Till: OMAHA SUNDAY lEE: DKCKMHKR 10. Ull. A Council Bluffs Minor Mention The Council niufi Office of , The Oman Ite It t tK. J Scott Street. Telephone 4.". Davis, drug. lffrt'p, optician. It. Porwlrk for wall T't"". rorrlpans, undertaker. . rhon ill Oenuln Vlctrola, IIS. A Honpe Co.. For authority on watchrs ' I.ffrt; FAwoT EKER AT KQCilCltS' HITFKT. Woodrinf V DJTUkli Co.- TH. "O. Lewis Cutler, funfrnJ Ultol. tfbene 97. I For Ilrnt-MAdern lu,' 7.3 !" A'0; j Krery Victor rnxnl ; in stotK A. Hop Co. .; I F'rinting- and BlndiJit "W'"" !''' M,,r; 1 bouse A Co. I Em tMrd ami slafsfd Mtwl. tffert. 1 regirtered optulani', hJJ I.roadwny. W g.v Vrrmiiim coupon t 1 nfl I"",f. 649 VroiiMty, tlxm and tobacco. Merchant' lunch, 3.V. nt Tony' cafe. IT fouth Sixth. A fc-ood place to eat. V4u ran net anj thing In the line of ailvernare lor tin- ThanksKiving labia at JLifrrt's, ia Hioudway. X'hiaa gift hint. Don't forget the many beautiful and in-eful gifts we are showing, lauble Art Hhnp; open evenings. J.. B. Matthew yesterday filed hi l"nd a administrator in the eatate of Sarah Uviiigstonr, who tiled November 1. I'frturea framed to orrti-r for Xma preaenta. AVa will lav them away for yoii till you want them. II. Uorwlck, ;n gouth Main. If:vou want WINDOW GL.ASS cnll Hell rhotie 5M, Hhiff City Ola and Mirror Work. I7 West Hroalay. Wa make la feclalty of ULA.INti at low price. ' 8AM 8NYrKIl I.OANS MONEY on I household good, horvex, cattle and all chattel securities at a big discount of the uitiial rates. Office over STO Went Broad- ! t, ! John Klrkland. who waa aent to the jFott MadlHoti penitentiary three year agib for bigamy and paroled a year ago, ; tinT heen unconditionally pardoned by ;14olernor Carroll, thu restoring to hlin m -run right or citiienuiip. A-dltrlct court decree waa entered ye teniay confirming the foreclosure of a mo a rage held by 1.. II. Lougee upon property owned by John W. Haar and wifi. comprising flva acrei. The mort gKB waa given to ai-ciire a note for 2. Mayor Maloney returned yeaterdny rom H. Paul, Where he waa called on Monday by bualneea connected with hi of.'lre aa treasurer of tha Ancient Order of Hlbernlanx. He spent some time profitably Invrstliratlng municipal Im IprovemenU that can be profitably utll jlaedT In Council Bluffa. I Mr.' Adelaide Smith, aged 59 years, died In et. Joseph hospital yenterday after two months' Illness from cancer. Hha (was taken to tha hospital from her for mer noma here, 4 Fourth strseet. The body waa brouulit to C'utler'a morgue, where tha funeral will be held on Mon day, afternoon at I o'clock. Hurlal will be In Falrvlsw. Coroner Cutler ha decided that no In fiueet la neneasary concerning tha death of Air. Clara Dodaon, who waa asphyx iated at tha Kiel hotel Wednesday night. Ieth waa plainly due to the accidental en. ape of tha gaa from tha Jet she turned off before retiring. It was discovered yesterday that Mrs. Dodson had ona sis ter. Mrs. Padle Whipple, residing at '.nld. Ukl. he ha been notified of her lHtr'a death. The 10-month-old docile and loving i wolf, which has become tha possession I of W. T. Cole and designed as an at traction toils olgar atore, waa not killed l yenterday aruordli.g to the program. Mr. Cole became tired and somewhat sus- fildnna tt th limit It InrrMUMl In knowledge and stature and concluded It 1 would look better -If stuffed by a taxl I dermis than even partly filled with liu I man flesh. Ho he took th wolf down to f'ounty Auditor Hannan and claimed the bounty, hut the atate offers no bounty on live wolves, and Hannan and all of '.lie members of the Board of County 8u pervlaora refused to become executioners. The wolf was consequently left In th banement of the court house. The janl Mor Uvea In p;rt of the basement with nin lamny, anu wnen ne uiecovereo tne wolf waa there he sent word to Cole If It waa not taken away ha would kill It and claim the bounty. Yesterday Cole went down to see about It. He also anw the wolf anil the little creature greeted him so affectionately that he let It follov tilm back to the ground. It Is again dining on food furnished by the Crand hotel. Elks to Make Hit With Their Show Just many aa could safely be per mitted saw th full rehearsal of the F.Ik' ; minstrel show last night. It was more than worth seeing. It was a menace to every button on the clothe of the spec tators. The rehearsal was pulled off In the auditorium of the Klkg' club with a I brilliancy that promise something mem- ' ornble next Tuesday night, when the general public will be Riven Its oppor tunity at the, Hohany theater. The local hit are Immense and there I not a man In town whose name Is worth a headline who will be permitted to escape. Mayor Maloney In the crowd suffering from convulsion with the other - and heard hi name taken In vain many time. I'at Miiirlde and Ueorge Hughe, whose busi ness engagements prevented them being tUrn Into tha class of funmakers, were tha only two ad men In the crowd last night. They were grieving over mlsalng; the opportunity of their lives. Another fulj rehearsal will be held tonlcht and tomorrow afternoon the show will be staged with full dre effect In the theater, followed by two other Monday afternoon and evening. May Build Tabcrniacle in Single Day Only 'Pj architect' plan for the big taber nuCle that I soon to be erected In BaylU park tor the accommodation of the Hart Mgann revival meeting ha been turned over to a local contractor, who baa agreed to superintend the work free of rost. In connection with the of for of the Carixuter' union to do all of ahe work without compensation this place the cost of the big tuilorary building -at the nominal flgurs lo be charged fur the rental of to lumber, thus reducing the total cost to a minimum so low that but a small part of the original estimate of Ji.vw will be required.'" ; f It ha been the rurpoae of the mem bers of the Carpenters' union to under tW to do at of the construction work In a staple day. Thu women of tb vail iug chuiche have plumed to serve uff-e to the wen while at work and hot ii.es i at the appointed time and to show In every way hearty appreciation of the ftmerou offer. The meeting are to UiOn in January and are Scheduled to lit una mouth, but If the popularity Is ' great a anticipated tb period may bv vxuitftcd two months. (anrll Mluff Produce MarVrt -The following quotations, showing pro es paid to producers, are corrected o.Uy by William IHsgeaon, city weigU u.iLbter. for publication in The Bee: coim. r4rits5 per bu. , I UiiKAT. ik- pr bu. ( ' 1 I o.Ofi. CAi.a per- bu. 1 '' ' - 1 i;y ilwHtei, S'loJ.'UI j,t iMU ALAU (tovae), lU.VUOU per (yj, ti. T. Plumbing Co, TL 2i0. Nlgot L-1701 I Council Bluffs ATTACK MADE ON INDICTMENT Attorneys for Marks Say Cosson f Coerced Grand Jury. FILE MOTION TO QUASH SAME llerlare Slate Officer Had n HUM to lie In firand Jury Honm sail I se ArgainrsU nail - fromlses. , Alt attacH was made yentcriluy upon the Indictment returned, by the grand Jiitjr against Hen Mark upon the ground that the attorney . general and Mm aa- slHtant uevd Illegal and coercive mean to secure the Indictment and exceeded hi authority hy his cnntlnuoii presence In the grand Jury room. The motion to fiunsh the Indictment waa filled yes terday morning by Attorney (leorge K. Wright, associated with Tlnley Ai Mitchell In the defence of Marks. Mr. Wright ln ltcd upon Immediate hearing on the motion, but It mused the attorney gen eral's forrea such surprise that they axkei' for time. Later in Hie iay was suggested, but thl was declared to be too short, and finally the hearing was net for 9 o'qlock this morning, when It will be submitted to Judge Arthur. Attorneys for Marks declare the anx iety of the attorney general to secure the Indictment of Marks has led htm outHlde his functions, and they say at beat he can rely upon only the loosest coiiHtructtoii of the law to sustain his course In the grand Jury room. The Inw nd jury ently by waa amended recently by which the pie- rogatlves of the attorney general were somewhat enlarged, but the language Is conflicting and the amended law ha never been construed by a court. Allegations of Motion. This paragraph In the motion contain the charges: When the Investigation of the tran-v actions Involved In the charge ngaltiat this defendant was- being had by the grand Jury of i'ottawattamle county, Iowa, there was present before tha uraiul lurv Mr. (leorge Cosson, the attorney Kfnerai of the state of Iowa; that aald Ouhhoii wbs present during the Investigation of the charge by the grand Jury.' and he la not and wa not a person required or permitted by law lo bo present; that dur ing the Investigation of the charge by the grand Jury said Cosaon examined wit nesses and argued questions of fact to the grand Juiy and coerced the grand Jury by arguments and hy promises of production of other testimony at a fu ture day. That there was also nresent during the examination one John Fletcher, no noma I lie position or assistant to the attorney general. That the proceed ing had before the grand Jury were taken down by a shorthand reporter brought here from les Moines to act aa clerk, that the name of such reporter is unknown to the defendant, but such record will show tha statements made bv the attorney general before the granu Jury; that the defendant ran establish the truth of these statements by the memoers or the grand Jury, (leorge Cos son, attorney general, and the clerk and Ihe defendant will offer oral testimony upon me aunmissinn lo sustain the Ciound alleged In tills motion. -1 f the motion to quash la sustained the cae will end, for a new Indictment la barred by th statute of limitations. The contention present ground for carry ing the case to the supreme court. Th attorney general ha called wit nesses from distant part of the coun try. Including Colorado and Nebraska. COUNCIL BLUFFS CUBS ;-' TRIM "Y" BOYS EASILY The Council tlluff Cuhs defeated tha Young Men' Christian association five In a fast and exciting game of basket ball, It to 71. last night at the "Y" gymnasium. The Cub put up a good exhibition of the game. . Their shooting and basket throwing kept them In the lend all through the game and they clearly out classed the "Y" five. Hutchinson and .Thomas tarred for the association team, while Oliver. Mont gomery and Lrffcilxsugh were the star for the Cubs. Captain Wise was there on guarding and ilert sen's passing fea tured the second half. The CUbs took the lend In the first five minutes of play and held It throughout the half. Deffc nhaugh's lung throw of a goal In this half was a feature. The half ended: Cub. :8: "Y," 1. The Cubs made a few chances (n the second, half. Ieffenbaugh 'going to left forward and (laraten to left guard. ' The association five niarto a desperate effort to tie the score, when within five minute of time both team had the same number of baskets, but the Cubs, with their fast teamwork, toon took the lead and won out easily, taking their second game of the season. The lineup: Cuba 12. V. M. C. A.-J7. Oliver RF.IR.F Smith Morrison Deffenbnugh..L.F. I..F. H.O. .Thomas (C) Fhlllliia Hutchinson Montgomery C Wise (C) It. (J. Deffenbaugh, (lertaen I..U I.U.. Rorwlck (ionls: Oliver ifi. Morrison. Montxom Cty (SI. Wise, Dcffcnbuunh (ti), Certsen ft. Hmlth r,. Thomas Mi, Phillips, Hutchinson 2i. Free throws: Montgom ery (til. l'hllllps (21. I'olnt awardivt: "Y." I. Referee: Rohlnaon of Omaha Young Men's Christian association. Time keeper: Wheeler. Time of halves: Twenty minutes. Kev to the Situation Bee Advertising."' r ft i - j it i i i i iii i-sB' 1 1 f" 1 a JT-I I HI I III l-ll f' M HI asT I 1 Council Bluffs New Saloon License Ordinance is Ready For Final Passage The new saloon license ordinance wa presented at the adjourned meeting of the city council yesterday afternoon and advanced to Its se.-ond reading, and then laid over for final passage next Monday night. This was due to the absence of Alderman Younkerman and the announce ment of Alderman Fisher that he would InalBt upon every member of the council being present and bearing his full share of responsibility for the ordinance. Mayor Maloney also suggested Hint It would be necessary to take up the ordinance and pass It section by section. The ordinance fixe the license at ii.VH a year by specifying that the mim nf $11" shall bo paid each month In addition to the regular stnte mulct tax of VfT a yiar. The council, however, redded somewhat from the position first as sumed In regard to wholesalers and fixed the wholcsule license at !) a year. In stead of $9ot, n at first contemplated. Section three of the ordinance defines what constitute wholesaling and de clare: The business of selling intoxicating ll'liiors at wholesale shall .be construed under this ordinance to mean nil such t.eraons. firm or corporations as shall sell Intoxicating ll'iuor. To retail deni er, holding permlu or licenses under resolutions of consent parted by the cltv council In any tiantU . or to 'others hsn licensed dealers, In original pacaaae oi not Irs than case lots oi two dozen Inige bottles, or three dosen small bot tles, or ken of not les than four gallon cnpaelty for malt liquors and In ciuantl- tie of not ies tnan live gaiinos oi whlaky. wine or all other spirituous and Intoxicating lltUor to other than licensed dealer In quantities less thun hove limited. Objection was expressed to the amount of liquor specified on the ground that It was too large and this may be modified to prevent It doing on Injustice to itotne of the wholesalers, particularly such as the Jarvls 'Wine company, who conduct no bar; but sell In original packages a small a single quarts of wines nnd brandies, where about all of the sacra mental and table wine sold In the city are bought. There may be some modifi cation of thl section. - Hectlon four also Invest the ordinance with additional Interest, for It holds the property liable for the 'payment of the license. Thl section says: That all real estate within which or whereon Intoxicating liquors are sold or kept with Intent to sell, subject to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be sub ject to nnd held for the payment of the additional tax heroin provided for. and uch tax shall become a Hen on said real estate from thet time the same shall be cettlfled bv the city clerk of said city, of Council Illuffs to the auditor of Fottawat- tamle county, as hereinafter provided. Ppencer Hmlth appeared befot'e the coun cil In the Interest of the owners of outlot 1, Prospect place, on Fast Fierce street. against which paving taxe to the amount of STjOO and sewer cost of MKM had been assessed. He showed that the lot wai bought two year ago for I7u arid assessed by the city assessor this year at' $100. The owners offered to pay $5jo. It was referred to the committee of the whole, Considerable amusement -waa occasioned by a . communication of , a rambling character signed by Charles' Hoefter. who asked the immediate payment of I'AKW damage to Ms property, lota 10, 1 and 13, Ferry' addition, which he claimed In jured by granting ths Northwestern Rail way company right to lay It track In Ihe street on First avenue. .Mr. Boener's notice stated that If thin amount waa not paid at once It would cost .the city $13 a day for all delay. Th urgency of the raa wa explained by Mr. Hoener, who suy It I Interfering wltlvila business aa a ' carpenter "and also In a necessary machine Invention, which the patent of fice claims will be worth $:.0U0,000 If ap proved to the foreign counsel and navy and aea man. In order to complete this, invention thus suit must be settled at once, otherwise I will be entitled to three time the amount, according to law." Th communication wua referred to the alder man of the ward. . WHO IS WHO? .We are, of course. Why? Because we give you the best and mo.it for your money all the time. We have another shipment of that fine ba con, only l&u pound. . We have Grime' Golden apple. 40o peck , oranges, 30c doxen. Homethtng new, picketed herring In quart glasa Jars, Sic; sardines, 25c Jar. We always have Bealshlpt oysters, Oc quart; chow chow in quart Jara, 25c; olive In quart Jars, 2&c; sweet pickles, 30c quart. We are getting plenty of country butter, 35c pound. ' Try our New York roasted coffee, 2So pound; Peaberry at SOc pound. We have fresh Graham flour, Soc sack; whole wheat, 35c; buckwheat, too; sorghum, 40c. Bartel Miller. Tel. 33!. . Our Katardar Spec la la For buyer who are looking for value for money spent. In our grocery depart ment: Table corn, seveu cans. He; 6oc can Paxton &. Gallagher coffee, . f2o; 2f) Jar maple butter, 20c; "Way Up" flour, guaranteed equal Ji) any flour on the market, per sack, $1.89; 10-pound sack pure buckwheat. 46c; 5-pound sack self rising pancake flour, 5c; half gallon can The Apollo Player Piano PIANOS Council Bluffs Wedding Breakfast . syfup, 4,"io; fancy cooking apples, per peck. 15c: mixed cookies, per lb,, lor; fancy prunes, t lb., Kc; Zr Hmyrna fig, lb., 3nc; new dates lb., loc; orange and lemon peel, lb., 2c; half peck package matches, 10c; Helm chow-chow, qt.. kr, celery, green onions, radishes, cauliflower, lettuce and sweet potatoes. In our meat department: Home made liver sausage, lb., Iflc; ducks, lb., inc; geese, lb., 13c; breakfast bacon, by Ihe strip, lb., 1.1V,c; veal, lb., up from Wc; home-made head cheese, lb., 10c; solid pnek oysters, qt., jc; fane-.- beef roasts, lb., up from 10c; dressed spring chickens, lb., U'fcc; beef soup meats, lb., up from Sc; fancy oleomargarine, lb., 19c; No. 1 fancy skinned hams, lb., lie andlrtc; beef pot roast, lb., up from 10c; good beefsteak, lb., up from JOc; 3-lb. pail Rex lard, We: fancy boil beef, up from c: honie-rr.ade pickled corned beef, lb., up from K'c; home-made sausage, 2 lbs.; 2T.c; pork roast, lb., up from 12'4c; veal toasts, lb., tip from 12ic; mutton, lb.. up irom sc; nnme-made hamburger. 2 lbs.. L'Oc. Kpeclals In ouc hardware and house furnishing department: ."."ic slr.e pint aluminum sauce pan, 12c; waV nnted oil heater. $2.8S; nlckle-plnted range teakettle. 2flc; No. 8 solid copper nlckle-plated teakettle. $1.19; Universal food chopper, 78c; the Savory roaster, T!lc; large double roaster, 4.1c: the Rayo lamp, complete. 11.58; aluminum plepan. 3Te. J. Zoller, Mercantile Co., The Hlg I ptown Store. lrtM02-irM-os Rroadway. Four 'phones-Ring .120. Mrs.Emma DeLong Shoots Herself, in Handling a Rifle Mr. Emma lcI.ong, 1!) years old. wife of Frank Deling, a lineman employed by the electric light company, received a painful and perhaps dangerous wound nt 8:30 o'clock last evening. She waa shot In the left hip with a 22-callber rifle at the home of her father, B. II. Cones, 611 Iowa avenue. Ir. O'Keefe was called and after an examination had Indicated that the course taken by the bullet might be serious. hurried her to lr. Cleaver's office for nn X-ray exposure. The bullet was lo cated by the rays and It was decided that the safety of the patient required Its removal and Mrs. De Long wan taken to the Rdmundnon hospital shortly before 10 o clock and an operation performed. At II o'clock Mr. De Long was still in the operating, room. Details of the accident could not be secured last night beyond the tatement of the surgeons that it was accidental. Mrs. De Lug was handling the weapon when It waa In some manner discharged while the muxzle was in close contact with her side and pointing downward. Mrs. De Long's home Is on Sixth avenue, in one of the P. H. Wind houses. ' SATURDAY SPKCfAI-nressefl .nri chickens, per pound, 12Hc; best breakfast bacon, per pound, 20c; Trinity church Rules - mince meat, per Dound. 15c: cauli flower, lettuce and celery. Fancy largo oysters, per quart, 45c; black walnut. per peck. Z5o; hickory nut, lr quart, 10c. Now 1 the time to make your Christ ma mince meat. Sweet cider, per gal ,on, 35c; new raisins. 10c and 12Ho per pound; currants, citron and lemon peel, Jonathan apples by the barrel. u sn. iAy tream flour, per sack. l.3B; best coal oil, per gallon. 10c; 6-gallon lots, 46c. L. Green, 134 Broadway. Tel. 324. Mrs. Cope Loses Off icial Position TOI'EKA. Kan.,' Dec. 9.-Mrs. Carrie E, Cope, plaintiff in a M.000 damage suit for libel against Bishop David II. Moore of the Methodist Kplscopal church, resi dent in Cincinnati, has been summarily removed from official connection with the National Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church, according to an announcement here today. A successor to Mrs. Cope will be ap pointed aa chairman of the Indian work committee, and the national society will Join, in the dissolution suit pending against the Kanaa fcranch of tha so ciety. '" The trouble aroae over- a dispute over funds, which Mrs. Cope holds as an of ficer of the Kansas Branch and which she refuaes to give up. , Bishop Moore wrote a letter concerning hor action In this matter, to which she took exception. He declined to make a publlo apology and she filed suit for, damages. Ipw 'Wcaleraa Coatest. MT. Ifl.EASAN'T. Ia., Dec. . -(Special.) Saturday evaiijjig. December , the Iowa WealeyanUeolleg-e orators will hold their annual home contest, the winner to represent the college In the state ora torical contest at Ames in March. The following four men will compete in the preliminaries: Clarendon Havlnghurst, Toledo, O.; Charles Swayney, Marengo, la.; Leonard Simmer, Agency, la.; Knos Lauterbach, Mt. Pleasant. A prize of $j0 goes to the winner of the local contest. You can check off every advantage of all other Player Pianos and the Apollo still has many, left over. Look at other player pianos. Take a pencil and paper and write down each one of their advantages. Brine it to us and we will show you that the Apollo has every advantage on your lint, and also bag several other highly Important ones that you can not find in any other make of player piano. The Apollo has the Solothenie which enables you to. accent the melody cor rectly, omitting the accompaniment, or to play the accompaniment only, omitting the melody. No other player has such a feature. The Apollo has a Metronome motor which maintains even time in the muslo and rewinds the music roll without pumping. No other player hag this feature. The Apollo has the human touch down on the keys as la hand. playing. No other player has this feature. v The Apollo has a Teuipograph muslo pointer with which the operator follows authoritative markings on the music roll, thereby playing in correct time. , No other player has anything approaching the Tempograph in simplicity and effectiveness. Make a note of all the advantages of other player pianos and let us hoe you that the Apollo has thetn and many others thatno other player has or can have. Maawn Hamlin, KratUch & Bach, Hush A Ijine, CbleNelson, Prjror A Co., Kremlin St (ton, llallet-Davl and tloepe. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Douglas Street. MORE BOY THAN GIRL PUPILS "tite Superintendent of Iowa School : GiTes Fignres. AVERAGE FOR TEACHERS $48.14 Male ' Trsrketa Uet osi Aeri aTO.2.1 a Weslh tttrsdasre la rbool' Areraaes 301 ( I0U Day. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DK MOfNBf.-Ia., Dec. 9. (Special Tel egram.) Iowa ha more boys In Its pub lic schoolg than girl. During the year cudlng June 3D, Wll. there were 39,S19 male students between the ages of 4 and 21 year enrolled In-the public schools of the state, while there were only 332.792 fe male students. These figures are taken from the an nual reports of the county superintend ents that are being compiled in the of fice of A. M. Deyoe. state superintendent of public Instruction, for his report, to be publlahed soon. According to the report, there nre -i.HUj teacher employed. Of this number 2,.C0 are men nnd 2I.5S9 women. The overage salary paid to the school ma'ams is $18.11, whllo the average compensation of their brothers engaged !n school work for the state Is S7B.23. The average daily, attendance during the year was 361, VW. Eiamlne Medical Schools. The Iowa State Board of Medical Ex aminers has a committee at work mak ing Investigation of various medical col leges that have been recognised In tho post as competent to graduate persons for the practice of medicine. The board has received information that some of tho colleges in Chicago were now doing very poor work and some of them had engaged day and night faculties for the purpose of maklnK extra baste in turn ing out new doctors. The committee, It Is learned, will report adversely to some of the schools. Fort fole Fire Knntl. The city autriorltle at Fort Dodge have been engaged In trying to find a way they can levy a special fire fund. When the city was a "aecond class" city, or below 15.000 population, there was a special law which authorUed' it. Now the elty is out of the "second class" 'and has come under the commission form, and the city attorney has Insisted that it may still levy the fund, but the attorney general holds to the contrary. Will Ea force Drag; Law. The Stat Pharmacy commission is pre paring to begin enforcement of that part of the state laws of Iowa which forbids dealers other than registered pharmacists from selling polaons and medicines con taining aloohol. ' ft . appears that the present commission has not before paid any attention . to the law and that de partment and general store are carrying lines of patent medicine's In violation of the law. Prepare to Uo Parkins;. The newly organised Des Moines Pack ing company has asked the state execu tive council for the necessary authority to commence business by the issue of the capital stock of $125,000 against the assets of the ' company; the old Agar packing plant. The' company will get ready for business and probably open soon after the first of the year. ; Dramatic Attempt at Salclde. A man. named .James- Wilson, said to be from Callente, Nov., ' attempted to kilt himself while on a crowded Rock Island train early this morning. The train, was approaching Valley .Junction from tho west when he took out a rasor and proceeded to. cut hi throat, making a terrible gash. . He was taken In charge by an officer and the train brought htm at once to , Des Moines, where he was placed -In 'a hospital. He was evidently Insane and probably will recover. Failed to tiet Oat on Parole. Although be has been paroled and has been expecting to come home, W. Carter, who was-sent to Fort Madison penitentiary November 16, 1909, from this city, haa not been released. He Is In solitary confinement ' and Is closely guarded. It is reported that worry over foreclosure of a mortgage haa impaired his physical and mental condition. Car ter expected to be home for Thanksgiving dinner. Ills old mother prepared for htm, but he did not come. She Will Tell Her Story. Miss Ella Kling, alleged "confidential stenographer" of an alleged price con trolling '.'boss printers' combine of De Moines," this .morning, cited twice by Judge De Graff for contempt of court yesterday and tha day before for flat refusal to answer catechism of. the grand jury, which is investigating the existence or nonentity of the "combine," through her attorney, told the court she had made up her mind to answer what ques tions the grand jury chose to ask In the way of the Investigation. Her attorney said she haa been sick for several days and that only was the reason of her obdurate . attitude In the grand Jury room. saloon Licenses. - City Assessor Monti is serving notices on the eighty-six saloons of Des Moines to pay In the $103,200. or the first quar terly Installment of the mulct $1,200 license tax, January 1. Notice must bo served on or before the fourteenth day of the last month of - the quarter and nSBPi :rut he certified to the auditor on or beloio the nir.eteenti. ' DEATH RtCORD. n. I Mrlnlncb. - AUBURN, Neb.. Dec. . (Special.) Benjamin , F. Mclnlnch. aged 75 years, died yesterday at his home five miles poutheast of this place. Mr. Mc lnlnch was a prominent citizen and for several terms was one of the county com missioners of this county. He located In this county In 1S57 on the farm where he died. During the war of the rebellion he enlisted In the Second Nebraska and was with It during Its Indian campaigns and afterwards saw fervice In Missouri. The year that Mr. Mclnlnch located In this county he was united In marriage with Jane Kennedy, and to this marriage wna born eight children, ull of whom, to gether with the widow, survive him. All tne children nre married and onlv two reside In this county.. Mr. Mclnlnch v.-as well-to-do. .A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS buying an absolutely NEW piano for as little as $124.00 A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS that one may secure an exquisite 88-note player piano for $295.00 A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS that one may secure FREE a complete musical education from a well known American Conservatory, if one buys a German American Piano. ( . , A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS that one may purchase good conditioned used and slightly used pianos as low as, each A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS buying almost new pi anos that have been traded in to us on Player Pianos, and that such almost new pianos may be had at $60, $70, $75, $85, $100 and $125. Pianos of utmost elo gance. A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS buying good condi tioned used organs low as each f. '. . . .$16.00 l Ms 1 A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS that you have secured every concession a manufacturer can make; in some cases even a loss on his instrument, for this "Syndi cate" Sale is nothing more or less than a means of relieving scores of manufacturers who have become overstocked through the popularity of Player Pianos, Automobiles and the like. A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS that you can make the shrewdest "buy" you have ever made; means that you may make the home the Christmas gift it has long craved; a magnificent piano. A CASH DEAL NOW MEANS saving enough money to warrant you making an especial trip to Omaha to see what we have in pianos. IP YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN write for our immense "Syndicate Sale" circular describing 1,000 pianos cheap for cash. ' REGULAR EASY TERMS, TOO, same as ever on ' REGULAR pianos, for it is only the special "Syndi cate" instruments that must be sold for cash. JBeiTuniett Co. Piano Department, 16th and Harney Streets Omaha, . . . Nebraska POLICE RAID THREE RESORTS l.lqnor ( naflwi-ittrri and Prl.tiri Ilflfined Whi-n Thrjr ;lve. llonil. ? Information against several disorderly houses furnished the police by County At torney English caused three raids In which fourteen persons were arrested an 1 a large quantity of liquor was confis cated last night. The raids were made by Sergeant! Samuelson nnd Vanous and Detective Steve Maloney. The first place visited wai !U South Thirteenth street. At NKI Doug las street women were arrested who gavo their names as Mnbie Johnson. Huttio Williams ' and Blanche Young. John Brown, charged with being the keeper of tho place, was arrested, and with him William' Smith nnd Emma M.CIclla-i were token upon the charge of beln ininatos. LllliaVi 'Wilkes end Joseph F.tnlow were arrested as inmates of a house at HIS .$59.00 e e Send For Circular and Prices if You Live Out off Town.