suffragists and how they aru to favor .equajl.rlghts po litically, oppose them religiously and j et remain consistent. Is a poser. .. . DOMESTIC .PLEASANTRIES,-- ", ' f'f "Before you were married; you rhU that you couldn't do enough ?for me.'. "Well. I guess that time ."has proved that 1 was right." Petrolt Jree Press. Miss Oldgirl When I an 'doing seri ous work, I hate to have a Jot of men hanging around -'bothering . m. ' Miss Pert You do a great deal ' of serious work,, do you not?" Baltimore American. ' . " Madge "Are- your engagement Marlorie "Gracious Christmaa. I in afraid it would scare off a lot ot presents. Judge. - you a.jina id- announce ient at once?" - -ractous, no! Not Until aftei "Modern journalism rs a--marvellous thing." t h f t "That's what. Some papera rpaWMte t keep the base ball page going all Winter.? Washington Herald, , 'if r"TT ft' My dear, why do you worry -ao'atroirt your husband?-Tou can't make a. man good by being jealous of him." "I know that, but I've never heard ot any woman who caused-her - husband 'to keep out of mischief merely, because eho let him know that she Wasn't watching him like a hawk." Chicago Record Herald, -i- - Coocl Opportunity for Investment in Substantial Home Industry, The condensed milk and Canning Factory that I am erecting at Papil lion, Nebraska, is rapidly nearing com pletion, and I am now offering a lim ited amount of "Waterloo Creamery Co. preferred stock at $100 per share, drawing interest at the rate of 7 Per Cent Per Annum We will guarantee to convert all outstanding stock into cash at the end of three years. ' This investment is bound to be prof itable for the investor and will result iu great benefit to the milk industry in Douglas, Sarpy and Washington counties. This is the first "Evapo rated Milk" factory iu the state of Nebraska. Our brand will be the "Elk lioru Evaporated Milk." If you are interested send for list of men who have already subscribed and such other information as you may desire. licfereuce, First National Bank, Omaha. VaterIco Creamery Co,, LEROY CORLISS, Prest. Omaha, Neb. You are cordially invited to inspect this plant at any time. Papillion Interurban line terminal. .