Till-: OMAHA SUNDAY IIEK: PKCEMBEI? 10. 1011. if i i 1 I Are You Puzzled Over the Gift For "Her?" Yoi'il Hnd It Easy To Selcd Ihcm Itcrc Tlio gift wliWi hTPj)ly most appreciated is Hie uni1 which combines luwutifjiitl, !ijproriatenos with the greatest nmMint of servier uiid evViydtf- u.-rfulness. Whether uu hvuliV upon a dainty bit of neckwear or a beautiful set of -furs, youf ffift will give constant pleasure to the recipient for months, and even years; and will be a frequent and pleasing reminder of your thouhtfulness. Why Nol Give Furs? mere is no neuer way. in wineii to express your.iMitiment lurin by li'ift f furs. Our present showing t'udiraeps all the popular furs, such as mink,- black lynx." 'opossum and black, red, gray and white fox. The prices are deidedlv reasonable- 514.75 $16.50 $18.75 $20 $22.75 $25 up to $70. Beautiful set? of White Thibet, White lOnnine, Krhnincr, White Iceland Fox, Moufflon and Opossum, for the children. Prices $3.75 $ 1.25 $5.00 $0.75 $8.75 up to $17.50 Head these f-uggestions Among them you'll find just the things which will please, the woman and miss the most. Shirt Waists, Including lb popular man-tailored hlrls . t 82.05 t-j 83.75 Kimono, beautiful col ors and pattern t S2.05o 814.75 Silk Hose "t 81.00 to 81.50 Gloves Neckwear 25? You get the best selection by shopping now. HYDE'S STORYMD TO JURY State Ceti Testimony of Defendant Into the Becord. SOME PASTS ABE EXCLUDED ( roaa-tOiamlnadnn Fall 1o II reek Tesflmonr el Mies Marirarrt Snope Will ot tall Mra. Iwopf Kn, KANSAS CITT. ree. .-Ths greater I art of Pr. H. Clark Hyde's testimony Ivan In his first .rial of tha allerod murder of Colonel Bwope was today read by Prosecutor Con kilns. 1'arts of teatl auony relating to matters of tha suprema eourt held not to be advisable were left ut. Now that tha accused physician' story bis been heard by tha lury thero Is little Ilk II hood of bla taking the witness slant). 1 liyde's attorneys did not want him to testify If it could ba avoided. It U said. The examination of Mra . Margurel fcuopo finished thla -morning.' Tha UefetiHo falloA to break down her direct leiMlmonj'. The Piste' derided to postpone tha call Ins ut Mia. lxr-ft O. Kwope. GEIDIftON CLUB GEILLS REVOLT (Continued from Clrnt l'aso.) its own titlr riK I Urn full and free K.ollllil on AmerlcaA liuK ) l'or wiy iarty and for you and me. Ueaalae Grand Opera. Ucnuinc Brand opera by the Gridiron quartette and chorus wai a novel feature of the entertainment. "Kauet," somewhat condensed, waa tha act, but It was dis torted from Its high moral purpose to demonstrate ths certainty of the ultimate victory of evil as represented by atatid psttlKin. Tho shade of the Immortal baid, Dante, being still In quest of knowledge, made another pilgrimage to hell, where ha discovered soma ancient friends, such as Marguerite . Democracy, Progressive l'auat and ttandpat Mephlsto, who "Is never wholly down and out." Vaunt pursued by Miss Democracy, de clared: "Nest yiar la leap year. She Is on my trail." The ancient lady retortej In song, charging Ingratitude and hate fulness, declaring that tha thanks of pro gressives should be democracy's due. Marguerite Democracy next warbled a inesrage slie had received from Robert J -a toilette anklng her to be "his val entine." tfhe sang: ' "Ho Is flirting with me; he's always neat. He Hinila out like a lover; on each magazine cover. Whrn his featutes I are I am filled with fear. 1 am ii. led. 1 am filled, with fear." At Mephislo'a demand a ballet ap peared, Us members Included "Miss Inde pendence Deague," who complained that she was "broke." hhs tang: "I think Hill Ileum lias tjult For Keeps"; Miss Prohibition warbled the story of how near she came to loving her "Home, Way Down la Maine"; Miss Knolalism an nounced: "I Don't Want Any Dynamite; Just tilve Me Beer"; II ins Populist a lared as a -M-ass of olden Time; Much l out ltd in Her Prime," and Mine Crecn- DIAMONDS Quality Is Better have oona at ajl lhau one of poor color or ouo that U Improperly cut. Diamonds Durtliaised, her will be fouud to lot..'ea the proper color shape- brilliancy and that degree oC IMrfv-jtiuu .hat must uo in high quality atones. AVe have been buying toad selllog Diamond for the past tweiity-one yeara, aad peraong bujiDg here will get tbe bene.lt of that expt-rleuce. Any time within a year should you bo dlus.tlbfled with your purchaa, or tor any other reason should you want your money back -will give you nlne-tonthg of what you paid us for It. Doe this assurance mean anything to jog 7 ' We ttn alto gupply your every want iu Walcliei, Clocks, Cut das, KtertiatJ Wstrp-auid Itich Jewelry. Diamond Rings S3.00 to $600.00 Open Even ings -Till 15T - SI. 50 to $2 Manicure Bets Writing Sets Hand Hags Jewel Cases Medicine Cages Air Pillows Music Rolls And many others. to SSM llano Kercnieij at ....I5k to 50 Mark Cross leather poods offer hundred's of beautiful things for women Sewing Baskets TEC YOfllS rKWJ OVH TCWt 1318-20 Farnauj (Street. back complained that "Free Silver Stole My Wig and Tights." Tha basso of the quartette terminated the act with this verte. I'll gather you all In ere I have done, Kor every party as It starts in life, Is led by a reformed brave In strife. And when his cause Is won he does his best To bravely hold It safe "against every WW Defending each assault with all his powers; We're all standpatters-after wo get ours. Some of the guests of the club un expectedly found themselves embalmed In song and veree for tha delectation of the other dlnors. This gem came from the chorus to the tune of a recent' rat tling "rag:" Ct-me on along, come on uloi.g, Hear La Kollette's own brass band; Come on along; come on along; III tho loudest In tho land. It ran rnske a hUaer noise than you firf heard before. Bounds just like the boom of a pre! dentlal war. That's just the busy little band; Yes, It kin. Ilrrfca I Beapertcdly Appears. A sensation was created among ths guests when William 1. Hrysa unexpect edly waa introduced and In a brief speech 1 repudiated all of tho d-x trlnes, the adv. cacy of which have made him famous. He declared his admiration for Harmon, his friendship for t'lurk and his sym pathy for I'ndorwood, but asserted that his vote would bo for Tsft. In the 'rum mntlon that followed It was discovered that liryan had been successfully Im personated by a great American actor, who justified the deception by declaring that Bryan was also a grVat actor. rW.ino of the guests were: President Taft, Count von Hernntorff, the Uermau ambassador; iHinilclu da Uama, tho Bra slllan ambasKador; J. London, the minis ter of Tho Netherlands; Secretaries Knox, MacVesgh, Usher. Meyer and Btlmson; Pustmaster General Hitchcock; Blr Gil bert Parker, Speaker Champ Clark, Sena tors Pallcy of Texas, clapp of Minnesota, Cummins of Iowa; Itepresentatlves Borger of Wisconsin. James of Kentucky, Mo Klnley of Illinois, Stevens of Minnesota; Major Archibald W. Butt, Governor Charlea 8. Deneen of Illinois, Btuyvesant Msh of New York, ex-Governor Joseph W. Folk of St. Ixmls, Oovernor Judson Harmon of Ohio, Secretary Charlea D. Hllles and Medlll McCormlck of Chicago. At the annual meeting of the Gridiron club today Louis Garthe of the Baltimore American was elected president and Ku dolph Kauffmann of the Washington Star, vice president, for the next year, with the following executive committee: Harry Cunningham of Washington. Arthur J. ttadge of the Minneapolis Tribune and James F. Hornsday of the Indianapolis News. . John S. gchrlver of the Paltlmore Star wss re-elected secretary and Ixuls W. Strayer of the l'lttsburgh Dispatch, treasurer. TWO BUSINESS BLOCKS OF CENTERVILLE BURN CKNTKHVILLK. la. lec. .-Flre wiped out two business block here today and damaged a third. The loss Is approxi mately f.Vi.Ora The heaviest losers were: G. W. Handle, genet al store. Stl.OOO; David, son Hardware company. SIJ.OOO; J. W. Williams, owner of Davidson building, iir,.oo3. Persistent Advertising Is the Hoad to L'lg Returns. Everything Open Even ings Till Christmas. &D0DGE. - r-NfVMVl I ! a r ..Vi ( jLjI - Our Krre Catalog is a Help to Oinsi man Huylnji Sent! I'r It. PROBE FOR BLACK HAND CASE Six Arrests Made in Solon, la., for Using Mails. GOVEBNMENT AGENTS BUSY eterlnarr Sarsron Charles Mann Rearrested on Charge of send Inac Letters After Ont on Hall. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 9-Charles Himra and Jerry Wortner of Folon were arrested In the John Adams "blackhand" esse and are In the Linn county Jail, where they will be detained pending the hearing to be held December 15. Government official, who have been acourlng the country In -the vicinity of Solon, are said to have' found valuable evidence that may result in several more arrests. , v .-" ", f WoHner 'asserts ho Is Innocent, w hile Hamm refuses to muke any statement. llnmm, who Is a veterinary jturgeoti, la under arrest fo the 'xocnnd time In con nection with this ease. lie recently was takeu Into custody and released, on ball. He Is charged with having jent two blackhand letters to Adams, sfter get ting out of Jail. The urrrets In the esse now total six. I Committee Will Make Two Reports On Dick to Dick Case WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.-A formal re port to tho house today from the commit tee on expenditures In the Interior de partment dismisses front congressional consideration the Controller bay charges, the keystone ef which wss the widely quoted "Dick to JXc-kt" letter and the accusation that Richard 8. Ryan will be acquiring a monopoly of valuable Alaska harbor rights. The committee's action was based on the recommendation of Louis D. Hrau dels and Amos Itnchot, counsel for the committee. "The government." the committee re port says, "should not part with the title to any coal, petroleum, natural gas or mineral land which It owns In Alaska. "The government should construct, ao u,u!re, own and. If necessary, operate at least one railroad there. It Alaska Is to be developed, that development must come either through outside syndicated wealth or through universal energy and enterprise stimulated and aided by gov ernment construction of necessary rail roads." In committee. Mr. Burke of Houth Da kota, representing the republican mem bers, Ineffectually demanded continuance to hear Miss At. K. Abbott and others as to the authenticity of the so-called "Dick to Dick" letter. Repuiiucans claim the letter never ex isted In the Interior department flies or elsewhere and that the perpetrators of the "fabrication" Imposed on Miss Ab bott's credulity. A resolution by Mr. Burke declaring that It no such letter existed the affair was an "infamous st tack" and "vicious assault'' on the presi dent, wss deft. ted by a party vote. It declared that tho "forgery and libel" should be' expoted and the parties to It Identified. The minority uus glxen fle days to make a report. BROTHERS SOON TO ENTER PRISON (Contl.iued frim First Page.) letters! at slid Juiy next v, ek. It became known today. "Tire investigation of the National F-rec-tors' association tends to show that sov eral hundred men had knowledge of the plana for these destructive explosions," said J. A. C. LaJotf. a representative of the ss.oclation. The repreientatlve of the F.lectors' as sociation laid it would be able to show the grand Jury that groups of men In d.f ferent cities helptd to finance the al leged dynamiting conspiracy, and that its effectlvness wss not dependent on funds of 'the International Iron Workers' asso ciation, alleged to have been devoted to tills purpose by John J. ktcNamara. OrlwfU Jewelry ataro Hobbrd. OtXWfcJK. la.. Dee. .Sptiil.) Fla hundred dollars worth of watches were stolen from the show window ol Herg & Arduster, Jeaelsie. some lift during last night, hntiancs tne build ing was gained through a transom ever the front entrance. Ttie police have pot let found ft clue. KfJLLY JURYJS STILL OUT Member. Still Deliberating on Ques tion of Insanity. HAVE AGREED . UPON VERDICT Majo laeas. I'orter la slooa. Falls Heir In Fifty Tbonsand Hollar Estate In Holland. I From a Staff Correspondent.) DKH MOINRS, Ja.. Dec. 9-i Special Telegram.) When court adjourned at S o'clock this evening the Jury In the Dr. ICellv esse UO atlll HelDierallnir Vm rK- j In the day there seemed sonic hope Of a verdict but latter It became evident that the prospect was good for disagreement. In the sftern.ion the Judge sent for the Jurors and tiled to aid them In arriving at a verdict li!t It became evident from what the foreman said that while they rou.'d at;ree on a verdict they could not aeree on a decision e to whether or not he wss Insane. Home wanted to refuse to answer the isprclul Interrogatory Insanity question. Tlfi- court made It plain that no verdict would be considered unless this Is done. All day the parents of Dr. Kelly fat In the court room which for" a part of the time Was deserted, and when the lurv came In on orders of the court they were apparently on the Kilnt of breakfna down. The, defendant also showed great motion, hut later became more cheer ful. An estimate by the county officials on ic cost of the trliil fixes l! nt uhont I'orter Heir to I'roperlv. Ilajo Jgess. p. native of Holland, norter ii a saloon here, has been Identified as rol.able heir to a X.'0.ihjO eatato In Hoi. land, and he hopes to ho able to secure possession. A letter to the mayor mak ing inquiries about him led to his loc. Hon. Ho has been In this country twenty-seven yearsii and the estate was In herited eighteen years ago. If found thst the requirements of the Holland law that advertisement be made in the news papers of the city where he wus lust known to have lived had hot been com plied with and he will claim the prop erty. Requisition for Srkrvenskl. Governor Carroll today Issued requisi tion for Otto Schwenskl, In Omaha, ac cused of connection with the Derby hank robbery. Coats of Parslows Found Near Logan" LOGAN, la.. JJec. .-(Spnclal.)-,Sherlff Rock and Deputy Sheriff W. R. MUUman have received word of the finding of two coata In tha cornfield of C. A. PlUer. south of Missouri Valley, which are be lieved to have belonged to the Parslow brothers, who murdered Officer Butcher of Missouri Valley late In August last. The coats had in the pockets a lunch, tome coffee, matches and time tables over dlferent railroads. It will be re membered that the officers tracked the Parslow brothers to this cornfield on the evening of the day of the murder. It will also be remembered that neither of the I'brelow brothers had on a coat when discovered as floaters In the Mis souri river shortly after being sen and shot at on the Robinson Island west of Mondamln. , The two coats will be given a careful Inspection by the officers and also by the eyewitnesses of the shooting, now employed at Missouri Valley. Doctors Sleet at Malvern. ULKVWOOD, la.. Dec. 9.-peclal.)-The Mills t'cunty Medical society at Its meeting at Malvern yesterday elected the following officers for liil': President. Kdgar t'hrlstle, Hastings; vice president. J. It. Scott, Malvern; secretary-treasurer. J. M. i loot Ian. Glenwond; delegates to state society. J. G. McCue. Hlver City; alternute, G. M. Agan. (lien wood; censor, S. A. Campbell, Malvern. The next meet ing will be at Silver City In June. After the scientific and business sessions an eight-course dinner was served at the Co'tage hotel. ' Iowa Kerns Notes. LOGAN ICdgar Cadwell, C3. early set tler of Harrison county, was painfully injured on the hesd and shoulder In a runaway three miles northwest of U gan yesterday afternoon. He is suffer ing from injuries on the forehead, right temple and shoulder. Shortlv after the accident iMr. Cadwell was taken to his home north of Logan. UH IAN Miss Flora Wonderltck. Miss F.rtna i'urker and Miss Alia l'iSil won first, second and third, respectively In the cooking contest-of the domestic sci ence class of the Methodist church of If! '' 'veiling. The Judges were Miss Mary Rice. Mrs. J. K. Vanficoy and Mrs. Husle Fslth. In the spelling school connected with the cooking contest, Roy Heaburry was the winner. DKNIHON-sThe Knights of Pvthlss lodge of lienlson at the last meeting Hale and Nearly at 71 One of the first men to respond to President Lincoln's rail for troop says Mils great tonic stimulant la Kood for old and young. L .'" tl ' ut age this coming March, eeterioi of the Civil War and ono of the fist to respond to President Lincoln s ca II for 7r. nun .......... .. . . Jsken prisoner at Rattle Front Hovel. , " l-1"g there a skeleton fron. chronic diarrhoea and acurvy half nuked. ""st i.ay that If Hurry's Pure iaxlt Whiskey Is ure.l as dlre.-ted without a iiiae. ii la a great stimulant, either for old or young. rr rlp tliei :s nothing t'ctter. 1 ltuve. u.,.i loiffv'M iur vi..i. Whiskey with excellent result-, and have recou, mended It to all inv com J lades for a number of years. 1 know it ieu 10 onj uge.' . apt. Tnonms 11. H3g. ii Mellor Ave., Catonavlil. Md. Duffy's Piira Mali Wrtlskey If you wish to keep strong, vlajorous and actlvtt and enjoy pec feet heallh, taka Duf fv'a Pur M.ii lui. key regulurly, acco.- ug 10 directions, builds uo tna i.a- tissues, tone up the heart, elvei power 10 the brain, stroiigiu slid ela-ticltv to ..- Iliuscie n.l r'.Lh... . .. Drllixa Into aclmn -11 . n . It makes digestion pert act and enables you to get frojii the food you eat all the nourishment It contains It Is a wonderful ruined y In tha prevention end cure of nervousness, typhoid nialar a, every fonn of stomach trouble, d!j ess of the throat and lungs. It Is prescribed as a medicine by doctors of all s -lux. la. Buitr rare laaJt W.lsksy is the only w.lsksy Ikst was txu by te uovarauinut as a metiiolBe in lag tke Spa-uen--LiaercaB 'Var. aid by aramtrimtM, grocers and deal are la Ntlil botUee, prloe $10. It yoa Mat proeare it. Ut ns know sad mm wU) tell yoa sow te oktala It. Write fa free s actor's e4e end took el rectpea for table a ad alek room. Tke Vmtlj ait Xl)ui.tj Ca, ooum. tar, m. T. 13 VSvV .v itl elected the following ,'fficers for the coming yeur: C. C. V. K. Kahlnr; V. . W. K. Terry; prel.. '. Charles K. Meyers; K. of J! and S... K. F. Tucker; M. of P.. M. J. McAhren; of E . J. II. Lyon: M. at A Leon ' iir: M. ,of W.. John Kntt: I. : . w. u .'Slbsoni' O. O.. A. D. Wilson, trustees. A. .felsley, D. L. Hoynlon and H . W. Fergui on. DKNIHON The mayor' nf enleon, W. If. l-iul. and the nollce luv.t been hav ing trouble about men filing bit a liquor to a man w ho hnd tsken tl te cure at Knoxvllle. the state institution i'or In ebriates, so when he becHm Ii r.vicated this week he was put In Jail ut df sen tence that he should be given hi m bread and water for three dsvs each witV dur ing his time of thirty days. The p Vi ed that the instructions of the niavor 'ould be csrrled out to the limit caiisei.4 the prisoner to be ready tt give the nam of those furnishing him liquor, end ft w the authorities plan to get after Ve guilty ones for the full penalty of la v. Waiter Puts Harmon in Quick Lunch Seat WASHINGTON. Dec. B.-Goveinor Har mon of Ohio, prospective candidate for the democratic nomination for president, arrived here today and had a conference at the capltol with about twenty-five leaders of both houses of congress, In cluding many of the Ohio delegation. The meeting was held in the office of Sen ator Pomerene. It was asserted politics was only Indirectly discussed. While the democratic leaders were gathered to do honor to Oovernor Har mon a telegram urging united action by democrats was drafted and sent' to the democratic central committee of Ari zona. Governor Harmon took luncheon In the senate restaurant with Adjutant General Weybrecht. An Imperious servitor wavel the governor out of that portion reserved for senators and seated him at a quick lunch counter. The governor crowded his knees Into the uncomfortable space and was lunching simply when his Identity became known. He was Immediately be sieged with waiters who begged him to movo to the sacred precincts of the sen ators' dining room. The governor de clined. "This Is what they call democratic simplicity," he remarked to General Wey brecht. Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. :ii ho A. y,J I t 1 KkJVt I 200 r . iiiiii.i. m 307 Our Vay of finishing collars gives the same comfort and tie space as you always find in new collars. Thla la because we return them to you with their natural shape. ! We el bo return all ghlrta la Sani tary covers without pins or boards. Lt us show you the dlfferer.ee. Wagons Kverywhere. rhone Donglaa ltls. Ind. r-iaai. ,ir-cifcf r Interest allowed in sayings department at 3 per annum . . . The United States National Dank of Cmaha gives prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ity and has a most con venient location. Cajttd lorthsmf verier Sxf cents si Feimum Strttf $600,000 Surplus $600,000 You reach people . who huy 1 when you advertise in The Bee J 9 MINERS BURIED BY DUST BLAST; MANYJVILL DIE (Continued from First Page.) rescuing apparatus, due here about 1 o'clock. President Stephenson said the casualties would not be as targe aa first reported from Brlcevllle. He did not believe there were many men In the mine at the time of the explosion. He said the mine Is usually manned by about tOO workers. They lived about Drlcevllle, and each morning were brought to the mine on early trains. He understood several of these trains were late today, which would have de layed the miners In getting Into the shaft. Respite Work. Slow. I'p to 2:39 o'clock this afternoon squads o rescuers had rnsde no effective progress) in their efforts to reach the entombed mtitsrs. Cave-Ins barred the way to the poll., where It is hoped the hundred or more, men are still alive. A i'deral rescue car Is expected to reach .Brlcevllle late this afternoon. Special trains were sent from Knox vllle to .the scene of the disaster. Presi dent SteiJ'henaon of the Knuxville Iron company w-aa In charge of a train over the Bouth-n railway. With him went of ficials of the local mine rescue station. They carried 1 paraphernalia of rescue. Brlcevllle. ,u a mining town has had a stormy hltory. It was the scene In the early nine les of rioting when miners rebelled agalmt working with convicts leased by tho ' state. Troops were sent there to uuell ijhe trouble At Coul Creek, near there, on May 13 m. 200 men we killed in the Frater- vllle mine explosion. There are several big mines at Brlce vllle known as the .Cross Mountain sys tem, t was in one of these that the explosion occurred tot'ay. HYMENEAL ,t Black ney-gprffer. FAIRFIELD. Neb.. Dec 9. gpedal.) Mr. Orvllle Blackney and .Miss Katherlne REESE'S '1 . r Xmas Sale of Jewelry Vitit oar Horm. See gift, of quality at prices unheard of. Special Sale for Coming Solid HnM ti.-. i . " . .r "ci wun uentnne Bv.tt t-"-i' screw.. ,7oj5 ISO Pairs Solid Gold rr'nfV V.iVu. "... . ii , , ,i ar i nn n.. - with Genuine Diamonds, cut tA -. tually ajr .ca 80 Genuine Diamond Rings, Iidle,' and Gentlemen, Solid Gold Mount ings: $30.00 values, cut to... 917.60 160 Holld Gold Tie Clasos, set with Genuine Diamond; $10.00 values, "J to M-80 ve nave you money on watches and high grade Jewelry. Seeing it Believing. The Popular Keese0 f Jeveler S. SIXTEENTH STREET ( TRUST COMPANY VS. INDIVIDUAL AS Executors, Administrators and Trustees 1 They tinjoy permanent existence. 2 They are managed by men, qualified by training and experience. 3 Their capital and surplus are a guarantee of good faith and honest administration. 4 They act Impartially and without prejudice. 5 They are alwayj accessible for business. ( 6 Their accounting is systematic and exact. 7 The fees are fixed by law, that they can be no greater than those of individuals and are usually lees. We draw your will without charge If named executor cr trustee. 0 CaplUl and Surplus. . KaH),ot)0.tU A Safe Investment American Safe Deposit Certificates are secured by loans on the best farms in Kastern Nebraska. No loan is made for more than 40 of the appraised value of the farm and in many cases for not more than 10 of the appraised value. There is noth ing safer on earth. A,'cnSare Deposit Certificates are sold iu denomina tions of 20 $o0. $100. $250. $1,000 and $5,000 and pay o interest. They are payable to bearer and no other person can know your business. Write us. American Safe Deposit Company Fr V. IIAMEit, President. 21 South 17tl. Street. Uev lildg. iiV Xortl, i3th Street. Omaha. Lincoln. . .. . uinoau oox ror urfc-lar proof American hate Uepoalt "ZHl!Lt,S2OM: '"" uonas, jenairy una utlirr open from V a, m to p ,. ar.a Phones i Bong-las ECONOMICAL. io bo shaken like a cornpop Ier in the. ash pit. Price onlv &1.00. Ti rr.j n uunning ueuaware to. ioiz xiarney ot. splner were married at the home of tbe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Splcer. at 8: Wednesday evening. Mr. Biack ney is with the Burlington at this place and is highly respected In railway circles. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. itenfion I Am The Jeweler I have lived In Omaha 4 4 years Over JO yesra In the Jewelry busi ness. My address la 215 S. 16th St. Paxton Block I sell only reliable Jewelry :icver have any fake sales never make any rash statements or give any guaranteca I do not fulfill to the letter. I Ma. ICE A FBOTTT Olf ITIBT TTECy. OF JHWIIBT I BEI. A BMS.I.I. HVI1TO PW.OFIT, BTJT I WBTI1 CHARGE MOBIl TKA1T IT IS WOBTH. And you never can buy the nan e article any cheaper elsewhere un der any conditions. 1 have a clean up-to-the-minute stock of diamonds, watches, Sterling silver, leather goods, cut glass, etc., that I sell at the right prices. A visit from you and a comparison of goods and prices will be appreciated by me. Henry Copley WAES OF OO&D AITS SELVES.. 215 S. 16 h St., Paxton Block SUte JH'Poslt. . . .$10,tHK). a year In the abkolutelv rire an. Vault. l the Uee bu?Mlni o Policies. Ueeds. ,b.tral tsf mort ncl or vuliml.l.. .n . ... until s p. ,. Sat" rday nigh" 107j Aoto, A-1330. CLEAN, CHEAP Avi' cti COPLEY !J?i (UvS 3 r- jlO Oor I liil t f. 1 A 6 j. 1 t r j