( TllK OMAHA KIT.VDAV HKK: DIX'KMBHK K). 1011, V, Miss Bernice Edwards and Her Bridesmaids it V SlJf . -.f-fe'r Site ram - ' & ... J. v . . . M n l ," V, ' dining room, whore the Misses Heeter, ij ' " -i I' ' , , ' I v Dale Fur.h. Vern Hytterf. Di-lln Itnhin- II SOCIETY AT UNIVERSITY CLUB! ' j , ' t -(S lZZX: H ' nf - ' ('' ' " ' ' J v Cc.ndra. lon nml Mr. I'.urnrtt. Mr. A. II T V Y : ' ' i ''-tA ' At UHlmrypr.- Mr.' tid Mr." N"Mtl M I L ' " fMik ' I nrnm nl about tlilrtv of the .Alpha M PLAN MANY ENTERTAINMENTS I . ? ' iP'S . ! ".r."- 'r:. W , f - JOT-"' lfl 1 0,",l,ll,: J'ronrlx Kirkow and MIbs , f iflrTlS n"f?J A X clarlyn Kddy of T'remoiit. Mr. and Mrs. I ' - - llivA y X J WhltnioMt of t;rand Inland. , , JiITjI' f The hrlrto In a daiiKhtor of IK-Btnt und . 'j 1VW --SjV ' - 1 Mrs. VVhllinore and Kraduated from the 7 I . ' X.. i TT" k V - . . rifl-' :i ' 'i I Thv llt ho n homo after Jnuarv 1 In I :" ZA. -.V -;,VV . VHUev. i I. it always . Vji 't ! j J -j rrr j .nui n k1 O v'Vn ! 318-320 South 16th. St. n n u WMhv ' aaat a iaa mb New Organization to Be a Real So rial Center Thi Week. Vic-lal trll of li tVi-rk liar taral .lr- (lull itnilna Jtt. ilviil 1 llolrH fur . Ihr llollatay. ' ' Sofial Irmlnt. MliNlyA V- I'MllmjiPCKt 'lull rtlnner nt mmw lor Mil unrt 'IVtmynon ll!nen; iiiiichciiii i l mvi iuMy i-iuo tor Mi. iivki-nm '-MiDn Kiuiw JetiKu, luiichiun lA rtiiHM Kir,'lre I'jiiwniun. "1 C I'ii A lf-MNH Olmoim' HHydoil mi l Mim Mm lie woiHiurd. lunciuori at tnu no.iie ut mh iimviiin; Mii:iiikhii I'nl 'iiil.v alumni, niimiurt ut t nivrrmty r.iio; Mk. j. Acfirr, aitt-rnoon In iut. UWii'JKfiljAV-Mi'. and Mr. t!. . xattlfn, dmnrr for Mr. anil Mil. tlMiiK Wlllirim ami Mr. anil Mrs. John ItoiiKo ol linuimni i-; Mi. Uiififii Mlil'tlfiiH. lea for Mm. . II. ML'tJIiiy rundy; im. W, B. Hoivp, t. omiH- tluu; iiu'cmm of V. VV. club. 'i n l Km i A Mr. Jn.m n. WVHstrr, din ner ut I'nfvei lty rhiu; Mrrryniakeri r.nb. ( me at Jaroli'H Memorial hall; l'.t-A-Vlr rliih. tlunce at Chamber ; itr. f. Weber, nieetlnif of Hwimtlkii club 1'HIUAV Mrs. Kredetle V. Thomas, aliernoon brldao tor Mlaa Kdlth ai nm; Mini Hernlro Kilwurdx, lunrheon lor heir hrldnnmaliU; Mrn II. I.. I'oi. lerflekl,1 afternoon hrlaae; Trcla Kal Mieka club, banquet at' the Roma; Major and Mra. AtKlnaon evening bridge nt Kort rrook: t'hi Delta Theta, uan iiuet at tne t'nlveralty otub. a-vTI'UUAV-Mtaa Katnerln MUro. din ner (or M law tiernlce I'lnarda and Mr. 'iiirnrr MnaAliaHer. , v - Among the largest eoo.nl affairs of the neek are thnao to be given at the I'nl ialt club. Thle elul of college mtt la mora jtV f.ulVl."i J'i'MVV fif' in i center ol university dolni: of all "StonJfy Tfic'ro' Snie'a Tunilie'dn at the club for Mr "ArfrM ' 'JVtlnyaon Mrltomi. Tuedtty evening the Mlehlgan men will banquet tha, rjtib,': Thureday-'venla Mr.. John It Webaler will entertain at dinner there. . Friday -the I'MPelta Theta f i eternity will hold their banquet at the I'nlverMty club. Among the eventa which will be given at the club during .the holi days will be the Off-Night flub biituiuet, December 21; the Nebraska nlutnnl ban quet, Dei-ember the Beta Theta 11 banquet, December 3D, . and the I'nlver itjr club luncheon for I'resldent Nichols of Dartmouth college, January 2. The club event to which the wives of the club members will be Invited 'and In which they will bo especially Interested la the lecture on "Insects end 'the Public Health" by Prof. Lawrence Bruner of the I nlv entity of Nebraska, which will be given lu the near future. . - - - I'atruaeaaea fwr Harvard ( lub. Meal plans' for the concert of the liar laid Ulee. Banjo and Mandolin clubs to le given, at the Boyd Saturday, December are progressing. Alumni of the uni versities and colleges represented In Ne braska are engaging boxes. Among thexe are Harvard. Masvachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth. Cornell and t'relghtou. The thirty members of the Crelghton "lire, club will sit together In the house. The ttatrunnesaee have been chueen and Include the mother. Hlvea, sinters and frlmids of Harvard men. The half hundred young men composing the Harvard musical clubs will arrive from Kansas City. So far as known now they may not be able to get here before o'clock In the evening; but an effort la being made to change the pla;i that they may be here In 'the afternoon for the lecepllon planned by Mre. Arthur Crit tenden eiiiilth. The vlalttng men will be entertained at dinner at the Omaha club by the local Harvard alumni and after the concert there will be a dame at the Home. The clubs will leave fur the eunl at 12:30 o'clock after the dame. At the luncert Harold M.itteiK, ho attended Harvard last eur and waa a member of the Ulee club, will sing a aolo. Kxm Millard, mho Is one of the prime inuvers among the local men planning the entertainment for the vlaliors, waa t member of the mandolin club alien In among the Harvard alumni at the concert college. Another Nebra.-kan, prof. Krneat U. fimai.t or the Mute university, ho sang lu the tilee club eighteen years. ago. will bo umung the Harvard alumni at the ctini'crt. Tl patrontsuea are Mlaa Jt'Soia Millard. ' hiss zmzsim iezrot ere f" XH-SS EL0ISE M. R, Murphy. The weddlm; will lanu place In the spring. The many frlenila of the ;ounu ico;ile regret that they are to reside In another city, Mr. Murphy nttomled Crelghton collego and haa Rone Into the rommiKloii buslnepa In Sioux t.'jty, MlM. McCaffrey atttended Havri d. I leart ennsetu ln tlila city, and lntfl (frnduatod at Trinity college, Wq.ihlnutoir. t c1i Hhe Is the poaseaaor of A lyrlc.aopiano voice and him cuullnueil her musical aludles since leaving college. Mr. Murphy aa promln uit , in I K 11 club athlelloe,' belotiKlng to ths liaae. I -n'l team and wai one of the cxpn't j,'llti rf the club. ' i-'raternlty Mru r'.nterialu. The local men belonging to Nehrnaka chapter, of Phi Delta Theta. eapeclally thono who have atttended lie unlvor.iitv at Lincoln of late yeara, are plannliu: to entertain one mf their fraternity who htia been actively ;i limbing the- l.nM '.- of his trionic fame since having oll-ije. This talent .1 young man la Mr. Homer ll-'iit, better known among Phi Delu a "Hyper," who even In his college days manifested marked ability as an enter tainer. After graduating from the Amer ican Academy of Dramatic Art In New York, Mr. Hunt .has ' played In varluus companies. He Is now with Loiila Mann In 'Klevating a Husband." which will be here four days. bc-Klunlng today. Ik lulus the part of Prof. Henaon. The Pill Delta are planning t.i hit iid the performance on an evening iuii et set and give a alag dinner f-n- Mr. Hunt after the performance. Wedding Bells K. A. be rr.uld of honor, will entertain the .wed. ding party nt dinner ut her home. Fri day, Mlea gKdfarda will entertain the young women of her wedding party at luncheon. Mr. MacAllaater la expected from California tomorrow. Medarira J. J, Hro n. F. A. rirogan.' V. II. liurhulr.. VVanl M Hiil'ki. Victor 11 1'aldnell. i'lement Chaao. VV llllmil J. t.'oud. . IkHKR K. Colicdoll, I. . F. CiofiKit. N. P. Dodge, Jr.; '. H. Klgulter. Hen tialiagher ". T, tle.ii ge. II. I. Ihl-.liiUt. iwitge W. -Huidrege, It. K Hollli-ter. le-ire A. Joxl) n, Ailhur Keellne, .1 '. Kli.nlir. F. p. KliWenilall. I.. I.. Jvoiinlze, r. W. Lake, I Mi nduitira H illlam l.a,lter of Fort Crook. M. D. I,ui ncd M. I.. l.lllK-f.nii. .luhn Mi-lMinald. P. I.. Martin. P. K. Mi-Klllip, ' i:ia Millard, K. W. Nash. 'liar lea ufful, W. S. l'opli.on, W. M. Italiibult. J. H. Sioljie. Arthur C. Smith. Fredei irk A. Smith, Alfred Korensou, W. S. Htlllman. O. D. Tuninrllff, ). W. Wattlen. II. F. W nian, II W. Yalea. Uidor Zli-glcr i:aaageaoait Aaaeauied. All eugagtinent of much Interem U tiiat f Must Cecelia McCaffrey, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. OwtH Mi- affrey. to Mr. Jul.u V Muiphy, V.ii uf Mr. and Mi . 4 The man luge of Mlaa Mat me Uolden of Omaha and Mr. l.awrenie Carpenter of Chicago will take place Thiirrdav, Decemlwr 11. Owing to lllneas In the family of the bride the ceremony sv 111 be performed lu Chicago and Mlas (.loliien will be accompanied there by her parents, The young couple will make their future home nt tMT 1'ialile avenue. Chh ac". The wi-ihllim of Mis lit thu Mavrr of Kaunas City, Mo., and Mr. Sum Meyer of Omuha took plucc Tuciiiluy evening at o'clock In the parlors of the Hold Bal timore at Kunaas City. The at'.endHnta were Hie ginom'a brother, Mr. Charles Meyer of St. 1ai.iI, and Mr. Dave Mayer of Kansas City. The purlors were heau tlfully Ui" ci ati (1 with palm, ferna and bankets of pink ant white rarniitloiia. with southern amilax auif'iHlei from the chandellcra. The brides gown waa white lace over nu Kbulliie and tiimmcd with Nllk friiiKC. Ilir Ioiik tulle veil m faa lened with llllia of the vallrs. After the cercinony a supper waa aeiied lu the Wlilte room, when- the pieiulllng colors, pink and white, were until. A pietly ft-a-tui'e of the tllnlug iomi liecoiaUoii uaa the large banket of pink and white car nations am Tumuli d by ferna which adorned the : talle. Tint out-of-town gut-ats were: Mias Manna Mevcr of St. I.oui. M flasie "si cf i !.f liailei. M.. Mi. Hik C. Mijci- of Philadelphia. , Mr. Joat-pli Mi-M-r i ( llutU--, ilo. Mr. und .Mrs. Mo er are ut home at Hie Hotel Sairford. Mlaa llt-rii.t-e IMw.uda. uaughtei of Mi, and Mrs. A. tj. i:.lril. und Mr. Turner MacAllaaler t.f Oakland. Cal i. li..s ding wl'.l take nlace December 11 uill be honor gtii-.-,ta at a number of hoclul en-ti-rlaltimt nt'. saiiirtlay Mrs. A. II. Fuller i-nlei tamed liifm m.illy at lunchcn for Mies Kdwards. Monday Mn-a Flolae Jenks will entertain at lunch-on for Miaa Kdwards uinl her touKin. Mia. Harold Mllee, of De Moines Mia Katherinu Powell, nnother bi idivuuaiil. will enter tain suine evening this uck f,.r Mlaa I'M w aids and Mr. laeAllu.-tei. Saturday evening Mbi l'i tt-rl;; IV.''. '.-., alio i The mania go i f Mlaa Nell Whllmoro to Mr. Nels l-Mwatd 4ohpon took place at 1 o'clock Thursday evening at tho home of the bride's parents. Mr. und Mra. V. .. Whltmore- of Vallev. ' Ucv, Whealherly of Lincoln officiated. The bilde waa gowned In white aatln li-lmiued with chantllly luce. She wore a veil and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of tho vallev. Her onlv ornament win a diamond nnd pearl prndunt. the gift of the groom's (parents. . Mlnae Marlon YVhltmure, cousin of the bride. Mabel Johnson, IMna Weents and Carulle Meer attended the brldea as her maids and carried rone of smllax. The flower plrla. Dorothy Webb and Lido. Whltmure, .carried baaketa of roses, .awrence Coy of Vallev was heat man. Preceding the . ceremony Miss Mabel Dorau of York sane; "Relieve Me If All Those fcndearlnir Yoitntr Charms." Miss Kthel MarFarlane of Lincoln played the Lohengrin wedding march and during the ceremony she ployed "To a Wild Rose." The guests were received by Mr. and Mia. W. O. Whllmore, father and mother of the bride; the bride and groom, Mr. and Mra. Johnson, parents of the groom; I awrence Coy, the attendant of the groom, and the four brldeanialds. While congratulations were being re. celved 'Mlas Do! an sang "April Morn," and Verne Hays of Omaha gave several violin numbers. .. The Alpha Chi girls then sang a num ber of the sororltv songs. The decora tions throughout the house were pink and white. The bridal partv' stood be neath a canopy of smllax nnd carnations. The same colors were curried out In the university-In the-class of till. She Is member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. The groom Is a younK business man of VaJley. , They will he at. home after Jnuary 1 In Valley. L Pleasures Past Mra. Charles Offult gave an Informal ten Thursday afternoon "for Mis. . G. iModllllcuddy of San Francisco. Miss OUa Stori and Miss liulae Stori entertained Informally at bridge Paturday afternoon, at their home. Five tables of players were present: Mrs. Luther Koitntxo gave an Informal tea Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Harry Wllklna of Chicago, when a few of tho latter's old friends were aaked. Mrs. Frank Wllhclm entertained In formally at luncheon Saturday afternoon at her home. A lavender color scheme was used and flfteeen guests were protent. ' Mrs. Charles Meti entertained Infor mally at bridge, Friday afternoon for her guest, Mrs. A. Cray of Chicago, nnd Mrs. Adolph Dwork of Schuyler, Nob., guest of Mrs. Fred Met a. Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Barker. 2d, enter, talned at a bridge dinner last evening at their home. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. B. Martin, , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West. : Mr. und .Mia. Charles VV. Martin, Miss Allco Cary McUreW, , Mr. Wilson Austin. .' . A novel social entertainment wae given by Mrs. J. U. Wadsworth, Mra. Howard W. Tllton and Mrs. Alfred Hanchett of Council Bluffs Friday afternoon at the G.and hotel. Miss Kthel Lyman of Chi cago, a talented story teller, told a num ber of interesting and entertaining Japanese legends. Miss Lyman has made an extended study of the legends of the orient and the unique entertainment was much eitloyed by the guests. Mrs. Lucius Prior oi Omaha sang several Japanese songs, and waa accompanied by' Mrs. Carlton Woodward. The ball room of the Grand hotel, where the program was given, ' was attractively decorated with palms, ferns and cut roses. There were 150 guests present, thirty being from Omaha. Assisting as hostesses were: Mesdames Frank Penny, Angelina Brlns mald, Roy Wilcox', Misses Irma Smith, Marion Tllton and Rachael Parmalee Little Miss Phyllis Hunter entertained at two parties for her little school friends. The first was given Friday evening from 4 to 6 o'clock for the smaller children. A cobweb game In which were favors for the little ones, was the principal enter tainment. Those present were little Missel Virginia Pearce, Ruth Orlmmell, Masters William Poppleton. Jamea Roney and James McMullen. The second of the series was given Saturday afternoon, when f our sty Sis rei lui Sold from $25.00 to 50.00 your PJ Choice of Over 500, for . . . . . . . . See Our Wmdw. h is (Conliixttad on Page Three.) GIFTS THAT ARE PERMANENT For nnmy people tin coming of Chrjst liuis means the pnri'hase of diamonds for gifts. The-diamond has such a great value and is so much appreciated by all that no mistake can be made through the giving of a pure stone for Christina?. It has u per manent value, too, which will keep thoughts of the donor fresh in the memory of the re cipient long after the gift day has passed. Wo have a most lntcre&tini collection of artis tically dcblfcnoil mountings tnade entirely of plati num or of gold and set with the finest quality of blue white diamonds aud rare Blotus. Dinner and cluster rings, pondant earrings, la valllcres, lockets, brooches, pendant, gcarf pins, tie clasps, all are displayed here with the finest diamond settings. Our excellent assortment offers every pos sible advantage to gift buyers. - lioii't .Merely lluy litieM. ALBERT EDHOLM, JKWKI.KK SUtecnlli and Harney. The ''Six Mickels" are posted ones, and it always pays to ' trade with men who KNOW their business. l .1 in m H 1 II j- lifch IS VUOM m (Display ; " . - -.mm ii est s ississsisss ssaa--ass--a jjii ' "saiWtm mtmm P-aT sWsMBgHBtfauT4gV .-...4g fe1 jnrj yj yrs 'Trade ' your talk ing machine by mail. Write today for a spe- ' cially new plan Trade your "Horn" Talking Ellaohine in on an Exquisite "DT Awkward Machines V with "Horns" are going out of style at light ning speed. Trade Yours! . Graceful and marvelous VICTROLAS, with no horns, arc being EAGERLY sought for the world over. The Victor Talking Machine Co. Authorizes the Nebraska Cycle Co. to TAKE BN Your Present 4Horn" Machine at an EXTREME-, LY LIBERAL Allowance, in Exchange on a " Victrola." "Horns" Are Doomed Get a "Vi ctrola" Sound reproducing machines that must use "Horns," will be almost obsolete entirely out of demand In six month from now. Entertainment lovers th world over stood for Horns" aa long aa 'Horns'' were necessary; but it became a far different story when the graceful, hand some and exquisite sounding hornless " V lt-"l UOL.A " came on the market. The world wide tendency of the moment la to GUT RID of the "horn" talking machine; o trade yours In tu The Nebraska Cycle Co. while there la yet fcome demand for the 'horn" machine In districts away from here, districts where all traded In machines will be t-t-nt to If necessary. The Nebraska Cycle Co. is prepared to make you an exceptionally large allowance on your ordinary "horn" machine If you bring it in NOW. It isn't too late YKT, but It WILL be SOON, for "horn'' machines will soon bo a drug on the market. KV'LK t t:ul 1 wants a machine of the hornless: "Victrola" typo. VICTROLAS PRICED AT The "VlCTROI,A." belnff built without a horn. Is not only a far HANDfOMi:it object than the ordinary horn" reproducing instrument, but'SOUNDS VASTL.1 : BrJTTKR. besides. The large, seienNf Ically cinstructed sound chamber of the "Victrola" enables a most beautiful rendition of music, nong or Mory. bringing It just that niui-n closer to nature. It's a rudical departure from the squeaky Instruments you have known in the past. The "Victrola" is far more magnificent in appear ance than most pianos; it Is of euch a shape that it cannot get in one's way; it is arranged to hold rec ords in many cases, and n.uy be had in most any de sired finish. LaRt, but not least, the "Victrola" uses any disc record, and brijigs out the lene fuller, stronger, more ugretsole in every wh.v. If you live out of town write for the plan wherebv you -Trade a Machine By Mail." Trade in your ma ihinc: no matter how lari?e or small. VICTROLAS PRICED AT 025 550 1 f nnm mr"i i b r r Tm-ii sgajsasm 1 15th and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager. $75 $100 $150 $200 334 Broadway Council Bluffs, la. J -CJ ,. -r-ii- i 'iiiniwwai.i. in . i- i i in i . i iSgj TO CHRISTMAS aHOPPERS The members of the Ladies Shopping Club and others will find our beautiful down utairs lunch and nxiu water rooji iSiMloaslal at llh and Dodge altogether the most attractive place In Omaha to get a cup of hot coffe, im'ou or Ceylon tea or a dainty sandwich or other light luncheon. Try our "lminty Tld Bit Combina tion Sandwich" JJo Or Oyatwr Cocktail o Same service mentioned above at our new and handsome "I Hu ts ni Plutriuat y," SOU and Fai naiit. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., riY Drug stores ru OnuUia. (AU Oooa Oues.) yOST-High.GradeFurs EXPERT REMODELING Us.' Comer UUth anil 1 ainam. Telephone llouirlaa anin THE TWENTIETH CEHTURY .FARMER it the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. It columns are rilled with the best thought or tbo day in matters pertaining to the rarni. the ranch and the orchard, and t; u a rctor in the Ueveloyuieut or the great 'tsteru country.