Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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rTTt "I T Tn m -rT i - -r- . . . . KJkS "t ) H '
T TNPq at Wat t iviuju bAi is simply sensational. The public being fully aware of the fact that we are doing exactly what we say SELLING STRICTLY FIRST CLasS, UP-TO DATE GOODS IN ALL
1.1HE5 AT HALF PRICE OR LESS, our store is thronged from morn till night, and nobody leaves disapppointcd, for we live up to our word in every respect. -
r T
1 carat stone. 14-k
Tiffany mounting,
special sale (ICC
price at. . d I 03
4 carat stone, per
fect white, gent'1
mounting, in extra
neavy 14 k mount
Ing special sale
1-S2 carat, perfect
Far Screws
special price
I'errert white diamond mounttner
Urooch, weight 3 l- carats, 21 dia
monds, 14 k mounting our special
saie price
white stone
Solid (told and gold
filled Beauty
Pins, all kinds,
and designs, reg-"
. ular prices $1 to III special sain
Zic". 50c to $6
Ladles' O stxe 14-k extra heavy solid
gold cases hand engraved or plain
for engraving, with F.lgln or Val-
tnan.' movement regular price
.!, our special price
Ladles' 14-k O size, IR-yeer care,
solid gold filled, with solid gold
raised ornamentations In different
colored gold, nifty designs, fitted
with Klgln or Wsltham movements.
Kegular price 127.60 CIO ftfl
our pedal sale price. . I 7.QU
Ladies' O size watch, ?0-year fancy,
hand engraved or plain for engrav
ing, fitted with Elgin, or Waltham
movements regular price l.0rt
-o.pecU. .e $ Q.QQ
' tbf v-
Uents' Kailroad Watch, Kockford, 21
Jewels, all ruby and sapphire Jewels,
official tallroad standard mi many
roads, guaranteed to rim within flvo
seconds per week. This high grade
'movement fitted In a 20-year, hand
engraved, engine turned or plain
case, regular price 38 00 our
extra, special sale $21 75
Gents' 10 size hunting case Watch,
20-year, gold filled, hand engraved
or plain case, all new designs, fit
ted with an IJIgln, AValtham or
RockforU 17-Jcwel movement. These
movements we guarantee to run
within 30 seconds per week reg
ular price of this watch $2. 75
our special sale Oil 1 C
price 91 I I
Gents' Watch, 20 year guaranteed,
solid gold filled case, fittod with a
high grade Elgin and Waltham 1."-
Jewel movement; correct tln.e all
the time; our special sale
All other watches on sale at same
Gold Filled and Pearl Beads
Gold filled, best quality beads, strung
on gold chain. Kegular prices 15.00
to 17.00 special sale prices from
S2.50 .. S3. 50
Sterling Mlver and quadruple plated
Toilet wsre. We have on display
the largest and finest line of then
goods In the city, at Just H others'
prices. See for yourself and be con
vinced. Sterling Milttarv Pets 1 1.00 to 22 00,
prl'ce. ... $5.50 $11.00
o-plece Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets.
I1S.00 to 140.00 Q A A to
sale prices ... ViliUU
All other sets at same proportions.
Vjuadruplo plated J-pie;p- Toilet Set
brush, comb and mirror; regular
prices 9.00 to 114 50, speeHl sain
S&T $4.75 lo $7.25
Con tilnntlon Toilet and Manicure
Sets; rcgu'ar prices 22.00 to ;
see1 to $13.13
All other toilet, sets, both ladles'
and gents. In same proportion.
solid gold
lockets, all
high grade
prices, 127. 50
to 1100.00.
Plain and lsncy hand engraved locket.
In solid gold, all sizes, regular
prices 7.00 to :)0.0O. sieclnl
! ;t. $3.50 10 $15.00
.High grade, solid gold filled, plain
hand engraved and stone mounted
lockets, all sizes regular prices
12.50 to 110.00, special sale
iVT. $1.25 10 $5.00
6.-7 Hi
to select
to 14.00 t-ale
HiKh grade T0
osr solid gold
filled bracelets.
In all the latent
designs, fancy
band engraved,
plain and stone
mounted, regu
lar prices 11.50
to I IS. 50 our
special price, at
I3.8S to
armen ktracclct
the highest
grade of spring
fc-f bracelets, guar-.-
ii anteed to wear
2" sears, made
with seal for
engraving and
with fa n c y
stone setting
regular prices
7 to 19.75
special sals
p r I c es 13.50
to (4.88
Bahy anil ml
ses" Bracelets,
largo variety
from rcpular prices 2.?ii
to 52
pillar prlci
SI. 13
Pendants and LaValliers
.''Incst line
of high
trails solid
gold pend
ants and la
valllcrex, ob
tainable In
nil the nif
tiest patterns,
regular prices
J9.50 to H5
our special sale
4.75 to 917.60
High g ra d e
solid gold
filled pendants
and la valllerea.
In all the new
est stone
regular prices
-special sale prices
to vlilil
Tearl Beads, all sizes, high grade
I'"rench Pearls. Kegular prices IS
to 16, special o rntofl rf
sale prices... .0U llt)U
13 to t
Brilliant Hat Fins. Our stock Is com
plete. Latest designs, all sizes, reg
ular prices 1.50 to 15.50 extra
pX1: ::a!...75c 10 $2.75
Kancy design gold filled lint Pins,
wild gold jieal for engraving, regu
lar price II. 50 to .1.00 -- mlo
prices 1CA to
Big line of other htylo Mat Plus,
ular prices $.' 00 to 1.1.50
at . . . .
75c SI.50
SI. 00 SI. 75
Solid gohl Lorgnette Chains
all kinds ami designs
fancy stone mo ti n ted
slides regular prices
.'(i.50 to special salo
$13.25 to $17.50
High grade solid gohl filled
Lorgnette Chains, warran
ted 20 years' wear, In all
the new styles ItcKtilar
prices from 14.50 to U..'.0
sale prices Iron -
$2.25 to $5.75
Scarf Pins
Our line of solid
g o Id, stone 0
mounted Scart
Pins. In all the
nucet ilCHIKIlM
la complete; also V
plain plus for
on g r a vlng - -I
eguliir price 12
to t;5, our ste
i In 1 sale price.
SI.00 t0 SI7.50
.solid i old Scarf Pint., In fancy stone
mountings and plain for engraving.
Kegular prices 1.00 to 2.5n spec
lal snle prices CAm C 1 C
from OU.Oto SiZO
A complete line of high grade tier
man ullvcr. Sterling silver platel
Mesh Bags kid lined and soldered
mesh. Kegular prices 14.50 to
123.60 extra special sale prices
;.;-'JJ.''. '
m- T ' -o. .1 t sfl M :
r;j ,s www
A fine line of high grade gold filled
Belt Plus, all the latest patterns In
stock. Kegular prices 12 50 to A 00
special pale
price WI.&U to
Idauinnd n ounted solid gohl Cuff
Links Krgulsr prices ." 50 to 141
salo prices $2.75,o $22.50
Heavy weight plain
and fancy designed
Cuff Links Kegn-
lur prices 11.53 to
114.00 sal irlce
up to
gopi tilled. ii
slid fancy deslr.notl.
Kegular prices l i.'i
to I I 50 special
salo prlcea
Sdd gold Brooches, all new and up
to dale designs, plain gold und high
grade stone mountings. Kegular
prices 12.75 to H0, special
$1.38 to $20
High grade brilliant and gold mount
ed Pack Combs, all styles and sUes,
Kegular prices to 111, special
sale (I ICtotCCn
..wlilu Wthtiu
Ladles' high grade
solid gold senl
rings, latest de
signs. Kegular
prices $H to 17--special
dents' solid gold
seal rln:. In all the newest pat
terns, medium and heuvv weight.
Kegular prices to $ m. 50 special
sale fin to
prices .
Misses' and Kables' Seal Kings all
sixes snd weights. Kegular prices
11.00 to 2.0u our special ssle
prlcos Cn to
$2.00 " $8,25
Sterling Sil. Souvenir Spoons
Our lino of Souvenir Spoons Is very
complete. Any spoon In the f On
store, up to 3.00 I3U
New creations In
solid gold filled
Brooches, all the
latest patterns
In this sale
regular prices $2
to 5 special
sale price
There's something about diamonds that's hard for the average human being to resist. Just look at the sparkling diamond easel in our window and kindly note and compare the prices at which we offer you
stones of the clearest water. ' 1
"At the Sign of the Crown"
Open p- 115 South Sixteenth St., Opposite the Boston Store (jy
usauislULU, X.J. UU. ... ..1 ...... 1 1 iwi-mn ,. .u.l . . '
All Mail
Orders Will
Careful and
-w vr
uooas wm
Be Sent Same
Day Order
Is Received
Heal Cause of Present Revolution is
Economic Unrest.
Weakness of Central Government at
Peking; Afforded Opportnnltr to
Progressive Chinamen Who
Have Stndled Abroad.
CANTON, China, Dec. 9. The revolu
tion long: expected and' long in prepara
tion has come. Foreign residents had bo
come so accustomed to reports of con
spiracles and antl-lmporlallst movement.
that even they were amared when the
llsrtng took place in great force and un
der trained leaderihip.
The driving: motives of the Insurrection
are economic quite as much as political.
The Impoverishment of the Chinese Is
probably far greater than It was a gen
eration ago. The people have been more
harried by the tax collectors even dur
ing the last ten 'years than they were
previous to the Boxer uprising. The prea
hiire of the Imperial government and the
provincial consuls for money has crushed
the mass of the people until their misery
has afforded the revolutionary agitators
a convincing argument that the time haj
come to turn out the Manchua and to
create If possible a liberal and more
compassionate government.
Central Government Weak.
The extreme weakness of the central
What do we aee? Terrifically long and
euMere looking corsets; tiny (as poss
eitile) shos, uppers bulging over the
vamps; various restrainers, retainers, de
tainers i nanus unknown); perspiration
disinfectants; blackhead eradlcbtors;
pimple specifics: blood medicine. Strewed
around a few candy boxes; maybe an ex
i reiser on the wall. Th?se "properties''
tlgnify that at various times this pleas
ant room is the scene of faxhlonable tor
tures, of heart-burnings, of fallings from
grace. Here the poor lady gasps Into
her retainers, her harness. Here sho
hides her fat-caused pimples, persplra
t cit. blackheads; here, when her spirit '.
ueak, she fomakes the exerciser for the
deadly candy box. What a life what a
Avoidable? A Marmora Prescription
Tablet, taken after earn meal and at bed
time, will reduce that fut la pound a
da down to the firm flesh beneath;
banish the fat-caued blemishet; give a
license to eat all the candy, etc., craved.
end aleep as long as one desires. Inves- ,
tlgate: tender suventy-flve cents to your I
druggist for a large case, or write the
.Marmola Co., bis farmer Tildg., JJetrolt,
Itch. Do not be timid Marmnla Tab
lets are safe being made strictly In ac
cordance' will the famous, fashionable
formula: lj ox." Marmots, us. Kl. Kx.
t'atcaia Aromatic, 3 ox. Peppermint
Water; consequently, go ahead -without
If sr. A month a ill emancipate you. Adv.
government, a weakness that has been
more marked since 1900 than before in
this generation, gave the Insurgent lead
era confidence that they would be able
to make headway against any force that
the Imperialists might send against them.
The Chinaman loves the secret society.
Communal feeling, the necessity of the
Individual being supported by his fellows,
has been utilized by the revolutionaries
to the utmost. The revolutionary secret
societies extending throughout southern
China probably Include a membership of
several millions, the control of them cen
tralizing in a small group of able men.
The political poster and leaflet has been
largely the means of preparing the mass
of the people for change. The work of
the secret societies has been directed to
circulating single sheet pamphlets or
pasting up little Inflammatory posters
discrediting the army, narrating specific
Instances of the ruthlessnesa of the Man
elm tax gatherer, the neglect of the peo
ple by those who assumed to be paternal
benefactors, the weakness of the Peking
government and a hundred other alle
gations undermining the fear and the re
spect of the people for their despotic
Idncated Blen Ilchlnd I prising.
A singular feature baa been the atti
tude of the student class. Those educated
abroad have been largely Instructed In
Japan. They seek to follow In the foot
steps of new Japan, which succeeded in
ridding the country of foreign Interven
tion and in becoming a great power
within the term of an ordinary life.
Thousands of theso bright men and en
ergetic youths are scattered throughout
the country preaching the doctrine that
China is cursed by the weakness of Its
own government yielding to the foreign
ers, and that help, progress and ecurity
can only come by upsetting the' existing
order and organizing upon the principle
of China for the Chinese. Ktrangely also
these agitators. Including all those edu
cated in Japan, are furiously anti-Japanese.
The correspondent will not endeavor to
predict the result of the present far
reaching Insurrection, it seems likely to
succeed, but the foreign observers have
a profound distrust of the present ca
pacity of the Chinese for republican In
stitutions in the western sense, should
the revolution succeed, the government
probably will be a military dictatorship
in which perhaps some able and Just In
dividuality will be In command. The
revolutionary cause appears to nave many
leaders truly patriotic and with aims be.
yond the passion for piling up private
fortunes out of the "squsexe" common
under the present Manchu government.
Uelltllng Hermits.
K. O. Bugh, Zill Kd Crelghton avenue,
frame dwelling, Home Miller, liOb
Jackson, alterations and rtpaira to brick
building, Wr. CharUs I. Nelson. iJ
Nicholas, frame daelllng. ffIO; J. 1 Mur
phy, &1Q Taylor, frame dwelling, 7jO.
Development of Revolution Closely
Watched by Nippon.
Declaration of Independence by the
Viceroy of Manchuria Brlugts
Immediate Financial Aid
from m Japanese Dank.
ML'KDEN, Manchuria, Dec. t. Japan
watches the development of the revolu
tion in southern China with absorbed at
tention. The Japanese have In it an In
terest both economic and political deeper
than Americans would have in a revolu
tion In Canada or in Mexico.
The results of civil war In China must
within the view of authoritative observers
here have a profound Influence on every
Asiatic power and upon Japan most of
all. Japanese statesmanship In Its relic
tions to the Asiatic mainland must have
always In mind that there alone ran
Japanese expansion tnke place without
coming Into collision with a European or
an American power.
The Japanese press and the Japanese
government have apparently accepted the
fact that the white races bar the way
to colonization In . Australia, North
America and in Asia beyond the confines
of China.
One need not reach a conclusion now
as to whether Japan would have given
up the railway and southern Manchuria
to China upon the expiration of the rail
way lease. Certainly the disorder In
southern China and the extreme weakness
of the Imperial government at Peking
cause responsible Japanese officials here
to feel that southern Manchuria is more
than ever Japaneae.
Viceroy Financed by Japan.
The viceroy of Manchuria has declared
his Independence. Immediately following
tlu't announcement the Yokohoma specie
bank, a Japanese government Institution,
has loaned the viceroy several million
dollars. The foreign observers here con
sider this loan as guaranteed by a politi
cal mortgage upon southern Manchuria.
Now the Japanese vested right In Man
churia Is considered t run until such a
time as the provincial government of
Manchuria can repay this loan. Jt Is un
derstood that the Independent Chinese
government of Manchuria proceeds under
Japanese advice.
The sectional rivalry between northern
and southern China Is such that the
southern revolutionary chiefs appeared to
care very little for what becomes of
Mongolia and Manchuria, so that It Is
porslble that In the event of a strong
republic or dictatorship being founded by
the Insurgent the new government would
not come Into serious collision with either
Japan or Russia over what either country
might do In Manchuria or In northwestern
Although Japanese statesmanship will
probably avail Itself of every opportunity
created by the changing governmental
conditions In the Chlnest empire, yet
there appears to bo no disposition to add
to tho difficulties or to Intervene In ony
manner beyond the borders of Manchuria.
The aim of Japanese policy seems now
as beforo the Outbreak of the revolution
to be In the direction of encouraging an
efficient government In the Chinese em
pire and the development of the splendid
resources lying unused. Japan needs
time to consolidate Us Interests In Korea
and In Manchuria. Itj geographical near
ness to the Chinese markets and the skill
In special knowledge of Japunesn traders
make the Japanese confident that they
will obtain a large share of the advant
ages of high economic development of
the Chinese people without further terri
torial extension.
Ornslia. soon will be given Its quota of
tlie thirteen new designs of potaage
stamps that are to be put Into circula
tion during tho latter part of this month.
The new registry stamps were placed on
sale December 1. and valuable packages
that were formerly being stumed with 10
cents worth of 2-cent seals uro now being
stamped exclusively with the Ixsue. The
registry stamp is used for registry only.
Instead of Ilenjamin Franklin's face
appearing on the 1-cent stamps tho face
of George Washington will be shown In
stead. George Washington will also be
represented on all of the six lowest de
nomination stamps. The highest de
nominations 8, 10, 13, 60-eent end 11
stamps will bear the likeness of Frank
lin. lie-sides the face of Washington on thu
1-cent stump the number "1" will bo dis
placed by the word "one." Tho new
2 cent stamp will c.irry the numeral "i"
In each of the lower corners. On the
stamps of the 3. 4, 5 and tf-cent variety
the wreath surrounding the head of
Washington will Iw eliminated and the
denomination printed In a curved lino
above the head.
Announcement of
Winners in
Second Bee
will be made in
The Omaha Sunday Bee
December 17
Fifth International Meet in Boston
to Be Big Affair.
Recent Tour of American Commer
cial Delegation lias Aronacd
Ureal Interest In Finan
cial Centers of F.nropi1.
PAWS, Dec. 9.-Tlie fifth International
Congress of Chambers of Commerce,
which will bo held In Iloxton In Septem
ber, 1B12, continues lo attract great atten
tion throughout Kurope.
In the various countries the delegations
are alresdy making their preparations,
and tho Chamber of Commerce In Paris
has Insued a special article in Its bulletin
pointing out the great Importance of the
approaching congress. The work of the
lloston ("number of Commerce for Its
Initiative In stimulating Interest Is given
especial praise.
The tour of American business men In
Kurope has brought the object of these
great International . gutherlngs, It Is
pointed o,ut, Into greater prominence.
"The success which attended the Ameri
can delegation," tho article says, "on its
tour throughout the continent will be of
immense advantage to future congresses
and ougfit to uccompllfh much for Inter
national romiucrciu! relation. An oppor
tunity certainly presents Itself at this
fifth congress to bring out Inlo a clearer
light the great question of foreign liadu
and to Impress Its Importance upon many
who seem to Uinore II. This opportunity
should not be loft, for there 1m yet need
In thu I'nited Ht.ites of Inspiration on
tills particular subject. Foreign trade
bus too often been allowed to take care
of Itself. It Is to bo hoped that the con
gress. In addition to following Its rt-Kolar
program, will have the general effect of
dlrertlng attention to thfl development of
the foreign trade of the I'nited Staf s."
it Is unilftKtood that the Furopean dele
gates will go to Amerlcu on the Mama
Steamer, and that after the congress In
ItoKon lliey will make an extensive tour
of the I'nited Hiates.
indignation expressed by somo news
Papers and uar cornnpoudents because
the Turks and Arabs have, it l.i alleged,
attacked the Italian 1UU Cross stations
In Tripoli, brings out an Interesting
statement on the matter from Bwlss
officials. According to this, the fault
lists with the powers If Turkey does not
at present recognize tho Ited Cross flag
in time of var.
In June, lld'l, the Ottoman government,
In a note to the Swl.ts federal authorlilea,
communicated Its desire to come to an
understanding on a reciprocal basis con
ceming thu equal recognition of tha ltc
Cross and the Ited Crescent of Turkey
In time of war. Turkey promised to ic
vpect the Ited ( rots If the powers le
spected the Ited Crescent.
On receiving the Tuiklsh note thu Swiss
government communicated It lo tho
various powers asking for a reply on
the subject. Although eighteen months
have passed no answers have been re
ceived, so that Turkey Is free, accord
ing to Hwlss Interpretation of Interna
tional law to Ignore thp Ited Cross.
Sixteen-Mile Tunnel.
SwIfs engineers hnvo convinced the
Russian government that It Is perfectly
feasible to bore a tunnel through the
Caucasian mountains, near Tt f I In, In
order to Join the Black and Caspian seas.
This will b u tremendous undertaking,
as the tunnel will be about uixtren miles
In length, and the Itusslan government
had practically decided that It was be
yond the limit of reality.
However, the friwlss experts have re
ported that the tunnel cuuld be built
within seven years without much diffi
culty, but at great expense. A Paris
firm of bankers, It Is understood. Is sup
porting tho enterprise, which will be
put Into execution about the early party
of 1M3 and with Hwlss engineers In con
trol. I rimii Prince Has Queer Hunch.
Napoleon Is the favorite hero of the
crown prince of (lermany, who attracted
attention by his recent nttltuda of op
position to tho Oerman chancellor, ac-
cording to a writer In a Paris weeklf. "
The study of the crown prince, which .
contains no souvenir of Frederick tha.-
Great, Is filled with relics of the con-"
oueror of Jena, including a portrait by'
Dctallle, the cast of Napoleon's face
taken after his death at 8t. Helena, and '
medallions and busts representing; hlinj
at different ages.
TIs Napoleonic fervor on the part of).,,
the prince has found expression In
numerous acts of Independence which,,
have Incurred the emperor's displeasure
und no officer of the guards, according ) ,
to this writer, has his leave so frequently - ,,
Heferrlng to the recent demonstration,,,
in the Itelchstag, the writer remarks i
inai me prince a nero, xapoiuon, would
have commemorated the Incident by im
prisoning the culprit severul weeks In
Nalut-Marns a, I.nrky Man.
Camilla Hulnt-Hucns, who celebrates his I '
entry Into tho seventy-seventh year by
the production of an opera, "Dejanlre,'' J
eciual to his earlier works, lias, like other '.
great artists, known hard times, but
once fortune smiled udou hlin in in' '
unusual way.
Persistent Advertising Is the lload tdt"
Ulg Returns. "l"
Timely Tips for Gift Buyers
n v. ii ins i
Safety Razors, in utesi iiuis
Children's Sleds, Wagons and Coasters
Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Scissor!
Sets, Table Cutlery, Carvers for 6an8,
A oast, Steak. .
SrDmi cmvc i'"r the mtu
"vnwu sn folks to the
,'joj jd.wo'l )ooj jo; kjuo arfju(
larger boys.
one guaranteed.
Immense varletv of patterns. All prlcea
from 25c upwari to the finest Htorling sil
ver and pearl-handled scissor kniveo. com
bination Hunting Kniveic. Kemember every
TOOL CABINETS T,ie 's.r"t 'ln' 'vpi shown here Just the gift for
ws vnunibitf ,,e nmr, 0f iie house or bis sou or some other man's
son. Nothing but the best tools In Ihen..
your boy knows what he want",
show a full line.
Hemeinber, the rush for ChrU'tifo -i ,i
shopping is on. Dun t delay. tlae . 'A.r.LuivCuU.
vour selMi'limi nnw
I James Morton & Son Co., 151 s"d3t
nsm.siis i.i sii.j. ii.Js..W..Iiji.lii i t ma.uui'i ' 'WM mm m